Galatians 5: 13-26 - Corps - 1983 - Part 2

Publication Date: 11-30-1983
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
Galatians 5:13-26
5:13 “Brethren” – 75 times in church epistles (9 times in Galatians):
11 in Romans
20 in I Corinthians
3 in II Corinthians
9 in Galatians
1 in Ephesians (in KJ version, but omitted in the original text)
6 in Philippians
4 in Colossians
14 in I Thessalonians
7 in II Thessalonians
2 in Philemon
The only epistle that does not have it is Ephesians. Of the pastoral epistles, Timothy and Titus do not have it.
There is a reason why those words were used, and why it is not used in Ephesians, Timothy and Titus. In Romans, it is the doctrinal treatise, the Magna Charta of the church regarding our justification by believing, not works. To the Church, they did not have the full meaning, they were born again but they did not understand the mystery yet so Paul had to remind them constantly that they are brothers. Thessalonians was one of the first epistles written. It was written regarding the Hope. If they did not have anything else, at least they had that hope and they need to be reminded in that hope that they are brothers.
Now when you are correcting practical and doctrinal error like Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians and Colossians does, then there are times when people perhaps do not feel like brothers. Because they are practicing error or they are into doctrinal error. So they need to be reminded that they are brothers. So when it comes to the pinnacle of all truth, Ephesians, those were the faithful in Christ Jesus, did not need to be reminded that they were brothers. They were ready to go on to the greatness of what the mystery really was. That is why in Ephesians you do not have them addressed as brothers.
In Timothy and Titus, it is not used. They were men with ministries, men serving in the body. Certainly they would not need to be reminded that they were brothers. What they needed to hear was “My dear children”.
“occasion” – in Aramaic it means “cause”.
“flesh” – old man nature. Greek word means a place from which a movement or attack is made. Romans 7:8-11 (sin) It is a base of operations, the flesh. The law was a base of operations. In Galatians, liberty can be the base of operations for the flesh. In Timothy 5:14, 15, - do not give the Adversary a base of operation to work in your flesh to speak reproachfully. There are two ways to give it to him: 1) abuse of liberty, Galatians; 2) legalism, the law being your standard, Romans.
“serve” – as a bond slave
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“called unto freedom” – Romans 6:1,2; Romans 8:2,21; II Corinthians 3:17
We have been called to freedom, what does that mean? Two ways to walk: you can walk by the law, the works of the flesh, or walk by the spirit, Romans 6:1-3. We have been set free from sin to walk by the spirit. Romans 8:2, 21; II Corinthians 3:17.
(literal according to usage)
My brothers, you were called to freedom. Only do not let freedom become a base of operations for the works of the flesh [old man nature]. But serve one another in the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation.
5:14 word – (Gr.) logos: the thought; the whole phrase; the concept. All the law is fulfilled in one word, Love. ...hang all the law (Matthew 22:37-40).
“is fulfilled” – (perfect tense) has been fulfilled in one word, love.
(fig.) gnome: citation (Leviticus 19:18)
“love thy neighbor as thyself” – most quoted gnome in the New Testament. Also see:
Romans 13:8
Matthew 5:43; 19:19; 22:39, 40
Mark 12:31
Luke 10:27
James 2:8
- and here in Galatians, 8 times (the number 8 stands for “a new beginning”)
(literal according to usage)
The whole law has been fulfilled in one word [love], even this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
5:15 “bite” – used of wild animals in deadly struggles. Micah 3:5, Habakkuk 2:7.
“consume” – destroy, used also of wild animals. “Be not consumed” (a negative imperative, a command)
“devour” – also used of wild animals and people. Matthew 23:14; II Corinthians 11:20 (believers). The Pharisees devoured widows’ houses.
These three words are a figure of speech: hypocatastasis – an implied comparison.
“that ye” – deleted! (because it’s a command)
“be not consumed” – (fig.) prohibition – a negative imperative, command.
(literal according to usage)
But if you bite and devour one another, watch out! Do not be destroyed by one another.
5:16 “This I say” – Now my point is...
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“spirit” – usage 5, the gift in manifestation.
“not” – (double negative) (Gr.) ou me – very emphatic, absolutely not!
“fulfill” – (Gr.) teleo, to a complete end, accomplishing, gratify.
