SNT-0477- Mental Pressure (Cummins)
In-depth study on the Greek word thipsis mental pressure.
Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 11-22-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-477-MentalPressure(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: pressure, mental, word, Paul, Christ, world, fell, natural childbirth, child, comfort, childbirth, rejoice, born, life, joy, seed, walking
Take your Bibles and turn to the Gospel of John Chapter 16. Tonight, the Gospel of John Chapter 16.
Not going to teach tonight on how to have a baby. I'm not going to teach on that. But there's a very interesting verse of scripture in the Gospel of John Chapter 16. That is right along this line, how Christ gave this verse, this word, and compared it to certain situations at the time. But I'd like to take an in depth look at that particular verse tonight, before we move on to some of the other scriptures, which use many of these same words, in verse 21. In John 16, it says, a woman when she is in travail, hath sorrow, because her our is come. But as soon as she has delivered to the child, she remembered no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world. Now from the King James, and from the appearance of the verse, it sounds like childbirth is a very degrading and frustrating experience. Right? So we have to take an in depth look at some of the words in this verse, and see exactly what these words mean, because childbirth, although, in the United States and many other countries too, has been a frustrating experience, it doesn't have to be biblically, naturally and accurately. And I'd like to take a look at some of these words. It says, a woman when she is in travail, the word trip travail simply means to bring forth to bring for a woman when she is in the bringing forth of a child, when she is bringing forth that child have sorrow. The word sorrow is not the word sorrow, but it's the word mental concentration. A woman when she is in the bringing forth of a child, when she's bringing forth a child, have mental concentration, mental concentration. My wife, Joyce and I were discussing this verse when she was in labor, with David, our second child, not just too long ago, and she told me as I was trying to talk to her about other things, you know, talk about the ministry the word something else. She told me that, well, number of times, she just had to stop and say no, what did you say? Because she was concentrating all her concentration was upon that child and bringing forth that child, her mental concentration, right? You women notice that? This is your chief concern at that particular time of your life, you're concentrating, dwelling, all your mental thinking is upon the bringing forth of that child mental concentration. Because her our is come, it's not sorrow at all. It's mental concentration. Alright, because her hours come, but as soon as she is delivered to the child, she remembers no more the anguish. The word anguish is not anguish, again. The word anguish is and this is the Greek word on particular in particularly interested in tonight, if you'd like to have the spelling of it is Philips's th LIPSISTH l IPS is Phillips's, which simply means pressure, pressure.
She remember no more the pressure. real interesting. Because in childbirth, I don't know this by personal experience only by what Joyce tells me.
in childbirth. A woman has two kinds of pressure. Women can correct me if I'm wrong on any of these points. First of all, there's the physical pressure, right? Of the child bearing down to be born. And secondly, there's the mental pressure of in anticipation of that child being born. And I'd say perhaps on your first one, the mental pressure is greater because you never know what's going to happen. I mean, you've no it's no you've never experienced it before. So you have this mental pressure. Now you you have the mental pressure and you have the physical pressure. Having conditioned yourself naturally, as it is possible to do, it's not taught to commonly in our cultures in the United States, but in some countries it is. And in some areas in the United States, in some societies, it is being taught. Joyce and I happened to be fortunate to get in one of these things in Columbus, it was a class on natural childbirth education. And I was real thankful for it. Because on our first child, we also had the privilege of having a doctor who let her have the child very naturally, he let her do the labor, let her push the child so literal. But I was real thankful for this occasion. And she not only had this physical pressure, she also had the mental pressure in anticipation of what was going to happen. And I think on the second one, not having a doctor who was schooled in natural childbirth, she had more mental pressure. And now I'm throwing this out. You women know for sure which what the case may be. But any of you who have experienced natural childbirth, I would venture to say that the mental mental pressure was far greater than the physical. And that's I didn't get that from the word. So let us set all right, the mental pressure, whether it is more so than the physical, well, let me give you an example. The mental pressure, when she was in the hospital, the doctor told her, you know, it may or may be six hours before the baby's born. And Joyce was getting these strong contractions. And the doctor having told her, that it may be six, seven hours before the baby's born, said, Well, if it gets much stronger than this, it's going to really be something. And here she was already, it was within a half hour that time that the baby was born. But many times it's this mental pressure, this anticipation of what is going to happen. That is far greater than the physical