SNT 0264 Four Crucified
Four Crucified January 14,1968
The accuracy concerning the number of people crucified with Jesus.
SNT – 264

Format: audio
Publication Date: 01-14-1968
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
2Pe 1:20; Joh 3:16; Gen 1:1
Mat 27:35-38
Mat 27:44; Luk 23:32, 33, 39
Joh 19:1
Joh 19:32, 33
Joh 19:32, 33; 2Sa 24:
1Ch 21:5
Remarks about E.W. Bullinger
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: crucified, Jesus, God, cross, Matthew, robbers, scripture, discrepancy, sat
We're in the midst of this class on power for abundant living. And of course, as you know, during the week, it's closed, except to the members of the class and the grads of the class. But on Sunday night, all the activities at the way headquarters are always open to our people. And therefore, on Sunday night, it makes it possible for me to teach some things that have guards will be a blessing to all of our people here, but also to the radio audience. Because I know how difficult it is to be a part of a radio audience and then just hear somebody teach something, let's say, that has not been systematically brought along in their conscious understanding, they might find it a little difficult to understand. So for a moment tonight, before we get into the word I'd like to reiterate with the class and our people here in the auditorium, as well as our radio audience, the foundation of the interpretation of the word of God, at which we have arrived in our class. Up here on the chart, you'll see the words All scripture interprets itself. And this is one of the verses that we went through the other night very carefully. No, this first that no prophecy, not one word of that which is foretold or foretold in the Word of God is of any private interpretation. If I dare not interpreted, nor you nor anybody else, you have only two alternatives left. Number one, either there is no interpretation possible. And if there is no interpretation possible, then the Word of God could never be known, or it must interpret itself. And we believe that the word of God interprets itself, that it's of no private interpretation, not one word, not one verse, is of any private interpretation that the whole Bible interprets itself, from Genesis chapter one all the way through Revelation, chapter 22, verse 21, the last verse, and this it does, the Scripture interprets itself in the ways in which I showed you then the other night, in the verse, or in the context, or it's been used before, in those three major ways. Then I said, Now we're going to start dealing with number one. And we'll stay with number one, until we have mastered all the different segments and facets that are involved. All scripture interprets itself. First of all, in the verse, right where it is written, I said to you, perhaps 85%, or more of the Word of God interprets itself, right where it's written, all you need to do is read it. For instance, John 316, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Is there one word in there that you do not understand? Can't be fully understand? God, you understand? So you understand the love? Do you understand the understand? That interprets itself, right where it is written? You do not need a commentary. You do not need to read anything else. But that verse interprets itself right where it's written. For instance, the first verse in Genesis, in the beginning, God created what? The heavens and the earth, where does it interpret itself? Right, where it's written in the verse, right where it's written, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age or the world, where does it interpret itself? Right where it's written, I will never leave the nor forsake the where does it interpret itself? Right where it's written many times in my classes I have in the past, had everybody to take their Bibles, hold it in their hand, flip the book open to any page in the Bible and put their finger down on a particular verse. And I've had people to read their verses in class. And almost every one of them interprets itself, right, Richard? This is something you could not do if the principle wasn't right.
But the principle being accurate, that it interprets itself, right where it's written, so much of it, you can pretty well take every opportunity you have in a group and get them to do the same thing. And if they'll just put their finger down on a verse and read, I will venture to say 85 to 90% of the time that they read, it will interpret itself right where it is written, then the reason that people have not understood Word of God is simply because they haven't read it. They haven't read it in the sense that I refer to reading, reading, in my capacity of thinking means understand what you read and read what is written, that it doesn't go clean, clear through when you read it, that your logic here and you retain it, that you read throughly instead of thoroughly for instance, then when it says all you read all and do not omit the word. So, one of the greatest principles in the way in which the Bible interprets itself in the verses simply right where it is written, right where it is written. Secondly, it interprets itself in the verse, But the word or the words that are used in one verse must be interpreted according to their biblical use, ah, not current. Words change semantically, they change a meaning of a word, five, 600 years ago, has changed. Words, even in the in our language today that we used six months ago, have many times changed. Because semantically words change. Now, in the Bible, this is true. And since we use the King James Version exclusively in our research ministry, and teaching here to our classes publicly, this dates back many, many years. And so the meaning of some of these words has changed. And I have taken you through a number of them to show you that you must always go back to get the biblical usage of the word, right in the verse. That was the third, the second major step that I have taught you. Now. I want to get to this point where it's scripture buildup. I'm going to take this other point later. But I want to show you how the Scripture buildup in the verse interprets itself, right where it's written in the verse, But the Scripture as it builds up, has to fit with every verse. You see one place a scripture one verses scripture, let's say in Matthew may not tell all that there is to know regarding that particular subject, because the identical subject is taken up in Mark, for instance. But what Mark says, regarding the identical subject, would not dare to contradict what Matthew said. But Mark could add something right. He could build up the Scripture, he could build more to the scripture in Mark than what we had in Matthew. On the other hand, Luke could still go further, he could build up some more, provided it's regarding the identical situation or time or matter that they're discussing. This is what I mean by Scripture buildup, where one scripture talking about an identical situation or subject doesn't say at all, but another scripture, add something to it, and another one may add something to it. So when you're dealing with that, you've got to be sure that you cover every scripture relating to that particular subject, all the way through before you make your decision. This is why far as I'm concerned, there isn't a harmony of the Gospels that's worth buying. Any harmony of the gospel that I've ever seen, has always been inaccurate. And never right. Because they have taken things which are simply similar, and have said that they're identical.
