SNT-0503- Faithful Word (Cummins)

Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 05-16-1971
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-503-FaithfulWord(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: God, Jeremiah, baptized, Pentecost, lord, Paul, rejoice, speak, signs, world, command, fountain, living waters, teach, stand
Take your Bibles and turn to the book of Jeremiah chapter two. Jeremiah was a bullfrog. I know, Jeremiah was also a prophet, Jeremiah chapter two. That's in the New Testament, right? Jeremiah, chapter two, one of the foundational verses of the foundational class are contained in Jeremiah. And so real honest verse, and it's very close to our day and time, how our people are throughout the world, not just here in the United States, but wherever they are. I'm talking about people in general, their attitude towards God towards this word, the misuse of it, and so on. But it's very apropos to our day in time. And in Jeremiah, chapter two, verse 13, we find this tremendous verse, God says, For My People, whose people, my people, God's people, not some nincompoop out in left field, who doesn't know a thing about God or care about him? It's not just anybody, not somebody that's tripped out or never heard about God or could care less. But God says, my people, my own people, my people have committed two evils. They've committed two evils. First of all, they have forsaken me, God, the fountain of living what waters the fountain of living waters, they forsaken God who is a fountain of living waters. Now you know, what a fountain is? A fountain is a spring something that comes up of its own. It's not a thing you have to pump, you know, like the oh, well out here used to have to turn the button I guess. For the buttons came along, you had to pump them. Right. But God said, My people have committed to you first of all, they forsaken me the fountain of living waters. A fountain is something that bubbles that effervescence on its own. It's something that is just there just happens you don't have to pump it up out of the ground. And that's what God's comparing himself to a fountain of living waters. First of all, he says they forsaken me, the fountain of living waters.
And secondly, they have hewed them out sisters. They view them out sisters. Now what's a sister? A cisterns? A hole in the ground where you store water right? And to get the water out of that sister, and what have you got to do?
You've got a pump. And if there isn't too much water in it, you got to pump a while to get it out. These are cisterns you have to pump the water out to get them out. First of all, they first took God the fountain of living waters, and then they hewed out their own sisters. But there's something about the sisters, what does it say? They're broken systems, broken cisterns that can do a hold no why? They're broken systems that can hold no one. First of all, they forsook God, the fountain of living waters, the Lord's calling, I guess. First of all, they forsook God, the fountain of living waters. Having forsaken God, the fountain of living waters, they committed a second evil, they hewed out their own systems, something that has to be pumped, or at least dip a bucket down in it to get it out of and these were broken systems that could hold no water. And this is what man does. That's why I say it's very apropos to our day and time. Whenever man forsakes God, the fountain of living waters, he use out his own sister, he helped us out his own system. Or his own theology, his own ideology, his own philosophy, man use out his own thing. He does his own thing instead of God's thing. Once he forsakes, the fountain of living waters, then God use out his own system. That's why we have so many systems in the world today. All the philosophers, the theologians, and for every theologian you've got, you've got a new philosophy because they bring you know Kant's philosophy or Aristotle's philosophy. They bring these together and out of these two, or maybe they gather three or four Half a dozen others. And what do they do with them? They develop their own. So now you've got another philosophy, another theory, how things came into being and so they develop their own system. And these are broken systems which can hold no water. But there's only one true fountain. And that's God. God is the fountain of living waters. If you forsake God the fountain you want somebody once you first say God, the fountain of living waters, then what do you do? You begin to develop, to develop your own system, what you think it's like in Sunday school class, I remember we used to go to Sunday school. And you know, the Sunday School teacher would read the verse of scripture, then he would say, now, what do you think? Well, Johnny tells me what he thinks. Then we go to Mary. Well, what do you think Mary? Mary says, I don't quite agree with Gianni. I think it means okay, there's his or her sister. And then they come to me for water. What do you think? Well, I don't quite agree with either one of now we've got three denominations. Right? Sure. We've developed three different philosophies, three different theologies in the same Sunday school class. God says My people have forsaken me the fountain of living water and hewed them out systems that are broken cisterns that can hold no water. Their ideologies are theologies, philosophies, things that can hold no water. They just can't hold anything. When it comes to putting them right on the line. The only thing that will stand the test of time is God's Word. Now the man who was to tell this to Israel was Jeremiah, and Israel had really tripped out Israel had been, I don't know if they did drugs or what. But they chair moved away from God, and they had forsaken God the fountain of living waters, and they'd hewed out their own ideologies. First of all, they forsook God. Then it says, we if we read on here, we'd find out they started worshipping other things Jeremiah had to tell him about let's look at chapter one, verse three.
