SNT-0475- Stand Fast-Galatians 5 (Cummins)

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Publication Date: 11-01-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-475-Standfast-Galatians5(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: spirit, Christ, law, circumcised, flesh, walk, meekness, joy, circumcision, works, Paul, believing, peace, liberty
like you to turn in your Bibles to Galatians chapter five this evening. A tremendous record in the Word of God, regarding the Liberty, where with Christ has set us free. Reminds me of a verse in Corinthians where it says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is what? Liberty, that's right, or the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Before we get into this tremendous chapter this evening, there have been a number of opportunities which have come up in various places around the country. And I just like to have a word of prayer and lift some of these things. And as I lift them, with my understanding, I'd like you to lift them in the spirit, knowing that we're more than conquerors in every situation, that we have only to know that word which sets us free from every bondage with which we come entangled in this world. Our gracious heavenly Father, we look to thee, as the one who watches over us in every situation. And our Heavenly Father, how thankful we are that we can approach through the with open hearts. At Father, we can just pour every situation out upon the natural take care of it, that you'll rectify it completely and perfectly. And how thankful we are father, for our various people around the country, who are moving out with thy word, and how thankful we are father, for the concern in the hearts of our leaders in these various places. Father, no matter what Satan may throw in the past of our believers, we just know that we're more than conquerors. And therefore, Father, we lift to you the various families who have called in during the week. And especially today, father, and for those people, who have called in who have needs father, and we know that through thy word, these needs shall be met. We lift to the Father, every circumstance, every situation, whether it's in California, in Wichita, in New York, whether it's in Toledo father or Columbus, wherever it is, wherever our people are, that love the love they were we just lifted them to the tonight. Knowing that every situation, Father, that in these we are more than conquerors. That father we have only to look to the and that you will rectify them before our eyes. We thank you through Christ Jesus, our wonderful Lord and Savior. Amen. In Galatians, chapter five beginning in the first verse it says, Stand fast, stand fast. Remember any Fijian and has says having done all duat stand that's right. When you stay in you stay your ground, you stay put, you don't let anything move you bound. And it says stand fast. Like in cement. You got your feet and cement you can't move. Stand fast. Stand fast. Therefore, in the liberty, the liberty, the freedom, not the jail. Not bondage, not change, but stand fast in that liberty. Where with Christ hath made us free. We stand fast in that freedom where with Christ has made us free. Stand in that liberty and be not entangled or held in. Don't be held in and tangled with that yoke of bondage. That yoke of bondage. You know what? A yoke is a sink of oxen with this yoke. I guess you got horses. The horses have yolks? No, they don't have you. Oxen have you? Okay, what a horse is? What color is okay? I must be a horse. All right. oxen. Have you got it? This one goes over their hands. All right. But if you've got a yoke around your head, and another one around bondage, you have to go with that bondage, don't you? You can't move. You go right with it. Like those two arcs and they have to move together. If one pulls this way, the other one has to go that way. Or they don't go anyplace. They just stay put Don't be entangled with that yoke of bondage.
But stand fast in that liberty, in that freedom where with Christ is such a free, once you've accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, and you've begun to walk upon that word, you're in freedom, you're no longer spiritually bound by those things, which in case of person before he is set free in the Word. Once you've accepted Christ and begin to walk on it, to renew your mind to put that word on, you walk in freedom. It's like that verse in Ephesians, which said, that you may comprehend what is the depth, the length, the breadth, and the height, all dimensions that you may know all dimensions, not just some of them, but know all dimensions. Now to know all dimensions, you have to have a certain free perspective, don't you, you have to be able to see in all directions, all dimensions. If you don't have that spirit of Christ, you're limited to your five senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching, to be limited to your five senses, in other words, that which is immediately in your vision, and so on. But when you have that spirit of Christ, you have a vision into all dimensions, you're free. You're not entangled by that yoke of bondage. Let's read on. Behold, I Paul saying to you, that if you be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. The circumcision people had been coming around to those who were in the church. And they said, Sure, it's great. You can be in the church, but you have to be circumcised. Today, it's not necessarily circumcision. It's other things. Water baptism, for one thing, anything to do with the law. They're trying