SNT-0496- Six Days (Cummins)

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Publication Date: 04-04-1971
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-496-SixDays(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: Passover, Jesus, disciples, chief priests, Lazarus, eat, feast, Bethany, Judas, last supper, Jews, unleavened, unleavened bread
I'd like you to take your Bibles and turn to the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John Chapter 12. This being what we commonly call Palm Sunday, because on this particular day, a week before, what is commonly known as Easter. We got to get rid of some of these terms maybe I don't know. Well, I'll call it Easter housing. But a week before Easter Sunday in the Bible is recorded, what we call Palm Sunday, because it was on that Sunday that Jesus Christ, rode into Jerusalem, rode down the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem, on the coal. And they throw palm branches in his path as a road. So we call it Palm Sunday. Now going back a couple of days before this, in John chapter 12, verse one, John 12 one, it says, Then Jesus, six days before the Passover, six days before the Passover now can you count backwards? Well, on what day of the month of nice song was the Passover celebrating the 15th of nice on in Exodus chapter 12. It gives you the details. I suggest what I'm going to do tonight is to trace the six days, the starting the sixth day before the Passover as we see it here in John, all the way up to the crucifixion. Trace the six days before the crucifixion before the Passover, I'm going to lay these scriptures out are most of them, we won't get to some of them. But having worked these I believe you can take all of them and work them yourselves. Now of course Exodus chapter 12, as well as a number of other records in the Old Testament in the law give you the details of when exactly when certain events were to take place. For example, on the 15th have nice song The month of nice song, which is about this time of the year. On the 15th of nice on was the Passover on the 14th of nice song which is the day before if you can't count backwards yet. The 14 Oh my goodness. The 14th of nice sawn would be the Preparation Day, the day when the lamb was to be killed for the Passover that evening on the tents of nice sawn, which is what five days before? The 10th of nice on the Passover lamb was to be chosen and prepared. That's five days before on the 10th of nice on now you get this just reading Exodus 12 and a few other places. Now six days before the Passover then what have been what day? The night? That's right. 15 What? Well, don't worry about Bonjour isn't always right. Okay. The 15th The 15th of nice on is the Passover. Not a sick from 15 is one, not? Can you subtract? All right? Don't worry about it sick nine from 15 Six 615 zone six days before the Passover would have put this on the ninth of nice song. Now we know from the other records in the word and by being able to count from one to three, that Jesus Christ died on Wednesday. Not on Good Friday.
Bad Friday or any other Friday. He died on Wednesday, because Thursday, on Thursday would have been the beginning of the Passover. Thursday would have been the Passover and then the Feast of Unleavened Bread following now, just to show you I can count I'll go through it once from Wednesday when he died 3pm till Thursday, would be one day right from Thursday at 3pm till Friday at 3pm would be two days and nights from Friday at 3pm till Saturday at 3pm would be three days and three nights. And when the first day of the week came it says he had already what resin? He had already risen. And it says that he was in the heart of the earth three days and three nights, literally 324 hour periods. According to the word. Just proven I can count. case you didn't know. Right? That's why I'm quitting my math job. Six days before the Passover now 15 The 15th of nice on subtract six, you get the ninth of nice on. Now let's count back if the 15th is on a Thursday. Then the 14th is on a Wednesday, the 13th is on a Tuesday. The 12th is on a Monday, the 11th is on a Sunday. The 10th is on a Saturday, and the ninth is on oh what Oh, my goodness, you can count backwards. Good. So the the ninth of nice on what have been on Friday. Friday. Got it. All right. Then Jesus. Six days before the Passover, six days before the Passover, which would have been Friday, the nine have nice song. Got it he came to Bethany where Lazarus was, which had been dead whom he had raised from the dead. And remember Lazarus had been dead some for days. And then Jesus got him up. And this was a real miracle to the peoples on this really blessed a lot of people when they saw this one a lot of converts. We're going to see it later on it teed off the Jews, because they saw so many people turning to Jesus because he had raised Lazarus from the dead. But on the sixth of night, or on the night of nights on six days before the Passover, which would be Friday. On Friday, he came to Bethany and He stayed with Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead. Now verse two there they made him a watt. Now when the Supper was it depends with time the world your friend. They ate their supper in the East in the evening. And their day started at