SNT-0466-Your Sonship Rights (Cummins)

Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 08-23-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-466YourSonshipRights(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: sonship, justified, Christ, God, law, foreknowledge, son, predestinated, redeemed, redemption, glory, sanctification, Christ Jesus, bought, sin, glorified, justification
Take your Bible and Turn to Galatians chapter four tonight. Galatians chapter four. I've listed on the board this evening, five of your sonship rights. For those of you who've had the class, they look very familiar. And I'd like to just talk a little bit about your sonship rights tonight. In other words, your rights as a son of God. And what you have in Christ Jesus, in Galatians, chapter four, what you're going to be getting into in just a little bit, it talks about the first one up here, redemption. And of course, different places, it talks about these different sonship rites, you have redemption, justification, righteousness, sanctification, and the ministry of reconciliation. How many times I know, at first when these words were thrown out to me, of course, I was young, then they were just big words. Didn't have just too much meaning or some of them did. But when I really began to grasp what these words meant, this thing really started to live as to what my sonship rights really were, you know, you talk about the Bill of Rights in our Constitution. And imagine most countries have some kind of a Bill of Rights England did I know, and the rights of the people in that country? Well, we have certain rights according to God's word, as sons of God, we have certain rights. And we go to the word we don't go to something else that someone else wrote. But we go to that word, to find out exactly what those rights are. The first one being redemption, you know, before, before we were born again, before we were saved, we legally belong to whom? Satan, that's right, the god of this world, Satan, we legally belong to him, because Adam, in his sin, handed everything over to the god of this world. Before that Adam was the prince of this world. Now Satan is the prince of this world. And how did he get it? Because of Adam's sin? Adam handed it over to him. It's like, he says in Luke four, I believe it is or six, where Satan said the Christ when he was tempting him. Do you say yeah, all this I gift to you? Yeah, because it has been delivered unto me. And it has been delivered unto me. Well, if it hadn't been delivered unto me, couldn't have made that statement. And of course, Christ knew the situation too. But it was delivered unto him, Adam had delivered unto him in his transgression. So technically, this world, and everything in it, including you before you were born again, belongs to Satan, the god of this world. Before you were born again. You were under the curse of the law. Well, before Christ came, they were under the curse of the law, right? Says in many places, different places, you know, the curse of the law. And where's it Leviticus? You want to find out what the curse of the law is? Read it sometime. Man, that's pretty heavy. I mean, you ought to read it, just look at it. You want to go back to living under the law. But we were under the curse of the law. They were under the curse of the law before Christ came. We legally belong to Satan and we're under the curse of the law. We were unjust. Means we were, according to the law. Not right. We were transgressing. Many times they were out in left field many times they were on not so many times they were on base. Most of the time they're often left field before that, they were sinners. Before that, you're not only sinners, but unholy. Now that's a pretty lousy life to lead isn't start off in a negative note here. So show you all a bad you were in you know, Why shoot, you were pretty down and out. Wasn't even pretty. Just down and out.
