SNT 0484 PFAL Opening Session
PFAL Opening Session
Teaching from first session of Power for Abundant Living.
SNT – 484
January 10, 1970

Format: audio
Publication Date: 01-10-1971
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
Joh 10:10
Joh 10:10; Jer 2:13; Mat 22:36-40
Jer 2:13; Hos 4:6; Pro 29:18
Pro 29:18
Tonight in the opening session of this Foundational Class, we are at the headquarters of The Way, I turn to my syllabus, which every person in the class will have tomorrow night, with all the collateral readings plus everything that goes with the class. We always begin this class with the same basic script from God’s Word, and that is found in John 10.
And I trust if you people here in the auditorium have not registered for this class, I trust you shall tonight. Give yourself an opportunity to listen to almost 30 years of my life in research and the accuracy of God’s Word. I have nothing to sell. I have nothing to argue about. I don’t want to take anybody away from anything that they like to hold on to. But I think you’ve got to give yourself the opportunity to listen to the research in the integrity and accuracy of God’s Word. And so for the next 13 sessions, 13 nights, so to speak, we’re just going to be working the integrity and the accuracy of God’s Word.
I will not bring into this teaching platform a commentary. I will not bring into this auditorium a book that I want to read to you because of what somebody else says. But I’m going to bring in here the very book that has set men and women free down through the centuries. This book, and you’re going to read it with me and I’m going to read it with you, and we are going to read it with an alacrity of mind, with a great spiritual understanding, that once again you can know God’s Word as God’s will.
John 10:10 is what turned me on. It is what set my life free. It is what changed my whole approach to life. Jesus said in verse 10, “The thief [the thief] cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and [to what?] to destroy: I am come [Jesus said, I am come] that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Now that is fantastic.
Where in the world have you seen Christian believers really manifesting an abundant life? According to statistics the Christians by as many sedatives, or whatever it is to go to sleep on, as the non-Christian. They buy as many pills to get awake on in the morning. They buy as many pills to stay up on all day long. They’re just as full of fear, worry, anxiety and frustration, as the unbeliever.
Now, that cannot be right if God’s Word is right. Someplace, somewhere, Class, somebody musta missed the boat. Because even back in the Old Testament when the children of Israel came out of Egypt, after approximately 400 years of slavery, they came out of that nation and they were about two and a half million. And they marched for 20 years in the wilderness, under the most adverse conditions without any Carter’s little liver pills, without any Anacin, without any what you brush with for 34% less. What is…, called? Crest? They ought to pay me for publicizing their products, or somethin. They wandered for 20 years and the Psalmist said there was not one feeble knee among them. Not one. Two and a half million.
Today, you can take the Church of two and a half people and three of them are sick, let alone millions. When you have a congregation and you’re the pastor that congregation, you spend a tremendous amount of time doing nothing but visiting the sick and burying the dead. Someplace, somewhere, People, somebody musta lost something. Either that or God has changed, and the Bible says, God has not changed. He is unchangeable.
Jesus said he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. The least that man could believe for is an abundant life. And if the average Christian today manifested an abundant life, I believe he would be real thankful. But Jesus Christ did not come to give an abundant life, as good as that is. It says he came that we might have life, and have it how? More, more, more! I didn’t write the book and I didn’t die for ya. I didn’t come for ya, but God sent His only begotten Son, and Jesus Christ said he came that we might have life and have it, how? More abundantly.
Well, what does he mean? Does he mean abundant? No. He means a life that is more than abundant.
