SNT-0414-Confess-Believe (Cummins)

Format: mp3
Publication Date: 8-24-1969
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
SNT-414Confess-Believing DRAFT
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: confess, word, God, believing, David, victory, confessing, life, receive, Christ
Second Samuel, Samuel, chapter 22. You know, summer school is always a tremendous time people come in. And I think each summer, I know it gets better. And this last summer was absolutely fabulous. Worse, each summer gets better, it had to be absolutely fabulous because the first one was terrific. A week has gone by now that summer school has been over. We'll be a week from tomorrow morning officially for those who were here at the Youth advance. And boy, at the time that we closed out that youth advance. And last Sunday night, as we closed out Sunday, a summer school. And the people were set on fire ready to go back into their homes, into their communities into their colleges to present the word to other people who are hungry. Boy, they it was something you just couldn't hardly tear him away from the place. And I think most of you in here have experienced that feeling one time or another at the close of summer school or camp, or some other activity, where you just hate to see it come to a close. But you've got to get out there because there are other people around the world that are hungry, right? That's right. So we've got to get out there. But capital B capital U capital T. But what happens week, two weeks, a month, three months later, is absolutely unbelievable. Many times that if you compared the same person at that time, that went out of summer school, they get on fire at summer school. They get out in their home in their community. For some reason, about a mile, I don't know what percent you'd put on it. But too many people fall by the side. Boy, they come in here and they've got the word, man, they're going back there and they're going to lick the world. You don't like the drum? You know the guy I'm talking to the guy that comes out of the corner saloon, I'm not going to do it. I don't I don't have the patent on that one. So I won't do it. But like, that's the way that God are here. I mean, they're on fire. But what happens a week a month later, somehow somebody threw some water on that fire, and they're not alive anymore. They're not really gelling with the word. They're not sharing it. They're not living it. They're not communicating it to other people. And I want to find out why I want to know why. Because this word is just so great. As you hear it Sunday night after Sunday night, and every night during the summer school except Saturday night. You know why? I don't have a patent on that one either. So I can't use it. But why, after a week, after a month? Have people just fallen aside? Why aren't they still on fire on the word like they were at the end of summer school? This is what I want to know. Because the word says so many good things about us. How can we say anything bad. But somehow we always do it. We always screw up the works right? Every time. Not every time. But so many people have done this. And I think there's a concern of most of the people in here. And I think it's a concern of the entire staff of the ministry. How can we get people to stay in on the word and stay put and don't be pushed about by every wind of doctrine, the first man that comes along and you know, blow and they fall over? You know, like a chaff a weed or something. There's no for some reason, they're not standing. And this is what I want to look into tonight. Going back to the foundational class where we started at the beginning of the summer, we learned what's available, how to receive and what to do with it after you've got it. What's available. Okay, what's available. It says in Philippians 419 That God supplies party and he know he supplies all of your needs, according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. He supplies all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Okay, stop and think what are your needs?
Did you have a need at one time to be saved. Okay, was it supplied? It wasn't? Well, lower. We better start all over. I hope so. Was it supplies? Some of you're sure. Some of you aren't. Wait sounds? Well, what's available that God will supply all of your needs? How about the need for healing? If you've got something wrong with your body, do you have a need? Is God going to supply us going back to youth advance? Some of you that were there, we have a need for time?
Sure, we need time. John, some of us spoke on that subject of time.
Where's the time gone. But we need time to get in the Word. We haven't disciplined our lives to take care of the time that we have, we've got lots of time to just use it, we've got a lot to do too. But now you've got to discipline your lives and take care of that time. But times need its supply. Many other needs, you could go through a whole list and just write them down one after the other. The second key was how to receive and how do you receive anything? You have to believe right? You've got to get rid of the fear the doubt the negative side, you've got to get on the positive side, you've got to believe and believe rightly, and what to do with it after you've got it. What you're going to do with an abundant life, after you've learned how to receive it. You're going to watch live it. Yeah, okay, let's live it. We call this living, to quote an overused, quote, cliche. Know, what's available. Well, where do you find out what's available, you go to the Word, the Word tells you what's available, how to receive you believe what you read in the Word. So the first thing we've got to do is come to the word and confess exactly what the Word says. Find out what it says in the word quit plan horse. That's, uh, you know, with basketball, and a few other things, horsing around, you know, quit whoreson confess what the Word says. You spend a lot of time maybe studying philosophy in college, you spend time studying math, to other things, you spend time just doing a lot of things outside of the word. But when it comes to the Word and the work of the ministry, time, we need time in there. So let's find out what the Word says. And then confess it, confess what the Word says. Confess with the words, if then believe what the Word says, Believe it. And finally, after you've confessed what the Word says, after you've believed what the Word says, then you live a life
of the feet a life of victory, right? You live a life of victory. You live it after that live a life of Victory.
