SNT 0258 Mountaintop Checkbook Verses
Mountaintop Checkbook Verses May 8,1968
A teaching on the verses in our Mountaintop Checkbook.
SNT – 258

Publication Date: 05-08-1968
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
Mar 11:20-24
Mar 11:24; Heb 13:8; Joh 11:22, 21
Joh 11:21-24; Mat 18:19; Joh 14:12-14; 15:16; 16:23, 24
Joh 16:23, 24; 1Jo 3:22, 23; Rom 10:9; 1Jo 5:12-15
Poem - God's Bank Aint Busted Yet - Alice P. Moss
Mountaintop Checkbook Verses
Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille[1]
Sunday Night Service #258
The Way International Headquarters
May 8, 1968
I’d like for you to take your Bibles tonight and turn to the gospel of Mark.[2] In a few moments, we’re going to be into the Word of God that I’m sure will be a real blessing to the hearts of our people again tonight. And I’m quite confident it’s going to be a little different than most Sunday nights for many of our people.
During the years of our work in Van Wert, Ohio,[3] much of the ministry of this teaching ministry was born. I used to spend from 8:30 in the morning till 2:30, 3:00, 4:00 the next morning working the Word of God in its minute accuracy from Genesis to Revelation. I did this for year after year and month after month.
During that period of time, we had associated with us some wonderful young people and adults for which we’re truly grateful. And we began writing and publishing things as we found them in the Word. And during those years, I published what is called your “Mountaintop Checkbook.” This checkbook has in it ten blank checks. There are ten blank checks in the Bible. All ten of these are in this little booklet called your “Mountaintop Checkbook.”
Many of our people across the nation have used these as gifts among their Sunday school classes and among adults and their friends at birthday time or special occasions, just to give them a copy of it and people to have the opportunity of seeing these ten wonderful blank checks in the Word of God.
I would like to read to you what it says in the flyleaf or the cover of this Mountaintop Checkbook tonight before I go into the scriptures. And we’re going to cover all ten of them tonight, the blank checks that are in the Bible. And I’m sure that as we cover them, they’ll be real meaningful for every one of us here tonight. But in the flyleaf or in the cover, inside cover, of this particular checkbook, we have in a place where you can write your name as they do many times in checkbooks, private and so forth. You can put your name and say, well, this one belongs to Mrs. John Jones or Mr. Herman Williams. This one says, “Your Name,”
In Account with
How wonderful it would be for you when you with your conscious and subconscious mind respect the promises of God with the same fervency as mankind honors the names and checks of men. Think for a moment of the possibilities, the miracles that will come to pass when you consciously and subconsciously begin to honor and respect the name of the Father here upon earth as it is hallowed in heaven.
Our heavenly Father has left us numerous, definite checks for definite needs. Furthermore, in His infinite wisdom and foresight, He left us ten blank checks, seven of which we may write in WHATSOEVER we need and three, which we may fill in with ANYTHING.
Gilt-edged securities issued by the most financially sound corporations in the United States are not as sound as the promises of God. Wall Street effectuates fluctuations in the value of your money in the bank, but the promises of God have suffered no fluctuation in any way whatsoever. The resources in the vault of the great Bank of God are not only unlimited and infinite but the same always, for “neither moth nor rust doth corrupt … [nor do][4] thieves … break through and steal.”[5]
A remarkable privilege is yours in that you may reuse [and reuse and reuse] the blank checks over and over again with a new set of requests and desires. The more these checks are used, the more powerful and meaningful they become.
And thus I invite you by believing faith to step up to the cashier’s window of God’s love and bravely countersign His promises, saying, “Father, I believe thy promises.”
- Victor Paul Wierwille
And the first check in the Word of God is given in Mark chapter 11, Mark chapter 11, verse 24:
Mark 11:24[6]
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall [what?] have them.
This is the first blank check in the Word of God. As I said, there are many-. As I said in the flyleaf of this Mountaintop Checkbook, there are many promises of God to individuals specifically, but there are in the Bible only ten blank checks and this is the first one. And it’s, “what things soever [what things soever].”
If you’ll note context here, you will note that he (Jesus)[7] has just given the greatest law in the world, which is the law of believing. For this relationship that Jesus had with the apostles that so upset Peter and the rest of them when they were coming toward Jerusalem and they saw that this fig tree had been dried up from its roots, died backwards:
Mark 11:21-23
And Peter calling to remembrance [what had occurred, according to verse 21, he said] … Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is [what?] withered away.
