SNT 0245 To Whom Written: 1 Corinthians 10:32
January 16, 1966
In-depth teaching concerning to whom the Bible is written.
SNT – 245

Format: audio
Publication Date: 1-16-1966
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
1Co 10:32; Gal 3:26-28; Rom 15:4
Rom 15:4; 1Co 10:11
Rom 15:8; 10:9, 10; Jam 1:1; 1Pe 1:1; Act 21:20; Gal 5:1
(Isa 30); Isa 1:1; Deu 6:25; Rom 3:20; Gal 2:16; 3:11
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: addressed, scripture, God, church, gospels, Word, verse, Romans, Pentecost, Jews, born, Old Testament, law, written
We've taken first Corinthians chapter 10. And in a moment, I want to read the 32nd verse with you. But I want to say something to the members of the class. Because this is your class. This Sunday night, the teaching ministry is right along the line where we are in our class. We have been dealing with a great truce on how the Bible interprets itself, either in the verse in the context, or it's been used before, and then the varieties that come under those major heads. Now, we're just about ready to wrap up this great truth on how the Bible interprets itself. But there are a number of things which you must understand, if you really are going to rightly divide the Word. And the Word of God says that we stand approved before him, as we do one thing rightly divide the word of truth. I believe that the Word of God is the greatest thing in the world today. And I believe it's the word of God that sets before us how God wants us to understand His Word. If you received a letter this week in the mail, and it was addressed to you, what did you do with it? Take it to the neighbors, let the neighbors open it read it? Or did you just send it back to where it came from? And said no party like this here? No, you know what you did with it? If you got a letter with your name on it, you opened it, because it was addressed to you, right? Now, suppose that there was in your post office, in your post office box, a letter addressed to you. But if I would go in there and open your post office box and sneak it out of there, take it out? What could the government do to me, they could really put the pressure on me. I think $10,000 in 10 years in jail or something. Why? Because I stuck my nose into a letter, which was not addressed to me mail that was not meant for me. Now, people, if you can understand this little lesson of a letter, you can understand the word of God. Because if we would be as honest with God's word, as we are with the postmaster, and with the mail, I noticed the other week we got somebody mail here, apparently just got it in the wrong box, which happens occasionally as Getty dorsum he works for the department plump. But we got a letter here didn't was not addressed to us. It didn't belong here. You know what we did with it, we took it back, we gave it to the postmaster again, he put it in the right box. Now, when it comes to the Word of God, you know what they've done. They've hashed it all together. Word of God, which is not addressed to them, they put their nose and read it and thought it was to them. Other words which are addressed to them, they didn't believe were addressed to them at all. Had we been as honest with the Bible, as we are with the postage we received the the letters we received from the postman, and so forth, we would have understood a great deal of the Word of God. But you can't go beyond what you're taught. And if the teachers are all messed up, naturally, they could not teach the accuracy of the word, and therefore make it living in real to us. So what has happened, instead of opening that letter addressed to us, biblically speaking, we have opened letters addressed to others, and thought that they were to us. And there has been a multiple amount of confusion in the understanding of the bite. When I want to read the Word of God, I no longer have to do this particular lesson. But when I want to read it, I always first thing I find out to whom is it's written, of course, today when I read the word or automatically you know where they're already written, I don't have to go through the process of thinking, but the whole Bible is marked flat. It's got definite names on it. And so the first thing, the first thing, knowing that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. That's the first. Then when you start working, the first thing you do is to find out whether that scripture you're reading is addressed to you or not. In first Corinthians chapter 10, verse 33, verse 32, God puts the whole gamut of mankind in the three categories, give non offense, verse 32, neither to the Jews, nor to what, nor to what the Church of God, give non offense to the Jews, the Gentiles, or the Church of God. God divides all humanity in the basic two categories, Jews and Gentiles, and the Church of God is a call out from both Jew and Gentile. So you could literally say, into three categories, Jews, Gentiles, and the Church of God. Now class, the whole Bible, the whole Bible is addressed to one or the other of those three groups.
