SNT 0507 Know Your Completeness
Know Your Completeness: Colossians 2
June 6, 1971
SNT 507

Format: audio
Publication Date: 06-06-1971
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
Col 2:1-6; (Jam 1:5)
Col 2:6-9; Track C: Col 2:9-11
Col 2:11-14; (1Jo 1:9); Isa 40:1, 2
Isa 40:2; Col 2:14-16; Isa 53:6; 1Co 2:8
Col 2:16, 18
Col 2:19-23; Rom 10:4; Mat 15:2, 3, 6, 7, 9
Col 2:23; 3:1-4; 1Co 13:12, 13
snt-0507_know-your-completeness_Colossians-2(vpw)(6-06-1971) DRAFT
I’d like for you to take your Bibles tonight and turn to Colossians chapter 2. I’d like to take you into some of the accuracy of God’s Word in this great second chapter of Colossians tonight, because I’m sure it will bless your heart abundantly.
Verse 1. You see the word ‘for’ ties together the previous chapter. They should technically not put a chapter here, but they did, which is all right. But we want to go on with the word ‘for’.
Colossians 2:1:
… I would that ye knew what great conflict [the word ‘conflict’ is desirous care, you know, real hard concern] I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;
Increasingly, more and more, these words like this become more living and real to me. They must have been dynamically real to the Apostle Paul. Because all over the country and other foreign countries, there are many people that I've had the privilege of teaching the Word to, and their lives have taken on a new type of tenor in the new manifestation of the greatness of Christ in them. Yet, I haven’t seen them face to face; they haven’t seen me. And yet, day after day, I lift these people in prayer. And I’m thankful to God for what God has done among those people, and I’m truly grateful for all of these things that have occurred. And I have a great care and a great concern. I just want people to hear God’s Word in our day and time and hour. I want them to have the blessings of the greatness, of the adherent accuracy and the real relevancy of God’s Word in our time. The Apostle Paul had it in his day. The Word of God has not changed. Therefore, those of us who represent God here upon earth as ministers of His must have this great care and concern for God’s people today.
Verse 2 says for this reason.
Colossians 2:2:
That their hearts might be [what?] comforted,…
Comforted. It’s the same root word that is used when it talks about the manifestations; edification, exhortation and comfort. Comfort is that quiet acquiescence, that inner serenity, that inner peace. That their heart might have a quiet serenity. An inner knowingness which is just at peace with God and with the individual himself.
Colossians 2:2:
… being knit together [being knit together with all the other believers if they gather] in [what?] love,…
See the agapeo, the love of God in the renewed mind. And the manifestation is the body of the church – the believers. And that’s how we’re to be knit together.
Colossians 2:2:
… unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,…
The full assurance of understanding. The full assurance is the total knowledge of all knowledge. It’s fantastic.
Colossians 2:2:
… to the acknowledgement [to the knowledge of all knowledge, the acknowledgement] of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of [whom?] Christ;
The acknowledgement of the mystery. To be completely, totally knowledgeable of the mystery. That mystery of God which was hidden from before the foundation of the world with God, and wasn’t made manifest until it was given to the Apostle Paul, as the Word said. That mystery, which is God in Christ in you, the hope of glory. The Gentiles, our fellow heirs and of the same body. That’s the mystery.
And we’re to have a full assurance of understanding. Have a full assurance. God never meant us to just know it half way, we are to know it fully. Have a full assurance of that knowledge, and be knowledgeably knowledgeable of the mystery. So this is the thing we ought to really know. We ought to know the things God says really says we ought to know, [inaudible 00:05:30].
Colossians 2:2-3:
… the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and [what?] {knowledge.}
Then it isn’t in the United Nations, then it isn’t in the National Council of Churches, or non-churches. Right? Where is the knowledge and the wisdom? In God, in Christ. And you can never know God or Christ until you know His Word. For the Word of God is the will of God. You cannot know God’s will ‘til you know God’s Word. You can read every commentary, every newspaper, every periodical ‘til you’re blue in the face. You can study Plato or Aristotle, Socrates and all the other intellectuals of time, but you’ll never know God ‘til you go back to His Word. You’ll only have man’s opinion of what he thinks God is – and man’s usually wrong. At least he’s always belittling God. He never brings it up to where the Word really says. Why not just go back and let the Word speak, and accept what the Word says? [inaudible 00:06:48] to it. It’s as simple as that.
Colossians 2:3:
In… [Him] are hid all the treasures [the treasures are in God] of wisdom and [of] knowledge.
They’re in God. You know what James says? If anybody lacks wisdom, let him go to Webster. No. Let him ask of whom? {God.} Who giveth liberally, you know. Not sporadically, not hesitantly.
James 1:5:
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
It’s in God. And God is spirit. You can’t know spirit except going back to the revelation given in His Word in [concretion 00:07:25].
Colossians 2:3-4:
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.
I just can’t recall what that word ‘beguile’ is at the moment. But it… Maybe you can look it up. But you know what beguile is. Somebody… ‘any man should beguile you’, trick you out, trick you out. You know, dog you the wrong way with it, and doing this with enticing words. And those words are always beautiful wrappings. They’re flowery. They’re everything else. You know, that’s how they catch them.
He says in verse 5,
Colossians 2:5:
For though I be absent in the flesh, [he hasn’t seen them in the flesh and he’s not with them in the flesh] yet am I with you in the spirit,…
This is how we pray? Remember? Praying in the spirit. That’s the only way you can make intercession for the saints, according to the will of God. That’s what he was doing. And he said he was,
Colossians 2:5:
… joying and beholding your order, [the word ‘order’ in essence means the way in which they were operating. It was Kosher. It was above board. It was open] and the stedfastness [the faithfulness] of your… [believing] in Christ.
The word ‘faith’ there in the King James is the word pistis, which here must be translated believing. This word, pistis, is translated either ‘faith’ or ‘believing’. And you can always tell by the context which one of the two it has to be.
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so [what?] walk ye in him:
We are living epistles, the Word says, to be read. Very few people ever go to their Bibles first; they look at your life, they look at mine, and they read us. They read our actions, they read our walk. We are living epistles, and that’s why, ladies and gentlemen, we have to walk like sons and daughters of God.
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord,…
The Bible would fall to pieces if it said Jesus Christ. It doesn’t. It says Christ Jesus. Just amazed at the greatness of God’s Word. It’s like, never once does it say in the Bible when you’re born again you’re in Jesus. It says when you’re born again you’re in Christ. There’s a lot of difference between being in Christ and being in Jesus. A lot of difference between eating soup and steak. So a lot of difference.
Now, it says,
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus… [now we do what?] walk…
You don’t sit on your spiritual laurels. You just don’t say, well, now I’m saved, I’m filled with the spirit, I just do not have to do a thing, I’m heaven bound, I’m sure to make it. You’re going to have a miserable time because the rest of us are going to walk and you’re just going to be sitting there. You’re just going to get left behind. You want to move with the battleship.
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus… so walk [walk, walk]…
Many times, people get turned on to God’s Word and they run like a house afire – and they get like a house afire, all burned out the next week or two, and then they don’t even walk anymore. All I’m concerned about, people start digging the Word and the accuracy of the Word, then you start walking on it. Then as you learn more of, you walk better, you walk more efficaciously. And you just keep on walking.
Tremendous. You know, this walking remind me of… Who are these two great mile or four-mile runners? One’s in Australia and the other’s American or [inaudible 00:12:28]. Where are my [inaudible 00:12:31]? Somebody hold up your hands and tell me who they are. Pardon? You know they had the race of the century here. It was… I am not very smart either here tonight on [inaudible 00:12:50]. God bless you. That’s wonderful. I know you’re right on one.
But anyway, these two great runners were matched together as the running race of the century. And the one from Australia or one of these other, was supposed to be the more [inaudible 00:13:09] runner of the two. And he was ahead of the other one who couldn’t run quite as fast, but they were pretty close. And so, as they were coming towards the finish line, the fellow who was ahead looked over to the left to see where the other runner was and the forerunner, while he looked over to the left, passed him on the right and won the race. This is something that I know happened here not too long ago.
And I think of this stuff in relationship to the Word. Sometimes in The Way ministry, it looks like we’re just not getting very fast very far. But don’t you just look back, because we’re going to go by if you do because we’re just faithful to God’s Word, class. Day after day and week after week, we just stay put on God’s Word and we just keep pushing ahead, pushing ahead.
I’d rather see you get solid on God’s Word and take you six months to get there, than be hotter than a firecracker tonight and all burned out three months from now and not doing a lousy thing for the Lord. We’re to walk, walk, walk. That what he says, that’s what he means.
Now, how are we to walk? Rooted, verse 7.
Colossians 2:7:
Rooted. A tree is no stronger at the top than the roots that are down in the ground. And, ladies and gentlemen, the root of the ministry of The Way has to be the Word of God. That’s our root. And we’re no stronger than the amount of the Word of God that lives within us, rightly divided. Just quoting me one scripture here or there… But that it fits like a hand in a glove from Genesis to Revelation. We’re to be rooted. Rooted. And when we’re rooted, we’re to be,
Colossians 2:7:
… built up in him, and stablished in the faith,…
And here, the word pistis must be translated ‘faith’, because here the article is used with it indicating that it is the family faith. The faith of Jesus Christ which is common to all born again believers who are in Christ Jesus. God is the Father of the family. We are members of that family, and that whole family has the faith of Jesus Christ, the Word says. Because we are in Christ Jesus, therefore, this faith is in us and we’re members of the same body; same family. Because if we’ve got one daddy, one Father, we belong to the same what? And that whole family has the faith of Jesus Christ. And the old teaching, you know, that one person has more faith than another therefore they get more prayers answered is a bunch of baloney. Because if you’re born again of God’s spirit, you’ve got the same amount of faith as I have, and I have the same as you have. God’s no respecter of persons. He doesn’t give one person any more than he gives anybody else. And the Bible declares that when we’re born again of God’s spirit, we receive the faith of Jesus Christ. And that’s all the faith you're ever going to get. That’s just about enough.
And that puts us into the family. The family. The family of God. God is our Father, we are His children. That puts us in the family, people. And that family is called The Faith. That’s what it’s called.
Colossians 2:7:
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, [in the family faith] as ye have been [what?] {taught,}…
Unless somebody teaches us, we can’t ever be established. You can pray till you’re blue in the face and never be established. It’s the Word. Somebody has to teach the Word. The Word has to be held forth. And we are to abound.
Colossians 2:7:
… abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Not just, you know, flowing along, mediocre – in a mediocre capacity. We’re to abound. We’re to effervesce – what you drop in a glass when people have bad stomach aches. Alka-Seltzer That’s what you got to do with it. You’ve got to Alka-Seltzer with thanksgiving. That’s not in any critical Greek text, but…
We are to abound. Now, to abound is more than just show it forth, it is to really abound with what? Thanksgiving. And anybody who is living with thanksgiving has to be living it. Because it’s only a life of [thanksliving 00:18:43] that will manifest the thanksgiving. You’ve got to live thanks. We are to abound therein with thanksgiving.
