SNT-0473- Reproach and Snare of the Devil (Cummins)
Handles the direct and indirect dealing of the adversary.

Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 10-17-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
1 Tim 3:1-7, Jude 4:31, 1 Tim 3:6, Rom 8:31-37, 1 Tim 3:7, Heb 10:32-33, Heb 11:24-26, Heb 13:10-13, Rom 15:1-3
1 Tim 3:7, 2 Cor 10:2-5, 1 Tim 3:7, Luke 21:34-35, Rom 11:8-10, 1 Tim 6:8-10, 2 Tim 2:26, 2 Tim 2 15-26
SNT-473-ReproachandSnareoftheDevil(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: defamation, defame, devil, snare, trap, reproach, Timothy, sanctified, natural, edification, church
First Timothy Chapter Three number of weeks ago, Dr. World taught on the difference I believe this was a summer on the difference between the use of the word saltiness, and the word Diablo lost in the Bible. In other words, the difference between Satan, the use of the word Satan and the use of the word devil, referring to the same individual but with different connotations. The word Satan is always used in connection with his indirect dealings with people whereas the word Dr. blas is always used in his direct dealings with people. Now I'd like to share some things with you from First Timothy three tonight that may. This may seem more clear to you as we get into certain scriptures here this evening, all right, First Timothy chapter three, will begin reading in verse one. Remember, Timothy is addressed to men in the church who have responsibilities as leaders. verse chapter three, verse one, this is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop. In other words, a leader in the church he desired with a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given the hospitality, apt or able to teach, not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy luchar but patient, not a brawler, not covetous. One, that rule of well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity. For if a man No, not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God? These things are written regarding the man who has a responsibility as leader in the church. And verse six says he should not be a novice, a novice I think of a novice, I think of the motorcycle races ever been to they have what three classifications they have the amateurs and the professionals or something, don't think and then below that is the novice, that's the beginner. The novice, this is our first year around. But a novice The Greek word is Nia futons, from which we're getting neophyte, a neophyte not a neophyte someone that's new. A leader in the church cannot be a new person. Somebody who's just had the foundational class on power for abundant living has to be somebody that's grounded. Not a neophyte, last being lifted up with pride. And those words lifted up with pride are one Greek word. Rude is to fosse from which we get our English typhoon. Not a big blow. Not a novice, less being a big bow, a typhoon. That's literally what it is. Less being lifted up with pride. He fall into the condemnation of the devil. And of course, there's that word the devil into the condemnation and the word condemnation is the same word that's translated judgment crema, crema, trance, translated judgment, lest he fall into the judgment of the devil. In Jude, keep your finger here and look at Jude for once. Viewed for, for there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation or this judgment, on godly men, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ, man who were ordained to this judgment, this judgment, this crema judgment, same word.
Here it's talking about ungodly men who God knew by His foreknowledge he would never believe these men. He says, We're before of old ordained to judgment or condemnation. Back in. In Timothy. He says, these new people cannot hold the responsibility of a leader lest they fall, be lifted up with pride and fall into the judgment of God
whoo. Oh, judgment of who? Devil? That's right devil Diablo losses the word if you're interested, the jobless devil, not the judgment of God, does God judge you? Not in this day and time? No, this is man's day what the Bible refers to as man's day. God does not judge. But these people have to be careful. Why they can't be put in a responsible position as a new person less they be lifted up and fall into the judgment of the debt of the devil, the judgment of the devil. God does not judge people in this day and time. Only the devil judges people. And when you get out in left field, that's when you get that kind of judgment. Keep your finger here and look at Romans chapter eight. Romans eight verse 31, Romans 831. What shall we say then to these things, if God before us, who can be against us? Right? What it says, If God before us who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all? How shall he not with Him also freely give us what? All things freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's left? God that justified? Who is he that condemned? Now this is what I want you to say? Who is he that condemn? Christ that died? Yay rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also make of intercession for us should be a question there. Notice the words it is right in italics. Who is he that condemn of Christ? Who died, rather, has risen again, who is even at the right hand of God who maketh intercession for us? Is he gonna condemn us? No. Who's the only person that judges are condemned you in this day and time? The devil? That's right. So you go around feeling bad about something? Why do you want to feel bad about it? The only