SNT-0490- Our Inheritance (Cummins)

Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 02-21-1971
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-490-OurInheritance(Cummins) DRAFT
Christ, inheritance, word, works, Jesus, addicted, healed, Gentiles, believed, mystery, spirit, promise, father, man, world
Take your Bibles and turn to Matthew, the gospel of Matthew chapter eight. We look back in our lives before we were born again. We were unworthy as we just sang in the song. But God made us worthy by what he wrought for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. God touched our lives. He did it all for us. It's not by our own works that were saved or saved by grace, right? We are God's workmanship, God's workmanship. And it's only because God touched our lives, that God made us worthy that we're something today. And when we come to that realization, that it was God in Christ Jesus, who made us what we are, that we become real beings, real somebodies, as I say, that you become a somebody, because before you were just somebody wandering through the world, through the world, aimlessly, you had no goal, you had no hope in life. Until you found that word, and found that God made you worthy through a son, Jesus Christ. And then you became somebody, then you became somebody that you could put your feet on the ground, and that you could stay in, that you had something in life that was real tangible, that you could hold on to. Look at Matthew chapter eight, after Jesus, had been preaching on the mountain for a period of time, in chapter eight, verse one, when he was come down from the mountain, great and multitudes followed him. And behold, there came a leper, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. This leper came to Jesus. And he said, Lord, He called him Lord. Master, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And verse three, Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him. He touched him, saying, I will, didn't say wilt, and then wilt. He said, I will. You've got to read between the lines, you know, to get the enjoyment out of the Scriptures. He said, Lord, if thou will, so he wilted. No, didn't Well, well, Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying, I will. Be thou clean? Is it God's will to heal? Sure, it's always God's will to heal. And remember, God's willingness always equals is what ability, God's willingness and ability are equal. Jesus says, I will, Jesus, the Son of God said, I will, that he had the ability, he shared it. He had the ability and he was willing, be thou clean. Notice, all he did in the physical realm was simply to do what to the man, he touched him. He touched it. And he says, I will be clean. And immediately, not five hours later, not two weeks later, not a year later, but immediately, immediately, his leprosy was well cleansed. his leprosy was cleansed immediately. And Jesus said unto him, See, they'll tell no man. But Go thy way, show thyself to the priests, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for our testimony unto them. Because this was part of the law. And they were still under the Law during this period of time, weren't they? The day of Pentecost had not yet come, and they were still under law. And therefore Jesus told him after he touched him, and he says, I will be clean, the man immediately was healed. Even though he had healed him simply by touching him and speaking to him. The man still had to go to the temple, to be cleansed, and so on, according to the law, that Moses, it says, As Moses commanded, for our testimony unto them, in verse five, when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, and saying, Lord, My servant, liath at home, sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. And Jesus said unto him, I will come and heal him.
