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Francis Winkowitsch- Sharing about soil - plants - food - SMF

Dr. Wierwille opens with an eleven minute sharing then introduces Francis Winkowitsch. 

3rdburglar by Wordburglar
Topic: 08-21-1977, food, soil, organic,pdf
Format: mp3
Publication Date: 08-21-1977

Sharing about Plants, Soil & Food

Francis Winkowitsch

Sunday Morning Fellowship
The Rock of Ages

[Dr. Wierwille gives an introduction.]
People, when you begin working God’s Word (and you start living for God and you try to
do the best you can for people) you get involved in a lot of different things because the Word of
God will get you to the place that you see you have a spiritual need and that need has to be met
and that God meets that need. Then, you see how you have to renew your mind that there are
things that your old man has up here that you have to get rid of. So, it’s not only a spiritual trip
when you really love God – it’s a mental one. It’s where you renew your mind with God’s Word
and it … in another realm it’s a physical type of thing.
I don’t know if I’m going to live long enough or if there are any scientists interested
enough to ever follow it out, but I know (from having lived and observed and worked the
ministry these thirty-five years) that one of the reason people do not think good is because
they’re not eating good food, and, therefore, you really got to get God to cover a lot. Really
fantastic. Dr Poesy, in Samoa, told me they never had any communicable diseases on that island
until they introduced Western food, the canned stuff. Usually, if there’s something on the
outside of a can you don’t understand, it’s poison. And ‘lot of the things they’re pouring into us
is the same stuff you use when a person’s dead (to preserve him), so you can look at him for
three days {audience laughter}.
Now I’m not a food fanatic; I’m a God fanatic, {audience applause} but I happen to
know if you put into your mind certain reading material, you’re going to begin manifesting it.
And I know when you put into your physical body the wrong kinds of food, it will contribute
toward your life in manifestation physically. Grace Bliss in Lessons in Living, she and I have
been in that thing. She’s the one that has the greatest knowledge (I just draw off of her), but I’ve
been actively engaged in it for over twenty years, and I’m very, very concerned about the
physical side of life, not only in these our United States, but also in our brother and sister
countries. But, you see my first place is right here in the United States – this is where I live; this
is where I was born.
One of the great things I’ve learned about physical living is: don’t overeat, just never eat
too much, period. Now, that’s easy for me to say, I guess, because you think I got such a
fantastically renewed mind, {audience laughter, then applause} but I’m just a human being like
you are, but I have learned some things. The first thing (when it comes to the physical food
situation) I eat just as little as I can get away with. Most people eat as much as they can get away
with. {audience laughter} I just turn it around. (As all my kids know, it’s a real laughing joke,
that food is one of the lesser of my sins; they all know that, and that gets to be a real joke), but I
think this is very important in physical living that you just don’t overload the machinery.
I [also] think it’s very important: breathing. We have a complete course. (I started it
once. It never did quite do a take-off, but I’ve waited for years for other things to take off. It’ll
catch on sometime.) But, you can take any person and in a period of one or two weeks just
improve their whole breathing so fantastically that your whole life takes on a new dimension
physically. We do a little of this in the Corps, don’t we Craig or … or something? (Everybody
left …) [Craig said, “Yes.”] {audience applause} The Corps is sort of our guinea pig, you know,
we do everything with the Corps; {audience chuckles} and that’s about the place where it’s
beginning to jell. So, we do that kind of thing in breathing. We do things in what I call
exercises. (I forget what you kids call it, physical fitness or something … CO4 or seven, I forget
what.) {audience laughter} We do a lot of running; we do a lot of these things, but never
overdue, but always go beyond your ability at that moment. In other words, we always drive our
self just a little further than where we thought we could go. I do this thing mentally; I do this
thing spiritually. I just keep moving on … that builds your breaking point in life, whatever that
is. You can just build yourself up to be [a] much better woman, a much better man than you ever
thought you could be.
There’s an old German saying (I think): what you eat you are. Isn’t that right you,
German people? [Dr. Wierwille speaks in German.] Is that good German or bad German?
{audience laughter} I know it better in Plautdietsch1
[Dr. Wierwille speaks in Plautdietsch].
Yeah … he and I talkin’ in Low German. Don’t worry, that’s my brother Reuben over there.