sunset, not in the middle of the night like we start ours right there. They started at sunset. In other words from sunset on Friday, till sunset on Saturday would be their Saturday. Their day did not start in the middle of the night at 12 o'clock. It sat started when the sun went down at sunset. So from sunset Friday night to sunset Saturday night would be Saturday. So they ate their supper in the evening. Now, when they made their supper it would have moved from Friday, past sunset into Saturday. I remember this as an Eastern book. It's not wasn't written by King James or somebody else. It wasn't written in our time when we have you know the day starting at 12 o'clock midnight and running through the 12 o'clock the next midnight. Doesn't work that way at all. Their day started at sunset. So on Friday, our Friday at sunset, they would have their supper so they really had their supper when on Saturday after sunset for our Friday night, which begins our Saturday. You with me? Okay, now just keep your mathematical logic. Friday, Friday from Thursday night at sunset, our Thursday night to Friday night at sunset would have been there Friday. So after sunset on Friday would be there Saturday, and that's when they had this supper after sunset that evening, which would have been there Saturday. Martha served, but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. Now this is on our Friday evening, which would have been there the beginning of their Saturday. The beginning of their Saturday, which would be the 10th of nice song. We just went from the ninth to the 10th Have nice songs. Verse three, this is on the 10th of nice on then took Mary, a pound of ointment of spikenard some, some kind of Weetman very costly and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the odor of the ointment. Now what did she do with the ointment? She caught it on his feet, right? She wiped His feet with it. Not his hair, not his arms, not his legs, his feet. She put this pointment on his feet. And verse four says, Then Seth, one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon son, which should be training, why was not this ointment sold for 300 pants and given to the poor who said it? Judas said it didn't mean Judas said as plain as black and white. Judas said, he says, Well, why didn't just sell us stuff, and give the 300 pens to the poor. She put the ointment on his feet, and wipe it with her hair. And Judas says, Well, why didn't you sell us stuff? And give the money to the poor? Verse six, this he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a was a thief. And had the bag he was the treasurer. And he bear what was put there in Then said Jesus letter alone, against the day of my bearing has she kept this for the poor? Oh is she have with you? But me, you have not always much people are the Jews therefore knew that he was there. And they came not for Jesus sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the one. Lazarus Zumiez they came to see Lazarus shirt. That was quite a startling event. And they wanted to see Lazarus. But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to us. Right? They were so teed off of Jesus, that they were going to put Lazarus to death too. Because that by reason of him Lazarus, many other Jews went away and believed on whom, then I tell you. There you read it. These Jews didn't like it, that Jesus had raised somebody from the dead. These were people in the church, you know, the top brass. That's the priests. And they didn't like it that Jesus had raised the man from the dead because there were too many people being converted are following what Jesus taught.
Verse 12, on the next day, now what day is the 11th? Okay, we just finished with the 10th. These things took place on the 10th of nice song.
Now on the 11th of nice on on the next day, much people that were come to the feasts, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna bless it is the king of Israel that comets in the name of the Lord and Jesus where we get Palm Sunday it's the 10th or 11th of nice on now, right? The 11th of nice on which would be what day of the week are or the Sunday Sunday, it would be Sunday, right? The 11th of night song which would be Sunday, on the next day, Sunday, what we call son, the first day of the week. On the first day of the week, the people came, took the branches of palm trees went forth to me to cry Hosanna Blosser is the king of Israel that come with in the name of the Lord. And this is where we get our term Palm Sunday from and Jesus when he had found a young ass sat there on as it is written, fear not Daughter of Zion. Behold I King comets sitting on an oscilloscope. These things, understood not His disciples that the first but when Jesus was glorified, they remembered then remembered they these things were written of him and that they had done these things unto him. But the people through the poem branches before him and then say they threw him here does well, they took the palm branches and went forth to meet him. You know when they cried Hosanna, you know, to the king and he rode in on an ass, a young as a coal that this prophecy might be fulfilled. Behold, I can come up sitting on an ass was cold. Now we've got the same record and loop. We're done in John For now we'll go to Luke chapter 19.
