SNT-0489- Holding Forth the Word- Philippians 1-1ff (Cummins)

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Publication Date: 02-14-1971
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-489-HoldingForththeWord-Philippians1-1ff(Cummins) DRAFT
Christ, Paul, word, rejoice, Philippians, walking, strife, day, power, preach, holding, throw, preaching, terrified, put, gospel, envy
Take your Bibles and turn to the Epistle to the Philippians, the epistle dress to the Philippians. And we're going to begin reading in chapter one, the first verse, right where Paul started his epistle. So we're going to start there tonight, and read on through. I don't say we're going to get all the way through Philippians. But we're going to read a portion of it here tonight anyway. Philippians chapter one. Beginning in verse one. Paul makes the salutation, he says, Paul and Timothy as the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints, in Christ Jesus, which are at Philippi, with the bishops, and the deacons. To whom is Philippians address to all this things that's right, to all the saints to all the saints, addressed to the saints. And though the word bishops is that word, simply meaning elders, the elders and the deacons, one who holds a position in the church, Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ are all of you as hard as I am. Alright, let's turn it down back there, where's my man? All right, Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, every time he remembers them, he thanks God for them. Every time somebody comes to his mind, he just immediately thanks God for them. He doesn't immediately when somebody comes to his mind, he doesn't think now, let's see, last week he was out with so and so. And he was tripping out in this field. No, he doesn't think of those things. He thinks only of the good side of it. He always thinks God, when that person comes to his mind, I am, I think, My God upon every remembrance of you, verse four, always, in every prayer of mine for you all, you all it makes him a Southerner, you know, making request, making requests, with joy, making requests with joy, for your fellowship, in the Gospel, from the first day until now, he makes requests with joy, oh, for your one, fellowship for your fellowship. This is what causes a man of God to joy, to have joy is to see that the people to whom he's ministering are walking in fellowship, not fellowship with the world or with the devil or something else, fellowship with God and with the believers, fellowship. Always making requests with joy, for your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until now Now keep your finger here and look at Second John.
Second, John, the Epistles Second John Chapter two second, John was one in the Old Testament Hezekiah just wasn't a book though.
Second, John. Verse four, I Rejoice greatly that I found of thy children, walking in what? Right? That's what he rejoiced in that they were walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father, I Rejoice greatly of thy children walking in truth. Look at Third John, the 17th chapter. Verse three. Or I Rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in the even as our Walker's in the truth, I Rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testify to the truth that wasn't the that thou walkest that thou walk us in the truth, this is what caused Paul to rejoice That is children walked in truth. Look at verse four, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children do up. walk in truth. That's, that's what causes a man of God to rejoice. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are tracking, that they're walking on the word, that they're walking in the truth, that they're walking in the light as God is a light. And there's only one way to find that light and that's from God's Word. God's Word is truth, man's word. Facts lies, anything but the truth. The only time man's word is true, is when it coincides with God's word. When you speak God's word, you're speaking truth. You're not speaking God's word. You're not speaking truth. Back to Philippians chapter one. Always in every prayer of mine, for you all making requests with joy, for your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until now, this is what caused Paul to rejoice was that these people to whom he administered at Philippi, were walking on the word that they were walking, they were in fellowship, they were tuned in, they weren't tripped out. They were on a good trip with God, they were walking the track, verse, sex, being confident, Being confident of this very thing, that he which has began a good work and you will perform it, or completed. Until what? The day of Jesus Christ when is the day of Jesus Christ, the gathering together, that's it speak out speaks of it in Thessalonians, other places of the day of Jesus Christ being the gathering together, when the saints are gathered together, those which are alive and remain are caught up. In the air, those which are asleep in Christ, are raised from the sleep. They're raised from the dead. And so we come together, we meet with Christ in the air, that's the gathering together the church, the gathering together, the corruptible, the one who's died, must put on this incorruption, the mortal who's alive here on Earth, he's just a mortal, though, must put on immortality. And we're gathered together with him. So shall we ever be with the Lord in the air? He says, I am Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work and you will perform it or will complete that work. He's not going to trip out tomorrow. He's not going to stop progress tomorrow. The same God that was in the Apostle Paul's in us today, right? It's Christ in the hope of glory. God's not out of business yet. God ain't dead. He isn't. God's alive. And he's in business. Did he start a good work in you? Are you convinced? Have you got the proof in the senses? Well, that's right. The proof of the reality and presence of the Holy Spirit within speaking in tongues. As you speak in tongues, you know, you've got it. And it tells you what you've got on the inside. You've got righteousness, that you're a son of God. You've got wisdom, you've got power, justification, all these goodies. Everything that God Rotting Christ for us. He gave it to us. Now he started something in us. And