person that judges you in this day and time is Who the devil not God. Now isn't that wonderful? forgetting those things which are past and pressing on toward the mark of the prize of the high calling, and that's something you forget those when God has forgiven you he cast his your sins as far as the east is from the west and as deep as the deepest see. Well then if God has forgotten them, and thrown them that far, as far as the east is from the west, you know if you keep going east and west, just keeps going on it's not like going from the North Pole to the South Pole, right? The east and west just keeps going on; there's no end to it. Like the circle there's no end to a circle is there but God has cast in that far. Why should we remember him? Okay. Who is condemning us or judging us when we get down in these moods so to speak like we classify it all the time? It's not God. We read on in Romans areata said, Who shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus? Shall all these things yay. Or we are counted sheep for the slaughter all day long? No nays as in all things we are what? Yes, that's right. Okay. God does not condemn, not in man's day. But it's a devil that condemns. And this is what this person just starting out has to watch, lest he fall into the condemnation or the judgment of the devil. Verse seven. Moreover, we're back in First Timothy, First Timothy three seven. Moreover, he must have a good report. The word report is witness. Good witness of them that are without, he must have a good witness of them that are without, lest lest he fall into the reproach and the snare of the devil. Now, this is what I'd like to look at tonight, lest he fall into the reproach and snare of the devil. Now, again, as I said, this is addressed to a man in the church with a responsible position. But it's applicable to anybody that's in the church. Watch what you're doing less, you fall into the reproach and the snare of the devil. I'll read this to you in another place where it's addressed to other people in the church besides leaders, but we have to watch that we have a good witness. Now how are you going to have a good witness?
To have a good witness, what do you have to walk by? The rule book right? Now, what's the rule book? Rob Robert's Rules of Order, or whatever it is? No. The Word of God. The Word of God is our rule. This is our only set of reference for truth. Sound familiar? Now, going by this rule book, we can have good wetness, good wetness of those which are without less, he fall into the reproach and snare of the devil. There there you have two things the reproach and snare of the devil. In other words, there's two categories, the reproach and then there's a snare. A reproach. reproach is defamation. defamation. What what did the malefactor do? He cast the same into his teeth, where they were reviling him it's reviling defamation. We ever heard of defamation of character brings up a lawsuit doesn't sure if somebody defamed you, whether it's in writing, if it's in writing, we call it libel don't if it's in the spoken word, we call it slander. But somebody says, in a public platform don't even have to be on a public platform. You can communicate it to one other party according to law. He calls you a dirty rotten so and so. He's defamed your character. He's made you look bad and the other guys, then if he has done this to you, you have a right to according to law, you have a right to sue him, don't you? Collect money for defaming your character? Legally, you have a right to do that. Now, spiritually the same way. Satan, the devil, and his cohorts are constantly drilling at people who want to walk on the word right. He is defaming their character. He's defaming their character. He says, Oh, you don't want to go out to the way why I heard this about so and so out there. I heard this and that and you should shoot. Anybody goes out there has to be stupid. And they go on and on. They can think up 100 reasons why you shouldn't go. They never get around to the word whether it's right or whether it's wrong according to the word. But they it's defaming character. They throw names that you if you ever heard of that childish expression, you know, sticks and stones can break my bones names don't hurt a bet or some. We used to say it all the time when we were kids. But there's a lot of truth in it. So what somebody throws names at you big deal, sue them for slander, defamation of character. Just walk up the devil and say, Look, I'm going to take you to court sue you for defamation of character. That's right. But suppose it's true. What he says about you then could you sue him? No, this is why you have to have good witness of them are with that or without less. You fall into the defamation of the devil Now he can defame you, and you can sue them for defamation of character. I don't mean literally can't take him to court. I know that. But legally you have a ground to stand on. You see what I mean? But if you do something that's wrong, and he says you did something wrong, he's telling the truth. And well, a fact anyway. Is is the saying like it is telling you exactly the way it happened. And you have no ground to come against him, then you have fallen into that defamation of character, the devil you've fallen into. And when you've done this, you have no legal ground to stand on. You see the difference between just defamation of character and falling into it. If you fall into it, you're guilty. That's right, okay. Now, so you see the difference? It's defamation. Look at Hebrews chapter 10.
