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Ephesians 81-82_21 Ephesians 4:9-14

Ephesians 1981-82 Corps Teachings. Lesson 18: Ephesians 4:9-14.

3rdburglar by Wordburglar
Topic: logospedia
Format: AUDIO
Publication Date: 1981-82

Victor Paul Wierwille was a Bible scholar and teacher for over four decades.

By means of Dr. Wierwille's dynamic teaching of the accuracy and integrity of God's Word, foundational class and advanced class graduates of Power for Abundant Living have learned that the one great requirement for every student of the Bible is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Thus, his presentation of the Word of God was designed for students who desire the in-depth-accuracy of God’s Word.

In his many years of research, Dr. Wierwille studied with such men as Karl Barth, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Bishop K.C. Pillai, and George M. Lamsa. His formal training included Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Mission House (Lakeland) College and Seminary. He studied at the University of Chicago and at Princeton Theological Seminary from which he received a Master of Theology degree in Practical Theology. Later he completed his work for the Doctor of Theology degree.

Dr. Wierwille taught the first class on Power for Abundant Living in 1953.

Books by Dr. Wierwille include: Are the Dead Alive Now? published in 1971; Receiving the Holy Spirit Today published in 1972; five volumes of Studies in Abundant Living— The Bible Tells Me So (1971), The New, Dynamic Church (1971), The Word's Way (1971), God's Magnified Word (1977), Order My Steps in Thy Word (1985); Jesus Christ Is Not God (1975); Jesus Christ Our Passover (1980); and Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed (1982).

Dr. Wierwille researched God's Word, taught, wrote, and traveled worldwide, holding forth the accuracy of God's "wonderful, matchless" Word.

March 24, 1982
All right, Ephesians 4:9 and 10 are a parenthesis in the King James, they are a
parenthesis in our work too, but let’s read verse 9.
Ephesians 4:9
(Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended…into the
lower parts of the earth?
I just told you 9 and 10 were both a parenthesis. This verse 9 and 10 explains further
the “led captivity” of verse 8 that we handled the last time. And the parenthesis indicates
the greatness of the gift of Christ, which then was also given as gifts of men.
“…what is it” is a figure of speech, Ero…Erotesis, e-r-o-t-e-s-i-s, is the name of the
figure and it’s a question that does not require an answer but is asked for effect. That’s the
This “descended” here in this verse caused a lot of people through the centuries to have
problems with it, but I believe Bullinger had the handle on it and did it beautifully when he
said it’s the genitive of the earth. And that is a Genitive of Apposition, the lower parts, that
is to say, the earth. He descended to the lower parts, that is to say, the earth. And I believe
that is very, very accurate.
The word “first” is omitted in most of the critical Greek texts and it should be omitted.
Now the verse 10.
Ephesians 4:10a
He that descended is the same also…
I’m reading King James.
Ephesians 4:10b
…that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
This “far above” Corps is not just above. It means far above. Now whatever that is, it’s
far above. I don’t understand it but I don’t have to fully comprehend it to know that it’s far
above. And…the only…the reason I don’t is it isn’t defined any further in the Word, but
it’s far above all heavens. So someplace far above is where he ascended to.
“…that he might fill”—That word, “all things”; “fill all things,” is to fill with…to
capacity, with the gift. The gift is dorea, remember? (You forgot your eye [inaudible].
Where’s your eye [inaudible], son? Came off? I’m glad you got eternal life. It don’t come
off. Isn’t that wonderful.) The purpose of the ascension was that he might fill. That’s why
Ephesians chapter 1, verses 20 to 23 fit right in here people. They fit right in here. See, the
ascension was the fulfilling of all things. The fulfilling of the dorea of Christ which in turn
will include gifts unto apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
Now the translation of verses 9 and 10. The literal translations are as follows:
Ephesians 4:9 Literal translation according to usage
[Parenthesis] (But he who ascended what is it except that he also descended
into the depths that is to say the grave.
The literal of 10 is: He who descended is the same also…
Ephesians 4:10 Literal translation according to usage
…is the same who ascended also above all the heavens that he would fulfill
all things.)
Now that’s the end of the parenthesis of 9 and 10 literal. Now we’ll do the expanded
one of verse 9. Again, now remember it’s parentheses.
Ephesians 4:9a Expanded translation
(Now that he went up what does it say and mean but that he first came
Now I want you to put a bracket.
