1 Corinthians 15 - Corps 21

Publication Date: March 9, 1983
Walter J. Cummins graduated from the Power for Abundant Class in 1962.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Ohio State University in 1968 and his Master of Education degree in Secondary School Administration in 1978 from Wright State University.
He was ordained to the Christian by The Way International in 1968. He has studied at The Way International under Victor Paul Wierwille and K.C.Pillai. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he was director of the Research department of the Way International and served as assistant to the president.
March 9, 1983
Twenty-second Corps Night
I Corinthians 15 - Should be a chapter you are well acquainted with. It is a great chapter
on hope. It is the last major thing (outside of I Cor. 16,) which corrects the practical error.
He started with the differences in wisdom. The wisdom of the world vs: spiritual wisdom.
Then showed them how they were still into the wisdom of the world, and some of the
problems they encountered — some even going so far as to have sexual relations with their
father's wife — and the leadership problems they encountered — and then some of the
marital problems — and things offered to idols. And the real key to getting out of all those
things was to walk by the spirit of God. Then he showed them how to do it decently and in
order — how the manifestations should be a very integral part of their personal life as well
as their fellowship together in the church. Then, the only thing left was to remind them of
the hope of Christ's return. Because if you lose sight of that — then you are naturally not
only going into practical error but doctrinal error also. That is why the hope has to stay in
front of your eyes at all times.
STUDY — UARE THE DEAD ALIVE NOWU? It is your primary source and background
for anything dealing with the hope.
STUDY — Volume 4, Chapter 12, "The Final Victory," deals with this chapter
STUDY — Sept/Oct 1978, UThe Way MagazineU, "Our Hope."
STUDY — SNS Tapes #249, 250, 402, 616, 748, & 982.
You must know what the two (2) "ends" are:
1) sunteleia, and 2) telios.
Sunteleia = consummation - all the final things leading up to the telios (which is the very
end — like the tail of the dog is sunteleia and the very tip is the telios.
UMatt. 24:3
"coming," = parousia
"end," = sunteleia
The coming of Christ has two parts:
1) coming for the Church of the body
2) coming with the body. When he comes with the believers - that is this coming —
that is when he comes back for Israel.
UMatt. 24:4-6
"end," = telios = the very end.
UI Th. 4:15
Concerns his coming for us, the body. "coming," = parousia - then after that you have the
parousia where he comes with us for Israel.
The second coming is also called apokalupsis, and it is also called the day of the Lord.
His coming UforU the saints = Day of Christ (5th Administration)
His coming UwithU the saints = Day of the Lord (6th Administration)
UI Th. 1:10
He is delivered us from the wrath to come. But Israel will still be around.
UI Th. 5:9
God has not appointed us to wrath.
UII Th. 1:7
How can you rest if you are going to go through a period of wrath?
"UwithU," (not for) his mighty angels. That will include his mighty saints.
UII Th. 1:8
Not us! The church will have already been gathered together.
UII Th. 1:9, 10
"in," = with; with his saints.
Then, after that (1st & 2nd comings) you will have the 1st & 2nd resurrections; they are
referred to in Revelations 19.
The resurrection of the just precedes the 1,000 year reign. The resurrection of the unjust
follows it. The resurrection of the just is for Israel to be raised and judged. The resurrection
of the unjust is for the rest of the unbelievers to be raised and then die a second death in the
lake of fire.
First - coming for saints
Second - coming with saints
Third - 1st & 2nd resurrections
Fourth - the very end - telos.
UI Cor. 15:1
The Corinthians did not just receive it at one time, but they were standing on the hope - in
spite of all their other problems. But not everybody in their fellowship had that hope.
UI Cor. 15:12
Some among you = others who were among them telling them things contrary to that hope
- that there is no resurrection of the dead. They were standing, but there were others
among them who were saying it was all right to eat food offered to idols, sleep with your
father's wife and some said there was no resurrection from the dead.
I & II Thes. was already written — so they had it in writing as well as when Paul was at
Corinth, he must have taught it to them because he says, "I delivered unto you"(vs. 3).
He wrote I & II Thes. while he was at Corinth so they must have got a double dose! The
hope was foundational, wherever Paul taught.
UI Cor. 15:2
"saved" = to be made whole; sōzō (Greek)
Aramaic is kya, = to live; used also in verse 19, ("life" is the same root word); Verse 21:
"resurrection" = reviving — this is future life; verse 22: "alive" - same root word.
It is that hope that keeps you alive today, that keeps you going.
"Keep in memory," - katechō (kat = down and echō = to have or to hold.) Literally it is to
hold down, or to hold fast.
If you keep your eyes on the hope, hold fast to that hope then you live, you continue to
live, otherwise you give up.
II Th. 2:3, 4, 6: "witholdeth," = katechō - you know what holds him down, why can't the
son of perdition, the anti-Christ be revealed now? Why can't the wrath period come today?
