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2 Corinthians 5:11

2 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV)

11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

2 Corinthians 5:11 (Literal)

11 Therefore, because we understand reverence pertaining to the Lord, we endeavor to persuade men [to reverence the Lord]; we have been made manifest before God and I trust we have been made manifest to your consciences also.

CONTEXT- The Tabernacle

2 Corinthians 5:1-11

1 For we know that if our earthly house, our tent [mortal body], is unloosed and taken down, we will have, not a man-made house, but an eternal and heavenly building from God. 2 For while we are in this mortal body we groan with an inner aching in anticipation, earnestly desiring to be completely clothed with our heavenly dwelling 3 (since, when we shall be clothed, we shall not be found naked [dead without a body]). 4 For we that are in the tent [mortal body] groan, with an inner aching in anticipation, being oppressed [by our dead body], not because we desire to be unclothed [in death], but to be clothed [with a new body], that mortality may be swallowed up and consumed by the resurrected life. 5 Now He Who has prepared us for this very same thing [the new body] is God, Who has given us the token, that is, the spirit. 6 Because we know and are persuaded that, while we lodge in the mortal body, we are traveling abroad away from the Lord’s home. 7 (For we walk by believing and not by sight.) 8 Because of this, we are confident and it would please us greatly to depart from the mortal body and lodge with the Lord [at the gathering together]. 9 Wherefore, whether we are lodging with him or not, we are diligent because we consider it an honor to be well pleasing to him. 10 For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ so that each of us may be rewarded for the things we have done and how we have done them while we were in our mortal bodies, whether good works or unproductive, nonrewarding works. 11 Therefore, because we understand reverence pertaining to the Lord, we endeavor to persuade men [to reverence the Lord]; we have been made manifest before God and I trust we have been made manifest to your consciences also.


The Structure of 2 Corinthians 

A. 1:1-2 salutation
   B. 1:3-14 deliverance in time of trouble
     C. 1:15-2:2 second intended visit
       D. 2:3-11 satan's devices
          E. 2:12-4:18 Titus did not come but we are able ministers
             F. 5:1-11 the tabernacle
               G. 5:12-21 the ministry of reconciliation
               G. 6:1-10 workers together
             F. 6:11-18 the temple
          E. 7:1-10:18 Titus came and we are able ministers
       D. 11:1-12:13 satan's messengers
     C. 12:14-13:4 third intended visit
   B. 13:5-11 prove yourself in time of trouble
A. 13:12-14 salutation


Topic: 2Cor5:11, 2 Cor 5:11