1 Corinthians 16-1 thru 18 -Corps 22

Publication Date: March 16, 1983
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
March 16, 1983
Twenty-third Corps Night
UI Cor. 16:1-18
Parallels I Cor. 1:4-9, where he talked about fellowship and knowledge, the Word, their
lack of leadership, ministries.
Supplies the lack. In this final section (does not include salutation, which is verse 19-24,)
he covers abundant sharing, his intention to come visit them, some things about leadership
that supplies that lack which he mentioned in the beginning of Chapter 1.
In II Cor., he spends Chapters 8-13, on these same issues. He only briefly mentions it in
I Cor. 16, and will expound on it in II Cor..
UI Cor. 16:1
"collection," and "gatherings," is verse 2, both have to do with money. The only place we
know that he gave order to the Galatians, at least in writing is Galatians 6:6, where he told
them to "communicate," or share fully. This includes abundant sharing. (Read Rev.
Martindale's articles on abundant sharing.)
Galatians 6:7 - If you sow money in infertile soil; you won't reap anything.
Galatians 6:8 - Fully share with the man of God who taught you the Word.
"collection," - Aramaic = mdm dmethkanash, - together this means the thing which was
being collected or gathered together. It is used of people being gathered together in a
number of places.
I Cor. 11:18 - "come together" is this same phrase.
I Cor. 11:20 - "come together"
I Cor. 11:33 - "come together"
I Cor. 11:34 - "come not together"
dmethkanash, comes from kanash, = to gather together. Also, used in many different
ways. It is used in "sweeping," cause you are gathering all the dust together.
Also, used of gold or money being gathered together. That is its usage in I Cor. 16.
Literally = "concerning the thing which was being collected for the saints."
What would you gather together for the saints? Money!
Greek word = logia, from legō, which means to collect, gather together, or arrange, lay.
Logia, is used in other writings in first century of voluntary contributions and the
collection of taxes (which were not voluntary.)
Logia in verse 2 = "gatherings." Does not make a whole lot of sense in the English:
Verse 1 - Now concerning the gathering for the saints
Verse 2 - that there be no gatherings when I come.
This is the only two times logia, is used in the New Testament.
Aramaic, uses a different word in verse 2, gevyata = collections. Such as collection of
tribute or alms. Has same basic meaning as the Greek word logia. This is the only
occurrence of this Aramaic word in the N.T..
Which saints? This is quite similar to the phrase "collection for the wise," which is found
in other early Judean writing. Denotes collection of money received for the poor rabbis.
"Poor" does not mean poverty stricken - used in a similar sense as a vow of poverty. Used
of people who do not accumulate a lot of personal wealth. They live off the carnal things
that are made available from their followers. Like the Levites; they lived off the tithes.
That is the poor people — they just did not accumulate personal wealth.
Also, used this way in other literature. "Poor teachers" were supported by their students.
Romans 15:25 - "minister unto saints," - Which saints? The saints who were working full
time for the ministry. That is where they took the ABS — to Jerusalem.
Romans 15:26 - "Poor saints," - does not mean those who did not have jobs! Or, those on
welfare! You will have that category of poor always, according to Jesus Christ! These are
the ones who lived off the ABS of the people and did not accumulate personal wealth.
Romans 15:27 - "carnal things," - would be their ABS. Someone working full time for
ministry is a "poor saint."
UI Cor. 16:2
"First of the week," - Not a law, but it is a good idea - good way to start the week. Uncle
Harry abundantly shared everything he had left over at the end of the week and ABS-ed the
first of the week.
"God," - Delete
As he hath prospered or as he is able. Share out of your abundance, not out of your need.
God does the prospering - as you give you are going to receive.
The reason is, that there be no gatherings when I come. "Be," - has the force of "become,"
or "happen." The Greek texts add the word "then" to this clause, making it read, "that there
happen or become no collections then when I come."
You're supposed to set aside your ABS on a weekly basis, so when Paul comes there's not
a last minute scramble to get your ABS together.
When Paul wrote II Cor., (which was within a year later,) they still had not done this.
II Cor. 8:7 - grace represents money in this context. There were abounding in everything
except their ABS.
II Cor 8:8 - ABS is the proof of your sincerity of love.
II Cor 8:9, 10 - "advice," - spiritual advise. A year ago they were ready to do it. Now
therefore, do it!
II Cor 8:11 - Don't just talk about it, do it!
II Cor. 8:12-15 - "want," = need
II Cor. 9:1 - Means they were ministering to the saints.
II Cor. 9:2 - Achaia is Greece, that is where Corinth is. They were ready a year ago - just
did not do it yet.
II Cor. 9:3 - Told them in I Cor. 16: to be ready so there would not be any last minute
collections of ABS. You've got to be more than willing - you have to do it.