Then it says, beware. Every time I read this word, I think of these signs that say, ‘beware mad dog’, or you know. I sometimes think when you read that sign on those posts and those houses, that’s a good place to go because they usually… mad dogs are not there at all – it’s a nice sign to keep people off the lawn or something. Here it says,
Colossians 2:8:
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy…
The word ‘philosophy’ in the German is [Welt-Weisheit 00:19:30]. It’s a beautiful translation of the word. Welt-Weisheit literally means world-wisdom. Philosophy is in the category of world-wisdom. The highest earned degree in any academic realm is called a Doctor of Philosophy degree. They didn’t write the book, but boy, that’s it. And people trip out on this real intellectual sense knowledge brain trip, you know. Where, well boy, I got my PhD. There’s nothing wrong with having a PhD provided you’ve got the Ph and the D at the right place with the wisdom of God put where it’s supposed to be. I wouldn’t take a million for mine, but I wouldn’t pay 10 cents to go through it again if I had to go through all the suffering.
But this is what the word philosophy means, world-wisdom.
Colossians 2:8:
… and vain [what?] deceit, after the tradition of [what? {men,} [and] after the rudiments [and the word ‘rudiments’ is outward ordinances. After the outward ordinances] of the world, and not after [what?] {Christ.}
See it? The senses man will endeavor to corrupt and to ruin us by his Welt-Weisheit, his world-wisdom, which produces vain deceit. And this he will do after the tradition or the customs of what? Men. After the outward ordinances that men have set up and not after what? {Christ.}
Colossians 2:9:
For in him [in Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the [what?] Godhead…
The Godhead. And I’m looking across this group tonight, and I don’t see one person with three heads. I see you got a head, but she’s got one and she’s got one, so now we've got three heads. That’s beautiful, but how about yours? You got a head? That makes four. Alright.
Now, the literal truth is head God. Because the Bible says there are how many Gods? Two, com on. One is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the other is the god of this world. But there is only one God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is head. He is spirit [inaudible 00:22:40]. That’s right. That’s what the literal meaning of the word is ‘Godhead’. Head God. Head God.
Colossians 2:9:
For in… [Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily [in Him].
That’s fantastic. Now, the Bible says God was in Christ reconciling the world. [inaudible 00:23:15] read you from John tonight. By the way could Nicodemus be born again at that time of the record of the time stated in John? No. Because the new birth was not available. It didn’t become available until the Day of Pentecost. And all Jesus could have been doing to John was teaching him what to look for when it did come to pass. That’s exactly what he was doing.
Now, this God is in Christ. And the Word says Christ is in you. Christ in you the hope of glory. Christ in you. Then look at that next verse.
Colossians 2:10:
And ye are [what?] complete…
Ye are what? Complete. And the word ‘complete’ means what? Complete. Anything less than that is not what? Amen. Now, it doesn’t make any difference what I feel like. It makes no difference how I comb my hair or wear it, or how I put on my clothes. I am what the Word of God says I am, I have what the Word of God says I have, I’ll be what the Word of God says I’ll be. Because what I am is what God wrought in Christ in me when I confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believed God raised him from the dead. And it says I am what? {Complete.}
Now, don’t you try to tell me anything else. The fellow down the street will come along and say, oh, you’re proud. Well, I sure am, if that’s what it takes. And I know people who are proud and their daddy is only a plumber. This is my heavenly Father. He’s my Father. He’s my daddy. The one who created the heavens and the earth. Who took a man like me who was dead in trespasses and sin, without God and without hope, headed toward hell. And all heaven couldn’t stop me from going. Until once, just like that, in a twinkle… faster than the twinkling of an eyeball, I was heaven bound and all hell can’t stop me from going. Boy.
Now, I may not look very complete, but the Word says I am what? Complete. And I’m just going to say what the Word says if nobody believes it. You know how complete I am? Complete.
Look, people, we have never in our culture dared to say what the Word says because somebody was always scaring the H out of us. Heaven or something. That’s right. Always belittling God’s Word and bringing you down. And they’ll quote you a scripture and they’ll say, “Take heed lest you fall.” Well, you would think [inaudible 00:26:38] thing. And they take it out of context, and they dog you with it. They say, “Now, don’t act that way because tomorrow you may not be on it.” Well, I’m not worried about tomorrow. I’m not living tomorrow, I’m living today. I’ll take care of tomorrow when I get there. That’s right.
Most people spend their time worrying about tomorrow. Who was it said, they worry about things that seldom come to pass and… I don’t know. But, boy, if you worry about it tomorrow you’ve got all day worrying. That’s a worrying trip. I can’t afford my life to be that way. I have to live at this moment, right now, because I don’t know what the next moment brings but I know that each moment is the immediate now. That’s why now is the day. Today is the day. Now is the time of salvation.
God is in Christ, and Christ is in you. How much power is in you spiritually, people? Oh, you see, they’ve talked us out of it. They’ve said, “Oh, you know, maybe you get a prayer answered once every 20 years if you’re a Christian.” Look, if I’m married to my wife and I wouldn’t get a kiss once in 20 years… Oh, come on, that’s just baloney talk.
But what about the people then who talk us out of God’s Word? That’s baloney talk too. Class, we have what the Word of God says we have, we are what the Word of God says we are. And the Word says we are complete. Well, glory, hallelujah. For once in my life I can walk. I can take a breath, throw my shoulders back, and I can start out right now with a new glow and aboundingness in my life. An effervescence. A beauty of walk that the world needs to see in this day and time, because they’ve talked everybody out of it.
Well, you can’t talk me out of it. And you here in the auditorium tonight, boy, they’re not going to talk all of you out of it, I guarantee. Because, people, we have Christ Jesus not by works but by what? {Faith 00:29:19} Not of works was [inaudible 00:29:20] all week. That’s right. For we’re saved by grace. For God did what? So loved that He what? Gave. And God’s no Indian giver. God so loved that He gave, and it’s Christ in you.
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s why it said we’re to walk in him. When you and I walk down the streets realizing it’s Christ in us, we don’t cop out, we don’t trip out, we don’t blow it every two minutes, because I’m knowledgeable that when I walk down that street, it’s Christ in me. And we are living epistles. They only judge by what they see. Well, glory, walk like sons of God, for the Word says you’re complete.
Boy, and the next time you pray, just thank Him for the answer while you’re still praying and to get both hands open, because it’ll be there. Oh, people, this is it.
Colossians 2:10:
… [You’re] complete in him,… [who] is the head [He is the head] of all principality and power:
And the word ‘head’ is top, over all principality and power. He is. Every time I get introduced as head of The Way ministry, I flinch. I’m not head of The Way, Christ is the head. I’m just one of his beautiful servants, I trust. I’m just one working for him. He’s the boss man. I take the orders. When he says jump, I never ask how high. I just jump. That’s right. When he says, walk, I don’t ask what to do, I just walk. When he says, run, I just run. When he says I want y’all to do so and so, I’d just do it. He said, “I would that ye all spake with tongues,” I forget those words. Then he says, this is a commandment of the Lord.
Somebody says, well, I think it died with the apostles. I said, good for you, I’m still going ahead. For him, it died with the apostles. He just said so. Well, if it died, then he can’t manifest it. Right? Because as far as he’s concerned, he’s limited himself. The man who says I can and the man who says I can’t, they both stated the truth. Right.
Now, talking about Christ in verse 11,
Colossians 2:11:
In whom also ye are [what?] circumcised [the old text it’s put in the last tense; you were circumcised] with [what?] the circumcision made without [what?] hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of [what?] {Christ:}
Now, if somebody wants to go down and get circumcised because of his religion, God bless him, he can have the bloody trip. I'll take what Christ accomplished for me. And my Bible says that we are circumcised in him.
Boy, when you put this whole thing together that Christ did, it's fantastic. Every segment of the law, Christ fulfilled. He did the circumcision trip. He did all of these things for us. And yet all over the country today there are groups of so-called Christian people – good, sincere, honest, many of them born again of God's spirit – want to go through all these legalistic things that the Bible declares, in the church epistles addressed to us, that Christ accomplished for us.
But if there’s a stop sign up here, if there's a stop sign there, you drive this road, then you must stop. But let's say they make this road here into a four-lane super duper highway, then there's no longer a stop sign. Then, do you have to stop after that? If you do, you may be a little stupid because the next fellow may run up in your rear of the car. That's right. Because you're stopping for something where there is no longer a what? Christ is the [inaudible 00:34:19].
Circumcision. It says as plain as the nose on my face that we were circumcised when he was what?
Now, it says in verse 12, something else.
Colossians 2:12:
Buried with him in [what?] {baptism,}…
Amen. Is that what it says? That’s what it means. And in another section of God’s Word in the epistles it said that, this baptism is the baptism with him in his burial. That’s why it says,
Colossians 2:12:
… wherein also ye are [what?] risen [what?] with him…
When Christ arose, we did what? That's right. And when he ascended, we ascended with him. And when he sat down, we sat down with him. That's why the epistles declare that we're already seated in the heavenlies.
Oh, glory. Man, someday you're going to see that, and when it does it'll turn you on. Boy, you'll be higher than a kite, or something. It just takes you. Look, we're already seated, and we're down here tonight in Wichita. That’s a real paradox. But you know why we're seated? Because of what God wrought in Christ we are complete spiritually. And because we are complete spiritually, having eternal life, he's already taken us and we're already seated in the heavenlies tonight. It's just a little waiting on arrival time, that's all. You know, gathering together. This kind of trip we have to go through. Beautiful.
Look. So we're circumcised, we're baptized, we're [put 00:36:14] washed, we're combed – the whole trip. In whom? Christ. That's it. He's a complete Savior or he isn’t. If there's any one work that you have to do to get saved, then you're not saved by grace you're saved by one work. And ladies and gentlemen, if we're saved by one work, you might as well get saved by a thousand works. And there's no man whose work is good enough to save him. That's why we needed Jesus Christ. He is God's only begotten Son, the perfect one, who in all things did God's will. Who never copped out, who never tripped out, who was tempted in all things like as we are, yet without sin. That he might be our complete Savior for those of us who sin.
It’s so big. Boy, it's just something.
Colossians 2:12-13:
risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, [that faith which came with Jesus Christ by what God did – the operation of God was in Christ] who hath [past tense] raised him [Christ] from [what?] {the dead.}
And you, being dead…
Oh, we’re dead with what? {Sin.} That’s right. If you got a little flicker of the spirit, you’re not what? The Word says you’re dead. No flicker. Until you get born again. Then you just don't flicker, you shine, brighter than Ford.
Colossians 2:13:
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your [what?] {flesh,} hath he quickened [the word ‘quickened’ means made alive] together with [whom?] {him,} [Answer, Christ] having forgiven you… [occasionally your] trespasses.
Having forgiven you what? {All}. All. And the word ‘all’ means what? {All.}That's right. And that isn’t [soap 00:38:29], that’s forgiveness. That’s right. That's without exception.
But the scripture says in John,
1 John 1:9:
If we confess our… [broken fellowship], he [God] is faithful and just to forgive us [of] our sins, and to cleanse us… [of] all [what?] {unrighteousness.}
Amen. He's talking about the walk and what we are to do as sons and daughters of God.
Now comes that great 14th verse.
Colossians 2:14:
Blotting out the handwriting of [what?] {ordinances} that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his [what?] {cross;}
You know, if you’ll keep your finger here and go to the Old Testament in Isaiah. I saw a marking pen a little while ago while I was sitting over there. Do you have a marking pen? May I borrow that for a minute? Maybe two minutes.