Do you think Jesus would have gone for just anybody that had come up there? Why do you think he went for this man? Because he was a Centurion? Because he was a high ranking officer, because he was a man of authority. No, he reached up and father said, Go. Jesus said unto him, I will go with thee, I will come and heal him. And saying, no, no, no, no, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy, that thou should has come under my roof. While here he had come, he says, My servant needs healing. Might My servant needs healing? He's lying at sick at home, sick of the palsy, grievously. He needs healing. He comes to Jesus. And Jesus says, Okay, I'll come. He says, no, no, no, I don't want you to come. Well, that seems like a contradiction in the mind, doesn't it? But he said, I am not worthy, that thou shouldest come under my roof. But speak the word only. And my servant shall be what? Can you imagine that? Just speak third Lord, and I know my sermon, I'll be healed. You don't have to come. Because I'm not worthy to have you to come under the roof of my house. I'm not worthy of that. But just speak the word speak the word. It's going to come to pass. And he shall be healed. Verse nine, for I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this man, go, and he does what? He goes into another I say, calm, and he does what? Do my server do this? And he does what? To another jump. And he does what? He jumps. He just asked how I on the way up, right? Sure. I am a man of authority said I'm a Centurion. I've got men under me. If I want a job done, I just say to this fella, go do it. I want another job done. I say Come here. Or do this, do that. And they do it. No questions asked. And he said, I'm not worthy. That you should come to my house, but you just speak the word. And I know, I know. He's going to be what he'll he'll. I know he's going to be he'll. And Jesus heard it. Verse 10. He marveled, and said to them that followed, verily I say unto you, I have not found so great to believing. No, not in Israel. I have not found so great of believing a man with the ability to believe in Israel. And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way, why did the center insane his men go and they did what? Go? They go with didn't go they go, alright. Sorry, he says, the sensor Go thy way. And as thou has done what? Done what? Believe, because he believed. So be it done unto thee, as thou has believed, so be it done unto thee. And when Jesus was coming to Peter's house, he saw the end of that story just a minute. Whoa, a backup. All he did, nice Gibson here, skip the rest of us. Read, his servant was healed in the self same hour. Again, it wasn't five weeks later, 10 weeks wait later. It was in the same hour right away. He was healed. His servant was healed. Did Jesus touch him? Did he have to touch him? No, it wasn't necessary. Because this man believed in all Jesus had to do was say, Go thy way.
And as thou hast believe, so it shall be done unto thee. He believed, and he saw the results his servant was healed.
Didn't have to touch him at all. Verse 14, when Jesus was coming to Peter's house, he said His wife's mother laid and sick of a fever. And he touched her hand. He touched her hand, notice again, here, he touched her. And the fever, left her. And she arose, and ministered unto them. Here's another record. We've had three healings in the same chapter so far. The third one, he touched her hand, the first one, he touched the man, remember, and he was healed right away immediately. The second one, he didn't even touch him. Because the man so believed. All he had to do was speak the Word, and he was healed. This one, Simon's wife's mother was sick with a fever. And he touched her, and she was made whole, the fever left right away. Verse 16, and when they even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils. And He cast out the spirits with his word, and He healed all that were sick. There was many people came unto him, and you can read this record, throughout the rest of the Gospel of Matthew, the other gospels, keep you read about different instance, instances where he touched people, sometimes he spit in the ground and smeared it in their eyes, they were heal. But each situation was different because of the individuals one, believing, right, because of how that individual was to believe, when he believed he could receive for some of them to believe he had to touch him. For some time, he just said, Go. They believe they saw the results. You read of a woman who had an issue of blood for so many years. And she says, If I can, but touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole. All she did was touch his garment, the end of his clothes. And he was made and she was made whole. He'll all she did was touching. But there was something there that caused her to believe and that was she believed if she could touch his garment that she would be made whole. Who was it Paul or Peter, in the book of Acts, had these little aprons are things that he cut up and pass out and healing was done. Whatever it takes, I don't care, whatever it takes to get that healing accomplished. That's what you do. And of course, how could you know, by your senses what it is? That's why you need a little help from the inside. And I tell you when God saved us, put His Spirit within us. He just didn't make us a figurehead that sits there you know, that said well, great, you're wonderful, you know, you're you're somebody now you've got Christ within you. But no power No, he put power within you he gave you ability. And the only way you can find out what that ability is, is to get into God's word to find out what that ability is and to walk upon. Look at John the Gospel of John. 14 verse one, let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe also in Me. Chapter 14 Verse two, In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And of course, this is an Orientalism where the groom the bride groom, when they come to that the end of that first year after their honeymoon, about that a year honeymoon that good they for one year they have a honeymoon. That was the Oriental culture. And after that year, he leaves his wife at her parents house. And he says now I'm going back to my folks place and in my Father's house are many mansions, many apartments and I'm going to prepare a place there for us to live in. And when I've got that place ready, I'll come back and I'll get you and we'll go there. Say I go to prepare a place for you. That was the Orientalism connected with this state. Jesus was telling them Israel
I my father's house has many mansions many apartments I go to prepare a place for you, Israel. At verse three, if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there ye may be also exactly what the bridegroom would say to the bride in the Oriental culture. Verse four, and whether I go, you know, and the way you know, Thomas, Seth and him, Lord, we know not whether they'll go us, and how can we know the way verse six, Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If he had known me, he should have known my Father also. And from henceforth, you know him and have seen him. So upset on him, Lord, show us the Father and it's a fight. Whatever suffice with us.