he started something as we believed and we started walking upon it. We saw the result in our life. Do you think God's going to stop today? Do you think he's going to take a vacation got an advertisement in the mail the other day. Somebody from St. Mary's I don't know who it was still don't know. sent me this advertisement and said you will receive long bond I took it to me. Number one, a new car about that. Number two, a portable television set. Not bad. Number three a vacation another thing is I don't know what I take it. Well, number four, an am FM radio man. Or number five $50 cash. Said you will absolutely Lombardo didn't say Lombardo. But said received, and no ifs ands or buts about it no obligation, no purchase necessary all this business, you know, so I called him up, you know, and I said you had the call before February 20, which was yesterday. So I sit there on that phone call and all the time, and nobody ever answered the phone till finally, when was it Friday, late Friday or something? When I wasn't home during the day, Joyce called and finally got hold of these birds. And they'll give it to us if there came the stipulation, they would let us or let them come into our home and demonstrate a vacuum sweep. So I'm waiting on that 1971 automobile alone. But anyway, God doesn't take a vacation. Does he know that was one of my one of the things was a vacation. But God doesn't take a vacation. He's still in business, he doesn't start a good work in you and then quit the next day, or work with you for a while and say, well, that's enough. Now we got to go work on somebody else. Now you can walk in darkness for a while, know that he will continue our complete that work until when? Until a day of Christ, Jesus Christ, not the day of the Lord, the day of Jesus Christ. He will continue or complete that work until the day of Jesus Christ. Every day is a complete affair to know every day is something complete. God doesn't do something half. He doesn't complete every day, every day of your life and your wall. He who started that good work and you will complete it day after day after day until the return of Christ, the day of Jesus Christ. All right now verse seven, Paul says, Being confident of this thing in verse six, you know, he wasn't just speculating. He says, Well, now my theory says that, you know, if Christ arfi who started this good work in you? He should continue. No, no, no, he says, Being confident, being confident that he who started this good work, and he's going to complete it until the day of Christ, Jesus Christ, verse seven, even as it is meat for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, in as much as both in my bonds. And in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. Er, you all are partakers of my grace. Now look at that. I have you in my heart while he lifted them every day when they came to his remembrance. Remember, every time they would come to his mind, he thank God for them making requests. Because they were walking they were in fellowships. And being confident that he had started this work enemy's gonna complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Now he says, Even as as meat for me to think this of you because I have you in my heart, it as much as both in my bonds. Because Paul, when he wrote the letter to the Philippians, I believe was in the prison that Rome. And writing this, he mentions that I have in my heart in as much as both in my bonds, number one, and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel,
the preaching of the Gospel, the proclaiming of that gospel, he all are partakers of my grace. Of my grace. Now what was Paul's grace? Yeah, Grace of God. Paul's Grace was God's grace. Remember, in second look at it second Corinthians chapter 12.
Keep your finger we'll be back. We're gonna stay in Philippians tonight, so always keep your finger there when we flip someplace else. Right. Flip second Corinthians chapter 12. Beginning in verse seven, unless I should be exalted above measure, through the abundance of the revelations. Paul was always receiving from God. He had an abundance of Revelation, but less I should be exalted. There was given to me a thorn in the flesh. A messenger of God. Oh, a messenger of who? Satan. That's right. A thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan. And of course, you know from the foundational classes you trace this word thorn in the flesh through that it refers to people. And certainly when you read chapter 11 of Second Corinthians, you'll realize of the affliction that Paul went through by people stoned. He was whipped. With the black snake He was whipped with the rods, the things that have the metal on the end, that they straight through the back. All these afflictions he received a people thorn in the flesh, who were the messengers of home. That's right, to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing, I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, what? My grace My grace is sufficient for the My grace is sufficient for the Paul's Grace was God's grace. Without God's grace, Paul wouldn't have any grace. Well, look what he was before he was born again on the road to Damascus. Paul was hailing men and women to present he had no grace, no mercy, anything. But My grace is sufficient for the God told him, for my strength is made perfect in weakness, the same word as the word infirmity, my infirmities, my weaknesses, my strength is made perfect and weaknesses. Now how can that be? Most gladly, therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Now how can that be? How can you take pleasure and infirmities? Could you take Biden infirmities? Well, come on up here, I'll beat you over the head a couple times, see how much pleasure you have in. take pleasure in his infirmities. Look at verse 10. He says again, therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches in the sesame's in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake, for when I went, when I am weak, then am I strong. Now how can that be? How can you be sitting here, somebody's beating you over the head or club in your weapon you with a whip, or stone in you and be strong? I take pleasure in infirmities. It doesn't take pleasure in the infirmities. He takes pleasure in the strength that he has to get out of them. Now look, now think it through?