Anyway, you legally belong to Satan, the god of this world, and you are under the curse of the law before Christ King. But after you ever see these, you know before and after diets, different things, muscle building outfits. Sure. before and after picture Well, that's your before picture. Now after you are saved, born again you got redemption. You know what it means to be redeemed. Very deem something What do you do? You buy it, don't you? Sure, like, you know you redeem your top value stamps or your green stamps or some other kind of stamps. You're reading? Sure, you'd get money for it, buy them back, switch them in trade around, redeem, that's the word redeem your redemption was that you were bought, bought back before that you legally belong to Satan, the god of this world, but Christ bought brought you back through his blood. It says he bought bought, bought you back through his blood, bought you back got the picture. And he redeemed you bought you back from the curse of the law. Before that you were under the curse of the law. But he redeemed you. He brought you out of this. He bought you back. And he did it on illegal grounds. Hmm. No, he did it on absolutely legal grounds. He fulfilled every iota of the law. Jesus always did the Father's will. He always did. The founders will. He he was always walking, never out in left field. And because he kept the law, he did it for you. Now, He has redeemed you, he bought you back by doing this. The second sonship right is justification. If to be justified, you have to be made just if you're unjust. That means you're transgressing the law. But by justification, it was not a justification that you did by works. Christ keep kept the law for you. He justified you. He was your justification. He kept the law for you. Justification, the second step, he bought you back and he justified you from the law. I mean, the image you write inside of the law. You don't all read me? Do you? Some of you do blue enough. Good. All right. Let's let me take it a step further. Next one is righteousness, right? He made you righteous. It's not your own righteousness. But Christ made you righteous. Now what's righteousness? Doing that which is right, no sin. Now, what's the difference between righteousness and justification? Well, to do something unjust, you have to have a law to break, don't you? To do something unrighteous you don't have to have a law. Get the picture. So justification puts you legally just in the sight of God. Righteousness makes you legally right? Not sinners anymore. Okay. Now, of course, these are all inside jobs. You know, there's something on the inside. That's what you got when you were born again of that spirit. Many times in your walk, I'm sorry to say. It's not always the case. But inside, this is what Christ made you. The fourth one, sanctification. Now, if you have no sin, then with no sin, this implies that you're sanctified or that your Holy right? To be sanctified is to be holy, to be holy. If you have no sin, then you're holy. Now, one of the things that says in God's word that he hath glorified you to be glorified, you have to be holy. Remember, like Moses, take off your shoes, you're on holy ground, this kind of thing? Well, God could not glorify you if you were not holy. If he did, he'd be working against himself. Nor sanctification you, your holy because you have no sin. All right. It's a result of the righteousness.
And the fifth one, you have the ministry of reconciliation. Reconcile means to bring back that which has been separated right to bring back together that which has been set Well who separated man from God? Adam, back in the beginning, he delivered everything to Satan. Now you have the ministry of being able to bring other people back to God so that they can have redemption be bought that, that they can be justified without transgress transgression, that they can be righteous, no sin, and that they hence can be sanctified, or be holy, so that they also can go out and reconcile other people to be redeemed, to be justified, to be made righteous, and to be sanctified, who can go out and when other people to be redeemed. You see the picture? Beautiful, the Ministry of reconciliations and fantastic thing. Well, let's go back to Galatians chapter four, verse one. Now I say that the air, the air, as long as he is a child, different nothing from a servant, though He the Lord of all, but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Even so we when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman made what? Under the law, Jesus Christ was what? Under the laws what it says, it says, in another place, he came to the circumcision, right? He was a minister to the circumcision. And it says he was under the law, to Verse five, redeem, to redeem, to buy back, to buy them back. Because they were under the curse of the law, they illegally belong to Satan. Now, he came to redeem them to buy them back. That were under the law that we might receive sonship the word adoption of sons is the word sonship. We asked the name, the Greek sonship sonship. That we might receive sonship. Because when you're born again, it's seed in your right. seed planted in you, God see, that makes you a son of God. And because verse six because you are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his son, into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou are no more a servant. Thou art What? No more, no more well, maybe a little. No, aren't what? No more a servant. But, but I want a son. Now no more a servant, but a son. And if a son then I want air, air of God through Christ. All right. This was the first thing he bought you back He redeemed you that were under the law that were under the law. He bought you out of the situation because under the law, they did something. They got the curse on the curse of the law. Leviticus. They got like, sure. But He has redeemed you he bought you back from this thing. He bought you. Now how did he buy it? Colossians one verse 14 In whom we have what what? Redemption? How? Through his blood, redemption through his blood, because Jesus Christ died. He gave His life, His blood. The life is in the blood Leviticus again. Because he died and rose again. That's how you got your redemption. That's how he bought tabaxi. That beautiful. He bought you back through his blood back to glaciers.
The second step is justification. Justification. Look at Galatians chapter two
Verse 16, knowing that a man is justified by the works of the law, right?