Ephesians 4:9b Expanded translation
…[sent from God, John 6:40]…
End of bracket. You know what a bracket is; it’s a square trip. Now we go on with the
expanded translation: to the earth below, now we put another bracket.
Ephesians 4:9c Expanded translation
…to the earth below…
Then another bracket, you understand?
Ephesians 4:9d Expanded translation
…[including all of his fulfilling of the law while here on earth including his
death, resurrection, forty days after and ascension]…
End of bracket. Now we’ll go back and…in our writing and pick it up: “…to the earth
below…” Now after that bracket, the last bracket: and descended into the depths.
Ephesians 4:9d Expanded translation
…and descended into the depths that is the grave.
Now the expanded of verse 10.
Ephesians 4:10a Expanded translation
He who came to the earth [bracket] [God’s, only begotten son, John 3:16]
[end of bracket] is the same who also ascended [bracket] [first begotten
from the dead, Revelation 1:5,…
End of bracket. No, that shouldn’t be end of bracket, just a comma. Scratch the bracket
and add:
Ephesians 4:10b Expanded translation
…with body changes]…
Now bracket, because he did not get up from the dead with the same body, it was a
different body. That’s why that has to be put in that bracket. Now, remember:
Ephesians 4:10 Expanded translation
…is the same who also [what?] ascended…
Now you go back:
Ephesians 4:10c Expanded translation
…far above all the heavens…
You see, what astronomy sees is only the first heaven. That’s as far as any astronomer
can ever see. What’s beyond that? Gosh, I wish I knew but I don’t. It’s heavens. There’s
another one, then there’s another one, [chuckles] there’s another one. I wonder what He’s
got sandwiched in between what the astronomers see and where Jesus Christ ascended to.
God’s no piker I want to tell you. That…this thing just blows my mind, kids.
“Far above all the heavens”—Didn’t say heaven; “far above all the heavens.” Let me
say it again. The astronomers never get beyond the first one. But of course, they say there
isn’t anymore either. That’s alright with me. The Word of God says there is; that makes the
astronomers wrong whenever they say there isn’t.
Ephesians 4:10d Expanded translation
…far above all the heavens that he might fill to full capacity with the gift.
Now verse 11 in King James.
Ephesians 4:11
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets;…some, evangelists;…
some, pastors and teachers;
This “and he gave”—The big thing you’ve got to remember about that is that He gave
the gift. He gave the gift of specific believers with ministries to the Church, the Body. He
didn’t give specific gifts to persons to believers in the Church. Let’s do it once more, cause
hardly anybody has ever seen it or understood it. He gave the gift of specific believers. In
other words, He gave the gift of specific believers with those ministries to the Church, the
Body. He did not give the gift…not gifts to believers in the Church, because you’re a
believer in what? {the Church}. Everybody born again is what? A believer. Understand?
[Sighs.] That’s why the gift ministries of specific believers with ministries to the Church.
“…apostle”—An apostle is a specific called forth believer by God who carries new
light to his generation. It may be old light or previous light but it’s new to the generation
he speaks to.
A “prophet” is a specifically called forth believer by God who speaks for God in the
very essence of the Old Testament prophets who said “thus saith the Lord.” And I taught
you in the Foundational Class that foretelling was totally incidental to the ministry of a
prophet. (Either Advan…Foundational or Advanced…I don’t remember. Is it?
Foundational.) Mainly forth-telling but foretelling, f-o-r-e, was incidental to it.
“…evangelist”—An evangelist, see, they are all the same, is a specifically called forth
believer by God whose ministry for the body is the outreach of that body, the growth and
the building of it. You see, an evangelist, Corps, is the outreach to those whom God by His
foreknowledge knew that when they would hear the Word, they would believe and be in
the temple by the new birth. The growth of the temple, the new birth, the building of the
Body of Christ, those already born again. You see, the holy temple grows, but the saints
are built. Got it? The holy temple grows by those who are born again, the new birth, but
then when you’re born again, you have to do what? Grow, I mean build, in your life
because you’re part of the temple, and that’s what the saints do. Evangelism is not only to
win the unsaved but to get the people hot who are already saved. Sure need some
evangelists according to the Word of God today. Those who call themselves evangelists
for the most part miss the accuracy of Ephesians here.