How many times have you been in a situation? And maybe by your own ability, say outside of the ministry, by your own ability, you've gotten out of that situation, a scrape in business, or in sports, in a contest, or in a fight with a young person. I used to get in fights. I never got out on top, but I used to get in underneath. But have you ever been in a situation where you came out on top? Yeah, and when you come out of that thing, boy, you're really feel strong. That's what Paul's talking about. That's what he's talking about. When these things were thrown at him. Well, that wasn't any good. You know, who enjoys being beat over the head or stoned or whip? You can't take pleasure in that. But when he saw himself coming into a situation he reached up in Daddy's cookie jar, he says, What do I do? And God told him how to get out of the screen. which showed that he had something that he had power. If you it's like the the stones in the brook? What makes the brook seen the stones? If it didn't have anything to go around? The brook wouldn't sing. If it just flowed, you just be a ball River. The Old Man River Yes. But it just flow along see no song. But when you put a few obstacles there, that's what makes the brook sing. Now, same way, when it comes to the word, and walking on that word, people throw things in front of your pant. Messengers of Satan to buffet you polish it off. What do you do? You just buckle under take it and boy oh, boy. There's a lot of fun. I sure wish 10 More people beat me over the head. Who are you kidding? No. But when you take a stand, and you realize the power that you have in Christ, and somebody throws something at you, and you put up your shield, the shield of believing, you knock that dart out of the way, you take another step forward, somebody else throws something, you knock that thing out of the way, you realize the power that you have in Christ, you're able to exercise your spiritual arms and yours. That's when you realize what you have in Christ is a reality in this world. It's not just something on the inside, but it's an ability that you have, you're able to use in the census world. Paul put up with a lot of things, but he always overcame, he always came up and out on top. That's what made his muscles so strong. Because he get into the when persecution sets in, you find two kinds of people, you find the people that give in the persecution that just buckle under. Then you find the other kind of people who come out on top. And you know, what happens to that person? He's the same person he was before. Nope, he's always stronger than he was before the persecution. The one person gives in the other person is always stronger afterwards. Well, what's I know I don't keep up with the fights. But look, the the guy challenges you the guy that's got the belt or whatever he's got on top. He fights him, he comes out on top, he's learned something from that individual, he's a lot stronger than he was before, isn't he? In the infirmities, the weaknesses, he was made strong by walking. Pole was by walking on the word by operating his spiritual arms and ears, by walking by the Spirit. walking with God, he was made strong, because he had an opportunity to practice what he has to put it into operation back in Philippians.
In as much verse seven, the middle as both in my bonds, and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, he all are partakers of migrates, verse eight, for God is my witness. The word record is witness, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ. And this I pray, that your love may abound, yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment, that you may approve things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense, how long till the day of Christ, the day of Christ, the gathering together. This is Paul's prayer for the Philippians that they they continue to walk that their love abounds more and more in knowledge and judgment, that they may approve things that are excellent, that they may be sincere and without a fence till the day of Christ, verse 11, being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God, being filled with the fruits of righteousness, the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, you can have fruits of righteousness by good works. Fruits are a result of the cultivation of the Spirit. As you operate the manifestation of the Spirit, you see the results in the senses world and you see the results, which are the fruits, the fruits of the Spirit and Galatians five lists those fruits, the fruits of the spirit, the fruits of the spirit, the things that are the result of the operation of the manifestations of the Spirit. Verse toil, but I would G should understand, brethren, that the things which happen under me have fallen out rather under the further and so the gospel Look at that. Look at that. The things that happened unto me are half fallen out, rather under the further and so the gospel. Like Paul, when he was had all these thorns in the flesh, heaping things upon him, persecute stone, all these things thrown at it. How many of you have been stoned in here? I see. Anybody been whipped? Anybody been in jail? I better not ask them the things that happened unto me, Paul says, those things which they have fallen out onto the further and so the gospel, because what happened to me when these people threw things at me, man, I really got strong because I put on the power that I had in Christ Jesus, I started walking by that spirit, I started operating the power that I had. And what happened as a result. It fell out. I like the word fall out, fell out, you know, fell through. The old devil was trying to put something up against Paul, and it just fell through and the gospel marched on. Even better yet, to the further and so the gospel, look at the next verse, so that my bonds, my bonds in Christ, are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places. And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear. They're much more bold, not hesitant, not reluctant. They're much more bold now, to speak that word, without fear. When persecution said in on Paul, the people saw Paul push through that thing, because he had something in Christ, he had power dunamis. And then he exercised that power, he exercised it. And the people saw the results, that no matter what people would throw at him, that he just pushed right on through, the more they tried to stop him, the stronger he got and just pushed right on through. And the people who believe God's word saw this in poll. And you know what the result was?