He came in writing on an acid is cold. And they had the poem branches. And this is on the 11th of nice song which is Sunday, the first day of the week chapter 19 of Luke verse 29. We've got the same record. Chapter 19 of Luke verse 29. And it came to pass that when he was come nigh to Bethpage and Bethany at the Mount called all its, He sent two of His disciples, saying, Go ye into the village over against you in the witch at your entering you shall find a cult side. We're on never yet yet never man set, loose him and bring him hither. Verse 31, and if any man asked you, why do you lose him? Thus shall you say unto him, because the Lord has needed him. Now this is giving you the background to what he summed up in a few verses in the Gospel of John. Here, he's going into more detail, verse 32. But they that were sent, went their way. And found even as he had said unto them, they found this coal, verse 33. And as they were losing the coal, the owners, they're upset on him, why Lucy the coal, and they said, The Lord has need of Him. And they brought him to Jesus, and they cast their garments upon the coal. And they said, Jesus their own. And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. That's why we need cleanup day around here once in a while, because they got the clothes spread in the way well, verse 37. And when he was come nigh, even now, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, He started on the Mount of Olives, that's where they started from. And he came down the mouth. And after descent, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice, and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, Blessed would be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord, Peace in heaven and glory in the heights. And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you, that if they should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Imagine that, he told him to shut up and if they would hold their peace, the stones would cry out. Now that's a figure what is a figure? To emphasize, there's no way that they will keep their peace.
When Jesus came in, Dr. Worrell taught on this about a year or so ago, on the difference between this record and the record in Matthew, in the record in Mark, Luke and John, he came in on the coal and it was his entrance. This was on the 11th of night song on Sunday, the first day of the week. He came in on the cold in judgment. Verse 41, says when he was come near, he beheld the city and he wept over his entry of judgment. Look at keep your finger here. We'll be back. But look at Matthew. Matthew chapter 21. We'll be back in Luke in a second. So keep your finger Matthew chapter 21, verse one and when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem We're come to Bethpage. We're in Matthew 21 One, when they do nigh unto Jerusalem or come to Bethpage under the Mount of Olives, then sent Jesus to disciple saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway you shall find and ask tight, and a what? Call with her, loose them and bring them onto me. And if any man say unto you, you shall say, The Lord apne to them, and straightway he will send them all this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet, same, tell you, the daughter of Zion, Behold the king commerce under the meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a coal, the fall of an ass. And the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them, and brought the ass and the coal, and put on them their clothes, and they set him their own, and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way. There it is, again, others cut down branches from the trees and straw them in the way. And the multitude that went before and that follow cried, saying, Hosanna, to the son of David, bless it is he that cometh in the name of the Lord? What was David? He was King, wasn't he? He was King Hosanna in the highest. And when he was come to Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this, and the multitude said, this is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. Now, in the record in Matthew, if you remember, he came on the call, with the call and the app itself. In the other gospels, he only came on a cold, they cannot be an identical situation. They're similar but not identical. One in the Gospel of Matthew, He comes as king. And in the others, he comes as in judgment. Now, I'm not going to teach on this particular phase have a tonight I'm merely reiterating it. For the purpose of setting this, in order that you don't put this in the same chronological order as the other one, because they're not the same situation. And I'm not we don't have the time tonight. At least we're not going to take the time to trace through Matthew. This the time elements and so on, but I believe it must have been the week before sometime the earliest Friday, or the latest, latest Friday, which would have been the ninth of Nisa nicer. But I'm not taking the time tonight to trace this through. Again, once we get done, you'll have the basic things that happened from the sixth of nice on on our from the ninth of nice on on six days before the Passover. But this was an entirely different event than that which was recorded in loop in Mark in John, where he wrote in on a coal on the cold of the ends alone, just one. Now back to Lou.
In verse 47, I want you to see, well, let's see. Let's start back. Verse 45, where he went into the temple, chapter 19, of Luke, verse 45, he went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold there in and say that, and then that bought, saying to them, it is written my house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. And he taught what, daily in the temple he taught daily in the temple. Down in chapter 20, verse one, and it came to pass that on one of those days, does it say which day? No. On one of those days, as he taught to people in the temple and preach the gospel, the chief priests and scribes came upon him with the elders, and they get into a big discussion here. But what I want you to see is on one of those days, it does not say which day and therefore the events at this point are not necessarily in a chronological order. But nevertheless, on one of those days, he did enter into a discussion with the chief priests, and there was a lot of other things covered in here. In this discussion, he talked to his disciples and so on, and to pick up the train of where we're heading tonight in Luke chapter 22. verse one. In chapter 2021 He's talking to these people and in especially in chapter 21, he gets into a big discussion of His Second Coming when Christ comes again. And then in verse 22, now chapter 22, verse one. Now the feast of unleavened bread drew not, which is called the Passover. It drew nigh does it say how many days? No, it does not say the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him. For they feared the people, Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the 12. And he went his way and commune with the chief priests and captains, how he might be trade him onto them. And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. And he promise and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude. Look at that. Have you ever asked yourself why? Why did you just have to be trained with a kiss? Certainly, they knew who Jesus was, he was in the temple, they talked with him and so on.