Isaiah chapter 40, please. Here is a verse of scripture that had no end of opportunities for the commentators. Isaiah 40.
Isaiah 40:1:
Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
Now he's telling that they’re to be comforted, right? All right.
Isaiah 40:2:
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, [for her appointed time is accomplished] that her iniquity [or sin] is [what?] pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her [what?] {sins.}
That's a toughie. Well, the first part he says comfort ye, comfort my people. Then he turns around and says, received of the Lord's hand double for all their what? {Sins.} I don't call that much comfort. If God's going to double it on you for all your sins, you've got something coming. Right?
Now, it's remarkable how they missed the comfort part and they so easily moved over to the doubling of the sin. Because they say [inaudible 00:41:28] had really tripped out there for God, just doubled his judgment on them for their sin. It didn't say judgment, it said comfort.
Now, there's no comfort if God's going to put it on you twice for every sin you've got. No comfort in that. Well, it's a beautiful… It's a beautiful Orientalism. It's one of the great in the Bible, and it fits with verse 14 of Colossians 2,
Colossians 2:14:
Blotting out the handwriting of [what?] {ordinances} that was [what?] against us, which was contrary to us,… [He, Jesus] took it out of the way, nailing it to his [what?] cross;
Okay. This is the double for all the sin. In the Old Testament, whenever a man was forced or declared bankruptcy, he had to appear before the elders of the gate. And the elders of the gate would make a listing of every person to whom he was indebted. And that is the handwriting of ordinances which was contrary to us. So he would take… Hey, that's a pinky. And he put these all down. They put the name across the top like this, Victor Paul Wierwille owes Maggie Muggins so much. Johnny Jumpup so much. [Henry Boloko 00:43:31, Jerry Broady. John 00:43:39]. Listed all of his indebtedness. And they would nail this. They nailed this on the gate of the city so that every person coming into the city would read it. Sort of stop the declaration of bankruptcy a little bit [inaudible 00:44:01]. In other words, they never declared it until they really were down and out because they knew they'd get their name on the gate.
So they’d nail it up here, and every person coming into the city would read it. Oh, my goodness. Victor Paul Wierwille is bankrupt? Just look at that. Maggie Muggins, the old [inaudible 00:44:20]. Johnny. Oh, and Jerry, and Townsend, his best friend, look at that.
That's the handwriting of ordinances, which is contrary to us.
Now, Isaiah said, comfort ye, comfort ye for God has doubled. He doubled. Here's the doubling. Here's all things contrary us, here’s the doubling. He doubled. That's Isaiah.
Boy. God doubled not their sins, but He doubled… The comfort was the doubling. God doubled their [sin 00:45:15], and He no longer saw their what? Sin. You can see through this stupid paper because it's not as good as the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a lot of other things that you can't see through them.
Then this the blotting out of handwriting, the blotting out. Here's the blotting out in the epistles. It's blotted out. No longer there. You can't… It's doubled. It's blotted out. Then they would take this and nail it back up on the wall and put Victor Paul Wierwille over there. And everybody that entered in the city would know that it had been fully paid for. Not 50 cents on the dollar, but 150 percent on the dollar at the prices we got today, or something. Kind of deflation or inflation or sublation or something.
Look, like Christ did – blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was what? {Against us.} Dead in trespasses and what? {Sin 00:46:26}Man, did we have them. Dead in trespasses and what? Right. He blotted out these things which were contrary to us. He took it out of the way. He doubled it and he nailed it to his what? {Cross.} Where are my sins then? Nailed to what? Where’s your sin? Nailed to what? Well, praise God and act like it.
We walk in newness of life. Man, what a tremendous thing this is. Some people are Christian for 30 years and condemned for 40. Now, how can you be condemned for sin if Christ took it to the cross and nailed it to his cross and you accept his forgiveness and walk like a son of God after that? Only Satan comes to your mind and he says, remember, 20 years ago you should have returned that baseball. He took it to his cross. He nailed it to his cross.
Boy, that reminds me of Isaiah, I think it's 53:6, flipping up into my IBM. Like,
Isaiah 53:6:
All we like sheep [all we like sheep] have [what?] gone astray;…
What's the matter with a sheep when it's astray? It’s lost. That's right.
Isaiah 53:6:
All we like sheep have gone astray;… [but] the LORD hath laid on him [Jesus Christ] the iniquity of us all.
Well, bless God, ha-ha. Let's say this represents Jesus Christ and this would represent my sin. Red. Where are my sins? On Jesus Christ. Oh, praise the Lord. That makes it possible for us to walk with that effervescence and that glow, holding forth the greatness of our redeemer, Christ, Jesus.
The handwriting which was contrary to us, he took out of the way and nailed to his what? {Cross.} Praise God for such a Savior. I wouldn't do it for you, but he did it for you and for me.
Boy, oh, boy. Verse 15.
Colossians 2:15:
And having spoiled [literally the text reads: And having put off from himself] principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them [what?] in it.
By what he did, by what God wrought in Christ when He raised him from the dead. The principalities and powers.
You know, in that Corinthian's section I taught to a closed corporation last night. In chapter 2, it says in verse 8 or 1 Corinthians 2:8,
1 Corinthians 2:8:
Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have [what?] crucified the Lord of [what?] {glory.}
Then, who literally inspired people to crucified the Lord Jesus Christ? Devil spirits. Devil and his outfit. And putting that together with this first here in Colossians,
Colossians 2:15:
And having… [put off from himself] principalities and powers, [they killed him] he [Jesus Christ] made a shew of them… [out in the open]…
Why? Because God raised him. And ladies and gentlemen, for 40 days, hundreds and hundreds of people saw the resurrected Jesus Christ. They saw him. More than 500 at one time were with him. He made a show of them openly. He triumphed over them in it because of the resurrection. And because of all of this,
Colossians 2:16:
Let no man [verse 16] therefore judge you in meat, [in your eating customs or habits] or in [your] drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of [what?] the sabbath…
So don't come along here and tell me I got to keep Saturday because that's the Sabbath. Don't come along here and tell me I've got to keep Sunday, because that's the Sunday. Being born again of God's spirit, I'm a son of God every day. And I walk for the Lord Jesus Christ with all of the power of God within me, on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, did I say Sunday? Will do it again, every day. The Christian is not a Christian one day a week for 15 minutes, or for an hour, 11:00 to 12:00. A Christian is one who is a Christian all week long.
It's either God’s Word or it isn’t, one of the two. And if it's God’s Word and you say you're a Christian, come back to God’s Word and walk on that Word. Because when life is over with, you don't appear before the head elder or the head deacon or the mayor of the city of Wichita, or the governor of the great State of Kansas. You don't appear before V.P. Wierwille to give an account of yourself. My Bible says you appear before God who created the heavens and the earth. But they've talked us out of that and said, well, Jesus Christ’s not coming back anyway. Oh, Lordy.
Why, people, when they talk like that, why don't you just get to be stoic? You know, if that's what [the attitude had 00:53:40], I’d just be a stoic. I’d commit [inaudible 00:53:43], whatever that is. That's right. I'd get me a knife that was sharp and do it. Because what is… Why am I here? What's the purpose of my existence? Who am I? If this is just that bunch of baloney? Boy, there's got to be more to it than that. Why, a kernel of corn has more to it than that. A grain of wheat – and you people in Kansas ought to understand that kind of talk – has more to it than that other stuff. Right?
I want to tell you, you're here for a purpose. You've got a life. You've got a beautiful trip to do, holding forth the greatness of the power of God in your life with the answers from His Word. That's why you're here, to glorify God, the Word says.
Most people act like they're here to make money because they're going to stay here forever. Or the things money can buy. So we're talking in our meeting today because people… And I think Life magazine took a crack at me because I wear cuff links that have sort of Holy Spirit dove on it. Well, they're paid for. I know a lot of people driving Cadillacs that aren't paid for. A lot of other stuff that's not paid for. But we were talking today about the more abundant life that The Way ministry keeps talking about; Jesus Christ came that we might have what? Life, more than what? {Abundantly.} Right.
Now, I believe that most people, when the first trip they go through the foundational class because they're thinking in their head, if I had a car load of money, I'd be happy. They read into what I teach and they say, he means by the more abundant life; three automobiles, one of which is a Cadillac, another Rolls Royce, and just for the community sake, a Pinto. That's a horse you ride. I [inaudible 00:56:09].
Look, if I have food, clothing, shelter and health, I've got lots to be thankful. John D. Rockefeller said, the last 20 years of his life, he'd give all of his wealth if he could eat one square meal. Because, for 20 years, he lived with constant pain because of bleeding ulcers and all that thing eating out inside, and he couldn't eat a square meal. And he had enough money. I suppose they could have bought the State of Ohio, let alone maybe thought about Kansas, I don't know. That would have been if [inaudible 00:57:01] hadn't been here. Whatever it is. Look, the man said he'd give all of his wealth if he could eat one square meal. Man, what an abundant life we already have if we have food, clothing, shelter and what? Amen. And when I got eternal life, oh my.
See, this is why all these other things… You know what money is good for is just use it. Anybody leaves it to the kids makes a big mistake. Use it. Because you can't transport it up there. You've got enough trouble getting through with the way you're going. And I'm sure nobody's going to deliver it to you up there. Nobody in shape to take it. That’s why I always get tickled where people say they're going to take an offering for the Lord. Every time I hear that, you know. These are my nasty thoughts. Whenever I hear that I always think, what delivery boy are they going to get to deliver it up there? They're going to take it for the Lord, somebody's got to take it up there. And I know Brink’s can't make it. I'm sure they’d lose it on their backs before they got halfway. Shoot.
The Word says… Not that stuff [inaudible 00:58:40] because it was up there, thieves would want to break through and steal it. Oh, people. The more abundant life. Just think for a moment if you really know who you are, where your head is, what you're here for, and that you have Christ in you the hope of glory. That you belong to the family of faith. That you're already seated in the heavenlies, complete in him. Boy, that's what I call a life that's more than abundant.
Shoot. Things like these cuff links, they're just good to wear. That's all they're good for. That's all you can do with clothes, is just wear the stupid stuff. If you're in one country they wear a little more, in another country they wear a little less. First time I stepped off of a plane in South America, I got two eyeballs full and I wondered where I was. Totally naked women from here down… here up. Well, don't you laugh. The last time [inaudible 00:58:40] were totally naked all the way through. They had them on the poster.
You're beautiful. I love you. Well, that's what it’s talking about. People, I just can't make this Word living and real enough for you. It's here. It's here in all of its greatness and all of its essence. It's just tremendous.
See, in their religious rituals of spirit. And they go right through the ritual. They salaam at the right time and all that stuff.
Colossians 2:18:
… intruding into those things which he hath [now the next word is what?] not…
And the word ‘not’ must be scratched. [inaudible 01:00:38]. Because in the oldest critical text, it's not in there and it's not in any Aramaic. Then read it. Then read it. Boy, that puts an entirely new slant on it.
Colossians 2:18:
… intruding into those things which he hath… seen,…
He hath seen. We have seen levitation. We have seen ectoplasm forms. We have seen Ouija boards, pendants move, give answers.
