SNT 0235 Apostles Sent of God
Expository teaching with an emphasis on the gift ministries. September 24, 1967
SNT – 235

Format: audio
Publication Date: 09-24-1967
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
Col 1:1-8
Col 1:9-12
Col 1:12-14
Col 1:14-27; Gen 1:1
Excerpt from expository teaching on Colossians 1 (09/24/67)
And we’ll go to the Word of God tonight here at the Way headquarters in the book of Colossians. Sometimes in the teaching ministry that God has set within our midst, you (just wonder) when you are ever going to have enough time to take this Word of God and to let it jell in the fullest and the greatness of its abundant in the hearts of all are people. One of the reasons that we have to reiterate the great principles of God’s Word from time to time, is not only for those of us who know it well to learn it better, but for those who are more or less neophytes, fledglings, beginners in the greatness of God’s Word, that they have the privilege and the opportunity of growing up with the rest of us, to get a greater perception in the accuracy of God’s Word.
I never have any difficulty finding what to teach from God’s Word. The difficulty I have is finding enough time and enough opportunities where the time is available to teach. This is why when I hear ministers talk at times that they are running out of sermon material, it just shocks me. The reason, the only reason you run out of sermon material is because you fail to read the Word of God. But in the reading of that Word of God and in the study of that Word of God, there is always plenty of material the read.
And here tonight again I’d like to take you into that great book of Colossians. To some of you, some of these scriptures are well known, but to others it will just help you to build the greatness of the wonderful presence of God into your life in a greater abundance and greater manifestation.
In the first verse, of the first chapter, we read, “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother.” Paul was an apostle, and an apostle is one sent. The word apostle means, “to be sent”. He is one sent of God who bears new light. It may be old light but it’s new to the generation to whom he speaks. He is a man called of God. Paul, an apostle, of Jesus Christ. We are apostles, as men of God who are apostles, they are apostles of Jesus Christ, the one who was humiliated, and yet the one who was resurrected who is our Messiah, our Lord, our King. This is why is written in this fashion.
“By the will of God.”
As you so well know, they are only five ministries in the body of the Church; apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. These are set forth in the book of Ephesians, is it the fourth chapter, I believe. Now of these five ministries, Paul speaks here, that these ministries are by the will of God. These ministries are not by attending a certain school or a certain class on Power for Abundant Living. These are ministries that are God given in a perpendicular way, where God knows the heart of a man or the heart of a woman, and He, God, gives than that ministry they may minister as God’s representative on earth to God’s people. And this is why it is by the will of God.
Verse two says, “To the saints.” To the saints. And this book of Colossians is the address to the church, the Saints, the born again believers, and “the faithful brethren in Christ”—not the faithful in Jesus, but the faithful in Christ.
We are ministers for Jesus Christ on an horizontal level, but we minister to the faithful, the believers, the ones who are born again who are in Christ. The Word of God never said that when you’re a Christian you’re in Jesus. It always says that you’re in Christ, because the word “Jesus” is always associated with his humility, his degradation, his suffering. They could put a crown of thorns on his head. They could spit in his face. They could nail him to the cross. This was Jesus, the man. But the Christ is the Anointed One, the Savior, the Redeemer. And you and I are not in his humiliation. We are in his messianic greatness as Christ. This is why these usages become very dynamically important in the greatness of God’s Word.
“To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father.” The words, “and the Lord Jesus Christ,” are omitted in the best critical Greek texts. “Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father.”
I enjoyed so much what Nancy Bowen said about these young people who had gotten this freedom when they understood what salvation was. How they got saved and filled with the power of God. How they lost that, what do you call it, the hardness with which man have to ordinary keep themselves saved and struggle and strain to stay in alignment, harmony. How simple this thing becomes, when we realized that our salvation is of grace, and then our walk of the renewed mind.
And here he says, “Grace [grace] be unto you, and peace, from God our Father.”
Isn’t that wonderful?
