2 Corinthians 1-1 thru 14 -Coprs 24

Publication Date: March 30, 1983
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
March 30, 1983
Twenty-fifth Corps Night
Corinthians read the first epistle to them and they got real down; saddened; grieved.
UII Cor. 1:1
Timothy was back with Paul at this time. He had returned from Corinth. Timothy was a
tremendous asset to Paul.
II Corinthians was written only a few months after I Corinthians. They grieved after
reading I Corinthians. They did not like the reproof. Just like when we get reproved —
how do you feel? You feel miserable for awhile. Then, you cool down and realize you
needed the reproof and correction. The reason he wrote the second epistle is they did not
bounce back.
UII Cor. 1:3-5
"Comfort," = encouragement. It is an epistle of encouragement because they were grieved.
UII Cor. 2:3, 4
"Affliction," = thlipsis; mental pressure, or pressures of life.
Why do you reprove someone? Because you want them to feel bad? No! Because you
love them and you want to help them.
UII Cor. 7:8-10
"Repent," = regret (vs. 8)
UII Cor. 12:20
Somewhere along the line, we don't see eye-to-eye when I get there.
UII Cor. 12:21
"repented," = forsaken
UII Cor. 1:15, 16
He intended to do that, but since they were so grieved, he never went but he sent them a
second epistle. He did not send it right away, he started traveling up the coast to Troas and
then to Philippi, then to Thessalonica, and down the coast. Somewhere in Macedonia, he
wrote this second epistle.
UII Cor. 5:
(Check the structure) - Part of II Cor. 5 and II Cor. 6 (first few verses) = the pinnacle of
this epistle — you have great statements like II Cor. 5:18; 5:20. This is what he was trying
to get them to. Instead of being divided, defeated, and each one working on their own, he
wanted to get them working together in unity. Get out of flesh trips and worldly wisdom
and come back to the Word; be unified and work together in the outreach of the Word (that
is the central issue of this second epistle.)
UII Cor. 1:1
His apostleship is by the will of God; not by the will of a man or an organization. In
I Cor., the brother that was with him was Sosthenes. He was a man that the Corinthians
knew. Now, after Timothy has been to Corinth and returns to Paul, they knew Timothy.
"Achaia," = Greece
UII Cor. 1:2
Keep in mind that when God and Father are together, many times Father parallels Jehovah
of the O.T.. Jehovah = God in relationship to His people, His covenant with His people.
Elohim = God the creator. Under the new covenant we are sons of God which makes Him
our Father.
UII Cor. 1:3
"mercies," = not the normal word for mercy, which means the withholding of punishment.
But this is a more tender term meaning compassion — an inward feeling of compassion.
He is the Father of compassion - and Father represents the originator or the greatest
example of compassion; a Father has to have compassion with his children.
"comfort," = paraklēsis, = encouragement; the verb, parakaleo, means to encourage.
God, Father = Figure of Speech - UepanadosU. Father, God; repetition of same words in
reverse order. Puts tremendous emphasis on it.
Corinthians needed to hear this! They needed encouragement and compassion.
UII Cor. 1:4
"comfort," = encourages
"tribulation," = mental pressures, pressures of life.
"trouble," = mental pressures, pressures of life.
Verse three ends with encouragement and verse four starts with encouragement = figure of
speech = UanadiplosisU, where one sentence ends with a word and the next sentence starts
with the same word. (Perhaps in a different form.)
Figure of speech, UpolyptotonU, - repetition of a word in different parts of speech or
Vs. 3 & 4 - encourage - used 5 different times
used 10 times in Verse 3-7
used 29 times in II Cor.
UII Cor. 1:5
"consolation," = encouragement
"sufferings of Christ," = What did Christ suffer? Check, UJesus Christ Our PassoverU, . . . it
was more than most people realize. He was bruised, beaten . . .
Sufferings of Christ abound in us - it doesn't mean same sufferings, but as much as he
suffered, which was tremendous sufferings, we as leadership often suffer.
II Cor. 11:23-29 - But, others were complaining about the tremendous pressures they had
on their own lives! He says . . . you want to talk about pressure? I'll get to it later in my
letter, but I will tell you, the sufferings of Christ abound in us. But he does not stop there
— encouragement also aboundeth by Christ.
You have to keep in mind other scriptures when you work this: Romans 8:18 - had to look
to the hope of Christ's return. II Cor. 4:7, 8 - troubled - pressured
II Cor. 4:9, 10 - We have got pressures and usually it is greater on the leadership than
among the other people — but the Corinthians did not see this. They were so concerned
about their own pressures.
