Philippians Chapter 1:1-11 - Corps - 01-18-1984
A. Salutation – 1:1,2
B. Prayer for fellowship, fruit, and abounding love – 1:3-11
C. Contending together in the face of conflict and strife with joy and rejoicing – 1:12-30
D. Like-mindedness in the one Body with joy and rejoicing – 2:1-30
C. Contending together for the high calling with a view to the Christian’s joy and crown – 3:1-4:9
B. Desire for fellowship, care and concern, and abounding fruit – 4:10-20
A. Salutation – 4:21-23
Whenever you have introverted structure, the central statement (D here) is the main focus.
Suggested reading:
Read Ephesians and Philippians at least two or three times a week. Listen to Ephesians 4-6
Corps teachings, especially chapter 4.

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Publication Date: 01-18-1984
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
The key concepts in Philippians all revolve around practical error relevant to the one Body.
There wasn’t really division among the Philippians but in how the Word was moving in
individuals’ hearts and lives.
Ephesians 4:1-3 sets pattern for practical side of our walk.
lowliness – humility of mind
meekness – attitude and action that corresponds with lowliness
longsuffering – attitude, patience, forbearing one another. Action that corresponds with
Walk with agapē, endeavoring to keep unity of spirit in bond of peace. That’s what walking in
the Body is about. You cannot produce unity. Endeavor to keep it.
Walk worthy in the bond of peace. The only way to have peace is with the spirit of God at work
within. In Philippians, things will be centered around how to keep that unity of the spirit in the
bond of peace – with lowliness of mind, humility, meekness, longsuffering; enduring one another
in love. All these things come up in Philippians because it deals with the practical error.
Relates itself to fellowship.
Philippians 1:16, 18 – Christ is still being preached, but they still lack unity.
Philippians 2:2-7, 20; 3:15, 16 (not only like-minded with each other, but with the truth
of God’s Word.); 4:2
Joy and rejoicing, in its various forms used 15 times in the book of Philippians. When
you’re like-minded, that’s when you have real joy. Philippians 1:18, 25, 26; 2:2; 4:4.
Joy is a result of like-mindedness. They didn’t have the divisions they had at Corinth, but
people had egos going. Weren’t willing to serve. Had knowledge of Word, walking by
the spirit, but not cemented with that like-mindedness, that unity of the spirit. Thus they
couldn’t have the joy and rejoicing that is available when they body is tight, being of one
Examples of faithful believers as seen throughout Philippians.
Serving with the love of God in the renewed mind. Very big part of Philippians. You
can serve because you have to or you can serve out of love.
At Sound Out ‘84, Dr. V.P. Wierwille said that there are two things that we have to be sharp on
this year: prayer and love. These two things really come up in the opening verses of Philippians.
ATHLETIC ANALOGIES: Athletic terms abound in the book of Philippians.
Ephesians 6 (practical section) – athletic analogy.
The fact that Philippians is so heavy on athletics is another indication of why Ephesians 6
would be athletic and not military.
Summary of Key Concepts:
To practically live the one Body, the believers must contend together in the contest toward the
goal of the high calling (marks a very key spot in book of Philippians). With like-mindedness,
joy, obedience, and love to God’s Word.
A. Salutation – 1:1,2
B. Prayer for fellowship, fruit, and abounding love – 1:3-11
C. Contending together in the face of conflict and strife with joy and rejoicing – 1:12-30
D. Like-mindedness in the one Body with joy and rejoicing – 2:1-30
C. Contending together for the high calling with a view to the Christian’s joy and
crown – 3:1-4:9
B. Desire for fellowship, care and concern, and abounding fruit – 4:10-20
A. Salutation – 4:21-23
Whenever you have introverted structure, the central statement (D here) is the main focus.
Suggested reading:
Read Ephesians and Philippians at least two or three times a week. Listen to Ephesians 4-6
Corps teachings, especially chapter 4.
1 : 1 servants – doulos; bondslave
No mention of Paul being an apostle. Only other epistle that does not mention apostle is
Thessalonians. Thessalonica and Philippi are both in Macedonia. I Thessalonians 2:6 – does not
exploit his title among the Thessalonians.
Why doesn’t he use his title in Philippians while correcting them? There was no question at
Philippi of Paul’s apostleship. The error was not that great. At Philippi they were practicing
error pertinent to the one Body, not maintaining the unity of the spirit in that like-mindedness of
how they loved and served. Service is why the title doulos is used here and not an apostle.