And boy, you can flip on this one. Things which are similar are not identical. If they're identical, they're identical. If they're only similar, they're never identical. If you've got two men coming out of a certain city, you are blind in one gospel, and then you have in another gospel, one man coming out of the same city, who is blind. If you say that those two are identical. You have made the statement. You do the proving those How can you prove that one is identical with two and two is identical with one but that's exactly whatever your harmony of the gospel is done. You have suffered tonight. Some of you, I suppose you did. Let's say you had lunch or dinner Anyways, today, maybe some of you people have to leave pretty early to get up here. You don't get supper. Maybe in the on Sunday evening, some of you good people, but I'm not seeing anybody around here starving yet. You know where they got so emaciated I couldn't see them. But well, suppose you had bologna tonight for supper. And suppose you had bologna last night for supper? Would those two sufferers be identical? She says, Yes, I knew you'd jump yourself on this and hang yourself on it. How in the world? Can you eat the same bologna tonight you ate last night? Isn't it wonderful how I hang you people in this class one time after another. Just get through telling you if it's identical, it's what identical. If it's only similar, it's never identical. If you have bologna for supper last night and bologna tonight, it's not identical. It's similar, but not identical. You could write a harmony of the Gospels. Now this is wonderful. I'm glad you make these mistakes here because I love you. But boy, I don't want you to make them out in the public. I don't want you to make them out in your particular Sunday school classes and churches when you're teaching God's word, then you better be right here you can make all the mistakes and or, but not out there. And but this is a great truth. Because one place in Scripture may not tell all but only that which is needed at that place. But there can be no conflict between that which precedes and that which phones if it's regarding the identical situation. And so when I work the Word of God and study it, I look for the place that time the identical situations, if they're identical, I watch them. I'm going to make the statement now that will take some of you a foot and a half higher. I would say 90% of what you believe in your Christian life. Regarding the last week of Jesus life here upon Earth is erroneous. You cannot back it up from the accuracy of God's Word. You can back it up from your theology and from your past teaching. But you cannot back it up from the integrity and accuracy of God's Word. For instance, where was the last supper held? Not in Jerusalem if the Bible's right had to be in the city of Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Watch that, Bethany. Why did Jesus ascend from after the resurrection, not from the east side of them a west side of the Mount of Olives, where they've got his footprint in a stone. The Bible says He ascended from Bethany, how many suppers were there, then last week of his life, this concordance to say there were one I remember correctly, the Bible says there, two or three, I forget. All of these things have just shocked me through the years as I've worked it, because they were similar. But everybody thought of them in terms of being identical. Now, it's a remarkable thing to me, that that which they call similar, which is similar, they call identical, and the things that are identical, they call similar.
And we have this wonderful opportunity or problem in the vernacular of our time, this wonderful problem when it comes to the others who were crucified with Jesus. Our teaching has been that when Jesus Christ was crucified, there were two crucified with the one on the right hand and the other were on the left. Now we're going to read the Word of God tonight. And before I finished this teaching session, I expect every man and woman in this class to be able to handle this scripture with the same grip mercy with which I handle it, because it's so simple, and it's so easy, and it deals with always now remember how the Scripture interprets itself in the verse without any private interpretation, and it's on the subject of the truth of Scripture buildup. We go to Matthew, Gospel of Matthew Matthew chapter 27. Matthew 27 Verse 35, and they crucified him, do you have it? Matthew 2735. And they crucified Him, and part of his garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the province. They parted my garments among them. And upon my bestir did they cast lots, verse 36. And sitting down, they watched Him, Jesus their verse 37, and set up over his head, is accurate sation written, this is Jesus, the King of the Jews, verse 38, then then t h e n. Anybody in class doesn't understand that word, then means time, right? It's time then. Then, after they had done all of that, then where are there two, what? Thieves crucified with you. One on the right hand, and another on the left. This is the record. This is the record in the Gospel of Matthew. And here we have it on the chart board. they crucify Jesus. This is just what we read. What else did they do? They parted his luck, garments. Then it says they sat down. They sat down. It's not in here. Want to be? They sat down. They crucified Jesus. They parted His garments. Does that take time? For sure. All of those things take time. They parted His garments. They sat down, the soldiers sat down. You think they sat down like this? No, no, no, no, no, no. They're Eastern people are like Indians from India. They're like people from down below the Mason Dixon Line. When they sit, they sit us fail. They even use that terminology. Wouldn't you like to come and sit a spell ever you heard that used? I have many times they would like to sit us down? Well, they sat down. They sat down and watched how long? I don't know. But I know it takes time to sit down. Right? You Bet Your Life. They sat down. Then what else did they do? They got they put above his head. The accusation. Rip, Jesus, the King of the Jews. They had to go back to Jerusalem. There were at least four different things but about the cross at different times. I think all of us were taught there was just one. But this one was specifically why he was accused of his accusation. It says so this is what they went back to Jerusalem to get. It goes from the other gospels they had already put something else up first and take it down. Now they went back and got some other things changed around and they brought back his accusation to get this if they had to get an artist to letter at forum, take a little more time. Time that's what I want you to see time involved in the Word of God. They brought him forth his