SNT-0486- Identification (Cummins)

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Publication Date: 01-31-1971
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-486-Identification(Cummins) DRAFT
Christ, identified, sin, Jesus Christ, flesh, Christ Jesus, death, individual, died, identification, dead, heavenlies, walk
Let's turn to Proverbs tonight. Proverbs chapter 23. And we're going to see tonight again, as we get moving in some of these scriptures, exactly what Jesus Christ did for us when he died, when he rose again when He ascended into the heavens. And you just can't begin to fathom what Jesus Christ did. You can read it in the Scripture time and time again, and it just blows your mind. Just tears, you're part of the greatness of the thing. But you can't fathom the real in depth, in depth thing that Jesus Christ accomplished for us or what God wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and setting my own right here, in Proverbs, Chapter 23. Tonight there's a verse of Scripture which we, which man uses time and time again. But I'd like to go through it again tonight, beginning in verse six, says, Eat thou not the bread of him, that happened evil I neither desire thou his dainty meat. For as he thinketh in his heart, so he is, as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Don't excel in verse don't eat the bread of him that happened evil on neither desire thou his dainty meats, for it's not what he said before you. It's not what he puts out on the outside what he shows you, it's as a thinketh, in his heart, in his heart. So he is, then the verse continues eating great stuff, he does he, but his heart is not where his heart is not with the he says, Eat and drink, he sets up before he puts on a good show on the outside. But that's not what counts. It's as a man thinketh as he thinks in his heart. So is it. Now, how are you going to know what I mean? Think you're certainly not going to know by what he sets before you on the table are you you're not going to know by the appearance that he puts forth, you're not going to know because he puts steak, as opposed to spinach in front of you on the plate. As a Man Thinketh So is he as he think of in his heart? So he is. Now the question is, how are you going to get to that heart? How are you going to get down to that inner land so to speak that man that? That's really like the his he's not the guy that's on the outside? Everybody does this? You know, I do it to do it. Well, maybe you don't. Least I do. Put on a show on the outside. I don't think anybody else in the auditorium does right. But as a man thinketh in his heart, as he thinks in his heart, that's what he is. It's not what he puts on on the outside. But how am I going to get to that, man? Suppose the man comes to me for help? How am I going to help that man? Except I know what he's thinking, right? I've got to try to see things in terms of the other person's interest. I've got to look at that man, that that the things that that man from his point of view, I've got to look deeper than what he's saying on the outside. Because it's what he's thinking in his heart. That's that man. It's not what he's showing on the outside. Now, I want to know, how can I get down to that man? How can I find out what he's thinking? If I'm going to help somebody? Somebody comes to me for help. And I want to help him How am I going to help him unless I know what he's thinking? Because it's certainly I can't help him by what he's showing on the outside. Like I said, everybody except you in the auditorium put on a front on the outside.
My would have sent the humans not what he sets on the table. Suppose somebody invites you over. He says, I want help. I've got a problem. And he sets out here all these things, you know, big beautiful table and everything. Or maybe doesn't want him or maybe he does but he's afraid to say it. But he invites over he puts on the big show. You know, silverware in the right place at the right time you got three or four forks instead of just one. You have to know which one to use at the right time the napkins in the right place. A lot of glasses. Baton is best manners, but really down deep in that man. There's something bounce, he needs help with something or he wants him. Now, if he doesn't want help, you know he doesn't have his need more in parallel, then you can't help him. But if he wants help, he still may put that show on on the outside. The Read me, I think you've all been through it before. Now, the first thing, the initial thing a person will come. Who's going to help somebody is to sympathize with that individual. Right? You begin by sympathizing? I mean, this is the average trip. They somebody wants help. Okay, what's your problem? So he lays it on the line or half of it anyway. And this person says, myoma, you've really got problems. I sure wish I could help you with them. I know where you can find the answers. I can't give them to you right now. But I sure feel sorry for you. I'm sure glad I'm not in your shoes. He sympathizes. But I'll tell you something by sympathy, you never get to the problem. He never are able to help that mean. Now there's another term used in the modern dictionary. For one thing, modern terminology. It's an older word, though. And that's the word empathy. Where you look deeper into that individual, you identify with that individual. It's not just a sympathy trip. Somebody, a lot of people come they want help, they want help. They want sympathy, right? They don't want help. They want sympathy. They want you to feel sorry for him. Oh, I'm just burdened down. You know, Maggie, remember her. I've got her burden on me. And the other guy, Henry. I've got all their burdens on me. And I just work 25 hours a day. And I've got an ache over here. I've got another one in the back of my neck. And I've got three more coming on because the doctor told me something. Well, he wants sympathy. He's on a sympathy trip. But if you really want to help that person, you can't sympathize with him, you have to empathize. You have to get into that individual find out what what is his problem? What's the root of what he's trying to say? He can't look on the outside because it's as he thinks. So as he thinks in his heart, his feet down it many times that individual may not know himself what his problem is. That's right. He may not know himself. And therefore you have to identify with him to find out well, what is this individual problem?