Victory. They don't go to war to fight, you know, while they didn't use to go to war to fight to lose.
But they went for victory, didn't they? Victory. So you found out what's available, you confess what the Word says and believe what the Word says. And then live a life of victory. Don't just sit on the perimeter and watch the boats go sailing by through San Jose or any other place. Okay, or into San Francisco. Okay, well, let's look at Second Samuel chapter 22 Verse 33, the psalm here written by David. verse one says, David, speak on the Lord the words of this song in the day that the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all His enemies, and out of the hands of Saul. And this psalm is also written in the book of Psalms, Psalm 9018. It is on a great team. But look at verse 33. It says, God is my strength. The word strength is fortress. God is my fortress. What's a fortress? Well, you know what a Ford is don't just fortress, you know something that's round. It keeps the enemies out. A fortress done. doesn't keep you in it keeps the enemies out right? God is our fortress, and power. God is our fortress, and power. And he makes my way. Pretty good. No. Why did they make it? Perfect? Remember the word of God is given that the man of God may be perfect, throughly perfected unto all good words. Remember that? He says that he God make us my way. Perfect. This is David talk Old Testament. We haven't got to the New Testament. But David was talking he says God is my fortress and power. He makes my way perfect. They David is saying this, David was under what law right? David was under law, he wasn't under grace. He make us my way perfect. And verse 34, He make us my feet like hind feet. You know what a hind is though. That's one of those animals, it's, you know, like a mountain animal, they climb up the slope. And wherever the hind puts their front two feet, when she moves, she puts her back two feet in the same place. And then field around with her front feet to get a sure footing and then brings her back feet up to that place again and put their front feet up and the little you know, the offspring or the little hind
he follows in those same tracks up the mountain like that, but, but they always they always got their back feet tracking with their front feet, put it in the same, same spot. Get your you know, get your back feet tracking with your front feet. He says, God make us my feet like Heinz feet a test it out and he puts his feet in the same spot. And that's what he goes goes up the mountain that way. If he hits something loose, he puts his feet someplace else and then put his back feet in that sure spot and he doesn't have the problem. A fallen down. He always he always has a sure footage. And that's where it goes up the mouth. Makes my feet like Heinz feet gets me tracking makes a sure path. He's got the word here. And the words where you get it you confess what the Word says right? God your fortress was to David. And I'm sure we've got just as much under grace, not a little more. We're going to see it and power he make us My way is perfect. A make of my feed like Heinz Field, he gets us tracking one behind the other up the side of the slope. So we always have sure footage as we go a straight way. Never a way of doubt where you would hit loose gravel and fall. But always sure footage on the way. That's what God's word, make us my feet like hind feet and set me up on high places. He teaches my hands to war. So that a bow of steel is broken by my arms. Thou has also given me the shield of thy salvation, in thy gentleness has made me great. Thou has to enlarge my steps under me so that my feet did not slip. I have pursued my enemies and destroyed them and turn not again until I had consumed them. He's got quite a God behind him, doesn't he? This is David talking. Yeah. He's got quite a God behind him. If he took him through this, a physical battle. He delivered him out of the hands of all his enemies. Till he had consumed them, he says, verse 39, and I have consumed them and wounded them that they could not arise. Yay, they are fallen under my feet. For that, thou has girded me with strength to battle them that rose up against me. Has thou subdued under me. Man he's got quite a God working for him. To think that God would do this, all this for one made for David. Already one. Thou has also given me the next of mine enemy. Somebody is going to complain because they didn't get the whole body I suppose. The figure of speech, you know, the part use for the whole that was given me the next of my anatomies that I might destroy them that do I hate me. They looked, but there was none to say even unto the Lord. But he answered them not. Then Did I beat them as small as the dust of the earth by the beat, beat them as small as the dust of the earth, we ever seen dust I did stamp them as the mire of the street and did spread them abroad, like butter, though also has delivered me from the strivings of my people thou has helped has kept me to be head of the heathen of people which I knew not shall serve me. strangers shall submit themselves unto me. As soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me, Stranger shall fade away, but they shall be afraid, out of their close places, and so forth. Look at Hebrews chapter 11. This was little old David, a man who lived under law, but he believed God, he believed God's word. He had enemies, and God delivered him out of the hands of the enemies, and he consumed his enemies, he crushed them. Look at Hebrews chapter 11.
