SNT 0210 John 14 and Acts 2
May 26, 1968 - An expository teaching from John 14 and Acts 2 concerning the promise to the twelve apostles and their receiving it.
SNT – 210

Format: audio
Publication Date: 05-26-1968
Joh 14:16, 17, 26; 20:21, 22
Act 2:1-3
Act 2:2-4; Col 2:10; (Act 8:15-17); Act 1:8
Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.
By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.
In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.
Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.
Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).
Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.
Excerpt from this teaching:
Pentecost is the greatest day in the church year. On the day of Pentecost came the new birth, which is the power of the Holy Spirit, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. And it was this Pentecost that God brought into being or brought into extent, because people believe. God would have brought the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ one day after the original sin in Genesis chapter 2 had someone risen up to believe. But no one ever rose up to really believe God, for God to be able to do what he did in Mary the mother of Jesus. And no one ever rose up to do what Jesus Christ did. So, without the birth of Jesus Christ we could not have the day of Pentecost, I know that, without his ministry, without his life. But we have it because of the resurrection, the ascension and the fulfillment of the law. You could never have come to the position that we see in Acts chapter 2, and other places, unless you had completely closed the Old Testament.
I sat next to a man or a man sat next to me on the plane this morning who has been a student of a man from the East Coast whose radio broadcast can almost be heard anyplace anytime anywhere almost any hour of the day throughout the United States today. A very prominent man, one of the finest newscasters, could have been in the world, I believe. And he said he had been following this teaching for three years, until about 6 months ago. And then I said, well, what turned you off? Well, he said, I began reading the Bible for myself. And I read someplace, he said, and he couldn’t remember it, that Christ was the end of the law. He read this someplace, must have been Galatians, maybe, that Christ was the end of the law, but he said, I have been getting special letters (he must have been in the depth work of this thing) where, he said, they told me and showed me that I was under the 10 Commandments, that I had to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, and all of these things. But, he said, when I read this it said Christ is the end of the law, and if he is the end of the law, then how can I still be under it if I belong to Christ?
And then of course, we got involved…
Scriptures referenced:
John 14:16, 17, 26
John 20:21, 22
Act 2:1-3
Act 2:2-4
Colossians 2:10
Act 8:15-17
Act 1:8
snt-0210 John 14 and Acts 2(vpw)
Pentecost is the greatest day in the church cheer. On the day of Pentecost came the new birth, which is the power of the Holy Spirit, which is Christ in you the hope of glory. And it was this Pentecost, that God brought into being or brought into extent, because people believed God would have brought the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ. One day after the original sin in Genesis, chapter two, had someone risen up to believe. But no one ever rose up to really believe God, for God to be able to do what he did in Mary, the mother of Jesus. And no one ever rose up to do what Jesus Christ did. So without the birth of Jesus Christ, we could not have the day of Pentecost, I know that without his ministry without his life. But we have it because of the resurrection, the ascension, and the fulfillment of the law, you could never have come to the position that we see in Acts chapter two and other places. Unless you are completely closed, the Old Testament I sat next door, a man sat next to me on the plane this morning, who has been a student of a man from the East Coast whose radio broadcasts can almost be heard any place anytime, anywhere, there's almost any hour of the day, throughout the United States today, a very prominent man, one of the finest newscasters could have been in the world, I believe. And he said he had been following this teaching for three years, until about six months ago. And then I said, Well, what turns you off? What he said, I began reading the Bible for myself. And I read someplace, he said, he couldn't remember it. That Christ was the end of the law. He read this someplace, must have been Galatians. Maybe. Christ was the end of the law. But he said, I have been getting special letters, he must have been in the depth work of this thing, where he said, they told me and showed me that I was under the 10 commandments, that I had to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, and all of these things. But he said, When I read this, it said, Christ is the end of the law. If he's the end of the law, then how can I still be under it if I belong to Christ? And then, of course, we got involved. Oh, it just blesses your heart. There is so much teaching on air today. And it's done so sincerely, that it's a miracle that anybody gets saved. And I think it's a greater miracle that any of us ever get back to the integrity and accuracy of God's Word. God, there are 1000 different opinions being disseminated daily to capture the thinking of the mind of a man who is concerned or at least moving in the spiritual realm or endeavoring to move in the religious third. This is why as far as we are concerned, there is only one way you can ever be sure and that is you've got to come back to the Word. And it's not a question of a man holding up a Bible and saying, This is what the Word says. Because the word says anything you want it to say, unless you take it through line by line, word by word, section by section because if it's God's word, it has to fit all the way through with a mathematical exactness and scientific precision. And it's not just in quoting one verse of scripture, or in quoting 100 of them. It is in being able to fit it and that it does fit all the way through this is the criterion now you all know it, you can't have something before it's available. You can pray to you're blue in the face you still cannot receive.
