SNT-0453-Claim What You Have (Cummins)

Format: Mp3
Publication Date: 05-24-1970
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-453ClaimWhatYouHave(Cummins) DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: word, God, spirit, believed, confess, clearness, light
How many Read the last issue of the way magazines? There's a wonderful article in here, the first article called release from your prison. This is a reworking of a previous article, which was available at the bookstore. It has been reworked. And within the last issue of the way magazine, yes, deli on the cover, has all these college grads sitting around here are high school grads. And it has educated with a question mark behind it. And immediately when I saw this, the first thing I thought of was second Timothy three, seven, you know, where they're ever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. And I imagine that across many of your minds, who are acquainted with that scripture, but it's true, you know, they're in colleges, tools, and so forth are ever learning, learning a lot of wonderful, wonderful things, and not the most wonderful thing. And that's God's word, they're never never able to come to a complete knowledge of God's truth. In this article, released from your prisons, it covers a number of things.
It covers a number of things on how to be released, or how to get released from these prisons, these things that bind the person that puts you under the law that puts you under in slavery to the conditions that surround you put you in slavery to other people, they put you in slavery to the elements, the environment. And this article covers the how, of getting released from these prisons. And I thought it was a fabulous article. Another thing which I thought was very important, which was not in the article. But something which I would like to put in with this at this particular occasion is the difference between that which is Spirit, and that which is physical or natural. I believe I have not heard in any other group of people, other than the way ministry. Even though it may be taught, I don't know, I have never heard the difference between that which is natural and that which is Spirit. All to a degree, I've heard it, I'll put it down, but never to the point of really dividing like spirit and soul. Most groups say that spirit and soul are the same thing, right? But the Bible says that spirit is spirit and soul as well. Yeah, there's two different things. The spirit is something on the inside something you can't see you can't touch it or anything. The soul is a part of a man that part that makes him tick. The thing that makes you really you. Spirit is one thing, the natural man which is body and soul is something else. Now in the class on power for abundant living, these two are put together. In the believer. You see them come together on the day of Pentecost. Our man again was not just body and soul, but now he had one spirit within the kidney. Now he had spirit. I'd like to write this on the board.
All right, in Christ, we have what? Nothing. I have a lot of things, though. When it says in the word that he made us righteous. He gave us wisdom. He gave us joy, peace. He gave us Holy Spirit. He gave us power from on high dunamis. Remember he gave us many things, didn't he? But it's where we're inside. It's inside of us in our spirit. It's a spiritual deal. God is spirit and only can only give what he is, which is spirit. And God gave spirit and spiritual things. It's an inside job. You know? It's something that's inside here. You can't see it, smell it, taste it or touch it. But it's spirit, but it's in there. provided your body When again of God's spirit right now, in your flesh, you don't have all those things. The minute you're born again, only to the end that you renew your mind upon the Word, put the word up here and walk on it. Do you have it in the sense of man, right? You only have it in the spirit until you begin to walk upon that word. So you begin to put it on in your mind so that you can walk. So in Christ, we have many things. Now, in our walk, we have many things provided we do. renew our mind. And to do this, we have to believe don't wait. You have to believe to get anything. What is the bridge between the natural man and the spiritual man? faith or belief? You must do believe right. I'd say in Christ, we have at least five things. And I put stars there to indicate that they're taught. You always think of a star or something. Right? Okay, in Christ, we have many things. Now, I just put five stars there to indicate some of the indicates on these things. In our walk we have in our walk, we have only those things that we have renewed our mind upon, and I've put on up here and are walking upon right, in our renewed mind. For example, if you never renew your mind on this category, will you ever have it in your wall? No, only in the spirit. You've got it there. You can't lose it Kenya. But how about out here? How is this benefiting you and your wall? It's not because you haven't believe what God said about that particular thing heavy. God says you can have healing. Okay, I come in here limping. All full of disease all full of this not in the other. Have I got deliverance? Have I got healing? Okay, God says I've got it in here in the spirit. It's available. But how about in my wall? I just don't have. Suppose I'm poverty stricken. The Word says, He came that we might have life and have it more than abundant, says he supplies all our need according to His riches and glory, right riches in glory. Well, then if I don't have it in my flesh in my walk, then I haven't believed God's word sufficiently to have heaven. You get the picture that you must believe to have anything if you do not believe you'll never receive it. We have on the inside all these goodies I call everything that God made available. He put it in us in our spirit, he gave us joy. Right? Gave us peace. So many things, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption. But now in our wall, if we don't have those things, there's only one reason why. Because God wasn't good enough. No. God's all good, isn't it? Why don't we have it in our wall? We haven't believed what God's word said and really put it on. Now it's as simple is that God makes everything simple, doesn't it? Easy. Like Clark gasoline, you know, do it the easy way. Okay. Well, God made it easy. So all we have to do is believe it and put it on, but believing such a hard job isn't. For those people in here who have had little experience. Everybody believes everybody's had experienced believing. So for some reason or another, we have not believed what's God's word said regarding a particular facet of our wall. We haven't manifested that over here which we have on the inside have we?