Sean shows the father and we'll, we'll accept it. It'll suffice. All right. So Shan Shan tunes, he just got done tome. And verse seven, you, if you have known me, you should have known my Father also. And from henceforth, you know it and have seen him. He just got done till nice. It will show him to us. We want to see him that'll make us happy. Believe in verse nine, Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet has not now not known me? Philip? Either has seen me has seen the Father and how sayest thou then show us the Father may leave us now. Look at that word believers. There's the key you have to do what? Billy? And he says, Believe us? Well, not that I am in the Father and the Father in me. The words that I speak unto you, I speak not in myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he do it the works. Verse 11, first word, believe me, believe me, that I am in the Father and the Father in me, or else, believe me, for the very work sake. Because they had seen what he had done, hadn't they? They had seen what Jesus had done for all MIT weren't works, the wonders the healings, like we read in chapter eight of Matthew, they had seen these things. And he says, The Father is in me and I'm in the father, believe me. Or else, believe me, simply for the reason that I've done these words for the works. Verse 12, Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that does do it. Believe it. He that believes, he says, believe that's what you got to do believe. It's so simple. You just believe you don't have to work for it. You don't have to, you know, go through all the shenanigans just believe. Just believe. For it says, He that believes on me. The works that I do, shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do? Because I go to my Father which is in heaven.
Do you believe on him? You're not sure you haven't made up your mind yet. Oh, my goodness, we're gonna have to have an altar call or some
believe believe he says, He that believes on me the work that I do, he shall do up also, and greater works than these because I go to my father, which isn't him. Now that first parts not too bad, the works that I do, he shall do awesome. But greater works than these greater works. That's what it says that's what it means right? Ever heard that phrase before? The works that I do, he shall he shall do also, who shall? Who? The guy that believes that's right, the guy that believes he that believes on Me shall the works that I do, he shall do also and greater works much greater. Why? Because I go to my Father which is in heaven, greater works than what Jesus Christ did. Look what Jesus Christ did when he was here on it. Can you imagine that? He healed the sick, he cast out devils. Lot of things that he did Sit down and just read the gospels through and look what Jesus did some time. Of course, you know what he did. But he said, He that believes on me the work that I do, he shall do also and greater works, because I go to my Father which is in heaven, verse 13. And whatsoever, whatsoever, you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. And if, if you shall ask anything, in my name, I'll do about 40% of it. 60% 7599 100 right. 100% I will do, if he asked anything in my name, I will do it, I will do it. Anything, anything in my name, I will do it. He said, The works that I do, you shall do also and greater works because I go to my Father which is in heaven. And if you ask anything in my name, he says, I will do it. Verse 15, if you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever. Even the spirit of truth. Here he's telling ahead of time of what was to come on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not neither no with him. The world cannot receive it. The world cannot receive it. The natural man North not the things of the Spirit of God, right? Neither can he receive them because they are what spiritually discerned. He cannot receive the things of the Spirit, the things of God. The carnal man cannot receive the things of God. He can't even know him. What he said, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him, but you know him, for he dwelleth were with you with you with you, he dwelleth with you, and shall be where in you, you see, talking about ahead of time, he dwells with you, and shall be in you. Now it says nothing here about Christ in you, which was the mystery, because he couldn't know the mystery because it wasn't revealed yet wasn't revealed to us revealed to who? Paul the Apostle, but the Spirit dwelleth with you and shall be in you, in you. Now looking ahead after the day of Pentecost in Colossians, two Colossians chapter two chapter one. Colossians chapter one. Verse 25. Very familiar verses of scripture. chapter one, verse 25. Wherefore I am made a minister, according to the administration, we're dispensation is the administration of God which is given to me for you, to fulfill the Word of God. Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and generations, but now is made manifest who is thinks, to whom God would make known what is the riches, the riches, look at that of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is what?