Identification identifying with that individual. Now the Lord Jesus Christ, did not sympathize with me. He didn't go on a sympathy trip. As a matter of fact, he did not emphasize he didn't identify with that individual to find out what his problem was, so to speak.
They come under screwy, right? Now, he went much deeper than that he went deeper than sympathy. He went deeper than empathy. He went much deeper. Because what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us was not just to sympathize with us, or to empathize with us to, to identify with our problem, you know, find out what our problem was, and, and really try to get at the thing that was none. None. He went much deeper, much deeper. He actually died for us. You know, you talked about empathy. For an exam I had a student in school, had a lot of trouble with, with man, that's my field. We got there from each and every day. But had a lot of trouble with men. And to help that individual to help that student. I couldn't just come in and say, you know, well, I look up here. Yup, your approach is all wrong. You know, I couldn't come up here and say, Oh, I should feel sorry for you, man. You've really got to bed with man. No. But I had to look into that individual. I had to identify with him to find out what what your real problem is. And by working with him for three or four days, I was able to find out the cause of his problem. He had a fear of fear of failing. Now, that's empathy, getting into that individual identifying with him to find out what his problem is. Some people their empathy is so great that if something hurts, for example, if Gary's tremendously hurt by Something he's got a problem. And somebody comes over to help him, he identifies with Gary, his empathy is so great that Gary is so hurt, this individual may start to try to break down because he's identified. So with Gary's problem, get the picture. Now, that's empathy. But what Christ did was much greater, much farther, he went much deeper into the problem. He not only had empathy, he went much deeper. He really, really identified how, how else am I gotta say it. Because he had to get into that man's heart, where he was, he not only identified with the individual, but he transferred this morning, he took everything upon him. Everything that we were, Christ became, yet he went very deep into the process. And everything Christ was as a result of that we become. Look at First John, First John. First John, chapter four. First, John four. You can sympathize with an individual, you can empathize with him, when you get into the root of his problem. You identify with him, or you can identify in every respect, which is humanly impossible. Jesus Christ did it for us. It was much deeper. You want to call it empathy. It was empathy to the nth degree. Then, First John chapter four verse 17. Darien is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as he is as he is, so are we as he is, so are we in this world as he is, so are we that is empathy to the nth degree, that is identification to the nth degree. He really identified with us because as he is so are we can you say that about any man alive today that as that man is you are, huh? Now think about your best friend. Do you have a best friend who you can say as he is I am. Kenya, do you? Do you have a friend such as No? Do you have a brother? Or if you're a twin? Do you have a twin brother or sister? Who you can say as he or she? Is I am?
I haven't seen one yet? How about your wife or your husband? Can you say as he is the rest he is I am.