accusation written this is Jesus king of the Jews and they put that above his head. Then then then, what did they bring? Then were their two thieves. Two thieves. The the text is Roberts. They are called duo less time duo less tie duo is two less tie is the plural for Roberts, to Roberts. To Robert, there is legally a tremendous difference between a thief and a robber. That's why King James should have translated this Roberts instead of thieves. But in most people's mind, there is not much different but there's a lot of difference, legally a lot of difference. As a matter of fact, there are differences in Greek words to between a thief and a robber. This happens to be a robber. They crucified to Roberts who robbers a thief may just steal butter Robert comes in forcefully and takes his gun and pokes it in your back that legally The difference. That's why in a court of law, if judgment is passed out accurately, the robbers always received the severe punishment than the thief. Because these robbers are malicious, the difference. So they crucified two Roberts, one on the right hand and the other were on the left. That's the record here in the Gospel of Matthew. Now in verse 44, of this same chapter is one verse you must now remember that the thieves also the thieves, the robbers to do our last day, how many? To floral, it's in the plural, also, which were crucified with Him, cast the same into his teeth. In other words, both of the robbers, both of the robbers reviled him. Both of them, both of the robbers rebounded, remember that that stuff will get along all right. Both of the robbers reviled him both up. Can you remember that? All right. Now put this in your mind and stay put on the accuracy of God's Word. Matthew says, they crucified Jesus, they parted his garments, they sat down and watched him while they put up over his head, his accusation, then then then then after that, they crucified one, two robbers, one on the right hand and the other on the lot. Lamp. And when the these men were reviling, Jesus, saved, you saved your others. Why don't you come off the cross and save yourself? Both of the Lord Roberts cast the same into Jesus's teeth. That's all there is in the Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Mark has no basic contract, contributing information. It's basically the same as Matthew. And so to conserve time, we'll go to Luke. Luke chapter 23. Luke 23 Verse 32. And there were also two other what? malefactors lead with him, lead with him, lead, walk with Him with Jesus to malefactors lead with him to be put to death. Verse 33. And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him, him who? Jesus and the what? malefactors, both of them, one on the right hand, as the other were on the left. This is the record in the Gospel of Luke, when they lead Jesus out. When they let Jesus out, they lead with him. They did not bring them two hours later, or three hours or one hour, but when they let Jesus out, they lead to lot malefactors. The word for malefactors is dual core guy to malefactors entirely different words than like Matthew uses. Matthew uses do or less die to Roberts. These were to malefactors. They were led with him and they were crucified at the time Jesus Christ was crucified. That's what Luke says.
Every Robert every Robert is a malefactor. But not every malefactor is a Robert A malefactor is an evil doer. If a man would murder someone, would he be a malefactor? Yes, but he would not be a lot, Robert. This is why every robber is a malefactor. But not every malefactor is a lot. Robert, every rapper is an evil doer, but not every evil doer is a Robert. Now, Matthew told us there were two Roberts. Luke told us there were two malefactors and there is a verse 39 of Luke his tremendous read it. And one of the malefactors. One of the malefactors, which were hanged with Jesus it is railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ Saved by itself, and us. One of the malefactors. How many of the robbers Test the same into his teeth. Both two. But how many of the malefactors? Only one? Only one? Now, ladies and gentlemen, there's nobody in my class that can count to four. Right? When you add the two of Matthew, the two Roberts, and you add the two of Luke, the malefactors, how many do you have? For? plain as the nose on my face? Then why do we always believe there were two. Because this is what we were taught. And every picture you have ever seen, shows Jesus on the center cross and one on the right, and one on the left. So you've got all of these wrong things in your mind. Then when you read the Word of God, you can't see the word of God for Dusko. You got all that confusion, dust up here? Not accumulation of all the years of air. Up here, you read the word, but you're really don't read it. It goes plein clear through knowledge. Somebody wants to argue the point. Let them do the probing. Let them do the probing. How can you make these two fellas that were robbers? Well go back and take the two that were malefactors. Because they there they lead with Jesus, they're crucified. Now they're going to bring him three hours later, they've never been there before. How you're going to explain that? How are you going to explain? When both of the robbers reviled him, but only one of the one malefactors? Don't you see why the young people today just don't believe the Word of God. And any of the adults that do are stupid do the gods though teaching has not been the right of God. It's been their private interpretation. They've been sincere enough. But sincerity is no guarantee for truth, the word of God stands as truth. No longer the young people don't want to believe anything we'd say in the church can blame them, because we hash it to pieces. And if you can't get an educated man to count to four, after four years of college and three years of seminary, I don't think you can trust him with the eternal verities of your soul and your eternal destiny. My banker does better than that, I hope or the way ministry, I hope he better be able to count to four and get our stuff up right. But you see, somehow or other it never makes any difference what the Bible says to most people. It only makes what the difference? What does our particular group propagate? What does it stand for? And if we propagated Eric's like one man said to me once, what difference does it make whether the Bible fits this or not? He said, This is what we've taught. This is what our people believe. This is what we're going to teach. And I said, Well, you're stoked, but supplements. Try. Man in every other field, you couldn't do it. In in, for instance, in manufacturing. They have a method, they want to manufacture something and this is a method whereby it's done. But you say no, that can't quite be right. I want to go back to the way we did it 100 years ago.
