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Body, Soul and Spirit Flexibility Program

Routine exercises with instruction and illustrations based on Corps Principle 3.

With instruction and illustrations, all of the exercises can be practiced with a period of three days by using three different routines. Benefits of particular exercises are included as well.
Topic: Training - How to - Corps Principle 3 - Flexibility - Health - Stretch - Exercise
Format: Typed
Pages: 15

This flexibility exercise program can do all the following:

1. Provide more energy.

2. Enhance poise and balance.

3. Be very relaxing, never straining.

4. Teach how to breathe properly

5. Relieve tension throughout the body.

6. Make the brain more alert.

7. Strengthen reproductive organs and glands.

8. Stimulate the kidneys.

9. Massage the stomach, colon, intestines, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and pancrease (thus relieving constipation).

10. Make relaxation a way of life.

11. Take pressure off the spine, making it much more flexible and supple.

12. Greatly decrease arthritic conditions and prevent arthritis.

13. Decrease desire to smoke and overeat.