SUMMARY KEYWORDS: God, Christ, word, church, greatness, ministry, adequate, walk, saints, Jesus Christ, minister, spiritual, pray, rescued, lord, power, Paul
And we'll go to the Word of God tonight here at the Lay headquarters in the book of Colossians. Sometimes, in the teaching ministry that God has set within our midst, you did not sign you're ever going to have enough time to take this word to God and to let it gel in the fullness and the greatness of its abundance in the hearts of all our people. One of the reasons that we have to reiterate the great principles of God's Word from time to time is not only for those of us who know it well to learn it better. But for those who are more or less neophytes, fledglings, beginners, in the greatness of God's word, that they have the privilege and the opportunity of growing up with the rest of us to get a greater perception in the accuracy of God's word. I never have any difficulty finding what to teach from God's Word. The difficulty I have is finding enough time and enough opportunities where the time is available to teach. This is why when I hear ministers talk at time, that the times that they're running out a sermon material, it just shocks me, is reason the only reason you can run out of sermon materials because you failed to read the Word of God. But in the reading of that word of God, and in the study of that word of God, there is always plenty of material to read. And here tonight, again, I'd like to take you into the great book of Colossians. Two some of you some of these scriptures are well known but to others, it will just help you build the greatness of the wonderful presence of God into your life in a greater abundance and greater manifestation. In the first verse of the first chapter, we read, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy, our brother, Paul was an apostle and apostle is one cent, the word apostle means to be sent. He is one cent of God, who bears new light. It may be old light, but it's new to the generation to whom he speaks. He is a man called of God, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ. We are apostles, as men of God, who are apostles, the apostles of Jesus Christ, the one who was humiliated, and yet the one who was resurrected, who is our Messiah, our Lord, our King. This is why it's written in this fashion, by the will of God, as you saw, well, no, there are only five ministries in the body of the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, these are set forth in the book of Ephesians, is that the fourth chapter, I believe, now of these five ministries, Paul speaks here, that these ministries are by the will of God. These ministries are not by attending a certain school or a certain class on power for abundant living. These are ministries that are God given in a perpendicular way, where God knows the heart of a man, or the heart of a woman. And he God gives them that ministry that they may minister, as God's representatives on Earth to God's people. And this is why it's by the will of God. Verse two says, to the saints, to the saints, and this book of Colossians, is addressed to the church, the saints, the born again believers, and the faithful brethren in Christ, not the faithful in Jesus, but the faithful in Christ. We are ministers for Jesus Christ on an horizontal level, but we ministered to the faithful, the believers, the ones who are born again who are in Christ. The word of God never says that when you're a Christian, you're in Jesus. It always says that you're in Christ, because the word Jesus is always associated with his humility, his degradation, his suffering, they could put a crown of thorns on his head, they could spit in his face, they could nail Him to the cross. This was Jesus demand. But the Christ is the Anointed One, the Savior, the Redeemer, and you and I are not in his humiliation. We are in his messianic greatness as Christ. This is why these youth ages become very dynamically important in the greatness of God's Word.
To the saints, and faithful brethren in Christ, which are at Colossae Grace be unto you, and peace from God, our Father, the words and the Lord Jesus Christ are omitted in the best critical Greek texts Beyond to you, and peace from God, our Father, I enjoyed so much what Nancy Boland said about these young people who had gotten this freedom when they understood what salvation was, well how they got saved and failed with the power of God, how they lost that? Why do we call it the hardness with which men have to ordinarily keep themselves saved and struggling strain to stay in alignment, harmony, how simple this thing becomes, when we realize that our salvation is about grace, and that our walk is of the renewed mind. And here he says, Grace, Grace be unto you, and peace, from God, our Father, that's wonderful. We give thanks to God. The word and in verse three is emitted. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you. Now, how could he be praying always for them, except he would lift them in silent prayer, as he would speak in tongues in his private prayer life. That's the only way you can pray for people. Because I do not know your need. But God knows it right. And if I stay my mind upon you, and speak, pray in the Spirit for you. God knows your needs, and God meets that need. This is how he was praying always for those people in the church at Colossae, by the manifestation of the Spirit, in verse four, since we heard of you're believing in Christ Jesus, since we heard of your faith, your believing is the text. Because the faith of Jesus Christ is ours when we believe. So we utilize this word pistas, here believing verse forward, since we heard of, you're believing, you're believing in what? In Christ Jesus, not in Jesus Christ, but in Christ, Jesus, where they were in him when they believe, and have the love to all the saints, and of the love to all the saints. Verse five, for the hope, which is laid up, laid up is stored, you know, you lay up things, you store them, this is it usage, for the hope, which is stored up for you in heaven, where have you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel, which is come unto you, as it is in all the world and bring it forth. Fruit, increasingly, is omitted in the English, but this is its construction in the original text, that it bring it forth fruit can continually, increasingly as what the word Yata had, increasingly, as it does also in you, since the day he heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth, there it is, the grace of God in truth. People talk about the grace of God, but they never know the grace of God into they say, yes, it's up grace, but then they add the button. And then they have a whole bunch of negative things involved. It's the grace of God in truth. Ladies and gentlemen, if it's grace, it's what grace, if it's works, it's what works. And when the Word of God says, It's Grace, it means grace. It's the grace of God, grace from God, Grace from him. And that's the only way people ever get saved anyway. Because if we got it, and he tried to get it any other way, we'd all miss the boat. Because nobody's good enough to work for it. Nobody can so discipline, his mind and his life, that he ever gets to the place where he earned something from God. So this is the grace of God in truth, so that we are not in error about it. As she learned, as she learned, the word also is not in the best critical Greek texts again, as she learned of APA phrase, our dear fellow servant, fellow slaves.