most of Christendom maintains that the the apostles and the disciples in the gospels were born again. And while Jesus Christ was here upon Earth, and they utilize the captor from John three about Nick to deemas, to try to endeavor to prove that Nick edemas was born again, it does not say in John three that nectar Demas was born again. How could anybody be born again, before it's available? No one can be born again on kill, it's available. And it was not available until the day of Pentecost. Because if any one person could have been born again, before it was completely available before Christ had completely fulfilled the law, then everybody could be born again. Without the death, the resurrection, the ascension, and the giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Literally, then Jesus Christ lived and died, invade, and our believing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is not invited. Jesus Christ came to make the new birth available. And the new birth is the power of the Holy Spirit. And we've just got to get two people to show them what they have in Christ and Christ has in them when they're born again, and get them to stop running around to go looking here for another blessing looking there for another blessing. Looking here for another half ounce of sanctification over there for another half pounds. Because once Christ has come in, you've received everything you and I are ever going to receive spiritually. It's all there. But if we are not taught what it is that we have received, we cannot utilize we cannot operate if you have $1 in your pocket, but if you do not know it, you cannot spend it. Now, if you've got $1 in your pocket, and you are committed to spend only five cents, that's all you're going to spend. Spiritually, it's just as simple as this. You can be loaded with all the fullness of God as the Word says. But until someone teaches us and shows us from the word, what this fullness really is, I know what it's comprised of. It is impossible for us to utilize it efficaciously I know that all of you people here and many more I trust across the country are really deeply concerned about the Pentecost rally in Columbus, Ohio. Because this will be the first time in a public meeting of this size and gathering that we are anticipating that I will endeavor by God's mercy and grace to so teach the Word that at the close of that session, not one person needs to go home that night without having manifested the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit in our life. Because I believe that God's word is God's will. And I believe when people understand what they have, and what their responsibility is in the utilization or the manifestation thereof, that whosoever will can operate the greatness of the power of God in his life. So Jesus Christ was the completion, the fulfillment of the law. This is why the gospels that report why Jesus Christ did here upon Earth to the day of the ascension, the Gospels, close out the Old Testament. They are the, the conclusion of it. They are the termination of it, the fulfillment of it. The book of Acts, stands as a pivotal point between the old and the new. The book of Acts, stands here to teach us what God wrought beyond the law, what he did in Christ Jesus, when the power of the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, which is manifested when Christ is in you the hope of glory. So Nick and Demas could not be born again because it had not yet come. So Jesus was simply instructing teaching him. There are many places like this in the Gospels. And if you're not for them and observe them, you will see how much teaching he did regarding something which could not be acquired at that time. For instance, in the Gospel of John the 14th chapter, the 16th verse, listen to this. I will praise the father. I will praise the Father and He shall give you another comforter.
One who is alongside of you Then he may abide with you forever, very 70 even the spirit of odd truth is called the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him, but he know him. You know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be what the Spirit of God was upon people in the Old Testament. Here you still have Old Testament, Christ is closing it out the apostles, the disciples here, we're still under that. And upon those men of God, the Spirit was simply what? Dwelling dwelling redraws with you, it was a fonden Do all us with you, but shall be future 10 But shall be where? In you when? Gay a penny cos that's what he's talking about. In chapter well, oh, look at verse 26. Same chapter here I just noticed, but the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, new Maha Guillen should have been gift lowercase, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever. I have what said unto you in the 20th chapter of the Gospel of John. Verse 21, Then said Jesus, to them again, Peace be unto us, my father had sent me even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them. The word them is in italics. The word on is the same word as the word in, and it should have been translated. And when he had said this, He breathed in, he breathed in, and said unto them, received receive Ye No, Ma, or guild? I think the text reads I haven't noted here in my Bible, He breathed in and said unto them, Ye shall receive. If you got your Greek right, can you check that for me? Verse 22, would that be in that critical Greek? He breathed in, he breathes in and says, receive your you shall receive numa thogail turned to x doc, please. Good. Water says it's possible. So now thanks they could not have received at that time when he gave this because it's before the day of a sanction before the day of Pentecost. Therefore, he was simply what instructing you see how simple these verses become. And unless you recognize that principle, that nothing can be received, until it's available. You have no explanation for the word, you already have contradictions and confusion. The Good Book says wherever there's confusion, there's every evil work, remember. Now, in Acts chapter two, the verse one says, When the day of Pentecost was fully come, I told you that this Spirit was upon people in the Old Testament, but never in folders. I'm sure that many of you people have had the same argument thrown up to you that they've thrown up to me for years. Why should I speak in tongues? Jesus Christ didn't. And therefore they're saying, well, since Jesus didn't speak in tongues, I don't have to speak in tongues. Well, I couldn't Jesus, Why didn't Jesus Christ speaking dumb? Ed was not available, not tried. But you see, they're not looking for the truth of God's Word. They're looking for an argument that they don't have to do what God's word saying. And in that argument, they missed the greatest blessing that would be theirs if they just quit arguing about it and do it. Not right. Why sure. Whenever you argue against the word of God, you're losing the blessing.