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith [have believing] in [whom?] {God}.[8]
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever [whosoever, whosoever] shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt [shall not doubt] in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Verse 24, “Therefore,” because of your believing and because of who God is and God is faithful to His promises, therefore, verse 24, “I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,” when you pray, kneel down. No! When you pray, stand up. No! When you pray, close your eyes. No! When you pray, keep ‘em open. No! When you pray, do one thing, what: believe. Hasn’t got anything to do whether you’re sitting down or standing up, whether your eyes are open or whether they’re closed. But when you pray has everything to do with your believing. When you pray, believe, believe, believe!
Believe what? Well, it says, “believe that ye receive them,” the things that you’ve prayed for. Believe that you receive them. The original text gives it, “Believe that you have received,” believe that you’ve already got it, believe it’s already yours, believe that you have received, “and ye shall [future tense, absolute; ye shall absolutely] have ... [it].” That’s remarkable.
You see why few people really tap great spiritual resources? Because we believe in the gilt-edged securities and the word of the banker more than we do in God’s Word.[9] Because man’s word has gained preeminence today over the Word of God, because people have not been taught the Word of God; they just think they know it. They haven’t really been taught the Word. And if the Word doesn’t fit for them because they all believe there must be oodles of errors, tremendous complications, difficulties, discrepancies, interpolations, and when you have that idea of the Word of God you cannot have9 believing faith in it, right?
And this is why, this is why we’re not seeing the results: because we are not believing. Believe you’ve got it, believe it’s already yours, “and ye shall [in the future tense] have” it. If you do not do that, you’ll never get it.
You know, this future tense, someplace in the back of my Bible I have this note on the tenses. It’s just a little complicated for me to remember all these things. But I’ve given this before to our people in the classes, about “I will” and “you will,” and “I shall” and “you shall,” remember that? Because, huh, I’ve got it, I’ve got it, it’s back in here someplace.
In the singular and plural, listen to this again. And if you do not have this written down, it might help you to write it down too. Maybe you’re no more intelligent than I am on some of these things; you can’t remember everything. I’d like to remember everything, but I can’t always remember everything.
But you know, one says wasn’t a smart man who could remember it all; the smart man was the one who knew where to go to find it when he needed it, ha-ha. So, I don’t know. If all of you men are smart enough to remember everything, I’m not. But many times I’d like to be wise enough in the things of God that I know where to go to find the answers.
And this happens to be in the flyleaf. In the singular and plural, first and second person-. We’re now talking grammar, good old English grammar, which I used to make D’s and C’s. When I did real good, I made C’s. When I didn’t do quite so good, made a little less. But we won’t talk about those days.
“I will” means absolute.
“I shall” means simple future.
“You (will)” or “they will” [now you’re up there in the plural, “you (will)” or “they will”] denotes simple future.
“You (shall)”or “they shall” denotes absolute.
Now, that’s English, that’s grammar, that’s a law. And go back to Mark and see how he puts it:
Mark 11:24
… I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe [when you pray, believe] that ye [have] receive[d] them, and ye shall [“ye shall” makes it in the what tense: the absolute; ye shall absolutely] have them.
Now, people, you have only two questions really, I suppose, right. Is it9 the truth or did God lie? That’s all. Did Jesus tell the truth or did he lie? If he told the truth, then this has to be a tremendous law, people. This has to be a tremendous promise in God’s Word, and it is. If he lied here, then he lied everywhere. He either told the truth all the way through or he told it no place. We’re either going to accept9 all of God’s Word or none of it. That’s right.
And it’s remarkable how he said, “when ye pray, believe.” At the time you’re praying, believe you’ve already got God’s answer, what you’ve prayed for, and you’re going to absolutely have it in the future.
Now, why is it, why is it we can trust a man’s word? A man says, “I’ll come down at 12:00 tomorrow or two weeks from tomorrow,” to do so-and-so for you. We trust him. But God’s Word says, “When you pray believe you’ve already got it, you shall have it.” The moment we start praying, old Satan lodges a little doubt in our mind, you say, “Well, never had a prayer answered before. I guess this one won’t get answered either.” See, isn’t that something?
