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What It Takes To Be God's Best

Dr. Wierwille shares quotes by Vince Lombardi on the successes of being "No. 1" in football. Then Dr. Wierwille shares: WHAT IT TAKES TO BE GOD'S BEST -- First, you have to have it to be God's best - heart and head.
Topic: God's Best - God First - Quotes - Vince Lombardi
Format: Typed Unverified
Pages: 2

Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.

By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.

In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.

Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.

Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).

Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.




Victor Paul Wierwille

For a number of years I have wanted to write a short expose' or declaration of what it requires to be your best. I have taught it hundreds of times in many different ways. I will now capsulize the truth for you. Vince Lombardi, for many years the outstanding football coach of the Green Bay Packers, defined in an address, "What It

Takes to Be No. 1" in football, the statement "You've got to pay the price....''

''Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all-the-time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

"There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game and that is first place.... There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do and to win and to win and to win.

"Every time a football player goes out to play his trade he's got to play from the ground up--from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be No. 1 in any business. But more important, you've got to play with your heart-­ with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart,

he's never going to come off the field second.

"Running a football team is no different from running any other kind of organization--an army, a political party, a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win."

Football is a pastime, a sport. if such dedication and commitment for success are required in a pastime sport, what about the requirements for a far greater game, the game of life? From the poem, "What is The Way Corps?", an adaptation

from "The Spirit of the Everlasting Boy," by Henry Van Dyke, first given at the opening of the Corps year, 1970, verse two states:

"Not spacious pleasure courts

or lofty temple of athletic fame

where devotees of sports

mistake a pastime

for life's highest game."

And now


First, you have to have it to be God's best-heart and head.

Secondly, believing the accuracy and integrity of God's Word is not a once in a while action, but a second by second, a minute by minute, an hour by hour, a day by day, a week by week, a year by year action. You believe all the time.

Believing and only believing means the more than abundant life. Unfortunately, unbelief works also, but that is for those who will to be losers.

There is no place and nothing like a second-rate-partial believer. That's a loser. There is only one place in The Way's ministry of the Word of Life, and that is to be vic­torious, to win, to be more than a conqueror.

For the most part, "Christianity'' so called is a loser, coached by losers. Almost everybody calls himself some kind of "Christian" if it's to his election advantage, business, social, etc., etc., etc., advantage.

That's why I talk about believers rather than Christians, because the word "Christian" has become so muddied and contaminated that it is appropriately called a "building Churchianity for losers."

True Christianity means "Christ-in," a household of believers. A team-not a building-but the Word over the world. The talking stage is over-the action is imminent. We, The Way believers, have to get involved with all we are or ever hope to be-body, soul, and spirit. You must have heart and head to be God's best. You must "sell out" completely to God and His Word.

I know that a believer's finest hour, his greatest fulfillment of himself to all he holds and knows is true from God's Word, is that moment when he has given his all, "worked out" his heart and head in behalf of the integrity and accuracy of God's Word-and he closes his day, lying down to sleep-totally expended and exhausted, but thankful-victorious.

That's what it takes to be No. l's Best.