It's either addressed to the Jews, the Gentiles, or the Church of God. And when you're a Christian, while before you're a Christian, I think we'll use the Blackboard here tonight. And I perhaps can show it to you so you'll remember it all the days of your life. But if you're a before you're a Christian, you either belong to the category of a Jew or a Gentile. Now, when you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, or when people accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, they become members, by birth of the church of God, Church of God, and the Church of God is a call out from both Jew and Gentile. And when they become members of the Church of God, the Bible says they're neither Jew nor Gentile, but there are a new creation, a new creature in Christ Jesus. Now, the whole Bible class is addressed to one or the other of those three groups. And they're always clearly marked, either in the first paragraph, or first verse or two, or in the context, you can always tell whether it's addressed to Jew or Gentile or to the Church of God. Look at Galatians chapter three galleys and chapter three. Verse 26, we better read just in context here to get the setting of this for your all the children of God by faith in home. For as many of you have been baptized with Christ to put on Christ. Verse 28, there is neither Jew nor what. But for those who have put on Christ, in other words, the children of God, they're neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, that bond is slave, or free people, there is neither male nor what, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus, when you are born again of God's Spirit, that which is born within you. That which is born within you is Christ to you the hope of glory. And when you're born again, you're neither Jew nor Gentile, you're neither bond nor free. But it says, you're all one in Christ Jesus, and that which is born within us, is neither male nor female, for it's God's Spirit in us. And spirit is neither male or nor female. Now, in Romans chapter 15, Romans, chapter 15. Verse four, For whatsoever things were written up for time. We are here in the book of Romans, reading, things which occurred after the day of Pentecost. The Book of Romans, historically did not come to pass till after the day of Pentecost. And it was on the day of Pentecost, that men and women were first born again and received the power of the Holy Spirit. We'll get into some of those things this week in the class. But here this verse, you got to set it accurately as to Time For whatsoever things were written up for time, before the time of the church, on the day of Pentecost, these things were written, were written. Now almost everybody misses the next preposition. What is it? For f o are things written up for time are written, F O Are for our one, learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. things written a third time. Before the age of the church and class the church began on the day of Pentecost, the Church of God, the church of grace, the church to which you and I belong, began on the day of Pentecost. So all things written a third time. aforetime were written for our what? Learning FLR they're written for our learning. Well, then are they addressed to me? No, they are what? For my what? Learning? That's what it says. That's what it means. Now listen to this. Could I receive a letter addressed to Victor Paul whirlwind, and the information in it? Before you're learning? Definitely. Just got one. Remember, this addressed to me, Victor Paul Wierwille, president of the way biblical Research Center announcing their wedding. It's addressed to me. But the information in it was for your learning. That's exactly what the Bible is talking about. All scripture of Thor time is for our learning. Can you learn something from Genesis for instance? Sure, excellent. Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua judges, the rest of them, can you learn something from them? Definitely. But they are for our what? Learning. You see, you could get a letter, you read it, then if it's got your name on it, it's specifically to you. But there could be sections in it, where all of us could learn something. Depends on which one you got letter, maybe something else you better just logically set in your mind. You may have gotten a letter addressed to you. But there was something in it for the learning of someone else. But you didn't let them read the whole letter, you just let them read, part of which was for their learning. Now the word of God, that word of God, which is specifically addressed to you must be interpreted of you. And for you. That's specifically to you. All other scriptures class, all other scripture is for our learning, but it's still not addressed to us. It's simply for our learning. And this little preposition, people never having paid attention to it, has made it so that they have never understood the Bible. Because, for instance, where are the 10 commandments? In what book? And Exodus, right? And so, in every church that I have ever been in, or have been associated with, in, study and understand, they all teach the 10 commandments to the children, and to the adults, as if they are addressed to them. But the scripture if the Word of God is right, and if it isn't, we might as well throw it all off. We have nothing left for anyway. But the scripture says, All scripture afford time before the day of Pentecost is for our one. Then the 10 commandments, were they written before the day of Pentecost? Then the 10 commandments are what? For our foot. And when you teach them to your children, like they're addressed to them, you are wrong. And God's word is right. They're not addressed to them. They are for their what? Can you learn something from your wonderful thing? Wonderful thing. But they still are not addressed to you. Right? Now, people, every time I teach this, I can just see people's dandruff coming up, and so forth. Because they think I'm doing jeopardy to the Word of God, I am not I'm reading the Word of God and believing Why don't people believe the Word of God? And when God says that all scripture of for time is for our learning. What do you think he meant? That's what he meant. That's what he said, right? It's for our had God man. All scripture afford time is to you he could have said to you just as easily as for our learning button, and you'll never be able to put the Bible together. The Bible will never fit for you. You'll never be able to put it together until you get this basic scripture settled in your mind with the greatest understanding it is humanly possible for you to have, you will never understand the Bible, you're never able to put it together. I will show you a little later on how one scripture verse after another contradicts itself, unless you understand this principle. And if it's God's Word, God cannot contradict himself right. And he does not contradict himself in the word, if you understand this principle. And if you don't understand that principle, he contradicts himself oodles of places. But on that one level of principle, so many have gone astray through the years, they have missed that little preposition for everything of for a time is for our learning. Look at first Corinthians chapter 10.
