Gospel Light: An Indispensable Guide to the Teachings of Jesus and the Customs of His Time

by Dr. George Lamsa

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Overview - Elucidates idioms, metaphors, and figures of speech in the Gospels, and provides clear explanations of their meaning in the biblical context. See more details below

Other Books by Dr. George Lamsa

Gospel Light: An Indispensable Guide to the Teachings of Jesus and the Customs of His Time


Elucidates idioms, metaphors, and figures of speech in the Gospels, and provides clear explanations of their meaning in the biblical context.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780060649289

Publisher: Harpercollins; Revised edition (December 1986)

Format: Paperback

Publication Date: December 1986

Edition description: Revised edition

Pages: 422

Product dimensions: 9.3 x 6.2 x 1.4 inches

Meet the Author

By virtue of his birth place, linguistic ability, and his scholarly achievements, George M. Lamsa was ideally suited to accomplish his outstanding contribution to the field of Biblical research. As all serious students of the Bible know, no one particular version of the Bible may accurately be called THE Word of God as originally given by God. In order to arrive at an accurate understanding of certain scriptural passages, one must at times examine various translations of the Bible, as well as the underlying original, ancient Biblical languages. Lamsa’s pioneering work, including the notable Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts, provided invaluable resources for Biblical scholars and kindled a widespread interest in the long neglected, yet crucial, primary Aramaic texts. Dr. Lamsa dedicated his life to the work of translating the ancient texts into English and traveling the country to generate awareness and interest in Aramaic. Called by God, and encouraged by hundreds who heard him speak in churches, seminaries, and lecture halls; he labored for over 30 years to translate the entire Old and New Testaments. His first work in Aramaic translations, Four Gospels, was published in 1933; followed byNew Testament According to the Eastern Text in 1940. His culminating work, Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts in 1956, presented a translation of the Aramaic texts into easily understood modern English based upon the wording style of the King James Version. He also wrote several other books, including commentaries describing the customs and manners of early Christians.

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