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SNT 0292 Exegeomai, ‘Declare’

Exegeomai, ‘Declare’

December 13, 1964

Explains, through a word study, that God wants us to fully know
and understand His Word.
SNT – 292

3rdburglar by Wordburglar
Topic: DRAFT, great spoil, words were found, Jeremiah 15:16, God, rejoicing, declare, ministered, sanctified, received, believed, written
Format: audio
Publication Date: 12/13/64

Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.

By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.

In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.

Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.

Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).

Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.

Psa 119:161, 162; Jer 15:16; Joh 5:39; 1Th 2:13

1Th 2:13; Joh 17:8, 14

Joh 17:17; 1:18; Luk 24:35; Act 10:8, 15:12, 14; 21:19


Excerpt from 292 Exegeomai, "Declare" 12/13/64

You know, I taught people across the country that the Bible was never written for the agnostic, the infidel, or the skeptic. The Bible was never written for the man who was a metallurgist or a philosopher or a historian. Basically, the Bible was written for men and women who want to know how to believe, with a capital H a capital O and a capital W. Men and women who want to know HOW to believe God. HOW to tap the resources for the more abundant life. HOW to manifest an abundance of the power of God in this life. In other words, the Bible was written for men and women who want to know the score: Who want to know the answers.

Now if the person thinks he’s smarter than God, then the Bible has no answer. But I have yet to meet a man who knows even 1-1/100th of the greatness that which is written in the Word. Whether they are men in science or philosophy or history or mathematics or wherever they are. This is why I be…I know, that the Bible was written for men and women who want to believe: Who want to know the answers.

In Psalm 119, in verse 161, you know this is a Psalm nobody ever reads. But every word…in every word in this Psalm that has 176 verses, every, every verse in this Psalm has the greatness of the Word in it. It is either commandment, statute, law, always the Word. And in the 161st verse we read the following, “Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.” The more you work the Word of God, the more you study it, the more you learn to utilize the principles that are set forth in the Word of God, the more you stand at awe at the Word.

It’s the man who doesn’t know anything about the Word, or he may think he knows it, but basically he doesn’t know it, that’s the man who never stands in awe of the Word. We were talking at a Bible…at one of our Bible group meeting a week ago Thursday, or two weeks ago, the Thursday night before I open the class in Columbus. And we went through Ephesians 1, again, and I’ve gone through Ephesians so much that it isn’t even funny. Because to me it’s one of the great scriptures, and so whenever the opportunity presents itself, and I feel inclined so, and there are people that have that particular joy and love also, we go through Ephesians again. And I remember this night distinctly, because Karen was there, and of course Karen’s major interest is in the field of English; writing, grammar, and so forth and so on. And therefore he…she listening to the reading of this as we were going along, she intimated how tremendous this first chapter, this first chapter of Ephesians was, because of the literary beauty of it. Is this right? We were talking about the literary beauty. I have never looked at Ephesians, chapter one, from the literary beauty point, but she had. And therefore this thing just thrilled her. She noticed it. There is was. Just tremendous, the literary beauty. And I suppose that if you worked it from a literary point of view that you find the Bible just as fascinating. I’ve known for many years that the greatest short story that has ever been written is written in the Bible. Short story like the Prodigal Son. You know the Good Samaritan story. The greatest short stories are in the Word.

This man says that even though people may have persecuted him that he constantly stood in awe of the Word. And the more you study the Word, the more of this Word dwells within you, the more in awe you stand of the greatness of that wonderful Work.

In the 162nd verse, he says, “I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.” One who findeth great spoil. If you found a million dollars laying outside of the Bible center, and it belong to you and you found it, would you rejoice? He says, he rejoiced at the Word like one who findeth great spoil. Not a little bit. But great spoil. And some of us are just like that. Right? We rejoice at the Word, whenever the Word lives for us. Whenever we learn anything new in the Word or God gives us greater light on the Word. It, we, we rejoice at, at, at, it like someone finding great spoil. We got all real tickled on the inside. We get real blessed. But why not? Because it’s God’s Word to teach us how to manifest the more abundant life. How to walk with an effervescent and with a glow, with a radiance that very few people see today.

