SNT-0479- Worthy - Ephesians 4 (Cummins)

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Publication Date: 12-06-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-479-Worthy-Ephesians4(Cummins) DRAFT
word, God, Christ, body, doctrine, walk, ministries, benefit, gift, subtlety, members, spirit, Ephesians, gave, called, unity
Ephesians chapter four; of course, Ephesians is that tremendous book which is addressed to the church the greatest revelation ever written regarding the mystery of Christ, the mystery, which God set forth regarding this administration of grace, to which we belong. And beginning in chapter four and verse one, and going on throughout Ephesians, through the rest of the book, it pertains specifically to our walk in Christ. The first three chapters do basically with our salvation, what God wrought in Christ for us. And beginning in chapter four, he tells us how to walk because of what God did for him. Beginning in verse one, this tremendous chapter. It says, I therefore, therefore, when you see the word, therefore, you know, it sets it in, as a consequence to that which went before. In the first three chapters, God wrote, what God what he wrought in Christ for you, what he made you in Christ Jesus, that were sons of God, that he predestinated us to sonship that he made us what we are, that he gave us life, he gave us an inheritance. We know that he works within us, and it says, exceedingly great and preciously. And he begins this fourth chapter with that word, therefore, I therefore, setting it as a consequence to what he wrought in Christ, because of what Christ did for you. Because you have peace on the inside, because you have joy, because you have Christ within you the hope of glory, because you have this great mystery that the Gentiles should be February's of the same body partakers of the promise of in Christ by the gospel. Because you have these things, therefore, I beseech you, the word beseech to sit I, therefore the prisoner of the Lord. And the word prisoner simply means one who is bound. And of course, it's not possession. Only the devil possesses people God does not possess. It's, he's bound by his own free will. Because Paul relinquished his life, he made up his mind that either it's God's word, or it isn't he chose that it was God's word. And he said, Therefore, I am going to walk with God the rest of my life. I'm going to do what God says, And he made himself as rope together with Christ, and that's a good place to be rope. I, therefore, the servant or prisoner of the Lord, beseech you, or encourage you, that you walk worthy of the vocation were with you were called. And of course, the word R is the word word. It's eras tense in the Greek, which means it is past tense. And then you were called, because in chapters 123, he explains how you were called before the foundation of the world, how God knew by His foreknowledge that you would someday believe and he called you, you were called past tense. And the word vocation is the same root has the same root as the word called, cold. I beseech you, that you walk, walk worthy of the calling the calling, were with you were called. I beseech you, that you walk, walk, to walk is to what?
What happens when you walk? You stumble once a while, no, matter of fact, walking is a falling process isn't the walk through you fall forward, you know, catch yourself before you hit the ground.
You know, you walk, it's a falling process. That's right, walking, and the only thing is you catch yourself while walking on the word. Suppose you trip sometime and fall down on your nose. What do you do? Or what does a kid do a baby when he's starting to walk. He gets up and brushes his clothes while he doesn't brush his clothes off. But he gets up and starts walking again, doesn't he? He didn't just lay down the rest of his life because he fell once. That's how you learn to walk Okay, it's the same way spiritually as you stumble big deal. Pick yourself up and start walking again. That's what walking is all about. I stumble physically and spiritually when someone just asked my wife especially physically she'll say, well so I tell her to pick up the toys she says you didn't trip over the toys. It was a furniture your feet were sticking out too far now. But that's walking is your trip. What do you do you pick yourself up and start walking again? Don't you? Sure you tripped spiritually? What do you do you pick yourself up and start walking, no disgrace to fall as long as you pick yourself up again and start walking on. Walk and walk worthy walk worthy of that calling that calling were with you or call. And that is the great subject regarding what we're going to be into tonight in Ephesians, the fourth chapter to walk worthy of that calling where with you were called, first to with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering forbearing, one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, the unity of the spirit of unity, it's the cry of the church today, you know, the organized churches denomination sex, and CCTS, and so on. This is the CRI, right? Unity, they want unity. You take a church here, there's one group says, well, we got to get together with this group over here and a few others, get them all together, we get a big unity. Sure, unity for the sake of unity, I guess. But you don't get unity by pushing people together. The only unity there is, is the unity of the Spirit. endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond or a bond of peace. That's the only place you'll find peace, real peace, the world prize piece, but the Word, God's word, hands it to you on a silver platter. Here it is. And you can take you can take it or you can reject one or the other. I've got peace in here. And as I walk worthy of that vocation, or that calling where with I was called, I manifest that peace in my life. And as all of us as sons of God. Members of that body of Christ, walk on that word, and cohere to the word. Being of the same mind, that's the only way to be of the same mind is to stay in that word, then we have that unity in our walk. You have that unity in the spirit, but you keep it in your walk as you walk upon that word. And that word endeavoring is real interesting. It's the same root as a word which you've seen many times in the foundational class, which you will see if you haven't yet been in the foundational class in Second Timothy 215. It's that Word Study, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. What do you study? The word no word of God, not some man's theology or some man's doctrine, what man may think you study God's Word, study the Word. And that's that word endeavoring for three of Ephesians endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit who studied diligently studying diligently to keep the unity of the Spirit and what are you going to study?