Scriptures referenced:
John 10:10
Jeremiah 2:13
Matthew 22:36-40
Hosea 4:6
Proverbs 29:18
Snt-0484_pfal-opening-session(vpw)(1-10-1971) DRAFT
God, word, class, life, fountain, man, abundant life, power, Christians, church, abundantly, manifest, John 10:10
Tonight in the opening section of this foundational flood, here at the headquarters, so the way I turned to my syllabus, which every person in the class will have tomorrow night, was all the collateral reading, plus everything that goes with the class. And we always begin this class with the same basic scripture from God's Word. And that's found in John tin. And I trust a few people here in the auditorium. have not registered for this class I trust you shall tonight. Give yourself an opportunity to listen to almost 30 years of my life, in research in the accuracy of God's words, I have nothing to sell, I have nothing to argue about. I don't want to take anybody away from anything that they like to hold on to. But I think you ought to give yourself the opportunity to listen to the research in the integrity and accuracy of God's Word. And so for the next 13, sessions, 13 nights, so to speak, we're just going to be working the integrity and the accuracy of God's word. I will not bring into this teaching to this teaching platform, a commentary. I will not bring into this auditorium of book that I want to read to you, because a lot somebody else says, but I'm going to bring in here, the very book that has set men and women three down through the same trees, this book, and you're going to read it with me and I'm going to read it with you. And we're going to read it with an alacrity of mind with a great spiritual understanding that once again, you can know God's word as God's we'll. John 10:10 is what turned me on. It's what set my life free. It's what changed my whole approach to life. Jesus said in verse 10, the thief, the thief, come up not but for to steal, and to kill and to what I am come. Jesus said, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Now, that's fantastic. Where in the world? Have you seen Christian believers, really manifesting an abundant life. According to statistics, the Christians buy as many sedatives or whatever it is to go to sleep on. As the non Christians. They buy as many pills to get awake on on them or in the morning. They buy as many pills to stay up on all day long. They're just as full of fear, worry, anxiety and frustration. As the unbeliever now that cannot be right, if God's word is right, some place somewhere class, somebody musta missed the boat. Because even back in the Old Testament, when the children of Israel came out of Egypt after approximately 400 years of slavery, they came out of that nation. And there were about two and a half million. And they marched for 20 years in the wilderness under the most adverse conditions, without any Carter's little liver pills, without any Anacin without any, what's your brush with for 34% laughs What is it called crafts. They ought to pay me for publicizing their products or something. They wandered for 20 years and the psalmist said there was not one feeble knee among them. Not one, two and a half million. Today you can take a church of two and a half people and three on March 2, let alone million. When you have a congregation and you're the pastor of that congregation, you spent a tremendous amount of time doing nothing but visiting the sick
and bearing the day. Some place somewhere is people somebody must have lost something either that are gone. has changed. And the Bible says, God has not changed. He is unchangeable. Jesus said, He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly, the least that man could believe for his own abundant life. And if the average Christian today manifested an abundant life, I believe he'd be real thankful. But Jesus Christ did not come to give an abundant life. As good as that is. It says, He came, that we might have life and have inhale, more, more, more. I didn't write the book Can I didn't die for you. I didn't come for you. But God sent His only begotten Son. And Jesus Christ said he came that we might have life and have it out more abundantly. Well, what does he mean? Does he mean abundance? No, he means a life which is what? More than abundance. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you that's alive. That's something that will make you ever best than glue. It will turn you on. In many respects, when you believe God's word to start seeing it come to pass in your life. When you really start walking on this, you'll stick out like a sore thumb in your community. They'll wonder where your head is. They'll wonder why they haven't incarcerated you in an institution. Because just nobody, just nobody could manifest your life which is more than what abundance but that's what the Word says. Jesus said, He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I came to that scripture one day, and I had to make up my mind, just like you have to make up your mind tonight. Did Jesus Christ lie? Or did he tell the truth? It's as simple as did he lie? Or did he tell the truth? If he