Apparently not in some situations, then we must know how to overcome this. And this is what that article release from your prisons was all about was how to get released from these things. that are keeping you from God's word from manifesting what God's Word says. Because if you have it in here and you don't have it in your wall, then something's missing. You have not believed God's word because you haven't heard it, or haven't heard enough, one of the two, right? So you've got to get it. Find out what's happening here, and how to get released from that prison. Look at John, the Gospel of John Chapter Eight.
In this article, says there are two things you must have in order to get released from your prison. The things that in case number one, you must have clearness. You have to be clear about what it is you want to get rid of, or about what you want to get. You know, there's the positive and the negative side, on the positive side, you may want to get something on the negative side, you may want to get rid of something, for example, you don't want to get sick. I hope some of you do. You want to get well, don't you? You want to get rid of sickness if you happen to have it. All right. Now, how do we get a release from this prison? And how do we get over to the positive side? First of all, we must have a clearness about what it is we want to get rid of. For example, somebody may say, Well, you know, like, like the fellow that had the back condition, you know, he didn't want to get rid of that did he? Know he wasn't too clear on it. Because he drawn drew money from the government, you know, pension, back pension. So well. He, he wasn't too clear on really what it was he wanted to get rid of wasn't, he wasn't really too clear on what God's Word says. Now, it says that by His stripes, we were heal. Now if we're healed, we were healed, right? Okay. Now, let's get clear. And to be clear on really what you want, you have to have a knowledge of God's Word. Now, after you have this clearness about what it is you want to get rid of, after you're focusing upon that object. For example, let's take a case. So suppose you got a bad knee or something, you want to get rid of this knee? No, you want to get rid of the the badness of the pain, you want to get healing. All right now get a clearer picture of it. After you have clearness, then it says you must have a concern, you must get concerned about on getting rid of it, because you can have a clearer picture of getting rid of it. And yet, no concern about really getting rid of it, like the main was the back trouble. He didn't want to get rid of the back trouble. Okay, he wasn't really concerned about it was he you must have clearness about what it is you want to get rid of, or what you want to get. And you must be concerned about having it come to pass works on the positive. And on the negative side. If you want to get something you want to get rid of some. Or we get into Johnny borrowed a camera not going to take a picture. But this particular article drew a wonderful simulation or resemblance between a camera and how to get released from your prison. Now the first thing you have to do is to select your object. For example, if I want to take a picture of you, alright, I've selected my object however, you're my object you're selected, you want to get rid of whatever you've got, or you want to get what you don't have. Let's select your objects. Select this, the first thing I have to do if I'm going to take a picture is select whatever I'm going to take a picture of right? You can't take a picture of something without selecting it. What are you going to do hold this thing up in the air and shoot it? No, you have to select the object and get clear on what you're going to select. All right, the next thing I have to do now some of you may have a brownie flash like I do, but this is a little more intricate camera and it has all the dials and the gizmos and the thing on you know a lot of fun to play with. Not a toy really. The second thing you to do is second thing you must do.