{audience laughter} Now you can never have any better physical food than the soil that grows
it. (That’s just axiomatic; that’s just plain common sense.) If you do not have a good soil, you
cannot grow a good plant. If you can’t grow a good plant you can’t eat a good plant, ‘cause it’s
not there, right? {right} And all of life is … all of life physically has to come out of that soil
‘cause out of the soil you eat. You had a glass of milk today. Well, some cow had to give it
‘cause you don’t get milk from a bull,{audience laughter} that’s right, or from a crabapple tree.
You get milk from cows, and somebody had to go “utterly” to work to get the thing done.
{audience laugher} But, now suppose that cow – you feed that cow a low type of nutritional
plant. What kind of milk are you drinking? {audience replies} That’s right.
People this is why in the Way Ministry, (I am and I know a lot of our leaders are) we’re
really interested in our country – to get a good soil and get good plants. In Word in Business in
January of this year, I believe there’s going to come out of the vision of our men and women a
whole new concept on how we can move the best foods of the Way Ministry: first of all, to the
Way people. {audience applause} We got to do something. We do it at Headquarters all the
time – done if for years. Like for instance, if we have … we grow all of our things organically
there. And if we have extra food sittin’ around or it’s available, people can pick it up on Sunday
night or during the week. Everybody’s welcome to it. We always eat it, of course, in our dining
rooms. We have it at Emporia (as much as possible), now of course, at Indiana. But, this is part
of the life that you get into, people, when you get accurate on God’s Word ‘cause man is a
complete being: mental, physical, spiritual; he is a complete being. You can’t isolate the
spiritual over here by itself; it has to be one.

Plautdietsch ([ˈplɑtditʃ]) or Mennonite Low German, is a Low Prussian dialect of East Low
German with Dutch influence that developed in the 16th and 17th centuries in the Vistula delta area of Royal
Prussia. The term Plautdietsch literally translates to "Low German"…
I think the Way Ministry is blessed beyond measure. And I’m real thankful to God for
the great blessing on the Way Ministry giving us men and women in specific fields who are just
absolutely God’s best at that moment of time. We have men like this in agriculture across the
United States. And because these men and these women are committed to the kind of ground
and soil and the things that develop in that soil, they can produce. And I believe perhaps the
most outstanding man who is helping our Ministry and helping our people (but he’s also, of
course, making it available to anybody in the United States) is the man that I have asked
specifically this morning in this Sunday Morning Fellowship to just share his heart and his
vision, and to show what he has done on their farms and what is being accomplished on other
farms like at Way International and other places. He and his wife, of course, reside in Aplington,
Iowa. {audience applause} They’re people that are really concerned about the greatness of God’s
Word, as well as agriculture. And I just want him to open his heart to you this morning. This is
Sunday morning. He can take his shoes off if he wants to. It’s that kind of Sunday morning –
just open his heart to you beautiful people at the Rock, and show you some of the great things
that are happening on his farms and other farms. And it’s all, again, to produce fruits and
vegetables and plants and animals that have real value in eating. And I’d like for my Francis
Winkowitsch come up here Francis. {audience applause} It’s all yours. Bless you.
[Francis Winkowitsch begins sharing.]
Greetings. {audience continues applause} Isn’t it wonderful to be part of a ministry that
believes in the total man and teaches the total man all the way? {audience cheers} I’ve been
associated with churches practically all of my life and never once have I ever seen such a total
ministry as The Way Ministry. {audience applause} And I’d like to bring you greetings from all
of us from Lakeview Farms in Aplington, Iowa. We couldn’t all be here, but I want to share
with you their thoughts and their thinking, and what they’re doing at Lakeview. And anytime
that anybody gets any where’s near Aplington, Iowa, you are always welcome. And by the way,
my wife is a pretty good cook. {audience laughter} We’ve always got room.
We enjoy sharing the greatness of God and what He’s made available for us, ‘cause truly
He is a big, wonderful God. He’s made everything possible for each and every one of us, but so
many times we get carried away by a lot of the scientific knowledge that man has today. I’ve got
nothing a wrong … against scientific knowledge, but many times it leaves God out of the
picture; it’s test tube results.
