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2 Corinthians 6:5

2 Corinthians 6:5 (KJV)

5 In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings;

2 Corinthians 6:5 (Literal)

5 in beatings, imprisonments, and riots; in tiring work, sleepless vigils, and intense preoccupation with the ministry;

CONTEXT- Workers Together

2 Corinthians 6:1-10

1 As fellow workers we encourage you not to receive the grace of God in vain [without rewards]. 2 (For He says, “I heard you in a
very favorable time; I helped you n the day of salvation.” Pay attention: a favorable time is here now; a day of salvation is present.) 3 We give no cause of stumbling in anything, so the ministry is not discredited. 4-10 But in everything we commend ourselves as God’s ministers with much patience: in pressures of life, calamities, and crushing confinement; in beatings, imprisonments, and riots; in tiring
work, sleepless vigils, and intense preoccupation with the ministry; in purity [of leadership], knowledge [of God’s Word], and endurance [of hardships]; in kindness [to others], holy spirit [in manifestation], and love without guile [agape]; in handling the Word of Truth, demonstrating the power of God, and using the instruments of righteousness on the right hand of blessing and the hand of cursing [both favorable and unfavorable conditions]; in times of honor and times of dishonor; in times of evil report and times of good report; when regarded as deceivers and when regarded as genuine; when regarded as obscure and when regarded as famous; as dying [in the flesh], yet we live [in the spirit]; as chastised, yet we are not killed; as sorrowful, yet ever rejoicing; as destitute, yet able to enrich others; as having nothing, yet having everything.


The Structure of 2 Corinthians 

A. 1:1-2 salutation
   B. 1:3-14 deliverance in time of trouble
     C. 1:15-2:2 second intended visit
       D. 2:3-11 satan's devices
          E. 2:12-4:18 Titus did not come but we are able ministers
             F. 5:1-11 the tabernacle
                G. 5:12-21 the ministry of reconciliation
               G. 6:1-10 workers together
             F. 6:11-18 the temple
          E. 7:1-10:18 Titus came and we are able ministers
       D. 11:1-12:13 satan's messengers
     C. 12:14-13:4 third intended visit
   B. 13:5-11 prove yourself in time of trouble
A. 13:12-14 salutation


Topic: 2Cor6:5, 2 Cor 6:5