That’s why the greatest law in the world is set here. And all of you people who’ve sat in my classes know how, in the early stage in the classes, I develop this law and show our people that this is the greatest law in the entire world because we are where we are because of our believing.
No person ever rises beyond what he’s able to believe, and no person can believe beyond what’s taught.9 You can’t believe beyond what you’re taught. And we are where we are tonight because of what we believe. We’ll be tomorrow where our believing takes us. And the greatest believing that takes us the furthest is that which is built upon the integrity9 and the accuracy of God’s Word, for children, young people, and adults.
This is the first blank check in the Bible. And like all ten of them, you never get anything for nothing. There’s a law involved in all of God’s greatness. And the basic law in all the blank checks that He has set in the Word of God is to believe.
Secondly, you just can’t pray for anything from soup to apple butter. You can only pray for that which God has set forth in His Word, which belongs to you. This Word “whatsoever,” “what things so ever [what things so ever], when ye pray,” that “what things so ever” does not mean you can just pray for anything, what thing. That word “whatsoever” means you can pray for whatsoever He said you can believe for.
Yeah, think that one through. Uh-huh, you’re not going to hang me on that scripture, you all know that. You know why? If you’d say you could just pray for whatsoever you wanted to pray for, you know what you could pray for? That old theological argument that God would make a bigger stone than He’s able to lift, because if God’s almighty—which, we knew that one—and He’s all powerful, if He’s all powerful, He can make a bigger stone, can’t He? It’s been an old theological argument. But, you see, what they’re looking for is how to belittle the Word and how to get out of it.
The Word tells you what you can pray for; it, it puts the whatsoever things into a category. And I want to assure you we have not out-believed God’s potentialities for us. We have not as yet risen up to our great and wonderful sonship privileges in our believing. And therefore, when He offered this blank check, it’s blank to the end you can write in any amount that He has stipulated in His Word. And His amounts that He has stipulated in His Word are far beyond the manifestation of the believing in most, of most Christian’s lives in our world today.
When I wrote this first check in this Mountaintop Checkbook, I wrote it, had it written, printed on regular check paper. It has a stub in the left-hand like a check is supposed to have. Some people never keep the stub in. Then, when the report comes in from the bank, their statement doesn’t agree with the one they have in the, in the checkbook. Now, I think I heard this a couple times from some of my friends.
But it has a check stub in here, where it simply says the date, to whom it’s written and, “Father, I believe thy promise and receive thy forgiveness for my failures to honor thee as I should. Amen. My sincere desire,” and then you put down, and then the balance at the bottom says, “Unlimited.” So you draw on the Bank of Heaven. When you get through with your believing, the resources are still unlimited. You can go to your check stub any time. It says it’s unlimited.
And on the major part of this check in your Mountaintop Checkbook, it says:
Among You and Within You
And it has up here in this line—you know, like the city New Knoxville, Ohio or St. Mary’s or Wapakoneta or Columbus or Sidney[10] or Timbuktu[11]—it stays here, “Heaven.” Then it says 19 , something; you fill in “66.”
And then every check, every check has a series of numbers behind the date. And I learned also since I have published this that today they’re beginning to put numbers at the bottom of the check. So when they’re, they’re getting ready to do this electronic separation and stuff, from now on they’ll be able to do it a lot faster. You know, we’re always looking to do things faster, so we’ve got more work doing things faster, so we never have any time to rest. I haven’t figured it out. Maybe some of you people have, huh? That’s right. People have, we have less time today than we had two weeks ago. Seems like next week we’ll have less time yet. Well, anyways.
Hardly anybody has ever recognized what I endeavored to do here with these numbers, just like a regular check. The first number is “1-4-7.” And below the separation line are the numbers “3” and “24.” This tells you in every check what bank it’s drawn on, who’s responsible for it, and so forth. What clearinghouse it goes through.
Well “1” always stands for God in the Bible. That’s why I put this in here.
The number “4” in the Bible always stands for the world number. People may ask you sometime, “Why do we have four gospels?” Have you ever thought of it? Why do we have four gospels? Why not have one-and-a-half? Why not have one? Why not have two? Why not have three? The only answer I know is that God who is the author of the four gospels was dealing with Jesus Christ His Son here upon earth, and the four gospels are His message to the world. That’s why you have four. And when you have covered the four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—there is no stone left unturned to completely teach you everything that Jesus came to do to redeem mankind and the world situation in which we’re involved. That’s why you have four. So the word four, the numeral 4, the number 4, always stands for world number.