You see how leaving out a word from the word of God, just like the serpent got Eve to do in the beginning can change that word of God right around knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, well how about in Druce and Deuteronomy where it says, That man is justified by the works of the law, that you must keep the whole law? Different one administration, right? They were under the law. Here it says no man, that knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by what? The faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the works of the law. Ah, my goodness, you got to sit there and let me hash the Word The pieces tonight. I tell you, if I was out there, I'd stand up on the chair something not literally bill. All right. What is it say? That we might be justified by the faith of Christ, Jesus, face of Christ, by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law, not by the works of law, for by the works of the law shall no flesh be what says it twice in the same verse, by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified, but by the faith that Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ made you justify. If he hadn't come and redeemed, you bought you back on legal grounds, you would not be justified. He kept the law, every iota of the law for you. It says, Is it in Corinthians that it says he is our Passover lamb? Remember that? Jesus was the Passover lamb, he kept the law. It says we're justified not by the works of law, but by the faith that Jesus Christ. And of course, Faith is an inside job because it says in 17, but if while you seek to be just snort, there's in the next chapter, where it says that verse 24, wherefore the law was our schoolmaster until Christ that we might be justified by faith, but after faith has come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. It came with Christ. And you see this, were justified. Made non transgressions. How's that for a word? Non transgressors. Oh, the law by his justification. We didn't justify ourselves to be a hard job. They had a heck of a time trying to do it under the law tell you it's hard to keep the law. By but Jesus Christ kept the law. And because he did, were justifying, justifying righteousness look at Second Corinthians five, back above sex second Corinthians chapter five. Galatians we saw where he redeemed us, he came to redeem us. In Galatians. We also and Colossians we saw He redeemed us through His blood. In Galatians. We saw that by his by the faith of Jesus Christ, we are justified. Okay, now righteousness and the next step, verse chapter five of Second Corinthians verse 21. For he has made him to be sin for us. Christ made Christ to be sin for us, who knew no sin. Jesus knew what? No sin, he knew no saying he always did the Father's will. But God made Him Jesus to be sin for us. Who knew no sin that we might be made what? The righteousness of God in Him and that something. D what took our sins upon him that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. We've got righteousness now, because of what he did not because of What we did, he redeemed us, He justified us, and He made us righteous, all in His death and resurrection.
Look at Philippians three. To be justified, there has to be a law to be justified from. Before the law came before Moses time, they didn't have law, but they still had sin. They had no transgression of the law because there wasn't a lot of transcript, but they still had sin, so they could be unrighteous. But with the law, you also have to be justified. Philippians three nine, it says, can be found in him not having mine What? own righteousness, which is of the lot. Yeah, your own righteousness is other law. But, but contrast that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God, by faith. Again, not your own righteousness, but the righteousness that he made available, okay? The righteousness of Christ, He made you non sinners, righteous. He also made justified you made you non transgressors. He also redeemed you, he bought you back from the curse of the law. Beautiful.
Second, Thessalonians chapter two. The fourth one is sanctification, sanctification, to be sanctified is to be holy, holy. And to be holy, you can't have any sin. Because he's made us righteous. He's justified us he's redeemed us. So now we are sanctified. Now we are holy. Okay. And remember I said to be holy, you have to be holy, in order to be glorified, because God couldn't glorify somebody that was a sinner, could he? Somebody that was unjust, might be working against his own kingdom, that kingdom divided against itself can't walk. Stan, that's right. Second, Thessalonians chapter two, verse 13. But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brother and Beloved of the Lord, because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the true sanctification of the Spirit, say, sanctification again, is being holy. Wherefore he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glory, the glory of our law. It says, He called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Look at that, the glory of our he gave it to you. See, because you're sanctified, you couldn't get it unless you were hold sanctification. Now, this last one, is in second Corinthians chapter five.
Second Corinthians five, verse 18. The ministry of reconciliation in all things are of God, who have reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of the ministry of reconciliation, the ministry whereby we can reconcile other people, we can get people redeemed, that we can get people justify, that we can get people righteous, that we can get people sanctified, that we can teach the Word to people that Christ can give it to them, that it can the same thing dwells in them that dwells in us. I don't mean that. I'm going out here and make somebody righteous by, you know, waving a wand or something. No, I'm talking about teaching the word so that the faith or the righteousness The Redemption justification, righteousness and sanctification that Christ made available can dwell in them, and also the ministry of reconciliation dwelling in them. Again, part of their sonship rights. These are your rights as a son of God. And to the end that you renew your mind, put it on in your mind, exactly what those rights are. You'll, again, lead frustrated, defeated lines. But when you put that thing on up here, when you put what you have in Christ, Jesus, put it on in your mind, you know that you're redeemed, you know that you're justified, you know that you're righteous, you know that you're sanctified, you know that you have the ministry of reconciliation, well, if you have those things, then you're a somebody because of what Christ did for you. Not until then. But when you've got that, because of what Christ did for you, then you can stay and then you can throw your shoulders back and walk down the streets like you are a son of God. That you know that you know that you know that you know, the word and what you have in Christ Jesus, that you know what's on the inside here, that it's just not a a big blow. It's not something on the surface, but that you really have something on the inside. Now, I'd like to go into a couple of these things. Look at Romans, chapter eight. We could read on there and Corinthian Joe says we're ambassadors. Few other things. But let's go to Romans chapter eight.