Colossians 2:18:
… intruding into those things which… [they have what?] seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, [or in the mind of his flesh]
Having seen a pendant move to give an answer. Having seen a Ouija board operated, giving answers. Having been to a palmist who told it like it was, and hit it right on the nose. Having been to a séance where you have seen an ectoplasm form. Or having been into a meeting where you’ve seen levitation, a spirit power. You want to talk them out of it, you've got a job. Because they'll say to you, well, I've seen it, you ain't going to change my mind.
When I first wrote the book on ‘Are the dead alive now?’, which by the way, has been out of print. Devin-Adair is supposed to have had it a month ago or a month and a half. Devin-Adair indicated over here pretty soon. We haven't got it yet, but one of these days we're going to have it. But people wrote to me from all over the country, and when this new one comes out we'll get the same trip. Because basically the church Protestantism teaches nothing but spiritualism. And spiritualists teach that when you die you're not dead, you just cross the bar. I don't know if that's [Tennyson's 01:03:11] or if it’s down at the corner saloon, but… [River sticks 01:03:17] or something. They say you go to heaven and there you're forever with the Lord.
Well, if you're already up there, then the spiritualist can reproduce, and that's what the spiritualists teach, that everybody is up there including Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, everybody else is up there. Only there are different levels. Depends on whether you're studying [inaudible 01:03:39] or the former Dr. Ryan from Duke University or hundreds of other spiritualists of the past century. The Word teaches that, when you die you're dead, until Christ returns and then everybody is going to get up, whether they like it or whether they don't have.
Once people have seen this… Years ago, there's a very famous clergyman in the United States, one of the great churches in our country in New York City. He and I were fairly good friends. And I would rap on the Word with him and holding it forth more and more. And he was in a meeting in one of our southern states preaching in that service. And he and the fellow minister had walked up into the pulpit area, the choir came in and he saw his father, who had been dead for quite a number of years, walking in that choir. And you try to convince him that the dead are dead until Christ returns, you can't do it because I tried it. And I know this Word from Genesis to Revelation on that field. He said, “Look, Wierwille, you can show me the whole Bible I still don't believe it, because I saw it with my own eyes.”
[inaudible 01:05:22] back off of me. Just because you see something with your eyeballs, does that mean it's genuine? Not necessarily. It could be, but on the other hand it could be what? If you want to know whether it's genuine or counterfeit, you go to the book, the Word. And the Word, we are what the Word says we are. We can know God's will only as we know God’s Word, right? And we have to say what the Word says.
But because Christians haven't seen anything in manifestation in almost 150 years, they're anxious for anything in manifestation. And the devil spirits know that, and they're producing them by the barrelful across our country. Why, I can take you to any spiritualist meeting and show you manifestation. But I can take you to a lot of other Christian meetings and you'll never even hear speaking in tongues, let alone interpretation or prophecy. You'll never see anybody healed, because they don't believe in it. The spiritualists are producing, and that's why people are running by the thousands over there. They've got something in evidence. WOW is right. That means Word Over the World.
Now, look why this happens in verse 19.
Colossians 2:19:
… not holding the [what? The] Head,…
Who is the head? Christ is the head of the body of the church context. Not holding fast. One of the text has the word fast in it. Not holding fast to whom? The head. Because they got influenced with man's wisdom, philosophy and stuff, they didn't hold fast to the head.
Colossians 2:19:
… from which all the body by joints and bands [or bonds. B-o-n-d. It’s bonded together] having nourishment ministered, and knit [what?] together, [it’s knit together. It] increaseth with the increase of God.
Those last three words, ‘increase of God’, is God's liberal supply. Increases with God's liberal supply. That's beautiful.
Colossians 2:20:
Wherefore if ye be dead [or if ye die] with [whom?] Christ from the rudiments [the outward ordinances] of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to [what?] ordinances,
Died with Christ from the outward ordinances. Did you ever read Romans 10:4? Look at it. Romans chapter 10, verse 4.
Romans 10:4:
For Christ is the end of [what?] the law for righteousness to every one… [who does what?] {believeth.}
Then Christ is the end of what? {The law.} If he’s the end of the law, he's what? Then if he's the end of the law, then I am no longer under it because Christ is what? That's what he's talking about. Outward ordinances. Christ is the end of it. Why, as though living in the world, are you subject? And that word ‘subject’ is really interesting because the root word is dogmatized. Why do you let them dog you? Now we have [inaudible 01:09:32] dogmatics in theology, so they dog you. Dogmatize is the word.
Why are you dogmatized by these people to be under ordinances if Christ is the end of the law? They'll say to you,
Colossians 2:21:
(Touch not; taste not; handle not;
Don't you wear your hair long. Somebody else will say, don't you wear it short. And then you get mad at people who don't have any hair, so you can't win. Just live Christ's way and forget about it.
Colossians 2:22:
Which all [all of those things, outward ordinances and so forth] are to perish [are to corrupt. That’s what the word ‘perish’ means, corrupt] with the [what?] using;) [because all of those things are] after the commandments and [the] doctrines of [what?] {men?}
If you’ll take the time and look at Matthew 15, where I'm going, there are three great verses of scripture in here. You see, they accused, in verse 2, the disciples.
Matthew 15:2:
Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.
The elders of Judaism accused the disciples of Jesus of transgressing the commandments of the elders, the tradition of the elders, in verse 2.
Then Jesus says in verse three,
Matthew 15:3:
… Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your [what?] {tradition?}
That’s pretty straight shooting, see. Then he says in verse 6,
Matthew 15:6:
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your [what?] {tradition.}
And then he says,
Matthew 15:7:
Ye hypocrites,…
And in verse 9 it says,
Matthew 15:9:
… in vain they do [what?] {worship}…
Were they worshiping? Definitely. Did it look kosher? Definitely. They folded their hands at the right time, they counted their beads, they prayed at the right, they did everything just right, but the Lord says it’s in vain. .
Matthew 15:9:
… in vain they do worship me, [now he tells it like it is] teaching for doctrines [for right believing] the commandments of [what?] {men.}
Right. Back to Colossians chapter 2.
Colossians 2:22-23:
… after the commandments and doctrines of [what?] men?
Which things have indeed a shew [or a reputation] of wisdom [what kind of wisdom? Wordly wisdom?] in will worship, [you see, in that religious rituals] and [in] humility,…
I forgot to explain that these people are always mushy with love. They're always slobbering over you with love. You know, the spirit trick, if you want to be among real people, loving people, try that side. They never say anything to offend you. Even if you'd be going straight to hell, they'd patch on the back and say, “Oh, you're a wonderful person. Sure. And if you want to take another trip, go ahead. We love you.” They never cross you, to begin with, until they got you hooked.
And when they once got you hooked, you have never seen any persecution. Until that time, they is as smooth as operators, because they one of the counterfeits that we've seen in so-called Christianity is that we are to be all love [inaudible 01:13:41]. And never let anybody walk away without you just loving them, no matter what they do. Because, after all, I'm my brother's keeper and my mother's keeper and grandpas. I call it mother love.
My Savior Jesus Christ was love, and I read a little while ago from Matthew 15, he says, you old hypocrite. That must’ve been love. Oh, man. Try this in the pulpit sometime and they'll give you your hat to take a walk.
While Jesus Christ told it like it was. You know, it's like the fellow wants to tell you something that really isn't there. He’s the most loving. He's sly. He wouldn't cross you. That's this fake humility. That's the fake humility. It's that humility that they call, you know, be real humble. “Every morning I turn toward the east and pray. [inaudible 01:14:55], Lord. I do it just right. Everything.” Why? False what? Humility.
Boy, people, I don't know if you've ever seen this chapter set so sharply. I doubt it. Because it's not written in any commentary, I guarantee you. Even the Revised Standard doesn't have it right.
And look what else it says.
Colossians 2:23:
… and neglecting of the [what?] {body;}
‘Not sparing the body’ is the text. Neglecting is not sparing. They even whip themselves sometimes. Right. And, oh, how much better I will be spiritually if I fast three weeks. Twenty one. And if somebody can make it 27, he's so much better because he’s putting his body under, you know. Well, shucks, [Digger O’Dell 01:16:19] will help you do that if you really mean it. He’ll put you six feet under. It may cost you a hundred bucks for the hole. Maybe a thousand or two to lay in that pretty thing that you can't see, but…
That verse is just fabulous, people. Not sparing the body, because, boy, it shows that I'm a real believer because, man, I'm stripping myself, you know, and I'm just bleeding my eyeballs out, and I just whip myself into line. My physical.
I have a picture in my office of the meeting in Africa of all the great spiritualist devil spirits, and how they do their thing. You may have in your office too. It was one of the national periodicals a number of years ago. I cut it out. Where this fellow, because of his great spiritual ability, has large fishhooks hooked through all the back of his back, and whoever has the biggest devil spirit is the one who becomes top chief. And the picture shows him with these fish hooks hooked all through his body. The front of his body has been lacerated by whips, but he's got that… And he's pulling a heavy load, you know, like you put on a horse pulling contest or something. Packed up. And he's pulling that like this. That’s sort of not sparing the body.
They build a fire of white hot coals, and the one who has no burns on his feet when he goes through has the greatest spiritual power, not sparing the body.
Then the last part of that verse,
Colossians 2:23:
… not in any honour [value. The word ‘honor’ is value. Not in any value] to the satisfying of the flesh.
All of these things that you do are not really satisfying to the individual that’s you. All it does, it makes you less. And the word ‘satisfying’ will really bless your soul when I tell you what it is and the Greek text. The word is, [inaudible 01:19:14 ], from which comes our English word, plasma. What does plasma mean? Where do you get it from? Blood. How do you like that one?
Not in any value to the blood, to the satisfying. Can’t make it live any bigger. It's got to either hit or it doesn't hit you. And if it doesn’t hit you, go for a walk. But, you see, it's not to the satisfying. It isn't like the blood of Jesus Christ totally satisfies. Christ’s the end under the law. But anything that man does in his fleshly self will never what? Satisfy. Not in any value do it satisfying the flesh.
If ye… If. Here we go to the tail end of this great chapter.
Colossians 3:1-3:
If ye then be risen with Christ, [We're already what? Seated in the heavenlies. When he arose, we did what? All right. If ye then be risen with Christ] seek those things which are [where?] {above,} where Christ sitteth on the right hand of [whom?] {God.}
Set your affection on things [where?] above, not on things [where?] {on the earth.}
For ye are [what?] dead,… [well, if we’re dead, we’re dead. Dead with whom? That’s right] your life is hid with Christ in [what?] {God.}
Your life is hid with Christ in God. Then that great fourth verse.
Colossians 3:4:
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Isn't that fantastic? All the way through in this tremendous chapter, until it finally ends up to show you that what you and I have; Christ in you the hope of glory, complete in him, don't get tripped out by this sense knowledge world wisdom philosophically speaking, or in the spiritualist field, the ritualistic ordinances of spirit worship. Just stay faithful to God and His Word and walk like a son of God should. Because it's already been assured that when he comes, we're going to be with him.
And then,
1 Corinthians 13:12-13:
… now we see… [as in] a glass, [what?] {darkly;} but then [what?] {face to face:} now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am [what?] {known.}
And now abideth faith, hope,… [love], these three; [in the church] but the greatest of these [in the church among the body of believers] is… [the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation.]