Jeremiah chapter one, verse three, and it came to pass also in the Jay the days of Jehovah Kim, the sons of Josiah king of Judah, onto the end of the 11th, year of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah king of Judah, onto the carrying away of Jerusalem, captive in the fifth month. Now this is when Jerusalem was taken captive, you know, into Babylon. And about the fifth month after their captivity is when this account begins, verse four, then came the word of man unto me saying, then came the word of the Lord. That's right, the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah saying, Before I formed the in the belly, I knew the and before that came his fourth out of the womb, I sanctified the and I ordained the Prophet under the under the nations. Before Jeremiah was born, God knew by His foreknowledge, old Jeremiah would believe in this time when nobody else basically believed. And he knew Jeremiah would stand on His Word If God just told him. God said, I knew it verse six, then said, I, ha, Lord God, behold, old I cannot speak. Nah, me, Lord. No, no business. Foreign butter. What? A child. Not me, Lord. I can't know. Get somebody else. Shoot it. I couldn't speak to those Israelite birds. I couldn't stand up and proclaim your work. No, not me. Word of God tell versa. But the Lord said unto me, say not I am a what? Right? Don't say you're a child. Look, Jeremiah For Thou shall go to all that I shall send thee. And whatsoever I command thee, thou shalt do up. Speak, whatsoever whatsoever I shall command thee, thou shalt speak. Jeremiah says, No, nope, not me, Lord. God, just don't say you're a child. Shoot. But I'm going to send you and whatsoever I command you, that show you speak. God just didn't stop there. He said in verse eight. But while you're at it, you better crawl, and high. Because if you don't, they're going to put the screws to you. No, he says, What? Be not afraid. Don't be afraid. Fear not. How many times is God said this to his people? Remember Mary? The angel came, Fear not. How many times has God said this to his people? That's the first thing he says, you hear you hear it in? In a word of prophecy, tongues with interpretation many times, Fear not. See, God doesn't want you to be afraid. God wants you to be bold to take a stand. Shoot, if you're a son of God, and you walk around, you know, hiding all the time. What kind of a witnesses that? How can you be? You say you're God's son, and you want to hide? You know, it's like the guy that takes the Bible to Sunday school, you know, he's got to have it small enough so he can put it in his pocket. Because if somebody saw him carrying a Bible, they might snicker. says, Be not afraid of their faces. For I am with the to do what? To deliver the set the Lord. Think of the encouragement This must have given to Isaiah, first of all, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of their faces. Some of them might have had some pretty frightening faces too. Well, I'll speak for myself.
