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Galatians 6:14

Galatians 6:14 (KJV)

14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

Galatians 6:14 (Literal)

14 But as for me, may I never boast in anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and its accomplishments, by which the things of the world and I are dead to each other [Christ lives in me].

CONTEXT- Resolution of the Doctrinal Problem

Galatians 6:11-16

11 Now look at these closing words in my own handwriting. 12 Those who want to make a good appearance in the flesh compel you to be circumcised only because they do not want to be persecuted for preaching the cross of Christ and its accomplishments. 13 Those [legalists] who are circumcised do not even fully observe the law themselves, yet they want you to get circumcised so they can boast in flesh which belongs to you. 14 But as for me, may I never boast in anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and its accomplishments, by which the things of the world and I are dead to each other [Christ lives in me]. 15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is significant, but the new creation [Christ in you] is vital. 16 Peace and mercy shall be upon all those who walk orderly by
this rule [of the new creation], even upon the Israel of God [by believing].


The Structure of Galatians

A. Gal. 1:1-5 Salutations with Paul’s credentials.
    B. Gal. 1:6-10 Statement of Doctrinal Problems.
       C. Gal. 1:11-2:21 Paul’s credentials in handling Doctrinal issues.
          D. Gal. 3:1 – 5:26 Doctrinal Error stated.
       C. Gal. 6:1-10 Believers credentials in handling the Doctrinal error.
    B. Gal. 6:11-16 Resolution of the Doctrinal Problem.
A. Gal. 6:17-18 Salutation with Paul’s credentials. 


Topic: Gal6:14, Gal 6:14