SNT 470 Part 2 - 1 Thessalonians 4 (Cummins)

Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 09-27-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-470pt2-IThessalonians4(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: God, undergird, mind, renewing, walk, spirit, rejoice evermore, weak, comfort, hand, prove, pray, patient
warn them that are unruly or disorderly, and the person that's despondent, that's defeated. That just closed up because of some incident and you comfort that individual trying to think of something here you comfort him, you know, like I say, you don't just shove something down his throat you don't? Yeah, you know, for you don't. You just don't. But you bring comfort to the individual using the word again, because the words are really the only thing that brings comfort, isn't it? Like we just read in the first part of Thessalonians, four there, the last part of for that you comfort one another with these words, knowing that we're going to be in the gathering together. And they're fabulous, comforting words like that.
So comfort, those who are low spirited, who have the shell around them because of some incident in their life. There are a person who, who has been strong for a long time, but all of a sudden, sudden something stops them cold. Alright. Gone. Next 1/3 category support the weak support, support United drive or something, whatever it is. Heart fun. What's happening? United hearts. Yeah, United appeal. Right? Support. Now, it's not support the week and that's support means to hold up. Not this way. Either. Hold up to hold them up, undergird them, give them a foundation support, say support to hold that individual up. If he's somebody that's weak. That doesn't mean weak. Like, you know, all pooped out physically. It means weak. He may have an area in his life in which he's really not clicking on God's word. And normally, it's somebody that's young in the words, they're still on the milk diet. Support him, uphold him. You know, get your hands under him spiritually and hold him up. Look at Galatians Galatians six Galatians six, chapter six, verse one. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, is a follow the weakness? Yes. He which are spiritual, restore such an one. In the spirit of meekness, you restore him. If somebody is overtaken in a fault, he has a weaknesses in a certain area of his wall. You restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, but considering thyself, lest thou also be one. That's right, you restore him. But on the other hand, don't let him drag you down the drain. Verse to bury one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. You bear up one another. If somebody is weak in an area, bear him up, undergird him, put your hand on him and hold him up. Look at Romans chapter 14. Verse one, Romans 14 One hymn that is weak in the faith, weak, weak, weak individual, receive you receive him receive this individual, but not to doubtful disputations not to the end that just cause doubt in the church. And he starts questioning this and then you start questioning that same thing. And before you know it, you've got questions all over the place, you don't have peace, you don't have love and so on. In the body, you've got confusion, disruption, everything else, you receive that weak individual, but not too doubtful. disputations. Look at chapter 15, verse one, we then that our strong ought to bear the infirmities of the what? The weak and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification. Remember that saying God first others second, yourself last third, not last third, God first, other second, to the point that you can edify them. Let every one of you please his neighbor, for his good to edification. That doesn't mean you have to do everything your neighbor wants you to do. But to the end that it will edify this individual, build him up and get him moving on the greatness of God's word you want to do back to First Thessalonians five, support the week, hold him up, undergird them. If somebody is weak in a certain place. Help him out. Show him the word. And use a little tack.
Don't become one of the disorderliness. The fourth thing in that verse, Be patient toward all be patient toward all it takes patience. Don't be in a hurry.
That's right. If someone is young, on the word is still on the milk diet. Build that person up, work with them? Like what was it in Nancy's message tonight about the mother who holds you know, nurtures you and so on. It was a beautiful thing. They won't play the tape back How many remember? Yeah, one that fabulous? This, this is the growth of an individual, you have to watch over them. Help one another? And be patient. Okay, your kid doesn't walk the first day is born. So what do you do? Kick them in the teeth?