The word, the word, you can study philosophy, you can study the various theologians and what they said the early church fathers, you can study what Hugh Hefner says, Sure, you can study what? Study what common says, anybody else, but you're never going to keep that unity of the Spirit until you diligently study the Word of God. diligently studying to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond or that binding of peace. That's the only way that you'll get unity or peace in this world today. And that's spiritually And as you walk upon that word, renew your mind, put that word on study the Word. Then you see it in the outward life as you will. Verse four, there's one body, and one Spirit, even as you were called, in one hope of your calling, again, past tense in the Greek, were called in one hope as you're calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism. One, how many gods 131. God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all and in you all, well, where is he? He's in you. That's what it says in you all. Thanks, Paul, a southern you Oh, well, he's in you all anyway. There's very few people here ever appreciate my sense of humor. The you new people don't feel left out. All right. He's in you all says God is in you. All right.
In you all, verse seven. But, but. But that's it. In contrast, he doesn't on to everyone or each one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ, who is a given to each one of us, each one of us. That's what it says. That's what it means to every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. And that word gift is that word, if you read it, in one of my booklets, the gifts of God is Doria, which means it benefits that individual receiver. As a gift, the emphasis is on the benefit that it gives to the individual receiver, the Latin is benefit you from which we get our English word benefit. benefit. It benefits you as a receiver. Well, when you've got that gift, that Holy Spirit within you, and you begin to operate the manifestations where you see the result in your life to your benefit. Who doesn't? Yes, you benefit don't you benefit as you as you speak in tongues, it says it builds up. The inner man doesn't do your benefit. That's one benefit. Benefit. That's why it's Adoree odd gift or a gift that benefits the individual receiver in verse eight. Wherefore he said when He ascended up on high He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men have it's real interesting that this word gifts is not the same word gifts as used in verse seven. The reason being is there is a different emphasis on the word gifts hear this word. And again, if you want to study it diligently or look at it carefully. It's in my book, The gifts of God. It's the word DOMA, which means it's a gift, which benefits other people horizontally. It's a In other words, it not only benefits the individual receiver, but it also benefits other people. For example, God, when I was born again of God's Spirit, put his seed that gift, that Holy Spirit within me right. I got that gift. As I begin to manifest it benefits me as a receiver. But as I manifest it to the point that it affects other people, like where I would speak in tongues and interpret like some of our people did here tonight. Or bring a message in prophecy, then it benefits other people to like when you heard these messages tonight, God's Word says that they build you up, they edify you by way of encouraging you and comforting you they build you up by encouraging you and by comforting benefits then you do the other people do to not only the person that has the gift, but the people listening also benefit. It benefits other people as I operate the other man of stations word of knowledge, word wisdom, discerning of spirits, Faith miracles and healing. When somebody is healed, then they benefit I'm sure it's the man of God who has the gift doing the operating. But that other person benefits horizontally this way, as God gives the revelation to the man of God, the man of God operates what he has because of God's gift, then that other person benefits to, that's when it becomes a benefit to other people.
Of course, the context beginning in verse eight, is not regarding that gift of the Holy Spirit, as we're gonna see in just a minute, when He ascended up on high lead captivity captive, and He gave gifts which benefit other people, not only the individual receiver, but they benefit other people. He gave gifts unto men. Now verses nine and 10, are in parentheses. And a parentheses is a figure of speech, which explains something in the content. It's set in there, you could read before and after that figure speech. Before and after that parentheses, which is the figure of speech, without losing the train of thought, that finger speech that parentheses merely adds something in the middle of the context of what's already there. Verse nine says, Now that he ascended, what is it, but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth, He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all thing. He's talking about Jesus Christ here that he first decent, he died. And then he rose again. And it says, He ascended into heaven, that he might fill all things now keep your finger there and look at chapter one. Verse 20, which he wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies, the heavenly places is an italic, in his in the heavenly bar above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come and have put all things under his feet, it gave him to be head, the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the church, which is His body, now fullness of Him that fill up, all in all, there again, it says that he was set, he ascended into the heavens, he was set at the right hand of God, far above all principality, and power, and God put all things under his feet, all things under his feet. And he fill us all in all, that can chapter four. In verse eight, he ascended up on high lead captivity captive. In other words, he led captive, those who were making people captive. The devil in his cohorts, people were making other people who wanted to walk on God's word, or live with God, and so on. They were making them captive. These were the characters. And when Christ ascended, he took these people that were taking other people captive captive.