This is where it talks about believing of the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. By believing we understand that the worlds are framed by the word of God by believing Abel offered him under God a more excellent sacrifice, berlet believing Enoch was translated, by believing Noah, by believing Abraham and so forth and so forth. They believe God, they believe, and they receive, they walked upon the word, but you get down to verse 40. Verse 39, and these all having obtained a good report through believing, receive, not the promise, like David, back there and saying, Remember, David, what God had delivered him out of what God had done for David. Tremendous, wasn't it? But he says, They received not the promise, verse 40, God having provided some better thing, better thing. better thing for us. That they back there people like David and others, without us should not be made one. Yet David said, he makes my ways what? Perfect, but without us, could they be perfect? What does it say? received that they should that they without a should not be made? What?
Perfect. God having provided some better thing for us better. Go to First Corinthians chapter three. First Corinthians, chapter three. God has provided some better thing for us. David was under long. He had something good going for him Disney.
God delivered him out of the hands of his enemies. Made his feet like Heinz feet. Well, how about yours? Confess what the Word says. The word says jump. Then, let's get our hind feet tracking with what's the word says. Let's get make our feet. Let our feet be like hind feet. Let's get them tracking. He may get our feet like hind feet. If the word says one thing, and you say something else are you tracking?
Are you tracking? No. If the word says one thing, then you better contrast confess that one thing. So the words that says jump, then jump. Let's confess what the Word says.
Do what the Word says. Confess what the Word says to do. Can That's the word says one thing. That's what you can say. David believes he confessed what the Word says. Does God make us my feet like Heinz feet? So I certainly must confess. There was a time when David would get off the ball. But David believed God at times, and David wall. And when he believed he got results, didn't me. But it said in Hebrews, God has provided some better things for us. Well, let me ask you a question. How many of you have ground your enemies in the dust? How many of you have squished them out like mire on the ground? That word squish wasn't in there. But it's a good one. They ought to put it in there. Now well, me we don't go around squishing and dusting and the female some of you women dust I guess. But God has provided some better thing for us even better above and beyond what David had. And men like David has something better. But there's a catch to it. You've got to do what you've got to believe. Oh, but I try to believe so hard. I've tried so hard, Lord. I pray every day. Right? Open my prayers or somehow make it through the ceiling, when you've got acoustical tiles a little difficult. Praying is not believing unless you believe it when you pray believe. But I try so hard to believe how many times you've heard this. And I just can't. How many times have you said this get on? Right? Well quit confessing and confess what the Word says word says do what? Really, and quit saying I hope or I try. Say I believe and keep confessing what the Word says. If you don't confess it, what's going to happen? Doubt, skepticism, fear, unbelief. But when you confess what the Word says that booklet in the back the Synchronize confession, just the book, the read along this line, confessing what the words that says getting your feet, your hind feet to track with your front feet, like the feet of a hind tracking with what the Word says. Confess what the Word says. Confess it. Quit trying so hard. Quit. Well, I tried to believe Lord, you know, you get all uptight, I like that expression. uptight about the thing. I'm trying to believe you know, and inside your muscles are just, you know, twisting. Like in the commercials. They're getting tighter and tighter. You're trying too hard. All the word says do what they really believe. It's real simple, just believe. Believe. But No buts about just believe. Confess what the Word says. That's a good starter. If you keep confessing it, and don't confess the negatives all the time what's going to happen? You're going to believe. But if you say I'm trying, you're already putting a doubt in there. And it says, Whosoever says on this mountain Be thou removed be cast in the sea and shall not doubt shall have you know and believe he shall have whatever reset. But if doubt enters in what happened? Nothing. But when you believe something happens while reverse happens when you doubt. reverse of what you want. You've got to get out of the place of trying so doggone hard. The new word. Quit trying so hard. But just confess with the Word says. The word says Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. Okay, confess it, and then start doing the word says By his stripes you are healed. Okay, by stripes you were healed.
By stripes you were healed. Does it say try to be healed by a stripes? You want to try, get yourself a lawyer, go to court and get a good trial lawyer. Either your sense of humor or mine is way off back. But you've got to confess what the Word says. You've got to confess spiritual things. You've got to stop confessing what the world says to confess.
