No Condemnation (TOM)
Teaching by Dr. Wierwille at then Indiana Campus Advance Class.July 25, 1983 Read more
Search by passage (e.g., John 3:16), keyword (e.g., Jesus, prophet, etc.) or topic (e.g., salvation)
Teaching by Dr. Wierwille at then Indiana Campus Advance Class.July 25, 1983 Read more
1. Son, be strong in grace. 2. Son, be strong in service. 3. Son, be a strong athlete. 4. Son, be a strong husbandman, a cultivator. 5. Son, be a strong workman. 6. Be a strong vessel. 7. Be a strong servant, a doulos. Those are the seven characteristics given in 2 Timothy, chapter 2, with an exh ... Read more
Dr. Wierwille discusses the greatest healing - the new birth. He also teaches on the healing wholeness of the love of God in manifestation in the believer. Read more
August 31, 1969 Read more