Now, I didn't mean to start any family arguments here at the beginning of the service. But can you honestly say that, as she is I am or as he is? I am? No. But here it says about Jesus Christ, but as he is, so are what? So are we as he is so are we now that is identification. You can empathize with a person for a specific problem at a specific time at a specific location. But to really identify with him, nobody alive can do it today. Like Jesus Christ. We simply haven't the time or the ability or anything else to do it. But Jesus Christ identified with us in this respect, because as he is so are we are not tremendous think about it as he is as Jesus Christ is. So are we what what is Jesus Christ? You're not sure Oh, my goodness. I'm gonna take it back. To the big end? Do you know what he is? Is he racist? So are we? Is he justified? So are we? Does he have sin? So we don't either? Is he reading? Is he? So are we all these things that Jesus Christ is, so as he is, so are we. Now, I didn't say anything about the flesh, because I know the flesh is weak. But I'm talking about what Jesus Christ wrought in us, or what God brought in Jesus Christ for that as he is, so are we. Now that's identification. Now, there's two phases to identification. And we're going to look at some of these things in here. The first thing is, well go back to emphasis. If I want to emphasize with somebody, I want to get in his problem. First of all, I have to become what that individual is right? I have to become what he is to find out his problem. I have to get into that man, I have to find out what what is his problem. And I have to make his problem, my problem, I've got to look at and say, well, now what would I do if I were in this situation? Right? What would I do? If I were in this situation? What would I do if I were in his shoes? That's empathy. And secondly, by doing this, you're able to get that individual to think like it is. You're able to get him out of the problem and into your realm. We've got the same problem. I don't know if he could do it, though. I mean, currently. But first of all, you've got to get into his problem. You've got to identify to the point that you're into his problem. And secondly, he's got to identify with you to get out of his problem.
Now on the spiritual love with Jesus Christ, as we were, this is the first place as we were, he became, as we were, he became, and as I am, but as we just read, as he is, no Are we unexplained? As we were, he became, where we fall us in where we dead in trespasses and sin, Jesus Christ had to become that first. Second phase, as we as he is, so are we is he righteous. So are we see the two phases? First, he had to become what we were. And now as a result of that, we are what he is. Let's look, here we go. Second Corinthians chapter five. Second Corinthians five. Second Corinthians five verse 21. For he have made him Jesus Christ, to be what? Uh huh. He made him to be sin. He made Jesus Christ to be sin, that Jesus Christ sin. No, he always did the well of what? That's right. He always did the well and Father, Jesus Christ wasn't sin, but he has made him to be sin. He made him to be sin, that as we were, so he became, he made him to be sin for us. For us, because we were dead in trespasses, he made him to be sin for us, who knew notes in there it says it. Jesus Christ knew no sin, He never sinned, he always did the will of the Father, therefore, he had to become sin. God made him sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him there you have it as he is, so are we that we might be made righteous. First of all, he had to become sin for us who were dead in sin. And he knew no sin, but yet he had to get into that. You see why I say it's much deeper than just empathy. Man, this is down to the empathy. This is really getting at the root of the problem. You can help an individual today by empathizing with him with that immediate problem at a certain time. In the location so on, you can get his problems and draw it out of him and get that individual to take a stand on a specific point. But look what Jesus Christ did. It just wasn't for us perspex specific spitting problem, a specific problem at one time, was it? No. It was a problem that was much deeper. He changed our whole lives. He became sin, he took sin upon himself. For us, he knew no sin that we might be made righteous. Things our whole lives look at another one. Galatians three Galatians three. Galatians three, verse 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law. Were we under the curse? The otter read it sometime right deal, Old Testament, the curse of the law, what the curse was, we were under this curse because we were dead in trespasses and sin. But it said Jesus Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the long as he is, so are we. But to do this, as we were, so he had to become look at it being made a what curse for being made a curse for he became what we were, that he could redeem us from that. That's something that's identification. redeemed us from the curse of all being made a curse for us, as far as it is written, For it is written curses, everyone that hang up on a tree, that the blessing of Abraham might come on, come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise or the Spirit through faith, that we might receive that promise of a spirit. Could we receive the promise of the Spirit if he hadn't identified with if he hadn't taken upon him what we were and then as we he is, so are we. We could not receive that Spirit of promise. Had he not taken it on him. As we were, he became as he is. So always look at First Peter. First Peter chapter two first, Peter to verse 24. Through his own self, bear our sins in his body, on the tree. Christ took on himself our sins and his body on the tree. That we, being dead in sin should live unto righteousness. As we were he became He became sin for that we might become brightest, as he is, so we are is the righteous, you better Dolly. So are we. But because he first identified with us, he became what we were. Now we are where he is. We should live under racism. Next trade, by whose stripes you were healed. That Jesus Christ have any physical frailties? Not until he let them lay it on. Not until they let him Let not until he let them beat him. When he has our head come, they let him into the court. They put the crown of thorns on his head. They beat him they put a thing over his head so he couldn't see and smote him in the face. They spit on him. Seven Isaiah his village was marred more than any man. He became what we were. We've got in our flesh, all kinds of physical frailties many times Jesus Christ became this, that as he is, so we are. He never had any of these frailties until he took it on himself. Because he did that now we can stay in without by whose health by whose stripes he were what do you have? Look at Romans. Well look at First Peter again chapter three, verse 18. For Christ, also have one suffered for sins, that just for the unjust fear that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened in the spirit. Again, he was put to death. He became what we were, Are we dead?