If I argue against it, I'm losing any man. Because class God's word stands immutable, unchangeable, and it's God's word if nobody believes it. It's still God's Word. When the day of Pentecost was fully come, if it's going to fully come, it just cannot now dwell on people. It has to be one in them. And boy, this becomes tremendous. In the Old Testament, a man like Saul could be a wonderful man and God one week, and be absolutely entirely lost the next. Drive, because the word of God says that Saul was numbered among the prophets. And then later on, it says that God's Spirit disappeared, it put the coop or did something, God took it back, because the spirit was only a bond people. As long as they utilized and walked with it. Today, when a person is born again, a God Spirit is what and him. If you never utilize it, it still wasn't there. You can't lose it. Because today, it's in people born in them. It's seed born on the inside. You cannot lose it. But it sure can become sort of Astra FIDE, and you your lack of the usage, Therap just incapacitate you spiritually. But how I thank God, that He did say, Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ, close the Old Testament law, and that he gave us something big and wonderful on the day of Pentecost, so that we could be filled with all the fullness of God as it says in the church epistles. Now this gives us a tremendous responsibility. If we have received abundantly We should also share abundantly right, we ought to talk to every Tom Dick and Harry and Susie Q, about the greatness of the power of God that is ours in Christ days. When the day of Pentecost was fully come, and that word fully means what it says and it says what it means if it totally came, and you are born again a God's Spirit, how full Are you? Full, how full how much force and full can you become? You can't.
The day of Pentecost frolicking. The summer, of course, in the summer school, you know that some of our people have made some scholarship available that will deal with writings and research that the students are privileged to do if they want to join or want to enter the contest. And it's right in this category, what is in what is involved in that fullness, which we receive when we receive the Lord Jesus Christ. That's a tremendous study from God's Word. I'm sure it will bless the student more than anybody else. Because when they begin working that word and see for themselves, just how full they really are with the fullness of God. It's going to turn them on. It's going to set your life on fire, because there's not one thing missing. Not one. Jesus Christ did not have the fullness. That's not heresy. That's the word. It's heresy to say that he did have it when the Word says that the spirit was by measure upon him. It was measured out to Him with all of that that was available at the time. But it was never in fullness because the day of Pentecost had not yet come. Jesus Christ came as God's only begotten Son to make the day of Pentecost a reality so that it could fully come. And if you study the record in the gospels, you will find that Jesus Christ could prophesy. He could operate word of knowledge, where the wisdom, deserting spirits, faith, miracles and healing, but he never spoke in tongues are interpreted because it had not fully come. And those two manifestations are the added ones that make it full. So any person who has the fullness of God can operate in manifestation. Nine evidences. These are the only things that ever manifest in the census world that you have the fullness of God. Now if we've got the fullness of God, why do you just want to sell for speaking in tongues? In the meetings that I've just come from in North Carolina, this is the thing they're pushing and say they they want to Speak in tongues. They want to receive this they call a gift. Because that's what they're pushing. I went and I pushed the word. And I showed them some of the things about the fullness of it. Why do we just want to push speaking in tongues? Why not push the whole fullness of God's word, we should not only be speaking in tongues, we should be interpreting, we should be prophesying. We should be operating the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, discerning your spirit, faith, miracles and healing, we should be operating this, because we have the fullness of God. But I suppose you see, it can't go beyond where you're taught. And if in a certain community. This is a ball that you're been taught, and this is all that they're promoting, you get, that's all you can promote, I suppose. I still thank God, it's been promoted, you know, push. It's better in some communities where they're doing nothing, you know. And the colonel was telling me that as far as he knew, they had some over 200 people that had been led into this in this current school year. Well, that's wonderful. I thank God for it. But I'd like for people to go on and manifest more than just one evidence. I'd like for them to learn the word of God as to what they have in the fullness of God and then bring it forth. And when the day of Pentecost was fully calm that word fully on once you're ready to put in your mind, the 12 apostles, were all with one accord in one place. And we know that was the temple. I got involved in this particular section also, again, as I always do, because everybody believes that on basically, they believe that the day of Pentecost occurred in the upper row, that there were 120 presidents. And that it was the Holy Spirit God who was given on the day of Pentecost. Now you and I know from Acts chapter one, if you don't know it comes Saturday, I'm going to teach you. We know that it was God's gift God, His Holy Spirit, he was his gift of Holy Spirit that was given on the day of Pentecost, and that it was poured out on the 12 apostles only originally, and that they