Stop and think about there's a lot in there. What do you confess from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed, you got to carry a tape recorder on every time your mouth moves, it automatically turns on, you know, and find out some of the things you confess. But stop confessing these negative things. Every negative you put in your mind, you've got to put two pauses in to counteract that dumb thing. Was just like eating non natural foods. Right grace, you put one thing in, you got to put 10 Other things in to get the right stuff, or I'll just quit eaten. But this is that's really when you put the negatives in what happens? Negative results. If you start confessing positives, confessing what the Word says what happens? Positive results, right? Why sure? Where are we confessing spiritual things and not carnal things? Look at first Corinthians chapter three, verse one, and I brother and could not speak unto you, as unto spiritual, that as under carnal, even unto babes in Christ. Even under babes in Christ, I couldn't speak to a spiritual people, he says, but I had to speak to you as carnal people. Why? Because they hadn't arrived at the point in their life where they were confessing spiritual things. They were confessing the carnal things. Their minds were filled, loaded with these kernel things. And he had to meet them on that level. He couldn't get around to the deep things. Look at the next verse. I have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you were not able to bear it. Neither yet now, are you able, by Paul must been working on these birds a long time. And all he's been feeding the milk all along? Well, let me ask you, how many of you have feed your kids milk to their 20 years old?
Well, I mean, just milk. Nobody good. Somebody might think you're screwy if you did. But spiritually. Many times, people are this way, you have to feed a mill till they're 20 years old. And some never get off milk diet.
As I look around, I think most of you people, many of you people, I'll put it this way have been here a long, long time. And you wouldn't come back here Sunday night after Sunday night and year after year, if there wasn't something here to stand on. Many of you come from distances, long distances. And if you keep confessing what the Word says it grows and you grow, you get off of the milk stage. But how about some of those people that never got off the milk stage? about some of those people that come in, they drink a little milk? Then they go on a diet for 10 years? Well, that's what they do. Don't think they go on a spiritual diet. When it comes to the word they, you know, sit through two weeks of the class and they take a vacation. They've had enough. You know the word boy, they're just religious now, after two weeks of the class boy that makes you something darn right. It does. But what are you going to do two months from now? Are you going to stand on it? Are you going to stay on the mill? Are you going to drop the mill? die of hunger? That's what happens. But they were on milk. He says I fed you milk. Not with me. Or Heather to you. We're not able to bear it. Neither yet now are you able? Something's wrong. Somehow people have got to get off of milk and get on the meat. They've got to start confessing what the Word says and renewing their minds on put what the Word says on appear. confess the Word, a negative comes up. Get rid of it, throw it out, kick it, give it the boot, and put the word on appear.
what the Word says about that same situation. Some guy comes along all my backaches. Well, by stripes, you were healed by stripes you were healed. There's to confess that twice.
But you've got to believe, and if you confess along enough what's going to happen? It's gonna sink in between the rocks up there. What happened? Well look at Romans chapter eight. You've got to confess spiritual things, confess what the Word says Romans chapter eight.
Romans eight verse 31? What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us, right?
Sure, some of you know that's my favorite. God before us who can be against them? Hey, what does the word say? If God before us, who can be against this? If that's what the Word says?
What does it say? He make of your feet like hind feet? Well, let's get track. And what is the word say? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Confess what the Word says. The word doesn't say, Well, I went to school today. Or I went to my job.
And I met somebody there in class in the classroom or if it's at the job, somebody next to me was working. And boy, he just started cutting me down left and right. So that was a no good think and a few other things. You know? What is the word thing If God be for us who can be against this? Okay, well tell him to go dunk his head in the bucket of you know, molten lead.
Well look at Colossians chapter one. First 3013, who the father has delivered us, from the power of darkness, and have translated us or given US citizenship into the kingdom of his dear son, and home we have redemption through his blood, even though remission should be remission of sin. While do you have this? This is another thing you have. More sure that's what the Word says. Now you just confess it. This is something you had already confessed.