You know, I’ve went to people in the agriculture departments and I tried to share this
story that I’m going to share with you this morning: telling them about what this program has
been doing for us; how that we are enjoying life abundantly; how that farmers all over the United
States are enjoying it. (And I’ll have testimonials a stack that high of farmers that just
voluntarily give us these testimonials. They want other people to know and to share with them
what it’s doing for them.) And you know the first question they ask me? Where’s your
scientific evidence that it works? Well, I said, “Here I’ve got all these testimonials. We have
our farms out there. We’d like to have you come out and look,” and you know, they laughed at
me. They laughed me right in the face. They said, “You think we would take a farmer’s
testimonial? You’d think we’d take anything from a farmer? It’s gotta be proven in a test tube
before we’ll believe it.” And I come right back and ask them the question kindly, “How do you
test nature in a test tube?” {audience applause}
You see, the things I believe in I have never seen, but I know they’re real. Do you think
God’s comin … I mean Jesus Christ is coming back again? {yes} Have you ever seen him? {no}
We believe it. The natural man – so many times it’s hard for him to see the spirit of things.
We are farm people, and I’m going to talk to you this morning in a farmer’s language ‘cause
that’s all I know. Once in a while my wife kinda corrects me. She said, “You should say this in
different ways you know.” But, I can’t; I’m going to tell it just the way that I’ve always lived.
We are farm people, and I’m proud to be a farmer. {audience applause} I don’t believe there’s a
better place in the world to live and to raise a family, {audience applause} where you can really
be close to God every day and the freedom that you have out there.
We’ve lived near Aplington, Iowa, in fact we live within two miles of where we started
farming. And you know, when we started things were a little different, and that was a few years
ago (and I’m not going to tell you how long). {audience chuckles} But, our main desire in life
was to enjoy life, to raise a family, to be an asset to our community and to love God. That was
our desires in life. In our early marriage we enjoyed this very much, and it run along about 18
years. [Then] we decided we wanted to take things a little bit easier. (You know, on the farm
you’d a get pretty busy – we’s farming a quite a little land, a lot of cattle.) We decided to make
some changes, and about that time we were first introduced to what they called the commercial
Now, I don’t know many of you young people here probably don’t know too much about
agriculture, but I‘ll try to explain it. That’s the reason I’m going back before I get into the meat
of it. Chemical fertilizer’s what they call a plant food approach (where they make man-made
chemicals and feed a plant directly to make it stimulate the growth: mainly to grow bigger yields
– bushels, bails, tons. And, of course, you know everybody’s interested in that ‘cause that’s
where they measure their dollars and cents). Well, when they introduced this program to us, first
I got excited because I … that time was the same, right away when I … they said I could
increase the yields, I could figure … I figured out real quick, you know, that we could … we
could earn a little bit more money, make a little bit more money. So, we decided we would
follow their program.
Now, the first thing they recommended is that we get our soil tested. You gotta take
samples, you know, go out in your fields and take different samples of your fields (You send the
soil in and you let them do the testing, and they’ll tell you what you need.), so we did. Well, first
thing they said we needed was some fertilizer, these chemicals. So, we gotta plow … broadcast
‘em, you know spread ‘em out on the land, work it in the land. Then, we got ready to plant the
crops. (They said we got to put a little fertilizer in the row with the seed so you can really get
that … stimulate that growth.) They told us we needed some nitrogen, so we applied all this
stuff to the soil, and, boy, did we have a yield. Boy, we got excited. I thought, “Now we’ve got
her made.” So, we took on the dealership, and we started selling these … these chemicals and
fertilizers to our friends and to our neighbors.
This went along fine the first few years; we enjoyed these yields. But, pretty soon we
started having some problems on our farms that we had never had before. Now they didn’t seem
too … too … uh … too con … uh … disturbing at the time, but yet I knew there was something
wrong. And the first thing we noticed was with our cattle. We had about 80 stock cows out there
and all our little calves, you know, and a lot of young cattle around. But, the first thing we
noticed was wrong was with the water started runnin’ out of the eyes of these animals right in the
middle of summer. And then the flies would get around the eyes, you know, and sometimes
they’d even go blind. We had to start using stuff, you know, to treat ‘em. And then these little
calves, you know, that was suckin’ these cows, before they were always nice and healthy, you
know, suckin’ their mommas. And, boy, I tell you those little calves when there’re about that
size, they’re about the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, suckin’ their mommas. Boy, I tell ya, I
just really enjoy something like that. They were nice and healthy, you know, and we’d put ‘em
in the feed yard. We’d feed these cattle out – everything was going fine, but you know, pretty
soon, not only the watery eyes, but our little calves started getting scours2
and they got
pneumonia. And we had to start using these drugs, medications in the needle to give ‘em shots
to even keep our calves alive. Well, they came out with these wonder drugs at that time: give
‘em a shot or two, you know, you got ‘em over it and everything was loo … looking pretty good
But about the same time we started having a weed problem. We could always handle our
weeds all these years with the proper cultivation and rotation with our land; we could always
handle our weeds. We started having giant foxtail3
and weeds like that – couldn’t figure it out.
