Young's Analytical Concordance

by Robert Young

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Overview - Young\\\'s is comprehensive, accurate, and exhaustive. It\\\'s often preferred for word studies because of its unique format: passages for the English words are arranged under the Greek or Hebrew words that they translate. This beautiful edition now includes the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries at the back.  See more details below

Other Books by Robert Young

Young's Analytical Concordance


Young\\\'s is comprehensive, accurate, and exhaustive. It\\\'s often preferred for word studies because of its unique format: passages for the English words are arranged under the Greek or Hebrew words that they translate. This beautiful edition now includes the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries at the back.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781565638105

Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

Publication Date: 1980

Pages: 1205

Product dimensions: 11.0 X 8.5 X 1.5 (inches)

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