But they had to catch him at a time when the multitude that says, was not around, when you to betray him unto them in the absence of the one. When the multitude wasn't, well, that's an extra verse seven. Then came the day, the day or the time of the Unleavened, the word bread is not in the text, the time of unleavened, which is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which begins with the Passover, and terminates a week later. It's a seven day feast called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But now, it says, Then came the day or time of unleavened. Now there was a lot of things that had to take place before the feast actually came up. It's like if you're going to have dinner, tomorrow, noon, somebody's got to cook that dinner, don't think they've got to prepare for before they can cook that dinner. They're going to have steak, somebody's got to cut the head off of the cow, right? They've got to get the steak the meat somehow, somebody's got to dig up those potatoes or go to the store and buy them. It takes preparation to get ready for a feast. And so the Passover or the Feast of Unleavened Bread, took preparation. They had to prepare for it, they had to get ready. And all this again, I said was recorded in Exodus chapter 12. Then came the time of the Unleavened, when the Passover must be killed, a better translation would be in must be prepared. Prepared would be much better. Because to get ready for the Passover took time again. And remember on the 10th of nice on the 10th of nice song in Exodus. The Passover lamb was to be chosen and prepared. The 10th of nice on fell on what day of the week this year. What? Saturday Saturday, right? The 10th of nice on fell on Saturday. Now what day is Saturday. That's the Sabbath right the weekly Sabbath. So since the 10th of nice on fell on the Sabbath, and they're not supposed to do any work on the Sabbath, then the preparation would take place on the 11th The day following. Now on the 11th of nice sun would be the day that they would choose the lamb to get him out, choose that particular lamb and start getting him ready preparing him for the feats. This is all preparation getting ready for the thing. You can read in the Old Testament of other preparation, the priests had to clean themselves get clean, the people had to be cleanse. It couldn't partake of the Passover. If you didn't go through certain ceremonial washings and all this. You had to be clean. If your home was defiled, it had to be clean. If the temple was defiled, it had to be cleanse. And this was all under the Levitical law. So the time when they would have chosen or gotten ready for the Passover would have been on the 11th have nice on this year since the 10th fell on the weekly Sabbath. In other words, on the first day of the week, Sunday, and Verse eight says, He sent Peter and John saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, prepare us the Passover. Well, on what day of the week did they prepare? What day of the month? Did they prepare the Passover? They 11 Come on the 11th the 11th this year, because the 10th fell on what day?
You forget it? All right. Go and prepare us the Passover, which would have been on the first day of the week that we may eat? And they said unto him, were wilt thou that we prepared? And he said unto them, Behold, when you are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you burying a pitcher of water, follow him into the house, where he interest in. And you shall say unto the Goodman of The House, the master Seth, under the where's the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples. And he shall show you a large upper room, furnished there make ready. And they went and found as he had said unto them, and they made ready the Passover, and they ate it. No, doesn't say so. They made ready the Passover, it was the 11th of nice on when they prepared, they got the land, they took care of setting up the feasts. Verse 14, and 15 are real interesting. When the hour was come, doesn't say the hour of the Passover. But when the hour was come, he sat down and the 12 apostles with him. And he said unto them, with desire, I have desire to eat this Passover with you before I do what? This Passover, Jesus never ate the yearly Passover with His disciples or anybody else. Because when the yearly Passover came around, Jesus was already one, he was dead, he was already dead. Therefore, this Passover, cannot refer to the yearly Passover the yearly Passover the Jews, but it refers to the Choc EGA sounds, Indian Buddhism, Chuck EGA, CH a GI GA H, or the feasts, which precedes the Passover. This is what we commonly call the Last Supper, and for good reason, because it was the last supper that Jesus ate before he died. The Last Supper. It was at this last supper, that Jesus broke the bread and said, This is my body. This represents my body, the metaphor, this is my body, which is broken for you. And he took the cup, which was the New Testament of his blood. It was at this last supper that they ate. And after this, they went out into the garden. And he was betrayed by Judas was taken to the high priests place to the hall, and finally, to Calvary where he was crucified. Therefore, verses 14 and 15, which is the Last Supper, which was the day before he was killed the evening before he was killed, would have been a later time than when they made ready for the Passover. Now if Jesus never ate the Passover, why? Why did he send his apostles to prepare or get ready for the Passover if he never ate it?