Look at first, John. Wait a minute. First, John, Chapter Three chapter three, verse two. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, what are your guns of God? And it doesn't song so far. No one
wants, you know, sons of God was power. Those of you that weren't at camp last couple years. Love it now are the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is. Confess what the Word says. Look at chapter four, verse four, era of God, little children, and have overcome them. Because greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the walk the world. Confess what the Word says. Greater is He that they knew that he's confessing, Third John to beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest was, prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers. Confess what the Word says. First Peter 224 Who his own self bear our sin in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin, should live unto righteousness confess with the word said, turn to, well, maybe we better finish the verse by His stripes we want or he'll now do what? Confess what the Word says. By his stripes we were he'll confess what the Word says. Look at Mark chapter 11. You remember this from heart? Imagine whosoever shall say unto this mountain Be thou remove, and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt but shall believe in his heart, he shall have whatsoever he says. You don't doubt that's on the negative. That's confessing a negative when you doubt. But when you confess what the Word says, You believe, and to receive anything from God, you have to do what you have to believe. Whether it's healing, whether it's financial needs, whether it's physical needs, whether it's just being attuned to God, you've got to believe you've got to believe. Look at Matthew chapter nine. Remember, there are only four groups of people that do not have to believe someone that's dead, cannot believe, to be raised against someone that's devil possessed, cannot believe someone that's unconscious cannot believe. And a small child until he has reached a certain age in his life, cannot believe that the parent has to believe for him. But there's someone else has to do the believing. These are the only four times when the person receiving the help does not have to believe otherwise you must believe and to get to the point that you can believe. You've got to confess what the Word says, and keep confessing it until that just becomes a part of your reality. You've got to confess what the Word says. And then believe it. Look at Matthew chapter nine. While he spake these things unto them, behold their cave, verse 18, Natalia, verse 18, while he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler and worshipped him saying, My daughter is even now dead, because the daughter believes them. No, somebody else had to, but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. And Jesus arose and followed him, and so did his disciples. And behold, a woman which was diseased, with an issue of blood. 12 years, came behind him, and touched the hem of His garment. For she said, within herself, if I may, but touches garment, I shall behold, let me ask you something that the garment maker Hall, what made her whole. Look at the next verse, Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, daughter may have good comfort, my garment has made you whole.
No, by what I believing, right, believing, I believing faith has made the hole, not the garment. The garment may have helped her to confess the positive to believe. But it was her believing that made her home. And the woman was made whole from that out. And when Jesus came into the rulers house and saw the minstrels and the people making noise, he said unto them, Give place for the maid is not dead, but sleeping. And they laughed him to scorn. Could you imagine going into a house someplace to minister to somebody? The father is as you come in the minister, the daughter, you arrive at the home, and you tell people God shows you, you know? She does. She's not dead. She's just sleeping. And a bunch of people standing in the room there. Laugh on that. How much ability to believe do you think you'd have a sentiment he walked in He said unto them, well, and they laughed him the score in verse 25, when the people were put forth, he went in and took her by the hand and the main road. And the fame here of when abroad into all the land, and when Jesus departed thence to blind men followed him crying and saying, thou Son of David, have mercy on before we go ahead here, this, this girl was sleeping, she was unconscious, so she could not do what Jesus had to believe at this time. Unless the father had been in the room, then he would have had to believe that's why put them out. They didn't believe. Verse, are we 27 When Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him crying and saying, The thou son of David, have mercy on him when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him and Jesus said unto them, believe he that I am able to do this. They said, him, yay, Lord, then touch T their eyes saying, according to your believing the anon to you, in their eyes were open. But they had to do what? Really, and this is the key, you confess what the Word says. The word says something, you confess it, confess the Word, don't confess what the neighbors say, or anybody else. But confess what the Word says. Then believe what the Word says, You've got to believe it. You confess it, confess it and confess it, you're going to believe it. This is a key to believing is confessing what the Word says? When you confess what the Word says, pretty soon it's going to soak into your mind and you're going to believe. But you see, then it all goes back again, like to the foundational class, the integrity of the word is the word that important in your life. To many people, it is not. In this ministry, we stake our lives on the integrity of the word, right? Because the word stands above all else, Psalm 138, to God has said His Word where, above all his name, that's right. So this word stands no matter what. And if we confess what that word says, pretty soon, it's gonna soon it's got to soak in. But if you confess what one philosopher said, You confess what one politician said, You confess what somebody else said, confess where the theologian says, You confess what all these people says, say, pretty soon, you've confess a bunch of confusion. And that's what you have. You have doubt, negatives, things just running off. No results in your life. But when you confess what the Word says, And the word is life, right, the word is life. The hold forth the word of life, it says, it's a word of life. It helps people give people live.