were in the temple. When it occurred, what the words then someone said to me, can you prove this to me? And I said, Sure, I don't guess. He said, Well, how long does it take to prove? And I said, How long does it take you to read four verses of scripture five. But it isn't somehow or other quite so easy. When your mindset, you know, takes a little longer to read those four or five, because you got to explain it line by line. It's remarkable the human mind how it can read what's written, but it can't comprehend, sometimes not even apprehend. So you have to work that word, trying. And I think it took me about 10 minutes or so. And I had him through that. Then another person was all concerned, because I guess, Kim or someone else had told him once the report crucified, and they had read that Bible from cover to cover, and they could only find two, though, they said, Well, how long does it take to show us and I said, Well, how long does it take to read 20 verses of Scripture, I just guess. And then we were off and running there. You see, really, the best of us are pretty ignorant of the accuracy of the word. You know what we have read around the word, we have listened to what other people have said, but we have not read the Word and been able to really read what's written. Like when it says here, the day of Pentecost was fully come just exactly what does fully come really mean? Well, it means fully gone. So when people say that they're lacking in this, and they're born again of God's Spirit, either they're lying or Acts chapter one, verse one is lying, right? They were all with one accord. And it's one accord is useful. Well, no, means nothing more and nothing less than unity of purpose. It was an hour of prayer, they were in one accord, just like now we're in one accord in the auditorium here at the weight biblical Research Center. And they were in one place. Place was the temple. And verse two, suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rashie might be when the word here for rushing mighty wind in this section here is the same word as in John chapter 20 that we read earlier, where he said he breathed in suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a heavy breathing, heavy breathing. The sound from heaven was the 12 men breathing in the very thing Jesus had taught them. Because verse three occurred at the same time, you know, you can't write two things at the same time. So you have to put one one first and whether things suck, but there appeared the cloven tongues, like as a fire. And when these cloven tongues appeared, that is when the men did what they breathed in, that was their clue, their cue, to breathe in. They breathe in. And as they breathe in, rushing mighty when it the breathing in, failed all the house, the temple where they were decent at, in order sitting. And these cloven tongues when they appeared, they sat upon. And I think all of you have ever sat through my foundational class know that the word SAT is used in the Bible, when something something is completely complete. After God had done all of his work, that the Bible declares he did in Genesis chapters one and two. It says that on the seventh day God was rested. And the word rested in the text is the word stop. And I'm sure God didn't sit because he was tired. God, that word Sat means it was completely complete. Right? When Jesus Christ ascended up into heaven, the Bible says, He sat down on the right hand of God. When the cloven tongues like as a fire came, its sap. It was completely complete. What class how are we going to get any more if it's completely complete, from the day it came?
You know, you can take this glass here, for instance. If if you take the glass you get everything that's there.
When you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you get everything that's there. It's sad, it's completely complete. How many times Haven't we through the years even the most sincere and dedicated of us sort of live below par? Sort of witness below par? When the Word says, We are completely complete? Remember, what isn't a Colossians 210 Now you're what complete if you see all of this jail is it coheres because it's God's wonderful matchless word. So it sat upon each of them. And verse four says, they were all failed, all 12 of the apostles were failed. Now this is singularly singularly significant in my heart and life tonight again, because time and time again you find people in groups were in manifestation. They're not all filled in the manifesting their own it's one thing to be filled here. It's another thing to be filled in the manifestation. You don't read me or I'm not communicating what I want to look. To be full here is one thing to be filled in manifestation is something else. To be to have the fullness in manifestation is tafur Betsson bubbling glow. It is just not to speak in in tongues, you know, it is to speak in tongues with an exuberance with an enthusiasm with an effervescence with a glow with a fullness understand all that was talking about. So you could be full here but just Treecko here try we are to be in fullness here and in fullness in manifestation. They were all filled. You know Hi, no, this is from sections in x or someplace. It's an X eight, I guess. You know, it's in my Holy Spirit. You just read it some time again, but it's in there about in Sumeria you know, was they were failed or no x 10. It is Cornelius. Place about the fullness. Then they're just check it some time. Yes, it's in there. Well it's in the worried anyways, let's keep it that. I think it's an X 10 Well now Yes. Bother me about it so just look it up. If you found it, Mrs Brautigan thought you might have a final last part of this place as I began to speak called egos falling out of the room well bless your heart. No worries. Well, maybe we're writing x eight I looked at x eight ones.