II Cor. 9:4 - Paul's intending to come to Corinth. Suppose the ones he has been bragging
to in Macedonia come with him! You and I are going to look like fools. We have been
boasting about your willingness-we don't want to be embarrassed when we get there, do
II Cor. 9:5 - "bounty," = ABS
"covetousness," = greedy desire
II Cor. 9:6 - Bountifully - same as bounty; except it is in a prepositional phrase. Literally,
it means, blessing, = eulogia.
II Cor. 9:7 - If giving is not mingled with believing, how much receiving are you going to
Romans 15:25,26 - Wrote Romans from Corinth. First, he wrote I Cor. from Ephesus, he
travels up to Macedonia and wrote II Cor., then he went to Corinth. Achaia = Greece -
where Corinth is. The second letter must have done it. They came through, but it took two
UI Cor. 16:1, 2
Read Lamsa translation, and Amplified. "afford," - "Able" is a better translation.
UI Cor. 16:3
"approve," or choose by letters. "liberality" = grace as in II Cor.. Grace is often used of
money - charis. Whoever you approve they'll take the ABS to Jerusalem.
UI Cor. 16:4
"meet," - fitting
UI Cor. 16:5
Paul was going to leave Ephesus, go through Macedonia and down to Corinth. But before
he gets to Corinth, he writes II Cor. in Macedonia.
UI Cor. 16:6
Acts 20:1 - This is at Ephesus
Acts 20:2 - Greece - That is where Corinth is.
Acts 20:3 - Abode three months - winter is three months long.
Evidently those three months he spent were the winter at Greece.
UI Cor. 16:7
"by the way," - in passing, briefly, he stayed there three months.
UI Cor. 16:8
"but," = and
After he returned from Greece, then he will tarry; wait at Ephesus until Pentecost. There is
no "if the Lord permit," after this verse like there was in verse 7.
UI Cor. 16:9
Acts 20:16 - Paul, determined to sail by Ephesus. In Corinthians, he was going to tarry at
Ephesus. Here is Paul's error in judgment .
Acts 20:17 - He did not stop at Ephesus, he stopped at Miletus, which is on the coast and
he called the people from Ephesus to come over cause he was in a hurry.
Acts 20:29 - tells the elders (twig coordinators) about the grievous wolves.
Acts 20:30 - Don't you think it was important for Paul to stay there at that time if that was
the situation.
Acts 21:27 - After Paul went to Jerusalem. Asia - Ephesus is at Asia - that is where he was
going to tarry.
II Cor. 2:12 - a great door to teach the Word.
Col. 4:3 - "door of utterance." Doors opened to speak the Word!
UI Cor. 16:9
great doors to speak the Word! Adversaries! It was paramount for him to" stay, but he did
not (Acts.) It was not an error of heart, but an error of judgment. He knew by revelation,
ahead of time what was best in the situation for himself, Ephesus and Jerusalem.
UI Cor. 16:10
Timothy - Acts 19:22 - "if," - in the sense of UwhenU he comes. Timothy was the opposite of
the type of leadership that they had at Corinth for the most part. Timothy was one to
supply that lack of a ministry that they had at Corinth.
Remember I Cor. 1 ! Paul is sending Timothy to supply that lack. I Timothy 4:16, 17.
"worketh the work," - figure of speech = UpolyptotonU = same word with different inflections
or parts of speech. Timothy really worked.
UI Cor. 16:11
"despise him," - to treat him with contempt (not same word in I Tim. 4:1) Let none of
those leaders who were off the ball at Corinth treat Timothy with contempt.
He is going to go to Corinth, but he is going to come back and meet Paul. II Cor. 1:1 -
Timothy had returned to Paul, with the information from Corinth prior to Paul writing
II Corinthians.
UI Cor. 16:12
"greatly desired," - Greatly encouraged him.
"will," = thelēma, doesn't mean absolute will or determination, means desire.
"convenient," - Walter did not know if it meant he will come whenever he gets around to it
UORU if he's so busy now that he just does not have the opportunity.
I Cor. 1:12 - Had the issue of those forming allegiance to different men. Does that make
the men off the Word? Or the people?
I Cor. 3:4-6 - does this imply that one is off and one is on the Word? Or both off or both
I Cor. 4:6 - figure! Paul and Apollos were simply an example, and he clarifies that. It is
not that they were on or off the Word.
Titus 3:13 - written many years after I & II Corinthians. Apollos! He is still around years
There is nothing to really indicate that Apollos was off the Word. Sure there was Aquila
and Priscilla and the whole water baptism stuff — but that is no reason to believe he was
"weird" the whole rest of his life.
Yet — not saying that he was not off (right now) . . . . Let's keep looking at what the Word
has to say.
"convenient," Greek - eukaireō = good/time - It is a verb; to have a good time.
Question? — leisure time, convenient time, or opportune time?
Only used two other times:
1) Mark 6:31 - "no leisure," - they did not have any opportunity to eat, would be a
better translation. They were so busy with people coming and going that they did
not have an opportunity to eat.
2) Acts 17:21 - Here is sounds sorta' like leisure time.
UAdjectiveU - Mark 6:21 - related adjective - it was an opportune time, not just any time.
