Palestine and the Bible: Illustrating the Manners, and Customs of the People in Bible Lands

by Rev. Samuel Schor

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Overview - “God’s Word is an Eastern Book. It was written in the East, by Easterners and for Easterners. It is therefore obvious that a study of that Land, its life and habits, furniture and dress, language and expressions – in short, everything connected with the Land and People – will throw a flood of light on many passages of Scripture. ” --Samuel Schor, Palestine and the Bible, p. 7 Palestine and the Bible is a must-have for every Biblical scholar who desires to plumb the depth of God’s Word to understand all its treasures. Samuel Schor, born in 1859 in Jerusalem, counted himself blessed ... See more details below

Other Books by Rev. Samuel Schor

Palestine and the Bible: Illustrating the Manners, and Customs of the People in Bible Lands


“God’s Word is an Eastern Book. It was written in the East, by Easterners and for Easterners. It is therefore obvious that a study of that Land, its life and habits, furniture and dress, language and expressions – in short, everything connected with the Land and People – will throw a flood of light on many passages of Scripture. ” --Samuel Schor, Palestine and the Bible, p. 7 Palestine and the Bible is a must-have for every Biblical scholar who desires to plumb the depth of God’s Word to understand all its treasures. Samuel Schor, born in 1859 in Jerusalem, counted himself blessed to be born into a Hebrew Christian family. A fundamentalist by belief, a product of the Holy Land, like “St. Paul, my own countryman”, he was a descendant of the original Christians with roots to the Jewish people who gave the world the Bible and Jesus Christ. With such impressive credentials and a heartfelt passion, this book resonates with the desire to bring readers to the deeper understanding of the Bible. Schor's assertion that “God has made it possible for us to examine the subject thoroughly; for He has, as by a miracle, allowed the Land and its inhabitants to remain unchanged throughout these many centuries” (Palestine and the Bible, p. 7) brings the reader to new levels of understanding in search for the all truth to be found in God’s Word.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781532760242

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 14, 2016)

Format: pdf

Publication Date: (April 14, 2016)

Pages: 164

Product dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

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