2 Corinthians 5 vs 11 - chpt 6 vs 10 -Corps-29

Publication Date: May 4, 1983
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
May 4, 1983
Thirtieth Corps Night
"The Ambassador"
UII Cor. 5:11
"terror," - is the normal word for fear in the Greek and Aramaic. Fear can also mean
respect, reverence, awe. Have to remember this word has a double meaning. Fear and
trembling means reverence and respect and obedience rather than to be afraid of and to
shake in your boots. That is because of the consequences of not being reverent and
obedient which were fear and trembling. If a person lacked the reverence and respect in
the eastern culture the punishment was very harsh. Exodus 21:15-17; Esther 3:2-6. It is
used as respect and reverence in II Cor. 5:11. II Cor 5:9, labour - to be ambitious and
consider it an honor.
"of the Lord," - genitive of relation and may be translated "pertaining to the Lord."
"persuade men," - Now, do you automatically persuade everyone you talk to? NO. In
Aramaic, they would often use a verb when it is intended to do that. You attempt or
endeavor or intend to persuade.
"but," = And now.
Remember II Cor. 4:2 during this chapter.
II Cor. 5:11 Literal according to usage:
Therefore, because we understand reverence pertaining to the Lord, we endeavor to
persuade men [to reverence the Lord] we have been made manifest before God and I
trust we have been made manifest to your consciences also.
UII Cor. 5:12
"commend," — remember II Cor. 4:2; also, 10:12!
"for," = delete.
"occasion," = cause. Used in the sense of that which motivates an endeavor. Good
translations might be incentive, resources or reason. In commerce it was used of capital
invested in the business. The capital was the foundation, the basis, the reason for the start
or success of the business. In the military it was used for a base of an operation from
which an attack was made. Also, used as a philosophical term for the logical starting point
of an agreement.
"glory," = boast.
"to boast on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them." In Aramaic, it is
very short. It is, "that ye boast in us toward them."
The Greek is where you get this KJV translation from. "May have," What?? So they
inserted, "somewhat."
"appearance," = face, it is just the external, the superficial appearance. It is not the heart;
not the indepth.
II Cor. 5:12 Literal according to usage:
We do not commend ourselves to you again, but we are giving you a reason and
incentive for boasting about us and a basis for confronting those who boast of
superficial matters rather than of heart matters.
"to," = pros, in the phrase, "to answer," but answer is in italics. Pros, can be used in the
sense of "against," when it is someone or something you are opposed to. That is why
Walter used confronting instead of against.
The Word has to be in your heart!
UII Cor. 5:13
"beside ourselves," = crazy, insane, amazed. It is not that Paul was crazy, but he's
obviating the words of his critics who were saying he was crazy.
"sober," = whole thoughts, sound mind.
Whatever Paul seems to be and this verse dwells on the word "seems," "Seems to be." He
appears to be one thing to one group of people, and another thing to a different group. To
the deprogrammers he is a bad guy. To the believers he is a good guy. He becomes all
things to all people, but what is he looking for? Profit!! The profit to many. He will do
anything to move the Word.
II Cor. 5:13, 14 Literals according to usage:
13. For if we appear to be crazy [as some say], it is for God's benefit; or if we appear
to have a sound mind, it is for your benefit. Whatever we appear to be we're
doing it to move the Word.
14. For the love of Christ constrains us, since we reason that one died for all,
therefore, all died in him.
The love of Christ was Christ's dying for all, this shows Christ's love for all and it is that
love of Christ that constrains us. Since he died for us, we ought to live for him.
II Cor. 5:15 Literal according to usage: (Key to this whole section)
And he died for everyone so that they who are living should no longer live for
themselves but for him who died and was raised for them.
To live for him is to be an ambassador for him. We are travelers in this world, and while
we are traveling, we are ambassadors, endeavoring to persuade men to reverence the Lord,
reconciling others back to God. And what is it that constrains us to do this? The love of
Christ! He so loved us that he died for us. We ought to be ambassadors, representatives of
Christ in this day and time. Live for him, not for yourself. Jesus Christ is our
Lord. II Cor. 4:5
II Cor. 5:16 Literal according to usage:
The result is that from now on we regard no one by the standards of the flesh. Even if
we have known Christ experientially in the flesh, at the present we no longer
experientially know him.
We do not regard anyone by the standards of the flesh, not even Christ, today. We have
Christ on the inside and that is bigger than Christ on the outside.
UII Cor. 5:17
"in Christ," means in fellowship
"he is," = Delete. Italics.
"creature," = creation
"a new creature," = a parenthetical - it is a parenthesis - FOS UinterjectionU. An interjection
thrown in by way of feeling, this gives the supreme motivation to no longer live unto one's
own self. You were born to live, but you were also born again to serve. When you walk
by or in the new creation which is Christ in you, then you have fellowship.