Let's turn to Mark. We're going to set all this in order. Mark chapter 11. Mark chapter 11. Let's begin in verse one. We'll go back a couple days to the first day of the week, the 11th of nice on. And when they came nigh, or near to Jerusalem onto Bethpage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, He sent forth two of his disciples, and 70 of them, Go your way into the village over against you. And as soon as you be entered into it, you shall find a coat coat tight. We're on never man set, loose him and bring him and if any man say unto you, why do you this, say that the Lord has need of Him, and straightway he will send him hither. And they went their way, and found the coal time by the door without in a place where two ways men, and they loose him. And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do you loosing the coal? And they said unto them, even as Jesus had commanded, and they let them go, verse seven, they brought the colt to Jesus and cast their garments on him and he sat upon him. Now this agrees with the record in Luke and John, that he came on the coal right? In verse eight, many spread their garments and the way there it is, again, and others cut down branches off the trees and straw them in the way. And they that went before and they that follow, cried, saying, Hosanna bless it is he that comments in the name of the Lord bless would be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest. And Jesus entered into Jerusalem and into the temple. And when he had looked round about upon all things, he threw the money tables over. Doesn't say so here. He just looked round about upon all things. And now the Eventide was come. He went out onto Bethany with the 12. It was evening. Now what day of the week did he ride into Jerusalem on the call? Sunday, the first day of the week, which was what day of the month? The 11th. Right, the 11th. Okay, keep your mathematics going there. We'll have a regular computer here right away. All right. This was the 11th, the 11th of nice on which was Sunday, the first day of the week. And he wrote in on this hole in verse 11, says, Eventide was coming, and he went out onto Bethany with the 12. On Sunday evening, he went to Bethany and verse 12. On the morrow what day would that be? What? The 12 Well, 11 and one is 12 on the morrow, what comes after? 11? Wow. Monday, all right, Monday comes after the 11th Monday, which is the 12th the 12th of nice on All right. On the morrow, which is Monday, the 12th and nights on, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry, and seeing a fig tree of far off having leaves. He came if haply he might find anything there on and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet and remember, the Orientalism that there was a little nubbin under those leaves. And the people always even before the time of figs. They had these Nubbins on there, the people could come up and get these to eat. But he got there and there was nothing but what lanes there was nothing but leaves there wasn't any of these Nubbins D And Jesus answered and said unto it, he said to the tree. No man eat fruit of the hereafter forever. So he said his disciples heard it and they come to Jerusalem.
He told the tree dry up didn't beat around the bush. Just talk to it plain language. Well, the disciples saw, they kind of scratch their heads, you know, must be working too hard. Better take a vacation. But verse 15, they go on, they come to Jerusalem. And Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out then that sold and bought in the temple in overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves. It would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple. And he taught them taught saying unto them, is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations, the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. And the scribes and the chief priests heard it, and saw how they might destroy him, for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine. And this took place on what day of the week. Monday, the 12th of nice song. Now we're just following this chronologically. The 12th of nice song. Now verse 19, when even was come? Now, what day is it? The 13th, which starts our Monday evening, doesn't it? He went out of the city, and in the morning, which would still be the 13th now, but it's our Tuesday, isn't it? Tuesday, the 13th of knights on in the morning, as they pass by. They saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remember it said unto him, Master, Behold, the fig tree which sow curses is weathered away. And Jesus answering Seth under them, believe in God, believe in God. And verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou remove, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he says, if he's a good boy, no, he shall have whatsoever he says, if he does one thing, and that's Billy. Therefore I say unto you, what things wherever you desire when you pray, stay on your knees all night long. Get in a closet. Now, when you pray, do believe, believe, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them that he believed when he said to the fig tree dry up. That's right. And what happened? 24 hours later, that thing was dried up from its root had dried up backwards from its roots right. Now, this is the 13th Tuesday, the 13th have nice song on third. Tuesday, yeah, the 13 have nice song, okay. Tuesday, which is the 13th of nice song, which was in the morning, they passed by a solid victory dried up. And he tells him the situation. Now he goes on talking to His disciples to others. In chapter 12, he talks to them in parables.