lied, if he lied, we might as well chucked all things. We might as well just trip out, we might as well throw it dash cam can or whatever you want to file 13. Get rid of it. Because ladies and gentlemen, if Jesus Christ lied in John 10:10, often your trust him in John 3:16. How can you trust him in Matthew 24? One off? Can you trust Him and gelation? How can you trust him in Revelation? If he lied in John 10:10, he lied, every place you have no word that God lives. It's either or clouds. You either believe God's Word or your dope. If he told the truth, if he told the truth, and you can get into my class, believe in Jesus Christ was a liar. You can get into this class on power for abundant living. If you don't believe a thing in the Word of God. You're welcome. That's right. I'm not going to read it to you. I'm not going to laugh at you. But I want to tell you something. I'm going to set that word of God and center you till it runs out of your ear polls. I'm going to make you logical for one senior life. I'm going to make you sit and think because the average person doesn't think today he just thinks he thinks but he never gets around to thinking that he really thinks that's right. Look, he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. either lied or did was okay, if he lied. We chuck it, okay. Then just get rid of it and say Christianity is a bunch of baloney and we're being honest. But But But But suppose you told the truth. Wow. Just suppose he told the truth, then someplace class somewhere, somehow. We've got to be able to read it. You've got to be able to read it. You've got to be able to see it in God's word. So that if you apply certain principles you're going to start manifesting what kind of life would you find your path take Mikoto I'd like for you to see not just taken it off 10 minutes ago I was embarrassed to but I just get too hot
Well, I'm not as bad as some men I know who were a double protection, they have a belt to vote. Oh, I love you. Boy people, it's so simple. How Satan could abide in our eyes through the centuries, how we could have been tossed out of it. It's just unbelievable to me today. And yet one time I was totally talked out of it, because I was the absolute epitome sation of just the opposite of the more abundant life. We live negatively we live below par was up the church members had lots more than we had materially on every other way. But I guess I had a common because that deacon in my church, he had a tremendous prayer. Because they used to pray for me so beautifully to keep me humble. I tried. He used to pray, Lord, you keep well humble. We'll see to what he stays for. In my humility, we manifested poverty. There was a time in our ministry, Mrs. Where well and I thought we couldn't afford butter. So we ate earlier. Now there's nothing a matter with oatmeal except I don't like it. Just like bologna is not going to matter with bologna except I don't like it. And it's remarkable things. I've talked about baloney so much. You can set it in front of my kids in our house. They don't like it. It must have been the talk. Well, anyways, it i It was Mrs. Oil, who one day made the decision and bless God. She said, We're gonna buy butter. If we starve, we're still gonna buy butter guards. If we're gonna die, we might as well die. I haven't taught her and said, Oh, you got to switch. In from that day on, some things began to happen. There are many things that go through a man's life through a woman's life through a family's life, that hardly anybody else ever knows anything about. Many of you in the auditorium do not know that my wife was on her deathbed. According to quite a number of specialists who said she would never live all except one specialist. He said why she might live. But if she did, she'd never do a day's work again in her life. Well, you all know my daughter, she pretty good gal. And she does a little bit more than a day's work many times. But boy, when doubt things were happening to us, we were living so far below par. We had a common cause we were breaking every law of God. And the old devil knew what I really had in my soul if I ever got turned on. So he did everything in his power just to kill us all. He did an admirable job. Until one day I was stupid enough to believe John 10:10. Well bless God, if it takes stupidity to believe, I think we ought to pray for more people to get stoop until we can believe he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. And we started practicing, we started thanking God that things were going to come to pass that we were going to have a life that was more abundant. She got healed. Set free. We got butter on the table. And if you don't believe it, I imagine we got three pounds in reserve right now in the refrigerator at the house. Just in the event. Too many of you come over that same time barter. Maybe that doesn't mean much to you people the difference between OLIO and butter. But it's a principle that involves Jesus Christ came that we might have life and habit hell more abundantly. And if I don't like all the all, and I'm a child of God, why shouldn't I eat butter?