You just read it. Waxing confident by my bonds are much more bold, to speak the word without fear. That's right. They saw happened to Paul, while they put two and two together, they figured now if Paul's got Christ within them, and Paul told us that we've got Christ within us. Paul has power, he pushed through those lines. The enemy came at him and he pushed through. And look how he's really going there. Just nothing stands in his way. Now, two and two is four, we've got Christ within us, too. We've got power. Right? We've got something we're loaded. And if Paul can do it, and he said, We can do it, we are able to do it, too. So they did. Can you do it? That's right. Because when they saw Paul, what was happening, they they put these two things together, and they wax confident by his bonds. And much, were much more bold, after that, to speak the word without fear. They got rid of those spheres, they got rid of those things that were holding them back before this, you know, well, I better not say too much. Or the Praetorian might get down on my back, you know, the brass, the soldiers all this stuff. Or the the priests, the Jews, you know, they might come and put little pressure on me, you know, they might whip me there was fear their fear, and fear always. Slit enslaves people, makes them less than what they really our fear defeats people. And these people who were full of fear, they saw what Paul was doing, by the power of Christ within him. And they saw how Paul just charged through and they've got the same had the same power that he had. You've got the same power that he had. Therefore, what can you do? You just shove right on through, you should wax bow, and you will when you see those things, Satan so something up against us, a man of God pushes through, the people see it and they start pushing that much harder. They're more bold, to speak the word without fear. They get rid of those fears, those hesitations, those doubts, those worries, anything that enslaves me, they get rid of this and they start pushing through that line just with the strength that they have in Christ, not physical strength, but the strength that they have in Christ. Much more bold to speak the word without fear. Verse 15. Now Paul says Some indeed preach Christ, even of envy or because of envy and strife. They preach Christ because of envy, and because of strife. Somebody in the body may envy someone else. Or a may cause this chord strife. Always something there to fight, but yet they preach Christ. Because maybe it's for self glory.
I don't know. This kind of thing. You've met it. They preach Christ because of envy and strife. And some also because of goodwill, even got a few of them or
verse 16, the one preaches Christ of contention, or out of strife, Discord, not sincerely the word sincerely means with pure oneness with pureness. The one preaches Christ, out of strife or discord, not with pure oneness. Supposing to add a flexion, the word of flexion is that word, I covered the number we still flips us, which means mental pressure, mental pressure, supposing to add mental pressure to my bonds. One bad enough, Paul was bound he was in jail. But also they had to add the mental pressure to him, the flip says, They preached Christ, out of discord out of strife, out of envy, like the Jews came, there was a lot of Jews preaching Christ, but they also preach circumcision with it, then sure, Christ is great. But you also got to be circumcised, got to be baptized, got a few other things in the law. Bunch of things, you can eat the bunch of things, you got to eat this guy, they were law, law, see, always putting law with Christ. Christ came to fulfill the law was the end of the law for everyone that believes right? But here were these Jews who are still zealous for the law. And so they wanted to put people under the law. Yeah, they were preaching Christ. They still want to put people under the law. There were other reasons other than Jews, there were other people preaching Christ, out of strife and envy. Alright. Supposing to add mental pressure to my bonds, verse 17, but the other preaches Christ, out of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel, he does it out of love, verse 18. What then? Not this notwithstanding, in every way, every way, whether in pretense, the word pretense is the word Greek word from which we get profanity or profane, whether in profane or profanity, pretense, or in truth, whether they preach Christ profanely or whether they preach Christ with the truth. Everywhere, what that notwithstanding, every way, whether profanely or into Christ is what? Preach and that's the important thing that Christ is preached. Look at the rest of the verse. And I there in, do what? Rejoice. Okay, here's some Junker over here wants to preach Christ out of envy, out of strife. Great, wonderful crisis preach, and I do rejoice. Over here, somebody else. He's really walking on the word and he preaches Christ out of love. Well, that's great too.