to encase people who have been set free by the greatness of that word, then it was circumcision. People were coming around, say you have to be Sir, it's great that you're a Christian, but you have to get their butt out of there. That's right. Sure. Circumcision was under the law, water baptism was under the law. All the ordinances and so forth these things, the sacrifices that were made year after a year, day after day, the things that were brought to the temp, these were law, and law was hard works. But he says, Be not entangled with this yoke of bondage like circumcision, these people were coming around saying, you have to be circumcised. You have to do this sound familiar? Sounds like what we hear so many times today, and especially in the religious circles, so called. Behold, I say unto you that if you be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. If you want to be circumcised, you've got to do the whole law. If you want to do the whole law, then go back in Leviticus, and some of these other books and read what they had to do under the law tell you it was hard work. When they brought that lamb, and they just didn't bring it in, cut it and burn it on the floor. They had to do a special thing with a blood the special thing with a body, they had to wash themselves about 10 times. Take a bath 10th Could you imagine that taking a bath 10 times in one day, so that they would be clean. They had to go into the the tabernacle out they had to go outside of the city to do certain things they had to come back in. These were hard works. And it says, If you want to be circumcised remember that you're a debtor to do the whole law, not just part of it. So let's either or if you're going to do the law, let's do the whole thing. On the other hand, stand fast in the liberty where with Christ to set you free, amen. Verse For Christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever is justified by what? The law if you're justified by the law, Christ has become of no effect to you. Because you're justified by your own works. You're working out your own salvation. You're trying to make yourself perfect. You're doing your own thing to make yourself perfect. You can't do it, because Christ did it for you. Christ It's become of no effect if you try to work out your own justification by the law, because Christ did it for you, right has become of no effect whatsoever you are justified by the law, er fallen from grapes. That doesn't mean they fell spiritually in their walk, they fell. Because they were saved. They were born of God's Spirit. They had the seat of Christ on the inside, didn't they? They had it. They were loaded on the inside. But here came the circumcision boys and said, Alright, you've got to be circumcision, circumcised. Not only circumcision, some of them, were putting some other things on them from the law, okay, they want to be justified by the law. Then Christ has become of no effect, then they're fallen from grace. Got it. In their walk, they fall from grace in their walk, because they're not walking by the Spirit. They're not walking in that freedom and that Liberty were with crisis set them free. They're entangled. They're in slave with that yoke of bondage, the law. Look at verse five. For we by spirit, through the word does not in the text should be for weed by spirit, by spirit. Wait for the hope of righteousness by believing the hope of righteousness was Christ. In the Old Testament, they look forward to who's coming. Christ. They were good. They did, which was right that which was right, they were righteous, because they look forward to the day that Christ was coming. Christ was that hope of righteousness? And it was hope because it was future. Remember, hope? You with hope you anticipate hope anticipates something in the future. Believing is for something right now. If something like the return of Christ isn't available right now. No. So you can hope for it's something in the future. But something that's available now you believe for and you get it? Alright. Hope was on in the Old Testament was Christ available? No, he hadn't come yet. They hope they look for His coming, didn't they? They look for the coming of Christ, Abraham, Noah, the others. They looked for Christ coming. It was hope. They were anticipating Christ coming in the future. That was the hope of righteousness. That he says For we by spirit, we've got the spirit. We buy spirit, weight and the word wait. For those of you who've had the classes, the word APO deco mind, apo deco mind, and the word deco mind means what? To receive inherently, to receive subjectively, we receive subjectively the hope of righteousness, we receive Christ, which was the hope of righteousness, by believing because now it's available. By believing because it's available, for we by spirit, receive inherently the hope of righteousness which is Christ, by believing because it's no longer hope, because it's available now we believe to receive, don't we, if it's hope it's something for the future. In the Old Testament, they hoped for Christ coming. Now it's available now we believe and we receive hope, hope anticipates believing appropriates that which is available now. For we by spirit, Apple deco mind, to receive inherently the hope of righteousness which is Christ, by believing Because believing faith appropriates that which is available now, hope anticipates that which is future, believing faith appropriates that, which is available now. But now, it's not just enough. They look forward to Christ coming they hope, hoped he would come.