II Cor. 4:17 - "affliction," = mental pressure. So what if you've got some pressure! You
have got to look at the hope of Christ's return.
He closed I Cor. with the hope!
UII Cor. 1:
We are encouraged, encouraged, encouraged, encouraged, got some pressures, but we've
got encouragement.
UII Cor. 1:6
"Afflicted," = pressured
"Consolation," = encouragement
"salvation," = wholeness
At the end of this verse, you have the same thing repeated, only with a different word.
Whether we be comforted (encouraged.)
There are four different possibilities where this last phrase occurs. Some place it right
where it is in the KJV. Some MSS, place it right after the first phrase in this verse. Some
place it in verse 7 after the word "stedfast." Some throw it out.
Scribal error - it was repeated. Over the years, it caused confusion - additional notes in the
margin lead people to the point they did not know where it should go.
This is how it should read: And whether we be pressured, it is for your encouragement and
wholeness, or whether we be encouraged it is for your encouragement and wholeness
which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer.
"which is effectual," = which is energized.
"in," = by
"enduring," = longsuffering, or patience
As you endure those sufferings, which we also suffer that builds in you encouragement and
wholeness. Remember Romans 5:3 & 4. Encouragement and wholeness being energized
by your enduring of the sufferings.
UII Cor. 1:7
"stedfast," = firm, unmoveable
"hope," = is for the future.
knowing! Sure, you had to endure a little pressure, but we know you are going to have the
encouragement as well. They were confident. You have got to have this type of thinking
for your people - knowing that they will be able to put up with pressures, knowing they
will have encouragement later on. You want to talk about pressure — just look at some of
the things that happened during the reformation - Wherever they stayed faithful to God's
Word, somehow God got them out of it. There is hope! Look at Shadrack, Meshack, and
Abegnego! What happened to them! Yet, others could not believe but they still kept their
eyes on the hope.
UII Cor. 1:8
Our trouble, our pressure!
Asia - where Ephesus is. That is where he had been when he wrote I Corinthians (Acts
19.) He does not tell what those pressures were but when you read II Cor. 11, you see he
did have some pressures.
I Cor. 15:32 - talks about fighting with the beasts at Ephesus. "pressed out of measure," -
means to an extraordinary degree, "above strength," - beyond our power, strength. More
than our ability to overcome it. If you are walking by your senses and you are pressured
beyond your own power to do something about it, it is the end of the road for you.
UII Cor. 1:9
BUT! = Alla = very emphatic in contrast. Despaired of life contrasts entire verse 9 & 10,
where they had to trust in God. Sentence = answer - a judicial sentence, like when you are
condemned to death. But we ourselves, in ourselves have had the sentence of death - so
that we should not trust in ourselves but God.
UII Cor. 1:10
"and doth deliver," = not in Aramaic; and some of the Greek and Latin MSS.
Who delivered us and whom we trust that he will yet deliver. Covers all the possibilities.
The middle phrase is not necessary. God has delivered us and He will deliver us. "us," -
delete, because it was not just "us" but the Corinthians, etc, also.
UII Cor. 1:11
"helping together," - cooperating together joining in serving by prayer. Prayer = deēsis,
specific request for the best in view of a specific need. Not a worship prayer - but a prayer
"gift," = gift ministries - the thing the Corinthians so lacked, and so needed. Gift ministries
who walked by the spirit and Paul here was supplying that lack.
By the means of many persons = out of many persons thanks may be given through many
on our behalf.
In other words, as you are praying and you are sharing about what we do with God and His
Word, it causes thanks through many others, because they hear God's Word.
Aramaic Literal - Verses 10b and 11:
We trust that he rescues us with the aid of your intercession for us that His gift (ministry)
to us should be a favor or a blessing which is energized on behalf of many and many will
give thanks to Him (God) for us.
That is why gift ministries are so vital to maintaining the integrity in an area where people
(believers) are. So they can continue to stay strong on the Word, and there is a means of
holding the body together. (Ephesians 4)
UII Cor. 1:12
"rejoicing," = boasting
"testimony," = witness "conscience," = mental habit pattern
"simplicity," = #1 Rule! It has got to be simple! You cannot share with everybody what
you learn on a Corps night — it would give some spiritual indigestion - keep it simple so it
can be understood.
"godly sincerity," = lot of people sincere, but not with a godly sincerity.
"fleshly wisdom," = takes us back to I Cor. 1.
"conversation," = behavior
UII Cor. 1:13, 14
"in part," = not all of the Corinthians did. They read I Cor. but not all the Corinthians stood
with Paul just yet.
"rejoicing," = boasting
"day of the lord Jesus," = when Christ returns!
End of Teaching