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1 Timothy 4:8

1 Timothy 4:8 (KJV) 

8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

1 Timothy 4:8 (Literal)

8 Physical exercise is profitable for a little while, but a true, vital, spiritual relationship with God is profitable for all times, because it holds the promise of life now and in the future.

CONTEXT- Conduct of a Leader

1 Timothy 4:6-16

6 If you continue to bring these things to the attention of your brothers, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ as you continue to grow up in words of believing and in the good doctrine which you have followed attentively. 7 Avoid worldly superstitions and exercise yourself by training toward a true, vital, spiritual relationship with God. 8 Physical exercise is profitable for a little while, but a true, vital,
spiritual relationship with God is profitable for all times, because it holds the promise of life now and in the future. 9 The Word is faithful and worth receiving in totality. 10 Hence, for this reason we work hard and strive hard in the contest because we have hoped in a living God Who is the Life-giver of all men, especially the believers. 11 Continue to teach these things and charge [the believers to do them]. 12 Let no one think disparagingly of your youthfulness, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in the love of God, in believing, and in pure, uncontaminated leadership. 13 Until I come, be diligent in reading [God’s Word], encouragement, and teaching. 14 Do not neglect your gift ministry, which was given to you through prophecy and the laying on of hands by the assembly of elders. 15 Meditate on these matters and totally immerse yourself in them to the end that your [spiritual] progress will be evident to everyone. 16 Maintain the integrity of yourself and the doctrine. Continue steadfastly in these matters. As you do this you will bring wholeness to yourself and to those who hear you.


The Structure of 1 Timothy

A. I Timothy 1:1 and 2: The Salutation.
    B. I Timothy 1:3-20: The Charge.
      C. I Timothy 2:1-15: Prayer—The Leader’s Responsibility.
        D. I Timothy 3:1-13: Qualifications of a Leader.
          E. I Timothy 3:14-4:5: Purpose and Conflict. This is the central/center section.
        D. I Timothy 4:6-16: Conduct of a Leader.
      C. I Timothy 5:1-6:2: Treatment of Leaders, The Believers’ Responsibility.
   B. I Timothy 6:3-21a: The Charge.
A. I Timothy 6:21b: Salutation.


Topic: 1Ti4:8, 1 Ti 4:8