Verse 11, now all these things happen unto them, talking here about the children of Israel, happened unto them for and samples, the word, it's an old English word, Meaning Examples we'd say today. And they are written, all these things that happen to them are written next word, for F, O R, for our admonition, our learning upon whom the ends of the world come. You see, this verse of scripture says the same thing that we just read in Romans 15. For that all scripture of for a time is for our learning. This one says that these things happened unto the children of Israel as examples. And they are written for our one learning. Class. This is such a tremendous truth. That this is really the beginning where you start when you want to read the Word of God, you find out whose name is on it. If you're a Christian, then that which is addressed to the Jews is not to you. That which is addressed to the Gentiles is not to you. But that which is addressed to the Church of God is to you. So, class, let me ask you something, then logically. Let's say as we will have already understood, Genesis, Exodus, all the Old Testament is for our learning, then if you're going to start a young Christian out on the Word of God, we just start him with stuff, which is not addressed to him. Would you start him out with scripture that's only for his learning? Or would you start him out with the Word of God, which is specifically addressed to me is axiomatic isn't it? Once you know it, you certainly would start the young Christian out reading that word of God which is specifically addressed to him. Now people I didn't write the word. All I did is read it to you. And there it sets like a great diamond. When you uncovered it just radiates, it just delivers and shine. Because these scriptures, understanding them and then applying the truth there are sets the Word of God exactly where God said it was to be set. Now, it said All scripture of for time before the day of Pentecost is for our what? Our learning. Now, most of the people go along with this, when we talk about Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and through to Malikai. But that scripture didn't terminate with Malikai. It said, All scripture afford time before the day of what and it costs. And the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, do they deal with materials in Christ's life before the day of Pentecost or after? Before all the Gospels? All the Gospels close all four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all four of them close with the teaching of Christ's ascension, and the ascension occurred how many days after the resurrection plus 40 Right 10 days after the ascension was the day of Pentecost. Now all scripture, All scripture afford time. before the date of thanks to God is f o r, for our what? That's what it says that's what it means. And yet, in all the teaching across the nation today that you ever hear, they put the Gospels up here, the Gospels, as they say, referring to Jesus Christ they put up here, the word of God does not put them up there. The word that God says that all scripture of for time, before the day of Pentecost is only for our learning. Can you learn something from the gospel? A lot of it, but it still is not addressed to us.
Boy, that's a tremendous truth. And of course, everybody wants to fight about why not just believe God's word, quit fight, want to fight the devil, wanting to fight air, instead of truth. I didn't write it. But it's as plain as the nose on my face. That all scripture afford time is written for our learning. But what they have done, they put the Old Testament up here, put the Gospels up here, higher than the Old Testament revelation. And then the church epistles are like this, there's somewhere in between and lower than the Old Testament. In other words, that was just specifically to us. As Christian believers, they have never even put as high as the gospel. And so when they, for instance, someone gets saved in a in these Bible believing centers, what gospel do that give them? Three. That's always the one they hand out, give them the Gospel of John after they get saved three, but the Gospel of John is not addressed to that baby. It's not addressed to that new Christian. The Gospel of John is for their learning, but not to them. Why not give him the Word of God that's to him? Like you take a baby, you have pushed a bottle in its mouth, you give it to him? What did God come in the mail? Why sure. So it should be with the milk or God's Word, we ought to feed our babies, the milk of God's word which is addressed to them, and not the scripture, which is primarily for them, that's much later in their growing up stage, that they get this class, look at the logic of this teaching. If the Old Testament is on this level, the Gospels are over here. And the church epistles, after the day of Pentecost, are over here, then your Word of God is not all the word from Genesis to Revelation. And I believe that what the Bible says is true that all the word of all the Bible is the Word of God, all of it, from Genesis to Revelation, it's all the Word of God, all of it. And if you make the Gospels, more of God's word, than the Old Testament, or more of God's word than the church epistles, then we must be wrong, because then they're more God's word than the rest, and then you have nothing left. It's either all by God's Word or none of it. That's right. And setting them up like God has it set up, where it's all the Word of God, all of it's the word of God. But the, the answer lays as to whom is it addressed? Here is the Old Testament, addressed to the Jews. Here are the Gospels addressed to the Jews, all of these things. In the Gospels, you have sometimes a little message to the Gentiles. In the Old Testament, you have sometimes a little message to the Gentiles, but I'll always tell you when it comes up, then over here you have the Church of God. You see, now it's all the Word of God, all the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation. The only difference is that you must recognize to whom it's at all, then it's then it's all the Word of God without that recognition. It's not the word of God because part of it's bigger than now you see most people in classes like this, they can start thinking the thing through on the Old Testament, they say, yes, the Old Testament is true, that I can see that all scripture afford time is for our learning in the Old Testament, but I can't see where the four Gospels are Old Testament. Well they are they should never have been placed in the New Testament. Jesus Christ said he came on to his what is old and his own received Him not who were his own. The Jew Israel. Jesus Christ came to his his own. Isn't there a record here that it says just this in Corinthians someplace? Romans 15, eight. That's good that swear it is thank you. I thought it was in Corinthians But It's Romans 15.