Christ in you the hope of glory, haven't forgotten that one have you? Christ where Christ in you. Before Pentecost, when Jesus was instructing them what was to come? He says, God's gonna send a comforter, a spirit, the spirit of truth, which is with you, but that spirits going to be wearing in you, but what they didn't realize that after Pentecost, it would be what? Christ in the Christ in them, the hope of glory. And he said, the works that I do, you shall do also and greater works because I go to my father, which is in heaven. Now could you imagine that you could do at least some of the works that Christ did? If you have Christ within you? Well, praise the Lord get excited about it. My Sure, it's Christ in you the works that I do, you shall do also and greater works because I go to my father, which isn't him. No problem. It's just a matter of doing one thing to be able to do those greater works and that's why Believe, believe, you have to believe. But it's Christ in you. You're loaded. You've got it. Now it's just a matter of believing and walking forth. Is there any reason why we shouldn't? Greater is he that's in you than he? That's where? In the world that's right. You believe it? You really believe it. Then start walk. Alright, great. Look at Feess. fasion. See three? Again, some very familiar verses of scripture chapter three, verse two if you have heard of the administration, again, the word dispensation is the word administration of the grace of God which has given me to you word, how that by revelation by Revelation, Revelation, not that he worked it out real good, you know, or he developed his theology in his mind or that he, you know, studied mathematics and logic and was able to put the thing together like a puzzle, nothing like that. But by revelation by God's revealing it to me, Revelation this way down, God revealed it to Paul, he made known unto me a lot, the mystery, what was the riches of the glory of the mystery? Christ in you, He made no he he made known unto me the mystery as I wrote a foreign a few words whereby, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which mystery, in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men. In other ages, that was a secret, top secret information. Like, you know, Nixon's planes in Vietnam, top secret information. Once the stuff starts over there, then you know, it comes out in the open. It's fully made known, he tells everybody what's going on. Maybe it's not a good illustration, but that's the idea. It was a secret, top secret. Once it's available, God made it known. It was a secret, which and other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed into his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. It was not revealed in other ages other times. But now it's being revealed to His holy apostles and prophets, Paul said, because we read in the class we've read before in First Corinthians chapter two, that if the devil had known the mystery, he would never have crucified the Lord of Glory, he would never have crucified Jesus Christ. Because when Jesus Christ was here, it was Christ in him at one place at one time. But now it's Christ and everyone who's in this room, born again of God's Spirit. It's Christ and everyone in that advanced class in California, right? It's Christ in everyone in Wichita, who was born again a God, Spirit of Kansas, Christ and everyone in ECUs, born again of God's Spirit, Christ and anyone across the nation across the world, who is born again of God's Spirit. They have it on the inside. Now we must believe to bring that result out here, that the works he did we can do also and greater works in these.