You know how long you'd hold your job. You'd never get one to begin with. But somehow or other when it comes to God's word. A man can read you the accuracy of God's Word. And somebody always has to rise up and say so on. Matthew said there were two robbers crucified after they had crucified Jesus putted his diamond sat down a while, put his accusation over his head. Then the two Roberts was were crucified. But Luke informs us that the two malefactors were left with him and crucified with him at the time Jesus Christ was crucified. In the Gospel of John I have a Greek book please. You know which one, the Gospel of John Chapter 19. John 19 Verse 80, Where first word is where? Where they want? Where is where time or place class. Place that try, then is time. Always watch time watch place, watch every detail where they crucified Him. Jesus Christ. And to what? Others with him on either side. How many? One? One it says, We're reading King James. On either side what? One and Jesus in the lot? Myths. That's why it says does knit. All right? Do you understand the word where you understand the word they understand that word crucified? You understand a word to him? To others. I am all of the every word in there you understand? Does it interpret itself? Right? Rhetoric? Yes. But when you read it, it does not because of what Scripture what build up? Because this contradicts what Matthew and Luke have put together, right? And if it's God's word, if cannot want, contradict, it contradicts it. Because from Matthew and from Luke, we learned there were two Roberts and two malefactors and two plus two make how many? Four. But here in the Gospel of John, it says, where they crucified him and two others with him on either side on any one, and one plus one may comedy, two. Now we have a contradiction. We have a contradiction between this verse 18, of the Gospel of John Chapter 19. And the records in Matthew and Luke, you have a contradiction. If it's God's word, Genet contradict itself. No, if there is a contradiction, it has to be either in my understanding of what is written. Do I understand what's written in verse 18? Very definitely every word, then there's only one other place it can be. And that is in translation, translate, either in my understanding or in translation, the only two places that could possibly be. Now, first of all, I should have known the truth of this verse, years before I ever knew it. Because there is a word in the King James here that really sets this thing in order, and makes you question it's the word myths in verse 80. Where the crucified Him, and to Edwin and on either side, one, and Jesus in the lot missed Jesus in the midst. I should have seen it from that word myths. But you know, my eyes too, were blinded by my farmer pictures. And by for my farm by my former thinking, I didn't see that word mixed. Look, if you have just two, one here, one here and one here and one in the middle. Can this be in the middle? No, no. It the word is between two grammatically you college grads.
According to grammar, if there is something in between two, the word has to be between two. But in the midst of 468 10. You Bet Your Life I'm right. After can't afford to be wrong, fall word follow pieces. They use the word missed in verse 18. Do you see it? If if it weren't true, what they have written on either side one than it would have to say and Jesus in between. That's right. But it doesn't. It says Jesus in the midst. Jesus in the midst remark. You know what they did? They did the same thing here in John 1980. That was done in Luke 24. Remember, I showed you the commons and a few other things. By 16 111 When the King James translation came out, the occidental world or the Western world as we know it, had been influenced by the teaching that had come out of Rome. And the Roman teaching was that when Jesus Christ was crucified, there were only two crucified were the one on the right, and the other on the left. And so when they got to translating, when the King James man got the translating the word of God, even though they translated Matthew, according to the text, Mark, according to the text, Luke, according to the text, when they got to John, they had the location, the place where, and they had in one verse, the whole thing wrapped up, so to speak. And so they knew that there were only two they had this in their mind. They forgot what they had translated in Matthew and Luke, apparently. So what did they do? They did the one unforgiveable thing. They added the word one in their translation, they added the word one. I have here, this Greek New Testament that Reverend Wade brought to me a moment ago. This is the Stephens text from which the King James was translated. This is the text the King James men, the translators had before them, when they translated, the King James Version, as we have. I'm going to mark a word in here for you in a moment, then I'm going to give it to the members of the class that you can just pass it along through the class. It is what this particular edition and the reason this is why we use them in our classes. It's called an interlinear. It has the Greek words, and then it has English words underneath the Greek. Where there is no Greek word. And the translators added one, they put that word in a bracket, or in brackets. And you'll see, when I pass this Stevens text among you, that they use the word one in English, but that there is a big blank space above it, because there was never any Greek word for it. Not whatsoever, I got to find a pin. This is in John 1918. It's on this side of the page on the right side of the page. I've marked it with things marked with a and you'll be able to see Miss Christie, would you like to come up here and get it and show it to Mrs. John and started on down the way, you'll see that? They the word one is not in any critical Greek texts at all. So you go back to John 1918, and your King James, read it without the word one, where they crucified him and two other with him on either one side. And Jesus in the Lord. Does it fit like a hand in a glove? That's exactly what the Word says. In that interlinear that you have there join at the words underneath. I think it says two here and two there. To here or on either side, something the interlinear. Ah, that's it now wonderful. Two others on this side and two over there. And two plus two again, make how many? Four?