Here in this book of Romans, it tells us specifically in verse eight, that Jesus Christ was a minister of the lot, circumcision and the circumcision row, the do the word preposition of is the preposition to in the text, Greek text. Jesus Christ was a minister to the circumcision. You see, he came on to his own Israel. He came to the Jews, he ministered to the Jews, he always carried out the law, he fulfilled the law which was addressed to the Jew. Now, after the book of Malikai, after the book of Malikai, there was about 400 years in there, before the Savior came. But when Jesus Christ came, His scripture says He fulfilled the law. He came on to his own, he was a minister to the circumcision. Jesus Christ never came to found the church to which you and I belong. He came to redeem Israel, he came to make that Israel full, but because they rejected Him, and something occurred on the day of Pentecost, making possible the church to which you and I belong is the difference. You know, there are so many things in the gospels, so many things in the gospels, that unless you understand the Scripture, All scripture for before the day of Pentecost is for our learning, the Gospels will contradict what it says in the church epistles addressed to us this time predict. For instance, in the gospels, salvation is dependent upon forgiving others. If you forgive men, their trespasses, the Scripture says, Then I will forgive you your trespasses. It says something else. If you will confess Me before man, then I will confess you before my Father which is in heaven. But in the church epistles, it doesn't say anything about forgiving men their trespasses or their sins. It doesn't say anything in the church epistles about confessing Him before men. It says, just the opposite. It says you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Romans 10, nine and 10. confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. And believe God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart, man believeth under righteousness and with the mouth confession is made under Selvi. Now there you have a contradiction. In the Gospels. It says you confess Him, then he'll come before men and he will confess you before the Father is a churchy pestles. It says, you simply confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior from sin, believe God raised Him from the dead, you're saying, how do you how can you reconcile the contradiction? Only one way by simply taking the scriptures that we have read tonight, that all scripture of for time is for our one, learning. Then the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, close the Old Testament. He fulfilled the law. He carried it out when he died upon the cross. The last thing he said was, what it is what what was finished. The old covenant, the everything that the law had endeavour to do, LOL that was finished. That's what he came to do. He came to finish it, to complete it to fulfill it. And people want to the satisfaction of our civilization, Christian believers among them is that they have taken these four gospels and put them in what we call the new testaments, had they placed them where God placed them to begin with, and where they were, until the scholars thought they knew more than God himself. They were in the Old Covenant. They close the Old Testament.
Look at the book of James James chapter one a servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the watt, 12 Watt, tribes, which are scattered abroad.
To whom is the book of James addressed to the 12 Watt. And that's what it says that's what it means playing his day, isn't it? Why sure. Look at Peter may not be quite as clear to you here. But it's very plain if you got understanding, Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers. The word strangers is the word in the Greek dis Fatah. And the word dispositor refers to the dispersion Jews, the Jews that were dispersed in Alexandria, and other places were referred to as the dispara. Some of your bibles may have this in the center reference or in the margin, you may have the word Desborough, Paul and apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers the dispersed Jews, scattered throughout time, just galleys to cap Theodosia, AIDS and pacinian. You see, they're all marked. Now, the problem has been that not only have we brought to us, the Old Testament in the gospels, like as if they're addressed to us, but we have taken books like Hebrews and James, and some of the rest, which are not specifically to the church, and we have acted as if they were specifically addressed to us. And that's why we can't handle certain sections of now you can only have one question left in your mind regarding this great truth. Why then, if all scripture afford time before the day of Pentecost is for our learning, why are you then doctor will say that some scripture after the day of Pentecost, is still not specifically to us, but only in one sentence for our learning. The reason I'm saying this is because this is exactly what the Bible says, in Acts, chapter 21.