believing faith is what appropriates that for you. But there has to be another element in there. Something which activates the whole process, and the thing that activates is love, the love of God in the renewed mind and manifestation. Look at verse six, four in Jesus Christ neither circumcision, nor on availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but be leaving which worketh which is activated by what I love. That's right. Love activates flow. Like in the Old Testament, they look forward to Christ. Hope anticipates that which is coming in the future, believing faith appropriates that which is available now. Christ is available now. But the thing which activates the whole thing is Christ. Christ, ours is Love is love, love activates, believing faith, which worketh by love, the love of God in the renewed mind and manifestation. Verse seven, he did run well. Talking about the people who had received the word of God, they were really moving out on it. But he says, who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth? Who hindered you that you should not obey the truth? Who stopped you from walking upon the greatness of that word? Who said, Whoa, you can't move out that fast. You've got to be circumcised. First. You've got to be baptized. You've got to have this. You've got to have that baloney who hindered you with these things? Who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth? This persuasion that you should not obey the truth? Come up, not of Him that call with you. It doesn't come from God who called you in the first place. Remember this verse nine, a little leaven leavens the whole lump. A little bit of preservative goes throughout the whole business, doesn't it? You take a little piece of though you're making bread out, you put a little leaven in that lab and just spreads throughout the whole thing poisons the whole lump. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. I have confidence. Same way in the church, in the body. You put a little less here come. You've been taught the greatness of God's word, you've been set free. You've got this liberty in Christ. Here come the circumcision. People they want to circumcise you put you under law put you under bondage. They come along, they grabbed one person, they've got him hooked. They put love in and pretty soon that thing just permeates the whole body in that particular area special. A little leaven will leavens the whole lump. Verse 10, I have confidence in you. After these people had come in, Paul says, I have confidence in you through the Lord, that she will be none, that she will be none otherwise minded. And these words are just fantastic. The word minded you know is that word from which we get lots from that all from the word thrown us, which just means thoughts that she be not otherwise have no other thoughts. And the word otherwise is the word close. Meaning other of the same kind. Now that's real significant. Maybe you scratch your head and say, Well, why other of the same kind? Why other thoughts at the same time, I'll tell you something. They all boy doesn't, you know, split foot. The devil doesn't get you to choose between that which is good and that which is evil. He gets you to choose between that which is good. And that which is best. Other at the same time. They're both on the right side. They're both one's good, but the other one's best. He'll get you first of all to make that choice.
You'll get to choose that which is good rather than that which is best that she'd be not even otherwise minded have the same thoughts. similar thoughts yet. Not fantastic. Not he doesn't get you to choose between that which is good and that which is evil. He knows you won't choose that which is evil. Instead he comes along says hey look, the word also says you got to be circumcised.
He doesn't say look, I don't want you to get over here in God's word. I want you to come out here and come All these sins you know, I want you to go out and you know murder somebody raped somebody, put punch somebody, it doesn't get you to make that choice. It's always you stay and fasten that liberty or wait a minute the word also says you should be circumcised someplace doesn't remember when he tempted Christ, when the devil tempted Christ, He didn't just come out and say it's either this or that. He quoted him scripture. Sure. The Scripture quoted price scripture, What did Christ do? He quoted him scripture back price left his set in the context though, which they were given. He gets you to choose between that which is good, and that which is best, he can just get you to come down the ladder a little bit. Man, he's got his foot in your mouth. You don't have to put your own. If you have, that you be that you will be none otherwise minded, or have no other thoughts of the same kind, or similar. That which is good, and that which is best. Because these people, we're not coming around to the Christians and saying, You ought to do that which is evil. No, they said, You ought to do that, which is not quite what you've been taught before. You ought to be circumcised. After all, didn't we learn in the church in the synagogue, you had to be circumcised. You had to be baptized, you had to be offer these sacrifices. You had to go to the priests, if you wanted healing, you had to have oil poured all over you sure, that this was the law, but it was the word, but it was the word at a different period of time before Christ came under the law, the law. But when Christ came, that says the law was our school master until Christ. But now it's by faith, the faith of Jesus Christ, not of works. It's not the law. We're not justified by the law. We're justified by the faith that Jesus Christ, were saved by grace not of works, lest any man should boast. Or we verse 10, I have confidence in you through the Lord that she will be that you will have no other thoughts of the same kind or similar. But he that trouble if you shall bear His judgment, whosoever he be. If somebody comes and says, You have to be circumcised or some other Baloney, that's his responsibility. He's going to stay in for that. Verse 11, And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? Paul was suffering persecution, because the people that were teaching circumcision, were putting the pressure on Paul, because Paul was not preaching circumcision, he was preaching that liberty that you have in Christ, then is the offense of the cross cease. In other words, Christ died in vain. Everything that Jesus Christ did was in vain. But the law was our schoolmaster until Christ. And when Christ came, what happened to the law went out. But we are justified by the faith that Jesus Christ because he kept the law. He always did the father's been kept every iota of the law. Verse 12, verse 11, again, I brother and if I preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? Then as the offense of the cross cease? They were teaching circumcision. And Paul says in verse 12, and this is the literal text, I would they would even cut themselves off who trouble you. That's it. I tell you, Paul, use Frank language. He told her like it was. He says, I would, they would even cut themselves off who trouble you about circumcision. That's what he said. Now, nothing could be plainer than that. Paul didn't beat around the bush. He didn't say, Well, you gotta love him real good, you know, with this wishy washy type of stuff. Now, there's a difference between that kind of love and the kind of love Paul talked about which a word of God sets forth.
