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Ephesians 2:2

Ephesians 2:2 (KJV)
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Ephesians 2:2 (Rotherham)
In which at one time ye walked, according to the age of the world, according to the prince of the authority of the air, of the spirit that now energiseth in the sons of disobedience,

Ephesians 2:2 (Literal)
(in which [sins and trespasses] you previously walked according to the worldliness of this world, according to the will of the chief power who dominates with gloom and darkness, even this spirit who works everything now in the sons of the disobedient one.

Ephesians 2:2 (Expanded)
(in which you, who are dead to sins and trespasses now, previously conducted your self and behaved according to the worldly standards, even according to the will of the chief power of this world, who dominated and energized all the gloom and darkness around you, even the will of the adversary, the disobedient one, who continues working now in his sons.

CONTEXT-Seated in the Heavenlies

Ephesians 2:1-7 (Literal)

1 even you who are dead to sins and trespasses 2 (in which [sins and trespasses] you previously walked according to the worldliness of this world, according to the will of the chief power who dominates with gloom and darkness, even this spirit who works everything now in the sons of the disobedient one. 3 [Among] the adversary’s children, we all were conditioned and behaved according to the passionate lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the strong desire of our flesh and of our mind; and we were children destined for wrath altogether, as the rest). 4 But, God is rich in mercies because of His great love with which He loved us. 5 When we were dead in sins He made us alive together with Christ (by His grace He redeemed us) 6 and awakened [us] together and seated [us] together by heavenly things in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might exhibit the exceeding riches of His grace by His gentleness towards us through Jesus Christ.


The Structure of Ephesians 

A. Salutation and Opening (1:1, 2)
   B. All Spiritual Blessings (1:3-14)
      C. Prayer to God by Paul (1:15-23)
        D. Seated in the Heavenlies (2:1-7)
          E. God’s Works (2:8-10)
            F. New Man, not Judean or Gentile (2:11-18)
              G. The Temple Fitly Framed Together (2:19-22)
                 H. The Mystery, the One Body (3:1-13)
                    I. Prayer to the Father (3:14-21)
                 H. The unity of the One Body (4:1-6)
              G. The Body Fitly Joined Together (4:7-16)
            F. Putting on the New Man (4:17-32)
          E. Man’s Works (5:1—6:9)
        D. Standing in the Heavenlies (6:10-18)
      C. Prayer to God for Paul (6:19, 20)
    B. Making Known the Spiritual Blessings (6:21, 22)
A. Blessing and Closing (6:23, 24)


Topic: Eph2:2, Eph 2:2, Eph. 2:2