Not something. Now, it's remarkable that all the theologians remember John 1918. But they forget all the records and Matthew and I will go through that same rigamarole at Holy Week this year. Unless the teaching of the way ministry grows faster than it ever has before. We're still gonna propagate the same errors. First of all, because the men who are teaching and preaching do not know it accurately. And secondly, some of them who do know it accurately haven't got the boldness or the courage to say it. But class, a word of God says we stand approved before God if we do one thing, what rightly divide the word of truth. I haven't read one thing into the word. I haven't changed anything. I haven't deleted anything. I've just read the word with you. That's all. Now John has a remarkable truth in it which Since basically the same thing that I've just shown you from this critical Greek text circulating around, and that is in verse 32, turned to verse 32. Of this particular same chapter there then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first and the other, which was crucified. What? With him? Now, this is what we have been taught to believe, look here, here is one, one cross, here's another cross. This is the center cross. Now, the soldiers came and break the legs of the first knot, they're gonna break this fellow's legs and have the other they're gonna have to pass the center cross, right? You know how they did that? They must have blindfolded those soldiers or something. Break watch. The only way if they're only two crucified with Jesus, look, I break this father's legs. Now to get over there. I've got to go past the center cross on which Jesus is crucified. So I break this fellow's like, I run over here. Most guys run over breakfast fellows legs, and I come back and say, My goodness, he's dead already. That something great logic. Yeah, that's just boy, you got to be way out to fit that one. We like the kids, you know, that are way out. Are we in? I don't know we're taking a trip. Some of our people have been taking trips for centuries when it comes to Word of God. They just haven't recognized. That's right. I look at the logic from the way the accuracy the word puts it. When it comes to the others, crucified with Jesus, here's the center or the middle cross. And when they lead Jesus out to be crucified, they lead with them. Wha hoo, wah. malefactors. That's what the M stands for, on the chart. malefactors. They lead these two Woody. And they crucified one on the right hand and the other were on the left. Both of the malefactors revolving? No, only what? Why did the other malefactor, he said barely I say under the today, comma, shall be remember with me and they parted His garments. They sat down, they got his accusation, put it over his cross. And by the way, the cross was nothing but a tree, putting the ground like that. It didn't have any arms like this on it. That's a real late addition. That's why the scripture says He was crucified on a tree. And that teaching that Jesus, his father was a carpenter. Jesus made his own crossing Nazareth, they brought it over to Jerusalem. And you know, you've got to get all the pictures, the seven stages of the cross, that cross on his back, you know, he starts out he starts carrying this thing. It gets down to stage one and he falls gets down. I think stage four and Veronica likes his brow with her handkerchief and still has the impression of his face in it after 2000 years.
Man Oh, man. I tell you tradition is stronger than truth for most people. And it isn't prediction that sets men and women free. The Bible says it's true. That sets men and women free try. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ never touched the wooden cross until they nailed Him to it. Till they nailed Him to it. He never carried it. He never bought it on till they nailed Him to it. The cross Jesus born for you and for me was our sins, a lot of other things that he bought for us. But the wooden one he never touched it. Simon Cerini carried it to Calgary for him. And then they put her in the ground like this. Just a tree palm a tree. Not a big long thing. Beautiful. It's a funny thing. I call some of those crosses are you got to have a ladder to crawl up to get them off. I've seen these pictures, you know, I wonder how they accomplished all those marvelous things but somehow or other, the ingenious human mind the most illogical thing you've ever seen. You can do a lot of things. But the Bible says He was crucified on a tree and this is how they crucified him. Put that tree into the ground that tree stump in the ground. And then it'd be cute out a little bit where their feet would could be put like that. They drove nails through both feet, and they take their hands and cross them like this and drive a nail through these hands, but the nails through the hands would not hold a man on the cross. Because with the excruciating pain and suffering, they pull on that they pull them out of their hands. So they tied rope around their midriff, tie them to the cross. That's how Jesus Christ was crucified on a tree. They nailed Him to that cross. One of the malefactors reviled him, the other one said, Lord, remember me when that comes to the kingdom. Then they parted His garments that cost lots, they sat down a while, they went back and got another superscription to put up above the cross, and that superscription was his accusation, then then then then they brought two robberies, and they crucified one on the right hand and the other were about three o'clock in the afternoon, our time, reckoning our time. The soldiers came, they break the legs of the first, who was a Robert and other what other who was, who was crucified with Jesus, who the others, the other who was crucified, who was the other who was crucified when Jesus was crucified. The malefactors, they let them well, you talk about accuracy of the word when you think of that one. Man, that's fabulous. They break the legs of the first and of the other. And the word other is the word aulos. There are two words in the Greek for other, one is the word head todos or have told us which means other of the same time. The other word is the word aulos. Which means other other different time hearing John 1932. They break the leg to the first and of the lot. Other the word other is the word alos other have a different time. This one was the first one was a rubber. The second one was a one malefactor of another kind. He was not a robber. He was a malefactor. But when they came to Jesus, they found that he was what dad already that's what verse 33 says, And when they haven't come is the critical Greek text. But when they having come to Jesus and saw that he was dead already, they break not his legs, not tremendous. See how logical the Word of God is? And how perfectly fit. Sure I know this man on the center cross is the important one. What when you come and say, Well, what difference does it make? If there were two? Or if there were four, it makes all the difference between truth and error.
If there were only two the Word of God and say there were only two, and then it would mean what it says. It says what it means. But when it says four, it means what it says it says what it means it means up for then why don't you say for?