[end: 01:22:19]
Col 2:1-6; (Jam 1:5)
Col 2:6-9; Track C: Col 2:9-11
Col 2:11-14; (1Jo 1:9); Isa 40:1, 2
Isa 40:2; Col 2:14-16; Isa 53:6; 1Co 2:8
Col 2:16, 18
Col 2:19-23; Rom 10:4; Mat 15:2, 3, 6, 7, 9
Col 2:23; 3:1-4; 1Co 13:12, 13
snt-0507_know-your-completeness_Colossians-2(vpw)(6-06-1971) DRAFT
I’d like for you to take your Bibles tonight and turn to Colossians chapter 2. I’d like to take you into some of the accuracy of God’s Word in this great second chapter of Colossians tonight, because I’m sure it will bless your heart abundantly.
Verse 1. You see the word ‘for’ ties together the previous chapter. They should technically not put a chapter here, but they did, which is all right. But we want to go on with the word ‘for’.
Colossians 2:1:
… I would that ye knew what great conflict [the word ‘conflict’ is desirous care, you know, real hard concern] I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;
Increasingly, more and more, these words like this become more living and real to me. They must have been dynamically real to the Apostle Paul. Because all over the country and other foreign countries, there are many people that I've had the privilege of teaching the Word to, and their lives have taken on a new type of tenor in the new manifestation of the greatness of Christ in them. Yet, I haven’t seen them face to face; they haven’t seen me. And yet, day after day, I lift these people in prayer. And I’m thankful to God for what God has done among those people, and I’m truly grateful for all of these things that have occurred. And I have a great care and a great concern. I just want people to hear God’s Word in our day and time and hour. I want them to have the blessings of the greatness, of the adherent accuracy and the real relevancy of God’s Word in our time. The Apostle Paul had it in his day. The Word of God has not changed. Therefore, those of us who represent God here upon earth as ministers of His must have this great care and concern for God’s people today.
Verse 2 says for this reason.
Colossians 2:2:
That their hearts might be [what?] comforted,…
Comforted. It’s the same root word that is used when it talks about the manifestations; edification, exhortation and comfort. Comfort is that quiet acquiescence, that inner serenity, that inner peace. That their heart might have a quiet serenity. An inner knowingness which is just at peace with God and with the individual himself.
Colossians 2:2:
… being knit together [being knit together with all the other believers if they gather] in [what?] love,…
See the agapeo, the love of God in the renewed mind. And the manifestation is the body of the church – the believers. And that’s how we’re to be knit together.
Colossians 2:2:
… unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,…
The full assurance of understanding. The full assurance is the total knowledge of all knowledge. It’s fantastic.
Colossians 2:2:
… to the acknowledgement [to the knowledge of all knowledge, the acknowledgement] of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of [whom?] Christ;
The acknowledgement of the mystery. To be completely, totally knowledgeable of the mystery. That mystery of God which was hidden from before the foundation of the world with God, and wasn’t made manifest until it was given to the Apostle Paul, as the Word said. That mystery, which is God in Christ in you, the hope of glory. The Gentiles, our fellow heirs and of the same body. That’s the mystery.
And we’re to have a full assurance of understanding. Have a full assurance. God never meant us to just know it half way, we are to know it fully. Have a full assurance of that knowledge, and be knowledgeably knowledgeable of the mystery. So this is the thing we ought to really know. We ought to know the things God says really says we ought to know, [inaudible 00:05:30].
Colossians 2:2-3:
… the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and [what?] {knowledge.}
Then it isn’t in the United Nations, then it isn’t in the National Council of Churches, or non-churches. Right? Where is the knowledge and the wisdom? In God, in Christ. And you can never know God or Christ until you know His Word. For the Word of God is the will of God. You cannot know God’s will ‘til you know God’s Word. You can read every commentary, every newspaper, every periodical ‘til you’re blue in the face. You can study Plato or Aristotle, Socrates and all the other intellectuals of time, but you’ll never know God ‘til you go back to His Word. You’ll only have man’s opinion of what he thinks God is – and man’s usually wrong. At least he’s always belittling God. He never brings it up to where the Word really says. Why not just go back and let the Word speak, and accept what the Word says? [inaudible 00:06:48] to it. It’s as simple as that.
Colossians 2:3:
In… [Him] are hid all the treasures [the treasures are in God] of wisdom and [of] knowledge.
They’re in God. You know what James says? If anybody lacks wisdom, let him go to Webster. No. Let him ask of whom? {God.} Who giveth liberally, you know. Not sporadically, not hesitantly.
James 1:5:
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
It’s in God. And God is spirit. You can’t know spirit except going back to the revelation given in His Word in [concretion 00:07:25].
Colossians 2:3-4:
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.
I just can’t recall what that word ‘beguile’ is at the moment. But it… Maybe you can look it up. But you know what beguile is. Somebody… ‘any man should beguile you’, trick you out, trick you out. You know, dog you the wrong way with it, and doing this with enticing words. And those words are always beautiful wrappings. They’re flowery. They’re everything else. You know, that’s how they catch them.
He says in verse 5,
Colossians 2:5:
For though I be absent in the flesh, [he hasn’t seen them in the flesh and he’s not with them in the flesh] yet am I with you in the spirit,…
This is how we pray? Remember? Praying in the spirit. That’s the only way you can make intercession for the saints, according to the will of God. That’s what he was doing. And he said he was,
Colossians 2:5:
… joying and beholding your order, [the word ‘order’ in essence means the way in which they were operating. It was Kosher. It was above board. It was open] and the stedfastness [the faithfulness] of your… [believing] in Christ.
The word ‘faith’ there in the King James is the word pistis, which here must be translated believing. This word, pistis, is translated either ‘faith’ or ‘believing’. And you can always tell by the context which one of the two it has to be.
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so [what?] walk ye in him:
We are living epistles, the Word says, to be read. Very few people ever go to their Bibles first; they look at your life, they look at mine, and they read us. They read our actions, they read our walk. We are living epistles, and that’s why, ladies and gentlemen, we have to walk like sons and daughters of God.
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord,…
The Bible would fall to pieces if it said Jesus Christ. It doesn’t. It says Christ Jesus. Just amazed at the greatness of God’s Word. It’s like, never once does it say in the Bible when you’re born again you’re in Jesus. It says when you’re born again you’re in Christ. There’s a lot of difference between being in Christ and being in Jesus. A lot of difference between eating soup and steak. So a lot of difference.
Now, it says,
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus… [now we do what?] walk…
You don’t sit on your spiritual laurels. You just don’t say, well, now I’m saved, I’m filled with the spirit, I just do not have to do a thing, I’m heaven bound, I’m sure to make it. You’re going to have a miserable time because the rest of us are going to walk and you’re just going to be sitting there. You’re just going to get left behind. You want to move with the battleship.
Colossians 2:6:
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus… so walk [walk, walk]…
Many times, people get turned on to God’s Word and they run like a house afire – and they get like a house afire, all burned out the next week or two, and then they don’t even walk anymore. All I’m concerned about, people start digging the Word and the accuracy of the Word, then you start walking on it. Then as you learn more of, you walk better, you walk more efficaciously. And you just keep on walking.
Tremendous. You know, this walking remind me of… Who are these two great mile or four-mile runners? One’s in Australia and the other’s American or [inaudible 00:12:28]. Where are my [inaudible 00:12:31]? Somebody hold up your hands and tell me who they are. Pardon? You know they had the race of the century here. It was… I am not very smart either here tonight on [inaudible 00:12:50]. God bless you. That’s wonderful. I know you’re right on one.
But anyway, these two great runners were matched together as the running race of the century. And the one from Australia or one of these other, was supposed to be the more [inaudible 00:13:09] runner of the two. And he was ahead of the other one who couldn’t run quite as fast, but they were pretty close. And so, as they were coming towards the finish line, the fellow who was ahead looked over to the left to see where the other runner was and the forerunner, while he looked over to the left, passed him on the right and won the race. This is something that I know happened here not too long ago.
And I think of this stuff in relationship to the Word. Sometimes in The Way ministry, it looks like we’re just not getting very fast very far. But don’t you just look back, because we’re going to go by if you do because we’re just faithful to God’s Word, class. Day after day and week after week, we just stay put on God’s Word and we just keep pushing ahead, pushing ahead.
I’d rather see you get solid on God’s Word and take you six months to get there, than be hotter than a firecracker tonight and all burned out three months from now and not doing a lousy thing for the Lord. We’re to walk, walk, walk. That what he says, that’s what he means.
Now, how are we to walk? Rooted, verse 7.
Colossians 2:7:
Rooted. A tree is no stronger at the top than the roots that are down in the ground. And, ladies and gentlemen, the root of the ministry of The Way has to be the Word of God. That’s our root. And we’re no stronger than the amount of the Word of God that lives within us, rightly divided. Just quoting me one scripture here or there… But that it fits like a hand in a glove from Genesis to Revelation. We’re to be rooted. Rooted. And when we’re rooted, we’re to be,
Colossians 2:7:
… built up in him, and stablished in the faith,…
And here, the word pistis must be translated ‘faith’, because here the article is used with it indicating that it is the family faith. The faith of Jesus Christ which is common to all born again believers who are in Christ Jesus. God is the Father of the family. We are members of that family, and that whole family has the faith of Jesus Christ, the Word says. Because we are in Christ Jesus, therefore, this faith is in us and we’re members of the same body; same family. Because if we’ve got one daddy, one Father, we belong to the same what? And that whole family has the faith of Jesus Christ. And the old teaching, you know, that one person has more faith than another therefore they get more prayers answered is a bunch of baloney. Because if you’re born again of God’s spirit, you’ve got the same amount of faith as I have, and I have the same as you have. God’s no respecter of persons. He doesn’t give one person any more than he gives anybody else. And the Bible declares that when we’re born again of God’s spirit, we receive the faith of Jesus Christ. And that’s all the faith you're ever going to get. That’s just about enough.
And that puts us into the family. The family. The family of God. God is our Father, we are His children. That puts us in the family, people. And that family is called The Faith. That’s what it’s called.
Colossians 2:7:
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, [in the family faith] as ye have been [what?] {taught,}…
Unless somebody teaches us, we can’t ever be established. You can pray till you’re blue in the face and never be established. It’s the Word. Somebody has to teach the Word. The Word has to be held forth. And we are to abound.
Colossians 2:7:
… abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Not just, you know, flowing along, mediocre – in a mediocre capacity. We’re to abound. We’re to effervesce – what you drop in a glass when people have bad stomach aches. Alka-Seltzer That’s what you got to do with it. You’ve got to Alka-Seltzer with thanksgiving. That’s not in any critical Greek text, but…
We are to abound. Now, to abound is more than just show it forth, it is to really abound with what? Thanksgiving. And anybody who is living with thanksgiving has to be living it. Because it’s only a life of [thanksliving 00:18:43] that will manifest the thanksgiving. You’ve got to live thanks. We are to abound therein with thanksgiving.