Hebrews 10, verse 32, speaking to the Hebrews here, he says, but call to remembrance the former days, in which, after he were illuminated, he endured a great flight of afflictions, partly while she were made a gazing stock, both by reproaches. And afflictions. The word reproaches is that same word that we read in Timothy, it's defamation. You were made a gazing stock, by defamation, and by afflictions. Now, afflictions are pressures there that can be physical, you see what I mean? In the physical realm, people put pressures on you. And these people are messengers of whom? Satan, that's right. Remember, like Paul's thorn in the flesh, they put pressures on or they may defame you, which is in the category of the mental thing, mental, they defame you mentally, they run down your character. If they run down your character, it's more of a mental thing rather than a physical pressure, do you see afflictions normally are in the category of the physical, but there are really two areas here, the mental and the physical, he may defame your character, or he may get closer and actually apply some pressure to you. As long as it's just defamation, it's more in the category of an indirect working through people. Like people, whether they call your names or whatever they do, they they're putting pressure on you. By defaming you. Or when it gets closer, where the devil is really working on you personally. There's more pressure to it. It's not so much just a mental thing. He's not just working through people. He could be still but it's more of a direct thing. Then you have the you see the difference between an indirect dealing and a direct dealing here. One is just sort of defamation of character. The other one is more of a pressure on the personal basis. All right, he says, You were a gazing stock, both by defamation, and by fifth, affliction, afflictions, afflictions. Look at chapter 11, verse 24.
By believing faith, Moses, when he was come to yours, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. Remember the record of Moses. He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, because, seed wise he wasn't Pharaoh's daughter was he? Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, a steaming or judging the reproach the defamation of Christ. Of course, he looked forward to Christ coming Disney, judging the defamation of Christ, greater riches than the treasures in Egypt, for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. In other words, he looked forward to a greater reward than all the treasures in Egypt. He considered or judged this defamation of Christ, which he saw in the future as greater than that which he had all the treasures in Egypt, he could have had that if he wanted. Now, the defamation of Christ. What was Christ defamation? How was he defamed? Look at Well, before we go that let's look at chapter 13. Chapter 13 Verse 10, Hebrews Yeah, right, chapter 13 of Hebrews verse 10. We have an altar, where have they have no right to each eat, which serve the tabernacle, for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priests for sin, are burned were right, the bodies when they made sacrifice in the Old Testament, they burn the body outside of the camp. The offering was made inside the tabernacle, but the burning of the body took place outside of the camp. Verse 12, were for Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered where? That's right. He suffered outside of the city outside of the gate. Let us go for therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach, his reproach reproach again his defamation, his defamation. Now, and this is what I said before. Exactly what is his defamation? How was he defamed? By Name Calling what exactly what was it? Well, let's look at Romans chapter 15 verse one, Romans 15 One. We then that are strong, ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor, period. No, there's no period there. Let every one of us pleases neighbor for good to edification for good to edification. That doesn't mean you do every year salaam to everything your neighbor once somebody says, kiss my toe, I tell him to kiss my whole foot or stick it in his mouth. I don't know. But you do that which is good, dear neighbor, which is to please your neighbor, which is good for his wife. And if occasion right, what good would it do me to kiss his toe? But do some good I do. But what normally what good would it do? That's right. You do that which is pleasing to your to his good for edification, edification. That's not talking about edification on the Census realm. You know. I know a lot of men get a good edification by going to a burlesque show, right? Sure. But it's not talking about that kind of edification. Is it? Talking about edification from the word? Building up from the word.
