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Ephesians 81-82_22 Ephesians 4:15-16

Ephesians 1981-82 Corps Teachings. Lesson 19: Ephesians 4:15-16

3rdburglar by Wordburglar
Topic: logospedia
Format: AUDIO
Publication Date: 1981-82

Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.

By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.

In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.

Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.

Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).

Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.

EPHESIANS 4:15, 16
March 31, 1982
And the King James of Ephesians 4:15 reads as follows:
Ephesians 4:15
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is
the head, even Christ:
“…speaking the truth”—In Aramaic the words are “we were strengthened.” The Greek
word has so many different meanings to it, like it does have speaking the truth. But it also
has words like maintaining the truth, holding the truth, living the truth, [sneezes]…(excuse
me) teaching the truth, being truthfully sincere in love. Those are all the different usages of
the Greek word here that’s translated “speaking the truth.”
The word “love” again is the word agapē or agapaō, which is the love of God in the
renewed mind.
This “may grow up” is from that Greek word axio. The Greek word here, of course, is
auxēsōmen, the usage, but the root is the same, which means to grow up, to develop, to
mature, and this is the second purpose that’s given here in verse 15. The first purpose is
given in verse 14, “that we be no more children.” But to mature, you develop, you grow up
into a holy temple.
And then “which is the head”—And that’s a figure of speech, a Metaphor.
“…even Christ”—where Christ, of course, is compared to the head of the human body.
And the head is a part of the body, but it’s the head that guides the motion. It controls. It
sends all the information to the rest of the body.
So I…the literal translation of this fifteenth verse of Ephesians 4. And I don’t know if
I’m right about this, but I sometimes feel that this verse 15 and 16 are perhaps two of the
greatest verses in the Book of Ephesians. There’s so much in here but this stuff is just
unbelievable in here, and that’s why I believe it. It’s just so great. Literally I translated it:
Ephesians 4:15 Literal translation according to usage
But speaking the truth in love will grow up in him in all things who is the
head, Christ.
(May I have some coffee please.) The expanded one is as follows. And you remember I
just gave you that the Aramaic translates that, “we were strengthened.” And I like that very
much. So in the expanded one I translated it as follows:
Ephesians 4:15a Expanded translation
But truly strengthened in maintaining…
Then I put a bracket, a bracket because I put two other words there to keep them in my
head when I work the Word.
Ephesians 4:15b Expanded translation
…[speaking, teaching]…
End of bracket, see. And remember I gave you that from the Greek texts where these
different translations of the Greek word for speaking the truth. So you have as follows:
Ephesians 4:15c Expanded translation
but truly strengthened in maintaining [bracket] [speaking, [comma]
teaching] [end of bracket] and living the truth in love…
Living the truth in love. And living the truth in love is living with the love of God in
the renewed mind in manifestation. You understand? That’s why I translated it this way.
Ephesians 4:15d Expanded translation
…living the truth in love that we may develop and grow up in Christ.
And kids, you will never develop and grow up in Christ without the love of God in the
renewed mind. You’ll always stay like infants spiritually. You’ll never really grow up until
you put on the mind of Christ with the love of God in it. That’s why I translated it:
Ephesians 4:15e Expanded translation
…that we may develop and grow up in Christ, that everything he is, we are
who is the head, Christ.
Now the great sixteenth verse. In the King James it reads:
Ephesians 4:16
From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that
which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the
measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of
itself in love.
Perhaps the most prominent figure of speech throughout the entire epistle of Ephesians
(and by prominent I mean the one that stands right up at the top in my mind) is the body.
The word “body” refers to the entire household of the faith. Ephesians 4:16 uses the human
body as a figure to illustrate the numerical growth, the spiritual growth and the unity that
ensues among the body of the believers as they exercise the gift, holy spirit (small “h”;
small “s”), in each and every part. So you see, each and every use…word used in
Ephesians 4:16 must refer to a physiological part of the body if it’s going to follow the
imagery that is utilized here. Body is the figure of speech, Hypocatastasis, where the main
idea, the church, is substituted and compared with the image of the human body.