He took captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now God explains this, that he did this when he first ascended, and then ascended and ascended into heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God. You see the figure of speech, by way of explanation here, he is explaining how God led, led captivity captive. And then he was able to give gifts on demand. Now, this figure speech, this parentheses sits in here as an explanation. So beginning in verse eight, and carrying on to verse 11, we read the context to get the train of thought. Wherefore beginning in verse eight, when He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts which benefit others unto men. And he gave some apostles. These are the gifts that he gave, he gave some apostles, he gave some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. He gave five ministries unto the church, that they might benefit the other people in the church. So a man in the Church of God who has a ministry As he's ministering to the saints, does it benefit the saints?
Suppose to anyone. It's a DOMA gift which benefits other people horizontally as God instructs the man of God, this man of God continues in the word, then it's a benefit to the other people horizontally. There's five ministries, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, five gift ministries to the church that the church might benefit from. Now an apostle is simply one who brings new light to a generation. Like the 12 apostles, who brought new light to the administration of grace, following the day of Pentecost, and of course, the greatest amount of revelation ever getting given regarding the mystery was given to the apostle Paul, who brought or made known, the mystery, that the Gentiles would be followers of the same body and partakers of problems, the Christ and that it's Christ in you the hope of glory. Apostles bring new light to people, or to a generation. prophet. A prophet is a man of God who simply speaks for God. He is God spokesman. Aaron was called Moses's prophet. He was his spokesman. Prophet is a spokesman for God is the guy that says, get on the ball.
I better not film. You remember the story about the guy that was playing golf.
And ants. The ball happened to land in the anthill. And this guy was got out his club. He was swinging away and he never hit the ball, he just hit the dirt, you know, or the anthill was in this dirt would just go flying. It swinging again you know and he hit the other side in the dirt would go fly and the ball would stay right where it was never hit the ball. One and finally look to the other end said looks to me, like the safest place for us is on the ball.
Some of you heard that before. Looks like I better get on the ball. Apostles prophets, the man of God who says get on the ball. Get out of the end Hill. And some evangelists. An evangelist is one who brings forth the gospel, his chief ministry, his long suit is that of reconciling people to God. Getting people say a pastor is one who shepherds the flock is one that in a particular locality, he may be over that group to shepherd them to pass to them, to help them with their needs. Somebody gets a sore thumb, he goes over and helps them. Somebody has a need. He's there to minister to that need. The pastor, and a teacher is simply one who teaches God's word. But he gave these five gift Ministries which benefit the other people in the church in the body of Christ, these five gifts ministry. Now the question is if they are gifts, which benefit others in the church? How do they benefit? Right? How are they a benefit to the other people in the church? Or do you think of pastors have benefit people in the church?
They're here but a pastor that God has called one that God has set in the church would be a benefit to the church would certainly thank you. I love you. Alright, so he gives this purpose or this benefit. In the next verse. All you have to do is read it. no guesswork about it. Verse 12. What's the benefit? What's the purpose for the perfecting of the saints? Number one, number two, for the work of the ministry. And number three, for the edifying of the Body of Christ. The word for in English in all three cases is the same word. But in the Greek, they're different. The first one is for it denotes a purpose, which is an ultimate purpose. In other words, looking forward future for the perfecting of the saints. And it has that same root, that word you know, in the in First Second Timothy, look at, keep your finger here will be second Timothy three.
Verse 16, Second Timothy 316. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Now the purpose of the Word of God that the man of God may be perfect, perfect, now has the same basic route. But it's different in that it has a different prefix and a different suffix on. So it's similar, but yet, not identical. back to Ephesians. Four, the perfecting of the saints. Now these ministries are given not only for the spiritual perfection of the saints, but also for their perfection in the wall. But a man who's born again, a God's Spirit is not perfect in his wall. It says in First John, that every man sins doesn't beat says he doesn't sin, it says he's a liar. So this perfecting of the saints cannot completely come to pass until when, when Christ returns, then they'll be completely come perfect. There'll be perfectly perfect, not only in their spirit, but also in their walk. So it's with a view to it's for the ultimate purpose of perfecting the saints. There's time involved, it's not an immediate purpose. Whereas the other two words for mean immediate purpose, things that can be done right now, for the work of the ministry, the work of the ministry, can that be done right now? The work of the minute that can be done right now, for the edifying the building up of the Body of Christ, in the building up of the Body of Christ be done now. You bet you're not sure it can be done now. So it's immediate purpose. But that first one for the perfecting of the saints was looking forward to the future. Spiritually, they can be perfect right now.