Wonderful praise, Lord. This is why I'd say to my people always in the class. I hear that critics of the way ministry in the teaching ministry always come up and say, Well, so what? That that just takes all the dandruff off of my hair that I have a head that I haven't gone. You know why? Because in every other realm of life, you're more honest than not. When you go to the bank with a check for $100 and they the cashier gives you 50 You don't go home and say well, so a lot doesn't make any difference. You go to the bank with a check for 100 And you know what money you want 100 If a man is sitting in a capsule for outer space, and the great scientists of our country have worked for years to get that oh boy up there. You don't hear those scientists say so lot. It doesn't make any difference which button we push, do you why? Because you know it makes all the difference in the world. Whether they throw the right button or whether they don't whether they move the right dials at the right place at the right time. Because a man Light, the success of the whole program is dependent upon doing that which is right. Well, what about the success of the whole program or God's redemption for mankind? Ladies and gentlemen, we either come back to God's word, and that the ineffable greatness of that word live within us, or we've got nothing to share in Christianity, not one thing. Because if you're going to lie, and lie like a trooper, and stay outside of the home, if you're going to be a Christian, stand on the truth of God's word, and say dot set below. And the Word of God teaches that when Jesus Christ was crucified, when it was all wrapped up, there were four, crucified with two on each side, and Jesus the limits. And when the soldiers came, they break the legs of the first and of the other. Next in line, but having come to Jesus, they found they did not have to break his leg. Why? Because he gave up his life. They didn't kill him. All the rest of these men, all the rest of these men died because they killed them. Jesus Christ did not get killed. The Word of God says He laid down His life, He gave it up. He gave it up. Boy, that's fabulous. He just gave it up. The scripture says Jesus Christ became sin, He who knew no sin, so that you and I could become the righteousness of God. And it was God who so loved, that He gave His only begotten Son. And it was Jesus Christ, who so loved you and me, that when they hang him on that cross, and all was finished, he had said, My God, My God, for this purpose was I kept for this purpose was I spared it was all finished. It says he gave up his life. Why? Because your redemption in mind was accomplished. They didn't take his life away from me. It was His love, His love that gave it he could have walked off of that cross. You Bet Your Life and 1000 legions of angels at his command. But he hanged on that crossed and step kept hanging on that cross, because he loved God loved me, then the least you and I can do is be accurate on God's Word. We go off the air here, I think in about 30 seconds, right? Good. Night, good. We're going off the good glad to know we're going off. Got a wonderful group of engineers and clocks and everything else. Tell me these things. You people have been listening this broadcast tonight. Again, it's the greatness of God's Word. You love God, you want to love God, you got to come the way of God's word. Like when you play football, you play football, according to football rule books. When we're going to be Christians and walk on the greatness of God's Word. We got to know God's word. How in the world can you know God's word if you don't take the time to study? I know of nothing better than this class on power for abundant living to help people understand God's word. And I bless you this week. And may you have a wonderful week all week, and made the presence of God be a bounding within your life. I don't see how there can be any question about it. I hand you the critical Greek texts from which the King James was made me read it yourself out of the word wanting John, right. The only question you got is with the integrity of God's Word. Does it mean what it says? And does it say what it means?
That's all? The only question you can have. Not a question of the the text me wrong. It's a question of do are we willing to change our erroneous theology?
Are we willing to believe God's word are we going to continue to believe and argue out with ourselves, what we know is wrong to begin with? I am absolutely convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that most of the people living who call themselves Christians never want to be sure that they're right on the accuracy of God's word. They don't want to learn that I'm sure they'll talk about it. But they don't want to. They want to stay in that little bird cage. That's all on my people that get into these classes, surely have come further than this. And once they see how the word interprets itself in the verse, right, which written or in the light of its biblical usage, or they see the truth of the Scripture build up. All you can do is sit back there at all and say, Well, praise the Lord. Thank God that is worth it. Thank God that not even a little child, eat to Earth area, that it fits like a hand in a glove, and that it works with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision. That's all. You just sit back there. You say Well, thank God. It just worked. While these are tremendous things people remember a couple of years ago. Thank you, Dorothy. Well, you can stay there. I don't know, you might sit back there. I never know what
I want to go back here. Now since we're off the air. Got that finger pretty good. I figured I could teach the four crucified in an hour's time tonight. Pretty, pretty good. I want to go back to this point number three. The reason I didn't handle this point when we started tonight is because I couldn't have utilized the time that was necessary, or broadcast. And I'd have been into the for crucified and I left the audience hang hanging, some water hanging. But so I now want to go back here and I want to pick up some of these truths. The word Jews must be in harmony with the verse as well as all the Scripture relating to the subject, this one here and number D, are real closely aligned. A number of years ago, at the time of the last census of the United States. They ran in one of our major periodicals and article about the discrepancy that would occur in the census of the United States. The man who was the head of the taking of the census, here in our country, wrote the article. And he said, we should not be too seriously alarmed at the discrepancy in the census. Because even the Bible had a discrepancy in the census that God had his people to take. Now, as long as he said, that there might be a discrepancy and would be a discrepancy in the census of the United States. That didn't bother me much. Well, when he said there was a discrepancy in the Bible, he stepped out of his category in the mind. There can be no discrepancy. I have to prove his point. That there was a discrepancy in the Bible. It took two verses out of the Old Testament. And those two, I want to go at this time. Second Samuel--first, second, same. Chapter 24 Verse nine and Joab. You have it. Second Samuel, chapter 24, verse nine, and Joab gave up the sum of the number of the people onto the king. And there were in Israel 800,000
What's the next word? Second Samuel, chapter 24. I hope verse nine in the New Testament Alright, are you with me now? And there we're in Israel 800,000 block. Now your man that drew the one sword and the men of Judah worth 500,000 men putting the two together. What do you have? 1,000,300 thumbs. Right. Okay, I hope you figure it out. Now, remember what we read here. Keep your finger in it. This is the record one verse he gave and to prove the air. He went to First Chronicles chapter 21. That's 1,300,000 Isn't it from? Second same. Alright. Now in First Chronicles, Chapter 21. Verse five. And Joanne. Same fella. Same report. Got it? Same time, same out the same time. That's what I want you to see. It's an identical situation.