pressure, provided, the body is properly trained for natural childbirth. And I believe context wise, the emphasis here in this verse is on the mental pressure, because he said, a woman when she is in bringing forth, have a child have mental concentration. But when the child is born, she no longer remembers the mental pressure for joy, that a child is born to the world, the mental pressure, which is simply the mind, mentally, having pressures upon and this is due, first of all, to the circumstances, the situation in anticipation of what comes up, when I come out here in the evening, I have mental pressures in anticipation of what's going to happen. I know spiritually many times, but until it actually happens, I don't know. Well, I mean, I have this anticipation, in that sense pressure. A woman may have the same thing in childbirth, mental pressure. And secondly, in cultures, many times it is due to wrong teaching, this may make a much greater mental pressure. Fear is built into the minds many times and this fear causes even greater mental pressure. Now, she when the child is born, though she no more. Remember, she remembers no more this mental pressure, the mental pressure, even though it may be extremely great, she remember that no more. Why? For joy, get it for joy, that a man is born into the world for joy that a man is born into the world. No matter how great that mental pressure is, once that child is born, she remembers that no because of the joy that a man is born into the world, she has joy. And again especially true when it's done naturally, biblically and naturally. And this is the end result though No matter whether it's childbirth or anything else, though the pressures may at times seem big mental pressures once what you've been working on happens, you remember no more that pressure for joy that you see the result, right? How many times have you had this happen in your life? I mean, when you're really tracking walking on the word, sometimes the pressures may just build up but then when the result comes to pass, you remember no more that pressure for joy that you get the results. You lead somebody to Christ. It takes mental concentration doesn't pressures are put on? Is this fella gonna believe or No? Man, what's going to turn this guy Oh. You start these thoughts go through your mind. And you wonder, and you keep on working. But that thing just keeps and all sudden that fella believes in Christ, you know, and he starts tracking on the word and boy, you forget all about that pressure for joy that a man is born again or for joy that a man starts walking on the word. That's something beautiful illustration. When you stop to think about it, look at first Corinthians chapter seven.
Verse 28, but Nef thou, Mary. First Corinthians seven deals with marriage and the circumstances. And verse 28 says button if thou Mary, thou hast not sin, and if a Virgin Mary She has not seen, nevertheless, such people that get married such shall have trouble in the flesh, but I spare you, such shall have trouble, the word trouble is not trouble. It's the same word slips this, which means mental pressure, mental pressure. Those that get married, says it's not a sin, but such shall have this mental pressure. And believe me, in marriage, and if you get real honest, the the most you know, likeable couple is going to have some degree of mental pressure, right? You get honest. That's what the word says anyway. In marriage, there's more mental pressure. Or there's a certain kind of mental pressure, I should say, a certain kind of mental pressure, which you don't find in unmarried people. mental pressure again, alright, look at Hebrews chapter 11. Hebrews 11 Verse 23, by believing Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child. And they were not afraid of the king's commandment. By believing Moses, when he was come to yours, refuse to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Choosing rather to suffer affliction. The word affliction again is this word slips us to suffer mental pressures. Moses did not endure physical pressures from the federal. They were mental pressures. Many of the people endured physical pressures. But Moses endured mental pressures. Sure. Don't you think he had mental pressures when he told him Let my people go? And the Pharaoh didn't let them go? Don't you think he had mental pressure when he put that rod in the sea and he turned to blood? And the federal told him, go stick your rod in another seat. Don't you think he had mental pressure? Sure. He had mental pressure, the fair he, he did exactly what God told him to. Pharaoh says, Okay, I'll let him go. He turns right around says, Nope, they're not going. Now how do you think Moses felt at that time? And I don't I forget exactly how many things he did to Pharaoh finally let them go. But think of the pressure that must have been put on that man's mind. The mental pressure. Look at Acts chapter, 11x 11, verse 19. Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Steven, traveled as far as phenos, and Cyprus and Antioch preaching the Word to none but under the Jews only. Now this word persecution, it's not the same word that's used in eight one, chapter eight evacs, verse one where it says, Saul was consenting unto his death, the death of Stephen at that time when there was a great persecution against the church. That's not that word. Same word for persecution, this word in Acts 1119, for persecution is that worth slips this mental pressure? Now they which were scattered abroad, upon the mental pressure that arose about Stephens death? Hey, how do you think the people felt when they stoned Steven? Do you think they had some mental pressure? Suppose somebody close to you who you knew was really walking on that word. And they stoned him or killed him? How would you feel about it? Would you have some mental pressure? God help you if you don't. I think you would. mental pressure, they were too scattered broad upon the mental pressure that rose about Stephens death. That's something again, mental pressure. Alright, look at Philippians chapter four. Verse 10, Dr. Wierwille, covered this section of Scripture, very dynamically last week. I'd like just like to read it again. And to note that word slips us that's in the one of these verses here, verse nine or 10, but I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at the last, your care for me have flourished again. Brand new, we're also careful but lacked opportunity. Not that I speak in respect of want, or I have learned and of course, he said that word learn is to learn by experience, I have learned by experience in whatsoever state I am there with to be content in whatsoever state I am I am what self adequate right self adequate. In whatsoever state I am I am self adequate. I know both how to be a bass. And I know how to bound everywhere and in all things I instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to a bound and to suffer need. I can do I can do. I have the ability to do all things, all things through Christ who strengthens me. Notwithstanding. Paul says I can do all things that tremendous verse. Verse 14, notwithstanding you have well done that you did communicate with my mental pressures, the word flips, this mental pressures. Here was a man of God was really working. At times there were great mental pressures put on him because of Pico people circumstances and so on the environment. People didn't track all the time. They got off the ball got off in left field, Paul would have to bring him back. And he had all these pressures that the care of the church daily remember, Paul had all these things on his mind. He had mental pressures. And he said you have well done that you did communicate with me in these mental pressures. They sort of relieved Paul of the thing. mental pressure like that woman who is in the bringing forth Her child has these mental concentration. And when the child is born, she no longer remembers that. Flip since that mental pressure for joy that a child is born, here was Paul outworking for the Lord. Sharing the word with people. There were some people weren't born again, yet Paul was out there witnessing to, there were some people who were born again, and we're tracking on the word, Paul had the care of these people on Disney. But once these people started tracking and really moving with the word, what happens to that mental pressure, just like the child that's born, say, just like that child, Paul had joy for the child was born. Or the people started walking on that word. He remembered no more that mental concentration, mental pressures.
If done well, that she did communicate with my affliction, my mental pressure. And although Paul had this mental pressure, SOTA reminds me. Both times when Joyce was in the hospital, and I was in the labor room with her, they only discomfort that she had was when, during the transition when there were pressures on her back, you know what I did, what she asked me to do when I did it was to take the heel of my hand, and just rub her back like that, rub her back. Now, I'll tell you something, I didn't have that baby. Neither one of them.
And I didn't have just a whole lot to do with it except the initial responsibility. But but she, she did all the labor, the work to bring forth that child. And yet, while she was doing this, I took my hand and rubber back to alleviate that pressure, that physical pressure that was on her back. And I felt so good about it, you know, being able to have my little hand, my little part in that child, both those childbirth, you know, and I think about this here was Paul, out there witnessing with those people out there, trying to get him to go and the mental pressure, he had the care of the churches daily. And he says, You have done well done, you did communicate with my mental pressures, when these people communicated him with money, and in any other way that they helped Paul, how Paul, it must have been to him like that BackRub you know how this sort of alleviated some of those things. Like I said, I just thrilled, you know, I could have that responsibility of doing that little thing to help with the childhood, and how the people who help a man of God who has the big responsibility, how they can give him a background once in a while. How good that background must feel. That's like Paul here. Not withstanding, he did well, when you communicated with me and my mental pressures, like giving Paul background but yet it was so important to Paul, so important that these people did it. I kind of think it was kind of important to Joyce too, because the nurses wouldn't do that. But I was just glad I could have a party and how glad I am to have a part in this ministry. To give Dr. Wierwille a backrub once in a while so to speak, this man who has all the cares of the churches daily upon him. Power coming every Sunday. Okay. But it's just a great privilege, isn't it to be a part of it to once in a while give a backrub it just thrills me. But Paul had the care of the churches daily upon him. And when these people communicated with him, he was just so thankful for it. But yet, even Paul, once these people really come in, how he just thrilled how he just effervesce with joy and he remembered no more that mental concentration I'll show it to you in a little while. How he remembered basically no more that flips this that mental pressure once the people started walking alright. So tremendous verses scripture. Let's look at Matthew chapter 13.