Well, they came out with these sprays. So we went … [jump in presentation]
I believe the same thing is true with the soil. I don’t believe – there’s no shortage of
phosphorus, nitrogen or any part of it – I don’t believe that. We’ve been on a natural
program for fourteen years on our farms. And when we started on the program of building soil,
the test of our soil was … we, we had to have all this stuff I was telling you about and more
every year. If anybody wants to take any test of any of our soil and any one of our farms, you’ll
find out that it’s a balanced soil now; it needs nothing. It’s got everything it needs. {audience
applause} There’s been samples of that soil sent in and it said it’s equivalent to grow 250 bushels
of corn per acre if you had the moisture to go with it, {someone in audience yells} and the
weather. {audience applause} And we’ve never bought any out of the bag and added with it
either; we’ve let nature do it.

Scours is a term for diarrhea; another term that may be applied to this disease is “enteritis,” which means
inflammation of the intestinal tract. While cattle of any age can develop diarrhea, most cases of calf scours occur
under one month of age, with the majority occurring between roughly 3 and 16 days of life.
( )
A foxtail is a spikelet or cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its seeds as a unit. Thus, the foxtail is a type
of diaspore or plant dispersal unit. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called "foxtail", also "spear
grass". They can become a health hazard for dogs and other domestic animals, and a nuisance for people.
( )
Potash is a potassium-based product that is often bonded to other chemicals. It is predominantly used as a
fertilizer to encourage water retention in plants, increase yields, improve taste and help plants resist disease. The two
most common potashfertilizers are sulfate of potash (SOP) and muriate of potash (MOP).
( )
You see, what’s happening to soil today with many of these chemicals? Things are getting
tied up; their getting locked up. And then, you see, any time you destroy any phase of life down
there or disturb it in any way, it doesn’t function the way it should function. Then it can’t make
available a potash, a nitrogen. You talk to any fertilizer man, he’ll tell you, you got all kinds of
nitrogen, phosphorus and potash out there, but he’ll tell you it’s not available. But, he’s never
told the farmers why it isn’t available. You know what the key to make it all available down
there for ya? L-I-F-E. Isn’t that simple? You see it’s so simple (the things that we talk about
that it’s hard to believe). God’s Word is simple isn’t it? But, boy how people make it
complicated and get it all twisted up. Isn’t that right? [chuckles] Same thing with the farmers.
It’s gotta be test tube tested; it’s gotta be soil tested, you know, really complicated. Then they
got great big names for it; you ever noticed that? [chuckles] And you know they’re getting so
many diseases now, they start calling them viruses. You know what a virus means? (You look it
up in your dictionary.) It’s unknown [chuckles], something they still don’t know. They don’t
have an answer for, so they call it a virus. Everybody’s got a virus nowadays, you notice that?
[chuckles] Get sick and go to the doctor.
I’d like to relay to you a little story that I believe ties in with the whole thing we’re talking
about this morning. You see, we kind of enjoy hunting, fishing, things like that. A number of
years ago my wife and I had the privilege (and our son) to go way back in Canada fishing. Now
the only way we could get up there was with a pontoon airplane; we had to fly in. We stayed
with a trapper and his wife in a little trapper shack back in that wilderness. They told us they had
lived there for forty-two years, so you could imagine some of the stories the trapper had to tell.
In fact, we didn’t – I don’t believe we got much sleep that night. {audience laughter} We were
the first white people they had seen in over a year and a half, so you could imagine how excited
they was to see us. We had to stay right with ‘em.