I would date him cut themselves off with trouble U, verse 13. For brethren, II have been called unto liberty, not under circumcision, not under law, the bondage the things which In case you only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love, serve one another. Do it how with love, because love is that activating force. That's that binding that activates the things that really makes the body work effectively. The love of God in the renewed mind putting it on in your mind as you manifests. You see the result, love, love putting that love of God on doing things in love. By love serve one another for verse 14, all the law, all of it is fulfilled in one word, even in this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Before Christ came, they had the law, they had to keep it. But Christ fulfilled all that law in two commandments. And Paul says, all the laws fulfilled even in one word, love, that love of God in the renewed mind and manifestation, putting on that love. That's what makes the body click. That's what activates the things that happen in the body. Sure, love. It's if you didn't love somebody, you wouldn't do anything for him, would you except for your own selfish greed. But you wouldn't do anything for them out now. If Christ didn't love, you would have died on the cross. Know, the love of God. That love is what activated Christ dying for you. What was the thing that activated God to give his only begotten son was love. The only thing that activated God to give his only begotten son was love. God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish. So love was that activating force. Love was the force that kept Christ even though you know, he prayed this thing be removed. That love was the only thing that kept him going, that He gave His life for us. Love wasn't because of all the glory he received, and it wasn't because of the pain. No, it was because of love. God says in Isaiah, he was marred more than any other creature.
Sure, he was in all things tempted as we are remember, okay, Christ, whether it was pain, whether it was mental, whatever it was, he had all these things just as much as anybody else had. Ours think. I was thinking the other day I had a headache. And it was really Belton me down for a couple hours or something. And man, I just thought I'd never make it through the day. But I thought, you know, Christ suffered more than any other man.
And that headache didn't seem so bad at all. Matter of fact, wasn't just too long the thing was going
that's the way it works. Because Christ made it available, Christ did it for us. Christ because of his love, that activating force stayed there and took care of it for us. That's something that's just terrific. Verse 15, but if we bite and devour one another.
A key that should be not consumed one of another. Verse 16, this I say, then, walk in the Spirit, not by the law, not by the flesh, not what the flesh the senses dictate, but walk by what? The Spirit, the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh, for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh. And these are contrary the one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would but if he be led by the Spirit, you are not under what law that's right. The law was made for people that just had flesh. They don't have spirit. That's what the law was made for says that someplace. look good. up after your concordance that's what the law was for. For those that don't have spirits, sure. But if you have spirit and you walk by the Spirit, if you're led by the Spirit, you don't need law. You walk so much greater than the law, you walk far above, and you walk in liberty, freedom. It's terrific. It's a great wall what keep your finger here and look at Romans seven.