Well, I'm gonna need butter it's so simple people. Just first lesson in this class, a title above everything and you'll get it in your syllabus because everybody in the class is given the syllabus has any at all the keys that unlock every scripture from Genesis to Revelation, so you can read it again with understanding and appropriate and walk on it, every one of them. But across the top it says the very same thing. It says right here, the word of God is the will of God. No ifs, ands or buts about it. We In the light ministry believe that the Word of God is not maybe, but that it is literally the will of God. We believe that you can only know the will of God by knowing the Word of God. There is no other way whereby you can know the will of God, except to know the word. No way whereby you can know my will, except I give you my word. When I said, let's sing him number 66. Why didn't you sing? 13 And you 14 And you 17 Somebody else? 20? Why? Because my word was my what? If there is a God class? If there is a God, do you think that he be any less specific than I am? Don't answer your hang yourself. Oh, how we live below par because we believe a man's word but won't believe God's word. The average person today believes his banker more than he does God Almighty Who created the heavens and the earth. They believe that stock market more and we are men and women who call ourselves Christian. Something wrong some place. That's why sir, Christians are not manifesting of more abundantly. 85% of all the peoples in the correctional institutions of our land are Christians. What are commentary on Christian? That's right. In our men's mental institutions, 85% of them across the nation are Christians. The moral of that story is you got 85% chance if you want to go to an institution get to be a Christian, your dance the Towson. Now by sheer logic, you know what I'd do if I was an unbeliever, I'd stay out of that institution and refuse being a lot. By sheer logic. I wouldn't want to be a Christian institution. Douglas greatest secret, and people it's a secret in our day and time it's like a woman's purse. It's the greatest secret in the whole world today is that the Bible is the revealed word and we'll have God it's the greatest sick. The best I've ever found among men is that they say yes, the Bible is the Word of God. But then when he hit them on their denominational points, or theological points, where the word would speak differently, they throw out the word. It's either all God's word, or none of it is. That's why it's a secret. And you and I are going to have to go back to God's Word in these next 13 sessions, and just let that word speak for itself without where wills interpretation or yours or anybody else. For the word of God means what He says and it says what it means. When he said, he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. That's what he meant. That's what he said.
It's as simple as that, sir. You know, in the book of Jeremiah, chapter two in verse 13. For My People, Jeremiah 213, for my people, God is talking to his own people, is not talking to people outside of the pale. He's talking to those within the fold. Today, you would say he's talking to the church, the barn, the Christians. Today, if this were written to our time, for my people, God's people have committed two evils. Number one, they have forsaken me, that fountain of love living lotteries. That's number one. God's people had forsaken Him, who was they're very light they're very big. They had forsaken him. A tremendous thing. Here is a fountain of living water. A fountain, it's something that effervesce is on its own, it flows by itself. You don't have to pump it, you don't have to put a engine or motor on it, it just bubbles out the fountain this spring, God is a fountain. And he said, My People, number one have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters. If you went across our land, the length and breadth of it, or in any event in your little bit of community that you represent, and you walk up to people and your status, serious conversation, and you say to them or watch the greatest sin, you think that a man can commit, you'll come up with a multiplicity of answers, a multiple amount of them. One person will say it's murder. Someone else will say it's adult treat someone else or give a third reason, or a third answer for the greatest sin. You know what the word of God says in Matthew 22. The greatest state is, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, all day, so all thy mind, all by strength, this is the first and what the first and great commandment class by sheer logic, if that is the first and great commandment, to love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, strength, then by sheer logic class, was the first in great sin. To to break that first and great commandment right? On, it's all it can be. We are to love God, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, which means we must just totally love him to do anything less than that is to commit the biggest sin that a man can commit. I know that's contrary to denominational teaching theological words. I know it's time trade our time. But let me ask you, am I telling you God's word? Or am I flipping you can read it in Matthew 22. Some of you memorize it, know that for you. Love God with all your heart, soul, my anything we love more than him is the greatest sin we can commit. And when you look around about you, Christians, for the most part, have not arrived at the place that they really love God with our heart, their soul, their mind their strength. They've always got an ace in the hole, love something else. Not do it. God has to come first. That's the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as I was on these two commandments hang the law and the other says why? He said in Jeremiah, they have forsaken me a fountain of what? And when a man for sex god he always does the second part of that verse. He used out for himself, a fountain, no assistance. Man is basically religious man has to have something to hold on to what happens when he forsakes the true God is that He Hughes out for himself, his own religious system, his own theological, theological aetiologies beliefs, his own approach of rationalism to the Word of God or existentialism, he he was out for himself a beautiful form of religion, but it's only a watt sistered it's not a fountain. And just when he needs power the most it is not there. Because the cistern will only hold the amount of water of the size is queued up 100 barrel cistern cannot hold an unlimited amount of water right It can only hold 100 Barrels if you're going to put 200 in it, you got to empty the first 100 A day who out for themselves sisters? They look beautiful. They looked like the real McCoy. Well, there's only one thing wrong with it besides having limitations and that is it's got a crack in it.
