1 Corinthians 16-19 thru 24 -Corps 23

Publication Date: March 23, 1983
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
March 23, 1983
Twenty-fourth Corps Night
Brief Summary of I Corinthians: (Getting a total picture)
UI Cor. 1:2
"theirs & ours," - because of the division at Corinth, which is expressed in verse 10 -
because there were different groups. Some adhering to one leader; some to another leader.
You see this quite a bit throughout Chapter 3 - Using Apollos and himself as examples on
a number of occasions. Chapter 4, he uses Peter as another example. Starts out with "they
& us." So somehow, "they" and "us" can get back together, so there are no divisions at
Corinth - I Cor. 1:10
UI Cor. 1:4-9
the great heart of Corinth is expressed and some key concepts open up.
UI Cor. 1:9
Fellowship! If there is division, then somebody's not in fellowship.
UI Cor. 1:5
UI Cor. 1:7
lacking in no gift ministry. (In chapter 3, the division was over leadership.)
UI Cor. 1:10-31
Overlying cause of division was worldly wisdom. I Cor. 16 - Their lack — was supplied
by the three men, plus Timothy.
UI Cor. 3:
The division of adhering to different leaders. I Cor. 15. - some were divided on the
One of the great overall concepts of I Cor., is the lack of leadership with a view to the
hope. If they would have had the proper leadership and would have had their eyes on the
hope, they would have kept going. But, in spite of the fact that they did not have proper
leadership, it they would have kept their eyes on the hope, they could have kept moving
the Word and somewhere along the line, they could have raised up new leaders who stood
on the integrity of God's Word.
UI Cor. 5-11:
Shows the symptoms of the division.
UI Cor. 5:
Sex & Idolatry
UI Cor. 7:
Family problems - Between husband and wives and not knowing how a person would act
and what his responsibilities are - also, for single, divorced and separated people as well.
UI Cor. 8 & 10:
Food offered to idols - but it wasn't so much the food as it was causing others to stumble.
UI Cor. 9:
Abuse of money
UI Cor. 11:
Abuse of customs - divided over the length of hair and the improper use of communion.
But the solution to all these problems, the symptoms, the cause (which was worldly
wisdom) starts in Chapter 2, by sharing about a new kind of wisdom - the hidden wisdom
of God regarding the Mystery which God ordained before the world unto our glory.
I Cor. 2:13 - "things," - things of the Mystery.
I Cor. 2:14-16 - To the end that we renew our minds and put on the mind of Christ, then
we will have the ability to separate truth from error - walking by the wisdom of God -
rather than the wisdom of the world.
1. First thing regarding the solution is for Paul or any leader where you have division,
must confront the people with God's Word with spiritual wisdom. In order to do this, you
have to have the spirit of God working in your life.
2. The second thing is intercession (I Cor.16:17). They were making the intercession for
the Corinthians at the same time Paul was making intercession by confronting them with
the Word. We can always make intercession for the saints as we SIT and lift the believers.
As a leader, it is your responsibility to stand for your people. Moses did in the O.T.. Fight
for your people.
3. Third is separation (I Cor. 5:1 & 2) - Separate that person that had gone so far out of
fellowship and especially someone who was leading others astray — that was the real issue
— it was leaders pulling others away from the body. It is one thing to pull yourself away,
but when you start pulling others away, it puts a greater burden upon your life and walk.
I Cor. 5:11 - Don't keep company with them. I Cor. 5:13 - Separate them out. This is only
the last resort. Purpose is that they learn not to blaspheme. Separation because their
leaven is messing up the body (I Cor. 5:6, 7.)
4. Hope! One of the key concepts is a leader with a view to the hope. All this now
points and culminates in I Cor. 15, which is the great section on hope. It is not the first
place it is mentioned though. I Cor. 1:7, brings up hope right in the beginning. I Cor. 1:8,
3:14, 15 - All talk about rewards which is part of our hope. I Cor. 9:24,25, - crowns are
received when Christ returns. I Cor. 15: - the entire chapter is regarding our hope. And
there was a division because some were saying that there is no resurrection. I Cor. 15:58, -
not in vain, because you will be rewarded for your work. What kept Jesus Christ going?
For the joy that was set before him — he looked forward to what was after the cross. We
look forward to what is after this life.
UThe Closing Salutation
Keep in mind that the leadership at Corinth was a problem because they were looking at
worldly wisdom regarding the Mystery. And they were not keeping their eyes on the hope.
I Cor. 16:19 - Written from Ephesus which is in Asia. "salute," = greet.
I Cor. 16:20 - Greet ye one another with an holy kiss = used four times in the Church
epistle: Romans 16:16; I Cor. 16:20; II Cor. 13:12; I Th. 5:26. (Also, in I Peter 5:14).
The kiss was a common Oriental salutation among kinsfolk and friends, especially after
being separated for a time. The kiss is a usual greeting of an intimate friend - a
demonstration of love, respect, or affection. This greeting corresponds to our hearty
handshake - as well as the way we kiss people. Custom wise, they would kiss them on the
hand, the cheek, beard, forehead, or the crown of the head.
UI Cor. 16:21
Tells you that Paul wrote these closing words. But he did not write the entire epistle. He
dictated it and someone else wrote it. The man who did the writing was an UamanuensisU;
one who wrote as someone else dictated.
Romans 16:22 - Tertius wrote Romans while Paul dictated. Paul normally closed by
writing his own salutation at the end. II Thes. 3:17
In Corinthians it does not tell us who the UamanuensisU was.
UI Cor. 16:22
"love," = phileō, human love; to like someone. anathema, is a Greek word = "accursed."
maranatha, is an Aramaic word = "the lord is coming."