Are we dead? Now in a dead? Yes, we are. I'll read it to you after this. One lady said you call it living. Now, the Bible says that we were dead in trespasses and sin, right? Ephesians two, right, we were dead. He became what we were. And as he is, so are we, because he became death. He took on himself death. Now we've got life.
Romans four Romans chapter four verse 25. Who was delivered, talking about Jesus Christ, who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for Allah. Right as he is, so are we are we justified then? Only because he took upon him our offenses. Now we're justified, as he is the way we look at Isaiah chapter 53. In the New Testament, Isaiah 53. Isaiah 53, verse four Have you ever had grief? Grief? You know, like Charlie Brown, good grief. Have you ever had grief? Was it good? No. No such thing is Good grief. Have you ever had sorrow, sorrow? Look at Isaiah 53 Verse four, here it is foretelling of the first coming of Christ in what he would accomplish. Verse four, surely, he the Christ, the Messiah has born our what? Yeah, He bore our grief and carried our what? Right, he took it upon himself as we were so he did not became as we were, so he became, he took upon him our grief. He took upon him our sorrows. yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. Did you have transgression? Boy, sure. And he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities did you have iniquity? He was bruised for those iniquities, he took it upon himself. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed. There you have it again, same thing we read in Peter, verse six. All we like sheep have gone astray. Were you like sheep gone astray? Yeah, there was a time without God and without hope, remember Gentile. without God and without hope. But he made us lie by the blood. We were like SEEP. All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way. And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed. Where have you ever been oppressed? But he took this upon right. And he was afflicted. Have you ever been afflicted? Some of you minor, affliction some major. yet he opened not his mouth. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before shares is dumb. So he opened us not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation or he was cut off out of the land of the living. It says we were dead in trespasses and sin, right? Jesus Christ became death he was cut off out of the land of the living. Verse 11, he shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfying, but his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities. He bore their nickel, there, therefore, will I divide Him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with a strong because he has poured out His soul into death. And he was numbered with the transgressions that he sin that he transgressed. Hmm, no, Jesus Christ always did the will of the fun. He didn't transgress. But he was numbered with whom he took it upon himself. He identified with us, as we were, so he did up. They came, as we were, so he became, he was numbered and he bare the sin of many. He took it upon himself and made intercession for the transgressors. By taking upon himself he made intercession for the transgressors. Look at Galatians chapter two, as we were, so he became, now we've read all these things that Jesus Christ took upon itself, that we were, we were dead in trespasses and sin. He took upon him self doubt, right. We were, we were full of iniquity. transgressors. He was numbered with the transgressors wasn't he took it upon himself. But yet he himself was without sin, when he took it upon himself. We were full of human frailties like I mean, physical sicknesses, other afflictions to the flesh. He took all this upon Himself, when He was beaten. All these things Jesus Christ took upon him. Look at Galatians chapter two Galatians two verse 20. I am the word am in the Greek is have been, I have been crucified with whom? Hey, as he is, so I am. So are we. We were crucified with Jesus Christ. And I was or have been crucified with. All right, when Christ was on that cross, on that tree, when they nail Him to that tree, where were you? You were on that tree with him. That's right. I have been crucified with Christ. I have been crucified with Christ. Therefore do you have to be crucified? Do you have you know the curse of the law business? Do you have to hang on a tree because you're cursed? Why not? Because you've already been crucified. You were crucified with Christ, you are crucified with it. So now you don't have to be crucified. If you're crucified once that takes care of it. Curses everyone I hang up on a tree or Jesus hung on the tree Force. I was I have been crucified with him when he was on that tree. That's where I was. That's where you were. You were on that tree with him. That's why you don't have to hang on the tree today. All right. Look at First Second Timothy, Second Timothy two verse 11, Second Timothy 211. It is a faithful same for If we be dead with him, we shall also live with Him. If we be dead with him, we shall also live with him. When Jesus Christ died, where were you? You are dying with him. That's right. When he died, he took upon him everything that we were. And as he is, so are we, we died with him. We were crucified with Him, we died with him. And we also do not live with him. There you go.