"new" - new in quality.
"old things are passed away." = this is the conclusion of the condition that is in the first
part of the verse. If you are in Christ, in fellowship, then old things are passed away. This
passing away, stuff is not automatic — you have got to be in fellowship, not just born
"old," = is not the normal word for old. This means to go back to the beginning, or
something that is well-established. The old things are those old, well-established
traditions, lifestyles or conscience you had that was corrupted according to the deceitful
"are passed away," = means to come to an end, or disappear. Also, used of dying.
Things become a new quality when we are UinU Christ, UinU fellowship.
UII Cor. 5:18
"and all things are," = not in the Aramaic. "ministry," diakonia meaning service rendered.
II Cor. 5:17 & 18 Literal according to usage:
The further result is that if anyone is in [fellowship with] Christ (the new creation) old
things are passed away, and everything becomes new in quality by God who
reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and gave us the ministry of
It is understood that when somebody's out of fellowship in their walk, they are away from
God, so you reconcile them back to God in their fellowship, in their walk. That would be a
way of applying this verse. But very central to this is getting everybody to Christ, because
he died for all. We want to reconcile and bring others back to God. But if we are so caught
up on our petty trips, on appearances, comparing ourselves with others, well, we are never
going to get out there to try to serve Him. Instead, you go as an ambassador to another
country and you want to have all the special conveniences, that ambassadors are supposed
to have, instead of getting in there and really fighting for your country, instead of really
trying to win people for your country.
UII Cor. 5:19
"to wit that," = for in the Aramaic; = how that in the Greek.
"world," - represents those that are in the world, the people.
"trespasses," = sins
"word," = logos, can represent the message, the communication of reconciliation. It is
more than just a single word, it is the message.
God was in Christ doing three things:
1) reconciling;
2) not imputing, not counting,
3) committing, or entrusting.
II Cor. 5:19 Literal according to usage:
For God was in Christ reconciling those in the world to Himself, not counting their
sins against them, and entrusting us with the Word [message] of reconciliation.
UII Cor. 5:20
"ambassador," = presbeuō; it is a verb, it means to be an ambassador, older (as one who is
mature) Ephesians 6:20.
When you go to another country you do not try to do everything you can get away with,
you try to represent your country as the BEST. Be the best example in order to win the
hearts of those people to your country, to bring peace between the countries. An
ambassador is not there-to stir up strife, but to reconcile the countries, bring them closer
together. Well, we are ambassadors for God, to bring the people of this world back to
God. We are ambassadors for Christ, or on his behalf.
"you," - in italics - Delete
"did beseech," = was encouraging. Encouraging whom? Who have we been talking about
in this context? Who are we ambassadors to? Those out in the world! Not the
Corinthians; they were already born again, reconciled (maybe not reconciled in their
fellowship, some of them.)
"you," Delete here also.
We pray in Christ's stead, or in his behalf. We pray for what? The world. Here is our
prayer. The last part needs to be in quotation marks. "Be ye reconciled to God." That is
simply our prayer. Not talking to the Corinthians, the believers, he is talking to the world.
This is the prayer we, as ambassadors, take out!
II Cor. 5:20 Literal according to usage:
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, in that God is encouraging [the world] by
us. So we earnestly pray on behalf of Christ [representing him with power of
attorney]: "Be reconciled to God."
UII Cor. 5:21
"sin," - same word used in two different ways:
1) He did not make Christ literally sin - He made him a sin offering, (by the figure of
speech, UmetonomyU - the sin represents his offering for sin.)
2) sin.
Having the same word used in two different ways is the FOS, UantanaclasisU.
II Cor. 5:21 Literal according to usage:
For He [God] made him, who experientially knew no sin, a sin offering on our behalf,
that we might become the righteousness of God by him.
UII Cor. 6:1
"workers together," = fellow workers
"with him," - Delete it. We are workers together with each other as ambassadors for him.
To receive the grace of God in vain, in the context, would be to be born again but never
live for Him, so you would never have any rewards in the future.
II Cor. 6:1 Literal according to usage:
As fellow workers we encourage you not to receive the grace of God in vain [without
UII Cor. 6:2
First part of verse is a UgnomeU, FOS. The context of Isaiah 49:8 is the future restoration of
Israel, the acceptable time was future for Israel. However, for the Christian the day of
salvation and the acceptable time is not future, it is now! But for Israel, it is still future.
So this cannot be a quotation regarding the Church, but it is regarding Israel. But it is
being applied here to the Church, so we have a little problem. First of all, the verse is a
parenthesis. It is an explanatory addition not complete in itself. The emphasis in this verse
is on time. You have got words like behold, the time accepted, and the accepted time.