Lot of women get edification by gossiping. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about edification from where the word, right that kind of edification. So we set it straight. Sure. You do that which is pleasing to your neighbor, for for good to edification. If it edifies him or the body of believers. thing. If it does good in the church, then it's good. Then you do it, for verse three, even Christ, please not himself. But as it is written, the reproaches of them, and there you have that word reproaches, which is the word the defamation. The defamations of them, that the famed vi fell on me used of Christ hearing. In other words, it would be Christ saying the people that defame do, the death those defamations of those which the fame do Val on who writes to whom is this address? To the body, the church, the church? Romans addressed to the church. The defamations of those that defame Jew fell on Who? Who? Christ. That's right, they fell on Christ. Okay, suppose somebody throws something that should cause you a name, spiritually, or any other way on, okay? Suppose somebody defames, you says, you're no good, you can't be any good if you go out to the way. Or if you read the Word of God, you can't be any good. Why don't just study something like math or history or philosophy, or something else that makes more sense than the word. They defame you, they throw accusations at you. They may even throw lying statements at you, things that aren't true, just to run you down, to beat you down. And the harder you try to walk, the more the devil works to try to get you to stumble to fall, to fall into his defamation, but those defamations that people throw at you, that's what fell on Christ. When Christ was on the cross, didn't he bear our sins and our sicknesses. He took all these things on him, and the defamations to the things that people throw at you. The garbage that they want to throw at you, if they want to call you names, they want to beat you down. They want to throw everything at you. But Christ took all this upon him. He says, The defamations that of those that defamed you, they fell on me. So it Christ isn't that something. So suppose somebody starts ridiculing you? Big deal. Christ took all that on him. I'm still a son of God. I've got more power, more authority in this world than you've got. You tell him not more than you. Because you got the same I got right. It's the measure of faith. Christ in you the hope of glory. You've got it you're loaded. But these defamations people want to throw up big deal. Christ took it all upon him back to First Timothy First Timothy. Moreover, verse seven, chapter three, verse seven. Moreover, he must have a good report. And as we read in Romans There, you see that Romans that's addressed to the church, not just leaders in the church, let every one of us pleases neighbor for good to edification, every one of us takes care of the lawn alright. Moreover, verse seven here in Timothy, he must have a good report good witness of them that are without lest he fall into the defamation of the devil. That's what the defamation of the devil, people throwing things at you. Don't be concerned about it, because Christ took all that on him. When he died for us, right? He took all that defamation on him. So don't worry, no matter what people want to say. doesn't mean a thing it what is the word say about you? But what does the word God say? Er, for one thing, you're a son of God, right? You have power? Well, I do I don't know about you. Do you? Okay, sure you do if the words it says you've got Christ in you the hope of glory right? Sure. Christ in you think about what Christ did. Well, you've got him in there. And he said, the works that I do, you shall do also and greater works. Right go to my Father which is in heaven. That's what you've got. You're sanctified. You're made righteous. You're ready, redeemed, bought back. Your holy. You've got spirit in their sons of God. We look for his return the gathering together. It says we shall escape the tribulation, the wrath that is not something all these things are yours. That's you. Listen to what God says about you the word. What is the words? Not What Is Man throw edge and the stronger you try to the strong you try to stay in on the word.
The more people try to throw it. You want a tough fight, stick around. But you've got the weapons that are strong, mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, right?
Where does that Corinthians isn't it? Number one, First Corinthians Second Corinthians there chapter one chapter 10 of Second Corinthians Yeah, let's start back in verse two but I beseech you, that I may not be bold, when I am present with you with that confidence were with I think, to be bold against some which Think of us as if we walked according to the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war, how? After the flesh, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty. Our weapons are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ. Pulling, casting down even imaginations, anything you can imagine, that would be, exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Throw it down, cast it down, doesn't mean a thing. No matter what anybody says about you. I don't care what they say about you. What do I care? I care what the Word says about you what God says about you what God made you in Christ Jesus, that's what I want to know, don't you? Man, Yaks and men, for the most part is just a messenger of Satan. Like Paul's thorn in the flesh. Because he's natural man. He's the man of this world in this world is owned by whom? That's right, the devil. When he tempted Christ, He says, I'll give you all these kingdoms if you just bow down and serve me. He didn't have he couldn't have said that. But what does God say about you? God bought you back. He redeemed you. He took you out of this mess you were in, he sets you apart, sanctified you. He gave you a position in the body. He gave you that measure of faith. He put Christ in you. He gave you power. Well, you've got something. Then why listen to people yak about what you're not. They're liars. That's right. All right. Now, where are we Timothy? Back in First Timothy. Lastly, fall into the debt, the defamation of the devil. Don't let him defame you whether it's direct, or whether it's indirect. People may say what they want. But I don't care what people say. By dead. I wouldn't be here tonight. You wouldn't either. Right? That's right. I always think back and Grace and I were talking before the meeting tonight about oh, some incident when I first got into the ministry, I