We also live with look at question. Washington's chapter two verse 13, and you being dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh, that were you dead in your sins? What it says, you being dead in your sin, and the uncircumcision of your flesh? Has he quickened together, he's made you alive, it's quick and you to make alive, made you alive together with Him with him, say, identification. When Jesus Christ was crucified, you were crucified with him. When he died, you died with him. When he was made alive, you were made to live with him. He took upon himself your sins, that in sins in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he took that upon him, and he has quickened us together with Him, having forgiven you 50% of your trespasses, 75% 99 and 44 100 all all means what? All that's all. And having forgiven you all trespasses all look at chapter three. Verse one
if he then being risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sit up on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye were What are you are what next reads, You died for you died. Some of you doubted me while ago when I said you were dead. Are you there? Says you died. Well, we got to finish it. And your life is hid with Christ in God will finish it in another one later. You are dead or you die. When did you die? When Christ died, and you are your life is hid with Christ in God hates Christ, hid in God. Is Christ hitting god? Are you with him there? That's what it says that you are hid with Christ with him in God, that your life is hidden with Christ in God. identification as he is so are we were with him. We're hitting God with him. Look at rolling these fantastic scriptures, man
Romans six, start in verse three in here, it'll lay the whole story on the line. Verse three, Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into water immersion, sprinkling dry cleaning? No. were baptized into a lot. That's right. We were baptized into his death. No, you're not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ. were baptized. into his death, when Jesus Christ was baptized, where were you being baptized? That's right, baptized into his death. Therefore we were, it's past tense eras Temesgen were buried, were buried with him, by baptism and into death. When Christ was buried, where were you, being buried with him? You are buried with Him. Therefore we were buried with him. I'm just reading it. I didn't write it. We were buried with him by baptism into death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead, by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. When Christ died, we died with him. When Christ alone, we arose with a we've got like we're not we're not if we think if Christ hadn't gotten up, we did just died with him.
But he died. And this is the only thing basically that Jesus Christ did that makes him different from any of the other prophets, great men of history and so on, was that he died any rose again. Nobody else ever rose again from the dead for men and stayed alive. That's what makes Jesus Christ different. He died when he died, we died with him. He took it upon himself. When he arose, we arose with him. And we walked in newness of life. He's got new life. We've got new though. Only because he died and rose again. Read on where are we? Verse five, four, if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, you see that identification? We were planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.