Who is for you, a faithful minister of Christ, who also declared To us, your love in spirit declared unto us as he reported back to Paul, he told Paul about the love that they had. The first thing I asked Reverend Wade, when it came back in off of the itinerary of being in Indianapolis with our people, I said, Well, how are the people in Indianapolis? He reported back to me, what's going on what they're doing, how, how they feel what's happening? Well, this is exactly what this fella did to the apostle Paul, he came back to Paul and he told him what was going on in the church, what the people were doing. And he was, he reported back to Paul, that those people really had a great love in the Spirit. And so he says, in Verse nine for this cause, we also since the day we heard from Aphrodite, do not have a phrase, rather, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, isn't that a wonderful prayer for people, that they might be filled with a knowledge of his will, the knowledge of God's will? How do we get a knowledge of God's will? From His Word, His Word is well, the only way we can know the will of God is to go back to the undiluted Word of God. When we have this word of God, we will know God's will. But that word of God must be rightly divided. To the end, we rightly divided we have the true word does the end we run the divided, we will have air. And so his prayer was that they might continue to grow. And the only way they could grow would be if they had the knowledge of his will. The knowledge of God's will, and this they could only get from God's word, knowledge of his will, in all wisdom, and spiritual understanding. That spiritual understanding is a tremendous thing. Some people understand things, not truly saints knowledge wise, but they do not have a great spiritual perception, great spiritual understanding, you know how you develop a spiritual understanding, by getting the knowledge of God's word rightly divided in your mind, and then operating the manifestations of the Spirit and spatially speaking much praying much in the spirit in your private prayer life, your private walk with God, this develops the spiritual understanding, I call it in the classes many times where you become sensitive to people's spiritual needs, where you become alive to this, which is God given to you while you're walking for him. This is what he's talking about, that not only would they have a knowledge of his willing all wisdom, but they would have spiritual understanding that they can understand spiritual needs, spiritual things, spiritual opportunities. Just before I walked in the auditorium tonight, just about 30 seconds before we had a long distance phone call. Someone was desperately in need of prayer, because they just been kicked by a horse. And we're in a hospital in Kettering in a serious condition and called on the phone and asked if we would lift them. Ordinarily, I bring these things into the auditorium. You've seen me do that many times, where people have a need we, they bring it here in the auditorium, we ministered to it, we pray for it. We never brought it in the auditorium. Why? Why don't we bring it in?