We must believe, alright, what was that mystery, verse six, that the Gentile should be fellow heirs, in the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel, that the den Gentiles should be fellow heirs, who was heirs before the Jews, Israel, were heirs. God promised Abraham that he would be heir. Right, then went to Isaiah, and finally the Israel and so on. But they were to be heirs, Jews only. But now, in this administration, the mystery that not only Jews, but Gentiles should be heirs, that Gentiles should be filovirus fellow air and have the same body. Before this, the Jews weren't even the body they were the Bride of Christ, right? But now we're the body of Christ, not only Jews, but Gentiles also from both Jew and Gentile, the Church of God, which is the same body, fellow air is of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel. we partake of that promise in Christ by the gospel, not again. Before this was just Jews, Jews received the promise, but now it's due and Gentiles were partakers of that promise in Christ by the gospel. Verse seven were whereof I was made a minister, this mystery that the Gentiles should be followers of the same body and partakers of the promising Christ by the gospel, I was made a miss minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power. And to me, who am less than the least of all saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ? That's something, riches of Christ that I should preach. When a guy stands up, and tells me how poor he is, because of the Lord Jesus Christ, because he's really you know, he's really had it. Because man, he's just got everybody's burdens on him when he becomes a minister. Then something's wrong, either God's Word or the man, right? Because here it says, that it preach among the Gentiles, not the poverty has because what he's doing, but to preach the unsearchable riches, the riches of Christ, verse nine, and to make all see, what is the administration the word fellowship is that word autonomia, meaning administration, the administration of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God who created all things, period. The words by Jesus Christ are not in any critical Greek text other than Stephens. But this mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God who created all things. God has had this as a secret since the foundation of the world. And verse 10, To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers, in the heavenlies, might be known by the church, the little bit of wisdom that God has for His people. Know the manifold wisdom of God, the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus, our Lord, in whom we have reluctance. And whom we have boldness, and access with confidence by the faith of him. We have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. Boldness I mean, you walk down the street, you've got what Christ within you, you've got power, you're loaded. Somebody walks up to you and flip slips a little chip off your shoulder, shouldn't be carrying one of this. Wait a minute, you've got Christ within you. Right? Christ within you. Can you push it around? My goodness? I didn't even hit it that hard. You have he? Can he push you around? Yes, he can. If you let him, you're gonna let him know. That's right. Because greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world. That we may have boldness in whom we have boldness and accents, access with confidence, by the faith of him. Look at Romans chapter eight. A lot of good scripture. And I mean, you can just eat this stuff and eat it and eat it. And man, it just thrills your soul.
And I'll tell you something, most people are on the wrong kind of diet. They're on a spiritual diet or a diet on God's word. They're not eating too much of it because they might get fat. While I tell you I want to get fat on the word. And to do that, you got to eat a lot of it, don't you? And if you don't eat a lot of the word, what happens? You get skinny. And if you're skinny or weak, your muscles aren't any good. You don't feed them right. So if we're going to go places with God with his word, we're going to have to get on a fattening up diet. And do that by reading the word staying in that word studying the Word. Alright, where are we going? Romans eight, chapter eight, verse 16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. And if children if we're children, then lewat heirs, heirs and air one who inherits something, and if we're an air, air, air of God and a join air with home and adjoining areas, one that shares fully. We are joint heirs with Christ. We don't have half and he has half or we don't have 1/4 And he has three fourths. No, we got the whole thing, and he's got the whole thing we're joint heirs, we share fully.
That's right, you share fully share fully the whole thing. You got a million dollars in the bank, you and your wife, you got a joint account, right?
You share fully. That doesn't mean you split it down the middle. Now you could have separate account, that's all great. But we don't have in Christ you. We are joiners, join errs, we all share fully in the same thing, that wonderful night great joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with Him that we may also be also glorified together.
Look at Acts chapter 20. Acts 20, verse 32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to do what
what I tell you about a spiritual diet. His word is able to do what to build up to make a big and fat in the mind on the word. And when you get big and fat on the word, you're able to do something, you have ability, you can believe God for the impossible to come to pass. Right? You can believe God, that when a man that when you touch a man, if that's what you're to do, ladies got to be healed like Jesus did.
Jesus touched a man. He said, You're healed. No doubt in his mind, he believes. And he was what?