(literal according to usage)
Now my point is: Walk by the spirit [the new man] and you shall absolutely not gratify the lusts of the flesh [the old man].
5:17 “flesh” – represents the old man nature.
“spirit” – usage 5, the gift in manifestation.
“lusteth” – to desire, long after, set your heart on (can be used in a positive or negative sense), see Luke 22:15 (positive), Ephesians 4:22 (negative).
“against” – (Gr.) kata, against, but it is used with the genitive case here and equals “down from”. Flesh lusting down against the spirit. Aramaic – “the thing which is hurtful”.
“Flesh – spirit”, “spirit – flesh” (Fig.) antimetabole, words reversed. See Romans 7:14-23.
(literal according to usage)
The flesh desires that which is repugnant to the spirit, and the spirit desires that which is repugnant to the flesh, for these are antagonistic to each other to the end that you do not do what you really want to do.
5:18 “spirit” – usage five, walk by the spirit.
(literal according to usage)
But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law.
5:19-21(fig.) asyndeton – no connectives.
“adultery” – omitted in manuscripts.
“fornication” – refers to all sexual problems as well as idolatry.
“uncleanness” – opposite of purity; used of different forms of sexual perversions; homosexuals, lesbians, beastiality.
“lasciviousness” – lust; an excess; unbridled lust (desires are without morals); mental or emotional end that you reach when you let your emotions run rampant.
“idolatry” – worship of idols, putting anything ahead of God.
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“sorcery” – witchcraft; drugs and magic.
“hatred” – hatred or hostility with God; ill will, animosity.
“variance” – discord between people, contention, spiritual breakup.
“emulations” – uncurbed rivalry, zeal uncurbed.
“wrath” – turbulent and lasting anger.
(when you practice discord long enough it becomes doctrine...)
“strife” – (Aramaic) a contemptuous disobedience of authority, insubordination. (Greek) a strenuous endeavor for superiority, at the expense of anything or anybody that gets in your way.
“seditions” – division, disorder.
“heresies” – a sect or teaching (a city captured).
“murders” – (omit) not in texts.
“envying” – ill will at the expense of another; slander people because you are jealous; depreciative envy.
“drunkenness” – alcoholic.
“revelings” – destructive boisterousness.
They (the legalists) which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (rewards).
(literal according to usage)
Now the works of the flesh are evident. They are: fornication, moral impurity [sexual perversion], unbridled lust, idolatry, sorcery [drugs and magic], hateful hostilities [with God], discord, uncurbed rivalry, turbulent and lasting anger, insubordination, divisions, sectarianism, depreciative envy, drunkenness, destructive boisterousness, and all such things. I foretell, as I have foretold, that those who make a practice of these things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
5:22-23 “fruit” – result of the operation of the manifestations; our spiritual deposit.
(see “Your Spiritual Deposit” booklet from PFAL class)
Doing fruit:
Love – activates.
Patience – endures and forbears people.
Believing – appropriates results.
11-30-83 Galatians 5:13-26
Encouraging fruit:
Joy – enlightens you.
Gent1eness - encourages others.
Meekness - encourages results.
Guarding fruit:
Peace – guards your heart.
Goodness – guards others.
Temperance – self control which guards results.
(literal according to usage)
But the fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, believing, meekness, self-control. There is no law against these things.
5:24 “In Christ” – genitive of relationship; its dealing with your fellowship.
“crucified the f1esh” – (fig.) prosopopoeia – personification, where things are represented as a person. You are lead captive, your fleshly desires.
“affections” – internal lusts and desires; “lusts” – deals with external passions and desires, (fig.) hendiadys; two things said, one thing meant.
(literal according to usage)
Those who are in Christ have crucified the flesh [the old man nature] with its passionate cravings.
5:25 “if” – since
“spirit” – usage 2a, new birth.
“spirit” – usage 5, the gift in manifestation.
“walk” – (Aramaic) to complete; follow; finish. (Greek) stoicheo – to advance in a line or rank; to stand beside a person or thing. Acts 21:24-26, walk orderly. The spirit, in manifestation, with the love of God is the standard for our lifestyle!
(literal according to usage)
Since we live by the spirit [born in us], let us also perfect [align, polish, and advance] our walk by the spirit [in manifestation].
5:26 “vainglory” – empty glory.
(literal according to usage)
Let us not glory in empty, meaningless matters, provoking and envying each other.