Because there is something that is holding him down, that won't allow that to happen
Verse 7: "letteth," = katechō; "out of the way," = out of the middle. The thing that holds
him down is you and I in this administration. Until we are taken out of the middle, out of
the way, we will continue to hold him down, and the son of perdition cannot be revealed.
But when Christ returns and gathers us together, we will be taken out of the middle and we
are not holding him down anymore and then "all hell will break loose."
Verses 8 & 9: But not until you and I are taken out of the middle will he be revealed.
UHeb. 3:6
Hebrews is addressed to the Hebrews - but there is great learning for us.
"firm unto the end," - delete
"hold fast," = katechō
Israel, in the future, will have to hold on to their hope if they want to stay put.
UHeb. 3:14
Confidence was their hope.
UI Cor. 15:
You continue to live today if you hold fast your hope - Our hope is better than Israel's hope
because we won't be a part of the wrath - we will be gathered together before the wrath.
We hold him down today, katechō, yet if you take your eyes off the hope, in your practice
you will not hold him down. You let him get to you. That is why to do battle with the
Adversary, to continue to stand today; we have got to keep our eyes on the hope if we want
to keep living - really living. Holding fast to our hope allows us to hold down the enemy
in practical Christian living - and that is what Corinthians is all about.
They were allowing the enemy to bubble up and get them. You take your eyes off the
hope and you start looking at the world. Peter walked on water as long as he kept his eyes
on the Master. We will continue to walk on top of the enemy as long as we keep our eyes
on the hope.
UI Cor. 15:2
By which you live also if ye hold fast what I preached unto you. You are holding fast the
hope which will allow you an even greater living in the future and that is what allows you
to live today, too.
UI Cor. 15:3-5
Cephas = Peter - Could be one of his first appearances, after the resurrection.
UI Cor. 15:6
above 500 at once! One of the greatest testimonies is that of an eye witness — over 500
eye witnesses!
UI Cor. 15:7
Could have been the Day of the Ascension.
UI Cor. 15:8
After Pentecost. One born out of due time = ektrōma - this word is used of abortions — an
abortion is one who is born at the wrong time, before it is due. Paul was born at the wrong
time in that he was not around when the other apostles were.
UI Cor. 15:9
"least of the apostles," - is the custom of putting yourself down.
UI Cor. 15:10
"I am what I am," - direct quote from Exodus 3:14.
UI Cor. 15:11
Whether it was on of the others that taught the hope or myself — we all preached the same
thing when it came to the hope. Too bad all they preachers today cannot be like this. We
preached and you believed.
UI Cor. 15:12
"preached," = heralded
This verse introduces the problem. Verses 12-19 - here he begins a section which is a
chain of reasoning using the implication rule. If this . . . then that . . . if that . . . then . . .
By the chain rule, the first "if" implies the last conclusion.
UI Cor. 15:13
"If . . ."
UI Cor. 15:19
Conclusion to the whole matter. Most miserable - or - we are to be pitied more than all
UI Cor. 15:20-28
These verses are a UparemboleU (FOS), a type of parenthesis. This section does not deal
specifically with us; the Church. It deals with the resurrections which pertain to Israel, etc.
UI Cor. 15:29
Picks up again on the subject.
UI Cor. 15:20
But now Christ has been raised from the dead (which is the opposite of what their
reasoning would lead you to believe.) "and become," not in most Greek texts.
"them that slept," = of those who have fallen asleep.
UI Cor. 15:51
We are not all going to die. But yet in verse 22, it says in Adam, all die. But in the
Church, the Mystery, not all will die.
That is why this section has to pertain to Israel and not to the Church.
UI Cor. 15:23
"at," = with; with his coming.
This coming has to be his coming for Israel and not for the Church. He is coming with the
Church for Israel.
UI Cor. 15:24
Then, . . . cometh the telos.
UI Cor. 15:25-28
It is manifest that He (God) is excepted (in an exception), which did put all things under
him (Christ). And when all things shall be subdued unto him (Jesus Christ), then shall the
son also himself (Jesus Christ), be subject unto Him (God), that put all things under him
(Jesus Christ), that God may be all things in all people in the Body.
Bring this parembole to a close and address two of the greatest issues with which
Christianity and basically all humanity has been confronted with for thousands of years.
These verses confront and tell the truth of the two biggest lies of all times:
1) life after death, and
2) the trinity.
These lies started in Genesis 3.
UI Cor. 15:29
At what point in your life are you baptized for death? That's a pagan custom. For people
to read that into this verse is due to pagan influence. That is not what the original had to
say. Problem is in punctuation!
"Else what shall they do (or, what are they doing), which are baptized?