For I am, first of all, I said, don't be afraid because, you know, he was comforting him. And then he encouraged him for I am with the to deliver the because God's going to deliver Jeremiah. Well, if Jeremiah heard God say this, that he's going to deliver him, do you think anything could have touched Jeremiah? Not with a 10 foot pole or 100 foot pole? Nope, knew nobody could have touched Jeremiah, once he had the word of the Lord, because God's word means what it says. And it says what it means. And once God says it that does it. You can count on it's going to happen. For I am with thee to deliver thee. Then the Lord put forth his hand and touch my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. Could you imagine that? God's words in your mouth? Think about it. God's words in your mouth. Can you have God's words in your mouth? You bet your life you can. We heard it tonight in the mouths of people here. When they spoke in tongues and interpreted you think that was something they made up ahead of time? Talk to him afterwards find out No, or a word of prophecy? Yeah. And God told Jeremiah. Now this was back in the Old Testament. God told Jeremiah that he touched his mouth and he says that I have put my words in your mouth. I put my words in your mouth. Think again of the strength this must have given Jeremiah. Jeremiah says no, not me. I'm a child. God just turns Ron says don't be afraid of their faces. First of all, don't call yourself a child. And don't be afraid of their faces from with the to deliver the and he touched his mouth and says I've put my words in your mouth. was Jeremiah and he had to give these words like, My people have committed to evils they forsaken me the fountain of living waters. And they viewed out their own cisterns broken systems that can hold no water. Jeremiah had to go out there and tell Israel, well get back on the ball, what's the matter with you? Look, why do you want to forsake the fountain of living waters and put your trust in something else? Little later on God tells him if you want to put your trust in something else. Wonderful, go ahead and do it. But now when you're in trouble, ask for that thing that you put your trust in to help you. chapter two verse 28. But where are the gods, that thou hast made thee, let them arise if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble? God's real honest, he just, well, you want to put your trust in other gods? Well, let them save you. For according the number of dice cities are thy gods, oh, Judah, God, just being real honest with them. Let's look at Matthew chapter 28. Matthew chapter 28, between the day of the ascension when Jesus Christ is not between the day of the resurrection when Jesus Christ was resurrected, and the day of Pentecost. Now there's 50 days in between there. And during this time, Jesus was speaking to the apostles and some other disciples,
teaching them, instructing them and so on. And in chapter 28, verse 18, Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me, in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, all nations, does that leave out any? No, teach all the nations teach all the nations cover the whole game, the whole world, teach all nations, baptizing them. In my name, is the text. This I can document from Eusebius, an early church historian who quoted from earlier texts and manuscripts. And of course, Dr. Will documents this in the Holy Spirit book. But the command was to teach all nations and baptize them in my name, in the name of Jesus Christ, to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. First of all, it couldn't have been in the original texts, because the apostles never carried out that command if that was a command. But they did carry out the command which you subby. It's really resub Yes, relates to baptize in mining. Show you keep your finger here. We'll be back. Baptizing them in my name. Look at Acts chapter 2x 238.
This was on the day of Pentecost, which, incidentally, is coming up in a couple of weeks, isn't it? Pentecost, and the apostles were filled. And all the people from roundabout came around, they heard them speaking in tongues on the day of Pentecost, they said, Whoa, matter here, some of you guys drunk. So does that Peter stands up says these are not drunk with new wine singers, but the third hour of the day. And then he begins this wonderful sermon on the day of Pentecost, and at the close of this tremendous servant in verse 38. Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized, every one of you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the name of what? In the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall Lombardo to receive into manifestation. The gift of money Maha the Holy Spirit, the gift of Holy Spirit. Those are Greek words I'm throwing at you. For your new people who are here for the first time, you'll get used to some of the things that go on. Like, we don't always keep our code on. We turn the air conditioning down so low that they all freeze and I get more. But you get used to some of our things after a little while. But we still enjoy the word we get hot on the word.
Where are we? Verse 38. Oh, yeah, Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall lumbar. No Lombardo is to receive into manifestation to receive objectively, the Paluma the gift of Paluma hoggy on which is Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit. Ghost is an old English word i Whenever I see the word ghost, I think, you know, one of those things that you meet in the back alley simply for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call does that include us, you bet your life but baptize in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin. Look at chapter eight.
Verse 16, for us yet, chapter eight, verse 16. For as yet he talked about the Holy Spirit was fallen upon none of them, only they were baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. No, sorry. No, I'm not sorry. I swear to God, there were baptized in the name of who? The Lord Jesus. That's right. Look at chapter 10.
verse chapter 10, verse 48. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Oh, that's right, the name of the Lord.