was I run an errand for for and of course, I enjoy doing it. But I was young at the time. I was a novice. My first year in the motorcycles, I guess, novice, a neophyte. I used to run around with my head off or like a chicken with his head off, you know, and I hadn't really applied to principles many of you know this. But I was sure thrilled by the word. People weren't thrilled too much by me though. But I sure like the ministry at the time anyway. But anyway, I can remember in those days going back to school, and boy, the names they used to call me. There was a record out at that time called The Reverend Mr. Black or something like that. Any you remember that? You remember that? Yeah. They used to call me the Reverend Mr. Black. And they used to ridicule me up one side the hall and down the other up the stairways through the classrooms everyplace else on the streets. The people I used to hang around with just anything they could say that would just needle me defamation, the fame me constantly because I came out here. Because I stood on the Word of God. I tried to share something with them. And there were a few hungry there that I was able to share some things, but a lot of them. Oh, we don't want to hear that junk. You know. And just Neato. You've been through the same situation, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But that's people, if I cared about what those people said, I wouldn't be here tonight. Sorry. I don't care what people say. I care what God's Word says. People can say what they want. And the people that normally want to defame you, once you get into the Word of God, once you get into the ministry, are your closest relatives, your closest friends, the people with whom you really were like that before? Your mother, your father, your cousins, your aunt's your uncle's, your neighbor, your best friend on the bowling team. You name it, they'll be atcha. Because if you ever take a stand on the Word of God, the devil can't stand if you're standing, and he'll do anything and everything to get you to fall. And it usually starts with defamation. defaming you calling you names. Of the next time he starts calling you names. Remember that simple little thing used to say when your kids sticks and stones can break my bones and names don't hurt a bit. Sure. But this is what you have to watch, lest you fall, fall into that defamation. He can throw those things at you. But don't let it budgin It's because when you let it budge you when you start backing down, that's when you fall into that defamation. You can't stop the devil from saying those things. You can't stop people, your friends, your relatives, anybody else working on, but you sure can keep them from lodging in your hair. Amen. That's right. Defamation lets you fall into the defamation of the devil. And secondly, lest you fall into the snare. Now that's a snare is a trap, any kind of trap, whether it's a big net that the lion falls in and the mouse nibbles his way through or if the big muskrat trap or any kind of trap a snare. That's physical. We're talking about the snare of the devil, the trap of the devil. He's got some good ones too. Well, they're not good. I mean, he's got effective ones put it down. Look at Luke chapter 21. The defamation is more of an indirect thing. Where people work on you indirectly. Or the devil works only indirectly through people. When it comes to the trap. That's when he's really got to tie it up. And man he just sinks it down into his trap. is getting more direct with people than Alright, where are we? Luke? 21. Luke 21 Verse 34. And take heed to yourselves less at any time your hearts be overcharged. Like a battery, overcharged. Can you overcharge the battery down? Yeah, you can Okay. Bless your hearts be overcharged with surfing. That's not when you get out on the surf, you know, come riding in on those waves, not surfing, surfing, nausea after drunkenness. You might surface in on that I don't know. Now's the after drunkenness and drunkenness. In other words, you got the drunkenness and the After Effects and the cares of life, this life.
And so that day, he's talking in the context about the Lord's day, when he comes for Israel, the Lord's Day book of Revelation. And so that day come upon you unawares, for as a snare, a snare, a trap shall come on, all them that dwell on the face of the hole or the Lord's day will come as a snare a trap, on those who are on the earth. Of course, this is addressed to Israel. It's not addressed to the church, the church will be taken up before that day one thing in the gathering together, but to Israel, this thing's going to come on them as a snare as a trap. Those that are on the face of the hole. Look at Romans, Romans 11.
Romans 11, verse eight according as it is written, God has given them the spirit of slumber, the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear under this day. And David said, Let their table be made a watt, a snare, a trap, a snare. And the word trap is like a hunt a chase, somebody hunting you down, man hunt, like, what's his name, the fugitive remember that number years back? The few it's like a hunt. Let their table and the word table is used metaphorically here representing all their material wealth. So figure speech representing all their material wealth, let their table all their material gains be made a trap, a snare, and a hunt. Something that hunts them down, and a stumbling block something that causes them to stumble. And recompense under them, let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see and bow down their back always. Their own material gains are going to be like a snare a trap unto him. It says God has given them a spirit of slumber. God gave it to him not in the sense like if you go up and give somebody something it's like the law you know when you break the law you bump your head up against a God put the law here well God put the law up here and these people not wanting to walk by it drown their head up against it. That's how they got the spirit of slumber that they could not see or hear spirit. But he says their own words their own material gains are going to be a snare or a trap under look at First Timothy again let's see fall into the reproach the defamation and the snare or the trap of the devil. Now the devil has a trap laid to not just we're not just talking about like the Lord's day as a trap to people used in a sense when they don't walk. But this it says here watch less they fall into the defamation first of all, and secondly, the trap. This is when they're really gone when the devil has come by as clutches so to speak.