“…pastors”—A pastor is, now tell me what he is, Corps. {A specifically called forth
believer…} Right, a specifically…believer called of God again, same as the rest, people.
They are all alike. And he is one who ties up the wounds, bandages the wounds, puts the
oil in and the ointment, of hurt believers and takes care of people like a shepherd takes care
of the sheep. Boy, the ministry of a pastor is just so needed and so tremendous because for
the most part, the born-again Christians even those at best have had nothing but sin
preached to them, unworthiness, weakness and everything else instead of, I call it hugging
them, holding them close, tenderizing them and pouring the oil of God’s love into their
wounds and hurts and letting the past be past. That’s what a pastor is [taps three times]. We
sure need a lot of pastors, cause even a lot of Way people still have a very bitter, sour,
hurtful tongue. And I often wonder what puts any Way believer in the position to judge
anyone else and to be hard on them. I understand doctrine, reproof, correction and
instruction in righteousness, but this is one of the ministries; one of the five great
ministries that blesses the Body.
And the final one is “teachers.” And you know what a teacher is, same as I’ve given
you the rest, and he’s one who teaches the great accuracy of the Word. And teachers really
are the foundation of all gift ministries. Time and time again, people, in the Gospels it
doesn’t talk about Jesus Christ as an apostle, prophet, evangelist or pastor. It talks about
him taking the people aside and teaching them, teaching.
The “ands” in this verse are the figure of speech, Polysyndeton. Yeah, that’s tremendous.
The literal of verse 11.
Ephesians 4:11 Literal translation according to usage
And he gave some apostles some prophets and some evangelists and some
pastors and some teachers.
[Dr. Wierwille exhales slowly] Yeah, I thought it was in here. I was going to look at it
and…F.F. Bruce and Markus Barth believe that these, the pastors and teachers tie together.
And F.F. Bruce translates it “teaching pastors.” Markus Bar…Barth (b-a-r-t-h) translates it
“teaching shepherds.”
I believe that any man called of God will at times in his life have to operate all five.
But I believe that the greatest of the five is the teaching ministry and then the love of a
pastor who takes care of the people. I can see why Bruce and Barth wanted to put it
together, but there are still five gift ministries.
Did I give you the expanded one? {No.} [Dr. Wierwille exhales slowly] of verse 11?
Ephesians 4:11 Expanded translation
And he gave for the Church some apostles, some prophets and some evangelists
and some pastors and some teachers.
I added that he gave “for the Church.”
(May I have some coffee please.) Now our Research Department at International did a
EPHESIANS 4:9-14—March 24, 1982 213
fantastic piece of work for me on the background study of the word “perfect” in verses 12
and 13.
Verse 12 reads in the King James.
Ephesians 4:12
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying
of the body of Christ:
And verse 13.
Ephesians 4:13
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of
This word “perfect” in the Aramaic is gmar, g-m-a-r. It means to be finished,
completely done, made whole or made a perfect sphere. Now here in Ephesians 4:12 the
word is spelled l-a-g-m-a-r-a, translated “for the perfecting.” The gift ministries of verse
11 are for the perfecting of the saints plus the work of the ministry and plus the edifying or
building up of the body. That’s why with the gift ministries, Corps, in operation, the saints
then can be perfected, made whole, completely done, completely finished. We all know
that spiritually when any man or woman is born again, they are perfect spiritually because
of Christ within. But the mind still has to be changed, the mind has to be renewed and the
principles of God’s Word have to be put on in the mind in operation in the life of a
In that scripture, “study to show thyself approved,” that you may be perfect, that’s the
word again, g-m-i-r-a-y-t-h, same root. Second…that’s 2 Timothy 2:15. That the man of
God may be perfect in 2 Timothy 3 it is gmir, g-m-i-r. See. Romans 12:2 is that renewed
mind. 1 Corinthians 1:10 declares the necessity of speaking the same things having no
divisions, perfectly joined together. The word “perfectly” is gmirin, g-m-i-r-i-n, in the
same mind and same judgment. This “same thing,” [taps a few times] “perfectly joined
together,” “same mind,” “same judgment,” must, of course, be by the accuracy of the
And then they gave me a listing of all the places in the New Testament where this word
gmir appears, or gmar. In your last issue of The Way Magazine you saw a whole section
that can be taken out. It’s that research work that we call Gmir.