Knowing them, that our old man is crucified with Him. That's a body of sin might be what? destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead, is free from sin. You're dead, you're free from sin. We died with Christ. Christ arose, we arose with him. We've got newness of life. We are free from sin, just like Jesus Christ because he died, rose again. We died rose again with him, freed from sin. Verse eight. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. Knowing that Christ, being raised from the dead, die of no more death path, no more dominion over him. Death cannot lord it over him anymore. He died once he rose again. Death cannot take him again. As Christ is. So are we look at as Christ in so are we? He died, we die. He rose again. We rose again. Death has no more dominion over him. How about us? Well just throw your shoulders back and take a deep breath. Look what Christ did for you. How he identify, you see why I say it's more than just empathy. Much deeper. Much, much, much, much deeper. That's it deep. It's more than empathy. He really, really, really identified with us in every respect with our whole life, not with just one fragment of our life, but with our whole life. He cleaned it up for us. Not because we were so good. No, sir. Not me. I won't speak for you again. Big for myself. Not because I was so good. But because he loved me so much. Because he loved me. Because he gave his life he took it upon himself, my sins, my sicknesses. Everything I was I was a stinker. He took all this upon himself. And now as he is Elon Musk, newness of life, death has no more dominion over me. About you firsthand for him that he died, he died under sin 100 times. How about the lamb in the Old Testament had to be sacrificed every year didn't? Christ died how many times? Once and that took care of it. But in that he lived it. He live unto God, he live up unto God Look at Ephesians chapter one.
Dr. Wade used to call the book of Ephesians, the playground of the way, the greatest revelation addressed to the church, and tells you in the book of Ephesians many things which you are in Christ Jesus, because he died, he took it upon himself, and he rose again. Death has no more dominion over him. Now as he is, so are we. And we begin in this book of Ephesians. Let's start chapter, chapter one, verse 19. What is the exceeding poverty of his power? What is the exceeding greatness of His power? What is exceeding greatness of His power, the exceeding greatness of His power to us were who believe, who offered who believe, according to the working of his mighty What whip he wrought in Christ, the power which he brought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set him and his own right hand in the heavenly, Hey, where's Christ?
He is at the right hand of God, right? He seed him in in the heavenly places, at his own right hand, in the heavenly. Jesus Christ died, he took it upon himself, he died, he rose again. He not only a rose, but he ascended into the heavens, and he's sitting on the right hand of God, seated in the heavenly places. Why is he seated? Because it's completed, it's finished, he completed the job, like the Holy Spirit, sat upon each of them, because it was complete. God SAT or rested the seventh day because it was complete. He sat on the right hand of God, because he had completed far above all principality, and power, in Might, and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come and have put all things all things under his watch. He put all things under his feet, all things under his feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fill up all in all, are you identified with Christ as He is? So are we whereas everything else? under your feet, have you looked under there recently? You wonder why your shoe bottoms look so messed up. Think of all the things that are under well, as he is, so are we He put all things under his feet? He put all things under his feet. So where is it? How about yours? That's right. As he is so are we it's under your feet. Remember that? One in Thessalonians chapter Second Thessalonians two, where the mystery of iniquity it can't run loose right now because our foots on top of his head. Is everything is under his feet. You get to a section that's addressed to Israel, that Hebrews and it says Not yet. All things are put under his feet. But to the church. He put all things under his feet. Isn't that fantastic? He identified with you as he is. So are we, as he is so are we because he became what we were as We were he became, and now as he is, so are we all things under his feet? He set him at his own right hand in the heavenly, hey, hey, if Christ is in the heavenlies, where are you? Seated, were at the right hand of God. Look at chapter two verse one, even when we were dead in sins, he have quickened us together with Christ. He quickened us together with Christ. When Christ was made alive, we were made alive by Grace CRC, and have raised us up together. He hath raised us up together, and made us sit, where? In the heavenlies, in Christ Jesus as He is, so where are we? What are we just read back in chapter one, Christ was were at the right hand of God in the heavenlies. Here, it says in chapter two, verse six, he hath raises up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Where are you sitting? In the auditorium of the way, we got a better seat than that. We are already seated in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Then I didn't realize that in the ages to come, verse seven, he might show the exceeding riches, the exceeding riches of His grace, in his kindness toward us, through Christ Jesus. That's something would you say? That he showed a little grace, maybe a whole lot. kindness toward us to Christ Jesus. were identified with me as he is, so are we. He's already seated in the heavenlies. Where are we? We're already seated in them. It's complete. It's settled. It's done. Look at chapter one again. Verse three.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Well, God's blessed, and Jesus Christ blessed to right. Would you say they're blessed? Isaiah, who have been who have past tense blessed us with all spiritual blessings, in the heavenlies in Christ, are you blessed? You are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. You're not just blessed, you are blessed with all spiritual blessings. Well, when God blesses, he blesses gifts. The next time somebody says, Bless you, Now am I already in my thinking? Because He has blessed us, he's already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ, you are already blessed, as he is, so Allah so where are we? As he is, so where we look at Clawson.