Logically, you know there has to be some kind of stop; some punctuation between those
two words.
Why close this tremendous epistle with a curse? Doesn't make sense! There were
anathema(s) (curses) which came later in so-called Christianity:
5th Century (Cyril) - If anyone doesn't acknowledge that Emanuel is in truth, God, and that
the holy virgin is, in consequence, the God bearer - for she brought forth after the flesh, the
Word of God, who has become flesh, let him be anathema.
If anyone does not acknowledge that the Word which is from God the Father, was
personally united with the flesh and with His own flesh, in one Christ, that is, one and the
same, God and man together; let him be anathema.
If anyone presumes to call Christ a God-bearing man; let him be anathema.
These anathema(s), by Cyril from Alexandria, were approved by the council of Ephesus in
At the second council at Constantinople in 553, they adopted others; all of which are pretty
There is no other Church epistle which closes with a strong, negative command, that this
seems to imply. There are negatives in some of the closings.
II Thes. 3:14, 15, does not say to curse him! Only, says not to have fellowship with him.
You do not treat him like an enemy though. Admonish; warn him as a brother.
I Tim. 6:20 - Avoid! NOT curse!
II Tim. 4:14 - Gets a little stronger. Rewards are when? Rewards at Christ's return; in the
Titus 3:9 - Avoid them.
Titus 3:10,11 - "heretick" = one who likes to argue,
"reject," = excuse yourself.
There is nothing about cursing the individual, just excusing yourself.
Romans 16:16-20 - Avoid them. "come abroad," = reaches out. When does Satan get
tramped on? In the future - externally when Christ returns.
All we have read in these closings is to avoid them; excuse yourself from them. God will
take care of them in the future.
UI Cor. 16:22
It is rather awkward here. Yet, it is a reproof epistle. And it is a strong heavy epistle.
II Cor. 7:8 - "repent," = regret
I Cor. was heavy; it did make them sorry for a season. I Cor. 5:2-5 - Instead of letting him
in the fellowship, you do like the other epistles said . . . avoid them; cut them out of the
fellowship. When Christ returns if he is born again, he is still going to be in the gathering
together, but his rewards are going to be in pretty bad shape.
"destruction of the flesh," - is talking about his fleshly desires, or the things that were
egging him on to do things that were dividing the body.
Anathema, (curse) as seen in the latter "Christian" documents, has a very strong meaning.
Originally, this word meant a thing, or an offering devoted to destruction. Used in the
Sept., in this manner. Lev. 27:28 - "devoted thing." In the Greek Sept., it is anathema.
That which is devoted to destruction.
Talking about sacrifices, offerings, things that you devote to God — but it will be
destroyed — the Passover lamb — you kill it. Lev. 27:29 - You cannot buy it back;
redeem it.
Joshua 7:12 — context.
Mark 14:70,71 - "curse," = verb form of anathema. To say things of destruction. He was
cursing to destruction Jesus Christ.
Luke 21:5 - "gifts," = anathema; things; offering-type things offered to destruction.
Acts 23:12 - "to bind under a curse," - If they do not destroy him, they will be destroyed
cause they are not going to eat and drink, if they stick to their curse.
Romans 9:3 - A thing, or offering used or devoted to destruction. If Paul wished himself
that he were an offering devoted to destruction in the same sense it is used in Leviticus,
that he would be an offering for his people that they could be saved. But Christ has
already been the offering, so it is not necessary.
I Cor. 12:3 - Accursed! Jesus did die. And for many people, that is all they look at - his
death. But it is more than that. When you speak in tongues, you have the proof of his
No one speaking in tongues, can say Jesus is a thing for destruction - like Peter cursed him.
Galatians 1:8 - If somebody preaches something else than what we have preached unto
you, let him be a thing devoted to destruction.
UI Cor. 16:22
When used lord, Jesus Christ, (all three) it is in the context of the return; the hope.
If anyone does not like the lord, Jesus Christ, who does not really look forward to his
coming back, let him be a thing destined for destruction. Not that today he is destroyed!
In the context of the other closings and the whole Corinthian epistle just look at this! A
person that is a born-again believer but he is not walking on the Word, and he is stirring up
strife, division in the body - what does the Word say to do? Avoid him! Doesn't say to use
a ball bat on him.
But, that person, if he is not walking on the Word will be in the gathering together, but no
rewards. So, he is a thing devoted to destruction. If he is not born again, he will be
destroyed totally.
Great key is the word maranatha - "the Lord is coming."
"Let him be a thing destined for destruction," could have been (must have been) a saying
like "to hell with him" or "don't let him get in the way."
The Lord is still coming back! No matter what! It is not that you are cursing anybody -
you do not have to curse him - let him be.
We do not mean it literally when we say, "to hell with him."
"To hell with him;" "The Lord's coming;" would be a good translation. We could not print
it . . . but it is pretty good.
The issue in Corinthians was leaders - following leaders who were misguiding people, no
resurrection, etc.. If someone does not love the lord, Jesus Christ; let him be - he is on the
road to rack and ruin, without any rewards.
It is not that you are putting a curse on him. Verse 22 is another verse that looks to the
Here is another suggestion, which someone worked: Originally, anathema maranatha
might have been in the original Aramaic what follows:
Uncils (All Caps)
Rev. 22:20
Rev. Cummins likes it the first way - but either fits.
If anyone does not like the lord, Jesus Christ, so be it, he is on the road to rack and ruin
without any rewards, but Christ IS coming back.
Keep your eyes on the hope. That is where he started in I Cor. 1:7 and ends here in I Cor.
End of Teaching