But in the wall, they can fluctuate cancer, one day, they can be hot, one day, they can be cold. So they cannot be perfectly perfect in their wall. So it's with a view to it's something that will not completely come to pass until the gathering together the church under Christ. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the building up of the Body of Christ. Those are the three things are the three ways in which the body of Christ benefits from the gift ministers, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors up how long? Verse 13. Until we all come in the unity of the faith, the unity of the faith. The unity of the faith can never be fully accomplished, until the coming up. So we all come in the unity of the faith, and have the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man. perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Well, when will this come to pass? When the church's the body is full? Yeah, when the body is full, and then Christ can gather together. When the body is full, fully grown, when everybody's into that body that's going to be into it. Then Christ can come for the church. The gathering together that's How long we will have these gifts ministry until Christ return evangelists, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, they are gift ministries in the church, which benefits the people in the church by perfecting the saints, the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the Body of Christ, until Christ returns until that body of Christ is completely full, the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, which will be when he returned. What's the reason verse 14? That is the reason for the gift ministries in the church, that we henceforth the word henceforth is not in the text, you can tell because it's italicized, and that we be no more children, that we be no more children. Well, are you children? Not physically. At least I hope not. Know that we be no more children in our minds in our growth with the word that we grow up, that we'd be no more children, tossed to and fro. In other words, tossed to and fro are one Greek word, which simply means to fluctuate in opinion, to fluctuate in opinion. And the root of that word means a wave, like the wave on a sea. fluctuate in opinion, like the waves of the sea, one day, you're at the peak of the way, the next day, you're down at the bottom here, to fluctuate in your opinion, that we be no more children who fluctuate in their opinions constantly will do children fluctuate in their opinion. One minute, they think, Johnny's an idiot, the next minute, they think he's his best friend. They fluctuate constantly, in their opinions. Don't think if you have children. They fluctuate like this. Well, we are to no more be no more children spiritually speaking. Who, at one day were hot for the Lord, we're on top of that peak. And the next way we're down next day, we're down in the we call this the low point of that wave. Reminds me when I went on a fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico, and this happened to be a beautiful day when the sun wasn't shining. You could see about 300 feet in each direction. That was it there were there, we were out in the middle of a golf.
And the waves are about 20 feet high. We were on this boat. One minute, it'd be about 20 feet above the water. The next minute you'd be looking at right in the face. We were fluctuating like these ways we were going with the we didn't have much choice. We just went with the waves thing. And there was about 30 people on this boat I guess everyone was well somebody bring up something like dinner but one man, we'd be way up here on the peak, you know, we'd be at our hot point bar, we were way up there. Next minute, we'd be down here, you know. And that boat just went like that all day long. Not 20 feet between the way. But these are the purpose of the ministries that we know more, be no more. Who are one minute we're at the top of the wave next middle, we're down at the bottom. Now we're not constantly going I tell you do that all the time you get an upset spiritually. If you're hot one day and down the next day Hakuna man could you imagine a spiritual stomach? So, but this is the purpose of the ministry is that we no longer be children who fluctuate in opinion, as the waves on the seat. One minute we're hot, we're up on top of the peak. The next minute we're down in the valley that we be no more children who are tossed to and fro or who fluctuate in our opinions. and carried about the word carried about is to be born here and there. We are any born series you know, to be carried here and there as by the winds. Like the Wind here's a feather here You're here and then there's this one. We had some pretty good wins this last week or so, where you had a feather out there it blow Heather and here and there who are carried about born here in there by every wind, wind, of doctrine. Like a fairly, one day it goes that way. Another gust of wind come along, was baffling by every wind of doctrine, that we be no more children who are fluctuating in our opinion, like the waves on the sea, or who are curious about in the air. by every wind of doctrine, one when the north wind comes this way, you know, you blow that way. The west wind comes that way. You blow that one. One day you blow hot when it comes from the equator. Next day, you blow cold, right? You blow hot one day, blow cold and you're on God's word, one day, the next day your offer gods were blown about by every wind of doctrine, that's real unique, because some doctrines are full of wind.