God is emphasizing here that it is not the position, but the function. Doulos is definitely a
function of an apostle or anyone in a leadership position. If you’re not a doulos you’re not a
leader serving; then naturally you’re not going to have that like-mindedness.
He says “Paul and Timothy.” Every other place, he says “Paul an apostle, and Timothy,” etc.
He’s not saying he is over Timothy but he’s treating them as equals.
Philippians 2:3 – lowliness of mind – service, slave
Philippians 2:7 – Jesus Christ took upon himself the form of a doulos. Philippians 2:25
He never called himself an apostle to the Philippians, although he was the one that brought them
the new light. He called Epaphroditus the apostle here to the Philippians.
He was able to be all things to all people. I Corinthians 9.
of Jesus Christ – order of words correct because it puts emphasis on service; humiliated
saints – holy ones, separated ones; set apart
all – the only epistle outside of Romans (1:7), that says “all the saints”. Why the
emphasis on all the saints? In Philippians he addresses the Philippians with this term ten
times: 1:1,4,7,(twice) 8, 25; 2:17, 26; 4:21,24.
in Christ Jesus – in fellowship and identified with Christ. Not neophytes, but faithful and
with the bishops and deacons – Does this mean this epistle is addressed to the saints who
are standing with the bishops and deacons or is it addressed to the saints including the
bishops and the deacons?
Philippians 1:1 is packed with understanding with information necessary for the proper understanding
of the whole book. It is to all the saints which are at Philippi with the bishops and
deacons. It is critical to understanding some of the background of the book. The term “saint”
refers to all born-again believers. In no other epistle are the bishops and deacons mentioned.
Why here?
bishop – episkopos. Not listed with gift ministries in Ephesians. No record of Paul or
anyone else ever ordaining an episkopos. Paul and Titus did, however, ordain elders –
(presbuteros). Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5. When you study these two words you see that an
episkopos is nothing more than a presbuteros. Episkopos is an overseer; may be an
overseer over overseerers, i.e. Branch or Limb coordinator.
Bullinger and others say that the two different Greek words were used to distinguish between
dignity of office.
presbuteros – elder (position). Function is indicated by episkopos – elder, not age.
Vintaged life-style in the Word.
Philippians 3:17 – people that were vintaged are the ones you use as your example.
episkopos – epi – over; skopos – goal, target, mark or goal of the prize. Philippians 3:14.
Used in Septuagint for watchmen (Ezekiel). Function of watchman was to watch for
danger, fires, things happening around city. Spiritually, overseerer is watchman. Sets
goals. He is a vision builder and keeps eyes open spiritually, warns the city, helps believers.
Spiritual lookout.
Since episkopos defines function rather than position it is interesting that this word is used in
Philippians 1. These were functioners who perhaps weren’t functioning at top level.
deacon – diakonos. One who was marked out to minister to the needs of others. Timothy
is admonished to prove a believer before asking him to serve and to be an aid to others.
Serves his fellow believers. Truly loves his neighbors by serving.
saints – All those born again.
deacons – one who has proven himself in ministering to others.
bishops – overseer which would include those with gift ministries.
Question answered: Philippians is addressed to the saints including bishops and deacons
Number one – Doulos. Paul and Timothy, in spite of their relationship, are put on equal footing.
They are both bond-slaves .
Number two – All the saints. Not excluding the overseers and others who serve. Evidently, not
everyone was convinced that he was included in this correction epistle. The overseer, for
example, might blame the server who in turn might blame the believers for the division and
unrest; or the reverse. God, on the other hand, seeing the situation spiritually, puts everyone at
Philippi under the correction of this epistle.
Another point to consider is the need to remind the leadership that they were not lords over the
Church but equals. They were designated for special service, not position but service. Greek
idea was to rule, not serve. Serving God was all right, but serving someone else was very hard to
Another point to consider. Ephesians 4:2, 3, 7, 8, 11 – right in the opening of the practical side
of the epistle. What is crucial? What did God give the ministries, the overseerers for?
Perfecting of the saints, work of the ministry, for the edifying, the building up of the body.