In chapter 13, he talks about his second coming again. And in chapter 14, we again get the time element. This all happened on the same day now, for the most part here. Because chapter 14, he says, what they await hold for you read it. What day is it now? The 13th which is Tuesday 13. All right, now chapter 14 verse one, after two days was the feast are the Passover and Unleavened Bread. Two and 13 is what 15. And what day of the month is the Passover? The 15. You're pretty good. Give you an A. After two days was the feast of the Passover and Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft and put him to death. This was two days before the Passover, the 13th of nice song, which is Tuesday our time. Now keep your finger here. We'll be right back and look at Matthew 26. I'm going to show you something startling. So hang on chapter 26 of Matthew. Chapter 26 verse one. And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these things, he said unto his disciples, you know, that after two days up while I was reading, after two days, is the feast of the Passover, what day is it then here in Matthew, the 13th. But Tuesday the 13th. Same time, right? The 13th of Nisa, after two days is the feast of the Passover and the Son of Man is what? be trained to be crucified back to him flip back to my two days, he says, is the face of the Passover and the son of man well be betrayed. At this time, two days before. Two days before his death, Jesus knew what day he would die. Two days before his death, he knew what they he would die. He didn't know the hour yet. Later on, it says that he knew his hour. But at this time, he knew the day but not the hour, he knew it would be two days that the Son of man would be betrayed. Now remember a question I asked a while ago? Why did Jesus and his apostles to prepare on the 11th of night son to prepare the Passover? If he wasn't going to eat the Passover? It's very simple. Very simple. If he didn't know that he was going to die, that he would never eat the Passover. Being a Jew, what would he do? He get ready for winning, because he's expecting to eat the Passover. So on Sunday, the 11th of nice sawn they prepared for the Passover. But by Tuesday, the 13th of nice on when he had two days left, he knew the day that he would die. And he knew he would not be partaking of the Passover. Therefore, like he said, in Luke, we read a while ago, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I die could have not It couldn't have been the regular Passover. Because when Jesus died, or when the Passover took place, Jesus was already dead. Therefore, on Tuesday, he knew what day it would be. And he saw that he couldn't eat the Passover. And so Tuesday night, they had a feast. The Last Supper what we know as the Last Supper.
We're back in Mark chapter 14. Verse one, after two days was the feast of the Passover and Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and the scribes saw how they might take him by craft and put him to death. And they said, not on the feast day less there be an uproar of the people. And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as he sat at me, what day What day is it again? Tuesday, the 13th of nice on. Okay, as he said to me, here, they're having another feast on Tuesday during the day, and that there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious. And she breaks the box and poured it on his head. Hey, identical versus similar. Do you remember the woman a couple days ago on the on Friday evening, Friday evening, the ninth 10th of nice on which would be the 10th starting of the 10th Friday evening. Our Friday begins their Saturday. On the 10th of nice song. There was a woman who poured this ointment spikenard on his feet. Where did this woman pour on his head? And it's three days later. Are these the same situations? No. Can't be one takes place three days later. But yet, the harmonies of the Gospels and all the other theologian they put all this stuff is identical. Can't be it's three days later for one thing for another thing. It says she poured it on his head, not on his feet. poured in on set in verse four. And there were some that had indignation within themselves and said, Why was this waste of the ointment mate? If you remember in John Judas alone said it, read it you better keep your finger here and read it. John chapter 12
Not there. Then Seth, one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot Simonsson, which should be tray him Where does it say a loan? Moron that's the word I'm looking. I thought it said a loan someplace. But anyway, it says one of his disciples said one one got it. Judas. Even then, in chapter 14 of Mark, it says some now Assam equal one. Gonna promote y'all to the senior man. There were some that hand indignation within themselves and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? For it might have been sold for more than 300 pounds, and have been given to the poor and he sharp? They murmured. They murmured against her. Yeah. Do we have identical situations here? No. We've got two different situations. One happened three days before the other one happened on the 10th of nice on what happened on the 13th. One, he poured it on her she poured it on his feet. The other one she poured it on his head. One. It says one disciple, question the anointing. The other one it says some question the anointed. Verse six, Jesus said, Let her alone. Why trouble you her? She had thrown a good work on me. For you. He had the poor with you always. And when whoever you will, you will, you may do them good. But me you have not always. She has done what she could. She has come a forehand to anoint my body to the burying. She came ahead of time. Because she believed she believed. And there she was anointing his body for the burying, ahead of time. And that's something Verily I say unto you, wheresoever, this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world. This also that she had done shall be smoking for a memorial of her. What day is it? The 13th of nice on Tuesday, Tuesday, the 13th of nice on. Now, verses 10 to 16 are not chronological, and technically should be enclosed in parentheses, which is a figure of speech, by explanation by way of explanation. Verses 10 through verses 16 Because it goes back in time to bring the story up to date to explain what is going to follow now, which happens later on that day. Because in verse 10, Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 went under the chief priests to betray him unto them. And when they heard it, they were glad and promised to give him money. And he saw how he might conveniently betray him. And the first of the unleavened bread, the first of the Unleavened Bread when they prepared the Passover, which would be what day? The 11th Because the 10th fell on Saturday the Sabbath. So this would fall on Sunday, the 11th have nice sun. Alright. The 11th have nice sun. When they prepared the Passover, his disciples said unto him, were wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover. They're preparing for the sword flips back in time to the 11th of nice song. Parentheses. And he sent us forth two of his disciples, and seven of them, Go into the city, and there shall meet you a man burying a pitcher of water, follow him, and wheresoever he shall go in, say to the Goodman of The House, the master set, where's the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples, and He will show you a large upper room for me prepared there make ready for us. And his disciples went forth and came into the city and found as he had said unto them, and they made ready the walk. That's right. This flips back in time, because two days before he knew the day that he would be killed, and that he could not partake of the Passover.