I don't see it there do you? Pardon? X 19. We can look there. Barden don't care. Don't remember it next time, brother. Apparently I don't remember a place right now.
Look, I'll tell you Bible students what it is. And then you see if you can find it. It's got to be in those stories of the records of the folding. It says the word full or fullness as us Yes, Donna. That's not the one I was thinking of. But that'll fit to we could we'll handle that with with it. That's a good one to have always. But that's not the one I'm thinking of. It's either the word or the word fullness that use. So if you got a concordance, look those up in Act someplace. What I'm trying to say and this is what the Word teaches, when we isolate this, we'll see it that a person can be full here, but he's never full in manifestation thereof, because he does not carry out his job. For in Acts, chapter two, verse four, the one we were reading, it simply indicates they were all filled and began to speak. You cannot speak in full us in manifestation unless you're full, spiritually first. And they were all failed. I want to handle the word all again. Because people many times say well, I didn't get anything. The Word of God to the apostles was that they were to return to Jerusalem. And they were to go into the temple at the hour of prayer, and that they would receive the Holy Spirit. When the time gate. That's all he told him. They all went into the temple at the hour of prayer. Luke 24 says so they were they're continually in the temple. They went back to Jerusalem because x one says that in return, they under Druze women went up in the upper room. They all received that Jesus spoke to with the exception of one and who was that? Judas Iscariot. Why? Because he didn't go back to Jerusalem. And he didn't go back into the temple and wait. You went out and hanged himself. That's why I didn't receive had Judas. Had Judas, believe God, had he gone back into Jerusalem, had he stayed with the apostles and walked into that temple with them. He too would have thought. That's what you're gonna remember. He would have received, he would have received God's no respecter of persons. Sure, Judas betrayed him. But isn't God's big enough to love big enough to cover a traitor? Or why don't be trains you? Why? Sure. God, Jesus had Jesus Christ. God was in Christ, and Jesus Christ put up with Judas for 40 days after the resurrection had him along, taught to him the same thing. As a matter of fact, he gave the same command to all 12 of them. And Judas was one of those 12 that he gave the command to. He said, Go back to Jerusalem, and you shall receive power, and he shall be witnesses unto me and Judea, and Jerusalem was part of the text when I remember. He said this to the apostles and Judas was present at that time. Judas could have had it. It was Judas who extricated himself from the blessing so to speak. It wasn't God who pushed him out. This is why it says they were all failed. You see, Matthias was selected to take Judas his place, and Matthias was there with the other 11 apostles, and they all 12 of them. Not Judas Iscariot, but metallic So we're to replace Judas. They were all filled all up. Because God's word is God's will when he said Jerusalem, Temple, ye shall receive. Then we if they went to Jerusalem, and they went in the temple, when they came, everybody had to receive because they literally obeyed God's Word. Now wonderful. They were all filled with new Maha Guillen, the spirit, the gift. The gift is spirit, you can't see spirit Herot smelled or tasted or touch. They were all filled with the gift. And the moment they were filled with the gift, they evidence that they manifested. And the manifestation on the day of Pentecost was that they spoke with other tongues. They did the speaking. They spoke in tongues. But what they spoke was as the Spirit gave them, this is where all Protestants, Roman Catholics, all people say the church started. If this is where the church started, that this is the church, that God's people ought to be doing what the church is supposed to do. And any church member who is born again of God's Spirit, who does not speak in tongues is not in the will of God. And the only reason he doesn't lose what he has is because it's in him. If God would be like the Old Testament, where it was upon him and dwelled upon him only as long as he used it and carried it out, they lose it. But it sends them. This is the church. That's why Pentecost is the greatest day in the church calendar Peter talks about tonight. It's the day when every church, every born again believer, every group meeting anywhere, just love the greatness of God's wonderful matchless pay, and they should operate and manifest the fullest that they have spiritually, fully in concretion in the sense Israel