And they're in I do rejoice. Many times, think outside of the way ministry. There's not too many groups who really accept the word literally from cover to cover. And really believe that that word is God's will, that it means what it says all the way through from Genesis to Revelation that there's no verse that you ought to delete but yet, there's a lot of people preaching Christ. PC, not planting corn and plowing, but preaching Christ, their preaching Christ. Perhaps not the whole word. But perhaps some of it great, thank God for them either in do what? Rejoice. I'm thankful to God that they're preaching. Now there's a lot of groups that aren't preaching Christ. But there are some that got a little bit of the truth. Others have got a little more
okay, I thank God for their lives and for leading people to Christ. I do rejoice. But I'm also very thankful for those people who are doing it out of love, that they're really tracking with the word, that that whole word means what it says and says what it means. there and I do rejoice, and will rejoice, not only present tense, do rejoice, but I will rejoice why future? Why future added to it? Because verse 19, for I know that this this one, this preaching of Christ, whether it's done in envy or strife, or if it's done in love, that this preaching of Christ shall turn, now we got to rework this shall turnout is the word turnout for me, turn out for me, not to my salvation, but shall turn out for me unto salvation. For I know that this this preaching of Christ shall future tense, turnout for me unto salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, it shall turn out for me unto salvation, salvation, people born again, doesn't matter. Whether they preach Christ in envy and strife, or whether they preach him in love, if they preach Christ, that God raised Him from the dead, and that you should make him Lord in your life, what's going to happen to the people that hear it? They're going to be saved. That's right. That's like, Oh, you've heard it in advertising. You know, I don't care what you say, as long as I don't care what you call me. As long as you call me. You've heard that before. Why don't Why do you think they don't mention the other guy's product when they're advertising on top, they say there are certain products we say, you know, but they never say the name. Because they don't want to advertise that guy's name.
They want to advertise their own product. So you people better get some sleep tonight. Where were we? Yeah, doesn't matter, as long as you're preaching Christ, that God raised Him from the dead.
And set him at his own right and so on. That you make him Lord in your life. If you've made this available to people.
They're going to get what, say that. But Paul says, you can take it much farther than this to.
That's, I'm thankful. He says, I rejoice. I'm glad they're getting saved. That's great. I rejoice and I will rejoice because they're going to be what? Saying, that's right. Hold your finger here again, look at First Corinthians three.
Remember, Philippians was addressed to correct the practical error regarding the grace aspects, you know, Ephesians. It was Philippians was written to correct the grace aspects of the church, the air that had crept into the misuse of Ephesians. Whereas Corinthians was correct. The practical was written to correct the practical lawyer that had crept in through the misuse of the legal aspects of the church, that which was written in the book of Romans. In other words, Corinthians is dealing with the practical side of the legal aspects, whereas Philippians is dealing with the practical side of the grace aspects. Now Paul said in Philippians, I don't care as long as Christ is preached. One preaches them on Strife and discord, another one preaches out of love. Great, as long as he's preached, and people are getting saved. That's great. Now on the legal side, in Corinthians, First Corinthians three verse three For ye are yet carnal for whereas there is among you envying, and what strife and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men? For a while one says, I am a Paul and other I'm a valets. Are you not carnal? Who that is Paul and who is Apollo's but ministers by whom you believe, even as the Lord gave to every man, I have planted Apollo's watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither see that plan, if anything, neither is he that water, but God that giveth the increase, and he goes on and on. But he says your yet carnal, why do you have these divisions? On the legal side? Why not get your high your back feet tracking with your front feet? Why not start walking on that we're getting the whole word to gel in your life, not just a part of it. Don't do it in stripe. See, that's the legal side. But on the gray side, Paul says, Great, they're still getting people saying, and I'm thankful for. But on the other hand, on the legal side, why not get all four feet tracking together? Why have one lame foot in the bud? Why not start walking on that hole, we're getting the whole word to mesh in your lungs. Look at flippy and again get that whole word to just gel within your life. Walk on it day after day.
