The Bible Through the Ages: From the Original Languages to the Present Day

by Patrick D. Malone

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Overview - As Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille taught: in our quest for truth, we must realize that no single version of the Bible, no translation, can rightly be referred to as THE WORD OF GOD. Although the words were perfect as God first gave them to the prophets to write, not even a single page of the originally written Scriptures is known to exist. For that reason, it is essential to understand how the various versions of the Bible today came about. In order to arrive at the place of definitively knowing what is THE WORD OF GOD, we must be able to follow the path from “… holy men of God spake as they we ... See more details below

Other Books by Patrick D. Malone

The Bible Through the Ages: From the Original Languages to the Present Day


As Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille taught: in our quest for truth, we must realize that no single version of the Bible, no translation, can rightly be referred to as THE WORD OF GOD. Although the words were perfect as God first gave them to the prophets to write, not even a single page of the originally written Scriptures is known to exist. For that reason, it is essential to understand how the various versions of the Bible today came about. In order to arrive at the place of definitively knowing what is THE WORD OF GOD, we must be able to follow the path from “… holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost,” all the way to the Bibles we hold in our hands today.

As men and women dynamically concerned about Biblical research and teaching, we need to know and understand: What were the original languages of the Bible? What evidence sheds light on whether the New Testament was first written in Greek or Aramaic? How did historical events impact the writing of the Bible? How was the canon of the Bible decided? Why do some Bibles have more books than others? What is the Apocrypha? Why was it included in early Protestant Bibles? Should it be included in the Scriptural canon? What is the history behind the King James Version? What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? What is textual criticism? What exactly is a Critical Greek text? Why are there so many different English versions of the Bible? Which one is best? Are some better than others?

The Bible Through the Ages: From the Original Languages to the Present Day answers these questions and more. In so doing, the book fills an important gap in the knowledge of many believers, and better equips them to help others recognize and appreciate God’s matchless Word, the greatest of all His works.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781547084449

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing

Format: Paper Back

Publication Date: May 31, 2017

Pages: 184

Product dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Meet the Author

The author has spent over forty years studying the accuracy of God’s Word. He completed the Power for Abundant Living class while attending college, where he majored in English. After leaving Kent State University in 1975, he served as a WOW Ambassador in Norfolk, Virginia. In 1979, he graduated from the 7th Way Corps, receiving his Theology degree from the Way College of Biblical Research.

Since that time, he has faithfully continued carrying out his commitment to a lifetime of Christian service. In that capacity, he has held various leadership positions over the past decades. For the past thirty-eight years, he has lived and served in Auburn, New York where he has held a fellowship in his home, and coordinated the outreach of God’s Word in Central New York.

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