One of the stories he told I’ll never forget, and that was about these caribou. Every spring
he said the caribou would migrate by his cabin by the thousands. He said it would take days for
them herds to get by his cabin, and they’d go up what they call these moss beds. And, of course,
that’s what these caribou feed on is moss. They’d have their young ones up there. Then in the
fall here they’d come again, he said, right by the cabin. Then they’d get their rifle out, and [he
said] “We would shoot, you know, whatever we needed for the winter supply of meat. But, we
don’t have no caribou anymore.” I said, “What happened?” “Ah,” he said, “Right after World
War II, [the] Canadian government up there got the idea that these timber wolves was killing too
many caribou, so they ordered the trappers to poison the wolves.” And, you know, when he said
that he jumped up and said, “I was against that!” And I said why would you be against
something like that? If those wolves are killing off some of your caribou I couldn’t see no reason
(at least at that time), you know, to get rid of them wolves! You know what he said, “Nature put
that wolf up here for a purpose. He’s got a job to do here.” I said, “What could that be?”
“Well,” he said, “The wolves only destroy the sick and weak caribou. The healthy ones they
always get away, and then they reproduce. That’s how nature keeps the health in the herds.”
“And,” he said, “We had thousands of caribou. You can’t believe how large them herds were, but
we had to poison the wolves.” Took about two years before they noticed it, the caribou started
getting sick; disease started to set in those herds, and they started to die. “And,” he said, “Today
we don’t have no caribou anymore, they died off with disease.” Now, I’m going to ask you folks
here this morning, do you think those wolves were good or were they bad? {good} They were
good, right. That’s the reason God put ‘em there!{audience applause} That story, not that one,
but other stories have been written and I’ve read several in the Outdoor Life where they’ve tried
the same thing in Alaska – different areas and the same thing happened. They moved the wolves
back in and in a few years the caribou and wild game came back again. Nature always has a way
to keep its balances.
Every living thing … you remember a little bit ago folks when I said every living thing is
good? Boy, that’s a pretty big statement to make, isn’t it? I’m sure you can think of a few
insects and a few bugs you don’t like. {audience chuckles} But, God put ‘em here for a purpose.
I don’t know all the reasons and why, but every phase of life now has a purpose, a place and a
job to do. Now if that’s true, what about all these insects? What’s the purpose of an insect?
Well, back on our farms when we first started having our first little problem with insects, they
called ‘em root worms. (That’s something that eats the roots off of the corn and then the corn just
falls down.) He don’t go up and eat the ear, what’s the goodie part; all he does is … is … is
chew the roots off. Well, these people I was doing business with over here at that time said,
“Don’t get excited, we’ve already got something for you,” and they called it Aldrin.5 They put
that out with the corn. You know, boy, that did a nice job; that really fixed the root worms.
Now, they said, “You got to keep using it.” So, the next year we put it on, just like we did the
year before. What do you suppose happened the second year? The little root worms came back
again, only this time they were stronger, and I believe they were madder than they was the year
before. {audience laughter} I tell you, I couldn’t believe it. I went out in that field and the corn
was falling this way a little, falling down over there. [I] looked around and, sure enough, the
root worms [was] eatin’ the roots off. So, I called them people – told them what was happening.
They said they were sorry about that, {audience laughter} but they did find out something. They
learned a little out of that. They said the root worms are getting resistant to that poison. We’re
goin’ have to make it stronger. So, the next year they came out with a stronger poison; then the
little insect got stronger; then they made the poison stronger, the insect stronger. And you know,
you realize today, folks, that those poisons the farmers are using are many, many, MANY times
stronger than they were in the beginning. In fact, they are so deadly today that right on the
container or the cans or whatever it is, there is a big warning that says POISON – big letters. It
says when you apply it now be careful, you gotta wear gloves, you gotta wear goggles, you’re
supposed to wear a respirator … you know, like a man from outer space to put it on even.