Now tonight, in order to understand the greatness of this verse, I’m going to try to
make it as simple as possible for you. So you need a clean sheet of paper, and I will take
my time and set it for you then I’ll fill it in for you. At the top of the paper in the center
someplace you write “from whom the whole body.” Write those words. Now in the left
hand column below it about a line or two what I call double spaced, you write the words
“fitly joined together.” Now don’t get them too close together or you’re going to have
problems. I said at least a double space. Now right under “fitly joined together,” double or
triple space lower “and compacted.” Triple space below that “by that which every joint,”
This is old times, old man, Corps night, on joint {audience laughter}. Next triple space the
word “supplieth.” Triple space below that “according to.” Triple space below that “the
effectual working.” Triple space below that “in the measure of.” Triple space below that
“every part.” Triple space below that “maketh increase.” Triple space below that “of the
body.” Triple space below that “unto the edifying of itself.” Triple space below that “in
Now that’s Ephesians 4:16 King James.
“From whom the whole body.” You’ve got that at the top. Right? Then your next line
is “fitly framed together.” Next line “and compacted” “by that which every joint.” Then
next “supplieth.” Then next “according to.” Then “the effectual working.” Then “in the
measure of.” Then “every part.” Then “maketh increase.” Then “of the body.” Then “unto
the edifying of itself.” Then “in love.”
Many, many times when I work the Word, this is exactly how I work it, because I’m
just not smart enough to put it all together like this. So I set it up and break it down into
small units that I can handle. And here as we wrap up this whole section it’s just, you
know, truly strengthened in maintaining and living the truth in love that we may develop
and grow up in Christ that everything he is we are who is the head, Christ. Then by whom
this…this is just lifting this whole section to the 99th heaven or wherever it can go. It’s just
a biggie, kids [taps once].
Now under “fitly joined together” the Aramaic word is spelled as follows; now this is
what you put under each one of these words. Do you understand? Don’t be stupid now.
The Aramaic word is spelled m-e-t-h-r-a-k-a-v, literally meaning “is being”—“is being
fitted together.” So if something is being fitting together, is it all already completed? {No.}
Remember that. And is it then a continuous action or just a temporary action?
{Continuous.} Until the Return. The Greek word is just a big long word from here to
Europe. The word is spelled s-u-n, sun, I know you know what that means; armologon
s-u-n-a-r-m-o-l-o-g-o-n, sunarmologonmenon, m-e-n-o-n. That’s one word and that’s the
word that means “being fitted.” Being fitted. Again, it’s not totally completed. It’s being
what? {fitted}. Being fitted. Another word that they use is “joined” “joined together.”
Now at this point you put down Ephesians 2:21 where it says, “in whom all the
building fitly framed together.” Fitly framed together. It’s being fitted together all the
building, all the building is being fitted together. All of His building, God’s building, is
being fitted. It’s being joined. Remember in “Excellence Forever” the great carver said
who carved those whatever it was, he said he just did not glue the stuff together. He fitted
it together. He used that word. I think he did anyway, drilling in and putting wooden pins
in it. See.
“…and compacted”—The Aramaic word for “compacted” is spelled w-m-e-t-h-q…
q-e-t-a-r. It is being tied. I think a better word they use is banded, banded. I believe the Greek
is even better, and the Greek word for “compacted” is spelled s-u-m-b-i-b-a-z-o-m-e-n-o-n,
meaning being fused together, fused together. Is that what you do with two pieces of metal
when you put them together? Fuse them together? {no} What do you do? {weld}. I know
but what’s the weld? {fused}. Okay, that’s what I’m talking about. When an arm is broken
and the bone is mended, it is fused together, and it is stronger at that point where it has
been broken than it was before because of the fusion, being put back together. Boy, when
you think about all of this and you really run it through your head, we were dead in
trespasses and sins without God broken, born again of God’s spirit being fused together in
the building, God’s holy temple. Some day when this stuff really hits you, you’ll wake up
on cloud 999 and you’ll walk as Tom says [taps three times], one commitment, that’s it; no
other alternative, no excuse, not even any consideration for any future decision. It’s all
settled [taps four times]. Being fused together. It’s also translated being knit together. In
Colossians 2:2 it’s used that way, being knit together in love, Colossians 2:2. I believe
Colossians 2:2 the “in” ought to be translated “by.” Because there is nothing that so fuses
anything together but the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation. And that’s
why Colossians 2:2 I believe should be translated: being knit together by that fusing thing
which is the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation.