“7” is the third number and the word, the number 7 stands for perfection. When something is perfectly perfect, it is always the numeral 7 in the Word of God.
The “3” underneath does not stand for the trinity. The “3” underneath stands for our God—one God—who was in Christ Jesus, who is the Father of all who are born again of God’s spirit;[12] that’s what it stands for. It stands for the nearness with which God has always dealt with His people. And this numeral 3 is a tremendous number in the Word of God.
And the final number on this blank check, like they are on all ten of them in this Mountaintop Checkbook, is the number “24,” which biblically speaking is the redeemed of the old covenant and the new.[13] The 24 elders you read about in the book of Revelation tells you exactly this.
These are the numbers that are on every one of these checks in this Mountaintop Checkbook. And this is why, when you fill it in, it’s paid to the order of. Well, if it’s your opportunity to believe, then you pay it to the order of.
We have people taking these blank checks, they know someone has a need somewhere and her name is Mary Stallone. So they write in here, “Pay to the order of Mary Stallone,” tear it off, put it in an envelope, and send it to her. What more positive thing could you do? Because it says, “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe you’ve received them, and ye shall have them.” A wonderful testimony to the person who has that need, you’re just giving them a blank check signed in with their name.
And it’s signed, not by you. It isn’t signed by me. I’m not good enough to sign a check this big. I’m tremendous ‘cause I’m a son of God, but9 I’m not that big. You’re tremendous if you’re a son of God, but you’re not big enough to sign this. This is signed by Jesus Christ because it is he who gave his life so that whatsoever you believe and pray for you and I can have. And this is why he signed it. It’s signed by Jesus Christ, as all these ten checks are. And the Hebrews 13:8 says:
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ [is] the same [what?] yesterday … to day, and [what?] {for ever}.
Therefore, these checks are guaranteed by God for He has signed them in His Word with His Son Jesus Christ. Every check is like this in the entire Mountaintop Checkbook.
The second blank check is in the gospel of John that I want to share with you. Now since I’ve told you the mechanics of this set-up, I think you’ll really appreciate the greatness that I, the inspiration I had in my heart when God gave me this originally and how we set it up. The second one is in John chapter 11, verse 22:
John 11:22
But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will [what?] give it thee.
“Whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it [to] thee.” And if you’ll note in the context again, we are here talking about someone who has died, namely, Lazarus. And it is Martha who says in verse 21—the sister of Lazarus, Martha, said it:
John 11:21b
Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not [what?] {died}.
Yeah, I know, I want you to see who said that. Who said it? Martha. It’s not true, it’s not true. Jesus did not say it. But the Word of God says it is true that who said it? Martha said it. You get that? Very few people understand that. Understand it is not Jesus’ statement that had he been there Lazarus would not have what? {Died.} Because Jesus has been many places and people have what? Died. You see why you better rightly divide the Word there?9, [14] Who said it? Martha.
It’s just like Job. Remember Job said, “The Lord … [hath given], and the Lord hath [what?] {taken away}.”[15] Who said it? Did God say it? Well, God wouldn’t be that big a liar. Job was, Job was because the book of Job says it was the devil who took it away, right? Satan did. Therefore, our God did not do that.[16] But Job says, “The Lord … [hath given], and the Lord hath [what?] {taken away}.” And God says—He backs it up in His Word and guarantees it that it’s true—that it was Job who said it. Understand?
People, you’ve got to rightly read the Word. It was Martha who said if Jesus had “been here, my brother would not have [what?] {died}.” Jesus never said it but he just-. The Word of God backs it up, it was Martha who said it. And it’s true that she said it, but Jesus, the answer he gave was:
John 11:22
… that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will [what?] give it thee.
This is one of the “whatsoever” promises provided it fits within the revelation, understand, the framework of the Word of God. And then Jesus gives her that tremendous answer in verse 23:
John 11:23
… [he] saith unto her, Thy brother shall [what?] rise again.
And Martha’s theology was real good at this point. She said, “No he doesn’t have to rise again ‘cause he’s already goin’ to heaven. His thoughts have preceded him to heaven.” Any of you ever heard that? “His, his, his ideas have gone to heaven. His mind has gone to heaven. His passions, his joys are all up there.” Martha’s theology was a little more accurate.