Right? Wind, some are just big blow. And some don't have much blowing. And some have a big, let's look at that word doctrine.
Well, I'm sure glad some of you appreciate it. Where are we doctrine? Matthew 15, we're going to be back in Matthew 15. Verse eight, Matthew 15 Eight. This people draweth nigh on to me with their mouth, and honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines, the commandments of men. That for doctrines they teach the commandments of men. He says with their lips they honor me, but their heart is far from now that's like that wind you know, that blows. A wind of doctrine is just a big blow with the lips with a mouth. But what's in the heart? It's a doctrine which men can look at Colossians chapter two.
Colossians two verse 20. Wherefore if you'd be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why is living in the world are you subject to ordinances, touch not taste, not handle not? One man says Don't touch that. Another man says, don't taste that. Another man says, don't handle this. ordinances, while verse 22. All are to perish with the using after the commandments and doctrines of whom? Right? And they're just big blows their winds of doctrine, the doctrines and commandments of men. Things that men say ought to be not what God said. Look at First Timothy chapter four verse Timothy, chapter four verse one. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of what doctrines of devils That's right. doctrines which the devils have concocted. doctrines of man doctrines are devils. Technically the same basic sorts. But again, they're just big blows. They're nothing there's no route to them. They're just things that blow about wind of doctrine. And here sits a poor little man that doesn't know God or doesn't know about his word, or how to stay in how to take root. What happened? One man comes along or one devil comes along with this doctrine and he blows up when another one comes along, blows in this way. Another one comes along and blows them another direction. It just blows flips back and forth constantly. Or like the waves they fluctuate in As a pain up and down, like children. school you're taught there's no such thing as absolutes. There's no such thing as absolutes. So what are you going to do? Not absolute I grew up in Dallas. Alright, look at Second Timothy chapter four chapter four, verse three or the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, sound now where you're going to learn sound doctrine. From the word from God's word sound doctrine, the time will come. He says, When they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts, shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching years, itching years, things, they just say things that appeal to your ears that sort of scratch and make you feel good. But again, they're like these Windsor doctors, they just blow you bounce from here to the winds of doctrines, the commandments of men, the doctrines of devils look back to it the reasons for that would be no more children who fluctuate in our opinion, who are born here and there, by every wind of doctrine, the commandments doctrines of men, the doctrines of devils, that we no longer be blown about by these things. These big wind blows by the sleight of men, the word slight originally meant a secrecy something that was secret done in secret. And it always had the connotation of being this being deceitful.
In other words, a deceiving secrecy. A secret that DC it's definitely the word, the Greek word, we get our wearing English we're cube from cube. Why like a dice with the dice. I don't have anything just throw dice. But anyway, that's what it comes from. I guess that was to deceive or something original. But anyway, it had this idea the word means deceiving, secrecy, deceiving, secrecy. These doctrines, these winds of doctrines which are just big blows that men are devils can talk which are by the deceiving, secrecy of men. The deceiving secrecy of men. The word and is not in the text again, it's an italic cunning craftiness. Now this words interesting cutting crafting, it simply means what it says its subtlety or slyness like the fox, you know, it's around the corner. He's sly. Sly as a fox is crafty, he's subtle, tremendous amount of wisdom involved, but it's on the Sneak, subtle, crafty, Sly Look at Luke one. Luke, chapter 20. Luke chapter 20, verse 19. And the chief priests and the scribes, the same hour sought to lay hands on him Jesus. And they feared the people and they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them. Verse 20, they watched him and sent forth spies. Spies, are spies deceiving, deceitful? Do they go about on the seek? Are they subtle?
They don't come right out and say what they knew they're subtle about And then for spies, which should thing themselves or pretend thing themselves, just men pretend like they were just men. I was like a game kids with like, the changer that that you're just that they might take hold of his words, in other words that they might catch Jesus in His words and say, Aha, you just contradicted what you said two minutes ago. They're going to look at Jesus's words, and analyze them and say, Aha, you made an error, you made it this, this doesn't fit with what you said while ago or doesn't fit with something over here. That they might take hold of his words or catch him in his words, that so they might deliver him unto the power and authority of the government, Governor. In other words, they needed a reason, take Jesus, they couldn't just, you know, apprehend him and say, taken before the governor, but they needed reason. So they were endeavoring to catch Him in His Word. And they asked him saying, Master, we know that they'll say us and teach us rightly. They, they're spies. Now, you know, they come to him. Putting on this false front. We know that they'll say us and teach us rightly.
