Galatians 1: 11-24 Corps - 1983

Galatians 1:11-24
1:11 “But I certify you” – Aramaic: (yida) to cause to know, remember, to make known. Greek: (gnorizo) to know by experience.
When you’re into doctrinal error you forget what is “right” doctrine. In this case they forgot how the apostle Paul received God’s Word.
“Gospel” – good news – Noun
“Which was preached” – verb form that means gospel - a noun and a verb which have the same root is a figure of speech – Polyptoton (repetition of words but in different inflections or parts of speech) – here it is parts of speech.
“after” – Aramaic (men) = from; Greek (Kata) – used with an accusative which means according to, setting the standard, in this case – not of the will of man (vs 4).
(literal according to usage)
Now I make known to you, brothers, that the good news which was declared by me is not according to man’s standard or will.
1:12 “But” – very emphatic – then you have an ellipsis (Figure of Speech – verbs from the beginning of the verse are omitted in the end).
“revelation” – (Figure of Speech – as “God Breathed”). II Timothy 3:16 is not just an inspired word. The great principle, God did not give them a good feeling; he gave them words to write. II Peter 1:20 – it is “God breathed” revelation – man’s basic spiritual problem is the integrity of the Word. Spiritual inability is due to neglect of the Word. They were into theories of men tossed about by every wind of doctrine.
“of Jesus Christ” – a genitive of relation – God teaches your spirit pertaining to Jesus Christ. They were questioning the grace that Jesus Christ accomplished for us. (vs 3) he gave himself for our sins, we did not have to work for it (vs 6).
They wanted to be made righteous and justified by works. And Paul’s apostleship (vs 11, 12). You question the integrity of the doctrine; you’ll question the man that taught it.
Verses following 11,12 all the way through to the end of chapter 2 will establish Paul’s authority, but bigger than that it will establish for the Galatians again for those that want to hear, the authority of the Word of God. It’s by revelation, now he will go on to show why he taught was right and that is was by revelation.
Verses following will demonstrate in detail why Paul did not, and could not, receive the good news from man but by revelation.
(literal according to usage)
For I did not receive it from man, and I was not taught it by man, but I learned the good news by the revelation pertaining to Jesus Christ.
9-28-83 Galatians 1:11-24
1:13 “You heard of my conversation” – is old English for behavior, manner of life or conduct, lifestyle. His lifestyle in the past was Judaism (Rabbinic). Not the Old Testament Law, but traditions of men. Only two occurrence’s is here (vs. 13,14); and Matthew 15:1-3, 8,9. The scribes were built on oral tradition – chiefly responsible for interpreting the law, giving those oral traditions that went along with it in Rabbinic Judaism.
“beyond measure” – super abundantly – excessively
“wasted” – Greek “portheo” – annihilation or devastating; Aramaic – “chrav” – brings to desolation or destroy. This particular word used for war – (vs. 23 destroyed). Polemeo – to war (from manuscript).
Acts 9:21 – destroyed – he did not actually do it, he did not wipe out all Christians – he tried or attempted to do it – his goal or intention.
(literal according to usage)
For you have heard of my former manner of life in [Rabbinic] Judaism, how excessively I persecuted the Church of God and tried to annihilate it.
1:14 “Profited” – to advance, progressed.
“equal” – colleagues, piers
“above many” – some were born of the wrong seed, Paul did not make it that far, why it is not above all.
(literal according to usage)
And I advanced in [Rabbinic] Judaism far beyond most of my national colleagues because of my exceeding zeal for the traditions of my fathers.
1:15 (13 & 14 = past history – during that time did he receive the gospel of grace from men? No – he was into tradition, works).
(15 & 16 – if he did not confer with flesh and blood, he could not receive it from man at this time either)
“separated” – to mark off like a boundary – related to the word predestinate, but it has a different prefix.
“from my mother’s womb” – we were called from before the foundation of the world (Eph). But it is talking about his ministry here – make me off from my mother’s womb. Isaiah 49:1 called Isaiah from his mother’s womb. (Prophet) Jeremiah 1:5 – same thing about Jeremiah.
“grace” – called him while he was still in the womb, he could not work for it!
9-28-83 Galatians 1:11-24
I Timothy 3:1 (literal) – If a certain man (not just any man) is totally committed within his renewed mind and because of his ability and desires to be an overseer, a bishop or elder, his inner hearts desire is a beautiful act.
Paul one day would be an apostle. God by his foreknowledge knew that he would believe, therefore he called him from his mothers womb to be an apostle. He called him by grace, he saw what he had done in the past – it was and has to be grace for him to be called.
“it pleased” – to take pleasure in.