And then it’s used in Colossians 2:19, and of course, sometime later I’ll…tonight I’ll
be in Colossians 2:19 again, but right now just to tell you this, it says being knit together
increases, being knit together it increases. You see, I think when people today think of
knitting, they think of something women do in knitting things. This word here is much,
much tighter than just knitting. When you knit something, it may be beautiful, it may be
everything people like, but it’s not as tight as the word “fused.” When something is fused
together, nothing can get in between.
Now the next phrase in Ephesians 4:16 is “by that which every joint” [sets something
down; turns pages]—The Greek word for “joint” is haphē, spelled h-a-p-h-long ē, which is
from the root, and this is the root word you have to put down, haptomai, h-a-p-t-o-m-a-i,
meaning to touch. Its use…its usage ranges from a touch as light as fingers on a harp string
to the solid grip of the NCAA champion wrestler. Now from this idea of “grip” came the
thought of binding and holding like a wrestler holds on, he binds him up, ties him up. It’s a
point of contact. Then as the years went by, the term “ligament” and “tendon” came to be
used of haptomai. Other senses associated with this Greek word haptomai include
“contact,” “point of contact,” and “sensation.” If somebody really grabs you by the nap of
the neck, you get a sensation. This becomes real significant as we get into the indepth of
this thing.
Now the ligaments and the tendons in the human body are designed as the points or the
joints of contact by the bones, organs and muscles that grip and bind them together. And
they are all fused together; all the ligaments and tendons are all fused together taking their
sensation, their orders, from the head, the brain, through the nervous system.
Now we take a look at, at this very point from what I’ve just taught you to Colossians
chapter 2, verse 19. Now here you need another page to write it out. The top line reads
“and not binding the head from which all the body.” Write that right at the top of your
paper. “And not binding the head from which all of the body,” I’m just reading you
Colossians 2:19 from King James. Next line triple space down “by joints” underneath it to
the left margin. Three spaces down “and bands,” b-a-n-d-s. Now the words three spaces
down “having nourishment ministered.” Three more spaces down “and knit together.”
Three spaces down “increases” or “increaseth,” e-t-h (I can’t ever pronounce it so I just put
an “s” there, “increathleth.” You got to lisp to do that {audience laughter} so, increases.
Next three spaces down “with the increase of God.”
Now “by joints.” That again is the word haphōn, h-a-p-h-o-n, long ō, meaning the grip
of ligaments and tendons.
“…and bands”—The word there in the Greek is spelled s-u-n-d-e-s-m-long ō-n,
sundēsmon. The best way I know to teach this to you, Corps, it’s more of a feeling within
you, you just have to understand it within your soul. This word means the binding stuff, the
cohesive substance.
Now the words “having nourishment ministered”—that word “having nourishment
ministered” is the Greek word spelled epi, epi, c-h-o-r-e—long ē there—g-o, chorēgo and
the words u-m-e-n-o-n. It’s one word, e-p-i-c-h-o-r-ē-g-o-u-m-e-n-o-n. Having nourish
ment ministered. This word means supplies completely all the way through to every part of
the whole body. That’s what it means.