Look at chapter 19. Chapter 19, verse five. When they heard this, they were baptized in whose name, the name of the Lord Jesus, whose name the name of the Lord Jesus. That's right. They were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Now there's 14 back, Matthew. Now there's four times that you've seen, they baptize the name of the Lord Jesus. And there's not one record in the book of Acts where they baptize the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Book goes, Excuse me. There's not one record in the book of Acts where they baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. If you can find one place, and the rest of the New Testament, I'll eat it. Salt, you know, I'll take the salt every week the book, because there's not one record where they ever carried out that command. And it was through air that had already crept in the early church that this was added in the manuscripts. But it was never in the originals. They baptized. As Jesus says, baptize them in mining. Now, if you want to accept the King James, like the lady, you know, that said, if it's good enough for the Apostle Paul is good enough for me, you know, the King James and talking about the score is four to one, baseball wise. And when the score is four to one, the guy that's got the one wins. But this is the record in God's word, and it was not in the originals. Jesus Christ told them to baptize in my name. And on the Day of Pentecost, we read it, they baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Three other times in the book of Acts who read it, they baptize in whose name the name of Jesus Christ in His name. Now, I know what somebody is gonna say, Well, what about the record where it says they were baptized with the Holy Spirit? Ah, what does it say? They were baptized with Holy Spirit, not in the name of Holy Spirit, right. It's real simple. And you know, God's word is always this simple. There's no contradiction. It always fits like a hand in the glove. God's word, all you have to do is read what's written. The only place you get in troubles in your mind. Your old theologies, your old arguments, when you want those things to stand, they won't. But God's word will always stay in. It always fits. There's no contradiction. You want to leave this in here is the way it was in the King James, then you've got a contradiction. Now, how do you handle a contradiction? But in God's word, in the original God breathed word, there were no contradictions couldn't be otherwise it wouldn't be God's word, because God is perfect. Therefore, his word must be well, perfect. Translations may be in there, but not God's original word. Does it fit just so beautifully? Right? Baptize them in mining. Which is exactly what they did. After the day of clinical teaching them verse 20, Matthew 2820. Teaching them to observe all things, all things, period. No, all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Remember, Jeremiah? God said, you know, I knew you'd stand before you were born. Jeremias haha, not me, Lord. I'm a child. God says, Don't say your child. Because what saw ever I commend the that shout out what speed? Here it was Jesus Christ instructing the apostles before the day of Pentecost as to what was going to happen on the day of Pentecost. And thereafter, he tells them to go forth baptizing in my name, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you to teach them whatsoever I have commanded the Jeremiah had the word. The original 12 had the word dude and God told them you teach them to speak whatsoever I commanded. And lo I am with you always. Please, for a couple weeks, know even unto the end of the world or unto the end of the age. Look At Titus chapter one. fusions Philippians Colossians First Second Timothy, are First Second Thessalonians First Timothy and Titus. Titus chapter one. Titus was a man of God with a ministry. And Paul wrote into Titus and chapter one, verse four. to Titus, my own son after the common faith, Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. For this cause left ID and creed that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting, and to ordain elders in every city as I appointed the head appointed the if any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop, a bishop is simply an elder ahead elder must be blameless, as the steward of God. Not self will not soon angry, not given to why no striker not given to filthy lucre, butter, but a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just wholly temperate.
And then that tremendous, verse nine. If a man's going to really track with that word, he must hold fence holding fast, the faithful word. The word God's word is not just something that's blown about, but it's a faithful word. It's something that'll stand, something that will take the pressure, something that'll stand through all times. It's a faithful word. And he says, As a faithful word, you hold it fast, holding fast that Faithful Word, as he has been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the game series, holding fast that what faith Word holding fast that Faithful Word. If you don't hold it fast if you you know, touch it one day, next day you sort of trip out in left field. You have nothing to hold on to. But that word of God is like a rock. And you hold on to that thing, you hold fast, that faithful, holding fast the faithful word, and there's nothing else, as faithful as that word. You can put your trust in man. You never know. They might be holding on to that rock, maybe they're not. But one thing is for sure that word of God you can hold on to, and holding fast holding fast, that faithful or just holding facts.
That Faithful Word, stay put, retain it as a faithful word. Look at Philippians Philippians, chapter two God commanded the apostles, and the apostles, in turn taught other people.