You pour it in the top and it runs out of the sides. What saves broken system what's a broken system? Well, it's got cracking a broken system and that can hold now a lot. Water.
How do you scripted this tremendous verse has written 1000s of years ago how apropos it is to our day in our time, Howard speaks to our generation tonight. How beautiful systems we've hewed out. They know national console world console, you name him, we got all these wonderful systems to bring peace. All these wonderful systems, including the United Nations, to terminate all war were to love God with all our lot. soul, mind and strength. But are we really loving God? Or are we like God's people that we have hewed out for ourselves? What we thought. Sister, God says they're broken sisters that can hold no water. These Broken sisters just don't stay in the test. Just when you need a prayer answered, you haven't got it. Just when we need to tap in. It's not there. When we need deliverance, it's not there. Because man has huge out for himself. His own philosophies, his own ideologies, his own system. And those are what have let's just dive in the book of Hosea Hosea chapter four lesson number six my people, again God is talking to his people. My people Israel are destroyed for lack of Lot, knowledge,
for lack of Lot, knowledge. Now, ladies and gentlemen, by sheer logic, this cannot be that God's people are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge of chemistry, or history, or mathematics, or philosophy or biogenetics. Going think abroad, all of these intellectual knowledge of putting a man on the moon, we can't be destroyed for lack of that knowledge because we did it wrong. Then if God's people are being destroyed today, there has to be a reason clouds and all over our land. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is getting less and less and less. According to a recent report almost two years ago, two months ago, over 4000 young people across our land are quitting the church month after month now is it week after week I forget I got the report. Well, there must be something wrong. Because just last week, we went into a city where nobody knew us. And with a by the second night, these young people were just crowding in to hear God's word. Even to the end, you bring your little LSD pills along we flush them down the toilet forum
didn't know that did ever given up a few trips, because there's a better trip in store for those who want to work, drive My people are destroyed for like a knowledge. class that lack of knowledge can only be a knowledge of the accuracy of God's words. That's all.
Well, people if we're being destroyed for lack of knowledge of God's word, why don't we just take a little time off and go study the Word? Why don't we just come back? And take a look at God's word. Why don't we just give ourselves an opportunity at least to sit and listen again to evaluate? The rest of that verse says, Because dial has rejected what? knowledge, the knowledge of the accuracy of the word, I, God will also up. That dial should be no priest domain. Sitting down has forgotten to love the Lord died. God, I will also forget all your kids. Why are the young people tripping out? Because the adults forgot the true God. We've sold our souls for money, power positions or prestige. influences. We thought it was in a community, right? Sure. We had to live with the Joneses and a quote because we got two families the Joneses in here at night. That's not what I mean. Man had to maintain what they thought was the status quo or something. Oh, for the eternal destiny, his soul is it worth. He said that's why God had to forget the children because the parents forgot to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. God said the children come along and they trip out. Today that young people have our lamb take a lot of persecution. A lot of criticism. We got long hairs in here tonight. My old friend Donnie down here. Many a woman would love to have what he's got on the pavement. And I know a few men in this auditorium and other auditoriums might love to have at least part of what you've done.
You know what the Bible says? God doesn't look on the length of the man's hair. Or the color of his eyeballs. He doesn't look at whether he'll wear green suspenders with purple lining. Guys, God looks on the inside. What is a man within here? Once a woman on the inside the Bible says he looks on the heart. I'd like to challenge a lot of ministers across this land of Iowa's do have done what this long hair did in the last year and a half in Wichita, Kansas. That's right. We're perhaps over 600 that we can put our finger on been born again turned some dope and all the sex trips to the Lord Jesus Christ started with a boy 19 years old were the adults that tried girl I feel like clapping Do you think I'm a good teacher? You ought to hear him a tremendous fabulous because his his the word in his heart and he was just stupid enough to believe God's word. Praise the law. You know he traveled he traveled with me last week and we love each other we sit you know we wrap I'd say something to me. It was very simple. He said Well, Doctor will watch me and there was always something wasn't the word. He never says that to me about the word. What does that mean? He's read the word but those other things that most of us have been tripped out in society or he just doesn't know any you know, does know what not beautiful? But he turned the city of Wichita upside down how much courage you got? Why didn't you turn new Knoxville upside down? Well for Aneta St. Mary's Salida. We can't even get to those places.