“…and knit together”—Knit together, those words are the word that I already gave you
in the Greek and Aramaic a little while ago for “compacted” of 4:16, same word, spelled su-
m-b-i-b-a-z-o-m-e-n-o-n. Here it’s translated in Colossians 2:19 “knit together.”
Ephesians 4:16 it was what? That’s why I’m breaking these verses down for you so you
get a great understanding of 4:16. I also told you it was used in Colossians 2:2.
Remember? Now, that again means being fused together, which I gave you earlier.
The word “increaseth”—That’s one of Craig’s favorite words. The word is auxei,
a-u-x-e-i, from axo meaning matures, develops, grows.
Then the words “with the increase” is again the same word but it’s spelled a-u-x-e-s-i-n,
auxesin, which means with a continuing growth. It not only matures, develops and grows
but it is a continuing growth, increases with the increase, with a continuing growth until
the body is completely complete at the Return. That’s the only time the body’s going to be
completely complete—at the Return.
“…increases with the increase of God”—I don’t know if this “of ” should be “by,” but
we know it depends on how you want to translate it. One way it increases by what God
does, we know that.
So from this verse of Colossians 2:19, the teaching is very plain, very clear and evident
that the joints, the ligaments and bands, tendons, the binding stuff, the cohesive substance.
The word “bands” here ought to be translated, I believe, “tendons.” Putting together
ligaments and tendons are both the supply, the sensation, the brain and the knitting
together for the fusing of the body which causes the body to mature and maneuver so
beautifully and gracefully. Without ligaments and tendons the body would just flop all
over the place. It would not be held together. Without direction from the nervous system to
these ligaments and tendons, which it gets from the head, the brain, the head, the body
could not be coordinated nor would it be coordinated in its movements. In this sense joints
of Colossians 2:19 and Ephesians 4:16, in this sense joints, ligaments and tendons are the
supply for the cohesiveness, the stability and the motion of the body. [Dr. Wierwille pauses
then exhales, then taps several times.]
Now, the Aramaic word for “joint” in Ephesians 4:16, this is a new page we’re
working, is the masculine word spelled s-h—I’m only going to give you this once. If you
don’t take your notes tonight you can spend the next twenty years working this scripture
out—is the masculine word s-h-a-r-y-a-n. I don’t know when I’ve taken this much time
with the Corps to teach you one verse of scripture, giving you all the Greek and Aramaic.
But if I don’t, you won’t get it for the next ten or fifteen years because there aren’t many of
you smart enough to work it so why don’t you just do it easy, write it down and put it in
your head, then you’ve got it and you don’t have to work it. I did it for you.
Now in this Colossians 2:19 it’s the same root word but it’s feminine word and it was
spelled…the Aramaic word is spelled s-h-e-r-y-a-n-e, translated “joint,” but it’s from the
same root. Now another occurrence of this word in Aramaic in the New Testament is
spelled s-h-a-r-y-a-t-h-a, and that is used in Hebrews chapter 4:12, and I want you to look
at it.
Now the Greek here in Hebrews 4:12 employs a different word for “joints” than the
one we had in 4:16 and Colossians. The Greek word here is harmos, h-a-r-m-o-s, which
also means, that Greek word also means a joining together or a joint put together. Hebrews
Hebrews 4:12
…piercing even to the dividing asunder of [what?] soul and spirit, and of
the joints and marrow,…
There’s the word. Spiritually the marrow is associated with soul, because the marrow is
the source where the red corpuscles that are in the blood are developed, grown, mature,
exit from. That’s why Leviticus 17:11 says “the life (the soul) of the flesh is in the blood.”
It’s made in the marrow behind the bones.
Anatomically, it is interesting to see how the tissues of the marrow and of the
ligaments and tendons are so closely intermingled and intertwined and yet are distinctively
separate. But it is reported that marrow is impossible to be separated surgically. It’s that
tightly fused, that tightly put together, that it is impossible to separate it surgically. That’s
why the Word of God [taps several times] is so sharp that it can and does separate [taps
once] according to Hebrews 4:12.