Acts chapter 21. Verse 20, is the verse I want to read in a moment.
But I want to tell you some things that came up in class this past week. And also you will recall from other teaching, that was Paul ministered the Word of God in the synagogue, he always got into trouble with the heads of the synagogues, and so forth. And wherever he went, the circumcised lawyers came along afterwards, to take the Christian believers who were born again of God's Spirit, but who had not had enough time to be instructed in the greatness of God's word, to get them to turn their heads and to get him circumcised and put them back under the law. And here in this 20, verse, When they heard it, they glorified the Lord and said unto him, that is under Paul, thou see his brother, how many 1000s of Jews there are, which two up? Believe were they born again? Surely say, but they have not renewed their mind on the Word of God. They didn't know the Word of God, they didn't understand it. They didn't apply it. That's why the last phrase, but they are all zealous of what? That's right. And the book of Hebrews, the book of James, Peter, these are addressed to Jewish believers who were born again, but who were still legalist, who still wanted to hold on to their water baptism, their circumcision, all these other rights they wish they had had before they got born again. And after they got born again, they wanted to take all this legalism in with a. They were born believers born again. But they were still zealous for what? And that's about as far as any church member has ever gone. If he's born again, he is still zealous for the law. And all water baptism and all this other stuff that we go through is all a zealousness for the law. Therefore, most Christians could really could never greatly read the Epistles addressed to them, because you wouldn't understand them for a day are still in the enslavement of Hebrews and James and Peter, because they have not accepted the greatness of God's revelation that God gave in Galatians, chapter five. Galatians chapter five. The apostle Paul says, And he gives us the Word of God is the Apostle Paul's word.
Words, thought it is God's Word, He is speaking. He said, Stand fast therefore, in the Liberty, where with Christ has made us what? And be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. What's the yoke of bondage, the law, plain as day. But according to Acts, we read a while ago, they were believers, but they were still zealous for a lot. And the law is the yoke of bondage, understand, so they were still binding themselves up in that yoke of bondage. And therefore, you have these epistles addressed to Hebrews, James Peter. And so in the book of Isaiah going back in the Old Testament in Isaiah chapter 30. At the top of your page, or in the margin, or in the center reference, the italics I'm concerned about. It's either i t's are 39 or 40. I forget which one of your Bibles or which chapters these are but in some Bibles, where you have the italics that men have an added, you will find out it says in the italics, His mercies to the church. Do any of you have that in any of your Bibles in the class? You have it, Larry, you have it true. Anyone else over here? His mercies to the church? Is that on? 29 or 30 chapter on chapter 30, His mercies to the church? Now remember, I taught you that everything in italics is man added, right? Sure, it's what man thought. But I want to show you on a wonderful truth here because this is exactly what man says. This Isaiah 30 is all about. It's His mercies to the church. Then, according to him, surely, according to him, that section is addressed to the church. Now how can it be with the rest of the scriptures we read tonight, that all scripture afford time before the day of Pentecost is for our what? Learning and only that with us from the day of Pentecost on which is specifically addressed to us is to us. Now, either he's or he's wrong, or I'm entirely wrong in what I've been teaching you right? Because there he says, His mercies to to the church. Will you please read the first verse of the first chapter of Isaiah?