Romans 722. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man, that has to be the spirit he's using is calling it a law here, talking about two laws to contrast the to that law which is after the inward man, in other words, the spirit, verse 23, but I see another law in my members in the flesh, the senses, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members, all wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this dead body is a text, this dead body, it's an Orientalism, one of the worst forms of torture they used in the east was where they take somebody who was dead, just died, and they tie your body up with his back to back, you know, tie up with him with a dead body. And he just let you set there. Pretty soon that other body starts to decay in the rot and distinct. Paul says, it's like that with this physical body. When you know there's this one law and the law of the inward man and the law of the senses the flesh, who's gonna deliver me from this dead body, the one that's causing all this thing? Well, that's it. Worse, one of the worst forms of torture you could you imagine it being tied to a dead body. I wouldn't want it. I think God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind, I myself serve the law of God, and with the flesh, the law of sin, there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus period, the rest of it's not in the text. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death, For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and forcing condemn sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walked not after the flesh, but after the what the Spirit are they that are after the flesh do mine the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit, the things of what? That's right, the spiritual things. See the to the one hand they have the flesh the other hand, you have the spirit, you can walk by the flesh, you can walk by the Spirit, For to be carnally minded his death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be so versing then they that are in the flesh cannot do what it's impossible to please God by the flesh. It's impossible. You want to be circumcised you want to be baptized, you want to be keep the other law you want to offer sacrifices. You want to go through all the ritual put the flowers in the right place on the altar, we're sure thankful they got him up here but but it sure doesn't. Please, that's not the way to please God, they that are in the flesh cannot do what? Please God, right? Only by the Spirit, can you please God
you want to suffer persecution? Like some of these people who go in places you know and they whip themselves or cut themselves they do things for torture, they think this is good. Boy got otter really love me for this. Those that are in the flesh cannot do what? Please god. Look at verse nine, But ye are not in the flesh, but in the what if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. And if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, your body's dead. Do you know that? What it says, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. So you just make up your mind, you're going to walk by the flesh. You've got that spirit on the inside, you got a choice. Now you know, you walk by the flesh, you're going to fulfill the desires of the flesh, walk by that spirit, and boy, you're going to have life you're going to have peace. You're just going to walk in such great victory, such enthusiasm, such freedom. It's just great. Look at where are we going? Back to Galatians five, verse 18. But if he be led by the Spirit, he are not under what? Right? So we walk in that spirit, we stand fast in that Liberty where with Christ, a set of three set us free. We're not entangled with with that bondage, that law, that thing that just enslaves people. But we walk in that liberty, which is to walk by the Spirit of Christ within verse 19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variants, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, and beings. Murderers, drunkenness, revellings. And such light of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Those which continually practice that's their bank. They don't have a spiritual bank, hey, how about that, they don't have that spiritual connection. They just walk by the flesh, they're always fulfilling the desires of the flesh. But you've got that spirit, you've got that Spirit. Verse 22. But in contrast to that which went went before, in contrast to the things that were the result of the flesh, He says, But the fruit, the fruit of the Spirit is, and fruit is the result. Fruit is result. It's like an apple tree, you plant a tree, it grows up. It starts to manifest, its branches and so forth on that tree. And the result of that manifestation would be the fruit hanging on that tree. The fruit, the fruit is the result of the operation of the manifestation of the Spirit. As you manifest that spirit that you have in here, as you walk by the Spirit, as you speak, in tongues, you interpret you prophesy, you operate a word of knowledge, word, wisdom, discerning the spirits, faith, miracles and healing. As you operate these nine manifestation of the Spirit, then you see these fruits, this result of the operation of this manifestation in your life in the life of the people to whom you're ministering to minister, incidentally is to serve is to serve as you minister to your fellow man, you're serving them. Sure. you minister to people's needs, like Christ said, you know, the greatest Shelby least in the church youth on. If you want to be great, you got to serve, serve. Alright, as you serve your fellow man, you operate these manifestations, the result that you see in their lives are these fruit, the fruit, the result of the operation of the manifestations of the Spirit, fruit and the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruit of good works. These are not fruit of good works. It's not because you're so good. It's not because you put flowers on the altar. It's not because you got your tie in the right place at