Well, if you're sick all your life do you have life? Not really, why not confess what the Word says and confess what the Word says,
confess the positive. Go back to verse 22. But Jesus turned him about in when he saw her the woman this woman had been fallen, who had touched his garden, he said, daughter be of good comfort, by believing has made the one whole has made the what whole by believing has made the hole now you know there's different kinds of healing. A person can be restored to health, meaning at one time he had health and he came back into it right. The word hole is always used of people who are not only physically help, but their entire being. Their mind is set free everything they pick up on the whole being. They become not only whole physically, in other words, like the guy with a withered hand, dresser for sure he had a whole hand but it said he was made whole. His entire being was made whole the same way. This woman had an issue of butter she was healed physically, but she was also healed so to speak. In every capacity, she was made whole and entire being she was made perfectly home. Mentally, physically every she was made whole She had everything. He's freely given us all things, right. So she was made whole. I want to tell you something about that word whole. You've confessed what the words. You keep confessing what the Word says. You believe what the Word says. And what happened? You're going to get results right? Now you can walk out of here any other place he owned. Perfect healing in your body. But how about your mind? This has got to be made whole to. In other words, not just physical healing, but your entire being. Are you free? Do you feel like you're free? Do you feel on top of the heap? Are you sold out on God's we're ready to think. Then if you are if you're made whole, you can do this third thing I mentioned, you walk for in victory, walk fourth in victory, not in defeat. But in victory. You confess what the Word says believe what the Word says. And walk forth in victory in victory. Like you just wanted your made hold perfectly hold. John 1010 be remember what it says. I'm coming that you might have life and have it more abundantly, walking forth in victory. Well, you're not going to have victory unless you have a more than abundant life right?
What's the second Corinthians once chapter two? Second Corinthians chapter two verse 14, this thing great. Verse 14, now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph. Hey, if you've got triumph, you got a motorcycle right? You've also got victory when you've got trying you triumphing crime.
Triumph. If you triumph, you have victory. triumph in crime. Thanks to God as always causes us to triumph in Christ, and make it manifest the savour of his knowledge, by us, by us. We are the cause by up by us. We do it in every place. In other words, I want to tell you something. If you believe confess what the Word says and believe it and live a victorious life
it's not just coming in, but it's going out. And as it goes out, it comes in and it comes in and goes out. It goes out it comes in. But it keeps going.
If you help someone with the word, and that person is blessed by it, you are doubly blessed. If that person that you helped help someone else, then he is doubly blessed by that person with triple blesses you. It always comes back this way. The more people you're blessed, the more people they blast, the more the more blessing you get. It always comes back. You give out love you get what back. They give out love, they give out love. They get love back love comes back to you
by the favour of his knowledge by us in every place. So it's not just coming in, but it's going out coming in and going out and coming in this continual involvement with the word and victory in your life, not only in your life, it has to work on other people to work on you. Right? Look at verse 17. But we are not as many it's crept the Word of God, but as it sincerity, but as of God in the sight of God, Piquionne Christ. You got to live a victorious life. You don't crap the Word of God. You confess what the Word says. We believe it. And now to live a life of victory. His faith in Christ in Christ, the words which he gives this, pick the words which the Holy Spirit teaches. Look at chapter three verse five
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves. Sounds pretty bad because we're not sufficient. Oh man, man, so insufficient, insufficient. But the way back to Word with the big job. Our sufficiency is a foo. bar that just bought Drupal, Drupal, Drupal that doesn't. Sure, sufficiency has never felt we're not provisional, but our sufficiency is of who? The God and that makes us sufficient. sufficient to work and live a victorious life when you believe in facet, believe it and live a victorious life. Look at chapter five. Therefore, verse 17, If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold, all things have become new. And all things are of God, who have reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of law. Okay, he's not only given you a reconcile, but he's given you the ministry of what the company received. Please give, it works in every field. You give love to get back, God ratify you. He's given you the ministry of reconciliation help others and they can help others. And the more you work, the more blessed to get to have this but make the Home Ministry the best thing of God or sufficiency is to it that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto itself not including their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation he gave you the tools to do now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by a free prayer us in Christ did He reconciled to God and of course you know what an impact right and a master is one they represent somebody okay being the President I think probably being Ambassador can be through all the pieces right. Oh, God called me to not do it never liked the victory firsthand be strong, any of the power of the mind the armor, the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. But we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the ruling dark against search for witnesses from on top,
they remember Second Samuel the record is second thing remember David? What did he say about Godhead? Was it fortress God was his power God admitted feet like delivery model rabbit made his enemies member popular girls this is a real powder room are with helping Avon is helping David and the physical battle that God provided some better things for flesh and blood. First, got the call Oh that he may be able to expand into Hebrew and having Baden Baden Dan having like the righteousness rest of the year I made the right decision but your job was evening what are the top the top three baby the power.