Chapter one.
Who has delivered us from the power of darkness? He has delivered us from the power of darkness and have translated us or given US citizenship given US citizenship into the kingdom of his dear son, does Christ have King citizenship in his kingdom? Wow, you bet your life do you? He has given us citizenship in the kingdom of his dear son. As he is so are we look at Second Peter chapter one. Second, Peter one. This one will tear you apart. Blow Your Mind. Verse four. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises exceeding great and precious promises are given unto us. But then if you got exceeding great and precious promises you got exceeding great. Right? exceeding great and precious promises, not just promises, but exceeding great and precious promises. They're great promises. They're not just something little, you know, but they're great. They're not something that's worth a nickel or a dime. But they're precious promises. Pasta. What did it cost God, His only begotten Son, as he is, or we are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these, ye might be partakers of the divine nature, that we might be partakers of the divine nature, in all, what the word Partakers is. It's that word coin of Neil, who share fully, I mean, the root, root is plenty, to share fully, share fully, that we might be looking at, that by these these great and precious promises, we might be share, sharing full years, put it in good English, that by these we might be sharing fully sharing fully with Christ, in sharing fully of the divine nature. You don't just you know what it is to share fully. If you share fully, that doesn't mean that like you got, you know a pile of money here Gary takes half of it and the only takes the other half. Now, you both share the whole thing that's sharing fully. You both share the whole thing. And by these great and exceeding and precious promises. We share fully of the divine the we share fully with Christ with Christ, who is our brother, Christ, the Son of God, God made us son by what he wrought in Jesus Christ. When he died, he rose again and he seated among his heavenly places, when God when Jesus Christ died, you died with him when he arose, you arose with him, when he was seated, seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of God, you are seated there with him. He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. And by these great exceeding and precious promises, we are made partakers we share fully of the divine nature. You share fully you don't share a half your share fully of the divine nature, what Jesus Christ was you are as he is, sorely. Well, what did Jesus Christ thing he said, the work that I do, he shall do also and greater work. The only reason you can do greater work is because he went to his father in heaven. And now the the same thing is available. The only thing today people can be born again of God's Spirit before that they could be as he is, so are we. We are not what he was then. We died with him. We rose with him. We ascended with him. But we are not today what he was then because he took upon him what we were then he took it upon himself. But we are today what he is today. He is righteousness he's lying.
And we are partakers we share fully of that divine nature. We share full we don't just share apart. We don't share half down the middle. He's got one hand we got we share fully the whole business. We share fully of that divine nature
Romans, Romans eight, verse 35, Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress persecution, or famine, or nakedness or peril or sore? Some of you had some problems with these things before didn't. We all did had problems with these things in the flesh.