Oh yeah, you must focus on the object. For example, I've chosen or selected an object here. Now use this little dial down here on the bottom to focus on the words. Right now I'm looking at art Riedel and I see two of him. So I've got to bring it into focus, so I only see one thing, then I'm in focus with, or if I'm going to take a picture of anyone else, here, I have to focus upon that thing. You see, you have to get a clearness about what it is you want to get, or what you want to get rid of, you have to focus upon that object got the picture? Not yet. Now, after you focus upon that object, then you must do two things, you must set your shutter speed, and your f star. Now, what does all that means? The shutter speed is simply how fast this thing clicks? how fast you're going to get the job done? How fast you're going to click this text? In other words, what length of time is this going to take to do the job to get the picture? Or to get whatever it takes to get rid of arts again? How long is it going to take? And the other thing that goes along with it these two really work together? Is your F stop. In other words, this is the opening in your lens? How big of an opening is it going to be? Because the bigger the opening? The more light that's gonna come in, right? Okay, so how big of an opening? Do you need to let light in? Now, how about this? Whatever you're trying to get or get rid of say? What was it we chose? Healing wasn't healing or something. Okay. sore knee. That was it. Suppose you want to get rid of this sore knee, you want to Well, knee Alright, you've chosen your object. Now you focus upon it, you've got a clearness of exactly what it is you want to happen right? Now, once you have this clearness, then you find out well, how fast can I get rid of it? And how much light do I have to let in on? And where are you going to get the light? From the word that's right, from God's word. That's the amount of light you're going to let in. Now whatever amount of light at tape is upon a previous your previous knowledge of the word and how much you really applied it. In other words, you'll have to go to God's word and find that which will put light into that situation. And you can control from reading the words. That's your F stop. How much of the words you read? Got the picture? No, you forgot to thank, you have to push the button. You have to shoot it. In other words, what we've done now we've focused upon the object, we have a clearness about what we're going to do, right. And we've decided what length of time and what amount of light to let in. On this object, whatever it is, we're trying to take care of like our knee. Alright, now we have to do it. We have to shoot it, we have to go ahead and carry it out. In other words, you can talk about, I'm going to read the Word and let some light in on this thing. And never do it right. Why sure. Like, who was it was saying the other week, somebody was telling them in her they heard it in a sermon or something that I'm going to show you from the word I'm going to show you but he never did. You've got to get into that word and take the picture. So let's go John, chapter eight, verse 31. Then said Jesus to those Jews, which believed on him, if you continue in My word, then are you my disciples in the if you continue where? That's right, not in the television set. Don't get the word there do you are the other news media. They just don't have much of the word any of them anymore. If they ever did, I don't know. But there's not much of the word toss there. Whereas the word toss in the word in the Bible. All right, continue in my word. Jesus says then you're my disciples, you're my follower. You don't continue in the Word. You're not.
And verse 32, he shall know the What truth are you going to know the Truth by continuing in what? The word, the word by continuing in the word, you're going to know the truth. Now what good is it to know the truth? Because in that truth shall make you free. That truth shall make you free. You continue in God's word and the truth. It says, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Now you've heard this 1000 times. But do they really believe? I'm going to get into the Word sometime tonight, but I never do. Are you ever going to learn the word you ever going to hear the truth? Not unless I really get into the Word. And it's only when you have a knowledge of the truth, God's Word that it sets you free. Okay, you want to be free? You want to be have this release from your prison? Are you going to get it? By letting that light in? By continuing in His Word? Is this mean? Once a week, five minutes. The better nothing, I suppose but, man, I'd hate to see you people eat your dinners that way. Once a week for five minutes. How many Five Minute Meals once a week? For thought, verse 33. They answered him, We B of Abraham see, and we're never in bondage to any man. How says Thou, he shall be made free. We're never in bondage. They just forgot a couple times, you know, like when they were out in Pharaoh's country when they were in Babylon. A couple other times. There Geez, how can you say this to us? Verse 34, Jesus answered them. Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever commit a sin is the servant of what? That's right. So I sin. What happens? I'm in a prisoner. I'm a servant to or a slave to this thing. If I commit a sin, get it. And the servant abiertas not in the house for the freest man in the world. In his own mind, perhaps. Let's you look real close and go to a church. Here's the man who's really in bondage.
Because he's so thin conscious, is conscious about what sin he committed five minutes ago, or yesterday or last year, he's a so conscious of these sins, they keep building up within his mind. It's why 80% of the people in mental institutions are question because they haven't read completely read God's word. And they haven't continued in that word, if they did read it, because if they did, they wouldn't be there. Because if the sun shall set you free, you shall be free indeed. Now it tells you in first John how to be set free doesn't. We're gonna get into that in a little bit. Before we do, let's look at Hebrews chapter for Hebrews chapter four. Now, it's not enough just to hear the word. It's not enough just to have somebody to tell it to you or to read it yourself. But there's another very important ingredient in volved. Here, draft chapter four of Hebrews verse two. For unto us was the gospel preach, as well as unto them. But the word preach did not profit them not being mixed with what or believing it is mixed with believing in them that heard in other words, they both heard the word. But it has to be mixed with what? Believing. Unless you believe the word, you don't get the results. So when you continue in the word, if you want the sun to set you free, you have to believe that we're done. You can't just say, Oh, I heard it. I heard once. I don't know if it's true that Khrushchev memorize the four Gospels. I don't know whether it's true or not, but a lot of people memorize the Gospels, I suppose memorize a lot of things have read the Bible through cover to cover you know, but have they really believed Unless you believe it, if it's not mixed with believing, you don't have the results. You can let all that light in. On the other hand, you can read all that light and close your f star. In other words, no lights go to come in and visit it's closed. You are not believed. James one James 121 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and super fluidly of naughtiness and receive how with meekness that was the engrafted word, which is able to save or to make hold your soul receive the engrafted word how? With meekness, right. Okay, you hear the word. Now you must believe it. When you believe that you receive it with one, make sure if if you're going to receive that word and say Bologna, or I mean, you can't say Bologna, but if you needed to, but you've got to really believe it. You've got to get Meek when it comes to receiving God's Word. In other words, you cannot tell God how to run the show. You receive it with meekness. Now, once you know God's Word, you can teach it to other people with one with all boldness. But to receive God's word, you become me. That doesn't mean you have to crawl under the altar of the pulpit or under your chair or anything else that's not make this make this as simply becoming receptive to that truth, believing that's receiving it with me. But if you want to tell God how to run the show, that's not meekness. But when you let that word teach you, that's me. Alright, so you continue in God's Word, you must believe it, and receive that word with me. Now, look at First John chapter one. Many Christians as I say, become sin conscious. They become concerned about that sin they committed yesterday or five years ago. No matter where it is, they become concerned about this. They let it defeat them.
