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SNT 0588 Forget Not All His Benefits

Forget Not All His BenefitsDeclares that sense-knowledge situations may prove us to be ‘out-numbered’, but that God makes us the victors; reminds us not to forget to cast our cares upon God, and to forget not all His benefits.SNT – 588November  19, 1972 Read more

SNT 0572 One Body

One BodyTopical teaching on the one Body which also shows that we must stand faithfully and believe we are what God says we are in His Word (Advanced Class Opening).SNT – 572July 30, 1972 Read more

SNT 0564 - 1 Corinthians 13

I Corinthians 13Expository teaching which covers how our spiritual power hinges on the renewed mind as we put on the Word and how manifesting the love of God is like opening our hands to receive all that God wants us to have.[June 4, 1972]SNT – 564 Read more