verse three. And beginning in verse three, he sets forth. The Parable of the Sower. I just like to read it briefly so you all understand exactly what this parable was. And then we'll go down to verse, the verses later to pick up exactly what this meant. Verse three, he says, And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, A sower went forth to sow and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the files came and devoured them up. Some fell upon stony places where there was not much Earth and where with they sprung up, because they had no deepness of Earth, and when the sun was up, they were scorched. And because they had no root, they withered away, and some fell upon thorns, and the thorns sprung up and choke them, and others fell upon good ground and brought forth fruit, some 100 fold, and some 60 fold some 30 fold, who had the ears to hear, let him hear. Now notice he has four divisions here, first of all, was reverse for the seed that fell by the wayside, and the fouls came and gobbled it up, fell by the wayside. Then there was this seed that fell on the stony ground, it didn't have much Earth, and when the sun came out, it scorched so it couldn't grow up. Number three, there was the seed that fell among the thorns. And the thorns choked it out. And it withered away, choked him. And the fourth division was the seed that fell on the good ground, and it sprung up and brought forth fruit, some 30, some 60s, I'm 100 fold. Right now down in verse 18. He explains the parable. Here, are you there for the parable of the sower. When anyone hear the word of the kingdom, and understand if it's not, then come with the wicked one, and catch us catch it away, that which was sown in his heart. This is he which seed recede by the wayside. So the first division where the seed seed fell by the wayside, was this stone, or the seed, the Word which fell on people, and the wicked one came and snatched it away from him. The wicked one, the devil came and snatched that seed away from that stone that fell on the good on some people. The seed that fell on some people, wounds might fall on some to verse 20. But he received the seat he that received the seed under stony places, the same as he that hear the word and a non with joy received with him. He hears the word, and he receives it with joy. Boy, it's a great, great word. And verse 21, yet happy not rude in himself, like that which still fell on the stony ground didn't have root. And he endure for a while. For when tribulation. And that word tribulation is the word slips this mental pressure when the mental pressures come, and that's what comes first the mental pressures through people through the environment, the mental pressures come. And, or it says, persecution, which is the other thing that which is more of a physical pressure, physical persecution would be physical pressure, flips this would be the mental pressure. indoors for a while, but when the mental pressure comes, or the persecution comes, then what happens? Because of the word, by and by, he is offended. He also that receives seed seed among the thorns is he that here at the Word, and the care of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. Some of the seed fell among the thorns and the riches and the cares the things of this world, choke out that word in his life. And verse 23, he either received the seed into the good ground is he that hear the word and understand that and which bring forth fruit and bring it forth, some a hundredfold, some 60, some 30. So you see the four divisions First of all, there's that seed, which falls on people, the word of God falls on people, and right away that wicked one snatches it away from them. Secondly, there's that word that falls on people. And when the mental pressures come the mental pressures, or when the persecution come, they can't stand it, they're offended by the word.
Third, those that the word falls on some people who receive it, but it all but there's thorns, so to speak in their life. And the king, they Starnes, it says, are the cares of the world, or the riches of the world. And these things, just choke out that word, just squeeze it out.
And finally, there's those that bring forth the good balls on good ground. They bring forth fruit. For divisions of people, you could put any person who's ever heard the word into one of these four divisions.