God didn't make it that way. Not to his sons. were sons of God says in First John three remember?
First John chapter one. Verse. If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not where in us That's right. And you know the truth how from the word, okay. Verse nine, If we confess our sin, If we confess our sin, He, God is faithful, and just, God is faithful and just to do us, forgive us our sins, sure, He's faithful and just to forgive us our sin? If we do, confess, and to cleanse us from all not part of it, but all what? Right now that's part of the word. God's sin, God wrote it in His Word. I didn't know. If we confess our sins, He God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all what. All right, he cleanses you from all unrighteousness when you confess your sin, let's not talk about confession on the salvation for salvation. You confess to the Lord Jesus Believe in your heart, God raised Him from the dead, but in your walk in your fellowship with God, you confess your sin. Alright, I walk along. I commit a sin today. Okay. I confess my sins to God, what happened? He gives me forget that thin and he cleanses me from all I'm not. Am I unrighteous then? That's right. I'm right, not only in my spirit, but in my walk. righteous, righteous, you know, right doing right, where you can stand approved before God without any sense of guilt or condemnation. This is righteousness. God cleanses us from all right, man, then if you have confessed your sin in your wall, your righteous as that great Yes, but about three years ago yesterday I committed a sin, which I won't mention, because it was so bad. Not even God could forgive that. The I know, I confess, but still. No, that's not what the word said is, what is the word saying? He's faithful, no matter what it is, If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just forget to confess our sins. As an Ehsaan He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all even that one I committed three years ago. Sure, that I thought was too bad. God's a loving God. And the more you read God's word, the more you realize it right. He's faithful and just forgive us. He's cleanse us from all unrighteousness Look at Psalm 103.
He's faithful and just he keeps his word. What God has promised he is not only able but willing to perform right? He's not only able, he does not only have the ability to forgive us, he's willing. And it says He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins cleanse a small enough. Psalm 103
Verse 11. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them. The ference. Hey. So as far as the heaven is high above the earth, goes up there quite a way. I think the astronauts flew proof after not proved right. Sure, it takes a week or so to get up there. That's not even the limit. So great is His mercy, godless man that's for them that period, respected as all? Verse 12. As far as the east is from the where the West? So far hath he removed our transgressions from where does the sin go east to keep going east don't we're how far as the web goes on and on and on. You can always walk with the door. The thing about you know, study geometry about a circle has no end does it goes on and on. So the East and the West. As far as that he has removed our transgressions. Now that's a pretty fair distance. Now, if God has forgiven our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, it says they're removed as far as east is from the west. Then who am I to bring up a sin that I committed three years ago that God's removed that phone? If he's forgiven us, we have absolutely no reason in the world to be conscious about right. God, If we confess our sins, He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so you confess your sin, you stand approved before God in writing. Your writing, not only in here, but also in your walk. Your walk.
No reason in the world. Released from your prison is not a prison of too many people. You think I think even at times our own people in the way ministry
get this prison really working Satan maybe throws them for a loop Someone may say well gosh I can't get forgiveness for that. Or maybe it will take me a while takes about three seconds to say Father forgiveness doesn't and it says when you confess your sin is based on just forgive yourself. Find you from all unrighteousness remove that as far as the east is from the way other places deepest the deepest feet I don't know how deep that is because nobody's ever been down at Proverbs proverbs 17.