Ephesians 4:13 refers to the “perfect man,” the man after the gathering together. And
here in Ephesians 4:13 it’s a passive participle, g-m-i-r-a. And these are the only two
usages of gmar in Ephesians. That’s a wonderful piece of work and I’m really grateful for
our Research Department laying that tremendous piece of work into my hands so I could
share it with the Corps.
Now the word “For” in verse 12 12 means with a view to or a view toward, denoting an
ultimate purpose. The primary purpose is for the Church because every one of these
ministries has to rightly divide the Word and make salvation available to all who hear. So
the great purpose of the ministries is more than getting people saved. Time and time again
12 Ephesians 4:12–For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ:
I’ve heard people say, “Why, the most important thing in life is to get saved.” That is not
Biblically accurate. The ministries, not only to get people saved, but to get them to grow
up, renewed mind, Corps.
The word “perfecting” that we just handled in this is in the Greek the word is spelled
k-a-t-a-r-t-i-s-m-o-n. I told you in Aramaic it was spelled l-a-g-m-a-r-a. This in the Greek
is a combination of the word kata meaning down and artios, perfect. 2 Timothy 3:16,
Foundational Class. The related verb katartizō, k-a-t-a-r-t-i-z-o, is the word that’s used in
the Gospels when they were mending their nets. That’s the word, mending nets [chuckles].
Also used in Greek literature when people are restored to their right mind (that’s mending
nets [chuckles]) or when they would mend garments, and it referred to [chuckles] (you
horse people—love this), full grown horses who have lost their foal’s teeth. And in the
medical field it’s used of mending a rupture or when you have a dislocated limb, an arm or
something, to put it back together. Perfectly joined, perfectly restored.
The words “for the work” indicates the immediate purpose that they work for the
“…for the edifying” is with a further view, for the building up. The Greek word is
oikodomen from oikodomia, building up.
“…of the body”—These words, “edifying of the body of Christ,” is the figure of
speech, Hypocatastasis, by this time you ought to know this. I think we ought to make the
Corps memorize all those different figures of speech that appear in Ephesians time and
time again so I wouldn’t have to spend any time going over it all the time.
A comparison in which an object is given that is being compared to the main idea,
which is only implied from the context.
Also, another interesting thing about these words, “edifying of the body of Christ,” it’s
a dual genitive. “Edifying of the body of Christ,” dual genitive. That’s why the emphasis
falls on the object of the work of the gift ministries, the highest goal, the edifying of the
Body of Christ.
Now all of these ministries, Corps, are given for the perfecting, the healing, the
mending, of all the ruptures, dislocations, with a view to the work of the ministry with a
further view, it will edify the Body of Christ. You see, you have to first belong to the
temple in order to get built up, so the building up of the body is in the practical section of
Ephesians, and the responsibility of the ministries in the Church for the Body is edifying,
the building up of that Body that there’s no rupture, no dislocation, that it’s mended, that
everything is put back together. I wished to God the Church of the Body would apply it.
Really something.
This is the literal of verse 12.
Ephesians 4:12 Literal translation according to usage
For the perfecting of the saints with a view toward the work of the ministry
with a further view towards the building up of the Body of Christ.
Now here’s the expanded one.
Ephesians 4:12 Expanded translation
For the perfecting of the saints with a view to the official perfect mending
spiritually of all ruptures among the saints with the understanding that the
saints will work better in service to the building up of the Body of the
Church of which Christ is the head.
Now, Corps, I think that’s fantastic: With the understanding that the saints will work
better in service. You can’t work better in service if the saints are ruptured, if we’re not of
the same mind, same opinion, same judgment. If you’re ruptured, you’re hurt, you couldn’t
work with me very well. If I’m ruptured, I cou….that’s why I put that in here, with the
understanding that the saints will work better in service to the building up of the Body.
Thirteen. Again as I worked this today I am not sure but I certainly would like for the
Research Department, Walter, to consider it. In verse 13, do we really need a parenthesis
here? Or could it just flow with the total context. I sort of feel we do not need a parenthesis
here, but I will wait for your study in the Research Department.
Verse 13, King James.
Ephesians 4:13
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of
The word “till” or until, specifies the time, the duration that the gift ministries of verse
11 will last, for the duration. You had the purpose of the ministries, and the goal in verse
12. Now here in 13 the duration. This duration is three-fold: 1: Unity of the faith; Number
2: Perfect man; Number 3: The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. That’s how
long the perfecting, the purpose continues, until we all come unto the unity of the faith.