Look at Jeremiah. Jeremiah, chapter 15. Jeremiah 15, verse 16. “Thy words were found.” Jeremiah 15:16. This record here in Jeremiah is regarding…

Scriptures referenced:
Psalm 119:161, 162
Jeremiah 15:16
John 5:39
1 Thessalonians 2:13
John 17:8, 14
John 17:17; 1:18
Luke 24:35
Acts 10:8, 15:12, 14; 21:19



SNT-0292-Exegeomai-Declare DRAFT

SUMMARY KEYWORDS: God, rejoicing, declare, ministered, sanctified, received, believed, written

You know, I've taught people across the country that the Bible was never written for the agnostic, the infidel, or the skeptic. The Bible was never written for the man who was a metallurgist, or a philosopher or historian. Basically, the Bible was written for men and women who want to know how to believe with a capital H, a capital O and A capital W. Men and women who want to know how to believe God, how to tap three sources for the more abundant life, how to manifest and abundance of the power of God in this life. In other words, the Bible was written for men and women who want to know the score, who want to know the answers. Now, if a person thinks he's smarter than God, then the Bible has no LENSER. But I've yet to meet a man who knows even 1/100 of the greatness of Doc which is written in the word whether they're men in in science or philosophy, or history or mathematics or wherever they are. This is why I know that the Bible was written for men and women who want to believe, who want to know the answers. In Psalm 119. In verse 161, you know, this is a psalm, nobody ever reads. But every word in every word in this psalm that has 176, verses, every every verse, in this psalm has the greatness of the word in it. It's either commandment, statue law, always the word. And in the 100, and 61st verse, we read the following. princes have persecuted me without a cause. But my heart standard was in awe of thy word. The more you work, the word of God, the more you study it, the more you learn to utilize the principles that are set forth in the Word of God, the more you stand at all, at the word, it's the man who doesn't know anything about the word, or he may think he knows it. But basically, he doesn't know it. That's the man who never stands in all of the word. We were talking at a Bible by one of our Bible group meetings to the week ago, Thursday, or two weeks ago, the Thursday night before I opened the class in Columbus. And we went through Ephesians one again, and I've gone through Ephesians so much that it isn't even funny, because to me, it's one of the great scriptures. And so whenever the opportunity presents itself, and I feel inclined, so in there people that have that particular joy and love also, we go through defeasance again, and I remember this night distinctly because Karen was there. And of course, Karen's major interest is in the field of English, writing, grammar, so forth and so on. And therefore, he or she listening to the reading of this, as we were going along, she intimated how tremendous this first chapter, this first chapter of Ephesians was, because of the literary beauty of it, it is this right, we were talking about the literary beauty. I had never looked at Ephesians chapter one, from the literary beauty point. But she had, and therefore this thing just thrilled her, she noticed that there it was just tremendous, the literary beauty. And I suppose if you're working from a literary point of view, you find the Bible just as fascinating. I've known for many years that the greatest short story that has ever been written is written in the Bible. Short story like the prodigal son, you know, the Good Samaritan story. The greatest short stories are in the Word. This man says that, even though people may have persecuted him, that he constantly stood in awe of the Word, and the more you study the word the more of this word dwells within you, the more in awe you stand of the greatness of that wonderful word. In the 100 and 62nd Verse, he says, I rejoice at Taiwan word as one that find that great luck, spoil one who find a great spoil. If you found a million dollars laying outside of the Bible's center, and it belongs to you and you found it with your rejoice. He says he rejoiced at the word, like one who find it great spoil not a little bit but great spoil. And some of us are just like that, right? We rejoice at the word whenever the word lives for us. Whenever we learn anything new in the word or God gives us greater light on the word, it we rejoice at it like someone finding great spoil, we get all real tickled on the inside we get real blessed. Well, why not? Because it's God's word to teach us how to manifest a more abundant life how to walk with an effervescence than with a glow, with a radiance that very few people see today. Live it Jeremiah. Jeremiah, chapter 50. Jeremiah 15 Verse 69, thy words were one found Jeremiah 1516. This record here in Jeremiah is regarding the discovery of the Word of God after the captivity, they had been lost. As a matter of fact, when they came back, they found it under the debris in the temple, they never even bothered to get the word out of the temple, they just dumped everything on top of it was all under the debris of the junk, you know, the dust, the plaster and everything else, he found ordered. And when the words were found, and I did what, he ate them, he