Don't have strife, this type of thing. First 20 According to my earnest expectation, right now, and my hope for the future, that in nothing I shall be ashamed. But that with all reluctance,
with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die? Is game. Verse 22, but if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labor. Yet what I shall choose i what not? I know not old English for No, I know no. For I am in a strength between two two up a choice of two things, which is to live or to, to die. Having a desire to die? No. No, I am in a straight between to to live or to die. Who wants to die? Good. I'm going straight between to to live or to die, having a desire. Then it says in the great for the return, having a desire for the return the return and to be with Christ, which is what? Far better? That's right. I can live today or I can die. I mean, that's straight. But I've got a desire for the return of Christ for the return, and to be with Christ, which is far better, because I tell you when we get there, it's gonna be great. When Christ returns the gathering together, we're not going to have any more of this stuff. This baloney that's pushed down our throat, the physical, as well as the mental fight that we've got. Because Christ will gather us together and so shall we ever be with him. And there will be perfect in every detail at that time. It is going to be a great time I tell you, but when you die, you're not with Christ, you're dead. But when Christ returns, those that are asleep in Christ, he does what he gathers them together. And those of us which are alive and remain he catches up in the air with him having a desire for the return of Christ, because at that time, I will be with Christ, which is going to be far better. I don't know exactly what it's going to be like, because I haven't been there. But I know it's going to be good. And I think some of you are convinced about that too. Right? I'm in a straight between to life and death. Having a desire for the return and to be with Christ, which is far better. So he's actually got three. The only thing he doesn't have any control over that middle one that for the return The Return of Christ. Because when the other times and season you know, we don't know. But when He returns, we're going to be with him, and it's going to be far better, far better. Verse 24, nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is more needful for you, and having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all. For your further enjoy, have faith, that your rejoicing may be more abundant ever heard those words before? The more abundant life that you're rejoicing maybe what? If you're always persecuted, beat down trodden under people always thrown the junk on you? How can you be rejoicing, with more abundance? When do you rejoice when you Paul through those things, when you show fourth that strength that you have in Christ, you know, the work that I do, you shall do also and greater works. When you start showing forth, that stuff that you've got in Christ, that ability that you have, when you start shining, letting that light come through, using your spiritual muscles. That's when you rejoice the more abundantly in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again. Only let your conversation verse 27. The word conversation is citizenship, poly tastes. Only form of the verb here. Same route, though is Polyface. Let your conversation your citizenship, your citizenship or where is your citizenship? Look at chapter three, verse 24, hour citizenship poly Tate's, from which we get police you know, for politics, our citizenship is where in heaven, where's your citizenship in heaven, from whence we all also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, your citizenship is in heaven, back to Philippians 127.
Only let your citizenship your citizenship which is in heaven, be as it becomes the gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one Spirit, that you stand fast in one spirit. With one mind that you don't, you're not split, one person doesn't envy the other person, that you're not striving against each other. But you're of the same mind, one spirit. One Spirit, one mind striving together or working together for the faith of the gospel. And look at this verse 28. In nothing terrified by your adversaries, look at them. Look at them in absolutely nothing terrified by your adversary. Can you imagine that? Paul says don't be terrified by your adversaries in nothing. I put that in the double negative emphasize in nothing terrified by your adversaries. In nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing at all. Alright, so they throw something at you. What do you do? You get full of fear. You buckle under knucklehead.
You start standing you start exercising what you've got in Christ, that spiritual arms and ears start putting forth the strength that you have in Christ. In nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing. Nothing terrified by your adversaries. You're not the word terrify is the Greek word for tool mine. And it comes from the word of word. puttu. Oh, to say it. Now what did you did when you say you spent That's what the word means? Onomatopoeia. That's right. But 202 a PT you Oh, Potato. Potato means to spit. That's the root of this word. And in nothing spit upon by your adversaries. Right? You don't have to be spit upon. Two. Oh, that's the figure speech onomatopoeia,
which means the word sounds like what it says. That's right. Gentlemen, in nothing spit upon by your adversaries. Absolutely. You don't let them spit on you for nothing. That's right. Don't let them even cough it up. For two oh well I don't think that's Christian etiquette. But that's the word to write in nothing terrified or spit upon by your adversaries. Don't let them terrify you for anything. Get rid of the fears, you have no reason be afraid you've got power, you're loaded with power. You've got all you have to do is believe right? Just thought of us thing I read. Donna ran or laid it on my desk in the backroom here about reminded me of John Townsend, that thing that got me. You know, the snow blizzard that this lady wasn't invited to a picnic. And she got real teed off about it. And so finally, somebody on the last day, they call the day of the picnic. You know, they called her up in the morning said, Hey, we forgot to invite you. I'd like you to come to the picnic today. And they were really terribly sorry about the thing you know, they just forgotten to invite her to the picnic. And she says I'm sorry, but it's too late. I've already prayed for rain.