All right, look First Timothy now chapter six that's telling you about many of our young people are fed up with the establishment so to speak, and they work to get what they need to supply their basic needs the rest of the day. material gain goes into the ministry. And they're really blessed because of it, they really walk. Look here in First Timothy chapter six, says having food and raiment let us be there with content. And this is about the extent of it with many of these young people, their their content with their food and Raymond, as long as they're clothed and fed, they're satisfied. Then the rest of the time they can put into the work of the ministry, having food and raiment lettuce there with big lettuce be there with content, but they that will be rich, verse nine, they that will be rich, fall into temptation, and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful us, which drown men in destruction and perdition. They fall into first of all temptation. You know, it's like the devil never gets you to choose between what is good and which is bad. It's always between that which is best, and that which is good. In other words, he said, Well, look, this is good. Yeah, but over here, what the Word says is the best. Well, he won't get you to go over here between good and bad, it's always between that which is best, and that which is good. That's where temptation starts. And once he's got you that far, then he gets in his snare his trap, that's when it's on a personal basis, or a more direct basis. The temptation is usually indirect. Normally, like I said, it starts with defamation. calling you names. 10, temptation, and finally into his snare his trap, and into many foolish and hurtful us, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, not money, the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some covenant after they have heard from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows, because they followed that which was natural, rather than that, which was, according to the word. How many of you saw the magazine yet for this month? October November issue? The poem in here I'd like to just share with you goes right along with this, how many have read it, read it by Jerry karate? I'm going to share it with you anyway. says it's the notch. It's natural to want the family car so that you can drive to the local bar. It's natural to drink your troubles away and want the rain some other day? Do you only pay attention to what you see? License? And only the things in the midst of V? Do you worry just as much as you can? Then I would say you're a natural man. It's natural to want to get ahead before you sleep in it. You make your bed? Are you climbing fast to get to the top? And shoving so hard that you'll finally drop? Do you worry and stew and Fret each day about bills and job in this USA? Do you live by what is truthful are factual and still depend on what is natural. It can be natural to live like there's no tomorrow, forget your cares and forget your sorrow. Just go out and have a ball. Is that a crime? after all? Is sex all you ever think about? Does your temper flare? Do you ever do often shout you could live to 83 just doing what comes naturally? Is that all 183 Say Mr. Just where is your head? Do you believe that God raised Christ from the dead? If you will to believe in Christ you can. You don't always have to be just a natural man. That's something the natural man lays it right out in that verse nine and 10 they that will be rich fall into temptation. First of all, and secondly, the snare or trap and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Normally, not normally does lead to destruction. But it's when it's the love of these things like the love of money. It's when you lust and so on get into you become entangled with the affairs of this life but If you're content with what you have with your food and Raymond near a song, I keep thinking to songs. Be glad you got what you got when you got a refund on what you got is gone. Ever heard that?
No? Good. Dorothy, don't you have that one? Okay
temptation and a snare starts with temptation ends up in his snare his trap. But it's when you give into temptation, first of all, and then you move into his trap. Which if you're content with your food and raiment, the rest of your time, your material, your energy, everything you've got goes into the ministry, and then you're just blessed abundantly, it's fruit that abounds to your account. Where are we? Timothy? Let's go to Second Timothy the devil works over time. Like I said, first of all, just tempting you. Trying to make you feel bad. calling you names, working through other people to get on you. defamation. And when he's finally got you through that stage, he's got you so far, then he builds a big case around you and traps gets him gets you in his snare. He'll do that if he can. You let him. You don't have to let him praise God, but some people have. Now if a person has been caught, he's been taken down the drain. Can he ever get out? Second Timothy, chapter two, verse 26, that they may recover. Recover, not furniture, recovered themselves out of the snare of the devil, that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who were taken captive by Him at His will. So they can then do up, recover themselves out of the snare of the devil. Sure. There's a way to get in, there's got to be a way to get out if the person wants to. But it does not just come by saying, okay, get out. renew your mind. Just telling somebody that big deal. I want to know how can I renew my mind say? How can I get out of the suit by men? It's like, like the anybody that's been an alcoholic can tell you more about alcohol. being addicted to alcohol than I ever could I can't tell you think about I've never been in it. That's right. So what do I want to preach alcohol for? That person doesn't want to know about alcohol. He wants to know how to get out of the soup that he's in.