ate them. That doesn't mean he literally chewed on them. But he, he worked this word, he ate them. He was in the Word, the Word was within him within him, he just kept working the words and thy word, Thy Word, the Word of God was under me the joy, joy and what? Rejoicing of mine heart. I say to people all the time is the word that joy and rejoicing of your heart. It isn't, how can it be, unless you've been taught the word right? If you have not been taught the Word, then the word can't be the joy and rejoicing of your heart. The Saturday Evening Post may be life look or time or Gunsmoke, or Lord's wealth. These may be the joy and rejoicing of your heart, maybe a beer party be the joy and rejoicing of your heart. Why? Because you don't know the words. How, how can people? How can people have the word the joy and rejoicing of their heart if they don't know it? Right? Why sure if he found the word he hated. And after he ate, it became a part of him and the Word, the Word, the Word was the joy and rejoicing of his heart. He didn't say that the influential politicians were the joy and rejoicing of his heart, or that the money man, or that the Bible center was the joy and rejoicing of this art. Nope. The word, the word. And ladies, gentlemen, that's exactly where we have to stay. This is where the way ministry has to stay put you man, you women, VP, all the rest of us, no matter how wonderfully God blesses us and the material things we have, like a beautiful building like this and all the rest of stuff. This is wonderful. But the key must be that we work the word and that the word here is the joy and rejoicing of our hearts, right? Sure, it's right. Listen, but there's Emi 60 was on me that join retirement, for I am called by Dynein. Oh, Lord, God of God. That's right. Look at John, the Gospel of John, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. John, chapter five. Verse, something 3939 searched a lot. Scriptures. Sure. If you want to know God's will, you're going to search what the Scriptures for the scriptures are His Word. And if you want to know God's word, ya know God's will, you must work God's word. And without knowing the word, you'll never know the will of God. So he said, search the Scriptures. He doesn't say Go search a theologian, or a commentary. The Sunday School quarterly, you must become so versatile you and I, that we can take this word of God without any commentary, and search the Scriptures. Because as long as as long as you have to read VPS books, to understand the word, the word has not become the joy and rejoicing of your heart. Not is that you shouldn't read these books. That's all right. But they can't be The joy and rejoicing of your heart you may be thankful for like someone like Bernita prayed tonight. Wonderful, tremendous prayer, how she thanked God for my publications. And for the letters that came in the orders that come in for the book. That's wonderful. But people, we've got to get deeper than this. You've got to learn to handle the word for yourself, then the word becomes the joy and rejoicing of your heart. Right? Therefore, you search the Scriptures, search the Scriptures. That's the Reader's Digest and all that stuff. For them, you think you have one? Eternal life? And they are they the scriptures, they are they which what testify of Me, you're not going to have a testimony of Jesus and what he is and what God is, except we go to the Word. Here in the word we find the testimony of the every other place we look, it'll always be degrading. Here it is what the Word says. It really is. Look at first decile of First Thessalonians chapter two, verse 13. I've read it to many of you in the classes through the years for this cause also, thankfully, what? without ceasing, because when he received what he received, the word of God, which you heard of us, if you don't have this marked in your Bible, what word would you think the word received would be subjective reception or lumbar knowing it? No, I wouldn't think it'd be long Bonnell? No, it is that coal mine. It is that coal mine? Why sure, look at it, For this cause also a thank we God without ceasing, because when he received the word of God, which he heard a lot of us see, they read that, Phil, they had they were not born again before, now they get the word of God. And when he preaches the word of God to them, they received, they like all my subjective reception that's going on. I thought about the monolith, if you didn't know was that it was effective working awesome. Believe me. Well okay, it's still DECO, my subjective reception. But just take a look at that verse For this cause Thankfully, God without ceasing. This what Paul was thanking God for, because when he received what, the word of God, which he heard of us, he received it not as the word of luck, man, but as it is in truth, the word of God. Now, that's tremendous, because when Paul spoke it, did it look like Paul? did he act like Paul? Did he use the vocabulary of Paul was the idiosyncrasy where the idiosyncrasies of Paul manifested. And yet, when he spoke, the words he spoke, they were Paul's words. But they were his vocabulary, but they were the Word of God. And how tremendous this thing is, because he thanked God, that when they received the word, they received it not as the word of man. But as it