The word “unity” in the Aramaic is literally “one thing”; one thing. So when you think
of unity, think of one thing.
The “faith” here is the family faith.
The word “and” is even.
“…knowledge” is ginōskō, epignōsis, full precise, complete knowledge. And in the
English this is real neat where you read here “of the knowledge of the son of God,” of the
knowledge of the son of God. It’s a Triple Genitive, very unique to the Greek. The
Aramaic has only a Dual Genitive, which reads in the Aramaic “in faith and in knowledge
of the son of God.”
“…unto a perfect”—Aramaic has “and one perfected.” The Greek has it from the root
word of telos, which indicates the perfect end product. And I think Greek is real terrific
here in my understanding. Perfect end product.
“…of the stature”—That’s the way it’s in Aramaic. In the Greek it could be translated
“full age or maturity.” [Taps lightly a few times.]
“Of the stature of the fullness of Christ”—I don’t understand stature in any other way
that with the return of Christ it’s full maturity, full…how am I going to say it, just full
man, nothing lacking, new body, all of that, spiritual body, completely perfected mind.
The word “fullness” is filled to capacity in the verse.
And here again those words, “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” is a
Triple Genitive. The stature of the fullness, those words again are a figure of speech. The
figure is Hypallage, h-y-p-a-l-l-a-g-e. This emphasizes the “stature of fullness.” Not only
do believers have the fullness of Christ, but they have the stature of that fullness, and
that’s why I said to you the word “maturity” and whatever else I said a while ago, some
other word. Maturity, and…yeah, whatever, what was it? {full age}. Yeah, full age, full
maturity. See why I believe that? Because when you put the context all together we not
only have the fullness of Christ but we have the stature that that fullness brings with it.
And that, people, I think is so magnificent and the quality of that is unparalleled in any
man’s life here upon earth. If we have the stature of that fullness, that means we have the
same seating with Jesus Christ as he has [drops hands on desk and chuckles]. Makes tears
come to my eyes. Only God would do a thing like this, to put us in the same seating as
Jesus Christ. What is Jesus Christ doing today? He’s our advocate; he intercedes for the
saints. He is constantly there at God’s side; God’s constantly available to him. Imagine the
Body of the Church seated [drops hands on desk]. You know, you want to talk to God.
You know. Lean over and say “hey.” Boy, I said it. The magnificence of this is absolutely
unparalleled any other place in…in the universe or any other place in the Word [taps
twice]. That’s why Ephesians is such great revelation bringing it right to the top.
Well here’s the literal [chuckles] of this wonderful, wonderful verse. I’m going to put it
in a parenthesis for you tonight until I hear from my Research Department. I’d like to leave
it out, but since they’ve got it, I’ll put it in.
“Until we all come,” this is literal, “in the unity…”; in the unity. [Hear pages turn.]
You see, Aramaic translated that “one thing.” [Taps a few times.] See, I can understand
that. The one thing is unity.
Ephesians 4:13 Literal translation according to usage
Until we all come in the unity of the family faith and of the knowledge of
the son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ.
[Drops hands on desk.] Here’s the expanded one.
Ephesians 4:13a Expanded translation
Until the full duration when we all become unified in the family faith even
in the full knowledge of the son of God one perfected,…
You can drop the word “one,” if you like. I don’t need it, I guess.
Ephesians 4:13b Expanded translation
. . .even in the full knowledge of the son of God perfected, full grown,
mature and complete in the measure of the maturity of the full capacity of
Verse 14. King James.
Ephesians 4:14
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried
about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and [the] cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
The word “children” means infants, babies, unlearned, and the believers are no longer
to be unstable in their thoughts or their emotions like children.
“…tossed to and fro”—Aramaic has it literally “who are shaken.” Well, I like the
Greek usage here, because it’s the word that means tossed like a wave of the sea, up and
down opinions, buffeted, swept by heavy seas. This is a real vivid picture of instability.
“…carried about” means changing, carried about, whirled about, borne about
(b-o-r-n-e), carried about.
“…wind”—The word “wind” is a figure of speech, Hypocatastasis again. The main
idea is doctrine. It’s replaced by the word “wind,” which is identified as doctrine in the
following two words, which we’re going to be getting to. It’s the doctrinal gusts of wind
blowing the unstable believer in every different direction.