And many times, I believe it's in that second one, where the mental pressures from people the environment, they just get too great. They can't stand. And so they're offended at the word, they blame it on the word, they blame it on the ministry. They don't blame it on the source of the pressures. Mental pressures, look at Second Corinthians seven. chapter seven, verse four, greatest my boldness of speech towards you, great is my glorying of you, I am filled with comfort, look at that I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful. In all our mental pressure, flips this mental pressure, I am filled with comfort, and I am exceeding joyful in all our mental pressure. Why? Because Paul doesn't look at that mental pressure, which is only for a time being. But when he sees a result, and he was looking forward, if if there was mental pressure now he looked forward to that result. If you looked at the immediate problem or task, and only looked at that, you'd never go on which. But when you look ahead, to see what's coming with joy you can carry on and with real comfort. The mental pressures were on false basis. I was with comfort, I'm filled with comfort and I am exceeding joyful, exceeding joyful, that tremendous or when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest. Our flesh had no rest. We were troubled on every side without were fightings. Within were fears. Now what kind of findings were these? Mental? Sure, somebody says somebody agrees with Paul, somebody else says no. The words wrong. It's not the word. It's just what Paul says. And there's a big fight. It talks throughout the Epistles in different places about divisions in the church. Because they weren't tracking on the word. They didn't believe some people didn't believe what the word said. So they had a division a fight. But it's mental. It's not a physical fight. And within that was without between people say between people that were fighting by remember, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, do we? It's against what? principalities and powers mites and dominions. That's it. It's it's a spiritual fight. But outside it looked like what a physical fight paper we're dividing them. One says he's a follower of Paul, another one's a follower of what's his name? A policy Nother one of Christ, and there's division. The reason there was division is because they weren't tracking on the Word of God. They weren't reading believing and walking upon that revealed where to go without were fightings and within were fears. Nevertheless, God that comforted those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus. Sure he had mental pressures without were fightings within were fears. Don't you think that cause mental pressures? I'd say. But God comforted Paul, by the coming of Titus, he says, and not by his coming only, but by the consolation were with he was comforted in you, when he told us your earnest desire, your morning, your fervent mind toward me, so that I did what? Rejoice the more. He wasn't only glad when Paul or when Titus came proctitis comforted, but what Titus said that these people at Corinth were really moving with the greatness of God's Word.
Sure. A pressure gets on in a certain area where a man of God standing. Many times he feels like the Russian armies walk through his mouth barefoot. But here comes another man of God from another area, he comforts this man and he tells him what great things are happening in another community in another fellowship. And this man just joys, the more he's not only joining because that man a god's there to comfort him. He's rejoicing, is joining rejoicing, the more because he hears what's going on and other areas that the words really moving over there that people are really alive with the word? Doesn't that make you rejoice? Doesn't we get five over here? All right. So I saw that I rejoice. The more I rejoice, the more I look at chapter two. Verse one, but I determined this with myself that I would not come again to you in heaviness. Or if I make you sorry, who is he then that makes me glad, but the same which is made sorry by me. And I wrote this same unto you last, when I come, I should have sorrow from them, who might ought to rejoice. He just told us in the other chapter that he had reason to rejoice. And when Titus came, having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all. Verse four, four out of much affliction. And the word affliction again is the word slips his mental pressure for out of much mental pressure. Because Paul, as he said, in chapter seven, had these mental pressures until Titus came to comfort him out of much mental pressure, and anguish, the word anguish Blitzer, the word snow Co.
Yeah. Gasoline. The Greek word Oh, yes. No. Okay. And then great. Is this where they got the term blue Sunoco? Interesting. Next time you buy gas there, ask it sneaks in the sun, okay. And anyway, it's literally to hold together like Titan was pulled together of the heart.
That's for out of much mental pressure and tightening of the heart.
It's a picture your height heart could just be heightened. I wrote on to you with a few tears. No, many. Isn't that isn't that verse, something else. Look at the picture he describes in just a few words. He says four out of much mental pressure and tightening of the heart. I wrote on to you with many tears. Not that she should be grieve, but that she might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you. But if any have caused grief, he has not grieved me, but in part that I may not overcharge you will, sufficient to such a man who grieves me such Amir, who grieves me, sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which is of many, so that contrary wise, you ought rather to forgive him and comfort him less, perhaps such an one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow. Wherefore I beseech you, that she would comfort your love toward him, to this and also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether you be obedience and all things, to whom you forgive anything, I forgive also, for if I forgave anything to whom I forgave it, for your sakes, forgave I it in the person of Christ, Lest Satan should get advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his wad. That's right. We are not ignorant of his devices, and he does not normally work directly with people. His biggest battle is indirectly let Satan should get advantage of For we are not ignorant of his devices, don't does this world block Satan, Adam delivered at Remember, Thursday night? All right, Adam delivered it. Adam delivered it to Saint Satan says all the kingdoms of the world have been what they've ever done unto me, right?