And Joanne gave the sum of the number of people onto David who was the king and all they have Israel worth 1000 1000 and 100,000 men that drew what Right. How many million 100,000 is Uh huh. And Judah was 403 score. What's the score? 2060 and Cam 70,000 men that drew this over. So they're all together. You have how many how much is 1000 1000 100,000? Man that Broussard oh okay, I'll write it down here. million 100,000 That's what we had last night we had we had a million how many in the wall ago? 300. Okay, now then, to this hearing Chronicle's there, we must add 403 score and 10,000 more right? What's up? 470,000? So add that together, we've got 1,000,500. And what 70,000. And in Samuel, we had 1,300,000. Right? So the census was off. To 302 130,000 was gonna make the difference. You weren't seven? Sure. How many were we all? Okay. We're sure off aren't. Yeah, I'm 8% 16%. Well, that gave him a good comfort, because he said the American census wouldn't be off over 10% or the Bible being off 16% That gave him a good Christian to rest on.
Well, anyways, these are the versions. So I wrote him a letter. And I said, Sir, there is no discrepancy here. The discrepancy is not in the Word of God, it's in your understanding.
And your reading? Because in Samuel, he missed one word. That word in Second Samuel 24. Nine is the word, the Al IANT. What does it mean? Able bodied. While in Chronicles, he gives a number of older men of Israel and Judah. But Samuel gives only the values are able bodied, once you see it. Is there a discrepancy? No, it was where Fred that's it. But you see, everybody's been taught that there are discrepancies in the Bible. Everybody says there that, you know, it was written by human beings, human beings make mistakes. That's what they say. And therefore, don't be alarmed that the Bible has a discrepancy. We're going to have one in the census of the United States, because we as human beings are going to take it. But they were human beings, the Bible, they made a mistake, taking the census, no mistake in it. It's just that he did not read what was written. This is why the words used must be in harmony with the verse, as well as all the Scripture relating to that subject. Now here, we're talking about men of Israel. That's the sentence. One place he gives us all the men of Israel, the four apps and the five F, six F's and all the rest of them, whatever is involved. At the other place, he gives us, those who pass the exam. Those who were able to flip arms carry this wheel. That's okay. Now that's how simple it is that Socrates, I wrote him has never heard from me. But you see, it's difficult for men to change their mind even though they see it plainly. It's like my teaching you the four crucified with Jesus tonight. Tonight. It's simple to us, because all I did was read it and explain it as we go along. Real simple tonight. Read it for yourself tomorrow and see if it's that simple. It's that Simple tomorrow, you understand what I taught tonight. But until you work it and make it a party yourself so that you can explain it to yourself and understand. You're never able to teach anybody. This is how the Scripture interprets itself in the verse, right where it's written, the word or the words must be interpreted according to biblical use, ah, and this point C, and the Scripture build up, which I handled with the four groups of five, but geez, I have one more that I'll handle with the class tomorrow night. And that's a tremendous Eric King James, that says, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken? I'll handle that tomorrow night. First thing in our session. But this is all I'm going to teach tonight. You have any questions you want to ask on the fourth crucified with Jesus or this thing here from Samuel on Chronicles.
I don't see how you could have after I get through teaching. No, it's in Britain, northern coast of Britain as a monument that has five crosses center cross and two on each side.
I would like to say that I'm convinced that the old Roman Catholic Church years ago understood the same thing. Because every Roman Catholic altar has five crosses in the slab, the altar slab, in every Roman Catholic Church has five crosses. To this day. They don't understand why. But I'll bet this dates all the way back to the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior. And the first century church I've carried on there is a cross in the slab of the altar in every Roman Catholic Church in each corner, and one the second one can sometimes take a look for mark the only one the picture of this elbow that you're talking about is in the back of volunteers Bible volunteer has a picture of these five crosses that you're talking about on the in the northern coasts of Britain. Britain, Britain, and write us English. What says northern part of France? I didn't teach this on film that I didn't make. Good then I didn't then I'm not wrong. And have to edit it out. That's right. Okay. You've got it there. You got a volunteer? Pass it around. The rest of people enjoy. I used to have one that I bring into class. It disappeared. I cut I cut up one of bonders bibles to get it sinful what to say in small print under it or on top of it. But what about this Britain the business or what he's told me? Shoot I thought that was a hot dog. Oh, yeah. remarkable thing about a lot of this stuff is I'd work these things out on the floor, crucifying a lot of other stuff that teaching class and I was teaching the first class I ever taught. We had a osteopathic physician and surgeon Dr. Higgins in the class. And after the class had terminated, she invited me to Chicago. And for a long time. many occasions I taught at the bar was LaSalle hotel in Chicago. And we thought, you know, not complete classes all the time or any of that stuff, but just session. It was a very influential woman. And a lot of the leading men, women from Chicago, had Napoleon Hill in one of the sessions, this kind of caliber men, and she didn't assault single handed. She was quite a gal. real woman. She said to me one night. Have you ever read? Ew Ballinger. I said never heard of the man. When she said you teach like he wrote. I said, Well, good. I like to see somebody that you know, agreed with what I said or had already worked it out because I'd been holding a load road Everybody thought I was nuts, you know. And she gave me a copy of How to enjoy the Bible that night. Maybe tomorrow night, I'll show it to you, I think but I still have to copy. I stayed up all night, read that book. All I did next day was read the book. Because I just couldn't believe what I was reading. Here there was a man who would work this stuff out back in 18 9019 119 10. And he had come up, had seen the same thing as already to God that I had seen when I'd worked in I had never met the man I'd never ready by I'd never heard of.