And nothing terrified by your enemy. Or your adversary. Don't be terrified. Get rid of the fear. Like I said, You've got power. You pray for rain, believe you're going to get rain. Don't believe on that one. Because you're not invited to a party. That's envy and strife business, we do it in love in nothing terrified by your adversaries, which is to them and evidence token or declaration, declaration of perdition. The word perdition is destruction to your enemies. When you're not terrified when you stand, when they throw things and you stay in. It's an evident declaration of their destruction. Because when you're not terrified, and you stay put, they throw things at you they just bounce off of you. Here's Big Give me the bounce off better. But spiritually, spiritually, the bounce off of you just a that's good. If you're big and fat, spiritually, they'll bounce off you better. And evident the declaration of their destruction. They throw things at you. There's nothing they can do. terrified by nothing that your adversaries could throw at. You just stay in stay put marks through that line is crash on through and they throw something you stand you stay put you're not terrified. And it's a declaration of their destruction. But to you, it's a declaration of salvation, wholeness, mentally, physically, spiritually, whole, wholeness, salvation, and that of whom it's not yourself, you couldn't do it yourself if your life depended on it. No, it's of God of God of grace. Without God, you wouldn't have any other. Verse 29. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for his sake, suffer and be completely plowed under her. No, we just read, terrified by nothing. When he throws something at you, throws a little persecution. What do you do? You're not terrified. You just stay in that much better. And you take that word, the sort of the Spirit and you start charging through that loan. You get big and fat spiritually and let the things bounce off of you. This march through verse 30, having the same conflict that he saw in me, and now here to be in me, because back in verse, whereas verse 14, remember when they saw the things in Paul, and how Paul just charged through it They wax that much more bold, they were more bold, to speak the word without fear. Much more bold. Now we're ready for chapter two. If there be there for any consolation in Christ, if any comfort in love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfill you my joy, that she be like minded that you have the same thoughts, having the same love. Not envy, not strife, but love being of one accord, or having your souls joined together, that beautiful and of one mind, or having your thoughts on one thing, and that one thing is what God is, we're Jesus Christ. Verse three, Let nothing be done through strife or Vainglory. Paul said back in the other chapter, I'm thankful they're preaching Christ, but why? Why not have that one mind? That one? Spirit unity of the Spirit, walking together having your thoughts on the same thing having your souls joined together? You know, I think about what was it? Was it at the Rock of Ages or someplace? Where they put their all I know that one thing when they put their arms around each other start jumping up and down. I thought I was gonna die. Well, not really, that was a figure of speech. But But anyway. Oh, we had our arms locked together, you know, and doing this thing. Having your souls joined together? Could you imagine your souls not not your physical body, but your souls having them joined together? Having your thoughts on the same thing. verse, verse three, read it again. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem or reckon the other better than themselves. Verse four, look, not every man on his own things.
Don't always look at what you've got, or what you haven't got. Don't say well, my goodness, Johnny Jones has got something that I don't have. I sure wish I had his new car, or vacation or portable TV, am FM radio or $50 case? No. But every man on the things of others become interested in that other person. Look, look into that person. What does that person need? How can I help him? What can I do for him? That will help the ministry that will help that individual to a more thorough knowledge of God's Word and application in his life. How can I help that individual? What can I do for him? Not what can I do for myself? But what can I do to help him? Because I've got it now. I've got it. I've got Christ within me. And I've got the ability. Now how can I get out and help somebody else? Can I? Vainglory strike? Down agree, love. Verse five, Let this mind be in you are these thoughts being you, which was also in Christ Jesus, what the same thoughts in your mind that Christ had? Who being in the form of God, verse six, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But these thoughts on that Christ had? That's right. Don't think that you're a little weakling you know, with no ability, no power. Stand up, you're a son of God. Put yourself up there with him. Not in pride, you know, like Lucifer did, where you're going to overthrow God or any business, but get your head up where it belongs. Put those thoughts in your mind that Christ had thought it not robbery to be equal with God. You're a son of God, you've got power, you've got ability, nothing terrified by your enemies. Verse seven, but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. He humbled himself to help other people too. He had the ability up, up here, he also came down so that he was able to help other people. Verse eight, being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also have highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is a above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of things in heaven, things and earth, and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in your absence. Work out your own salvation or your wholeness in your walk, work out your own wholeness in your walk, with fear and trembling. That doesn't mean you work it up shaking in your boots. No, you work it out. Carefully, cautiously. You're always ready to go. So if you've got your doors, your eyes closed, you can't see where you're going. If you got your spiritual eyes and ears closed, God can't shove it down to you can't it? No matter what you do, if you're ministering to somebody, you got your ears and eyes closed, you have no business minister. You've got to be ready. You've got to be on your spiritual toes at all times. You've got to be ready and willing to receive if you aren't ready. If you aren't alert if you aren't sharp, like Dr. Rose as sharp as a cookie, meatball, and twice as juicy. You know, you got to be that way.