Who has control of the winds. All the other elements, who owns the buildings, who owns the kingdoms? They've been delivered to him, and to whomsoever I will give it he says, when he was tempting Christ.
But having ownership of these things, he has control of them. And he can control the situation, the environment within which we move. And it's this environment that puts the pressures upon us. It's not the devil coming to us directly and say, you know, you're screwy and putting all these, it's through the environment. He works upon God's people through the environment, the wind, the rain, I don't know what people your best friends because he has control this crazy old world. And he puts the screws to you tries to because he has control pressures, these mental pressures. They weren't because Paul was teaching the word. It was because people were so wrapped up in the environment that when Satan would turn something loose on them in the environment, man, they just thought fought the word. They didn't fight the the spiritual wickedness, they fought the word. And this is what causes the mental pressures and the tightening of the heart and the tears to a man of God like Paul. But watch it for forgive. Lest Satan should get advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices, we have to know how that all boy works, we have to be wise, we need to know what the score is. We have to walk upon that to know what the score is you have to know the word right? And then walk on that word. You can't be the people when the pressures comes at you flip. Or you can't be like in the thorns, where the riches and the cares of this world sort of drowned out. But you have to be those people that stand and bring forth fruit a hundredfold. Furthermore, when I came to true as a bridge to Christ gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit. Again, it would be mental pressure, wouldn't it? That no rest in the Spirit, because I found not Titus, my brother. But taking my leave of them, I went from thence to Macedonia. Now, after all this, he says, Thanks be unto God. Which always, always causes us to be different You know, which always causes us to want triumph. That's right, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and make us manifest the savior of his knowledge by us in every place. Sure, Paul says we had a few of these opportunities back here, people, but people are people. And he says, Thanks be to God, which always a does that mean always. That means in every situation doesn't. That means there's no situation that you'll be in, where there's going to be mental pressure that you can't get out of. Hmm, well praise the Lord. He always causes me to triumph in Christ, and make us manifest the savour the sweet smell of his knowledge by us in every place. Man When John came into the back room tonight he had all that fragrance stuff on but I think how much greater the fragrance of the word in his life was to me than that physical stuff. That was great too, but the fragrance of the word in a man's life just like heaven He make us manifest the sweet smell of his knowledge by us in every place. So you got a few mental pressures slips. What happens? When the baby's born? You remember him no more. That's it. Look at chapter four.
Show it to you here, verse 16, For which cause we faint not. But though our outward man perish. This is where you have the pressures isn't the outward mean? yet the inward man that spirit is renewed day by day, Hey, how's it renewed? By speaking in tongues? That's right. That's the manifestation which builds up that spirit on the inside. That's, you know, the overflowing business. That's how its renewed day by day by the speaking in tongues. Verse 17, for our light, affliction, mental pressure, lips, our light. Look at that. Paul calls us calls it light. And look what Paul had gone through. Remember in where's it chapter 11 How he was stoned and everything. But think of the mental pressures that Paul went through the care of the church is daily. And he says, These mental pressures, these mental pressures were light for our light, mental pressures, which is but for a moment that takes the renewing of the mind to look at it in that perspective. Our light mental pressures, which were bought for a moment but from then I tell you, Paul, so to look back at remember a while ago, I said just like the baby, after the baby's born for joy that it's born, the mental pressures are bad, right? Or are light mental pressures which are but for a moment. Work for us are far more exceeding eternal weight of glory. That's a heavy phrase. Work for us are far more exceeding eternal weight of glory, not affliction, afflictions, for a moment, but the glory is far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. That's something sure you have a little mental pressure because of people and the environment which Satan has control.
But there for a moment, there just they happen. Once the baby's born. Once people start tracking, once the fellowship grows, and people take a stand on God's word, then you realize it's just for a moment and for joy, you'll forget about it. And for joy, you just go for three Joy sing the more Rejoice, rejoice, Rejoice, rejoice. Amen. That's something. Verse 18, While we look not at the things which are seen, but the thing, but at the things which are not seeing are the things which are seen are what? Temporal, but the things which are not seeing our what. And boy, when you can renew your mind to the word, put that word on your mind that you can look at the things which are eternal man, there's no mental pressure that you cannot withstand. And besides that, it said, chapter two thanks being a god which always, always, always, always causes us to what? Triumph that's it. So are you triumphant? You Bet Your Life, raise the Lord. Look at Romans chapter 12.