And again, it's just as real. It's as real in our day and time as it was in the apostles as it wasn't the day of Jeremiah. The world. For the for the most part, just doesn't care about God, they just don't give a hoot and whatever. But they just trip out on their own. They forsaken God, the fountain of living waters, and they who out their own systems, their own ideas, their own theology. And these are broken cisterns, which can hold no water. But God says, like to Jeremiah says, You speak whatever I command thee. And he told it to the apostles before the day of Pentecost says when that's on the day of Pentecost, thereafter, when you start walking, he says, you track my words. But he says, You stay put, and it's a faithful word and you teach other people whatsoever to observe whatsoever I've commanded the You stay put on that word, and you tell other people stay put on that word. That word is a faithful word which live within abideth forever. It's a word that will stay in, and it's the only thing that will stand. There's nothing else you can put your trust in mental state. Well, praise God. I think we had a few Methodists in here we'd hear a man Philippians chapter two verse 14. Do all things without murmurings and disputing that she may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Look at that, right down the line isn't talking to our day in time, a crooked and perverse world. But he says in this crooked and perverse world, you shine as what? Lights That's right. Me. Big light, you know, beacon, not just a little candle, you know, but a beacon you shine as lights in this world. Verse 16, holding for remember, we read a little while holding fast to Faithful Word. Yes, as a faithful word, you hold it fast, you stay but because that's the only thing you can hold fast to. But now it says here in verse 16, holding for holding for the word of what is the word of life, looking at the word of life, because the word gives life holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in thing. You hold forth the word because it's a word of life.
You hold it fast, because it's a faithful word. Hold it fast. You just stay put on that word.
And because there's a few people in the world who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, you do what? Hold it, for sure you hold forth that word of life, because it will give life to them.
holding forth the word of life, that I may Rejoice, rejoice. Look at that rejoice in the day of Christ, that I may not run in vain, neither labored in vain. Yay. If I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and do what? Rejoice. Maybe some of you know my wife's name is Joyce, you know, you can't rejoice until you have choice the first time
I tell that everyone smile. I'll just show you that I came about the clay like everybody else. Okay. All right. He says I joy. And then I do what? Rejoice. Now you can't rejoice until you joy. Until you joy. You have joy. Have you got joy? If you've got the word, you've got joy. You've got joy, then what happens? You keep having joy. So you rejoice. Praise the Lord. It just is a heavenly trap. I'll tell you, it gets better every day. Man, it's better than anything. You could take dope, why? Speed, you know, uppers, downers, in between middlewares I don't care. But it just is just a great truck. And it just keeps getting better and better and better. Because it's God's word. That's a word of life. And we just hold it for, and it gives other people life and you know, just how can you explain it? You just have to experience the stuff. But you just joy and then you rejoice, you Rejoice, rejoice, you rejoice. Paul says, I do joy, and I rejoice with you all. And that proves he was a Southerner you owe. Verse 18. For the same cause, also do ye joy, and rejoice with me? Say they're beautiful. But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send to Macias Timothy shortly on to you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. For I have no man like minded like minded somebody who has a mind that's the same as Paul's are tracking together, who will naturally care for your state. For all seek their own. Word like minded is literally in the Greek equal sold. So you l Ed, Soul having souls that are equal on the same plane? Was it I saw, I saw Suquet something like that equal souls having souls that are equal. Not just your mind, but having your whole being your whole soul together on the same plane, so to speak, not soulmates. I have no man who has an equal soul or who had who is up in the same plane with me. So who will naturally care for your say, for all seek their own not the things which are Jesus Christ, but you know the proof of him, Timothy, that as a son with the Father, He has served with me in the Gospel. him therefore I hope to send presently, so soon as I shall see how it will go with me. But I trust in the Lord who who does he trust in the Lord? That I all that I also myself shall come shortly, yet I suppose it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother, and companion in labor, and a fellow soldier, right? It's a fight. Where fellow soldier but your messenger and he that ministered to my once does that prefer Titus was quite a fella walked with Paul ministered to what Paul needed and what he wanted and so on. Look at verse 26, for he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because he had heard that he had been set. For indeed he was sick nigh unto death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. I sent him therefore the more carefully that when you see him again you may do what? Rejoice, that I may be the less sorrowful, receiving therefore in the Lord with all gladness and hold such in reputation, because the Philippians had been kinda like Israel for a period of time there they had tripped out they were digging out their own cisterns that could hold no water. And so Epaphroditus comes along to help him out. And it really put the pressure on Epaphroditus. Nevertheless, he worked with him, he covered for them, he did a lot of things for him.