Brother Peter was back there with me. He and I were sitting in there. I believe. Peter had had you not already prayed before we came in here. And that's the last thing we do before we come in. Either he prays or I pray for you people in the rest of the ministry on Sunday night before we come in. And Peter had already finished his prayer and we were just ready to come in when the phone rang. So what did we do? My spiritual understanding this very thing that we're talking about the spiritual guidance, the understanding was that the need was there then not to wait till everybody got in the auditorium not wait until this part of the service where I'm teaching or where we ministered. People, but walk in right then and there. So we stop, we prayed, we did what we felt God would have us to do, then we walked in. This is the kind of thing we're talking about here. It's real practical in the book of Colossians. There are some times when people say something, you may let it rest for a half an hour, sometimes a day. I remember how sometimes people want you to go to the hospital and you're a minister or something, your member goes to the hospital. And immediately after they're there, you'll find out you think you ought to go since knowledge wise, but you have no spiritual understanding to go. So why do you do your wait a day, you'll wait half hour, you'll wait two days, I don't know. You'll wait until it's God's time. And you know, it's God's time. That's the spiritual understanding. And when that spiritual understanding clicks, when it works in your life, you're always right, you're never wrong. But when you go against that spiritual understanding, it's sometimes an uphill job, I assure you. This is why he was so thankful that they had worked to have the knowledge of God's will, in all wisdom, and spiritual understanding. And verse 10, says of chapter one, that you might walk worthy of God, Lord, unto all pleasing, walk worthy under the LORD unto all pleasing, to be saved, no, because because they were what? Save, they had the faith of Jesus Christ, Christ was in them and they were in Christ, they were born again of God's Spirit. Therefore they were to walk worthy of the Lord unto all placing, being fruitful, in every good work. being fruitful by is the text in the great, every good work, being fruitful by every good work you do. You produce the fruit, understand of your work before the Lord in the knowledge, and increasing in the knowledge of God. How he keeps driving this knowledge of God, the will of God can only be known by having the knowledge of God, the knowledge of God comes by his word. And to have that knowledge of God, you must have the word and that wonderful. Paul just keeps driving this and driving this to the church. And this is addressed to the church, and therefore it's not Paul's message to the church. It's God's message via Paul to the church. And it this is why it is current today, as it was the first time it was ever written or spoken. For. It's still God's message to God's people, the church the body. Strengthened verse 11 says, strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with what joyfulness, joyfulness, how many times when you have to have patience for something to come to pass, are you happy or joyful is a situation ah it's a real Sharpie is. It's our real pointed Word of God. When He says, Unto all patience, and long suffering with joyfulness, joyfulness, having patience, for something that come to pass joyfully, long suffering with people, for instance, who oppose the greatness of God's Word or oppose themselves as the word of God says, to have long suffering with just put up with keep putting up. Then they walk away again, you just keep on patience, and long suffering. Ha, and having joyfulness, the joy regarding knowing that the only good they've ever had is the word and therefore you're just joyfully thankful for the goodness that it has done and joyfully, patiently, long suffering, suffering lay, waiting for them to return. This is what he's giving, giving thanks under the father, verse 12. Who has made us meat, meat is the word adequate. Giving thanks under the father who has made us adequate, made us adequate To be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light, God has made us what adequate if he has made us adequate, then we are adequate in the situation right? This is why the word says we are more than concrete. This is why it says we have more abundant life, because we are adequate we have a hymn in Sing along the way talks about the church is equal to its task. It's that old great church him rise up oh man of God. And that second verse of that church him in your church hymnals it reads as follows. Rise up Oh men of God, that church for you does wait. Her strength is equal to her house. Her strength is unequal is the text to her task, rise up and make it great. I think it's her strength is on equal. You've got the old church hymnal, somebody can check it while I'm teaching it tonight. I know that it's in here like this rise up, oh man of God, the church for you death, wait, her strength on equal to her task, rise up and make it great. Now how could you make the church great if your strength is not equal to the task? We just rewrote the words in this sing along the way. And it says, Rise up all men and God the church for you death weight, its strength is equal to its task, rise up and make it great. This has to be true. Because he says giving thanks on the father who has made us what adequate? If we are adequate, then we can do the job. If a man's inadequate, he cannot do it. If the church is unequal to its past, how could that church make it great? It cannot. God has made us adequate. And when you get the idea of the greatness of God's word that you are adequate, that's when you start effervescing. That's when you start glowing. That's when you start the walk of victory. And you're not defeated every step of the way. And you're not overcome every time somebody says something. Because you know, that even in that single situation, you are adequate.