They Take someone 19 years old. Oh, you want to tell me God's any bigger in him?
Alright, people changed. Answer that might hang yourself again. Really I'm not elevating Donnie, but I elevate the Christ, that city, the greatness of the word and he, I could go across this room to count others because of their stand in the word, holding forth the words things have happened, right? Bless your heart. That's right. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Class, that lack of knowledge is God's word. So if we don't want to be destroyed, we come back and get the word. We'll get the knowledge when we get the word. You don't get the knowledge just because you think you've got the word. You've got to have the words to have the knowledge thinking you got it doesn't give it to you. That's true. If you think you've got $1,000 in your pocket and you haven't got it, reach in and get it. You can't drive a wheelbarrow into a garage and get a Cadillac tomorrow morning. Drive life catalog on the outside and take her ride. I don't care.
In Proverbs, the 29th chapter I shared with the men today, but it fits right in here tonight. Psalms proverbs 29. The King James translation is not nearly as accurate as the Sanskrit translation in India does Sanskrit the second oldest language in the world? Estrin Gila Aramaic is the original language in which the Word of God was written. It was the language in which Abraham spoke was the language in which Adam spoke and all the rest of the it's the lingua franca of the Word of God was. Estrin Gilo, Aramaic, the second oldest language, I believe, his SANSKRIT SANSKRIT translates verse 18, of the 29th chapter as follows. And I wish you'd write it someplace in the margin or some other place because if you haven't written it there, sometime you'll want to remember it, I'm sure listen to it. Where there is no knowledge of God that people wander aimlessly. Where there is no knowledge of God that people wander aimlessly. They have no goal, no purpose, no distance that they can see any head toward and know that they're going to arrive. Where there is no knowledge. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and knowledge of God. Now how you going to get a knowledge of God God he spirits only from his word. Only from his word, no place sale. Where there is no knowledge of God, the people wander aimlessly. like sheep without a shepherd. Like a church without a ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers are pastors, the walls come in and just tear them to pieces. It is this word of God, that we in the way ministry and I teach in this class on power for abundant living will make no non do us die, how have the more abundant life it will make us certain in the midst of the uncertainty of our day and time that once again, you can say like John Townsend said tonight, in essence, I know in whom I believe and I'm persuaded beyond a shadow of a doubt that this price to my serve is absolutely God's only begotten Son. All the way down below is a second place I believe this class on power for abundant living has given to those of us who have studied the word and understand the keys. A firm lock in A sea of speculation of our day and time. And today, it's basically all speculation. Rock. You can belong to a Sunday school class, read it in a quarterly. We'd go around, I'm the teacher and I say, Well, what do you think that verse means? And he says, Well, I think it means so then I come over to you and I say, What do you think? And you say, Well, I believe what he said is partly true. But I think then we go to number three, and we say, What do you think? And he said, Well, I think both of those fellows had good points. But I think itself now we go to number four, and he says on all those three were each had a little bit but I think it's so and so. Oh, boy, boy has tripped out can a fella be? The Word of God is not what you think the word of God is wanted? Says. They'll may never is what you think, right? What does it say? The curse has been that everybody has taught it this way. What do you think?
I don't give a hoot. What do you think? might slip? I don't even care what I say? What does it say?
I adjust my thinking according to what it says. In this class, you're going to hear me ask you a couple of times, what do you think? And you are going to hang yourself? You want to bet? I'll get you so wrapped up in your theology. I'll ask you a question. You'll read it right from the word yourself. I'll ask your question, and I'll turn right around Hang on. Because you'll say Well, I think that's when I tear up my hair. You know, when all my dandruff disappears, which I don't have. And that's why because we've been so acclimatized that nobody knows the answers anyways. And everybody's pretty well accurate because everybody's headed toward the same goal on there. 1000 different ways to get there just as long as you're headed the right direction. And if you just treat Maggie McGinnis pretty good. She's a character in the class you'll learn to know we got other characters to like Henry Proloquo That's right. Maggie Martin. Did I tell you about her? l we got Johnny jump up. No ball P That's the C's, not the year for him.