Look at verse 30. Because for the work of Christ, he was nigh on to death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service for Epaphroditus love those people, any work to supply supply, their lack of service for Paul. Look at the next verse, verse, one of chapter three. Finally, my brethren do. Rejoice. That's right. Rejoice Rejoice in man, in what man mates, the man's theology, in man's ideas in the world, in this building? How about the altar? The flowers on the altar? The candles? No. rejoice in what? The Lord Rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous. But for you, it is safe. Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers. Beware the concision. For we are the circumcision, who are caught in the flesh. Know who worship God, how? In the spirit, to worship God in the Spirit. And it says in Corinthians and so on to worship God in the Spirit is to worship power, by speaking in tongues, to worship God in the Spirit. For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, we rejoice in who? That's right, not man, not what man does, or anything else. But we rejoice in Christ Jesus. And have confidence in the flesh part of the time. No, having no confidence in the flesh, having no confidence in the flesh. Don't have any trust in the things that you can feel. You can touch you can see you can smell, and taste and so on, having no confidence in the flesh, but we rejoice in Christ Jesus. rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the confidence in the flesh. Because the flesh, things of this world, their temporal, they may come, they may go, you may be able to trust them for a while, but not completely. The only thing you can fully put your trust in is God's word.
And that word live within abideth forever. Look at Mark The Gospel of Mark. Gospel of Mark chapter 16. Let's start about verse nine. Mark nine or 16 Nine. Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, what day is this?
Okay, he appeared first Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils. After Jesus had risen. He appeared first Mary Magdalene. And she went verse 10, and told them that had been with him as they mourn and wept. And they, when they heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, they believe they believe not kind of like people would be today, I suppose. First of all, after that he appeared In another forum on to two of them as they walk in, went into the country. And they went and told it under the residue, neither believe they them. They didn't believe them either. didn't believe Mary didn't believe these other two. So verse 14, afterward he appeared under the 11th, as they sat at meat, and upgraded them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believe not them which had seen him after he was risen. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be what? baptized in the name of what the Lord Jesus says, He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be what? It's up to the individual. Verse 17, if you want to go to hell go to hell. Sure. If you want to be saved, get saved, to simple as that. It's available. And if you want, if you want to receive something, you have to know what's available, don't you? And the word tells you what's available, then you learn how to receive it, you receive it. And what you do with it after you've got your business. But the word laser right on the line, it tells you how tells you what's available, how to receive and what to do with it. Where are we? Verse 17. And these signs shall follow them that do what you believe that's right. You have to believe if you don't believe you don't get the results. If I didn't believe Do you think I could teach?
If I didn't believe I couldn't. I didn't believe a good Dorothy didn't play. She could play the organ. You think if she could play the organ? No. Or the piano with road? No, you have to do what? Billy? That's right. Well, it takes no practice. But you must believe. People practice a lifetime of things. And they don't believe they don't get the results. But these signs of follow them that believe. Jesus said, four whosoever whosoever shall say into this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt but shall believe he shall have whatsoever he said. He shall have but he must do believe and not doubt you know the story of the woman who said, Well, I'll try this out. I've got a you know, he'll outside of my window, I can't see the sun come up. So I want to get rid of it. So she pulls the shade down at night, goes to bed next morning, she gets up all the shader to Aha. Just like I thought it's still there. Did she believe? No. She didn't get the results. But these signs shall follow them that do what? believe believe. In my name, whose name I need. Not the three names my name in my name shall they cast out? Devils? Oh, but they don't exist.