For whom, verse 29, excuse me, Romans 829. For whom he did what? For know, whom he did for now by His foreknowledge, knowing ahead of time, by His foreknowledge, whom he did for No, he also did do up predestinate How did God predestinate them? By His foreknowledge by for knowing if God did not have foreknowledge of what you would do, whether you would believe or not, he couldn't have predestinated due to something good. But because of His foreknowledge, this is something the old devil doesn't have. He only knows what's happening now and what happened in the past, he can speculate on what's gonna happen in the future. But God knows what's going to happen by His foreknowledge, not because he stands there and guides every little mechanism because you have freedom and choice. Right? So, God, by His foreknowledge, predestinated. You. Now the question is not who did he predestinate those of you that believe, by His foreknowledge, he knows who's going to believe right? Those are the ones He predestined, but what did he predestination to? That's the question, What did God predestined they to to look at? To be conformed to the image of His Son in that beautiful look at that, to be conformed to the image of His Son? What was Jesus and then kung fu? No. What was the greatest man that ever lived? For one thing, he had power, he had a connection, he was a son of God. He had Holy Spirit and and Disney. Sure. He was righteous, He was justified, he was sanctified. He was didn't have to be redeemed. He always did, the Father's will say, but he had all these things. And it says that God in His foreknowledge predestinated us to be conformed to His image. That's one thing. That he might be the firstborn among many, many brethren. We're going to hit a few other things just a little bit. Just sit tight. Verse 30, moreover, whom a bit did predestinate whom he did predestinate them he also called How did he predestinate them by His foreknowledge whom he predestinated bias for analogy call to Hey, you. Come on in the phone.
I don't know how he called you. Each person's different I know I got called though. I'm sure you do too. Amen. God called you when he calls you. He calls in a loud, clear voice so you can hear.
But some people still put the wax in their ears or leave it there and never cleaned them out. But he called because he knew ahead of time by foreknowledge who was going to believe he predestinated them to something for one thing to be conformed to the image of His Son, and whom he did predestinate he called those people in whom He called he did was justified, he justified him, he made them just, you know, to be just justice again. Yes, no transgressors of the law, non transgressors. That's a word you might be for this nice over, but he justified you, when we call the justify. That was by his first coming, he justified you when he died, and rose again, by his death. And by rising again his resurrect, he justified you and whom He justified, them he also did what? Glorify or you glorified them. Look at if keep your finger here and look at Ephesians chapter two.
Chapter Two of Ephesians verse six, and have raised us past tense, he hath raised us up together and made us to set were in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come, he might show the little bit of riches. No, they exceeding the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus, that He might show as exceeding riches of his grace. He hath raised us up together, and have seated us and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. He's already seated us there. You're sitting in here, but you're already seated in the heavens. And that's something he hath glorified you, those that he hath justified, he hath glorified, who may for new, a predestinated to be conformed the image of His dear Son, whom he for new and predestinated he call when we for new predestinated called he just justified justify, made him just by his blood, death and resurrection. And who me for knew that he predestinated that he called that he justified, he also did what? Glorified, you're already seated in the heavenlies itself, half feet.