Some of our people are so concerned that I don't understand the body of Christ, a bunch of baloney. But you know what I do know, I know that this person teaching that you have to have 100 people present to get an answer in prayer is not necessarily true. What would you do? If you were the only one present and you needed a real answer? Why would you do if you couldn't find 99? More or a dozen more? What would you do? Well, we'd be in the soup. Right? People think for a moment, but that teaching does stablish a man born again of God's Spirit, he and God make a majority in any situation where anybody? People, we don't need a dozen people in a prayer meeting, to get some prayers answered. We need one person there who bleeds. If there are a dozen who believe we praise the Lord. What would you do in an emergency? Let's say it was not possible for two or three people together? Is God out of business? Never. For He has made us what? Adequate? And if he has made us adequate, we are adequate. And we are able This is why we're more than conquerors through him who loved us and who gave himself fourth. This is why again this week in a teaching ministry like this and in our walk across the nation, we just know. We just know what can be done. This is why it's always a blessing when we can get together to work the word and see the ineffable greatness and wonderfulness of it. Now, he sets all of this in order in verse 12. Giving thanks To the father, who has made us adequate to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints, we are made adequate to be partakers. Then comes this verse 13. And before you go home tonight, if you do not have a copy, you see Mrs. Allen at the book table, and just tell her to give you a copy. far as I'm concerned, I want you to have a copy of a booklet entitled God rescued us. Because verse 13, has the whole truth of this God rescued us, written in that booklet back there, that'll just make people alive and give him tremendous understanding of God's Word. For the translation in King James is rather well weak. In our current understanding, for King James says in verse 13, who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and as translated us into the kingdom of his dear son. First of all, there's a tremendous error in teaching that his son had the kingdom, that son has no kingdom It is God's kingdom. The word translated the word translated, is not quite strong enough, because the literal usage is citizenship. The old sand script, which one of the oldest languages in the world, used in India, the same script language, has its translation of this verse, citizenship and have given citizenship unto us. But the literal translation of verse 13. And I am sure many of you have this in the margins of your bibles already. If not, you may write it tonight. Or you can pick up a copy that God rescued us and take the literal translation out of it later and add it into your Bible in the margin to see for yourself. But here is the great translation literally a verse 13. God rescued us out from among the exercised our operative influence of darkness, bringing us as citizens into His kingdom by his dear Son. God rescued us out from among the usage of this rescuing out from among is the picture of a man standing on
what do you call it? It was circle, you know, and then a big hole. What would you call it? You know, if you had a big old Pip, that would be alright, understand what big old it is. Big old pit real big. And this man is standing on the brink of that pit and he is falling into it. He is already starting to topple over. That's this word. God rescued us. That's the word. He's already going down and just before his feet leave that soil and he topples over into the abyss below. God snatches. God snatches. The word rescued is like the word snatch out. Take, just collect real quickly because the next second he been gone. That's it. God rescued us out from among the exercised our operative influence of the kingdom of darkness and separated us. He rescued us, took us up and out. And then He separated us bringing us as citizens into His kingdom into God's kingdom by the work of His dear Son. Ladies and gentlemen, if that's right, which it is, the word of God is never wrong. Then you and I are already in God's kingdom now. By the work of His dear Son, because Christ is in us. We are in Him. God, His kingdom of his dear son into God's kingdom by the work of His dear Son, translated, taken us up and want to wonderful truth this is, well, I just thought I'd just flesh robot. Here we are in this world. Sometimes we have an opportunity or two with which we're confronted. Lo and behold, even at that time, we can already declare that we are translated, that we are in God's kingdom. And ladies and gentlemen, if we're in God's kingdom, and God put us there by the work of his dear son, who is ever going to take us out, nobody, but just know. That's because if God put us there, by the work of His dear Son, were there to stay. And this is a tremendous reality to the soul. Look what this teaching does in the life of a person who loves the Lord Jesus Christ. Ron who believes in the church, the body, one who is concerned about the greatness or the power of God, when he finds out when that boy or that girl or that adult finds out that they already belong to God's kingdom, and that nothing can separate them. They're in there by with the work that Christ rot, and rot within them. I tell you, it puts a spring in their souls and a jar in our heart. Guys, you're not defeated every step of the way. You're not frustrated, every column, even if they raise the tax doesn't bother you much because you just know that you belong to Him. So wonderful thing. Verse 14. We're talking about his Son, Jesus Christ, in whom we have redemption. It says In whom we have it, it doesn't say in whom we're going to get it when we die, in whom we got it. Now, not sometime in the future. But right at this moment, in whom we have redemption, through His blood is omitted in the text. Even is an italics which was added, so we deleted the word forgiveness is the word remission. And it reads then as follows, In whom we have redemption, the remission of odd boy putting those two together, you have a tremendous proof. In Him, we have redemption. But what good is redemption, unless we get lot, remission of sin, not wonderful. Boy, this verse in here, just need someone, some time to teach Johnny for hours, that's verse 14, putting together redemption, and the remission of sins, we have redemption, we've got it.