Now we’re back to Ephesians 4:16 to that page of yours where you outlined it.
Ephesians 4:16
…by that which every joint,…
You back there? Next word, what? {supplieth} “supplieth”—The word “supplieth” is
not in the Aramaic, and that is in my heart, in my thinking, singularly significant. Later on
when I translate it, I will delete it. I will not use the word “supplieth.” And I have the
Aramaic to prove that it’s not there. Now I don’t mind using it from the Greek ‘cause I
understand it. And you’ll understand it ‘cause I’m going to drill it in your head. The Greek
word for “supply” is e-p-i, epi, c-h-o-r-long ē-g-i-a13. Now this Greek word is also used in
Philippians 1:19. Take a look at Philippians 1:19.
Philippians 1:19
For I know [Philippians 1:19] that this shall turn to my salvation through
your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
See that? “supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ”—This word used here in 4:16 is that
same word used in Philippians 1:19 where the supply is the spirit. The supply in
Philippians 1:19 is the spirit which is God in Christ in you. You see, in verse 15:
Ephesians 4:15
…speaking the truth in love may grow up…
Now people, you could not grow up if you were not already delivered, born, born
again, understand? That’s why [taps several times] we don’t need that word “supplieth”
when we go to Ephesians because context, you’re already born again, but if you want it,
the explanation I can understand it would be real simple. It would simply mean as the
ligaments and the tendons in the body, the physical human body, manifest the cohesiveness
and gracefulness of the physical body, so the spirit supplies the stability, mobility and
beauty to the body of Christ, the church.
13 epichorēgia
Now we go to the words “according to” of Ephesians 4:16. The wor…“according to”
sets the standard, the degree of, the extent of, to the decree of, to the extent of, the standard of.
The next phrase, “the effectual working”—This effectual working is by the gift that is
God in Christ in you, the hope of glory, the gift that is given called holy spirit (small “h”;
small “s”) to and thus in every believer, energizing that ability within the believer
according to the believer’s believing. It is used in Ephesians, we’ve had it before, in
chapter 1, and in verse 19.
Ephesians 1:19
And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,
according to the working of his mighty power,
“according to the working”; working—“Working” is that word “energizing” comes
from energemata.
Now the words “in the measure,” in the measure, “in the measure of,” Ephesians
4:16—Mean to the full degree of, literally, spiritually and truthfully, Corps, it means the
full measure, the full measure [taps several times]. Remember where it said of Jesus Christ
he did not have the spirit upon him by measure, meaning he had everything that was
available up until that time. The only thing missing in the life of Jesus Christ was that he
could not speak [taps] in tongues and he could not interpret [taps]. He had everything full
measure, honey, that was available. And I want to tell you, if he had been God, he’d had a
few other things. He had what was available, all the manifestations: prophecy, word of
knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, believing (or faith), miracles and
healing—had them all [taps three times]. But he could not speak in tongues and he could
not interpret because it was not available! But with the coming of the day of Pentecost and
the Lord Jesus Christ living within, God in Christ in you, the hope of glory, holy spirit in
you [taps four times], that’s why “in the measure of,” speaking to the church of the body to
which you and I belong. It’s the full measure of all nine all the time! [Slams fist down and
taps.] That’s what it means, in the measure of.
“…every part” is every believer, every believer. You know here’s a thumb, a believer.
Here’s a pointing finger, it’s a believer. Understand? In every part, every part is in every
believer—has the full measure, every believer [slams fist down], every born-again
believer! My God [slams fist down], how we’ve lived below par. Every believer, every
part, every believer, has the full measure, plerōo, filled to capacity, plum full, has the full
plerōo, measure of Christ [taps], measure of Christ. The same Christ that is within me is
within you [taps]. The same Christ that’s in you is in every other born-again believer.