{audience laughter} It says right on the containers, and then it says when they’re empty (you got
all these containers emptied out) you know, then you’re supposed to smash ‘em, dig a hole, and
bury those empty cans 18 inches deep away from your water supply. But, spread the poison all
[alllll] over your farm, I guess that’s alright. [chuckles] {audience laughter} Just go ahead, put
‘er on, but look out for the empty cans, they’re dangerous! {audience laughter continues} Folks,
it says it on the labels, read it! {audience applause and laughter}
And you know something, we’ve got more insects than we’ve ever had in the history of
farming. We’ve got more weeds; we got more diseases and more problems on the farm today
than there’s ever been in the history. Let’s stop and think a little bit this morning. You know, I
kinda of like to do that once in a while. You know, why? [chuckles] It feels so good. {audience

5 Aldrin is an organochlorine insecticide that was widely used until the 1990s, when it was banned in most
countries. It is a colourless solid. Before the ban, it was heavily used as a pesticide to treat seed and
soil. ( )
chuckles} You know, people don’t think any more. Most people are followers. You notice that
(in the world)? They just follow along; blind leading the blind, many times. How many years
now has the farmer been using chemical … five, ten, fifteen, twenty or more? Don’t you think
by this time that we’d had all the insects killed? {audience chuckles} Had it long enough. We
shoulda had all the weeds killed. And, boy I tell ya, those farmers should be on an easy street
today, if that program is an answer. But, it isn’t. They’ve got more problems than they’ve ever
had before.
You see folks, when we try to fight nature, or fight God (which I can surely use here this
morning – in my public meetings I always relate to “nature”, most people know what I’m talking
about), we’re fighting the greatest power there is, isn’t that right? And I’m going to ask you
folks, how in the world can you win when you’re fighting a power like that? It’s impossible. The
sicker we get it down here, the more problems we’re going to have. When that soil gets sick, we
get sick plants, animals and people. You see folks, you are (as a human being), you are: the food
you eat; the water you drink; the air you breathe and the thoughts you think. That's total man.
{audience applause} And the food that you put in that your body of yours, folks, be very careful
[chuckles] what you feed that body of yours. You wouldn’t think of taking your automobile out
there that burns gas and put kerosene in it, would you, or diesel fuel? You wouldn’t go very far,
for very long at least. But, so many times people don’t realize how important food really is: so
that you can have a healthy body; so you can really be … be a … be a … so a person can go out
and really do a day’s work; and to be able to think clearly; and to be able to teach clearly. It
takes total man – a balance. If we’re going to enjoy the more than the abundant life, I believe,
it’s got to be a total balance. It can’t be out of balance. {audience applause} You can get over …
too much of anything, maybe; it’s gotta be kept in the balance and in its place.
Many people in the agricultural business today (farmers) are in a rut. They’re looking for
answers. They know they got problems. They realize what they’re doing isn’t right, but they
haven’t nowhere to turn. They … nobody is telling them, really. That’s why I get such a joy of
sharing this with people. Reminds me of a little story, I could probably tell you this morning.
It’s about two little frogs {audience chuckles} livin’ over here at the pond, and they decided one
day they were going to take the day off. They go over and visit their friends over at the other
pond. So, they gets up real [realll] early that morning. They’re hoppin’ along, you know,
through the meadow just having a ball, but they come to a road, and in that road there was two
deep ruts. Well, like little frogs are, I suppose, trying to show off a little bit, one little frog says,
“Let me show you how I can jump over that big rut.” So, he backs up, you know, and he takes a
run, and just about the time he’s gonna leap he slipped and he fell down in that deep rut, and he
couldn’t get out. They worked there for the longest time. He tried everything to get his little
friend out of that rut, but it was just too deep. Finally, they’d worked there so long that the sun
started going down; it was getting dark. And the little frog said to him down there, he said,
“Friend, I’m going to have to leave you. It gets dark, I can’t even find my way, then we’re both
… we’re both lost.” So, he said, “Why don’t you go on your way.” So, he bids his little friend
goodbye and (real sad like) he goes a hoppin’ along, you know. He gets out there a ways and he
thought he heard a noise. He looks around and who do you suppose he’d seen? His little friend.
Here he comes just a hoppin’ for all he’s worth, and when he caught up with him he said, “Now
tell me, please, how in the world did you get out of that deep rut?” “Well,” he said, “A wagon
came along and I had to.” {audience applause and laughter} You see, folks, there’s no problem
so big that there isn’t an answer. Isn’t that wonderful – even man’s problem, {audience
applause} always an answer. God is always giving us a way out. There’s always an answer for
every problem in life. And boy, isn’t that wonderful … to be able to teach this to farm people.