Remember that verse to their chapter 12. be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God renewing of the mind putting on in your mind that word that you can be triumphant not only spiritually, but in your wall, being able to be triumphant in your wall? Look at verse 12, Chapter 12, verse 12, rejoicing in hope, patient in mental pressure, patient in mental pressure.
That's the key.
That's the key to mental pressure, being patient. And patience comes from the word also comes from walking by the Spirit, being patient. Look at John chapter 16. Thanks beyond the God which always causes us to triumph in Christ. Make of manifests the sweet smell of his knowledge in us? John chapter 16, verse 33, These things have I spoken unto you. Jesus says, that in me you might have peace. In the world, you have mental pressure. In the world you have mental pressure, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. That great. The world you have mental pressures, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Sure. Look at Romans again
chapter eight, Romans eight verse 35, Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? mental pressure.
That's that word, tribulation mental pressure. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ, mental pressure, or all these other things? Look at verse 37. They, it all these things were a lot lower than conquerors more than concrete. Their mental pressure gonna separate you from the love of Christ. No. Thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in price. All right, look at Ephesians chapter three.
Verse 13, Wherefore I desire that you think not at my mental pressures for you, which is your glory?
I desire that you think not my mental pressures they were getting on Paul, the mental pressures that Paul says, Look, I desire not that these things come upon you these mental pressures that you think not some of the people song, okay. Don't think about don't dwell on for this cause verse 14, I bow my knees under the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth his name, that he would grant you, according to the riches, the riches of his glory, to be strengthened, strengthened with might by His Spirit in the end Man, and how is the spirit strengthen in the inner man? By speaking in tongues? That's right. That's how you build it up. And boy, many times I think I get in a situation right away, I just speak in tongues to alleviate the thing, and that inner, it strengthens the inner man I know. But it also makes intercession for the saints, doesn't it? Sure that stuff first key, the first step to removing many to removing mental pressures is to speak in tongues right away. When God gives you further wisdom on it, then you can do more about it. But until then, all you can do is speak in tongues, make intercession, like it says, in Romans, to make intercession for the things that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by your Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by think that she being rooted and grounded in love, not only having the roots being born again, but also being grounded. Growing in that word, to the point that you're really walking, that you're really tracking on God's word, that you really live an abundant life that is not half baked, but that you're really having abundant life, a victorious life. We're more than conquerors, thanks to God, which always causes us to do up to triumph. Well praise the Lord, being rooted and grounded, grounded. And when people are rooted and grounded, what happens to the mental pressure in the man again, it disappears, doesn't it? It disappears. And he remember that no more for joy, that people are walking on that word. When Paul heard that the people it Korth were walking on God's word. He rejoice even the more. He had joy before that, because Joy's an inside deal. And when Titus came boy, he just rejoice. But when he heard that those people back there were really moving on the word. Hey, just rejoice, Thor. And how our hearts here at the headquarters just thrill when we hear that people are really walking on that word. They're really out there moving with the greatness of God's word, like 150 at ACU and in an ad auditoria like Wichita, how it's growing 14 fellowships in one year, like Rye, New York, and that area, the other parts of New York, how they're just moving out fellowships here, they're in yon meeting in different homes, where that word is being taught, new people are coming to God's word and are being turned on by that word. And then they're going out, they're getting other new people. They're forming fellowships where that word is being taught.