John 11:24
Martha … [says] I know … [what?] he shall rise again in the resurrection at the [what?] last day.
You see the context with which this “whatsoever” and “whosever” is placed? Tremendous, isn’t it? Sure, like the whole Word of God, ha-ha.
Blank check number three, in Matthew chapter 18—keep your finger in John ‘cause we’ll be back—Matthew chapter 18.
Now, people, these are here written in the gospels and the gospels are written to us? No, they’re written for our what? {Learning.} But in as far, in as far as they are applicable to the framework of that which is addressed to us, we use them as illustration for our learning to help us to walk with an effervescence and a glow and with the power of God in our lives.
In Matthew chapter 18, in verse 19:
Matthew 18:19
Again I say unto you, [that] if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing … they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
“If two of you shall agree on earth,” two agree on earth. You know what that word “agree” is? Real interesting word, it is the word, it’s the word from which we get the English word “symphony.” Can you imagine a symphony where everybody’s playing a different note? No, it just wouldn’t quite sound too good. Beethoven might not like it, or Bach or Chopin,[17] or any of the rest of them.
“If two of you … agree on earth,” the “agree,” the word “agree” is “symphonize,” symphonize. If two of you just are in perfect alignment and harmony, perfect-. I don’t know any better way to say it. If I knew a better way than the word “symphonize,” I don’t know if that’s a word or not but it sounds good to me. It’s, it’s, it’s a symphony. And if you two are right on the same wavelength, same heartbeat spiritually—that’s what he’s talking about.
“As touching anything they shall ask,” and you know what the word “ask” is? It’s the word that is translated “demand” in our English language. When a man walks up to the cashier’s window with a $100 check from his employer, you go to the window and you demand payment of that check. That’s this word, “ask.” Isn’t that wonderful?
You know why you can walk up to that window and demand payment? It’s a good banking term, “demand payment” of the check. Because there is a sufficient amount in the bank to cover that check, that’s why you can demand it. To demand payment of the check doesn’t mean you walk into the banking facilities or the banking place with a ball bat in your hand and say, “Look, give me my money or else.” No, you walk in, you’ve got your check signed, right? And you hand it to the cashier at the window and you say, “Would you please cash this check for me?” Now you’re demanding payment.
That’s why that word “ask” is remarkable in this scripture. It’s the word “demand,” taking your check in and laying it at God’s window and saying, “Lord, I thank you for the deposit you made for me in Christ Jesus. I’m here to cash it in. And I thank you, I thank you for giving it to me now.” And you shall absolutely what? Act like you’ve got it now and you shall-. That’s this tremendous scripture. Isn’t that wonderful? Ha-ha. Again, it’s countersigned by:
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ [who is] the same yesterday … to day, and for ever.
In John, the fourteenth chapter, is the fourth blank check. The fourteenth chapter of the gospel of John, and in this thirteenth verse:
John 14:13
… whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I [what?] do, that the Father may be glorified in … [His what?] Son.
Whatsoever you ask—the word “ask” again is that word “demand”—“in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” If Jesus Christ was God’s only begotten Son[18] and Jesus Christ never gave us an answer to prayer, how could God be glorified in His Son? Then His Son would not have been any better than I am or you are.
But His Son is better, and he is able to hear and to answer our prayer. And he is the intercessor,[19] he is the intermediator, he is the one who stands between us and God[20] as the one who reconciled us[21] and redeemed us.[22] Therefore, whatsoever you shall demand in his name, “that will I [what?] {do}.”
And the fifth blank check is right in the next verse. Wonderful how he put both of them together isn’t it?
John 14:14
If ye shall [demand, if ye shall] ask any thing [anything] in my name, I will [what?] do it.
And it’s a tremendous thing because, in the context, in the context you will note that Jesus here is talking, talking about a time again—as he has a number of places—where he’s talking about something not only in the present but in the future. And here in verse 12, he is telling them:
John 14:12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth [everyone is conditioned on believing] … the works that I do shall he [what?] do also; and greater works [greater works] than these shall he do; because I go … [to] my [what?] {Father}.
Therefore, in context, the greatness of these scriptures becomes a reality after the day of what? {Pentecost.} That’s right,9 isn’t that wonderful? That’s why the greater works always came to pass after the day of Pentecost, than what he was able to do. Certainly our greater works would never be in healing the sick and all the rest of it Jesus—we couldn’t beat that. But it has to be in something that he was not able to do.
