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Ellis Island

From 1892 until 1954, Ellis Island in New York Harbor was the primary entry point for immigration to the United States of America. Individuals and families came to the USA from many countries and for many reasons, but common to them all was hope – the possibility of a better future for them and for their families. In 1965, the island became part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Spiritually, it is born-again believers that are equipped with the knowledge of God’s Word and with the gift of holy spirit who shine as beacons in this world, calling and welcoming others to the unlimited possibilities of the new birth life. This song was written and recorded in November of 2012. Recording took place at Euphonic Studio with Bill Niemi as recording engineer.

3rdburglar by Wordburglar
Topic: Liberty - Freedom - Lights
Format: audio
Publication Date: November 2012