Do you have that same ability? That's right. All we have to do is believe that man has to believe you've got to believe and that will come to pass. Where are we? Oh, we're next 2032. The word of His grace, which is able to build you up to build you up, make it big and fat. And it's the word and only the word that's going to do it. It's not something you read, not watching television or anything else. It's only God's word, it's going to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all of them which are sanctified, and inheritance. Part of the mystery isn't an inheritance that the Gentiles would be fellow heirs. Now we've got an inheritance now is God poverty stricken? God will supply all of our need according to His riches in glory, His riches in glory. Now we've got an inheritance and inheritance. Among all them which are sanctified, we've got an inheritance. And the only way you can tap into that inheritance is to do what? Believe what what is it say the word right? The word which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance. He only going to get that inheritance from the word. You're not going to get it from being good for putting the flowers in the right place or the candles for chewing tobacco or for not chewing tobacco, right? The only way you can get that hair inheritance is from the word. Well, let me tell you something. When you go to a bank and not suppose you've got an inheritance, or you've got an account there in the bank, how are you going to draw that money out?
I mean, let's suppose we live in a big I'm not talking about this, these little hick towns around here where we all come from, I'm talking about Columbus, if I went up to a bank in Columbus, and I said, Look, I'd like to draw all my money out of the bank. They probably look at me and say, who are you? You know what I've got to have in Columbus to be able to get my money out of the bank unless the banker happens to know me personally, I suppose. But none of them knew me personally in Columbus when I was there. Would you know I I'd have to do in order to get my money out of the bank. I'd have to have my book or my card or something, I suppose. That proves that I was me. Now, here's your checkbook. Here's your checkbook. It's only from God's word that we have access to our inheritance about that the word which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified. Now you want your inheritance, get your checkbook out, get your account book, or whatever you want to call it. I don't know what you call it in the inheritance field. But get out that thing that identifies you as you. Are you a son of God. Are you identified with him? Does this book identify you? That's right. And it says, You've got an inheritance come and says, so. We've read it tonight, right? Now how are you going to get that inheritance? From the word from by knowing that word, and then believing and demanding what you've got coming? Otherwise, you're not going to get your inheritance, your inheritance will stay there. Till Christ returns, then, of course, you're born again, a God's Spirit, you go and you get it. But you can't tap into anything. Now, unless you go to God's word and really stay in that word. You'd never have gotten your inheritance, or even a promise of an inheritance. If you hadn't first believed Romans 10 Nine, right? You have to go to the word if you want that inheritance. Now we've got something from God's Word. And we're nothing of ourselves. But God's made us somebody. And God doesn't want us to walk around being little nobody's sure we've got a big battle in this world. We've got an adversary the devil. And he doesn't like it, that we fight him. So he tried to make us forget about the word. So what are we going to do, you're going to give in, you're going to buckle in. No, you're going to stand, having done all stand. And the only way you can be able to stand is to know God's word. know God's word and put it on in your mind and then believe and act upon it. God doesn't want you little nobody, he doesn't want you to defeated. He doesn't want you to be little people running around in the world. So me hiding behind trees, and there is no he wants you to be a somebody. He wants you to stand up and to claim your rights, your sonship rights as a son of God, if you're a son of God, then you're an air of God, if an air of God you're a join here with Christ, because great Christ was the Son of God to and you're a brother, a brother to Christ, Jesus Christ. He's your big brother. That's something and you're a joint heir with him. I joined air with Jesus Christ. Now you've got something, you've got resources, you've got ability. And remember, God doesn't want you to be little nobodies. He wants you to be the claim your sonship rights. And the only way you can do that is by knowing the word because it's his word that's able to build you up and to give you that inheritance
Galatians. Galatians chapter three verse 22. Welcome back to verse 14. That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles say before was just Jews, wasn't it? Now according to the mystery, it also comes on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith to home was the promise made in the Gospels?