the right time. It's not because you're sitting in the front pews of the church. Not because you ring the bell outside that. It's not because the good works. It's the fruit of the Spirit. Not good works. It's the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is number one, love. And remember I said Love is that activating force. Love activates. That's the first thing. Love. It binds it activates. It's that binding force, which activates what happens. These first three Love, joy and peace are really interesting. They work in the individual. First of all love is that activating force is what activates you to do things. You like you take it on a sense senses level, you love your children, you do things for them. That's what activates your actions. Love, but put it on the spiritual level, the love of God. The love is what activates your spiritual acts. Love activates joy. It's not happiness. Joy is not happy. Happiness is something outside happiness is you get happy about this. Get happy about that. It's superficial, something on the outside. But joy is a real deep seated rooted thing. Which comes from the inside out. Joy is that effervescing glowing, radiating force in your life. That thing that really makes you boom. Sure, that thing that really makes you effervesce. That's a joy. And it comes from the inside out. It's it's a deep thing. It's not just happiness. It's joy. And it's the effervescing force. Peace is that quieting force that guards you. It's it's that quieting thing that guards you see the contrast? Joy is that effervescing force like I think of, of encouragement. Whereas as peace is that quieting that comforting thing that's inside of you. It's quiet. Peace. And it's not again, peace as the world gives. It's that inner peace, that really inner quietness, where you just you can take a breath of air and really know that you're live. That quieting force that guards you that book by Dale Carnegie I forget which one it is says there are three four relaxing, recreating forces. One of them is music. One of them is humor. One of them is rest or peace Sleep and one of them is what what's the other? There's humor ress and religion. Massive religion. Okay. Well, I started change that religion, one to the word. The word is really like a quieting thing in your life. The word, the humor. Like you know edification, that thing that really makes you effervesce humor, it is in the in the census world for the most part, but spiritually, it's that like joy, you know, Joy. It's not just a happiness. It's a joy radiating from the inside. Peace was like, the quietness like rest or sleep, and love, which you get from a knowledge of the word. Knowing that word, which really sets you free. And music as an extra thrown in. All right. Well, there you've got three Love, joy and peace. Now the love is that activating force, Joy is that effervescing and that peace is that quieting thing in your life. And it's for the individual that thing which quiets you on the inside that effervescence you that activates what you do. As you manifest the spirit. It's like before we came in, here tonight, Reverend Townsend and myself were in the back room. And we lifted many of the areas around the country where opportunities seemed to be popping up. We just lifted these with our in prayer with the senses as well as praying in the Spirit by praying in the Spirit by manifesting the power that spirit, the fruit, the result of that is love, joy, peace, and those individuals. And incidentally, that reciprocates back to you. As you speak in tongues, lift somebody else they your mind on Him or as you operate the other manifestations of the Spirit, working on someone helping that individual. They not only get love, joy, peace, but it reciprocates comes back to you. So you get a double blessing. It's great I tell you, God's so wonderful. The next three longsuffering, gentleness, goodness and believing long suffering is patience. Patience is something that endures, helps you to endure. And these three note that they they're primarily directed for the other person. For example, if you have patients, or if someone gets patient patients as the result of the operation of the manifestation, that patience helps that individual to endure or to await others see patients patients whereas meat, gentleness, gentleness, gentleness like Joy was the effervescing force in yourself. That gentleness is what causes others to effervesce to it encourages other people, your gentleness towards gentleness, and goodness. Your goodness is that guarding like peace was that guarding that quieting thing within you? So that goodness that you meant that that fruit of goodness will guard it will quiet others. Goodness is with us. And the last three believing meekness and temperance, believing meekness and temperance, believing, of course is that appropriating force, believing appropriates, as we saw before, it's what brings results. Who shall ever shall say unto this mountain Be thou remove? And be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt but shall believe he shall have whatsoever he said, Right.
As you believe you appropriate results. And that's what these last three work on the results, the results, believing appropriates results, meekness encourages results. How do you get the word? How do you receive the word with meekness it encourages results, the results there being the word meekness encourages those results. And the last one, temperance or self control is really that guarding of the results. As you exercise self control, you have a guarding over those results. Only, it's not just an exercising, it's not good works. You don't get these things by good works, but they are result they are fruit of the Spirit. As you operate the manifestations of the Spirit. You see these reef, these fruit, these nine fruit as a result in the people's lives to whom you minister in your own life, and so on.
That's it. That's the greatness of the fruit. Now you want an easy way to remember these? One and 100 How many have had trouble memorizing all nine fruit.