Everybody got Isaiah chapter one, verse one, the vision of Isaiah the son of Amos, which he saw concerning lot, Judah and what? The word concerning as a preposition to the vision of Isaiah, the son of Amis which he saw to Judah, and Jerusalem, concerning I understand, so do you. If it's concerning Judah and Jerusalem, then to whom is the book of Isaiah, Judah and what? That's what it says that's what it means. Therefore, that poor fella that says to the church, he's got to be what? He's got to be wrong, or the body of the text has to be wrong. So you just make up your mind whether God's words right or man's word. And it says that as plain as the nose on my face, that the book of Isaiah Is to the Judah. And who? Then is it to the church? Is it to the Gentiles? It's to who? That's what it says. That's what if you see how simple the Bible becomes then real easy. All scripture afford time is for our learning. But that which is addressed to us, must be specifically interpreted of us. But we can learn tremendous proofs from all the Scripture, which is for our learning. I believe that once you begin to understand this a little bit, and of course, the only problem you could possibly have have already explained, and that is on the dealing with them. Why? Why do we have for instance, James, Hebrews, and those addressed to the Jews? The answer lays in Acts 21, which we read, that they were born again, but they were still zealous for one. They never quite reached up. They never got to that Galatians five, one place where they stood fast in the liberty where with Christ Jesus had set them free, and not to be untangled again with the yoke of bondage. And look round about you tonight. How many people do you know in the church believers and they're all tangled up with the old qabbani It's this, do this, do this, do this. They're wound up in this commandment, that command that commandment. I'd say 99 and 44 100. So that's why you see it is difficult for them to read the book of Romans or Ephesians. And really believe it because the book of Romans and Ephesians addressed to the church has thrown off all this yoke of bondage and set men and women free. But they being enslaved can only read that which is addressed to the enslaved. They're born again. Sure, bless your heart. If they died tonight, they'd wake up in heaven when the Lord come. I know you're born again. But boy in their day by day living, they're zealous for the law, zealous for the law. And the Bible says that the law is the yoke of bondage. Well, if you will read the Word of God as to whom it is addressed and rightly divided, their section upon section will just become clear and plain. Take a look at Deuteronomy. Genesis Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The word Dutoit is second means second. It's the second book of laws, Deuteronomy, that's what the word means.
Deuteronomy chapter six. Chapter six, and birth 25. And it shall be it shall be everybody's eyes no word. It shall be our righteousness. If, if, if we observed to do all these watt, commandments before the Lord our God, as he was, commanded us.
That verse The scripture says, that if we keep the commandments, all the commandments the Lord our God commanded us, then we shall be justified and have his what? Righteousness, right. Okay. Now remember that stay hips for 30 seconds, and look at Romans. Romans is after the day of Pentecost addressed to us. Romans, chapter three Romans chapter three, verse 20, everybody habit, Romans, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John acts Romans, chapter three, verse 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law, shall no flesh be was justified, which is just the opposite of what we just read in where Deuteronomy now class if the whole Bible is addressed to us, you have a contradiction to to rectify. because at one place he says, If you'll keep the law, you will be made righteous and justified at his site. At another place, he says that no man is made righteous by the keeping of the law. Now, if it's God's word can God deny himself? No, God cannot say one thing one place and say another another place. Unless you recognize the principle that His word set before us tonight, that all scripture of for time is for our one. Therefore, Deuteronomy is for our what? And to those people at that time, to whom he was speaking the Jews, it was specifically to them, but to the church today, it is not to us, it's for our learning, but Roman is to us. Romans is to us. 320 is not the one I read, by the deeds of the law shall know flesh be justified in the sight of God. That's something, you see how these apparent discrepancies and errors disappear, just by recognizing the principle as to whom is it? Look at Galatians chapter two, Romans Corinthians galleys. Galatians, chapter two verse 16, knowing that a man is not justified by the What Works of us. And yet Deuteronomy said, that's how he got justified, right? Galatians says, No, you don't. But you're justified by the face of Jesus Christ. And that's something you see, there's no contradiction in the Bible, in Deuteronomy or in Romans are in Galatians, you could just recognize to whom it's written. In chapter three, you have the same truth of verse 11. No man is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for the just shall live by what by face see it. All these apparent discrepancies dissolve and disappear. When you rightly divide the word as to whom it is, to whom it is. The problem is simply a matter of the renewing of the mind. That's all that our mind will accept what the Word of God says, like that scripture in Romans and in Corinthians, All scripture of for time is for our learning. This happened to those as examples and is written for our admonition, recognizing that principle, you have no contradiction between the things which are given in the Old Testament, or in the new, provided you put the Gospels where God puts them, the closing of the Old Testament, and the new begins with the day of Pentecost, the church to which you and I belong? Well, I think that's a wonderful truth. And it just makes oodles of Scripture simple from here on out.
And it's just so beautiful, that once you understand this principle, all you need to do is watch what you're reading. And you'll always know if it's addressed to you, or if it's for your learning. And I would say to you tonight, that this handles more than 500 of the most difficult so called time predict three verses in scripture, just this one principle of it, we'll get rid of it. Because there is no time prediction, for this was addressed to the Jews at that time. They were under it because the Jews received righteousness was reckoned under them as they were obedient to the law and believed in it. But you do not get righteousness because of your obedience to the law, but because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't that wonderful?