These are accept us now the person of any, but teach us the way of God truly. Yeah, we believe that you're the greatest that you really teach what is right. We really believe in you. We think that you've got something on the ball. Now, what would you do if somebody came out and said that to you? Well, I knew that all along. But then they put the question, after they have flattered them a little bit. You know, we know that you're the great man of God. And we know that you don't accept man's way but that you go by what God says, We know that you're honest and just before God. So we just like to ask you one little question, because we're not quite sure about what the answer is. And it says, he says, they say, Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar or not? We give tribute to seize it, we give him money. We should or shouldn't. This is the emphasis. This is what they were. They just put question to him point blank. One way or the other. We don't know. And we know that you're great. We know that your wife. We know that you believe God. Verse 23, but what's it in contrast? He perceived their craftiness, that's that word subtlety slider and said to them, Why temperature me? How many of you would have said that sense knowledge wise, if somebody to come up to you and said, Oh, we think you're a great man ago. We just like to ask you one little question. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? How many of you would have turned around and said to him, why tempt Jimmy?
Because Jesus knew that they were being subtle about it, that they were pretending craftiness. He perceived their crappiness their subtlety there slyness. And he said, Why tempt you mean? Verse 24, show me a penny, whose image and superscription happen? They answered and said, Caesar. And he said unto them, render therefore unto Caesar the things that be Caesar's, and under God that things would be gone. And they could not take hold of his words before the people and they marveled at his answer and held their feet. They were trying to trip him up. They thought, boy, we can sure get Jesus's time we're really going to take him for a ride, Joy Ride. But Jesus just turned around and said, even though it looked great on the surface, you know, look like there were real, sincere, real honest, wanting to hear the word and so he turned around and said, Why tempt me? I know what's going on your screwy little mind. What he said. That's the common good, but the essence is there. He gave him an answer such a, such that they were not able to catch him in his words, that fantastic. The only way Jesus could do this was walking by that spirit walking by the revelation that God gave him by knowing God's word and walking upon. That's the only way you will have answers to questions like this. They own them Jesus didn't. Now we've got spirit within us, don't worry. We've got Holy Spirit. Do we have the same ability that he had to do? Do we? Sure we do. He says, The works that I do. Jesus said, the work that I do, you shall do also and greater work. Because I go to my father, which is there, we have the same ability. The thing is that we walk worthy of that calling where when we were called, we have to do the walking like Jesus did. He could have tripped out but he didn't. He stayed. He always did the Father's will. He stayed in that word he walked. We have the same ability in here. The only thing is, many times the flesh is weak and we trip we fall down. So what do we do? pick ourselves up and start walking again. We have that same ability that he has. If somebody comes to you with subtlety, a man throws a window doctrine in your direction.
Go back and catch him. Because you've got the same ability Jesus had. You've got that spirit in here that gifts. There's no reason that we need to be children that are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. But this is why the gift ministries were put in the tree factory feed.
Now we hence that we'd be no more children, who fluctuate in opinion, work carried about by every wind of doctrine. By the deceiving, secrecy of men, the subtle be the slyness in which they try to catch us up. whereby they lie in wait to the sea. Now this last part is real interesting. whereby they lie in wait to receive to deceive, is literally from the Greek with a view to the systems of error. The systems are methods of air with a view to the systems or methods of air. Why is that with a view to why isn't it actually the systems of air real interesting. You have to it's very systematic, it works time after time, no problems. But when you have air, the more air that you put in, the more unsystematic the thing become, the more sand you get in the machinery, the more tripped up the thing becomes like taking a big machine, you know, on a factory that works perfectly throwing a handful of sand in it gets in those cogs and in between those parts. And it just tears that thing up, like taking air, the more air you get, the more unsystematic it becomes. That's why it can only be in the direction over or with the view to the systems of air the methods. But aside from that, that word is used one other place in chapter six of the thesis with a view to the systems of air Asians six, verse 11. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the systems, the methods of the devil, the methods or systems of the devil that you may be able to stand against. That's that word systems or methods that used in Ephesians 414. Go back to 446 For verse 12, look at the content. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual witnesses from on high. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand any in the evil day, and having done all to stand. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual wickedness. And we want to be able to stand against the methods or systems of the devil. It's not a physical fight, it may look like a physical fight at times, but it's not. It's a spiritual battle, and back in Ephesians, 414, that we be no more children, who are constantly fluctuating in our opinions, or carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the deceiving, secrecy of men, the subtlety or flyness with a view to the systems of error, this is their plan to get you into the methods or systems are there. And the root of all that it says in Ephesians, six was the devil, the methods of the devil. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, it's not a physical, it's a spiritual. Now, here he sets the reason for the ministries, that we don't be children who are constantly fluctuating in our opinions are tossed by every wind of doctrine. These doctrines are deceiving. They are deceiving. Secretly, and they are done by men in their slyness their subtlety to get to into their systems of air, their methods of air, this is what they're trying to drag you down. And it doesn't come on strong. Like you got to, you can't start. You know, you can't just come down here and say start. That's what, that's what they'd like to do, but they realize they can't. So when they do, they get you to fluctuate from day to day, one day, you're hot on God's word. Next day you come down, you know, you can't be up there all the time. You can't be on God's word all the time, it just wouldn't be good. So one day, you're up here. Let's take a vacation. Let's get back up. Well, let's come down and see fluctuating in your opinion, like the way or, and this is what causes you to be blown about these winds of doctrines. In their deceiving secrecy, they're subtleness to get you into their systems of air. Blow you one way, one day, the next day to blow you some other. But this is the purpose of the ministries that we do not have to be in this mess as these children. But verse 15, but now we're on the road. Speaking the truth in love, may grow up, grow up, that we don't have to be children, but that we can grow up, grow into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ from whom the whole BODY fitly joined together. And compacted by that which every joint supplier let's go back from whom the whole BODY fitly joined together literally means to lay the joints together. You take a body you know, like the dry bones, the head bone Mexico, take all these parts and the flesh you know the skin. Take the meat, the blood, the Oregon's take all these things. And you lay him down here to lay the joints together. You ever does a puzzle when these big things you're nothing but these little things. But one of these big jobs where you just take your dining room table or something you start putting all these people all these pieces of the puzzle together. And it takes a couple of days maybe sometimes to do one of these crazy things. How many have ever done this? So what happens? You get all done with the puzzle and what do you do with it? You tear it all up? Why don't you leave it there? Why don't you just pick it up and hang it on the wall it falls apart That's right. There's something missing this thing has to be knit together some way put scotch tape on it or put a board on the bank but Elmers glue on it or so. So if things stays together, then you can hang it up on the wall, right. But if, if you don't glue it together and knit it together, somehow the thing, you pick it up, falls apart. Alright, now the body is laid together, the joints of the body are laid together by Christ itself, from whom Christ, the whole body whose joints are laid together and compacted and that word compacted is the knitting together. That's what joins them together. This contract is this knitting together by that which every joint supplies according to the effectual working, The effectual working, and that's that word energizing, the energizing in the measure of every one part or each individual part. In other words, each part in that body has to do its function, or what happens.
The body doesn't. For example, if one part of that body does not function properly, is not energizing itself, working, then the rest of the body suffers. So it's not only important that Christ laid this body together, but also that it's knit together by the energizing of each one part that each person does his job that he energizes, does his part in that body. And that is what makes the increase or growth of the body onto the edifying or building up of itself in love. Christ first slays the parts together, he put the fingers on the whole body, and who is the head of the body. Verse 15, Christ the head, say, Christ is the head of the body. Now Christ is the head, he's the one that directs the activities down here. If one member flips out, he blows cold one day, he's not in fellowship, then the rest of the body suffers. I read some time ago about a big toe somebody was missing the big toe. And he had the tendency when he would walk to the fall was because I think he felt like you every time you take a step, he wasn't that he felt like he was just falling or fall on his nerves. But just missing his big toe. One part of the body doesn't work. The whole body stuff. Little finger doesn't want to work, or body stuff. You don't believe me? Just go home tonight, take a hammer and hit one of your fingers. See how the rest of your body feel? Man, if you want that to stop hurting just beat your head against a brick wall. No, I'm not recommending any of these things. They were just figures of speed. That ain't anyway. If one part of that body isn't functioning, the whole body kind of slips down. It doesn't feel good, right? Same way with the body of Christ. If one part of that body isn't functioning properly, the whole thing feels let down. Oh, look at Corinthians First Corinthians chapter 12. And there's a lot of stuff in that fourth chapter of Ephesians. I guess you just can't cover it all in one night. But along this idea of this body, the body, each member of the body working properly, to make that whole body work. I just like to review from First Corinthians chapter 12, beginning in verse 12. Whereas the body is one and have many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body, so also is Christ. Four by one Spirit, are we all baptized into one body? whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit? Or the body is not one member, but many. Is my body just one member? No. Is your body just want? No. It has many members in doesn't. Same way with the body of Christ. Verse 15. If the foot shall say, ever here to put thought