When I was up in Montana, I was up to the town called Wolf Point. That sounds kinda …
you know, kinda wild; well, it’s pretty wild country. It’s probably some of the cow capital in the
world in that area. And I shared this program with farm people there, then I went down Billings,
Montana. And you know, the joy of putting on these meetings, you know, people come up to me
after the meeting and they said “What makes you so excited? My goodness, you really believe
don’t you?” “Well,” I said, “I took a class one time called Power for Abundant Living.”
{audience cheers} And you know, while I was at Wolf Point, after the meeting they come up to
me – there’s three couples up there that want to take the class. {audience applause} When I say,
Power for Abundant Living, they say, “What’s that?” And I try to … start explaining a little bit –
never get into it too deep; I’m always excited about it though. “You just gotta take it, that’s the
only way you really understand it. Don’t make any difference what denomination, what church
you go to. I believe that it really teaches the Word, so that you can really understand it.” Five …
four couples at Billings … and I gave … I’m gonna give … I talk … already took … talked to
the W.O.W. that’s going to be at Billings, Montana; I’ll give ‘em the names. And they can’t
wait, Doctor, to take the class [addressing Dr. Wierwille]. You see people are ready. They want
answers, in all dimensions.
You know as I look at the commercial fertilizer chemical program: it looks to me like it’s
one of the greatest tools that the devil is using today (or the adversary) on the farmer – on all of
us. Boy, if he can get you to eat food that’s contaminated, poor quality and so that you got …
your health is bad and you’re physically weak, boy, that’s a pretty good way … a pretty good
start for him, isn’t it? To me, that program (as I look back that I used to be on) was a destructive
program. And I’m going to ask anyone in this audience, how in the world can you enjoy more
life? How can a farmer enjoy life and enjoy that farm on a destructive program? Now if
anybody has an answer for that, please turn it in to me after the meeting. Can you have life and
destroy life for very long? If I had 30 cows out there in a pasture and every day I went out and
destroyed one, how long would I have 30 cows? But, if I turn a bull out there in that bunch of
cows …. {audience applause and laughter}
You see, farmers don’t realize that their soil is a living thing. And I hope each and every
one of you – all of you (Twig leaders, Branch leaders, W.O.W.’s, all of you that are here,) share
this with people: tell ‘em, how important it is, because many of you don’t live on a farm.
You’ve got to buy what you buy out of the store. You see, when you promote life you shall have
more life, and you know that’s an absolute law of nature; that’s the law of the universe. (Like
when you promote life, you shall have more life.) And I found out something else: every turn
that we have made for nature out on our farms, we’ve been paid back 10 fold. You believe that,
Doctor? [addressing Dr. Wierwille] You believe … you believe we’re enjoying life out at
Lakeview Farms? [Dr. Wierwille response: If you aren’t I don’t know who in the world is.
{audience laughter and applause}That’s right.] Those farms out there are producing crops that
people come from thousands of miles all over the United States and even foreign countries to see
what we’re doing. And boy, we sure welcome ‘em, too. {audience applause} That soil is a
living reality of life, so that man can enjoy life in all dimensions. And folks, we never want to
forget that God is our creator. He’s made all things possible and He wants us to live the
abundant life. He don’t want any of you sick; that’s why He’s given us soil. If we under – and
everything I’m sharing with you this morning is in the Word [Dr. Wierwille says: Amen]. Be
good stewards of the soil; take care of the soil; work with the soil and you’ll never be short
changed - you’ll always get bonuses.
And the thing that really carries me on is our families back home. You know, we’re pretty
close family; we all live there on the farms and we’re so thankful for that. When I’m home there
isn’t a day goes by that those grandchildren (at least one or two or more) come over. And those
two little granddaughters we got are just something else. And when I’m home, the first thing,
they run in the house and see if Grandpa’s home, up on my lap, throw their arms around me and
they’re glad to see me. And I love them. But, I spend about 90% of my time away from home
now sharing this … this story that I’m telling you this morning. So that farmers can enjoy more
life; so that you can enjoy more life. And I’m interested in the future of our children and our
grandchildren; I’m interested in your future. And we start building from the foundation up …
you see, if you’re going to build a good home, you’ve got to build a good foundation first.
Boy, I tell you, if you’re gonna … if you’re really to learn that Word (and Doctor teaches that
Word), if that Word is really going to mean the abundant part of you, it’s got to … the
foundation has got to be there first. And that’s a good, healthy body, a temple for God. {audience
applause} And I sure do thank you.