I believe this word of God is a firm rock in the sea of speculation and guests. And boy, if you want 1000 answers today as to what people think God is or religion or some just ask the people on the street or in the church or any place that they just don't agree on. Why don't we just come back read God's word and say just set the Lord and jump in God said jump, I don't ask any questions. I just jumped. Right I don't even ask. Oh, hi. I just jumped. He didn't say as quite as he said jump I jump. Remind reminds me of this great experiment they conducted at Ohio State University with John Somerville and some of our great Ohio State students, Miss random some of that are very intelligent Professor over there, I guess. And he was going to do an experiment on a fleet to just find out exactly some of the great truths about a fleet. So he got himself in that beautiful laboratory at Ohio State.
And of course, he had to have a white gown on and white glove. And then he got himself that little box that had that flea on it in it. And he opened a box and got with his white clouds. He took that little tweezer and took that fleet out of there. And he said him down here and he jerked off one leg As he said, jump and the fleet jump. He gets his little pad writes down all the things about that leg how he pulled it out. And he said that that fleet jumped, and he jumped, gets the play back with his tweezers, puts him on here, gets a hold of him again, jerks out the other leg.
And he says, Just and that fleas, jumps like crazy, gets his pad out, makes another day this five times, every time he takes off a leg, he says you don't put a fleet job. Then he brings him back. And he's only got one little leg left on that fleet. And he takes his patent, he notes that. And he measures the length of that last little leg, puts down all the measurements, takes his tweezers, jerks that leg off of this and he says don't you please doesn't do a blessed thing. You know what this great scientist doesn't know how to take that little pad right thing. When you jerk all the legs off of a please, the darn fool can hear. I promise I'll be nice. I don't know when but from. You know, it's like the word of God. When you take that thing all apart and took it all apart. Nobody can hear the word because no word left. The word means what he says and says what it means. When he said he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. What does he mean? Just you don't have to have a PhD from Timbuktu back alley to understand that you hardly have to go through third grade, let alone first. That's why I believe the Word of God gives us a firm a real solid, affirm rock. Because we believe that rock is Christ. In the sea of speculation, we believe there's only one way to heaven and that's the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not believe there are many roads that lead to heaven. There are many roads lead to San Francisco and Chicago. You know, Ted Martell wrote that song off of this first lesson of the class. But there's only one way and that's the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that this class on power for abundant living with the accuracy of God's word will again give to young people and adults as well as children are safe Anchorage, in the vast ocean of doubt. In which we are not only in Gulf, but almost to the point is to come in. We believe that the Word of God is a safe Anchorage. We believe that a man can trust the word of God. The reason men don't trust the word of God because it can't trust their own words. Man has read his own distrust into God's word. Therefore, if you want to be in a quest in the next couple of weeks, have the integrity and the accuracy and the greatness of God's Word. You may have a tremendous knowledge of God's word. I still invite you to join this class. Because I'm not gonna make you believe a thing. I'm not gonna dog you with and I'm not gonna hit you over the head. But I'm trying to set before you these break tremendous truth, then you make up your own mind. Are they true? Or are they not? Do you want to believe them? Or don't you want to believe them? Or many of us it has been a complete change and I like for many of us. It has so totally renewed our minds. And our lives for us, that we today on are the manifestation not only the pigmentation but the manifestation of the power of God wherever we want. Do you like that kind of trip? You might find this class and joy. I guarantee that this class will answer 90 to 95% of the questions you have ever dared to think or ask in your life regarding life, Christianity, the word of God, and a lot of other things in your own life. I guarantee you'll answer 95% of the question, not to my satisfaction, but to yours. People if a class answered 51% of the question, it has to be a miracle class. So I don't know what class you put this in, such as a miracle par excellence, Miracle miracle or something. If a man could be absolutely sure of being right, 51% of the time you could make a million on the stock market. We believe God's Word is truth all the way.