Every believer has all nine available all the time, even, if they don’t know it. It’s still there
because of God’s great love, God’s great mercy, that He gave to every child, He’s their
daddy and therefore He fathered them, He gave to them what He is in Christ Jesus [slams
fist down], which is God in Christ in you, with all nine manifestations operative all the
time dependent only upon your believing and you can’t believe beyond what you’re taught
[slams fist down]. Believe less, but you can’t believe more.
The full measure of Christ, every part, full measure of Christ, and as that member
operates—here’s my thumb, it’s operating. Here’s my thumb, it’s operating, that member
could not operate without a brain, without a head, without ligaments, tendons, nervous
system. Everything is controlled, operated via the head, the brain, the mind, and as that
member operates, believes, acts, in operating all nine all the time, next phrase “it maketh
increase.” It makes the increase and that means it develops, it expands, it grows with more
and more believers joining and becoming mature and “alllll” being fused together, all
being fused together in that body. Here’s my thumb, here’s my pointing finger, here’s the
rest of my hand. All fused together in the body. All being fused together in—now the next
phrase, “the body” which is the church.
For what purpose? “Unto the edifying of itself ” is the next phrase. And that is by the
body getting built up in the knowledge of the Word. That’s the edifying, the building up of
itself by getting the knowledge of the Word [taps once], and this is done with the last
phrase of Ephesians 4:16, “in love,” which is the cohesive which is the love of God in the
renewed mind in manifestation.
And now, Corps, this is how I translated this verse literally. [Exhales.] The last word of
verse 15, of verse 15 is the word “Christ,” see that? Literally. Now verse 16, literal.
Ephesians 4:16 Literal translation according to usage
From whom all the body fitly joined together and being knit together
through every joint [parenthesis] (ligament, [comma] tendon) [end of
parenthesis] according to the working energy in the measure of each part
makes grow the body unto the building up of itself in love.
Now I have two expanded ones. Here’s the first.
Ephesians 4:16a Expanded translation
And from him all the body is being perfectly fitted together…
I don’t know if that ought to be “fitted” or “fit”? What ought it be, grammatically? I
don’t know. Somebody tell me afterwards, but I don’t care I know the truth of it.
Ephesians 4:16b Expanded translation
…perfectly fitted together and is being fused together…
I want to stop here and tell you the picture I get in my mind when I see this stuff.
Here’s a…here’s a broken bone, broken bones. Now it’s perfectly fitted together—
perfectly fitted together, but in order to keep it tightly together so nothing can get in the
bone has to be fused, it has to grow together. That’s the picture in my mind [taps] where I
give you “perfectly fitted together and is being fused together.”
Ephesians 4:16c Expanded translation
…fused together by every joint, ligament and tendon according to the
standard of the gift working in full measure in every member for the
increase of Christ’s body, his building to be completed in love.
Now here’s the other expanded translation.
Ephesians 4:16 Expanded translation
And by Jesus Christ the body is fitly framed and fused together gripped by
the ligaments and tendons according to [and then you got the rest] the
standard of the gift working in full measure in every member for the
increase of Christ’s body his building to be completely completed in love.
The only extra word in the second part of this expanded one is to be completely
completed for the word “completely” precedes “completed” in love.
Well, Corps, that’s all there is, no more. That’s the end of that great section {audience
I’d like to close tonight with a word of prayer.
[Prayer] Heavenly Father, I stand in utter humility and yet with the greatest
thanksgiving of my soul for the inevitable greatness of your Word, the power of your holy
spirit. And Father I thank you for opening blind eyes to see, deaf ears to hear and closed
mouths to speak. And Father, may again, people rise up in our day who believe this Word,
and who don’t cop out. Who just stay put faithfully day after day after day, and just
increasingly learn to operate and to believe, to operate all nine all the time, that the Body
may be increased with the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation in our lives.
Thank you Father for your love, your grace, and your mercy, especially to me on this day
where you’ve worked so mightily within my soul. And I thank you Father for making this
Word, living and real and simple to me. And I trust Father, that I’ve made it simple and
real to your Corps people this night. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
John it’s all yours.