You may become in prison with many little things. Because, again, you do not have an accurate knowledge of God's word regarding that specific subject. We're all like this. We all have certain areas. We're not too well acquainted with our way. I am, I don't know about you. You just have to get low on it. Right? Okay. Anybody here know at all? I'm not alone. But there are many little areas. And the only way you find out these areas is to go look, go 100 in God's word, look in God's word, if I know it is because the only one you continue in the word, when you believe you know the truth, the truth shall set you free of the silence made you free you shall be free indeed. Like that word in lead. But there are many things covered in the book of Proverbs, which may bring light to a particular situation. I chose a couple of these and they apply to you they may not look at chapter 17 Verse nine II that cover a transgression think of love but he that repeat as a matter separate friends you go yakking about a certain situation what happened? They did you hear this way. So to see what I want to tell you ever heard that before? When you go yakin and what are you doing? You're separating friends. Now you're doing good. Now. It's a prison. You get the picture. But yeah.
Remember Philippians will read it afterwards. Not the whole thing. Look down in verse 27. Verse 27, He that half knowledge Ferriss word? He said half knowledge spares his words. You don't a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool when he holds this piece is counted. Why are you like that?
You go yak and all the time. Even a fool he shuts up, they think he's wise and say this guy's got something on the ball. He doesn't say anything. And he that shut up his lip is a theme the man of understanding. God following you mean I've been all you know, I've been trying to really help people. And I know I've been turning them off. Maybe I just been yak and maybe I haven't been listening or maybe I've been yakking about these other things. These transgressions.
What am I going to talk about father when I seen the neck? Is this a prison? That's really in case. Look at chapter 18 Verse First thing ever heard that before? Either hear up a matter before? or answer the matter before you hear the following and same as maybe something in casing you or me? I don't know. have full knowledge of the situation before you stepped in and never heard of changing feet in your mouth. Look at chapter 12 Verse one whosoever loveth instruction love of what you love instruction, and that great to hear somebody taking it from God's word, when you hear that word or you read it. Isn't that wonderful? Doesn't it just throw your soul? Look at the rest of it. But he said, Hey, just three proof is 130. You know, people say I love instruction. But boy, if somebody ever reproved them on a point. Man, you can forget it. I'm walking out the door and you're never going to see me again. They're right. You heard that before. But it's one thing to love instruction. When you love reproof, that makes you somebody when you can take it that's that makes you something to have the ability to accept reproof, loving. And of course, the correction that goes along with it. Maybe this is another point for you. Look at Philippians chapter four. Remember I said you not only must know or you not only use these principles, on the negative side, you want to get rid of something. You also use it were on the one on the positive side, on the positive side. Okay, I realize Father, I've been yakking or I realize I've been answering questions without having full knowledge upon it. For I'm sorry, Father, that when so and so reproved me the other day that I got mad and hit him in the mouth. You know this type of thing. But then, what do you want him to play? You can't just take something out and leave an empty Canyon. Now, to get rid of darkness, how do you do? Take the darkness out and do it. You put in one light light dispels darkness. So you can always look at the negative side, you have to look at the positive. Look at Philippians chapter four. Verse six the anxious is the text, the anxious for nothing the anxious for nothing. but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding. And you have peace on the inside, as you do with the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ. But only to the point that you do put it on believe in the time my brother the main Mr. transgression, talk about it, tell the whole world about No, whatsoever things are true. whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely. Whatsoever things are of good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, wait on what you think on these things. Don't think about that. They committed yesterday or five years ago or don't think about now. Think on the good thing. there being any virtues there be any praise. You're going to talk Here's the thing not on the positive because if you want to talk about those negatives all the time, they'll just enslave they'll put you in a prison you can't get out why not yak about the good thing for the right time
plenty of good things to talk to God number one on the top and when we talk about the good thing not only going to help that's going to help you get rid of that bond or that flavored Why did you want to be tied up with why not be free? Because if the sun has made you free you shall be breathing Amen look at the license tab I'm just touching on a few things as we go through here because anytime we get a plane with the things of this world, but the word to always go to the Word, the Word will tell you how to get rid of that prison. Look at this Robin, Robin. If a man be overtaken in the fall, he was not spiritual lecture one in the spirit of if something has been a go yak and about what he did wrong no this story
helped him flittering myself don't let him drag you down the drain here if he's got to help them help him Don't let him drag you down know if you can pull him out on the other hand he could pull you down don't let them pull you down. I talked about lording it over and I'm talking about helping the only number that is like that without television do everything right
what else let's get out and help him out. But the city itself
let him that is popped in the word polling here
is calling the word employee to him or lift him that teacher in this thing all summer of money we do the same thing not money not nothing.
Money's in the physical world. But they're fully within the good things.
Maybe not. God is not for what? You got to get the opportunity we get started...