And the thing he was not able to do was to give anybody was the new birth. He came to make it available, but it was not available till the day of what? Pentecost, and on the day of Pentecost they were born again for the first time. And when they were born again they were filled with what? The holy spirit. And the manifestation was in Acts 2.[23]
And don’t forget we’re having a great Pentecost rally that weekend of Decoration Day,[24] is it? Boy, all afternoon—29th of May, all afternoon—great Pentecost rally here. The youth, all the young people, will be eating at 2:00 in the afternoon. There’ll be a fellowship supper at 4:30, there’ll be a hillside sing on the hillside with Dorothy Owens[25] leading the singing at 6:30, and a wonderful Pentecost rally service here at 7:00 at night, because that’s the birthday of the Church.
That is the greatest day in the Church year. It isn’t Christmas, it isn’t Easter. But it is what He did for us on the day of Pentecost, when the Church was started, when men and women were born again for the first time, and filled with the power of the holy spirit, and they manifested forth this power in their daily lives. That’s right.
The sixth blank check is in John 15, John 15, verse 16. Jesus said:
John 15:16
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever [whatsoever] ye shall ask [demand] of the Father in my name [that] he may [what?] give it [unto] you.
Isn’t that wonderful?
The seventh blank check is in the sixteenth chapter of the gospel of John and in the twenty-third verse:
John 16:23, 24
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will [what?] give it you.
[Verse 24] Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive [and the word “receive” here is lambano,[26] “manifest forth”], that your joy may be [what?] {full}.
So why do you have this wonderful scripture for our learning? Because, “Verily, I say … Whatsoever … [things you] ask [of] the Father in my name, He will give it [to] you … that your joy may be [what?] {full}.” He meant for His believers to have joy to the what? Full.
And joy, people, is an inside job. Joy is a spiritual9 thing on the inside. Happiness is on the outside. A person can have happiness because of the material abundance with which he is blessed or surrounded. But he does not of necessity have joy because he’s got it. Understand? Joy’s an inside job, it’s spiritual. And these things are given us of God that we can ask for so that we may have what: joy. Remember that song, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.”[27] Ha, well that’s a tremendous thing.
The next record is in the first epistle of John, I John, the first epistle of John chapter 3, verse 22:
I John 3:22
And whatsoever we ask, we receive [the word “receive,” again, is lambano] of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
I John 3:22, “whatsoever we ask, we receive … because we keep His [what?] {commandments}.” And the keeping of the commandments is not the ten commandments. He’s talking about, verse 23 says:
I John 3:23b
That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another …
There is the commandment, right? To believe on the name of Jesus Christ is to believe everything he represents. He was born again, he, I mean raised again from the dead. So we do what it says in Romans 10:9 and 10: confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, believe God raised him from the dead, and “thou shalt be [what?] saved.”[28] Sure. And this is the commandment.
Whatsoever we ask of him, if we’re saved, filled with the power of God, we know that these commandments, the things that we ask of Him, that we have these things because we do those things which are pleasing in His sight.
I did not check this with, with Rev. Chamberlain[29] before the service tonight. But I am confident that the original text of this twenty-second verse has to read, “because we keep his commandments, and do those things … [and “have done,” will have to be the text, those things which] are pleasing in his sight.”
Well, what is pleasing in His sight? Getting saved, that’s what He’s talking about. Sure, believing, getting saved, and then walking in the light as He is what? {Light.}[30] Because if you have not done this, you are out of alignment and harmony, out of fellowship; and when we’re out of fellowship with him, we can’t get our prayers answered. And if you’re gonna get this kind of an answer, whatsoever you ask, you’re already lambano-ing it. Because we keep His commandments, we must have Him and practice the presence of God in our life.
The ninth blank check is in the fifth chapter of I John, the fifth chapter of I John, and in verse 14:
I John 5:14a
And this is the confidence …
The word “confidence” is the word “certainty,” the word “guarantee,” the “surety”—that’s the word “confidence.” It comes from the same word the word “certify” comes from. And remember, in my classes I talk to the women for a moment and I ask them if you make jelly, what do you put in jelly to make it jell? And somebody usually says, “Certo®.”[31] Ha-ha, Certo® is what makes things jell; it certifies, it guarantees, it puts it together.