(literal according to usage)
But when God, Who selected me before I was born and called me by His divine favor, was pleased...
1:16 “in me” – by me because that I might preach him. (Acts 26:12-18 he was sent to the Gentiles)
“Heathen” – Gentiles
“Preach” – to announce
“conferred” – consult with (2:6 in conference)
“flesh and blood” – figure of speech “synecdoche” – part is put for the whole here, flesh and blood is put for the whole man.
He did not consult with men of leadership position that would know the answer (later he did).
(literal according to usage)
... to reveal His Son to me, that is, that I should declare the good news to the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with other men.
1:17 He did not go to Jerusalem – where is Arabia? off to the right of Syria – Arabia was a place to pray, it was a place of solitude – he studied the scriptures – he realized God did not call him by his works.
(literal according to usage)
I did not even return to Jerusalem to consult with those who were apostles before I was, but I went away to Arabia and later returned to Damascus.
1:18 Then after three years he went and saw Peter for 15 days – not long enough to write a new doctrine.
(literal according to usage)
Then after three years, I did go to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter. I stayed with him for only fifteen days.
9-28-83 Galatians 1:11-24
1:19 “the lord’s brother” – Acts 9:26-30; Peter and James the only two apostles he saw. Tarsus is in Cilicia. Acts 9:19-25 according to Galatia he was in Arabia. Vs. 18 saw of Gal – visiting- getting acquainted with Peter.
James, the lord’s brother, is he or isn’t he; questions that need to be answered.
1. Was he one of the original 12 apostles?
2. If he was not, how did he rise to such prominence in the church?
To be one of the 12, James would have to be identified with James the son of Zebedee or James the son of Alfeaus. Acts 1:13 – James and John sons of Zebedee, however this James was killed in Acts 12. This other James could be the brother of the lord except he is the son of Alphaeus – could Alphaeus be Joseph, this is where all the arguments come from (John 7:5 – his brothers did not believe, Acts 1:14). I Corinthians 15:5-8 he could have appeared to each of them and Paul later. James might not have been one of the original but he was there. (Acts 15, Galatians 2:9 were pillars – James, head of the church at Jerusalem).
(literal according to usage)
I did not see the other apostles, except James, the lord’s brother.
1:20 This verse is a figure of speech “interjection” – a parenthetical statement by way of feeling.
“behold” – figure of speech “ asterismos” – a calling attention to by means of a word that functions like an asterisk, or an interjection (behold, look, give a listen).
“before God” – is an oath – a strong appeal
“I lie not” – figure of speech “Antenantiosis” – expressing a thing by a negative, four things used in this verse for emphasis.
(literal according to usage)
(Now look, I swear to you before God, what I am writing is not a lie.)
1:21 continues the thought of verse 19
(literal according to usage)
Next I went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia
1:22 “in Christ” – in fellowship
(literal according to usage)
and remained unknown by face to the churches of Judea which are in Christ.
1:23 destroyed (vs. 13) need to annihilate “now” – Aramaic “Hashaha” – “now behold”. Figure of speech “asterismos”.
9-28-83 Galatians 1:11-24
“preach” – announce good news
“faith” – family faith – that he tried to annihilate
(literal according to usage)
They merely heard, “Remember the one who formerly persecuted us? Look, now he declares the good news of the family faith which he tried to annihilate.”
1:24 “in” – on account of
(literal according to usage)
And they glorified God on account of me.
The trip Paul took to deliver the abundant sharing (Acts 11 & 12) is not recorded in Galatians. It was a brief visit and not over an issue. The trip he made in Galatians 2:2 was by revelation and established the authority of the doctrine of grace, with the blessings of the Jerusalem Council. It brought about an agreement, a unity of doctrine that was not reached through compromise (Acts 15) but through their knowledge of the Scriptures.
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Dr. Wierwille
You cannot go beyond what you’ve been taught. You can do less, but not more. Paul was trained under Gamaliel, and he was a real legalist in Rabbinic Judaeism. Nothing but God Himself could have changed the apostle Paul because he was so steeped in tradition. Paul could never have received the gospel of grace from his background because he was such a legalist.
Everyone wants a Savior, but they really don’t want him to be Lord in their life. But that’s where you have to get to when you understand grace. Spiritual athletes are “Word runners”, and that's what we need to be. It’s usually grace with strings attached when we teach it. God’s grace has no strings attached.
God is PAID IN FULL! He has done everything to accomplish salvation, completed the work and there is nothing left to be done. Therefore He is justified in sending men to hell, and in what He will do later!!
Remember, you’re responsible for what you’ve been taught, so do it!!!