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Ephesians 5:7

Ephesians 5:7 (KJV)

7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.

Ephesians 5:7 (Literal)

7 Become not you, therefore, joint partakers with them.

Ephesians 5:7 (Expanded)

7 Become not you, therefore, joint partakers with them [sons of wrong seed].

CONTEXT- Man's Works

Ephesians 5:1-6:9

Ch 5 1 Therefore become imitators of God like beloved children. 2 And walk in love, like Christ also loved you; yes, even giving up himself for you, a sacrificial offering to God for a sweet-smelling fragrance. 3 But [spiritual] fornication and every impurity and also greed will
surely not be named among you as becoming to saints, 4 nor profanity nor senseless talk nor nonsensical fun which is unnecessary but, instead, thanksgiving. 5 For you know that no idol worshiper nor unclean person nor defrauder who is an idolater has any inheritance in the Kingdom of God. 6 For those born of the Devil will terrify you by words devoid of truth; and because of these men comes the wrath of God down upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Become not you, therefore, joint partakers with them. 8 For you were formerly in spiritual darkness, but now light in the Lord; walk as children of light. 9 For the fruits of light in all of them are goodness and righteousness and truth, 10 demonstrating what is well pleasing before the Lord. 11 And have no participation with the bad-fruit works of darkness, but rather reprove. 12 For it is profanity even to talk about the things they do in worship in their mystery religions. 13 For all things that are exposed are made manifest and revealed by the light. 14 Wherefore it is said, Wake up, sleeper, get up and out from the dead and Christ will be light to you. 15 Watch, then, that you walk honorably with precise accuracy, not unwise but wise, 16 redeeming every opportunity
because the days are evil. 17 On account of this, don’t be senseless but understand the intense desire of God. 18 And do not get drunk with
wine, which is intemperance, for you are filled with the spirit, 19 speaking in tongues with yourself in psalms and hymns of praise and spiritual songs, making a joyful noise in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks all the time for every believer to God the Father in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 21 Absolutely be serving one another in the love of Christ. 22 Wives, subject yourselves to your husbands as he is your lord, 23 because the husband is the head of the wife like Christ is the head of the Body, the Church, the life-giver to the Body of the Church. 24 But as the Church is subject to Christ, so also wives be subject to your husbands in everything. 25 (Husbands, love your wives like Christ loved the Church of the Bride; yes, even giving up himself for her 26 that he might set her apart and make her pure with no added mixture by being bathed with the water, even the Word. 27 And he will raise her, the gorgeous Church, by himself,
without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; and she will be holy and blameless.) 28 So it is proper for husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. For he who loves his wife, loves himself. 29 For no one ever disliked his body, but nourishes it and cares for it even as Christ the lord cares for the Church, 30 because we are members of his Body. 31 Because of this, the husband will leave his father and mother
and will cleave to his wife; and the two will become one flesh. 32 This mystery is great, but I am speaking about Christ and his Church.
33 Nevertheless, every one of you husbands so love your wife even as yourself; and the wife should reverence her husband. Ch 6 1 Children, obey your parents, for this is right. 2 And this is the first commandment of promise: honor your father and your mother, 3 that it may be well for you and that it may prolong your life on earth. 4 Parents, do not exasperate your children, but bring them up under
the discipline of right believing regarding the lord. 5 Servants, obey your lords in the flesh obediently and wholeheartedly as unto Christ,
6 not with eye-service pleasing men, but as bond slaves of Christ doing the will of God. 7 And serve with all your heart as serving the Lord and not men, 8 knowing that whatever good thing a man does, he shall be rewarded by the Lord whether slave or free. 9 And you lords, serve your servants, forgiving their shortcomings because you know that your own lord is in heaven. There is no respect of persons with him.


The Structure of Ephesians 

A. Salutation and Opening (1:1, 2)
   B. All Spiritual Blessings (1:3-14)
      C. Prayer to God by Paul (1:15-23)
        D. Seated in the Heavenlies (2:1-7)
          E. God’s Works (2:8-10)
            F. New Man, not Judean or Gentile (2:11-18)
              G. The Temple Fitly Framed Together (2:19-22)
                 H. The Mystery, the One Body (3:1-13)
                    I. Prayer to the Father (3:14-21)
                 H. The unity of the One Body (4:1-6)
              G. The Body Fitly Joined Together (4:7-16)
            F. Putting on the New Man (4:17-32)
          E. Man’s Works (5:1—6:9)
        D. Standing in the Heavenlies (6:10-18)
      C. Prayer to God for Paul (6:19, 20)
    B. Making Known the Spiritual Blessings (6:21, 22)
A. Blessing and Closing (6:23, 24)


Topic: Eph5:7, Eph 5:7