Hebrews 4:16 - same related adjectives - "in time of need." the right, opportune
time - not leisure.
UNounU - Matt. 26:16 - related noun - "sought opportunity," - an opportune, specific
Luke 22:6 - same thing.
UAdverbU - Mark 14:11 - related adverb - same essence.
II Timothy 4:2 - "be instant," be urgent, "in season," = related adverb - be
urgent at the opportune time. "out of season," = same word only it has an "a"
and not an "eu" in front of it, which means not.
Be urgent in preaching the Word, when you have an opportune time and when you don't
have the time to do it. Still be urgent (Take care of needs whenever they come up too!)
Keep this in mind . . . .
Verb form of the word with "a" in front of it is also, used in Phil. 4:10 - "lacked
opportunity," - lacked opportune time (this is a reproof epistle too - they were not
practicing up to snuff — one of the areas of reproof was ABS.)
UI Cor. 16:12
Apollos will come when he has an opportune time. The way this word is used in other
places, it indicates opportune time, instead of leisure time. When it fits into his schedule -
cause he is so busy, he just does not have the time. But, that is the difference between
Apollos and Timothy. Timothy, in I Cor. 16:10 left. He worked the work of the Lord,
(that figure of speech.) He really worked whether he had the time to do it or not, when
there was a need he picked up and went. Apollos has a schedule. He'd love to come, but
his will was not at this time, but he will come when he has opportune time. But if there
was really a need for Apollos to be there, then he should have gone. Be urgent when you
have opportune time and even when you don't have opportune time. If there is a need - be
ready to move, to do whatever has to be done to move the Word. When God says to jump,
Both Timothy and Apollos were good men. The only thing seen here is the difference
between a good man and a best man. That is the only possible difference.
UI Cor. 16:13
He was not condemning Apollos - but he emphasizes now in verse 13, that you have got to
be sharp! Watch! Stand fast! Quit ye like men! Be strong! You cannot afford to be
instant just in season, or when you have the opportune time. You have got to be urgent
when you don't have the time.
These four words: 1) Watch, 2) stand, 3) quit, 4) strong. All covered in the UWay MagazineU,
March, 1967.
All in the imperative mood (command); you do it!
Watch and stand = active voice - if you do the watching, you do the standing fast! Watch -
interesting because of the concept of the watchman in the Old Testament - had to be
vigilant, guarded, and had to stay awake - they could not afford to fall asleep on the job.
They were responsible to warn the city. YELL!!! (Corps Principle #1) The adversary has
been approaching for years. It is about time we started yelling God's Word to wake up the
Stand fast in the family faith. Do not stand fast with the unbelievers. Not unequally
yoked. Stand up for the believers.
"Quit ye like men," = conduct yourselves like men - Imperative. Middle voice. Means the
subject acts upon itself. You conduct yourselves. Do not try to conduct your neighbor, or
someone else's life.
"Be strong," = imperative - but it's passive voice, which means you receive the action. "Be
made strong," "Be strengthened," - Who makes you strong? God!!! It is not your own
Let the power of God work in your life. Don't depend on your own strength. Depend upon
God's strength working in you.
Operate spirit!!!!!
You cannot wait for an opportune time when the enemy is attacking. The time is NOW!!!
Be willing to be urgent whether you have the opportune time or not when there is a need.
That is why you watch, stand fast, conduct yourself like men, be strong.
UI Cor. 16:14
Love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation. Cannot be of a profit doing I Cor.
16:13 if it is not done with love. I Cor. 13 is all in this one verse.
UI Cor. 16:15
Stephanas was one of the first believers in Corinth.
"addicted," - or appointed, established, put in charge, given themselves the responsibility
of ministering to the saints. They were faithful; not like the leaders who were misleading
the people.
UI Cor. 16:16
"helpeth with us," = to work together = sunergō. "laboreth," = kopioō = to work to the end
of fatigue. That's Timothy! And Stephanas! Submit yourselves to anyone and everyone
that works together and is not afraid to work till he really gets tired.
UI Cor. 16:17
"lacking on your part," = husterēma, = coming short; it is related to the word in I Cor 1:7
— "come behind."
The gifts they were coming behind in was the gift ministries. Because the leadership at
Corinth was misleading; causing division and not following Paul's guidance on the Word.
But Stephanas, Fortunates, and Achaicus supplied that which was lacking on your part, or
in which you were coming up short, or coming behind.
UI Cor.16:18
"they," = these three men
"spirit," = soul life - usage 4
Those three did something for Corinth!
Some of the other leadership did not (but should have)
They supplied that which was lacking. They supplied the leadership; but it takes more
than three in a big community like Corinth. That is why he sent Timothy over there — that
they could get the work really moving, and have unity, rather than divisions, envy and
Acknowledge those who really stay put, that help and minister to the saints. Look up to
and submit to them. They are doing I Cor. 16:13 & 14! That is what we need to do now!
This summarizes everything he has been talking about.
End of Teaching