I John 5:14
And this is the confidence [the certainty] that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing [anything] according to His [what?] {will} …
Class, how can you know the will of God? {The Word of God.} That’s the only way, otherwise you’ll always go by what men or women say. Or by what some denomination says or doesn’t say. You can’t go by anything less than God’s Word.9
And just because a man holds up the Book and says,9 “The Word says so,” doesn’t mean it says it at all. It may say it but he may wrongly divide it. Then it still doesn’t say it to you and to me. And the first thing you have to know is that the Scriptures are of no private what? Interpretation.[32] And secondly, to whom is it written.
Boy, when I get a letter that’s got a thousand-dollar check in it, I want to be sure I know to whom it’s addressed ‘cause it might be addressed to someone else and then I couldn’t cash it. You get a letter from your boyfriend, you want to know who, which boyfriend it’s from, don’t you, or something? To whom is it written, that’s what you’re concerned about.
Hey, this is tremendous truth in here. Again, look at it:
I John 5:14
And this is the confidence … if we ask any thing according to his will [and you can only know His will by knowing His what: {Word}], he heareth us:
“He heareth us.” Well, that’s the confidence, that’s the certainty,9 that’s the guarantee we’ve got. Well then, if we know God’s Word, we know His what? Will, so we ask within that environment, within the confines of that will.9 He always has to do what? Hear us, for His Word is faithful. What He has promised, He’s not only all willing, but He’s also able to do. Isn’t that wonderful? Aw, bless your heart, it just thrills my old soul.
You know, ha-ha, it says in verse 12:
I John 5:12a
He that hath the Son hath [what?] life;
Sure, and in verse 13 He says, because of this:
I John 5:13a
These things have I written unto you … [who] believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
And if you believe on the name of the Son of God, this I’ve written unto you that you may what? Know. Not question, not doubt, not be uncertain about, but that you may know. Capital K, capital N, capital O, capital W, know without a shadow of a doubt; to absolutely be certain thereof; to have absolute9 confidence and assurance. That you may know that you have what? Eternal life; that you’ve got it now.
Most people don’t even know that. They just hope someday, sometime, somehow, somewhere, if they’re good enough, they may make it. Well, boy, that’s too late to find out.9 I want to know, when I take my check in, I get my money then. And if they’re gonna say, “Well, I’ll pay you in the bye-and-bye, in the sweet bye-and-bye, somehow, sometime, somewhere,” I wouldn’t-. Now, would you?
Well, what about our eternal salvation? What about heaven, which is our hope? What about it? We have to know now that we are going to be there. And that’s why He said, He gave us this wonderful truth, “These things have I written … that ye may know.” Not question, not doubt, but that you may know “that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”
And in the fifteenth verse, in the fifteenth verse of this tremendous chapter, is the tenth blank check in the Word of God:
I John 5:15
And if we know [if we know beyond a shadow of a doubt] that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired [“asked” is the word, “demanded”] of [what?] him.
Isn’t that terrific, wonderful? We know that we have eternal life. And if we know this, then we know that when we pray He will what? Hear us.9 And if He’s going to hear us and we’re praying within the will of God, which we have acquired from His Word, knowing His Word, we know that we have the petitions that we asked of Him, even then.
This is why it’s never a question of going to God and saying, “God, will you please give me this. Will you please?” He has told us what He’s made available. So we walk up to God’s window and we say, “God, I thank you. I thank you for making it available. I thank you.” Prayer is basically not a request. Prayer is thanksgiving. And whatsoever you ask for9 that comes according to His will.
In the back of this wonderful Mountaintop Checkbook is another one of these homespun poems, you know, that I’ve pick up. And this one happens to be entitled, “God’s Bank Ain’t Busted Yet.” Listen to this, “The bank had closed.” This goes back a few years. It could happen again ‘cause we’re spending ourselves rich, you know.
The bank had closed; my earthly store had vanished from my hand;
I felt that there was no sadder one than I in all the land.
My washerwoman, too, had lost her little mite with mine,
And she was singing as she hung the clothes upon the line.2
“How can you be so gay?” I asked; “Your loss, don’t you regret?”
“Yes, ma’am, but what’s the use to fret? God’s bank ain’t busted yet!”