How many have done that? That are no, no, he doesn't walk the first day. You give him a little time maybe, you know, six months, maybe a year, maybe year and a half on. But you give him time to learn to walk don't you? Same way with talking. Same way with holding his fork or a spoon. That business takes time. takes time to grow with the word doesn't. You be patient with the individual, be patient. If somebody is unruly and disorderly, you're warning though, though, warning with the word put the word into his mind. And number two, if somebody has a has had something happen, and they're just, you know, their soul has just shriveled up. They've become low spirited, this bond. They've just put a shell around themselves, comfort that individual, give him comfort. If a person if he's weak, he has a weakness in some area of his life. Or especially when they're young in the word, he may need to have support. He may have need to have you to hold him up. You When You're strong in the faith, hold up those that are weak, undergird them, build them up say you're stronger spiritually. help that individual. And finally, it says Be patient with everybody. Sometimes it takes patience. Patience, okay. For things. Look at verse 15. Say that none of you say that none render evil for evil on to any But ever follow that which is good. Both among yourselves and to all you do that which is good. Somebody slugs in teeth, you slug him back. Don't render evil free. Do that which is good. Sure. Your brother catches just smoking. Don't give him a cigarette. Don't give him a cigarette. So he can't squeal on you know, you're missing out on some of these stories together some of these other evening means.
Now it's you do good. Sure, do good. And to do good. What do you have to know you have to know God's word, don't you? You have to put on that word in your mind to be able to do that, which is good. If you don't know the, the word you don't even know what's good. That's right. You don't know what's good. You think, you know, it's like in, in school in college, they argued all the time. One person thinks this is good. Somebody else thinks this is good. Somebody else thinks there's no such thing as good and evil. Everything's just blah. They can't make up their mind. But only when you know God's word. That's when you know what's good. That's when you differentiate between good and evil. Okay. All right now, where are we? Verse 16. A two word verse. Rejoice evermore. They fill up that verse to Rejoice evermore. And rejoice means you joy and joy and joy and joy over and over again, though. Right? For those of you who were here last week, you remember this? That joy is what is one you have at the first time. But after that you rejoice, you rejoice, you rejoice over and and you have that joy. And it's a spiritual deal. It's not just something that's sense knowledge wise, like happiness. And happiness is baloney. It's joy is and joy comes from the inside out. And it's comes when you know the word and put that word on in your mind. Then you have joy, real joy, wonderful joy, putting it on in your mind. Rejoice evermore. Not just one day, not just for an hour and then you take a 10 minute coffee break, but Rejoice evermore, everyone that wonderful. Verse 17. Pray without ceasing. Of course this doesn't mean that you pray 24 hours a day, but with unvarying practice, you pray as much as you possibly can with unvarying practice. Continue to operate. I don't know if I like that word, practice. You just do it. Do it unvarying Lee do it whenever whenever you can pray unceasing.
And how do you pray in the Spirit, pray in the Spirit. Whenever you're not doing anything else with your mouth, pray in the Spirit.
Even if you're doing something else in your mouth is you still can do it. Alright, pray without ceasing. These are something knowing that we can look forward to the gathering together. Wherefore he says you encourage one another and edify one another with these words, you know or even as you do, and then put into practice these keys because you know that you're going to be there in the gathering together. But right now, how about putting something into practice? Watching those esteem those that are leaders in church very highly those that work with you, that stand before you and that warn you admonish you. And as an individual in the church or under individuals, sometimes if they're unruly or disorderly, you warn that individual admonish him or if he's in case these all closed up in his shell, then you do have your comfort him, your comfort him or if somebody is weak, he needs to be held up. He needs to have somebody to undergird him to really reach out and give him a helping hand in the situation, but always with the word. And number four, you'll be patient with everyone. Be patient.