Then it says, beware. Every time I read this word, I think of these signs that say, ‘beware mad dog’, or you know. I sometimes think when you read that sign on those posts and those houses, that’s a good place to go because they usually… mad dogs are not there at all – it’s a nice sign to keep people off the lawn or something. Here it says,
Colossians 2:8:
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy…
The word ‘philosophy’ in the German is [Welt-Weisheit 00:19:30]. It’s a beautiful translation of the word. Welt-Weisheit literally means world-wisdom. Philosophy is in the category of world-wisdom. The highest earned degree in any academic realm is called a Doctor of Philosophy degree. They didn’t write the book, but boy, that’s it. And people trip out on this real intellectual sense knowledge brain trip, you know. Where, well boy, I got my PhD. There’s nothing wrong with having a PhD provided you’ve got the Ph and the D at the right place with the wisdom of God put where it’s supposed to be. I wouldn’t take a million for mine, but I wouldn’t pay 10 cents to go through it again if I had to go through all the suffering.
But this is what the word philosophy means, world-wisdom.
Colossians 2:8:
… and vain [what?] deceit, after the tradition of [what? {men,} [and] after the rudiments [and the word ‘rudiments’ is outward ordinances. After the outward ordinances] of the world, and not after [what?] {Christ.}
See it? The senses man will endeavor to corrupt and to ruin us by his Welt-Weisheit, his world-wisdom, which produces vain deceit. And this he will do after the tradition or the customs of what? Men. After the outward ordinances that men have set up and not after what? {Christ.}
Colossians 2:9:
For in him [in Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the [what?] Godhead…
The Godhead. And I’m looking across this group tonight, and I don’t see one person with three heads. I see you got a head, but she’s got one and she’s got one, so now we've got three heads. That’s beautiful, but how about yours? You got a head? That makes four. Alright.
Now, the literal truth is head God. Because the Bible says there are how many Gods? Two, com on. One is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the other is the god of this world. But there is only one God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is head. He is spirit [inaudible 00:22:40]. That’s right. That’s what the literal meaning of the word is ‘Godhead’. Head God. Head God.
Colossians 2:9:
For in… [Christ] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily [in Him].
That’s fantastic. Now, the Bible says God was in Christ reconciling the world. [inaudible 00:23:15] read you from John tonight. By the way could Nicodemus be born again at that time of the record of the time stated in John? No. Because the new birth was not available. It didn’t become available until the Day of Pentecost. And all Jesus could have been doing to John was teaching him what to look for when it did come to pass. That’s exactly what he was doing.
Now, this God is in Christ. And the Word says Christ is in you. Christ in you the hope of glory. Christ in you. Then look at that next verse.
Colossians 2:10:
And ye are [what?] complete…
Ye are what? Complete. And the word ‘complete’ means what? Complete. Anything less than that is not what? Amen. Now, it doesn’t make any difference what I feel like. It makes no difference how I comb my hair or wear it, or how I put on my clothes. I am what the Word of God says I am, I have what the Word of God says I have, I’ll be what the Word of God says I’ll be. Because what I am is what God wrought in Christ in me when I confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believed God raised him from the dead. And it says I am what? {Complete.}
Now, don’t you try to tell me anything else. The fellow down the street will come along and say, oh, you’re proud. Well, I sure am, if that’s what it takes. And I know people who are proud and their daddy is only a plumber. This is my heavenly Father. He’s my Father. He’s my daddy. The one who created the heavens and the earth. Who took a man like me who was dead in trespasses and sin, without God and without hope, headed toward hell. And all heaven couldn’t stop me from going. Until once, just like that, in a twinkle… faster than the twinkling of an eyeball, I was heaven bound and all hell can’t stop me from going. Boy.
Now, I may not look very complete, but the Word says I am what? Complete. And I’m just going to say what the Word says if nobody believes it. You know how complete I am? Complete.
Look, people, we have never in our culture dared to say what the Word says because somebody was always scaring the H out of us. Heaven or something. That’s right. Always belittling God’s Word and bringing you down. And they’ll quote you a scripture and they’ll say, “Take heed lest you fall.” Well, you would think [inaudible 00:26:38] thing. And they take it out of context, and they dog you with it. They say, “Now, don’t act that way because tomorrow you may not be on it.” Well, I’m not worried about tomorrow. I’m not living tomorrow, I’m living today. I’ll take care of tomorrow when I get there. That’s right.
Most people spend their time worrying about tomorrow. Who was it said, they worry about things that seldom come to pass and… I don’t know. But, boy, if you worry about it tomorrow you’ve got all day worrying. That’s a worrying trip. I can’t afford my life to be that way. I have to live at this moment, right now, because I don’t know what the next moment brings but I know that each moment is the immediate now. That’s why now is the day. Today is the day. Now is the time of salvation.
God is in Christ, and Christ is in you. How much power is in you spiritually, people? Oh, you see, they’ve talked us out of it. They’ve said, “Oh, you know, maybe you get a prayer answered once every 20 years if you’re a Christian.” Look, if I’m married to my wife and I wouldn’t get a kiss once in 20 years… Oh, come on, that’s just baloney talk.
But what about the people then who talk us out of God’s Word? That’s baloney talk too. Class, we have what the Word of God says we have, we are what the Word of God says we are. And the Word says we are complete. Well, glory, hallelujah. For once in my life I can walk. I can take a breath, throw my shoulders back, and I can start out right now with a new glow and aboundingness in my life. An effervescence. A beauty of walk that the world needs to see in this day and time, because they’ve talked everybody out of it.
Well, you can’t talk me out of it. And you here in the auditorium tonight, boy, they’re not going to talk all of you out of it, I guarantee. Because, people, we have Christ Jesus not by works but by what? {Faith 00:29:19} Not of works was [inaudible 00:29:20] all week. That’s right. For we’re saved by grace. For God did what? So loved that He what? Gave. And God’s no Indian giver. God so loved that He gave, and it’s Christ in you.
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s why it said we’re to walk in him. When you and I walk down the streets realizing it’s Christ in us, we don’t cop out, we don’t trip out, we don’t blow it every two minutes, because I’m knowledgeable that when I walk down that street, it’s Christ in me. And we are living epistles. They only judge by what they see. Well, glory, walk like sons of God, for the Word says you’re complete.
Boy, and the next time you pray, just thank Him for the answer while you’re still praying and to get both hands open, because it’ll be there. Oh, people, this is it.
Colossians 2:10:
… [You’re] complete in him,… [who] is the head [He is the head] of all principality and power:
And the word ‘head’ is top, over all principality and power. He is. Every time I get introduced as head of The Way ministry, I flinch. I’m not head of The Way, Christ is the head. I’m just one of his beautiful servants, I trust. I’m just one working for him. He’s the boss man. I take the orders. When he says jump, I never ask how high. I just jump. That’s right. When he says, walk, I don’t ask what to do, I just walk. When he says, run, I just run. When he says I want y’all to do so and so, I’d just do it. He said, “I would that ye all spake with tongues,” I forget those words. Then he says, this is a commandment of the Lord.
Somebody says, well, I think it died with the apostles. I said, good for you, I’m still going ahead. For him, it died with the apostles. He just said so. Well, if it died, then he can’t manifest it. Right? Because as far as he’s concerned, he’s limited himself. The man who says I can and the man who says I can’t, they both stated the truth. Right.
Now, talking about Christ in verse 11,
Colossians 2:11:
In whom also ye are [what?] circumcised [the old text it’s put in the last tense; you were circumcised] with [what?] the circumcision made without [what?] hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of [what?] {Christ:}
Now, if somebody wants to go down and get circumcised because of his religion, God bless him, he can have the bloody trip. I'll take what Christ accomplished for me. And my Bible says that we are circumcised in him.
Boy, when you put this whole thing together that Christ did, it's fantastic. Every segment of the law, Christ fulfilled. He did the circumcision trip. He did all of these things for us. And yet all over the country today there are groups of so-called Christian people – good, sincere, honest, many of them born again of God's spirit – want to go through all these legalistic things that the Bible declares, in the church epistles addressed to us, that Christ accomplished for us.
But if there’s a stop sign up here, if there's a stop sign there, you drive this road, then you must stop. But let's say they make this road here into a four-lane super duper highway, then there's no longer a stop sign. Then, do you have to stop after that? If you do, you may be a little stupid because the next fellow may run up in your rear of the car. That's right. Because you're stopping for something where there is no longer a what? Christ is the [inaudible 00:34:19].
Circumcision. It says as plain as the nose on my face that we were circumcised when he was what?
Now, it says in verse 12, something else.
Colossians 2:12:
Buried with him in [what?] {baptism,}…
Amen. Is that what it says? That’s what it means. And in another section of God’s Word in the epistles it said that, this baptism is the baptism with him in his burial. That’s why it says,
Colossians 2:12:
… wherein also ye are [what?] risen [what?] with him…
When Christ arose, we did what? That's right. And when he ascended, we ascended with him. And when he sat down, we sat down with him. That's why the epistles declare that we're already seated in the heavenlies.
Oh, glory. Man, someday you're going to see that, and when it does it'll turn you on. Boy, you'll be higher than a kite, or something. It just takes you. Look, we're already seated, and we're down here tonight in Wichita. That’s a real paradox. But you know why we're seated? Because of what God wrought in Christ we are complete spiritually. And because we are complete spiritually, having eternal life, he's already taken us and we're already seated in the heavenlies tonight. It's just a little waiting on arrival time, that's all. You know, gathering together. This kind of trip we have to go through. Beautiful.
Look. So we're circumcised, we're baptized, we're [put 00:36:14] washed, we're combed – the whole trip. In whom? Christ. That's it. He's a complete Savior or he isn’t. If there's any one work that you have to do to get saved, then you're not saved by grace you're saved by one work. And ladies and gentlemen, if we're saved by one work, you might as well get saved by a thousand works. And there's no man whose work is good enough to save him. That's why we needed Jesus Christ. He is God's only begotten Son, the perfect one, who in all things did God's will. Who never copped out, who never tripped out, who was tempted in all things like as we are, yet without sin. That he might be our complete Savior for those of us who sin.
It’s so big. Boy, it's just something.
Colossians 2:12-13:
risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, [that faith which came with Jesus Christ by what God did – the operation of God was in Christ] who hath [past tense] raised him [Christ] from [what?] {the dead.}
And you, being dead…
Oh, we’re dead with what? {Sin.} That’s right. If you got a little flicker of the spirit, you’re not what? The Word says you’re dead. No flicker. Until you get born again. Then you just don't flicker, you shine, brighter than Ford.
Colossians 2:13:
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your [what?] {flesh,} hath he quickened [the word ‘quickened’ means made alive] together with [whom?] {him,} [Answer, Christ] having forgiven you… [occasionally your] trespasses.
Having forgiven you what? {All}. All. And the word ‘all’ means what? {All.}That's right. And that isn’t [soap 00:38:29], that’s forgiveness. That’s right. That's without exception.
But the scripture says in John,
1 John 1:9:
If we confess our… [broken fellowship], he [God] is faithful and just to forgive us [of] our sins, and to cleanse us… [of] all [what?] {unrighteousness.}
Amen. He's talking about the walk and what we are to do as sons and daughters of God.
Now comes that great 14th verse.
Colossians 2:14:
Blotting out the handwriting of [what?] {ordinances} that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his [what?] {cross;}
You know, if you’ll keep your finger here and go to the Old Testament in Isaiah. I saw a marking pen a little while ago while I was sitting over there. Do you have a marking pen? May I borrow that for a minute? Maybe two minutes.