"Now," is used twice. In II Cor. 5:15, "no longer," (from the literal.) In II Cor. 5:16,
"from now on," (from the literal.) We are not talking about the future, which is for Israel,
but we are talking about NOW!!!!
"UtheU accepted time," and "UtheU day of salvation;" in both places the "the" should be "a".
Because that day that Isaiah talked about in not now. Today cannot be the accepted time
spoken of in Isaiah. And it cannot be "the" day of salvation, but it is UanU accepted time and
UaU day of salvation.
"accepted," = favorable.
II Cor. 6:2 Literal according to usage:
(For he says, "I heard you in a very favorable time; I helped you in the day of
salvation." Pay attention, a favorable time is here now; a day of salvation is present.)
UII Cor. 6:3
If you are an ambassador to another country and you cause other people to stumble
(diplomatic immunity for example) then you are not a good ambassador.
"offense," = stumbling, like a stumbling block. It is the responsibility of the believer to
behave in such a manner that his own life is not a cause of stumbling.
"ministry," = diakonia.
"blamed," = ridiculed, mocked, discredited, a laughing stock.
II Cor. 6:3 Literal according to usage:
We give no cause of stumbling in anything, so the ministry is not discredited.
This ties into II Cor. 6:1 - that you receive not the grace of God in vain. We give no cause
of stumbling so the ministry is not discredited. But if you are an ambassador that causes
stumbling (I Cor. 8:9 & I Cor. 10:32 & 33) you are not looking for profit.
UII Cor. 6:4
"approving," = commending - same word used in 5:12; 3:1; 4:2.
Patience is needed in all these other things that are going to follow - all the way through
verse 10.
II Cor. 6:4a Literal according to usage:
But in everything we commend ourselves as God's ministers with much patience:
From here all the way through verse 10, you can group these things. This is how we
commend ourselves as God's ministers, as ambassadors for Christ, representing him, that
we do not give any offense that the ministry be not blamed, but we commend ourselves to
every man's conscience in the sight of God (4:2) with much patience and here is what
"in pressures of like, calamities, and crushing confinement," These first three all deal with
mental pressure situations.
"in beatings, imprisonments, riots," These three all deal with physical pressures.
"in tiring work, sleepless vigils and intense preoccupation with the ministry," (Our fasting
is not abstaining from food, but it is to do the will of the Lord, to do the work of the
ministry.) These three are the ministers, the ambassadors response to the mental and
physical pressure. That is what you must do as a minister, as an ambassador — don't go
looking for any of that diplomatic immunity crap — but get in there and fulfill your
responsibility in representing Christ.
"in purity [of leadership,] knowledge [of God's Word] and endurance [of hardship]"
This is the quality of your response to the mental and physical pressures, that you remain
pure, you retain your knowledge of the Word of God and handling it properly and your
endurance of hardships.
"in kindness [to others,] holy spirit [in manifestation] and love without guile [agapē.]"
These three are the evidence of the quality of your response, your love has to be evidenced,
it cannot be just a front. Retain that kindness to others, the holy spirit in manifestation and
the love without guile is the evidence of your faithfulness as an ambassador.
"in handling the Word of Truth, demonstrating the power of God, and using the
instruments of righteousness on the right hand of blessing and the left hand of cursing
[both favorable and unfavorable conditions]"
These three are the power or means by which an ambassador responds.
Now, he goes into the contrasting things in the following verses, cause it is instruments of
righteousness on both sides, whether it is favorable or unfavorable conditions.
"in times of honor and times of dishonor,"
"in times of evil report and times of good report,"
"when regarded as deceivers and when regarded genuine,"
"when regarded as obscure and when regarded as famous,"
These four contrasting situations tell us that no matter what we still use the instruments of
righteousness, we still demonstrate the power of God, we still handle the Word of God
Bishop Pillai said - "When someone honors you, don't get puffed up, if you're honored,
don't get ego, a big head. And when someone dishonors you, don't get depressed.
Keep your "cool" in every situation. The devil may try to honor you, sweet talk you, or he
may try to say how bad you are and depress you. Or he may try to intimidate you and say
you are a deceiver, or some will try to degrade you while others treat you as famous.
spiritual - "As dying [in the flesh] yet we live [in the spirit]"
physical - "As chastised, yet we are not killed."
mental - "As sorrowful, yet ever rejoicing."
material - "As destitute, yet able to enrich others."
Summarizes it all - "As having nothing, yet having everything."
II Cor. 4:2 - That is what an ambassador does.
II Cor. 4:5 - We are ambassadors for Christ to the world.
II Cor. 4:12 - See literal.
Our lives and our ministry have to be an example of ambassadors for Christ wherever we
go in this world.
End of Teaching