But the day that they prepared or made ready for this Passover would have been the 11th of nice on this year since the 10th. Fell on a Saturday on the Sabbath. So it would have been Sunday that this flips back to, but it does this and for a very good reason to bring up to date, the facts that are going to follow because on the 13th of nice on which was the part that we read before that, from verses one through nine. If you skip down then to verse 17. And in the evening he come up with the 12 What evening would that be? That same day that the 13th was on but what happens when the evening comes the 14 which would be our Tuesday evening, but there Wednesday? There Wednesday starts on sunset on our Tuesday evening, when the evening in the evening, he come up with the 12. And as they sat and did he, Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, one of you which he does with me shall be training. He came together that evening, which would be our Tuesday evening, which begins the 14th of nice on and the 14th of nice on was what we call the preparation day. When the next on in the morning, when Jesus was put on the cross. And that afternoon, he died on the 14th of nice on which would be Wednesday. But verse 16, without putting that in parentheses can be very misleading. They made ready the Passover. And then verse 17, in the evening he come with with the 12. And they sat and did he. But that couldn't be the Passover that they could. Jesus never partook of the Passover. He partook of the Last Supper, The Last Supper because when the Passover took place, he was already in the grave.
We'll look at John chapter 19. You're 19. On the 11th of nice sawn which is Sunday, the first day of the week, they prepared or got ready for the Passover. Because Jesus did not know that he would not be partaking of the Passover. Then on Tuesday, which is the 13th of nice on two days before the Passover, he knew what day and therefore by Tuesday, he knew that he wouldn't be partaking of the Passover. Therefore, instead of waiting to eat the Passover, because they weren't going to be able to eat it together, they eat on Tuesday, what is our Tuesday night which really begins there Wednesday, the 14th of nice on rather than the following night, which would have been the Passover. They eat it a day ahead of time. And Jesus, this is where Jesus said, I desire to eat this Passover. And this is where they took the bread and the cup, you know, break it and they drank the cup, what we refer to as the communion, communion, in which Paul reiterates in Corinthians as a memorial. But by the time the Passover, the rarely Passover took place, Jesus was already in the day grave. Look at John chapter 19, verse 31.
The Jews therefore, verse 31, because it was what the preparation, the preparation day, the preparation, that the body should not remain on the cross on what they that's that they didn't want him to on the cross on the Sabbath. And they couldn't stay in there and garden themselves because they had to take care of the Passover Feast, you know, real religious people. So I said break their leg.