was in truth, the word of God, which he factually work at also, in you that one, Billy, you see if it's the word of God, if it's the word of God, but if I do not believe it, will it work effectively for me? But is it still God's word? Sure. It is still God's word, even if I never believed that it's still God's word. And this scripture, that greatness of it thrills me because it is God's Word that work effectually God's word, not man had the Had this been the word of Paul, would it have worked effectively? No. If it's the word of VP, it will not work effectively. But if it's the word of God, and VP has vocabulary, and when people believe it, will it work effectively? Sure. reflect your heart. You know, when we ministered the Holy Spirit to him the other night, I said to them, open your mouth wide and breathe it. I explained it all to him, you know, like I did all the rest of you taking classes. There's always got to be somebody who doesn't do it. Because this scripture always comes to me. Because they do not believe that I literally mean what I say and say what I mean. And I've watched this down through the years, I've proven it over and over, if they do not literally do what I say to them to do, when I minister the power of the Holy Spirit, they do not receive. So I said to the little gal sitting up there ice, called her by name, I said, Look, I said, open your mouth. So finally she got it opened, halfway. Shouldn't be hard for a woman to do. The story. I like you girls, so don't matter. But then, do you remember how I still had to walk over there to where I walked over laid my hands on her by revelation? And I told her what God said. And I forget the details. I don't even remember who was helping her who was her spiritual buddy. But boy, I know. I know that when, for instance, you give a man the word, if it's the word of God, and if he thinks that's VP, he won't get anything. But if it's the word of God, and he effectually believes it's the word of God he'll get it. But if it was being P and he believed that he still would one get it, you see that oh boy got everything to win and nothing to lose. When a person says to you like we ministered to people here who have needs we ministered to if the person ministering to you says that you got bad Tom says. And you know they're not bad. I'll bet they are. But for you, because you wouldn't believe it. You won't get to deliver. Minister to one Friday night, thinking of all these tremendous things. She was in the class for two weeks just waiting for me finally to get to this. Thursday night after the class she said you haven't forgotten about me heavier. She came to me two weeks ago and said to want to be ministered to and I said just bide your time. I knew she couldn't die while the class was on with she had 60 years before her she could have died all that time she couldn't die during the two weeks like class why you wanna die for sure. All the time before and all the time after died as to why die those two weeks, that's for sure. And some time during the week, I forget when Wednesday or so perhaps one evening they were there early. They were always early, those two ladies. And I walked up to her chair just before I started teaching and I said How has your back been? Well, she says nothing the matter with my back. It's my knees and legs deserve some guidance. I came up taught the class and then Friday evening as I ministered to her, then I brought her up. And I made her track the line and remember how she admitted that she had always been so sore back in here? Well, only thing God showed me that the reason her knees were so bad and her rest of her legs all cut off was because she was all cut off back in here, right in here. Dark blue with what Dr. Bell from a medical point of view he did. He knew what I was talking about. He described it I forget what he called it. I didn't know anything about the medical but I knew that the gal has a trouble here. Now that she believed that that life when I first talked to her that it was the Word of God instead of the word of VP. She thought that he was wrong. Wasn't the at all what's the word gone? And had she believed that it was God's word? You know what she could have done for herself that night, walked right out deliver. I thank my God. He said that genuine received the words you didn't receive it as the word of man. But as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually work within those who do what? Believe. That's why ladies and gentlemen, the vessel is not so important. But what is spoken is that which is important. In other words, BP isn't important. I'm only important To the end that the word limited me when the word comes back squats important. If I said it or Johnny jump upset, it wouldn't make any difference or snowball Pete. If it's the not the person, it's the word that that person speaks. And this word work at effectually in those who believe, and people, many times you find the word of God in the most unlikely places and in the most unlikely people. You just wouldn't expect it to find at some time, that the place that you find, but that's why God set his word so beautifully. That it's the word that magnifies, it's the word that glistens, it's the word that shines it's the word that glue sure bless your heart. Look at John 17 The Gospel