The word patient is mentally as long suffering wants to know Let let it grow long. That means suffer. You know, it's patience, long suffering. So these four things as an individual in the church watching over other individuals in the church. And then not only that, but also since we have the joy of looking forward to that resurrect or that gathering together. He says, do good. Don't render evil for evil, do good. Rejoice evermore continually rejoicing and praying without ceasing. Don't stop. Quench verse 18. In everything give thanks. Give thanks. Gee breakfast. Except you're on cola plans. Now you did too. That's right. You eat breakfast? You didn't? Who ate breakfast? Okay, are you thankful for a G dinner? You're thankful for? eat supper. You come here tonight. Thankful for? Well bless your heart a lot of other things to be thankful for isn't it? says in everything give thanks. To who? Quench not the spirit. Don't pour water on the spirit. That's right. That's right. Number 20. Verse 20, despise not prophesying. Right, you heard prophecy tonight? Didn't forth telling. So I'm not talking about that which encourages you, that exhausts you and comfort to this, don't despise it, because they're beautiful. Verse 21, Prove all things. Now how do you prove something? How do you prove it? Check it with the word alone. How do you prove something? How do you prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God? How do you prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect law of God?
Tested. I'm going to give an examination to on a foundational class. Who what? By renewing your mind, look at Romans chapter 12. My goodness, we're gonna have a refresher course here. Romans chapter 12. Verse two, And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, the renewing of your mind, that she may do what? Prove, prove, prove, prove prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Now how do you prove it? By renewing your mind you're right, saying by the word, but you put the word on where in your mind. You put the word on in your mind. Put it on in your mind. Feed your mind with the thoughts of the Spirit, the Word of God. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Remember Second Timothy 215 Study to show thyself what? Approve same root word as this word prove approved to God. What do you do to stand approve? Study the word so how you're going to prove something? By getting in the word and then taking that word and putting it where in your pocket? No, where are you going to put it in your mind you renew your mind. Put the word on in your mind. Put the word on there. Okay. Study to show yourself approved. renew your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will again when you know that word. When you know that word. You continue on it daily and put it on in your mind. Then you can prove what is you can prove all things you can prove. So if you don't stay in the word what happens? Somebody comes up to you. He says prove it. I don't know. I don't quite know that situation. I'm not sure Some basic thing you may ask him, All right, go to the Word. If you know the word you've put it on in your mind, then could you prove it? If somebody says, Well, I think that could you prove whether he's right or wrong? Only if you know the word only if you know the word. Or if you know the word, Prove all things. Look at Philippians chapter two, keep your fingers here we'll be back. Philippians two chapter two, verse one Philippians two one, if there be there for any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any vows and mercies, fulfill you my joy, that you'd be like minded, having the same thoughts, having the same thoughts. Having the same love, like minded means to have the same thoughts. And then he goes on having the same love being of one accord. And the word one accord means having your soul souls joined together, walking in harmony, of one accord, and of one mind, having your thoughts on one thing, staying your minds on that one thing, and that thing is the word. And the only way you can have like thoughts. The only way you can have your souls joined together is to know what the word, the word, the word, that's right, by knowing the word, that's the only way you'll have the same thoughts. At the only way you'll have your souls joined together. That's the only way you'll have thoughts on the same thing. Verse three, Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than themselves. Look, not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
talk in terms of the other man's interest. Verse five, Let this mind and the word mind is the word thoughts, our thought patterns. Let these thoughts be in you, which were also in Christ Jesus. Put those thoughts on in your mind, isn't it? Or is that the word news? Thoughts why thought? Thought? Let this thought, thoughts or thought pattern, be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus put that on the same thing that Jesus had. Now how are you going to know the font that Jesus had? By knowing this? The word right? Okay, put that on in your mind those thoughts, who being in the form of God, now this is one of his thoughts, thought it not robbery, to be what? equal with God, but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men whose Jesus Christ. For one thing, he's our brother, right? He's our brother. He's our Lord. But he's also our brother. But we also have Christ within us. It says, the hope of glory, if God in Christ in you, Christ in you. But also, we are servants, to our fellow man, we ministered to them, like we've been reading in First Thessalonians chapter five, remember, helping one another. If somebody's all encased in a shell and everything is low spirited, you're comforted. On the other hand, if I other hand, if he's unruly or disorderly, you admonished him, or, if he's weak, you hold him up, support him. Give him some words, something to grab onto right? Sure. And do with patience, be patient with all verse eight, being found in the fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also have highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father, isn't that something He took upon himself the form of death, you know, it became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. But God has highly exalted Him and given Him a name above every name that is named. Look at Luke six. I brought this to your attention earlier this evening. I'd like to read it to you. Luke six, verse 35. But love you your enemies, and do good. And lend, hoping for a game plus interest. Though, hoping for nothing again, and your reward shall be what? Great your reward shall be great. Was Jesus when He was on the cross, loving people, loving his enemies? Doing good? Was he doing good? Was he giving? He was making available a gift was the Holy Spirit. A new mahogany? Oh, that's right. He was making that gift available. Yet people were not reciprocating and he he expected little from the people didn't, as we now know. But he was still doing good, loving them, giving to them, hoping for nothing in return. And it says your reward shall be great, where his rewards great. You Bet Your Life he became a DD obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God hath highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name of the name of Jesus, every knee should bow. Talk about exultation.
