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2 Thessalonians 3:8

2 Thessalonians 3:8 (KJV)

8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:

2 Thessalonians 3:8 (Literal)

8 We did not expect a handout from anyone, but we worked night and day with fatigue and distress so that we would never be an imposition to any of you.

2 Thessalonians 3:8 (Expanded)

8 Not even did we accept any handout in food or lodging, as a gift we would be indebted for, but worked diligently and very hard with the view in mind of never being an imposition to any of you.

CONTEXT- Admonition. 

2 Thessalonians 3:6-15

6 Now we lovingly charge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you refuse to be associated with any brother [fellow
believer] who does not walk properly, neglecting his obligations, rather than walking in line with the delivered teaching [of Christ’s return] which you received from us. 7 You yourselves observed how we worked and behaved among you. So you ought to imitate our
behavior. 8 We did not expect a handout from anyone, but we worked night and day with fatigue and distress so that we would never be an imposition to any of you. 9 We did this not because we could not exercise our authority [as apostles], but so that we might set the pattern for you to follow. 10 And when we were in your presence we gave you loving directions that anyone who is not willing to work for a living, should not eat [no welfare]. 11 In fact, we hear that certain ones among you are neglecting their obligations, refusing to work.
They are busy meddling [in second-rate efforts and in other people’s affairs]. 12 Now we lovingly direct them and encourage them by our Lord Jesus Christ, that they work with tranquility [without distraction from God’s Word] and eat the fruit of their own labors. 13 But you, brothers, do not lose heart as you continue to do good. 14 If anyone does not obey our word [the Word of God] in this epistle, mark that one well and do not associate with him so that he will be ashamed of his behavior. 15 Do not regard him as an enemy, but confront him [with tender instruction] as a brother.


The Structure of 2 Thessalonians (from E.W Bullinger's Companion Bible)

A) Epistolary. Introduction. Grace and Peace. 1:1,2

    B)  A |  D | Thanksgiving. 1:3a

                     E | Reason. Their faith and love and patience. 1:3b-5

                         F | The obtaining of rest and glory. 1:6-10

                            B | G | Prayer for them. 1:11

                                    H | That the name of the Lord may be glorified. 1:12a

                                       J | And they glorified in Him. 1:12b 

                                          C | Admonition. 2:1-12   

     B)  A |  D | Thanksgiving. 2:13a

                     E | Reason. Their salvation. 2:13b

                         F | The obtaining of glory. 2:14, 15

                            B | G | Prayer for Paul. 2:16-3:1a

                                    H | That the word may be glorified. 3:1b-3:4

                                       J | And their hearts may be directed into God's love. 3:5

                                          C | Admonition. 3:6-15 

A) Epistolary. Conclusion. Peace and Grace. 3:16-18


Topic: 2Th3:8, 2 Th 3:8