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SNT 0658 Healing

Discusses the disciples on the mountains and their coming down to the "valley of human need"; the importance of building our believing in the Word and not in individuals.January 20, 1974SNT 658  Read more

SNT 0646 Paul Walks In The Spirit

Paul Walks In The Spirit:Acts 15The absolute necessity to be of one mind as a family of believers; the joy that results in being a family and loving one another; how the Church moved when there was unity of mind.SNT – 646December 2, 1973 Read more

SNT 0641 Riches for Power

Riches for PowerThe misuses of money and riches; ways in which money can be power because of what it can control; standing on the Word and it’s integrity, rather than on temporary riches.SNT – 641November 11, 1973 Read more

SNT 0638 Branded Slave

Branded SlaveDefines a real servant to God; discusses selling out to God and becoming a (branded slave); declares the realities of the more abundant life that becomes fully evident when we sell out to the Lord.SNT – 638October 21, 1973 Read more