Look back at First Thessalonians verse 21, chapter five, verse 21. Prove all things. Again, putting those thoughts on into your mind from the word and be having the same mind. Thoughts that Jesus had putting those thoughts in your mind? Okay. Prove all things, renew your mind. hold fast that which is good, what is good? What's good, the words good. Remember Titus one nine. Look at so we're just a page Titus one nine. Holding fast that which is good. olding fast the watch the Faithful Word, as he has been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince begins his whole fast the faithful word, which is the word of God back to Thessalonians holdfast that which is good the word but these fabulous keys in your walk, looking forward to that gathering together but in the meantime, living in the truth in the bottom 22 Verse 22 Abstain from all evil. Oh, I left out a word. Yeah, not just evil, but even the appearance of evil. Sure. The good key to remember Abstain from all appearance of evil something looks bad. You know, like we saw I know though that a weakened the faith that you had it goes on in that context, say don't judge every body in the church either, right? That's right. Remember that we're still free in Christ Jesus. We're not under the law. But stain from all appearance of evil, the appearance of evil. That which many times may appear to be evil, for what purpose that we may build up or encourage the body of believers even as you also do back in verse 11. Alright, verse 23, doing all these things now. renewing your mind being included in this putting on that word. Quench not the Spirit despise no problem. Saying so, Prove all things hold fast that which is good by renewing your mind, on the word standing on that word. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And verse 23. The very God of peace sanctify you holy and the word sanctify means to make holy. They could say Make holy, holy, make holy eight Joelle why holy who l and why. We call that a homonym. homonyms and grips, loose subject taught in school, and the very God of peace, make you holy entirely, or completely sanctify you wholly. And I pray God, your whole spirit, soul and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. That not just your spirit, your spirits, perfect, mindless, right? But now, if you do these other things, quench not the spirit, despise number, Prove all things renew your mind. Then you preserve your whole body, soul and spirit blameless. How many have done it though? But the keys are all here. In other words, God didn't make it impossible to walk getting the keys are here. But how many have done it? Is a question. First, John says every man does what? Sins come short of the glory of God but it tells us how to take care of broken fellowship doesn't we just confess our sins, get back into fellowship with God and start walking again standing on that word, that your whole body soul and your whole spirit, soul and body re preserve blameless under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful as he that call with you who also will do it?