If there’s a problem at Philippi, perhaps overseer’s were not carrying out their full
responsibilities. Therefore, they would be included with all the saints. How long are they
supposed to do it? Ephesians 4:13-15. The Philippians weren’t at the point where they were
speaking the truth in love. They were speaking the truth, but not in love. They needed to be
more service-minded. They needed to get that love in their hearts, the love of God.
1 : 1 Paul and Timothy, bondslaves of Jesus Christ, to all the separated ones in Christ Jesus
who are at Philippi, including the overseers and others who serve.
1 : 2 Grace and peace are the heart and goal of the epistle. If you have like-mindedness,
endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit, it’s by God’s grace and the goal is peace.
1 : 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 : 3 of you – can be translated this way or upon your every remembrance. Two different
things. Which is it?
1. Your remembrance of me
2. My remembrance of you
Philippians 1:7 can also be translated “you have me in your heart”.
Every place this phrase “I thank God is used there’s a reason for it. Romans 1:8; Colossians
1:3,4; I Thessalonians 1:2; 3:6 – cognizant of their having good remembrance of us always.
Philippians 4:10, 16 – “I thank my God for your remembrance of us.” Philippians 4:3-7 in Greek
is one sentence. Very nice alternating structure. Repeated structure – ABABABAB
A – Paul’s prayer. His thinking.
B – Fellowship of Philippians. Their thinking.
A – verse 3
B – “For your constant remembrance of me.”
A – verse 4
B – verse 5
A – verse 6 “being confident of this very thing.”
B – verse 6 “he which ... Jesus Christ.”
A – verse 7 “even as it is meet ... you all.”
B – verse 7 “because . . . grace.”
1 : 3 I thank my God concerning you constant remembrance [of me].
1 : 4 Prayer – (Grk.) deēsis
Request – (Grk.) deēsis. Prayer for a specific need. Aramaic, however, two different
words. Prayer – bawatha; like deēsis.
Request – Kashaph; to make intercession. We went with the Aramaic when translating
this verse.
With joy – key concept. III John 4. When you’re walking there is joy.
you all – no one is exempt.
1 : 4 In my every prayer for the specific needs of you all I constantly make intercession with
1 : 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day [when I arrived] until now.
1 : 5 Fellowship – sharing fully.
First day – when Paul first arrived at Philippi. Second A-B – his prayer and their
Philippians didn’t have major problems, but did have some specific needs and his prayer was for
those needs for their fellowship in the gospel. He had been lifting them since the first day he
arrived until the present.
1 : 6 being confident – put your total trust or reliance upon; being totally persuaded.
You exercise; then God energizes. Dependent upon their fellowship.
Perform – perfect, complete, continuing action.
the day of Jesus Christ – (Aram.) the day of the Lord Jesus Christ referring to the
gathering together – believe more accurate.
Four phrases:
Day of the Lord Jesus Christ – further elucidation of the day of Christ. Occurs only
in epistles. Although Jesus Christ came once as a servant humiliated and slain, the
same Jesus Christ is lord of the Body. I Corinthians 1:8, 5:5; II Corinthians 1:14;
Philippians 1:6.
Day of the Lord – day when Lord will do the judging as opposed to man doing the
judgment today. Tribulation, appearing of Jesus Christ with his saints to Israel.
II Peter 3:12 – “Day of God.” The period of God’s judgment.
Day of Christ – the day Jesus Christ will come for Church of the Body before Day
of the Lord. Philippians 1:10; 2:16. It’s the gathering together.
Great Day of God Almighty – Revelation 16:14. Refers to the Battle of Armageddon.
There are other days that you run across in the Word. All have to be evaluated in light of context.
1 : 6 I am confident [in my prayer] about this thing: He [God] Who began a good work in you
will continue to perfect and complete it until the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you pray, believing, and you’re confident, then things happen. He believed in his people,
which is a responsibility of leadership. You’ll get results. The weak may fall by the wayside,
but those that really want to believe will get stronger because you believe in them.
1 : 7 Meet – righteous, right
I have you in my heart – you have me in your heart
in my bonds – because he was in prison. He was in chains. They were partakers of his
grace. Both in bonds while in prison and in his defense. Apologia – answer of truth in
the face of accusation.
confirmation – established
“Apologia” and “confirmation” are legal terms. Confirmation is the vindication or
clearing from an accusation. Because he was in prison he had to answer the accusations
against him and to do it he utilized the gospel. You never need defend God’s Word.