This one did because I am not the hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not as a body? Hey, have you ever heard that in the church? One member of the body says, because I'm not the hand, therefore I'm not at the church, or because I don't get to do what he gets to do. Therefore, I really don't belong with bologna. Each member of that body has its own particular function, like the foot and the hands. Verse 17, no 16. And if the ear shall say, because I am not the I am not of the body, is it therefore, not the body, if the whole body when I, wherever the hearing, If the whole were hearing wherever the smelling, but now half God set the members, every one of them in the body, as it has pleased him, and if they were all one member, where were the body, suppose you're all one big I like something from science fiction. That just doesn't exist. But we are bodies and each one a member of that body. And each one has a very important job. Where were verse 17, okay, we just finished verse 18. Now have God set the members every one of them in the body as it is. And if they were all one member, where were the body, but now are they many members yet, but one body, verse 21, and the I cannot see into the hand, I have no need of the nor again, the head to the feet, I have no need of the name much more those members of the body, which we which seem to be more feeble, are necessary. Like the big toe, the wiser, your big toes missing or your little toe, you'd notice you hurt your finger, you'd notice how much you really need that finger in the body. The eye cannot say into the hand, I have no need of the nor again the head of the feet, I have no need of you ne much more of those members of the body which seem to be more people aren't necessary. Verse 23, and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor in our uncommonly parts have more abundant Coleman's for our COVID parts have no need, but God has tempered the body together he have tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to the part which lacks that there should be no system in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another in the body and whether one member suffer all the members do want you hurt your finger the whole body suffers for one member or one member be honored all members rejoice with it
right because you women were in a beauty contest just for legs and you want the one members of your two members of your body want a beauty contest they got honor does the rest of your body rejoice with it
well, now think
Alright, if you're so religious, are you something else? Suppose you suppose you take some kind of a test in college, and you score the highest your brain cells did the job, but does the rest of the body rejoice from it too? You just can't take one part of the body and say, you know, that did the whole thing. The whole body works together. The whole body rejoices or the whole body may suffer. Whether one member suffer all the member suffer whether one member be honored all the members rejoice with it. And verse 27. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. We are the body of Christ. And each one of us has a particular job. One of us may be the I, one of us may be in year, one may be a hand what may be afoot. We are members of that body of Christ. And, and we all together make up the body of Christ. And each person has his own particular job or function in that body. And boy, when those those members like the members in your own body, when those members in the body of Christ begin to function together, they begin to work harmonized, to walk upon that word together. And the only way you can walk together to really go in unison, is to put on that word that each member put on that word, then you have unity in that body. Unity in the spirit, studying diligently to keep the unity of the Spirit, studying diligently. And what do you study the Word, God's word. That's the only way to them. And I'll tell you, the more you get into God's Word, the deeper you study, the more beautiful it becomes. It's like that. That leaf that God made on some tree, you put it under a microscope, and the more closely you look at it, the more perfect that leaf because it takes something that man made for General Motors or anything else. You put it under a microscope, the more imperfect it becomes, right.
That's why you have to buy a new car every two years. But you don't have to buy a new Bible. Well, new word, every two years. Buy will may wear out from using it. But that's in essence.
But God's word live within a bite of how long, forever Amen. That's, that's the key. But it's only that word and a knowledge of that word that will keep the unity of the Spirit that will keep that body operating properly. And if your finger hurts, the rest of the body works to get that finger back into order. If one member of the body suffers, we all work together to get that member of the body back into harmony so that the body can just glory and walk together any questions on Ephesians four. With a view to the systems or methods of error now that's the meaning there's about three or four words there for whereby they lie and wait to deceive that whole phrase should be with a view to the systems of air. The whole phrase changes it's a very poor translation that can do anything else. Okay, let's pray. Heavenly father again tonight, our hearts glory, not in ourselves, but in what you made us in Christ Jesus. And Father, how thankful we are for each member in the body of Christ, and how each member of this body functions at its peak, to bring about a complete and unified body. Father, how our hearts thrill and rejoice that your people love you enough to share this word and the abundance of it with other people. That other members can fit into this body, that they can be born again of God's Spirit, filled with a power by Holy Spirit, and walk forth victoriously with all life and with all the father. Hi, thank you for your people here tonight. And for those around the world, who are concerned enough to step out upon by word that they may live it and share it with others. bother them know the more we know about by word, the more we want other people to just have that knowledge of a word to because Father we know how much it thrills us. And we just want other people to have that same knowing. Because Father there's nothing nothing at all in this world that thrills us anymore. Like die word does how thankful we are to Christ Jesus.