And I remember the night, I read some of this stuff about the fork crucified with Jesus, which you had I, I just felt like a breath of fresh air. And I felt like I just come out of the Oasis and had a good drink or something or went back in the oasis. I don't know where. And it was just unbelievable. But volunteer was this kind of a man, he had worked out a lot of things that many of us have worked out. Without knowing volunteer he had already worked out. And I'm sure if volunteer we're living today. And he and I could be together and sit and talk about the Word of God, we almost stand shoulder to shoulder and every facet of you. The reason he didn't understand the Holy Spirit field is because he allowed the emotionalism and the senses to take precedent over the Spirit, he couldn't separate out flesh and spirit. He couldn't hang up, you know, he couldn't separate out the hanging from the chandelier is from the genuineness of the Spirit valve. And otherwise, I'm sure this man would have come to the same position. Or be That as may His life is gone. But he has good worked out tremendous truth. And I'm real grateful for finding a friend like this was also had tremendous light on the word. And he had a tremendous following. You know, I mean, following people a tremendous following people who work the word with him. He died of a broken heart. In England, he was an Episcopalian. Matter of fact, he was awarded the highest honor that can be awarded to anyone in the religious field by the king or the queen of England. When he came out with his concordance, I think it's his concordance he was ordered from and yet the man died of a broken heart because the Anglican church rejected him. They laughed him to scorn and they told him, you know, he was often the head and the upper storey and a few other things. And when I was in England, a number of years ago, 10 years ago, or so, whenever it was, I first went to see Dr. Carpenter who has all the had all the rights, for publication and so forth. I got a lot of the background. And even at that time, there were only about 15 or 20, or 30 people that still believed in what voluntary works. These met every Sunday morning at Dr. Carpenters place out in the country away from London about 1520 miles. But it was this group of people with whom Dr. Ballinger spent the last years of his life working out the worried and sharing it with him. And I suppose when he died, we're not over 30 people who believe and as far as I'm concerned, he's the greatest man that I've ever read. And I've read a lot of Plato, Kant, Aristotle, Socrates, Freud, you name them on down the line, and all the theologians including Paul Tillich and Paul Tillich is a dead duck compared to Bollinger couldn't even get close to it, and all the rest of them. But that volunteer had light. But you see, again, couldn't move, because people didn't believe the word stuck by their theologies. But unless men like volunteer live, unless men like where we'll live, a few others, the word can't ever live. Somebody is always got to believe in somebody's always got to work and teach it as I said to a group of our people meeting this morning, I think I could get groups of 10,000 people together in an auditorium. If I change my teaching, if I change my methods, gave up opening my tie and taking the coat off, and a few other minor things. Which the this is not the ministry of the light. You can't describe this to anybody else. But you know it. I know what I have to do. I know what it can do. I know what God called me.
And there I have to stay put if nobody I'd like people to believe, I guess volunteered it to.
You didn't have to me. So we're really responsible. We really responsible for the republication of his Bible. She's circulating responsibly For that to begin with, but of course today, he's just starting to come into his own. We're talking about decks Bible before we came in you said he quoted volunter oodles of time. All the work that is coming out in the Christian field among the people that are doing any sound thinking. Most of them have turned to Ballinger, they're starting to look at it. Many of them have worked to a degree in equality. So I feel the lay ministry has had a tremendous hand bringing to the United States. These Bibles and other works by Ballinger, but today there are other companies selling far more than we are I guess Sunderbans or what company now bought the rights to publish stuff here. Emma Jean Robert, though what company in United States bought the rights? Do you remember? Nothing some company, the United States now. Just bought it from Samuel. Samuel Baxter's finally took over from carpenter. It's one of the two. They're coming out with the witness of the stars. By the way, the greatest work on astronomy that was ever been done as far as the accuracy of the word. This is where those witness of the star do in the in the bulletins downstairs in the all purpose room on this side on the wall, came out about one of all volunteers works. You know what I used to pay for a Bible second hand that had all the leaves loose in it and volunteers. If I could find what I paid $35 That's the highest I've ever paid for us Bible for kids. Before they were republished, again, we used to buy every Bible, I get my whole hands on volunteers. And you can hardly ever buy a used copy for less than 20. But I paid $35. I have other works of Bollinger's. Some of them are very scarce that I have, and we're getting other things I'm collecting of his stuff as much as possible. Some of that stuff is quite expensive if you want to buy it today, because they're all out of print. And of course, he's dead and gone. And so they're hard to get ahold of but got some Bibles. And of course, I got that old copy of Dr. Higgins, which he gave to me, was old when she gave it to me, I'll bring it tomorrow night, show it to you. I wouldn't take $1,000 for it yet. You could walk right back there for four and a half and buy a brand spanking new one. But I wouldn't take $1,000 for this because my friend Dr. Higgins had a needle going into our collection of Weigh books someday. But she's the one that gave it to me it was her copy. And it was in the condition almost that it is now when I got it. But I'll always keep it and I'm always grateful for what she did for the ministry and its outreach and how she helped us to bring forth God's word. Well, that's all I'm going to teach tonight. Peter, you may close the service if you please. You've been a wonderful life.