Truth is its own defense. He gave that answer with the gospel. That’s why it’s a genitive
of relation and not origin.
ye all – all are included
partakers – those who share fully. Related to word for fellowship.
1 : 7 Accordingly, it is righteous for me to think this way about all of you because you have
me in your heart. Both in my bonds and in my defense [answer of truth in the face of
accusation] and vindication by the gospel, all of you share together fully with me in
1 : 8 record – witness, oath, figure of speech deasis – an oath greatly long after – to intensively
yearn for someone when you’re separated from him.
bowels – tender affections, emotions, feelings. Orientalism.
1 : 8 God is my witness how intensely I desire, with the tender affections of Jesus Christ, to be
with all of you.
1 : 9 prayer – normal word for prayer and devotion.
love – love with service, service with love. Key concept. Some were preaching out of
contention, others out of love. He wanted them to get back to the place where they were
of the same mind and of the same love. That your love of God in the renewed mind in
manifestation may abound more and more in knowledge (complete full knowledge –
epignosis) and judgment (Aram.) – sucal druck; spiritual good sense, insight, prudence.
(Grk.) – moral sensibility, insight. Used of perception or sharpness. Plato used it of the
vision of the gods). Hebrews 5:14 – having sense (same word) exercised to discern good
from evil.
senses – insight, spiritual insight. Much more than physical sense knowledge information.
Aramaic communicates that very well. Does this mean you should increase your knowledge and
spiritual insight? Knowledge of God’s Word and spiritual insight are Corps Principle One and
with that you will increase your love. That’s what everybody says, but I don’t believe that’s
right. The Philippians were sharp on knowledge and they were walking. They did have spiritual
insight. But it says in I Corinthians 13 you can walk by the spirit (word of knowledge, word of
wisdom, S.I.T., etc.), but without love, you become as sounding brass or tinkling cymbal. The
problem was not that they didn’t walk, not that they didn’t have spiritual insight or knowledge.
They had it but they needed more love with it and that’s what brings us to the category of
service. Otherwise you get on head trips, out in left field. Pretty soon you don’t have spiritual
insight. The love has to go with it to make it good. “Love would abound more and more...”
1 : 9 I pray that your love will increase and abound even more with full knowledge and all
spiritual insight.
How? What?
1 : 10 approve – (Aram.) distinguish, separate
things that are excellent – suitable, opportune, fitting; choosing between good and best.
(Grk.) approve; prove like when you test metal.
excellent – things that differ.
The question is how do they differ? The difference is between good and best. Hebrews 5:14 –
having senses exercised to discern good and evil spiritually. When you pick the good against the
evil it means that good will be best if it’s based on spiritual insight and your knowledge of the
Romans 12:2 – prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Not what is second
Philippians 3:15
Need full complete knowledge of Word and spiritual insight, but the love of God abounding with
that so that you can prove those things which are spiritually the best.
1 : 10 so that you will be able to distinguish those things which are [spiritually] best. Then you
will be pure and spotless, without being offensive until the day of Christ,
Their biggest need was praying for their love to abound. Ephesians 4:15 – speaking the truth in
sincere – pure when examined in sunlight.
without offense – I Corinthians 10:32. When your love increases and abounds even more
with that full complete knowledge and all spiritual insight so that you’re able to
distinguish those things which are spiritually the best, then you will be pure and spotless
without being offensive. You will not offend Judean, Gentile, nor the Church of God
until Christ returns at the gathering together.
being filled – pleroō. Filled to capacity. Perfect tense emphasizes being completely
Galatians talks about walking by the spirit. Here, Philippians talks about walking in love. Takes
it a step further.
fruit – singular. Just like in Galatians. Two kinds of wisdom. The one from below is
where the division starts. James 3:18 – wisdom from above coupled with love. Fruit of
righteousness and peace in the one body.
glory and praise – Ephesians 1:12,14. Phrase used of emancipated slave who was to the
praise of the glory of his former owner. Our lives are an advertisement for God. As we
S.I.T. and walk by the spirit with the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation
our lives are to the praise of His glory.
They wore the cap of liberty from Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14. Good section to listen to.
1 : 11 completely filled with the fruit of righteousness by Jesus Christ for the glorification and
praise of God.
Verses 9-11 tie up the opening section that is a prayer for fellowship, fruit, and abounding love.