You've got to be sharp. You know, you've I don't know how to explain you understand sign language.
But you've got to be ready at all times. When God put something there, you're ready with it. You're on your toes. That's the best illustration. You're on your toes ready? Like you're at the starting gate. You know, attract me. You don't wait there. And then say how far and you say I'm sorry, you just lost the race. Get going, get on your toes and ready to go and then go when he says go. When that gun sounds bang, you're off running for the Lord. That a revival in time the guy said, Okay, I'd like half a dozen people to get up and run around the tent for the Lord. All right, I rejoice. For it is God verse 13. Which work is where? In you in you it is God which work within you both to will and to do of His bad pleasure. Nope. Of His good pleasure of His good pleasure. It's God working in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure to do verse 14, do all things without murmurings and without disputing how many times you have to say it without strife. Do all things without murmurings and disputing. Do all things without verse 15, that you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation reminds me of that guy. McDonald's, you know, with the crooked boat, the crooked crooked with the crooked cork, I could never figure out how the crooked court could keep water out of this crooked boat. Never saw that advertisement lined up for behind the times. Well watch television sometime when you feel like tripping out in a crooked, you're in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. That's right, and how can you let your light shine unless you're take the top off of the bush of the bushel basket off the top right? Unless you start letting that word just live in your life that you start walking, fellowship, walking on that word that you shine his lights in the world. Verse 16, there it is, holding for the Word of Life, holding that word alive for and God's word is the word of life. It's the word of life because it's able to give life to people able to bring them to a life in Christ. Salvation, that they have something on the inside, and then to bring them to a more abundant life as they walk upon themselves, holding forth that word of life, that I may rejoice when in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain. Neither labored in vain. Yay. In if I be offered up on the sack of poured out the word offered is poured out upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice for you all, I joy, and I rejoice, more joy, I joy and joy and joy and joy again, because I haven't run in vain. Because you're holding forth that word like, I just didn't teach it to you. And then you sat still on your whatever it is, you didn't just sit and hatch, you picked up that word, and you started holding that word forth to other people, you started giving them life. Not Life magazine, or life cereal, but the word alive, right? The word of life, which is God's word, you started holding forth that life, showing that word to other people. You didn't just sit still, but you held it for it. And therefore I can rejoice. Paul says that I haven't run in vain. But that in the day of Christ, I can look back and I can see where you held the word forth to other people who held the word forth to other people who held the word forth to other people. And there and I joy, when I see people holding the word for for other people, I joy. And I joined and I joy, and I joy and I joy and I joy again, I rejoice.
To see people holding forth that word, because it's the word and only the word that's going to set people free. It's only the word that's going to keep this nation free. It's a crooked and perverse nation. But it's only that word that's going to keep this country free. It's only that word that's going to keep this this world free today, where you can even live and breathe and move. And therefore it's only by holding forth that word of life and only you can do it, I can't do it by myself. Dr. robot can't do it by himself, he needs people. Truly the harvest is plenteous. Remember that the laborers are few. But we need people to really hold forth that word of life, to hold it forth to other people. I'm thankful Christ is preached in a lot of places. But I'm very thankful and I joy and rejoice when it's done with a unity of mind with a unity of spirit. And where people are walking together upon that word, that there's not envy or strife, but that it's done in love, and that they're just holding forth that word of life. there and I joy and I rejoice. Verse 18, for the same cause, also do ye joy, and rejoice with joy and rejoice with for that same cause? I joy and I rejoice to see that you're holding forth that word of life. And for the same cause Do you joy and rejoice? You want to have joy? Start holding forth that word of life. Want to rejoice? Do it again and again and again and again and again. Amen.