Matthew, Mark Luke, John John 17 Very saved my John 17 eight oh, I mean x No wonder it doesn't work. Gotta read the sorry. God said I'm looking for the words there it is John 74 I have given unto them the words which thou art and they have received and have known surely that I came out from the end they have believed that that it's me, fail and Salma Hayek How do you know? Because you got the note written? Context wise how would you know fail? Words


Alright, very simple answer. Could they be born again at this time? Therefore they couldn't receive it spiritually. It has to be long. Huh? Boy, there it is. We sure know. Unless it would be prophecy. And it could happen. But I see how to get real sharp on this stuff. When you read that stuff your snatch it up like this because you see it just as plain as day. Four I've given unto them the words with Jawa gave us me Jesus is talking about his Heavenly Father. God gave the word to Jesus. And Jesus handed it out to the boys passed it on right. Jesus didn't speak his own opinion. Jesus spoke the words which the Father gave Him. Not his own ideas. Remember, he said, always do the Father's will. The father and I r1 He always spoke that which the Father and they have received Lombardo they couldn't receive spiritually and be born again. And have known surely that I came out from the and they have believed that Tao did send me that wonderful verse 14 By the way, the word the word words, WRI DS a verse eight is the word Rhema. Meaning savings, savings. While in verse 14 of this chapter, I have given them divert. Locus is the word here I've given them di word. This word of God, W O rd, the word of God is made up of the sayings, the words, WR DS. Therefore, when he said I am given them by word, it's like a inclusive statement. While in verse eight, he said, I have given them the words the saying separately, you follow? The lesser is included in the greater when it says he has given them by word. The word is made up of words, sayings. Look at verse 17. Sanctify them through thy one. Thy Word is what? How could they be sanctified? When you were sanctified according to Corinthians, redeem made righteous justified sang To figure five and so forth, could they be sanctified the same way here? No. Because yours is a spiritual sanctification on the inside. Theirs was simply a setting apart a sanctification by setting apart because they were obedient to the law that was given. And yet you see, that was the word at that time. The word was love God love your neighbor. so and so. And as this law was believed,


they were sanctified the reset upon in John one we had a great time on John one last Sunday night.


We really gelled this one least in part verse 18, John one, verse 18. No man had seen God at any time, the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared him, declared Him. The word declare, means to make no it is the word of God, which interprets the Father and His will to us and for us. This word declare is the Greek word hexagon, mine. Spelled E X E Gom. Ai, I got to some time get my pointer upperside run this thing over and right on the board. We got a board behind me. And I haven't figured out how to jump up there and not over. We got to get one of these pointers, you know, we got a pointer when we wrote it. Good.


We'll bring her up here this week. And I pushed all right, I like E X eg OMA IXX a goldmine. The word exago Mine comes from two words the one means x ek and hegemonic which means out to leave out. To act means out. Hex Head. Ganai means lead out to lead people out into a great knowledge is the meaning of the word declare here in 80. He has declared him Jesus Christ has declared has led people out into a knowledge of God the Father, that's what the meaning of that word is there.