That's what alleviates the pressures, the mental, then we just joy and rejoice the more. That's what makes the ministry worth living. When people are rooted and grounded in that word look at it. That Christ may dwell on your hearts by faith that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, the length, the depth and the height, and to know the love of Christ, to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge to know what it passes not but to know that love of Christ which passes knowledge that she might be filled with all the fullness of God what mental pressures that you might be filled with all the fullness of God, not only in here, but out here in your walk oh, that we asked. Period No. On some of you aren't reading what does it say? Above all that we asked period? Ah, above all that we think. Above all that we ask or even think about. He's able to do exceeding abundantly, exceeding abundantly above all that we ask, or even think, man, sometimes when we pray, we just wish God would do something for us. We just hope maybe someday perhaps we'll make it to heaven. Or we just hope that God will take care of the sickness in the side. Or that Oh, he'll my little finger if I'm good enough. Live to be 110. Now, he goes way beyond even our thinking he's able to do or what's the only thing holding up God? People, people, God cannot move, unless people move. This ministry cannot move unless people move. Why is it this year, that things are just blossoming out all over the world with the word Why not before because people did not renew their mind to the word and really start moving. Finally, people have renewed their mind and are standing on that word, and are walking and are talking and are sharing the greatness of God's Word with people everywhere around the world.
had something to do every night this week with the Ministry except Monday night, Monday night I got in preparation for the other nights I had very little time with my family. But this ministry is the only thing worth living. This ministry is the only thing where if the hell up beings or anything else, there's nothing, nothing that this world can offer. That makes any sense anymore. And the more you're in this world, the more you live by the rules and recommendations of the world of society, people which Satan has control of the more bogged down and mentally defeated and frustrated, the more pressures you have put on you, right? But when you take a stand on that word, you take a stand on that word and start living, start moving, what happens to the mental pressures, you still got them? Yes. But God always causes us to do on triumph. That's right. He always causes us to try him. And you'll live a better life with your family, with your neighbors, everybody else when you start walking on that work. There may be some people you run across in your life, who will never believe like the stuff that falls on the floor and you know, and it chokes amount. So reminds me of a situation when I was in Louisville, Kentucky. teaching a class down there and Jack Seul bless his soul, and asked something like two or three dozen people to come to the class. We had six people in the class. That time. He had asked two or three dozen people to come to two or three dozen of his friends. And Harry made the tremendous statement then he said, Now is when you realize the difference between your friends and your acquaintances. That's the truth. It's like Jesus Christ. They said your brothers, your sisters, your mother and so on There is outside. He says those in the Spirit. Those that love the word you know, this was the essence. Those are my brothers and sisters. Those that really was really love God love his word and our tracking on it. That's when you realize the difference between friends and acquaintances. And if you make up your mind, you go one way or the other. You blow hot or you blow cold. You don't blow lukewarm like Jesus said be hot or cold not lukewarm.
You're lukewarm you'll spew you out of the mouth. Either you like hot coffee or a cold bottle of pomp I guess.
But if one of them's sort of lukewarm, what do you do with it? You know, keep it very long this ministry is the only thing worth living for the Word of God. The only thing that we're man, where did you get set free by the word, that word gave you life. And God is my Father, I'm his son, and so are you. And you've got power. He's not like, say, Dad you have on earth here, who gives you birth, and then runs off with some other woman, and you grew up and don't know you even have a father, you knew you must have had a one time he would be there. But God's not like that. God is a loving father, who's given you power. He's given you life. He's given you something to hold on to that makes you something in this day and time. That's right. And it's something to get excited about, too. We've sat around for too long. Rice could return tomorrow. Or praise the Lord between now and tomorrow, let's win somebody to Christ. They may not return for another 2000 years, I don't know. But still, we don't have time to sit and speculate. When we've got the work to do, they called us to do.
Under him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or even think, according to the power that work within our neighbors. Were is the power that work within us. We've got it. We've got something in there. We've got power unlimited, and it's working in us. And he's able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think that power, he says, is in there. You know, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end, amen. Isn't that great? To think that you've got it, the mental pressures, the flipside. The care of the church is called handle and nobody had any greater than he did at that time. The care of the churches. The mental pressure from people, the people in the church get hurt, get hit. With these mental pressures, Paul got it too. He always got it from everybody. But when Paul he did not look at these things, he said they're what light and they're but for a moment. They're light. And they're but for a moment. But these things work for us a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory. Thanks being the God which always causes us to try them to try them to make us triumphant in Christ.
We've got a sweet smell, when we got that knowledge of the word about it. Something that just turns people on. Like I think when you people were on Ohio State campus, you were walking around just talking to people. How that sweet smell. just thrilled people. They'd listened to you. They found out you had something else. The more you talk, the more they smell that sweet smell. Someone took the class right now they've gotten to praise a lot.