Is God faithful? What he has promised he is able not only willing but able to perform. Brethren pray for us. In verse 26, greet all the brethren with a holy kiss. It's a good idea. A holy kiss is always indicative of a friendly gesture. Like more common in our society as a handshake. How much does the handshake mean to an individual? Right? How much does the handshake you take a good hearty handshake versus the wet fish deal. Right? Have you ever shaken hands with a wet fish I have not too good of a feeling. But shake hands. A handshake means a lot to an individual. It's a communication of spiritual affection. Depending upon which circles you're in, sometimes not to spiritual ideas. But a handshake means a lot, or an embrace, or many times theater on here in summer school especially means a lot to an individual. That's right. But this, again is part of the work in the body I mean, communicating your love for an individual, your concern. So this is one of these keys less than in this line. Greet one another with a holy kiss. I don't go out and plant one on the lips or the cheek or anything that means and embrace a handshake, some kind of, of thing that will contribute the affection spiritually so to speak. means a lot to an individual means a lot to me. I'm sure it means a lot to all of you in here. Whether it's a handshake or what I charge you by the Lord that disappears will be read unto all the holy brother. Are you one of them? Just read it to part of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. What a fabulous way to end it. Here he says, I pray guide your whole spirit, body and soul be preserved blameless under the covers. Our Lord Jesus Christ, but he knew every man sins come short of the glory of God. He says, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Because if it wouldn't be by grace, never make it. Only by God's grace and mercy, or with he loved us that we can even begin to approach when he made available, that we can really walk with the greatness of that word that we can throw our shoulders back, that we can stand having done all this thin, that we can put on those like minds the same thoughts that Jesus had to be able to put them on in our minds to renew our minds, to put that word on appear in our own mind. And the only way we can put it on is to begin to read it really work, to get that word up in our minds to put those thoughts on the Jesus hat. Put them on in our minds, to renew our minds, and then walk Tor walk forward victoriously be nice if we could preserve our whole body, soul and spirit blameless. But on the other hand, suppose we fall one day, what do we do? pick ourselves up and start walking again, knowing like I said earlier, we can't afford to be out more than an hour around here. You ought to make this at least your goal in your life, never be out more than an hour, you get a dead battery, when you can't get a dead battery. Maybe sometimes you won't be operating some of your parts and automobile. But at least you can walk it right.
If you want to. It's up to you. It's your responsibility in your wall. Like Paul said, I'm sending I'd like to send Timothy down to you that I may know your state. He knew their sons of God, heaven bound all hell can't stop them. But he said I'd like to know your state. I'd like to know Are you really tracking with the Lord? Are you really walking? Are you really renewing your mind putting on the mind and your work and you're putting on the word in your mind? Really walking upon that word? I'd like to know your StatefulSet it Thessalonians he says, your steam those that are in the church very highly. Those that are in leadership positions. But also the rest of the body. You want to work with them? If somebody is disorderly? What do you do? Warning, admonishing, put the word in his mind, then I'll help correct it. Or reproving. Secondly, if a person has a situation in his life in which he becomes all closed up, his soul just shrinks to nothing because of some incident, or it may be over a prolonged period of time where something is just Satan's really been working on his life.
What do you do to this individual? Comfort him? Suppose a person is weak? What do you do to him?
Hold him up, support him. That's right, undergird him. And with everybody you do a patient, that's fine, be patient. They fabulous. And it's only from knowing the word that you know what to do. You know what's good and what's bad. You can argue for years and years and years about what's good and bad. And the more you argue the farther away you get, don't you but when you know the word becomes so simple, nobody can miss it. All they all you have to do is believe put it on in your mind. You know what's good and what's wrong. You can put it on in your mind that which is good. renewing the mind is the key to power for the Christian to the end that you stay in that work. Like I said, a number of weeks ago, once in the morning doesn't do it. You know, you've got to continually work in that work. You've got to really work. Keep working day in day out putting that word on in your mind. Now I'm not talking about on your job. But I'm talking about whenever you have time, get in that word and put that word on in your mind. I don't care if you're a housewife, if your husband wife, or watch our are. If you're working on the job if you're in a profession, no matter what you're doing. You can always find time to get in that word and put it and if you can get better find time. That's right. You don't have to shoot I'm not losing anything. You're the loser. But I'm the winner. When I know that word when I work in that word, and I put it on in my mind So I can renew my mind walk on it isn't God wonderful.