Then came the soldiers verse 32, and break the legs of the first and of the other which was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was what they had already. They break not his legs, but one of the soldiers with appears spears, this pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he saw, and he that saw it bear record and his record is true. And he noticed that he said, Seth, true, that he might believe. For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled, a bone of him should not be broken. And again, another scripture says, They shall look on him whom they pierce. And after this, Joseph of EREMA, Thea being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, they sought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus. And Pilate gave him leave. He came there for a took the body of Jesus. And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about 100 pounds. And they then took T neck edemas the body of Jesus and wild it and linen clothes with spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury and in the place where he was crucified, there was a garden in in the garden, a new set Bulker were in was never man yet laid. There laid he Nicodemus, Jesus, therefore, because of the Jews, what preparation day for the set poker was nigh at hand. That's right. It was the day of preparation, the 14th of knights on the day before the Passover, so they had to hurry up and break these guys leg since Jesus was dead. They pierced this side. And Nick edemas had to get him in the ground before the Passover began that evening, because that would have been a Sabbath day, because every base began and ended with a Sabbath or a holy day. It says so in the law again that it was a holy convocation under though Where was Jesus? When the yearly Passover took place? He was in the grave Nicodemus, just there was a soul they had buried buried him on the day of the preparation, which was the fourth things of nicely, Wednesday, our time. Jesus never got to eat the Passover. He ate the last supper with His apostles before he was killed that to what would be our Tuesday evening, beginning there Wednesday. The 14th of nice song he ate the Last Supper, he was betrayed by Judas, taken to the chief priests, taken to Pontius Pilate, taken to the home and scourge. marred, beaten, that says in one place they put a sack over his head and beat him. Could you imagine that? It says an Isaiah He was marred more than any other creature then they let him out to Calvary, the place of the skull and crucified Him by the time that 14 Wednesday was over, he was already in the grave real significant look at first Corinthians chapter five. Chapter Five of First Corinthians verse seven purge which means to clean out, clean out. Clean out therefore, the old leaven. Leavens lemon is something that defiled we put it in the bread it's you know, like preservative and defiles the whole thing a little leaven leavens the whole no you not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Clean out the lemon. Get it out. He was talking here in the context. Some of the people were tripping out on fornication and a few other things that Quarren he says we'll clean out the old leaven shape up or ship out my word. Clean it out. Get rid of the old lemon. We're a little lemon just a little bit. Well loving the whole loan
What I read that verse six, no, you're not that a little leaven leavens the whole one and verse seven says, clean out therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, but you didn't know you were a lump. That you may be a new lump. As your what I'm loving, right? You don't have any leaven, any that poisoning you that you're unleavened. For even Christ, our Passover was crucified is the text for us. For even Christ, our Passover was crucified for us. That's why Jesus did not get to partake of the yearly Passover, because Jesus Christ that year was the Passover. At three o'clock when the lamb was slain. There at the ninth hour, Where was Jesus on the cross, dying at three o'clock at night, the ninth hour of the day, which is three o'clock our time it says he died. That's when the yearly Passover lamb was slain. And it was eaten that evening. By that evening, Where was Jesus in the grave? Jesus Christ was our Passover. He was our Passover. It says, For even Christ, our Passover was crucified for us. That's why we don't have to keep the Passover anymore. Because Gee, because Christ, our Passover was crucified for us. That year, he did not keep the yearly Passover, because he was the Passover. That's something that explains everything we've been working through tonight. Verse eight, Therefore let us keep the feasts of the Passover. No, Jesus Christ was our Passover. Talking here are the Feast of the Unleavened, not with old leaven. Neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. The unleavened of sincerity and truth, not the bread, not the feast that they took, you know, took place in the census world that the Jews had in the Old Testament law. No, it's the unleavened of sincerity and truth. Don't let that old leaven come in the malice of wickedness. The sin whatever. Not gonna preach since he practices but get rid of the old loving and keep the feasts, not the leaven. The old leaven are the leaven of malice and wickedness, but the unleavened of sincerity and truth. Now look at Jesus Christ was our Passover was our Passover. Now what in the law follow the Passover, the week following the Passover was the week of Unleavened Bread. Now Christ was our Passover. Therefore, clean out the old leaven. This is the week following the Passover. Christ was the Passover. He took care of it spiritually. Now in your walk, clean out the old leaven. Get rid of the Bologna. Start walking in sincerity and truth. This is the feast of unleavened, the unleavened of sincerity and truth. Net a beautiful figure, man what Christ was our Passover. And now is the face of the Unleavened, figuratively speaking, beautiful figure. Now is the time that we clean out the old leaven. We walk in sincerity and in truth, he took care of it in there by the Passover. He was the Passover lamb that year. He took care of us spiritually. He cleaned us up spiritually. He bore all our sins and our sicknesses on him. He cleaned us up inside now. We just begin to walk and clean out that old loving. Walk in the unleavened have sincerity and truth. Not just sincerity, but both sincerity and truth. walk in that light. That's why Jesus Christ could not have been the Passover or could not have eaten the Passover that year. Because he was the Passover. That's something.