Isaiah chapter 40, please. Here is a verse of scripture that had no end of opportunities for the commentators. Isaiah 40.
Isaiah 40:1:
Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
Now he's telling that they’re to be comforted, right? All right.
Isaiah 40:2:
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, [for her appointed time is accomplished] that her iniquity [or sin] is [what?] pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her [what?] {sins.}
That's a toughie. Well, the first part he says comfort ye, comfort my people. Then he turns around and says, received of the Lord's hand double for all their what? {Sins.} I don't call that much comfort. If God's going to double it on you for all your sins, you've got something coming. Right?
Now, it's remarkable how they missed the comfort part and they so easily moved over to the doubling of the sin. Because they say [inaudible 00:41:28] had really tripped out there for God, just doubled his judgment on them for their sin. It didn't say judgment, it said comfort.
Now, there's no comfort if God's going to put it on you twice for every sin you've got. No comfort in that. Well, it's a beautiful… It's a beautiful Orientalism. It's one of the great in the Bible, and it fits with verse 14 of Colossians 2,
Colossians 2:14:
Blotting out the handwriting of [what?] {ordinances} that was [what?] against us, which was contrary to us,… [He, Jesus] took it out of the way, nailing it to his [what?] cross;
Okay. This is the double for all the sin. In the Old Testament, whenever a man was forced or declared bankruptcy, he had to appear before the elders of the gate. And the elders of the gate would make a listing of every person to whom he was indebted. And that is the handwriting of ordinances which was contrary to us. So he would take… Hey, that's a pinky. And he put these all down. They put the name across the top like this, Victor Paul Wierwille owes Maggie Muggins so much. Johnny Jumpup so much. [Henry Boloko 00:43:31, Jerry Broady. John 00:43:39]. Listed all of his indebtedness. And they would nail this. They nailed this on the gate of the city so that every person coming into the city would read it. Sort of stop the declaration of bankruptcy a little bit [inaudible 00:44:01]. In other words, they never declared it until they really were down and out because they knew they'd get their name on the gate.
So they’d nail it up here, and every person coming into the city would read it. Oh, my goodness. Victor Paul Wierwille is bankrupt? Just look at that. Maggie Muggins, the old [inaudible 00:44:20]. Johnny. Oh, and Jerry, and Townsend, his best friend, look at that.
That's the handwriting of ordinances, which is contrary to us.
Now, Isaiah said, comfort ye, comfort ye for God has doubled. He doubled. Here's the doubling. Here's all things contrary us, here’s the doubling. He doubled. That's Isaiah.
Boy. God doubled not their sins, but He doubled… The comfort was the doubling. God doubled their [sin 00:45:15], and He no longer saw their what? Sin. You can see through this stupid paper because it's not as good as the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a lot of other things that you can't see through them.
Then this the blotting out of handwriting, the blotting out. Here's the blotting out in the epistles. It's blotted out. No longer there. You can't… It's doubled. It's blotted out. Then they would take this and nail it back up on the wall and put Victor Paul Wierwille over there. And everybody that entered in the city would know that it had been fully paid for. Not 50 cents on the dollar, but 150 percent on the dollar at the prices we got today, or something. Kind of deflation or inflation or sublation or something.
Look, like Christ did – blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was what? {Against us.} Dead in trespasses and what? {Sin 00:46:26}Man, did we have them. Dead in trespasses and what? Right. He blotted out these things which were contrary to us. He took it out of the way. He doubled it and he nailed it to his what? {Cross.} Where are my sins then? Nailed to what? Where’s your sin? Nailed to what? Well, praise God and act like it.
We walk in newness of life. Man, what a tremendous thing this is. Some people are Christian for 30 years and condemned for 40. Now, how can you be condemned for sin if Christ took it to the cross and nailed it to his cross and you accept his forgiveness and walk like a son of God after that? Only Satan comes to your mind and he says, remember, 20 years ago you should have returned that baseball. He took it to his cross. He nailed it to his cross.
Boy, that reminds me of Isaiah, I think it's 53:6, flipping up into my IBM. Like,
Isaiah 53:6:
All we like sheep [all we like sheep] have [what?] gone astray;…
What's the matter with a sheep when it's astray? It’s lost. That's right.
Isaiah 53:6:
All we like sheep have gone astray;… [but] the LORD hath laid on him [Jesus Christ] the iniquity of us all.
Well, bless God, ha-ha. Let's say this represents Jesus Christ and this would represent my sin. Red. Where are my sins? On Jesus Christ. Oh, praise the Lord. That makes it possible for us to walk with that effervescence and that glow, holding forth the greatness of our redeemer, Christ, Jesus.
The handwriting which was contrary to us, he took out of the way and nailed to his what? {Cross.} Praise God for such a Savior. I wouldn't do it for you, but he did it for you and for me.
Boy, oh, boy. Verse 15.
Colossians 2:15:
And having spoiled [literally the text reads: And having put off from himself] principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them [what?] in it.
By what he did, by what God wrought in Christ when He raised him from the dead. The principalities and powers.
You know, in that Corinthian's section I taught to a closed corporation last night. In chapter 2, it says in verse 8 or 1 Corinthians 2:8,
1 Corinthians 2:8:
Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have [what?] crucified the Lord of [what?] {glory.}
Then, who literally inspired people to crucified the Lord Jesus Christ? Devil spirits. Devil and his outfit. And putting that together with this first here in Colossians,
Colossians 2:15:
And having… [put off from himself] principalities and powers, [they killed him] he [Jesus Christ] made a shew of them… [out in the open]…
Why? Because God raised him. And ladies and gentlemen, for 40 days, hundreds and hundreds of people saw the resurrected Jesus Christ. They saw him. More than 500 at one time were with him. He made a show of them openly. He triumphed over them in it because of the resurrection. And because of all of this,
Colossians 2:16:
Let no man [verse 16] therefore judge you in meat, [in your eating customs or habits] or in [your] drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of [what?] the sabbath…
So don't come along here and tell me I got to keep Saturday because that's the Sabbath. Don't come along here and tell me I've got to keep Sunday, because that's the Sunday. Being born again of God's spirit, I'm a son of God every day. And I walk for the Lord Jesus Christ with all of the power of God within me, on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, did I say Sunday? Will do it again, every day. The Christian is not a Christian one day a week for 15 minutes, or for an hour, 11:00 to 12:00. A Christian is one who is a Christian all week long.
It's either God’s Word or it isn’t, one of the two. And if it's God’s Word and you say you're a Christian, come back to God’s Word and walk on that Word. Because when life is over with, you don't appear before the head elder or the head deacon or the mayor of the city of Wichita, or the governor of the great State of Kansas. You don't appear before V.P. Wierwille to give an account of yourself. My Bible says you appear before God who created the heavens and the earth. But they've talked us out of that and said, well, Jesus Christ’s not coming back anyway. Oh, Lordy.
Why, people, when they talk like that, why don't you just get to be stoic? You know, if that's what [the attitude had 00:53:40], I’d just be a stoic. I’d commit [inaudible 00:53:43], whatever that is. That's right. I'd get me a knife that was sharp and do it. Because what is… Why am I here? What's the purpose of my existence? Who am I? If this is just that bunch of baloney? Boy, there's got to be more to it than that. Why, a kernel of corn has more to it than that. A grain of wheat – and you people in Kansas ought to understand that kind of talk – has more to it than that other stuff. Right?
I want to tell you, you're here for a purpose. You've got a life. You've got a beautiful trip to do, holding forth the greatness of the power of God in your life with the answers from His Word. That's why you're here, to glorify God, the Word says.
Most people act like they're here to make money because they're going to stay here forever. Or the things money can buy. So we're talking in our meeting today because people… And I think Life magazine took a crack at me because I wear cuff links that have sort of Holy Spirit dove on it. Well, they're paid for. I know a lot of people driving Cadillacs that aren't paid for. A lot of other stuff that's not paid for. But we were talking today about the more abundant life that The Way ministry keeps talking about; Jesus Christ came that we might have what? Life, more than what? {Abundantly.} Right.
Now, I believe that most people, when the first trip they go through the foundational class because they're thinking in their head, if I had a car load of money, I'd be happy. They read into what I teach and they say, he means by the more abundant life; three automobiles, one of which is a Cadillac, another Rolls Royce, and just for the community sake, a Pinto. That's a horse you ride. I [inaudible 00:56:09].
Look, if I have food, clothing, shelter and health, I've got lots to be thankful. John D. Rockefeller said, the last 20 years of his life, he'd give all of his wealth if he could eat one square meal. Because, for 20 years, he lived with constant pain because of bleeding ulcers and all that thing eating out inside, and he couldn't eat a square meal. And he had enough money. I suppose they could have bought the State of Ohio, let alone maybe thought about Kansas, I don't know. That would have been if [inaudible 00:57:01] hadn't been here. Whatever it is. Look, the man said he'd give all of his wealth if he could eat one square meal. Man, what an abundant life we already have if we have food, clothing, shelter and what? Amen. And when I got eternal life, oh my.
See, this is why all these other things… You know what money is good for is just use it. Anybody leaves it to the kids makes a big mistake. Use it. Because you can't transport it up there. You've got enough trouble getting through with the way you're going. And I'm sure nobody's going to deliver it to you up there. Nobody in shape to take it. That’s why I always get tickled where people say they're going to take an offering for the Lord. Every time I hear that, you know. These are my nasty thoughts. Whenever I hear that I always think, what delivery boy are they going to get to deliver it up there? They're going to take it for the Lord, somebody's got to take it up there. And I know Brink’s can't make it. I'm sure they’d lose it on their backs before they got halfway. Shoot.
The Word says… Not that stuff [inaudible 00:58:40] because it was up there, thieves would want to break through and steal it. Oh, people. The more abundant life. Just think for a moment if you really know who you are, where your head is, what you're here for, and that you have Christ in you the hope of glory. That you belong to the family of faith. That you're already seated in the heavenlies, complete in him. Boy, that's what I call a life that's more than abundant.
Shoot. Things like these cuff links, they're just good to wear. That's all they're good for. That's all you can do with clothes, is just wear the stupid stuff. If you're in one country they wear a little more, in another country they wear a little less. First time I stepped off of a plane in South America, I got two eyeballs full and I wondered where I was. Totally naked women from here down… here up. Well, don't you laugh. The last time [inaudible 00:58:40] were totally naked all the way through. They had them on the poster.
You're beautiful. I love you. Well, that's what it’s talking about. People, I just can't make this Word living and real enough for you. It's here. It's here in all of its greatness and all of its essence. It's just tremendous.
See, in their religious rituals of spirit. And they go right through the ritual. They salaam at the right time and all that stuff.
Colossians 2:18:
… intruding into those things which he hath [now the next word is what?] not…
And the word ‘not’ must be scratched. [inaudible 01:00:38]. Because in the oldest critical text, it's not in there and it's not in any Aramaic. Then read it. Then read it. Boy, that puts an entirely new slant on it.
Colossians 2:18:
… intruding into those things which he hath… seen,…
He hath seen. We have seen levitation. We have seen ectoplasm forms. We have seen Ouija boards, pendants move, give answers.