And we've got remission of sins, in what God wrought in Christ teens. This is why verse 15 says, speaking of Christ, who is the image of the invisible God, God is invisible, because God is what Spirit, God is Spirit. Now Jesus Christ was the embodiment of God's Spirit, God was in Christ, and that's the image. He was the firstborn. Every all creation, the firstborn, and another place I believe it uses as the first begotten. He's the only one that has ever been resurrected from the dead. He is the only one that is alive, seated in the heavenlies with God, now that has ever been a an earthly human being. Now, verses 16 and 17, are a parentheses. A parentheses is in the Word of God, as a figure of speech by way of explanation. He is the image of the invisible God. Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God. The subject of verse 15, as far as a great declaration is concerned is God. And God, in verse 16, next, this parentheses, it explains to you what God did. God, four by him by God, verse 16, were all things created. How do you know this Genesis chapter one, verse one, what is it say, in the beginning who God created the heavens and the earth, for by God, were all things created that are in heaven, and that are inert, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by God, and for him, by him, and for him, for God, verse 17, and he God is before all things, and by him by God, all things considered. They have thrown verses 16 and 17, into the lap of Jesus Christ, and it doesn't belong there. Verses 16 and 17 do not deal with Jesus Christ. They deal with the invisible God, the invisible God, verse 15. Well, I didn't make the problem. That's what every commentary teaches. Why don't read the commentaries, you just read the Word. And let this word speak out. Let this word rub, let this word rule let this word be great. Because in verse 18. If you've read verse 15, who is the image of the invisible God, He is the firstborn of every creature, and he is the head of up. Jesus Christ is the head of the body, the church, there we go back to Jesus Christ, who is the beginning, the firstborn or the first begotten from the dead? That is all things he might have the preeminence. The literal text reads, In all things, he became the preeminent one. Or it pleased God, verse 19, that in him, in Jesus Christ, should all the fullness dwell, and having made peace, through the blood of his cross, the cross of Jesus Christ, by him, to reconcile all things unto himself, by him, I say whether things they'd be things in earth or things in heaven, and you that were sometimes alienated, and enemies in your mind, by wicked works, yet now has a what? Reconcile.
Jesus Christ reconciled us to God. That which was separated was brought together. The Gentiles, without God, without hope in this word. He brought them back together made it possible for them by the work of Jesus Christ. I understand, perhaps ought to read the rest of these verses and it'll become very clear unto you. Verse 22, in the body of his face, through death, to present you, the church, holy and unbelievable. And Henri provable, I'm re provable is an impeachable. unimpeachable no one can impeach you anymore. You're unimpeachable in his sight. Now, I find money impeachable. There is no IP about it in verse 23. Absolutely no if about how can I be unimpeachable? And turn around in the next phrase and say, if the text reads, surely, surely ye shall continue in the faith, grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel, which you have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven, when I Paul and made a minister, who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind the afflictions of Christ in my place, for his body sake, which is the lot. Wow, I am made a minister according to the dispensation, the administration of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill the Word of God. Verse 26, Even the mystery which has been here, from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his watt saints, to whom God would make know, what is the riches of the glory of this ministry among the Gentiles, which is Christ were in you, the hope of glory, the riches, the riches of the glory of this ministry of this mystery. Which is Christ in you, Christ in Christ, do you see why it's an individual matter? And why it's a body matter? If Christ is in you, Christ is in you, that we make up the body, he's the head of it, but Christ is still aware in you. And that makes you a majority in the set choice. Christ in you just think what a tremendous week this will have to be. If Christ is in you. You're not a nobody walking down the street. You're a Christ body. Christ is ladies and gentlemen. There's nothing that's so puts the thrill and I'm I'm so and a woman so as to know who he is, and what he has in Christ, and that he can walk with a greatness of the power of God. So tremendous thing and a tremendous hour and a tremendous time.
Tonight, again, Surely our hearts have thrilled at the ineffable greatness of Your Word. Father, week after week here at the way biblical Research Center on Sunday night, we gathered together a group of interdenominational non sectarian people, paying no attention to our backgrounds where we've come from what we've been what we've done, we're only concerned about one thing, Father, that this word of God may again have pregnancy and supremacy in our life. And so I thank you tonight. And various specially father in this, our 25th anniversary week. I thank you for the help and strengthen the guidance, that protection, the care that you have given us, for the love of God in the hearts of the body of believers, who have stood with us these many years, in witnessing to the greatness of Your Word. And may this be the most wonderful week, Father, that we have ever had. May we be able to go into this tremendous week, knowing of the greatness of our Lord and as these days come like on Friday night, and Saturday and Sunday, May those of us who have been in positions of responsibility here at the way be able to enjoy this weekend, may we be able to just walk in it quietly with our friends and with our loved ones, and just be blessed with their presence, that we'll just have a easy, wonderful week that we will know the presence and the glory of the Lord in all of his fullness here at the way headquarters. So we praise thee and thank thee for this through Christ Jesus our living Lord. Amen. Good night. God bless you. It's been a wonderful night having you.