But Sal, these things separate us from the love of Christ. As it is written, for thy sake, we are killed all the day long, we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Is this our situation? Are we killed all the day long are we counted as sheep for the slaughter? Why not? We would be except for one thing. Remember, if you remember we read it and Isaiah 53 while ago that Jesus Christ was accounted as a sheep for the slaughter. How many remember? Read Isaiah 53. We read it while ago that Jesus Christ was accounted as a sheep for the slaughter. Keep your finger here with Isaiah 53. He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, verse seven, Isaiah 5370. He was oppressed, he was afflicted, yet he opened his mouth, he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter. Are we accounted as sheep for the slaughter? We were at one time, before he identified with it, and with us and took it upon himself. But now as he is, so are we. It's a question as it is written for that I think we are killed all day long we are counted sheep to the slaughter. Is this true? Are we next yay. In all these things, we are conquerors. What? more than conquerors through him that loved us through Jesus Christ. We are more than conquerors as he is. So are we, as he is, so are we, we are more than conquered is Jesus Christ to conquer? What did he do? He conquered over sin and death, didn't he? And death has no more dominion over him, as he is sorry, we are more than conquerors. There you have it, as he is, so are we, what Jesus Christ is today we are today. He seated at the right hand of God, we are already seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Or we killed a sheep for the slaughter. No. Why? Because he was for us. But now today as he is, so are we, we are more than conquerors in all these things. And all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved it. Because he identified with us. He took it upon himself as we were, he became. And so today as we are, as he is, so on we look at costs we are made in Christ Jesus, all these things, spiritually were cleaned up. I mean, cleaned out. He's made all these things for us. We have that spirit on the inside. In that spirit, you cannot sin for the seed remains in there doesn't. But the flesh, the flesh is where you have the problems, the opportunity, that's where the individual is weak. And that's why we need help and nothing but spiritually on the inside an inside job, this Christ has taken care of it all for. Look at Colossians chapter two, verse six. As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walkie in him. Now you've received them in here, right? You've received Him as He is. So are we in here. Now as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so do us. Wrong, wrong, you're wrong. You're your walk in the flesh, your walk, you try to get that walk to coincide with what you are on the inside, getting that walk to mess to gel as you are well as he is. So are we now we've got all those things on the inside were identified. And now we try to get our raw to coincide with what we are on the inside. As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord. So walk in him rooted and buildup in him and stablish in the fate, as you have been taught, abounding there in with thanksgiving. Now look at first John. First John epistle, the first epistle of John, chapter one
is inside I said we were all cleaned up, right? The word said, we're all cleaned up. But now we tried to walk, get our raw to mesh with what we have on the inside. And this is our fellowship, verse, chapter one of the first epistle of John, verse seven. But if we walk into light, as He is, look at it, as he is, so are we remember that one? Okay, but now we're talking about fellowship. If we walk in the light as He is, in the light, we're talking about fellowship I walk in, if we walk in, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we walk in the light, as He is, in the light, while we are in here, as he is, as he is, so are we in the world, remember? But now, if we want in the light, as He is in the light, and he's in we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin, verse eight. But if we say that we have no sin, saying, where?
In the flesh, we say, we have no sin in our walk, I Fellowship, we say we have no sin in our walk. we deceive ourselves, how about spiritually? But how about in the walk in the flesh fellowship.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in it. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sin, we make Him a liar. And, and His word is not enough. Every man sins in his walk and his flesh is the day by day Thank you. You've seen you stumble you fall the back office a couple of weeks ago, and I tripped over my own feet. And Doctor on Dorothy Owens were in there and they made some kind of comments. I don't remember what it was anymore. I turned around, listen, ran into the door. And I said, Well, my stumbling in my flesh, makes me realize that I stumble in my walk with God sometimes. Well, that's why I stumble over my own feet. Otherwise, you know, I could walk? Alright, I in our flesh, where we stumble once in a while we fall down. But what do you do you lay around in the mud? No, you pick yourself up and start walking again, get back into fellowship, and to walk in that light as He is in the one on the inside, were identified as he is. So are we but in the wall, we have to keep trying to stay in tune with that as he is. They in fellowship with that identification. That's the fellowship. Now there's one more fantastic scripture and John first down in chapter three regarding the time when Christ returns, when will no longer have this week's less. But when that mortal puts on immortality, and that corruptable corruption puts on interruption. When Christ comes again for His church, we no longer have this week play. As he is so are we so we also have a perfect loss at that time. In chapter three of First John, verse one Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore, the world knows us not because it knew him nah. Doesn't know it doesn't. Like it says in Corinthians, The natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God. Neither can they neither can he know them for they are spiritually what the world knows us not in his because it knew him now. Verse two, Beloved, now now now now are we want sons of God. Now are we the sons of God, as he is, though is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as he is are we Beloved, now now are we well, sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be future. It doesn't appear what we're going to be in the future. But we know that when He shall appear, when Jesus Christ appears, when He comes again for the church, the gathering together, we shall be like Him, we shall be like Him, will be like he is, for we shall see Him how, as he is, as usual. As he is, we shall see Him for we shall be like Him. That's something as he is. He talked about identification. There you've got it.