The words “of doctrine” is a Genitive of Apposition. Literally, it would read, “carried
about by every wind that is deceitful doctrine.”
“…by the sleight”—Those words come from the Greek word that means dice playing
(d-i-c-e), the casting of dice, and that because dice players endeavor to cheat. The Greek
word, of course, is kubeia, k-u-b-e-i-a, which is a cube which we get the English word
“cube” from, which is a shape of dice. It stands for trickery and trapping by deceit.
Bullinger in his Critical Lexicon and Concordance page 709 says, “These figures, child,
tossed, wind, sleight, combine to paint a vivid picture of the instability of the immature
believer subject to every design and device of others.”
I think that’s very beautifully put by Bullinger.
“…cunning craftiness”—Well, it’s only used four times in the New Testament.; it’s
always deceitful and treacherous manner.
Now “whereby they lie in wait to deceive”—And the Aramaic uses it in the sense of
men who hang in there and who are constantly plotting, planning, how they can deceive.
The Greek word, of course, is the word that we get our English word “method” from:
methods of the Devil, method of error. It means a deliberate planning of a system, a
scheme that employs craft.
And it was real interesting to me that this Greek word has included in it the word
planēs, which is translated planet, we use…get the word “planet” from it. And the reason
it’s used of planets because the planets were always viewed as wandering stars, a star that
roamed around in error. The doctrine…direction of man’s doctrine is always with a view to
the method of error, not fixed or stable as the stars.
So the literal translation of this tremendous fourteenth verse is as follows:
Ephesians 4:14 Literal translation according to usage
That we no longer remain unlearned children,…
Boy, when I read this kind of thing from Ephesians, my heart just breaks inside
because even those of us who are really hungry for God and the things of God as we were
growing up. Look at the junk we were taught, and we just remained unlearned children.
Never grew up beyond even the basic milk of the Word, never got to the meat stage, they
didn’t teach it to us. And you can’t go beyond what you’re taught, and the people teaching
can’t teach any more than they know. And they don’t know anything when they graduate
from the seminary. I did, graduated from a seminary…I didn’t know. I was sincere. I was
honest. I really wanted to help people, but I did not know [drops hands down]. I was one of
these unlearned children. We remain…we…
Ephesians 4:14a Literal translation according to usage
That we no longer remain unlearned children tossed up and down doctrinally…
[Chuckles.] Baby, I went through that one.
Ephesians 4:14b Literal translation according to usage
…tossed up and down doctrinally like waves on the sea changed by every
doctrinal wind…
Changed by every doctrinal wind—every time I heard someone teach again and it was
a different doctrine, I tried it on, just tossed to and fro, changed by every doctrinal wind.
Ephesians 4:14c Literal translation according to usage
…which is deceitful like the dice playing of men skillfully treacherous…
Listen to that: skillfully treacherous.
Ephesians 4:14d Literal translation according to usage
…with systematic deception which is their method.
Now here’s the expanded one. See, we just finished that 13: “full capacity of Christ,”
then 14, here’s the expanded.
Ephesians 4:14 Expanded translation
and not remain unlearned infants who are shaken and tossed around
mentally like a ship at sea whirled around [w-h-i-r-l-e-d, whirled around] by
every different teaching of the deceitful doctrines of men who
systematically plot and are crafty and tricky which is their method that they
may deceive you.
Boy, that’s something. See. Thirteen: we were just taught from God’s Word.
Ephesians 4:13 Expanded translation
…even in the full knowledge of the son of God perfected, full grown,
mature and complete in the measure of the maturity of the full capacity of
Ephesians 4:14 Expanded translation
and not remain unlearned infants who are shaken and tossed around
mentally like a ship at sea whirled around by every different teaching of the
deceitful doctrines of men who systematically plot and are crafty and tricky
which is their method that they may deceive you.
And the primary purpose of that, Corps, is that you will have no rewards in the
gathering together. The Adversary knows he cannot stop you from going to heaven when
you’re born again. But he can sure ruin you in route and ruin things for you afterwards
with no rewards. Goofing up in the here and now and no rewards in the future. That is the
deceitful design of the Adversary.
Well, bless your heart, that’s all I’m going to teach tonight to the Corps. God bless. I
love you. You are the best. Good night. {Audience applause.}