That's just one example. Could be in a lot of other things. People want to know how to get answers to their prayers. They want to know how to get out of what they're in. Some people are so far in debt, just unbelievable. The bill collectors are at their house knocking at the doors twice a week. They don't want to know about bills. They want to know how to get out of the Messer, and don't think Sure. Let's go back in chapter two Timothy, Second Timothy, and read what lies before this last verse. start in verse 15. Study. Sound familiar? Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Never heard that verse before? No. Study. First of all, you have to know what the word, the word if a person doesn't know the word. suppose he's loaded with devil spirits, and you throw him out of him. And he doesn't know the word can he keep I'm out. No, no, he can't. He doesn't know the word. That's why, first of all, you have to study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing that word of truth. When you share with someone, the word you have to know the word first of all before you share it with somebody can't be less we're first Partakers. We can't give it out, right? Okay, so you know the word and you share that word with the person so that they can close the trap door, so that they can keep the old devil from Lodge and in their hair. But verse 16, Shun profane and vain babblings where they will increase under moron, godliness, anything that's outside of the word of truth, you shun it, these profane and vain babblings good word for they will increase under moron godliness. And their word will eat after a canker like gangrene or cancer. Of whom is Hymenaeus and fled us who concerning the truth I've heard saying the resurrection is passed already in overthrow the believing of some they were running around saying the resurrections pass. Verse 19, nevertheless, the foundation of God's standards sure having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his, and let everyone that name of the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and a verb, some to honor some to dishonor. If a man Therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel into honor, sanctified and meet for the Masters do. Use and prepared unto every good work. Flee also youthful us, youthful us the lust you had when you were young, not necessarily just young, physically, mentally, spiritually young in the Word. Let's get on to the deep things. Get away from these youthful lust. But follow righteousness, faith, charity, the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation, peace, peace as the world gives no peace that you have in Christ Jesus with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions, avoid, don't argue, avoided knowing that they do what gender strikes, right they cause a big fight. And the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle on to all men, able to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that do up oppose themselves. Those that oppose themselves, if God per venture will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth, that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by Him at His will.
But where does it start with the word, knowing the word. When the individual knows the word and gets a greater knowledge of that word, it just floods his mind. It just flows through him. He just built up in that word, only then can that individual recover himself out of the snare of the devil. That's when people get deliverance, when they have a knowledge of the word, when you can share that word with somebody. You're helping that person to get a bigger deliverance than by just standing there and putting on a good, enthusiastic show. That may temporarily alleviate the problem. But what about in the long run? We want long run results like eternal life.
Eternal life. It's a long run thing. Something that's lasting. Alright, you teach somebody? Are you. You help him for the moment.
The next day's back in the same soup he was in the day before? Doesn't help him one bit does it? But you give him a knowledge of that word, and how to keep himself out of what he was in. Then you have things and the only way you can do that is by giving him a knowledge of God's word not formulation vain. babblings not by like it said in verse 23, foolish and unlearned questions, you avoid those things, but get into the word what is the word say? And if somebody doesn't want to believe the word, pack your suitcase and leave, kick the dust off your feet. But if somebody loves that word and wants to believe it wants to stand with you on that word, then you've got something. Not tremendous. Sure, people can defame you. Again, they're just messengers from the other side. They can call you names. Say, why do you want to go out there? Why do you want to study the Word? Why do you want to believe a bunch of hocus pocus? Which man wrote 2000 years ago or more? First of all, I wouldn't even listen to him. I might just turn around and tell him it works. Works. That's it work. That's your life. I've seen it work time and time again over and over day after day. It's like that song Dorothy. We don't expect a miracle every day Do we expect miracles every day? Miracles, not just one. We expect miracles every day. Defamation or snare? One the defamation is usually where he starts. It's more of an indirect basis. But snare is more direct after he's once lodged in your herring kick take you down the drain. But we know the answers. Like it says that you should not be ignorant of Satan's devices. Right? So we shouldn't be ignorant. And the only way not to be ignorant of them is to know what know the Word, the Word, the Word, the Word, the Word. Nothing about the word. The only way you know the word is to study to show yourself approved unto God as workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.