Okay, you want an easy way to remember? I'll tell you get your mind ready. Here we go. Bill number one. The first one is love. What do you think of when you think of love? Since knowledgeable? You see a boy and girl neck and on the couch? Right? Wow. You see a loveseat by the fireplace. And you see this boy and girl sitting there just not going away? Sure, love. All right. The second one is joy. Now on the back of that love seat. There's a person who's just radiating with joy. He's so happy. He's jumping up and down. He's almost fallen off that couch backwards. Got it. He's effervescing with joy. And on top of that person who's just bouncing around with joy, you see A person horizontal, because he has peace. He's just quiet, laying there with peace with it. You see it? You I get these pictures in your mind. This piece. He's just laying their heart horizontal on top of this guy's head. He's just bumping bubbling with joy. All right now on top of this guy, stomach, there's a chair and sitting on that chair is a patient. You know, a patient like in the doctor's office, a patient, somebody who's waiting his turn, you know, so he can he's asked patience, Texas, to be a patient in the doctor's office because it takes a while unless you have an appointment, right? I've been to some of those places in the past, where you have to have patience to be a patient. That so there's this guy sitting on this chair or a woman and she's a patient, or he's a patient, waiting, just sitting on that chair and that chair is on top of the other guy's stomach because he's laying horizontal. All right, now this lady or Leslie, lady, let's get the facts straight. She's a lady sitting on this chair. She's a patient and sitting on her lap is a cute little lane. It's a lamb, gentle as a lane. There's gentleness. The lady was patience. This lamb gentle as a lamb is the gentleness all right. But now this lamb is thirsty. And out in front of that lamb. You see a pool of water. But you know there's good water and there's bad water. Well, this water has a sign in it that says good. It's good water. So he can drink that good water. Goodness. You see that pool sitting there? Now beyond that pool, there's a mountain, a big mountain reaching up into the sky. And you know it says in the scriptures, Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed and be cast in the scene shall not doubt but shall be believed. He shall have whatsoever he says right. So believing will get rid of that mountain won't. Okay, believing is the next one. Sitting on top of that mountain. A little old lady. She's a meek lady. Follow meekness. Alright. You know, this is what you always picture when you think of meekness and meek little lady. Somebody about that tall. About 105. You know? Seriously, I mean, isn't this the picture you get? Maybe $1? I don't know. Well, generally speaking, okay. Yes, this lady, little old lady. She's me, a meek little lady. And she sees that's meekness, and she has a purse in her hand. She opens up that purse. You know what she's got in there. A fifth of whiskey? You know, she doesn't that fifth? She throws it because she believes in temperance. There's the last one temperance. All right now, if you got them all, nobody should forget the fruit of the Spirit.
Temperance, self control, you have to you know, get these things. She's exercising self control. All right. Now, what's the first thing this two kids sitting on the loveseat love. On top of that love seat on the back. You see this guy just whooping up with joy. He's got joy, love and joy. On top of him. You see this man who's horizontal? Because he has peace. And on top of there, there's a chair with a lady sitting on it. She's a patient waiting for the doctor, you know, because she has patients long suffering or patients. And on her lap, there's this little land this gentle little land. The gentleman's gentleman's away. And out in front of this lamb. You see this pool of water and it's good water because the lambs thirsty wants to drink good wine. Goodness. And but beyond that, goodness beyond that pool of water is this mountain and how can that mountain be removed? By believing right be leaving. And on top of that mountain? There sits this little lady and she's a meek lady. And she takes out of her purse that fit the whiskey and throws it away because she's exercising, temperance, self control. All right, self control. Now there's the nine fruit of this, that's an extra thrown in it just didn't cost anything. The nine fruit of the Spirit love, joy, peace, love is that activating force in the individual joy is that effervescing force in the individual peace is that quieting that guarding force within the individual, long suffering or patience is what endures regarding other people or situations, that enduring for patients endures, it forbears patience, and gentleness, gentleness is that which encourages others, it encourages others, gentleness does, and goodness is that which guards are quiet. So that brings them a quiet and it's a guards. And the last three, believing that Mountain View believe nothing shall stop you. Just believing equals receiving, believing is with that which appropriates results, that which appropriate your results. And meekness is that which encourages the results, like receives the word with me. And finally, temperance, our self control is that which guards the results, it guards the results by your exercising self control. But now remember, these nine fruit of the Spirit. Again, they are not fruit of good works, they are fruit of the Spirit. As you operate the nine manifestations of the Spirit, you'll have, you'll see the result or the nine fruit of the Spirit in the operations. First 24 They either have crucified or they're they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. In other words, they've gotten rid of it. Because of the we read in Romans, a body is dead isn't because of sin, but the Spirit is life. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Not only have that spirit in here, but let's walk in day by day. As you operate the manifestations as you walk, you're going to see the fruit in your life and in the lives of others fruit. Not somebody is, is is in charge of an area, that man's a leader in that area. If there are needs in that area, that man of God is responsible to work with those people to meet those needs. But as you operate as you walk by the Spirit, not by the senses, but walking by the Spirit, you will see these fruit, these fruit in operation as a result of the operation of the manifestations in these people's lives and as well as your own. You see the fruit then, and you're not going to see fruit until you start walking by that spirit.