This word hexaco. Mine is the same word from which we get the word exegesis E X, E. G. E. S is exegesis is a course in every theological school. biblical exegesis. They call it where they exegete the Word of God, they lead us out into exposed to the Word of God. It's a course in exegesis, they get the name exegesis from hexaco Mine spelled the same way. He X eg exa Jesus spelled e x e g, e si es X ago Maya spelled e x eg om something AI, X agama. Sure. Now, this leading out to lead out to declare is used only a few times in the word and we'll just quickly handle these to give you a little more light in this field. In Luke 24, keep your finger in John Well, you don't have to John 118 you've marked right. That's where the word hexa go my appears the Luke look 2435 And they told what things were done in the way and how he was known of them. He was known of them in the breaking bread known of them. This is Texaco mine, to make known k n o w n, that's the word. kN o w n in verse 35, is the same word as hexaco. Mike does volunteer habits in these Greek on this side margin. Anybody else volunteers? He should have this in his margin. He just says while the word known kn o w n a verse 35, if he's carrying his Greek words through, which he usually does, he should have the word Exigo mind there, when you look it up, but it has to be x 10 this is its third use, they just only use six seven times X 10 Verse eight, and when he declared all these things under them, he sent them the one job but this was Cornelius, you know, talking to the boys and telling them what to do when you cleared all these things he made no, when he had made known all these things to the man that he sent them to Joplin into X 15 is the next reference where it's used. X 15. Verse 12, then all the multitude kept silence then gave audience to Barnabas and Paul declaring, making no hex ago mind what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them. Notice miracles wonders wrought by who? them the word know is again the word declare hexaco. My is the base root of it. In verse 14, Simeon have declared how God at the first visit the Gentiles to take out of them, people for his name, the word declare they're in 14 is the same word hexagon. And in chapter 21 of x verse 19, and when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry, by his ministry, he declared, I feel I missed one because if I remember correctly, that one V where he was known in the breaking of bread worries that loop isn't it? I read it just forget that so quickly. I was trying to think my must have been while we reading the diaper, trying to think what was matter with me. But that's Luke 24. Well, I guess we read it that enough to know subjectively, through the default here that's most often, you know, the G and o s t h


spell it for me. No. Eg? No. And the other one was just the plane going osko. Now which one was going on? That's in reference to turn back? Known? Got to know. That's the word according to the critical


I don't know you must slip the barrier. Yeah. But I'm surprised he doesn't have it because he usually traces these Greek words through. Yeah, very good. But anyways, they these use sages class, the reason I gave them to you is because they're the only places in the Bible where this word is used. I've given you all tonight, that that's the only place to choose. And it always means to make known to declare to bring something out into the open where it's fully understood. It is not, it is not just to lead a person a little ways you. You could be led a little way and have a little knowledge of the word right. But he made no, the father fully, completely. That's what the word hexaco My mean. It means to fully declare itself a one time deal to the anger. It's fully made known. This is a juicy and the point that I wanted to make I hope I didn't lose myself in the shuffle. Is that the Word of God is for those who do up, Billy, and it's so designed that God wants people to so know his word that you know it completely. To fully understand to be fully led into a knowledge of God's word now wonderful. In other words, just God never meant for people to be stupid on the word. He expected us to know what he wanted us to know it and he's made all the reservations for us to note all we need to do is study show ourselves approved. Work booty not to be ashamed, passionate pieces, not rightly dividing. Anyone any questions on any of this? You see, you can take almost anything in the word. Like we started working with psalms tonight and Jeremiah. And John, you can take up scriptures like this and just begin to pattern the things and you see how beautiful that word is. And it always blesses people's hearts to see the greatness of God's Word. There's one thing you can't ever do and that is lift the Word of God too high. That you can't do that word of God. He says he said he's said above his name. Of all of God's works. The greatness of these greatest of these works is His Word.