Were you baptized at one time? We were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ when we
were born again. Romans 6:3, we were baptized into his death. When Jesus Christ died,
we died with him. We were identified with him. So when we are baptized in the name of
Jesus Christ we are identified with him, not only his death, but his burial, his resurrection,
his ascension — we are already seated in the heavenlies.
Why were you baptized (not water) if there is no resurrection? What shall they do which
are baptized? For dead bodies, or for the dead, if the dead rise not at all - PERIOD (.)
Why are they then baptized - QUESTION (?) Punctuation. For the dead - QUESTION (?)
Is that why you were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ? — so someday you could die
and stay dead forever?
This type of reasoning is so stupid!
Read, Volume 4, page 247, for an accurate translation.
UI Cor. 15:30
"jeopardy," = danger
UI Cor. 15:31
"I protest," = nē - a particle that is used as an affirmation in oaths.
"rejoicing," = boasting
"By our boasting," - (He is swearing by their boasting.) "I die daily," - the essence is, I
would - if; if what? This is another case of mispunctuation. The sentence does not end
I would die daily UifU after the manner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus -
PERIOD (.) Punctuation.
"beasts," - there is nothing to indicate they physically fought with beasts at Ephesus; could
be figurative.
He did not fight after the man — he walked by the manifestations of the spirit.
UI Cor. 15:32
Starts with "what . . ."
Why should I stand in jeopardy, my believing being in vain if the dead rise not. See how
this fits with verse 19 and how the parembole is in the middle.
Then he closes with a UgnomeU - a quotation from the Epicurean philosophers. Why work so
hard if we are just going to die after all this? If there is no hope, let's just eat, drink, and be
UI Cor. 15:33
Also a UgnomeU - perhaps it was a very common proverb in their usage. You will find it in
Socrates, Euripides and Mernaners (not sure on spelling). ("Menander" (342-291)?!)
"communications" - in Aramaic = shuytha, = a story, a fable, a discourse or talk. Evil
stories, evil discourse, etc., corrupt.
In Greek = homilia = Art of preaching, association, sermon, intercourse (social or sexual)
speech, lecture, homily.
In Greek and Aramaic, it has to do with verbal associations with people. "Manners" -
Aramaic = reyana = mind, intellect or way of thinking. "Way of thinking" best fits with the
Greek concept. In the Greek = ethos = ethics = means custom or habit. It is a mental
custom or habit when you put the Greek and Aramaic meanings together. It is you mental
habits or customs.
Evil associations, homilies, sermons, discourses of all kinds, stories will corrupt your good
ways of thinking, your morals. Therefore, people who were saying there is no resurrection
or all the other things that they were saying at Corinth, are corrupting their good ways of
thinking, your morals, your conduct.
UI Cor. 15:34
Wake up! Spoke to their shame because there were some among them that just did not
know. Your evil associations with them are corrupting your good ways of thinking, your
good morals.
UI Cor. 15:35, 36
Thou fool!
UI Cor. 15:37-42
"resurrection" - the church does not have one! We are to be gathered together. Here we
are talking about resurrections in general which pertain to Israel as well as unbelievers.
UI Cor. 15:43, 44
"natural," = soul
UI Cor. 15:45-47
"the Lord," - not in many critical Greek texts' - delete.
UI Cor. 15:48-50
That settles the whole argument, whether there is a resurrection or not. It is just a matter of
understanding it.
UI Cor. 15:51
Now we move back to the church.
UI Cor. 15:52
"moment," = atom
UI Cor. 15:53, 54
Two types of changes
UI Cor. 15:54
UDeath is swallowed up in victoryU = UgnomeU (figure of speech.) Quotation from Is. 25:8.
UI Cor. 15:55
Another UgnomeU from Hosea 13:14.
UI Cor. 15:56
"sting," = prick, Acts 26:14 - ox goad. The prick of death is sin because when you sin, it
pricks you. And when you are pricked, you have a wound. And if it is a wound that does
not heal, it leads to death.
"strength," = dunamis
Law surrounds that sin and shows it's true colors. Shows how bad it really is.
UI Cor. 15:57
Now! Because we hold the enemy down. In the future! We all let him up but we will be
gone cause we will have a new life. This mortal shall have put on immortality and this
corruptible shall have put on incorruptible.
UI Cor. 15:58
"stedfast and unmovable," says the same thing in the opposite way. Emphasizes this.
"labor," = work = kopos = hard work, resulting in fatigue. You put something into it -
more than ergon.
It is not in vain, because you have the hope of Christ's return.
When you take your eyes off the hope, you will cease really living; you will cease walking
by the spirit, you will cease doing things to bless one another in the body and you will start
looking at yourself and start wondering where you are.
You can still keep going if you have the hope! Think about men who were in prison
camps. Those who kept going and never died had a hope — any hope.
If you do not walk perfectly today, so what! You still have hope - gives you a reason to
keep trying.
End of Teaching