Look at verse 26. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, vain glory, glory, which is in vain. You have to walk by the Spirit. If you're justified by the law, it's anything because Christ was the end of the law. were justified by faith, the faith that Jesus provoked, provoke provoking one another. You're not desirous of Vainglory, or provoking one another or envying one another. And man, this is what you see so many times, especially when there's a new leader in a in an area and fellowship is envy. And it's straight from the pit of hell. Envy. Don't be desirous of Vainglory, or provoking one another or envy. But instead walk by the Spirit, the Spirit, the Spirit. As you walk by the Spirit, you see the result? The fruit of the Spirit, and those fruit are so fantastic. As you look at Aren't they beautiful? Aren't they something? Those fruit but you can't have them unless you operate the spirit. That's right. That's what it says I didn't write it. That's exactly what it said. You can have fruit without it. separating the spirit. Look at verse chapter six verse one. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you which are spiritual you which are spiritual. restore such an one in the spirit of meekness. Now meekness, remember, meekness encourages the results. And that's what you want to see in this person's life his results, but also you have to have gentleness here, because gentleness encourages that individual say, gentleness encourages the goodness quiet and meekness encourages the results. But you can't have it unless you operate the manifestation, the fruit or the result of the operation of the manifestation. restore such an one in the spirit of meekness. If he's overcoming a fault, he does something wrong. You at your spiritual walking by the Spirit, restore that one in the spirit of meekness. But considering yourself, lest you also be tempted. Don't let him drag you down the drain. Don't let him get you off of the spirit. Don't let him get you out of fellowship. Don't let him take you down the drain with him. Instead, lift him up. Encourage him with gentleness, goodness, with meekness that you get the good results, that you encourage the results that are good. But watch yourself that it doesn't work backwards that he doesn't drag you there. Let's look at Second Corinthians chapter 10. Second Corinthians chapter 10 verse one. Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, did Christ have meekness? That he encouraged the good results? Did he have gentleness to encourage people? You Bet Your Life he did. I encourage you beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence and based among you, but being absent and more more bold towards you. He says he's doing this by the meekness and gentleness of Christ. It's not his own. Therefore, it has to be the result. We do not war after the flesh. For the weapons, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. They're not fleshly they're not of the flesh, but mighty. They are mighty through God, to the pulling down of what, stronghold to the pulling down of strongholds. He says, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity, every thought, bringing into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ.
And having in a readiness, to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled, you bring into captivity, every thought, to the obedience of Christ. Just bring everything into obedience. Remember this, that is not a physical warfare. You look at somebody, a man of God ministering sometime you say, man, he showing love, he sure stirring up trouble. You don't look at the senses. You don't look at the flesh. Because it's not a fleshly battle. Some said that Paul was walking according to the flesh. Paul says, I know we walk in the flesh. Sometimes it doesn't look good in the flesh, but it's a spiritual fight. It's a carnal. It's not a carnal fight. It's a spiritual fight. We're not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and our warfare. Our weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty, to the pulling down of strongholds policy. That's what we've got. That same price that was in Paul is in you. It's in me. It's in all of us that are born again to God's Spirit. And all we have to do is to walk to manifest that spirit. As we operate the Spirit, then we see love, joy, peace, long suffering make our gentleness, goodness, believing, meekness and temperance, self control. That that's when you see the result in your life, not as you operate good works. As you walk by that spirit, as you operate the manifestations. As you walk by the Spirit, then you see that result in your life and the lives of the people to whom you're ministering. I just like to say, that's the only way you get it. You won't get it by studying so many good books, or studying the literature the hour, or by just doing what you think is good. By by doing what you think is good works. But it only comes as you operate the spirit. That's the only way you're going to see these fruits, in your life and in the lives of people. By walking by the Spirit, there is no other way. Mahatma Gandhi did a lot of good works, I know. But he never had any fruit like this. He could have had happiness, but he couldn't have joy. He could have had like, but he couldn't have love. He could have a sense knowledge, quietness, but he couldn't have peace. Same way with everybody else who was outside of the word, unless you have that spirit in there and walk by that spiritual never see, you've got it on the inside if you've got the spirit, but as you walk, you've also got it out here love the activating force, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, believing meekness, and temperance self control. That's the only way again if the words right, and I believe it's right, hey, man, shall we pray? Our heavenly Father. Tonight, we're just so thankful for your love, your joy and your peace. Not only that we have it within us Father. But as we really walk by the Spirit, we see it in the result of the operation of that spirit.