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The Rich Man and Lazarus: An Intermediate State?

In dealing with this Scripture, and the subject of the so-called “intermediate state”, it is important that we should confine ourselves to the Word of God, and not go to Tradition. Yet, when nine out of ten believe what they have learned from Tradition, we have a thankless task, so far as ple ... Read more

Galatians 6: 1-10 Corps - 1983 - Part 2

Paul had his credentials, and the believers have their credentials also. What are they? Chapter 6:1–10 deals with the believers credentials in handling doctrinal error.Now specifically relating this section dealing with Abundant Sharing; that mark of quality is what gives you the credent ... Read more

Galatians Review - Galatians - Corps - 1983

Galatians 6:8-10 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlastingAnd let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.As we have therefore opportunity, le ... Read more

Diamonds in the Rough - Lesson 1

Diamonds in the Rough – It’s Purposes – Nancy Duncan(from the recording of Session 1)So in this seminar, we will study, not only the how of discipline and raising children, but we will also touch on some of the highlights about the care of our bodies as women who want to have ch ... Read more

Diamonds in the Rough - Lesson 2

Diamonds in the Rough – It’s Purposes – Nancy Duncan(from the recording of Session 1)So in this seminar, we will study, not only the how of discipline and raising children, but we will also touch on some of the highlights about the care of our bodies as women who want to have ch ... Read more

Diamonds in the Rough - Lesson 3

Diamonds in the Rough – It’s Purposes – Nancy Duncan(from the recording of Session 1)So in this seminar, we will study, not only the how of discipline and raising children, but we will also touch on some of the highlights about the care of our bodies as women who want to have ch ... Read more

Diamonds in the Rough - Lesson 4

Diamonds in the Rough – It’s Purposes – Nancy Duncan(from the recording of Session 1)So in this seminar, we will study, not only the how of discipline and raising children, but we will also touch on some of the highlights about the care of our bodies as women who want to have ch ... Read more