I felt my burden lighter grow; her faith I seemed to share;
In prayer I went to God’s great throne and laid my troubles there.
The sun burst forth from behind the clouds, in golden splendor set;
I thanked God for her simple words: “God’s bank ain’t busted yet!”
And now I draw rich dividends, more than my hands can hold
Of faith and love and hope and trust and peace of mind untold.
I thank the Giver of it all, but still I can’t forget
My washerwoman’s simple words, “God’s bank ain’t busted yet.”
Oh weary ones upon life’s road, when everything seems drear,
And losses loom on every hand, and skies seem not to clear;
Throw back your shoulders, lift your head, and cease to chafe and fret,
Your dividends will be declared, for: “God’s bank ain’t busted yet.”
Isn’t that wonderful? For His Word is sure and eternal. And God has promised in His Word and what He’s promised He’s not only able but He’s willing to perform.
I thank God for these tremendous blank checks in the Word of God. And may they be a blessing not only to your hearts but the hearts of our radio audience who have listened to this service tonight.
[1] The founder and president (1942-1982) of The Way International, a biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry headquartered in New Knoxville, Ohio.
[2] Organ music plays in background.
[3] In Van Wert, Ohio, then Rev. Wierwille pastored St. Peter’s Evangelical and Reformed Church and continued his outreach and teaching via the radio broadcast, “The Chimes Hour Youth Caravan. Dr. Wierwille reflected 15 years later, “That is where the research and teaching ministry really took root.” - Born Again to Serve by Dorothea Kipps Wierwille (published by American Christian Press, copyright 1996).
[4] Dr. Wierwille’s laughter, certain means of emphasis, comments within quoted material or the comments of others, etc., are indicated by/within brackets – [ ].
[5] Matthew 6:19, 20, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”
[6] From the King James Version of the Bible as in all other scripture references in this transcript unless otherwise noted.
[7] Parentheses ( ) within the text indicate an insertion by transcriber for clarity, explanation, etc.
[8] The statements, questions, and responses of individuals and/or the audience as a group are indicated by/within modified brackets – { } – unless repeated by Dr. Wierwille, in which case they are not included.
[9] When Dr. Wierwille, for apparent emphasis, strikes or taps his Bible or the podium, snaps his fingers, etc., once, repeatedly or intermittently, it is hereby noted in this transcript.
[10] The foregoing locations are all in the state of Ohio, within short distance of New Knoxville, Ohio, where The Way International was headquartered.
[11]A city in the West African nation of Mali, known for its extreme inaccessibility, sometimes used as an example to mean any extremely distant and inaccessible location.
[12] I Peter 1:23, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”
[13] Hebrews 8:8b, 13, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old.”
[14] II Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
[15] Job 1:21, “And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
[16] See also, “Job: From Victim to Victor / God’s Goodness vs. The Devil’s Badness,” God’s Magnified Word by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille (published by American Christian Press, copyright 1977), pages 28-37.
[17] Referring to Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Frédéric Chopin, all renowned composers of classical music, including symphonies.
[18] John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
[19] Hebrews 7:22, 25, “By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.”
[20] I Timothy 2:5, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”
[21] Romans 5:10, “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”
[22] 1 Peter 1:18, 19, “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:”
[23] Acts 2:1-4, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost [pneuma hagion, holy spirit], and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
[24] Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868 when the Grand Army of the Republic (an organization of Union veterans founded in Decatur, Illinois) established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the Union war dead with flowers. By the 20th century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions celebrated on different days had merged, and Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service.
[25] Dorothy Owens was the wife of the first vice president of The Way International, Ermal Owens, and a member of The Way International staff who helped with Advanced Classes, Way Family Camps, and training in Christian etiquette and the Christian Song Service. - Born Again to Serve by Dorothea Kipps Wierwille (published by American Christian Press, copyright 1996).
[26] All transliterated non-English words (e.g., Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek words) are italicized and underlined for differentiation and ease of identification.
[27] Written by George Willis Cooke (1848-1923), a minister, writer, and editor, “Down Deep in My Heart” is a popular Christian song sometimes titled “I’ve Got the Joy.”
[28] Romans 10:9, 10, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
[30] I John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
[31] Certo® liquid fruit pectin was the first commercially produced pectin product introduced in 1912, and was used to make jams and jellies.
[32] 1 Peter 1:20, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”