In my name, they shall cast out devils. They shall speak with what? That's right. Jesus said we could should. And Paul said we could. All set in Corinthians and other we could. Jesus said that we should this is before the day of Pentecost now, Jesus telling them ahead of time. They shall I absolutely speak with new tongues. They shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues. And if they take up serpents, if they drink anything, any deadly thing, it shall not do up shirt. That doesn't mean you go out here and drink some straight poison just for the fun of it. But if you drink it, or if you happen to stumble on a server, what happens? It's not going to hurt you if you do up by like Paul, remember, he was putting the wood in the fire and the serpent came up and attached himself to the hand. And they looked on him you know, like you should die or something where there's a very poisonous snake in those parts. Paul did Paul die or they kept looking at him, you know when you got to fall over Paul. And he didn't Following, finally started looking at say must be a God, again to change your attitude about Paul can open up the doors for Paul. But if you have to take, you know, a serpent or something deadly, and you believe it shall not what hurt them, and they shall lay hands on the sick and they'll get sicker. They'll die they shall do what? Recover. That's right. Sounds like the upholstering business. I tell you God's got a good sense of humor. To put up with me. They shall lay hands on the second they shall do what? Recover? That's right. They're going to recover from their sickness, their illness, they shall provided they do one thing what? believe that's it. The salt sign shall follow them that believe that they follow Philip inax? Yes, it is that they follow Paul, Peter, John, the others. They follow them. That's right. And for signs to follow these men they had to believe? Do they follow us today? You bet your life when we believe. We see the signs and the results. We see the positive manifestation of the more abundant life that Jesus Christ promise that we would have when we believe. Remember, Jesus said, I am come that they might have life and have it how more abundantly not just abundantly but more abundantly? Well, praise the Lord. Let's have a piece of it. Let's get it on. Where's our heads at? Let's get it in the word right? Put that word in there, put it on. These signs shall follow them that believe. Verse 19. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. What day is this? The day of the ascension. Verse 20, they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following what day was this? Pentecost in there after. A few verses here we went from the resurrection to the ascension, depending Koston thereafter real quick anyway. But he's closing out that word and what happened as a result of the life of Jesus Christ, what he made available to people. And these signs shall follow them that believe. And all we have to do then is believe and walk on that word, hold forth that word. And other people can have the more abundant life to look at Hebrews chapter 13.
This turn your I tell you, it's exciting and these days are exciting is because God's words alive, and it's moving with people. We're not like, you know, they were that word is becoming a living reality in our lives. And the words, the only thing that turns people on today, it's the only thing that gives you something to hold on to. It's a faithful word. And as that Faithful Word we hold fast to it. And as the word of life we hold it for so that other people can have life, that they too can have something firm that they can hold on to. Because it's that word of life. And because that word is something that's tangible, it's something you can hold on to. It's not something that you know, we've read this Bible 1000 times you don't understand a word in it all why not? Why don't you understand it? Because nobody taught you how simple it is to understand God's word.
But that word is so simple, and so beautiful. It says that not even a fool need to err there and I don't think anybody in here this evening is a fool.
But it's so simple. And it said these signs shall follow them that believe.
Absolutely. No ifs ands or buts or in betweens or anything else, but that those signs will follow those that believe in Hebrews chapter 13 Listen to this. Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have for he has said, God has said, I will never leave the nor do what? Now isn't that wonderful? God said I will never leave the nor forsake the boy, we just thought to get excited and stand up and yell hallelujah sitting down or something. But it sure turns me on. Because it's God's word. And there's nothing in this world that will touch that word of God. There's nothing that equals that word of God. There's nothing and I, you know, I'm a school teacher. Some of the rest of you are in here. There's nothing you can teach in school. There's nothing you can learn in school that just holds a candle to God's word. There's nothing that comes close to God's word and the reality it has in our life. Because God's word is a word of life. It's not just something that, you know, tickles you, but it's life. And we've got proof. We've got more proof that that word of God is real, that we had that George Washington ever live more proof that we that we have Christ within us, and that that word is a reality in our lives, that the Word of God is true because it's a word of life, and it lives and abides forever, and that word just thrills you time after time after time. Just putting it on in your mind. And these signs shall follow them. That do one thing and what's that?
Yeah, Billy, shall we pray?