Who, Israel to whom was Christ talking when he said the spirit would be in you? That's right, Israel. But now it says to Gentiles also the blessing of Abraham aka through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith before Pentecost, Jews were could receive that promise. But after Pentecost, not only Jews, but Gentiles also could be drawn into that church of God. promise of the Spirit where are we promised to the spirit to fame? Verse 15. Brother and I speak after the manner of man that would be but a man's covenant. He had to have it be confirmed no man DISA knowledge or add a third to know to Abraham and his seed where the promises made Original, and he said not and to seeds as many, but as of one into thy seed which is Christ. And this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was 430 years after cannot discern all, that it should make the promise of none effect. For the inheritance be of the law, the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of what promise, but God gave it to Abraham, by what, right, but Jews only. Wherefore then served with the law, it was added because of transgressions to the seeds had come to whom the promise was made, and it was ordained by angels in the hands of a mediator. Now, the mediator is not a mediator of one but God is One is a law that against the promises of God, God forget, Forbid, for if there had been a law given, which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been given by the law. But the scripture has concluded all under sin, that the promise, the promise that was made to Abraham to Isaak to Jacob to Jews, that this promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that what we believe to them that belief. But before faith came, whose faith, the faith of Jesus Christ, we were kept under the law Shut up onto the faith, which should afterwards after what what, after the law was over right, afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster, until Christ to bring us not in the text, that we might be justified by the faith, faith whose faith, the faith of Jesus Christ, but after that faith, who's the faith that Jesus Christ has come, we are no longer under schoolmaster. For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, neither male nor female, but you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you be Christ, then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Says, you're an heir. neither Jew nor Gentile, the problems were given Abraham, but now in the mystery, the administration of grace to which we belong. It's not just Jew. Because the mystery was that the Gentile would be fellow heirs, partakers of that promising Christ by the gospel of the same body, we're all one in Christ, there's neither Jew nor Gentile bond or free, male or female, we're all one in Christ Jesus, were one one body. And if you be Christ, then you're Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. You have an inheritance. Are you going to tap into it? Get your account book out.
First Corinthians chapter 16. Now having all these things, having this great inheritance and knowing that there's only one way to tap into it,
and that's where they'll give you a test afterwards. Where the word by going to your account book, that's right to work. The only way and get you to tap into your inheritance is go to the Word, the Word. Now knowing this, I'd like to show you something in chapter 16, of First Corinthians that I thought was real interesting the way the English had it in verse 15 I beseech you brethren, you know the house of Stephanus that is the first fruits of a care in other words, they were some of the first ones that believed in a care Greece and that they have what addicted themselves Hey, about that tripping out here? They have addicted themselves to the Ministry of what haha, now it's not a good thing to get addicted to. You Bet Your Life they became addicted. They addicted themselves to the ministry of the same Now there's only one way you can do that. And that's just to make up your mind that you're going to do it. Believe you've got to study God's Word, know God's word, put it on in your mind, believe it, and walk on it. addict yourself to that word. I guarantee it's a good trip. It's out of sight. Could you Gods addicts? How about that? Not ATT, I see. Add ICT. Well, they addicted themselves to the ministry. There's only one way to become addicted. And that's to get into that word, know the word and do the work, do the work of the ministry. It's a great trip, I thought this, this verse just blew my mind. The word technically means they appointed themselves to the ministry of the saints. They appointed by like the word of dare, that's good. They addicted themselves to the ministry. Because there's a lot of other things you can addict yourself to whether it's drugs, or whether it's just the cares of the world. And there's a lot more people addicted on the cares of this world than there are on drugs. I'll clue you. Well, maybe that's one. But you can become addicted to the social structure within which you live. You can become addicted to your job. You can become addicted to your church, I suppose. You can become addicted to a school. But it's a bad trip. The end result? leaves you cold leaves you with nothing basically. What was it something I forget how many I forget the statistics anymore. The you know, the millionaires that some of the top 20 or the top five, I don't know, had this big meaning, you know, they had all the money all the biggest successes in the country. Something like 1520 years later, they were all broke. Well, and a hotel and how many were there? Well, say they, they become addicted to the things of the world. Or somebody on drugs may become addicted to drugs, usually ends up in a bad trip. But I'll tell you one place you can become addicted. And that's the God's word and the work of the ministry. Be a good trip all the way.