Colossians 2:18:
… intruding into those things which… [they have what?] seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, [or in the mind of his flesh]
Having seen a pendant move to give an answer. Having seen a Ouija board operated, giving answers. Having been to a palmist who told it like it was, and hit it right on the nose. Having been to a séance where you have seen an ectoplasm form. Or having been into a meeting where you’ve seen levitation, a spirit power. You want to talk them out of it, you've got a job. Because they'll say to you, well, I've seen it, you ain't going to change my mind.
When I first wrote the book on ‘Are the dead alive now?’, which by the way, has been out of print. Devin-Adair is supposed to have had it a month ago or a month and a half. Devin-Adair indicated over here pretty soon. We haven't got it yet, but one of these days we're going to have it. But people wrote to me from all over the country, and when this new one comes out we'll get the same trip. Because basically the church Protestantism teaches nothing but spiritualism. And spiritualists teach that when you die you're not dead, you just cross the bar. I don't know if that's [Tennyson's 01:03:11] or if it’s down at the corner saloon, but… [River sticks 01:03:17] or something. They say you go to heaven and there you're forever with the Lord.
Well, if you're already up there, then the spiritualist can reproduce, and that's what the spiritualists teach, that everybody is up there including Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, everybody else is up there. Only there are different levels. Depends on whether you're studying [inaudible 01:03:39] or the former Dr. Ryan from Duke University or hundreds of other spiritualists of the past century. The Word teaches that, when you die you're dead, until Christ returns and then everybody is going to get up, whether they like it or whether they don't have.
Once people have seen this… Years ago, there's a very famous clergyman in the United States, one of the great churches in our country in New York City. He and I were fairly good friends. And I would rap on the Word with him and holding it forth more and more. And he was in a meeting in one of our southern states preaching in that service. And he and the fellow minister had walked up into the pulpit area, the choir came in and he saw his father, who had been dead for quite a number of years, walking in that choir. And you try to convince him that the dead are dead until Christ returns, you can't do it because I tried it. And I know this Word from Genesis to Revelation on that field. He said, “Look, Wierwille, you can show me the whole Bible I still don't believe it, because I saw it with my own eyes.”
[inaudible 01:05:22] back off of me. Just because you see something with your eyeballs, does that mean it's genuine? Not necessarily. It could be, but on the other hand it could be what? If you want to know whether it's genuine or counterfeit, you go to the book, the Word. And the Word, we are what the Word says we are. We can know God's will only as we know God’s Word, right? And we have to say what the Word says.
But because Christians haven't seen anything in manifestation in almost 150 years, they're anxious for anything in manifestation. And the devil spirits know that, and they're producing them by the barrelful across our country. Why, I can take you to any spiritualist meeting and show you manifestation. But I can take you to a lot of other Christian meetings and you'll never even hear speaking in tongues, let alone interpretation or prophecy. You'll never see anybody healed, because they don't believe in it. The spiritualists are producing, and that's why people are running by the thousands over there. They've got something in evidence. WOW is right. That means Word Over the World.
Now, look why this happens in verse 19.
Colossians 2:19:
… not holding the [what? The] Head,…
Who is the head? Christ is the head of the body of the church context. Not holding fast. One of the text has the word fast in it. Not holding fast to whom? The head. Because they got influenced with man's wisdom, philosophy and stuff, they didn't hold fast to the head.
Colossians 2:19:
… from which all the body by joints and bands [or bonds. B-o-n-d. It’s bonded together] having nourishment ministered, and knit [what?] together, [it’s knit together. It] increaseth with the increase of God.
Those last three words, ‘increase of God’, is God's liberal supply. Increases with God's liberal supply. That's beautiful.
Colossians 2:20:
Wherefore if ye be dead [or if ye die] with [whom?] Christ from the rudiments [the outward ordinances] of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to [what?] ordinances,
Died with Christ from the outward ordinances. Did you ever read Romans 10:4? Look at it. Romans chapter 10, verse 4.
Romans 10:4:
For Christ is the end of [what?] the law for righteousness to every one… [who does what?] {believeth.}
Then Christ is the end of what? {The law.} If he’s the end of the law, he's what? Then if he's the end of the law, then I am no longer under it because Christ is what? That's what he's talking about. Outward ordinances. Christ is the end of it. Why, as though living in the world, are you subject? And that word ‘subject’ is really interesting because the root word is dogmatized. Why do you let them dog you? Now we have [inaudible 01:09:32] dogmatics in theology, so they dog you. Dogmatize is the word.
Why are you dogmatized by these people to be under ordinances if Christ is the end of the law? They'll say to you,
Colossians 2:21:
(Touch not; taste not; handle not;
Don't you wear your hair long. Somebody else will say, don't you wear it short. And then you get mad at people who don't have any hair, so you can't win. Just live Christ's way and forget about it.
Colossians 2:22:
Which all [all of those things, outward ordinances and so forth] are to perish [are to corrupt. That’s what the word ‘perish’ means, corrupt] with the [what?] using;) [because all of those things are] after the commandments and [the] doctrines of [what?] {men?}
If you’ll take the time and look at Matthew 15, where I'm going, there are three great verses of scripture in here. You see, they accused, in verse 2, the disciples.
Matthew 15:2:
Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.
The elders of Judaism accused the disciples of Jesus of transgressing the commandments of the elders, the tradition of the elders, in verse 2.
Then Jesus says in verse three,
Matthew 15:3:
… Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your [what?] {tradition?}
That’s pretty straight shooting, see. Then he says in verse 6,
Matthew 15:6:
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your [what?] {tradition.}
And then he says,
Matthew 15:7:
Ye hypocrites,…
And in verse 9 it says,
Matthew 15:9:
… in vain they do [what?] {worship}…
Were they worshiping? Definitely. Did it look kosher? Definitely. They folded their hands at the right time, they counted their beads, they prayed at the right, they did everything just right, but the Lord says it’s in vain. .
Matthew 15:9:
… in vain they do worship me, [now he tells it like it is] teaching for doctrines [for right believing] the commandments of [what?] {men.}
Right. Back to Colossians chapter 2.
Colossians 2:22-23:
… after the commandments and doctrines of [what?] men?
Which things have indeed a shew [or a reputation] of wisdom [what kind of wisdom? Wordly wisdom?] in will worship, [you see, in that religious rituals] and [in] humility,…
I forgot to explain that these people are always mushy with love. They're always slobbering over you with love. You know, the spirit trick, if you want to be among real people, loving people, try that side. They never say anything to offend you. Even if you'd be going straight to hell, they'd patch on the back and say, “Oh, you're a wonderful person. Sure. And if you want to take another trip, go ahead. We love you.” They never cross you, to begin with, until they got you hooked.
And when they once got you hooked, you have never seen any persecution. Until that time, they is as smooth as operators, because they one of the counterfeits that we've seen in so-called Christianity is that we are to be all love [inaudible 01:13:41]. And never let anybody walk away without you just loving them, no matter what they do. Because, after all, I'm my brother's keeper and my mother's keeper and grandpas. I call it mother love.
My Savior Jesus Christ was love, and I read a little while ago from Matthew 15, he says, you old hypocrite. That must’ve been love. Oh, man. Try this in the pulpit sometime and they'll give you your hat to take a walk.
While Jesus Christ told it like it was. You know, it's like the fellow wants to tell you something that really isn't there. He’s the most loving. He's sly. He wouldn't cross you. That's this fake humility. That's the fake humility. It's that humility that they call, you know, be real humble. “Every morning I turn toward the east and pray. [inaudible 01:14:55], Lord. I do it just right. Everything.” Why? False what? Humility.
Boy, people, I don't know if you've ever seen this chapter set so sharply. I doubt it. Because it's not written in any commentary, I guarantee you. Even the Revised Standard doesn't have it right.
And look what else it says.
Colossians 2:23:
… and neglecting of the [what?] {body;}
‘Not sparing the body’ is the text. Neglecting is not sparing. They even whip themselves sometimes. Right. And, oh, how much better I will be spiritually if I fast three weeks. Twenty one. And if somebody can make it 27, he's so much better because he’s putting his body under, you know. Well, shucks, [Digger O’Dell 01:16:19] will help you do that if you really mean it. He’ll put you six feet under. It may cost you a hundred bucks for the hole. Maybe a thousand or two to lay in that pretty thing that you can't see, but…
That verse is just fabulous, people. Not sparing the body, because, boy, it shows that I'm a real believer because, man, I'm stripping myself, you know, and I'm just bleeding my eyeballs out, and I just whip myself into line. My physical.
I have a picture in my office of the meeting in Africa of all the great spiritualist devil spirits, and how they do their thing. You may have in your office too. It was one of the national periodicals a number of years ago. I cut it out. Where this fellow, because of his great spiritual ability, has large fishhooks hooked through all the back of his back, and whoever has the biggest devil spirit is the one who becomes top chief. And the picture shows him with these fish hooks hooked all through his body. The front of his body has been lacerated by whips, but he's got that… And he's pulling a heavy load, you know, like you put on a horse pulling contest or something. Packed up. And he's pulling that like this. That’s sort of not sparing the body.
They build a fire of white hot coals, and the one who has no burns on his feet when he goes through has the greatest spiritual power, not sparing the body.
Then the last part of that verse,
Colossians 2:23:
… not in any honour [value. The word ‘honor’ is value. Not in any value] to the satisfying of the flesh.
All of these things that you do are not really satisfying to the individual that’s you. All it does, it makes you less. And the word ‘satisfying’ will really bless your soul when I tell you what it is and the Greek text. The word is, [inaudible 01:19:14 ], from which comes our English word, plasma. What does plasma mean? Where do you get it from? Blood. How do you like that one?
Not in any value to the blood, to the satisfying. Can’t make it live any bigger. It's got to either hit or it doesn't hit you. And if it doesn’t hit you, go for a walk. But, you see, it's not to the satisfying. It isn't like the blood of Jesus Christ totally satisfies. Christ’s the end under the law. But anything that man does in his fleshly self will never what? Satisfy. Not in any value do it satisfying the flesh.
If ye… If. Here we go to the tail end of this great chapter.
Colossians 3:1-3:
If ye then be risen with Christ, [We're already what? Seated in the heavenlies. When he arose, we did what? All right. If ye then be risen with Christ] seek those things which are [where?] {above,} where Christ sitteth on the right hand of [whom?] {God.}
Set your affection on things [where?] above, not on things [where?] {on the earth.}
For ye are [what?] dead,… [well, if we’re dead, we’re dead. Dead with whom? That’s right] your life is hid with Christ in [what?] {God.}
Your life is hid with Christ in God. Then that great fourth verse.
Colossians 3:4:
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Isn't that fantastic? All the way through in this tremendous chapter, until it finally ends up to show you that what you and I have; Christ in you the hope of glory, complete in him, don't get tripped out by this sense knowledge world wisdom philosophically speaking, or in the spiritualist field, the ritualistic ordinances of spirit worship. Just stay faithful to God and His Word and walk like a son of God should. Because it's already been assured that when he comes, we're going to be with him.
And then,
1 Corinthians 13:12-13:
… now we see… [as in] a glass, [what?] {darkly;} but then [what?] {face to face:} now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am [what?] {known.}
And now abideth faith, hope,… [love], these three; [in the church] but the greatest of these [in the church among the body of believers] is… [the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation.]
[end: 01:22:19]