This is what you have in Christ Jesus, not because of what you did, but because of what God wrought in Christ for you. Back to Romans eight. Read it again, verse 30, moreover, whom he did predestinate them he also called whom He called he justified in whom He justified he also glorify, what shall we say then to these things, if God be for us, who can be against us, right? Who can be against us? Right? Verse 32, He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all. How shall he not with him also, reluctantly, now freely give freely give us a few things. Oh, no. Man, I've got a Conde Finn. I'm getting to tumor no I'm not because that's what God says I am is what God rotten Christ for me is not because what I did it all right, but God brought in Christ for me. That's what he and it says, because of this. He's already glorified. You pay for nudie predestinated can we protest a call on the call to justify justify it glorify God. Well if you're glorify that it goes on say, If God before who could be against this, how shall he not with Him also freely give us all things? pretty late. Give us all Oh, You're something because of what he did for you. But Ephesians chapter one I knew we had to get to Ephesians sometime tonight. Paul an apostle chapter one, verse one, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, great PDU and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Let that be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bless us with all spirits, who have had past tense, blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ, according as he has chosen us, in him, when, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love having predestinate enough, he just picked us out and said, you know, you're saying you're not. How did we read he predestinated us in Romans born, foreknowledge. Having predestinated us unto sonship again, as the text will say, word we ask the man, having predestinated us unto sonship by Jesus Christ to himself, why do you predestinated to sonship we read in another place, were predestined to be conformed to the image of His dear Son. Here says we are predestinated to sonship keep your finger here look at first John.
chapter three verse two. Beloved, now are we what? Sons of God?
Three Two, first, John. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be liked before we shall see Him as He is, Beloved, now are we want sons of God, of back to Ephesians 515 chapter one verse, having predestinated us on to sonship were sons of God. Now it says, by Jesus Christ Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. This is what he's predestinated us to. He could have predestinated us to be dogged or something, I suppose if he wanted to, according to the pleasure of His will, but knowing ahead of time, who was going to believe God in His goodness and His kindness and so on to predestinated us to sonship first of all, to be conformed to His image, we read in Romans here. Just like Jesus Christ, He was the Son of God. And God has predestinated us to be sons of God. sonship verse to the praise of the glory in his grave. We're in, we're in. We're in, in what? In this predestination word and he has made us what? accepted, he has made us accept the past tense, he made us accepted. God made us accept in Christ Jesus again. First of all, it made us fun. He predestinate up, he made us accepted in the Beloved, you know, it's one thing to be accepted in some circles, but when you're accepted in the Beloved, then you're accepted according to the Word. Look at verse seven is home we have what? Redemption, redemption, there's another way we get through his blood. The remission of sins, the word forgiveness is the same word for remission, like an x to 38. Repent and be baptized for the remission of sin, remission, completely worth remission of sin. We have redemption, the remission of sin, according to the poverty of His grace. according to the riches, riches of His great the riches of His great worrier again in this predestination he has a bounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, prudence is good, common. He has about a quarter in all wisdom and good sense having made known unto us the mystery of is worth remembering First Corinthians chapter two, chapter two verse we think wisdom among men which are perfect, not not the wisdom of this world, nor the princes of this world that comes in, but we speak the wisdom of God. I mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, or have they known that they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory back to you, they would not have crucified the Lord the Lord has known this mystery with God made known to you as part of this predestination predestined. Only God knew what that great mystery was, remember Ephesians chapter three.
Basin theory if you have heard of the administration of the grace of God, which is how that by revelation he made known to me the lot, history, as I wrote, for a few words were by way of reaching understand my knowledge in the mystery of price, which mystery in other ages was not being known unto the sons of man, as it is now revealed into his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit, that the Gentiles could be fellow others in the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel. And of course, Colossians 127 If price were in you, the hope of Lord Christ in you, part of the mystery, pricing the Christ the new price into the hope of glory.
In all wisdom and prudence having made known to us the mystery of Christ, well, if you've got Christ in you, then you're somebody because of, because he's not yourself. Because what the guy on the inside job, having made known to us the mystery of his role, that's the chapter one. Having made the mystery of his will, according to His pleasure which He has, that in the administration of the fullness of times, he might gather together, gathered together, all things in Christ, which are in heaven and which are going to gather us together that's another part of this predestination that you'll gather together. Verse 11,
in a painting oh my goodness and inherit something and inherited, inherited something from God. You want to know how big that is?
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of the glory of His inheritance in the rift in the Inheritance Inheritance for the inheritance in Chapter Eight
then enjoy that we suffer or we may be together the glory of God want to join is not part of somebody else's life are they...