I'll guarantee because I'm in I'm having a good time. Look at chapter 15, verse 57. But thanks be to God. Which gives us the what? The victory That's right, not a defeat.
When you fight against your adversary, the devil, Satan, when you fight, you have victory. Provided you believe that word and walk on it. Right? Know the word believe it and while we have victory. And it says thanks be to God which giveth us to victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, stay put, don't be budged around, be unmovable. Don't let somebody the first guy that comes along, push you around, you learn a little bit of the word. Like you people have just been through the class. You've got some knowledge of the word. Now you've got to stay in that word. If you want to stay strong, you want to stay put, because the first guy that comes along, what's he going to do? He's going to try to budget you. Yes, but that doesn't quite agree with something over here. Or how you're going to explain this particular verse. They're going to try to move you try to budget. But I tell you something, you've got to stay put on that word. If you want to grow and if you want to go places with the ministry, you've got to stay put, steadfast, unmovable, don't let them move you. Don't let them shove you around. Shove them out of your way. Right? You're an ambassador, right? You're an ambassador. So as an ambassador, you walk forth boldly with that word, you stay put and don't let anybody shove you around. Thanks be to God who always gives us a victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my beloved brother and be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding, always abounding in the work of me I always a bounding Oh, the work of who? Hello. All right, always a bounding in the work of the Lord. That's right. It's not a bounding and good works of man. It's not doing like I said the candles, the flowers, sweeping the floor, whatever. Those are wonderful, but are bound particularly in the work of the Lord, the work of the Lord always abounding in the work of the Lord. For as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord, anything you do for men, be in vain. Sorry. You name it. Like those millionaires, billionaires, whatever they were, went down the drain, their work was completely totally in vain. Suppose you made a billion dollars and you had it the rest of your lives here on Earth, and you had no hope afterwards, your work would still be in vain. Because you lose it all. You can't take it with you. Sorry, you have to leave it behind. That work would be in vain. Now, I'm not saying don't go out, make a million dollars, that'd be fine too. But abounding in the work of the Lord, because it's in the work of the Lord that you know that your work is not in vain. And it's only in that way. But it depends upon a few foundational principles. First of all, you've got to know that you've got to know where to tap into. You've got to know where to get your inheritance, the only place you know is by your Kilburn, the word of God, that word of God is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified. This word of God gives you the answers to every life situation. Jesus Christ said, the works that I do, he shall do also and greater works, because I go to my father, which is in heaven. Now how are you going to do greater works, until you first do the work that he did, and how you going to do the work that he did, unless you know His Word. And now you got to know His word unless you read it. Unless you study it, unless you know it. Amen. That's it. And it takes one ingredient, to season all this. And that's believing you've got to believe, or you never see the result. Like the man who came to Jesus, he touched him, or want, he just said, Go, and the man believed, and he was here. Believe, and you get the results. If you don't believe if you have doubt, Fair Work.
You don't get the results. Believing is receiving, as you believe your receipt, whether it's financial matters, whether it's physical healing, whether it's another need in your life, your marriage, your body, your friends, spiritually, mentally, whatever it is, those needs will be met only, to the extent that you believe, as you believe you'll get the results. And you can't believe any bigger than you've been led, or taught or studied. And you can't believe Bigger than anything you know. And if you don't know the word you can't believe any bigger tender. So you've got to get into that word, and believe, and you're going to see the results. Some of us have seen the results. And like I say, being addicted to the ministry is a real good trip. And it's a real joy, to be able to serve in the capacity to read that word, to be able to dig out the truths that are in the word and to be able to share them to be able to help others to a knowledge of Christ. It's only from God's word, only from God's word that we find the answers to life right. And to become an addict in the ministry. Good term is a real joy and real privilege. And we have a good time ago.